Department of the Treasury March 25, 2020 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Short-Term Investment Funds
The OCC is adopting an interim final rule to revise the OCC's short-term investment fund (STIF) rule (STIF Rule) for national banks acting in a fiduciary capacity. Sudden disruptions in the financial markets have created conditions that may constrain the ability of a national bank's management team to execute certain elements of a STIF's written investment policy, specifically with regard to investment plan components addressing the weighted average maturity and weighted average life of the STIF's investment portfolio. The OCC is issuing this interim final rule to allow national banks to operate affected STIFs on a limited-time basis with increased maturity limits under these circumstances.
Order of Temporary Extension of Maturity Limits for Short-Term Investment Funds
The OCC has adopted an interim final rule adding a reservation of authority provision to the OCC's short-term investment fund (STIF) rule (STIF Rule) for national banks acting in a fiduciary capacity. The reservation of authority addresses the STIF Rule's limits on weighted average portfolio maturity, weighted average portfolio life maturity, and the method for determining those limits. The OCC has also issued an administrative order pursuant to the reservation of authority contained in the interim final rule. The order states that banks seeking to comply with the STIF Rule's portfolio maturity and life limits will be deemed to be in compliance with those requirements, if the STIF maintains a dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity of 120 days or less, and the STIF maintains a dollar-weighted average portfolio life maturity of 180 days or less.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request Concerning Tip Reporting Alternative Tip Agreement Used in the Cosmetology and Barber Industry
The Internal Revenue Service, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The IRS is soliciting comments concerning tip reporting alternative tip agreement used in the cosmetology and barber industry.
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