Department of the Air Force August 2016 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board; Notice of Meeting
Under the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (5 U.S.C., Appendix, as amended), the Government in the Sunshine Act of 1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended), and 41 CFR 102-3.150, the Department of Defense announces that the United States Air Force (USAF) Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Fall Board meeting will take place on 15 September 2016 at the Strategic AnalysisExecutive Conference Center, located at 4075 Wilson Blvd., Suite #200, Arlington, VA 22203. The meeting will occur from 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on Thursday, 15 September 2016. The session that will be open to the general public will be held from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on 15 September 2016. The purpose of this Air Force Scientific Advisory Board quarterly meeting is to welcome new members, prepare for Science and Technology Reviews of the Air Force Research Laboratory, and apportion time for Air Force senior leaders to brief the SAB on their most vital S&T issues. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended, and 41 CFR 102-3.155, a number of sessions of the USAF SAB Fall Board meeting will be closed to the general public because they will discuss classified information and matters covered by Section 552b of Title 5, United States Code, subsection (c), subparagraph (1). Any member of the public that wishes to attend this meeting or provide input to the USAF SAB must contact the SAB meeting organizer at the phone number or email address listed in this announcement at least five working days prior to the meeting date. Please ensure that you submit your written statement in accordance with 41 CFR 102-3.140(c) and section 10(a)(3) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. Statements being submitted in response to the agenda mentioned in this notice must be received by the SAB meeting organizer at least five calendar days prior to the meeting commencement date. The SAB meeting organizer will review all timely submissions and respond to them prior to the start of the meeting identified in this notice. Written statements received after this date may not be considered by the SAB until the next scheduled meeting.
Board of Visitors of the U.S. Air Force Academy; Notice of Meeting
In accordance with 10 U.S.C. Section 9355, the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) Board of Visitors (BoV) will hold a meeting at the Center for Character and Leadership Development Building, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO on Sept 7 & 8, 2016. On Wednesday, Sept 7, the meeting will begin at 1300 and conclude at 1600. On Thursday, Sept 8, the meeting will begin at 8:00 a.m. and conclude at 1515. The purpose of this meeting is to review morale and discipline, social climate, curriculum, instruction, infrastructure, fiscal affairs, academic methods, and other matters relating to the Academy. Specific topics for this meeting include a Superintendent's Update; USAFA Non-Profits Update; Religious Respect Update; USAFA Academics Update; USAFA's Climate Assessment Survey Results. Public attendance at this USAFA BoV meeting shall be accommodated on a first-come, first- served basis up to the reasonable and safe capacity of the meeting room. In addition, any member of the public wishing to provide input to the USAFA BoV should submit a written statement in accordance with 41 CFR Section 102-3.140(c) and section 10(a)(3) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act and the procedures described in this paragraph. Written statements must address the following details: The issue, discussion, and a recommended course of action. Supporting documentation may also be included as needed to establish the appropriate historical context and provide any necessary background information. Written statements can be submitted to the Designated Federal Officer (DFO) at the Air Force address detailed below at any time. However, if a written statement is not received at least 10 calendar days before the first day of the meeting which is the subject of this notice, then it may not be provided to or considered by the BoV until its next open meeting. The DFO will review all timely submissions with the BoV Chairman and ensure they are provided to members of the BoV before the meeting that is the subject of this notice. If after review of timely submitted written comments and the BoV Chairman and DFO deem appropriate, they may choose to invite the submitter of the written comments to orally present the issue during an open portion of the BoV meeting that is the subject of this notice. Members of the BoV may also petition the Chairman to allow specific personnel to make oral presentations before the BoV. In accordance with 41 CFR Section 102-3.140(d), any oral presentations before the BoV shall be in accordance with agency guidelines provided pursuant to a written invitation and this paragraph. Direct questioning of BoV members or meeting participants by the public is not permitted except with the approval of the DFO and Chairman. For the benefit of the public, rosters that list the names of BoV members and any releasable materials presented during the open portions of this BoV meeting shall be made available upon request.
Global Positioning System Directorate (GPSD) Meeting Notice
This notice informs the public that the Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Directorate will host the 2016 Public Interface Control Working Group and Open Forum on 21 and 22 September 2016 for the following NAVSTAR GPS public documents: IS-GPS-200 (Navigation User Interfaces), IS-GPS-705 (User Segment L5 Interfaces), IS-GPS-800 (User Segment L1C Interface), ICD-GPS-240 (NAVSTAR GPS Control Segment to User Support Community Interfaces), and ICD-GPS-870 (NAVSTAR GPS Control Segment to User Support Community Interfaces). Additional logistical details can be found below. The purpose of this meeting is to update the public on GPS public document revisions and collect issues/comments for analysis and possible integration into future GPS public document revisions. All outstanding comments on the GPS public documents will be considered along with the comments received at this year's open forum in the next revision cycle. The 2016 Interface Control Working Group and Open Forum are open to the general public. For those who would like to attend and participate, we request that you register no later than September 7, 2016. Please send the registration information to, providing your name, organization, telephone number, email address, and country of citizenship. Comments will be collected, catalogued, and discussed as potential inclusions to the version following the current release. If accepted, these changes will be processed through the formal directorate change process for IS-GPS-200, IS-GPS-705, IS-GPS-800, ICD-GPS-240, and ICD- GPS-870. All comments must be submitted in a Comments Resolution Matrix (CRM). These forms along with current versions of the documents and the official meeting notice are posted at: icwg/. Please submit comments to the SMC/GPS Requirements (SMC/GPER) mailbox at by August 19, 2016. Special topics may also be considered for the Public Open Forum. If you wish to present a special topic, please coordinate with SMC/GPER no later than September 7, 2016. For more information, please contact Capt Robyn Anderson at 310-653-3064 or Daniel Godwin at 310-653-3640.
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