Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents - Justia Regulation Tracker - Justia Regulations Tracker https://regulations.justia.com/regulations/fedreg/agencies/department-of-state/2010/05/11?limit=200&registers=between&mode=atom 2024-12-17T21:46:26-08:00 Justia Inc https://www.justia.com/ Justia Regulations Tracker https://regulations.justia.com/images/justiafedregulations.gif Copyright 2011 Justia Inc https://regulations.justia.com/regulations/fedreg/2010/05/11/2010-11203.html Notice - In the Matter of the Designation of Eric Breininger, Also Known as Abdul-Gaffar, Also Known as Abdulgaffar el Almani, as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Pursuant to Section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as Amended 2010-05-11T00:00:00-07:00 2010-05-11T00:00:00-07:00 2010-11203 Notice http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2010-05-11/pdf/2010-11203.pdf https://regulations.justia.com/regulations/fedreg/2010/05/11/2010-11196.html Notice - In the Matter of the Designation of Qasim al-Rimi, Also Known as Qasim Yahya Mahda `abd al-Rimi, Also Known as Qasim al-Raymi, also Known as Qassim al-Raimi, also Known as Qassim al-Raymi, Also Known as Qassem al-Remi, Also Known as Qasim al-Rami, Also Known as Abu Harayrah, Also Known as Abu Hurayrah al-San'ai, Also Known as Abu `Ammar, as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Pursuant to Section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as Amended 2010-05-11T00:00:00-07:00 2010-05-11T00:00:00-07:00 2010-11196 Notice http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2010-05-11/pdf/2010-11196.pdf https://regulations.justia.com/regulations/fedreg/2010/05/11/2010-11192.html Notice - In the Matter of the Designation of Nayif Bin-Muhammad al-Qahtani also known as Nayef Bin Muhammad al-Qahtani also known as Nayif Muhammad al-Qahtani also known as Nayf Mohammed al-Qahtani also known as Naif Mohammad Said al-Qahtani Alkodri also known as Naif Mohammed Saeed al-Kodari al-Qahtani also known as Nayef Bin Mohamed al-Khatani also known as Mohammed Naif al-Khatani also known as Nayef bin Mohamed al-Khatany also known as Al-Qahtani Abohemem also known as Abi Hamam also known as Abu-Hamam also known as Abu Humam also known as Abu Hammam also knows as al-Qahtani as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist pursuant to Section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as Amended 2010-05-11T00:00:00-07:00 2010-05-11T00:00:00-07:00 2010-11192 Notice http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2010-05-11/pdf/2010-11192.pdf