Department of the Interior April 30, 2018 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 6 of 6
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Review of 2017 Final Rule, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Grizzly Bears
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce our determination that our 2017 final rule to designate the population of grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) as a distinct population segment and remove that population from the Endangered Species Act's List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife does not require modification. After considering the best scientific and commercial data available and public comments on this issue received during a regulatory review, we affirm our decision that the GYE population of grizzly bears is recovered and should remain delisted under the Act. Accordingly, the Service does not plan to initiate further regulatory action for the GYE grizzly bear population.
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Final Habitat Conservation Plan; Yolo County, California
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, announce the availability of a joint final environmental impact statement and final environmental impact report (final EIS/EIR) under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1967, as amended. We also announce the availability of the final habitat conservation plan (HCP) and California natural community conservation plan. These documents were prepared in support of a permit application submitted to us under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. We will use these documents to inform our decision regarding issuance of the permit.
Filing of Plats of Survey: Alaska
The plats of survey of lands described in this notice are scheduled to be officially filed in the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Alaska State Office, Anchorage, Alaska. The surveys, which were executed at the request of the BLM, are necessary for the management of these lands.
Notice of Availability of the Draft Transportation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for Acadia National Park, Maine
The National Park Service (NPS) announces the availability of the Draft Transportation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (Draft Plan/EIS) for Acadia National Park. The purpose of the Transportation Plan is to determine how best to provide safe and efficient transportation and a variety of high quality experiences to visitors within Acadia National Park while ensuring the protection of park resources and values. The Draft Plan/EIS describes four alternatives for consideration, including a no-action alternative.
Proclaiming Certain Lands as Reservation for the Spokane Tribe of the Spokane Reservation
This notice informs the public that the Principal Deputy Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs, exercising the authority of the Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs, proclaimed approximately 145 acres, more or less, an addition to the reservation of the Spokane Tribe of the Spokane Reservation on March 12, 2018.
Proclaiming Certain Lands as Reservation for the Pueblo of Pojoaque, New Mexico
This notice informs the public that the Principal Deputy Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs, exercising the authority of the Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs, proclaimed approximately 323.763 acres, more or less, an addition to the reservation of the Pueblo of Pojoaque, New Mexico on March 12, 2018.
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