Department of the Treasury January 14, 2020 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Revised Applicability Dates for Regulations Under Section 382(h) Related to Built-in Gain and Loss
Document Number: 2020-00469
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2020-01-14
Agency: Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury
This document withdraws a portion of a notice of proposed rulemaking published in the Proposed Rules section of the Federal Register on September 10, 2019. That notice of proposed rulemaking contained proposed rules to provide guidance regarding the items of income and deduction that are included in the calculation of built-in gains and losses under section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code). If adopted, those proposed rules would apply to any ownership change occurring after the date the Treasury decision adopting those proposed rules as a final regulation is published in the Federal Register. This notice of proposed rulemaking would delay the applicability of those proposed rules and provide transition relief for eligible taxpayers. The proposed regulations in this notice of proposed rulemaking would affect corporations that experience an ownership change for purposes of section 382.
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