Department of State 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 301 - 337 of 337
30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: DS 4053, Department of State Mentor-Protégé Program Application, OMB Control Number 1405-XXXX
The Department of State has submitted the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Title of Information Collection: Department of State Mentor-Prot[eacute]g[eacute] Program Application, OMB Control Number: 1405-XXXX. Type of Request: New Collection. Originating Office: Bureau of Administration, A/SDBU. Form Number: DS 4053. Respondents: Small and large for-profit companies planning to team together in an official mentor-prot[eacute]g[eacute] capacity to improve the likelihood of winning DOS contracts. Estimated Number of Respondents: 20 respondents per year. Estimated Number of Responses: 10 per year. Average Hours Per Response: 21. Total Estimated Burden: 210. Frequency: On Occasion. Obligation to Respond: Voluntary.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Fra Angelico”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, and Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition ``Fra Angelico,'' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to a loan agreement with the foreign owners. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY from on or about October 25, 2005 to on or about January 29, 2006, and at possible additional venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Degas Sculptures”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition ``Degas Sculptures'', imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to loan agreements with the foreign owners. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at the Milwaukee Art Museum, from on or about February 19, 2005, until on or about June 5, 2005, and at possible additional venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these Determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Request for Grant Proposals: Partnerships for Learning (P4L) Thematic Youth Projects Initiative: Linking Individuals, Knowledge and Culture (LINC)
The Youth Programs Division, Office of Citizen Exchanges of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, announces an open competition for projects under the P4L Thematic Youth Projects Initiative. Public and private non-profit organizations meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) may submit proposals to implement projects for youth in the United States and countries with significant Muslim populations. These projects will involve an academic and cultural exploration of one of three themes and will promote mutual understanding through reciprocal exchanges of three- to six-weeks each.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Toulouse-Lautrec and Montmartre''
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition ``Toulouse-Lautrec and Montmartre,'' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to loan agreements with the foreign owners. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, from on or about March 26, 2005 to on or about June 12, 2005, and at the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, from on or about July 16, 2005 to on or about October 10, 2005, and at possible additional venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these Determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Max Ernst: A Retrospective”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 [79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459], Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 [112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.], Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999 [64 FR 56014], Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999 [64 FR 57920], as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition, ``Max Ernst: A Retrospective,'' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to loan agreements with the foreign lenders. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York, from on or about April 4, 2005, to on or about July 10, 2005, and at possible additional venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Basquiat''
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 [79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459], Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 [112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.], Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999 [64 FR 56014], Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999 [64 FR 57920], as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition, ``Basquiat,'' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to loan agreements with the foreign lenders. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at the Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York, from on or about March 11, 2005, to on or about June 5, 2005, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, California, from on or about July 15, 2005, to on or about October 9, 2005, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, from on or about November 18, 2005, to on or about February 12, 2006, and at possible additional venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Request for Grant Proposals: Youth Leadership Program for Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Office of Citizen Exchanges, Youth Programs Division, of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs announces an open competition for Youth Leadership Program for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Public and private non-profit organizations meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) may submit proposals to conduct a three- to four-week program in the United States focusing on leadership and civic education. The 18 participants will be secondary school students and teachers from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Announcement of Meetings of the International Telecommunication Advisory Committee
The International Telecommunication Advisory Committee will meet in February, March, April, and May to prepare for meetings of CITEL Permanent Consultative Committee I (PCC I), CITEL Permanent Executive Committee (COM/CITEL) and ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) Regional Preparatory Meetings. Members of the public will be admitted to the extent that seating is available, and may join in the discussions, subject to the instructions of the Chair. The International Telecommunication Advisory Committee (ITAC) will meet on Wednesday, February 23, 2005, 2 p.m.-4 p.m., at a location in the Washington, DC area to prepare for the April meeting of CITEL Permanent Consultative Committee I (Telecommunication Standardization). Other meetings will be held on March 9, March 23 and April 5. A detailed agenda will be published on the e-mail reflector pcci- People desiring to attend the meeting who are not on this list may request the information from the Secretariat at The International Telecommunication Advisory Committee (ITAC) will meet on Wednesday, April 27, Monday, May 9 and Wednesday, May 25, 2-4 p.m. at a location in the Washington, DC area, to prepare for meetings of CITEL's Permanent Executive Committee (COM/CITEL)from June 1-3, 2005. A detailed agenda will be published on the e-mail reflector pcci- and People desiring to attend the meeting who are not on these lists may request the information from the Secretariat at The International Telecommunication Advisory Committee (ITAC) will meet on Thursday, February 10, March 3, March 17 and March 31, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. All four meetings will be at the Department of State, Room 2533A, 2201 C Street, Washington, DC. There will be no conference bridge. Entrance to the Department of State is controlled; people intending to attend a meeting at the Department of State should send their clearance data by fax to (202) 647-7407 or e-mail to not later than 24 hours before the meeting. Please include the name of the meeting, your name, social security number, date of birth and organizational affiliation. One of the following valid photo identifications will be required for admittance: U.S. driver's license with your picture on it, U.S. passport, or U.S. Government identification. Directions to the meeting location may be obtained by calling the ITAC Secretariat at 202 647-2592 or e-mail to
Office of Oceans Affairs; New Conservation Measures for Antarctic Fishing Under the Auspices of CCAMLR
At its Twenty-Third Meeting in Hobart, Tasmania, from October 25 to November 5, 2004, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), of which the United States is a member, adopted conservation measures, pending countries' approval, pertaining to fishing in the CCAMLR Convention Area. All the measures were agreed upon in accordance with Article IX of the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. Measures adopted restrict overall catches of certain species of fish and crabs, restrict fishing in certain areas, specify implementation and inspection obligations supporting the Catch Documentation Scheme of Contracting Parties, and promote compliance with CCAMLR measures by non-Contracting Party vessels. This notice includes the full text of the conservation measures adopted at the Twenty-Third meeting of CCAMLR. For all of the conservation measures in force, see the CCAMLR Web site at This notice, therefore, together with the U.S. regulations referenced under the Supplementary Information, provides a comprehensive register of all current U.S. obligations under CCAMLR.
Bureau of Political-Military Affairs: Directorate of Defense Trade Controls; Notifications to the Congress of Proposed Commercial Export Licenses
Notice is hereby given that the Department of State has forwarded the attached Notifications of Proposed Export Licenses to the Congress on the dates shown on the attachments pursuant to sections 36(c) and 36(d) and in compliance with section 36(f) of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2776).
United States Climate Change Science Program
In addition to periodic assessments of the science, impacts, and socio-economic aspects of climate change, the IPCC provides, on request, advice to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its bodies. The Seventh Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UNFCCC expressed interest in carbon capture and storage by inviting the IPCC to prepare a Technical Paper on geological carbon storage technologies. The IPCC noted that a Technical Paper, which is limited in its scope to summarizing existing IPCC reports, would be difficult to produce using the very limited material covered in the IPCC Third Assessment Report. At its 20th session (February 2003), the IPCC decided to prepare a Special Report (which, like a full assessment report, covers all available literature) and approved an outline and schedule. Working Group III is overseeing preparation of this Special Report, which is being written by a team of over 100 authors under established IPCC rules and procedures. The IPCC Secretariat has informed the U.S. Department of State that the second-order SRCCS draft is available for expert and Government review. The Climate Change Science Program Office (CCSPO) is coordinating the solicitation of comments by U.S. experts and stakeholders to inform development of an integrated set of U.S. Government comments on the report. Instructions on how to format comments are available at srccs-review.htm, as is the document itself. Comments must be sent to CCSPO by 23 February 2005 to be considered for inclusion in the U.S. Government collation.
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Request for Grant Proposals: FY2006 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program
The U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and the Office of Global Educational Programs announce an open competition for the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program. Public and private non-profit organizations meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) may submit proposals to cooperate with the Bureau in the administration and implementation of the FY2006 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program. It is anticipated that the total grant award for all FY2006 program and administrative expenses will be approximately $9,000,000. Please indicate the number of participants that can be accommodated at this funding level, based on detailed calculations of program and administrative costs. For more information about calculating budget requests, see paragraph IV.3.e.1 of this document. Pending the availability of FY2006 funds, the grant should begin on October 1, 2005 and should expire on September 30, 2008.
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Request for Grant Proposals: Partnerships for Learning (P4L) Afghanistan Global Connections and Exchange Program
The Youth Programs Division, Office of Citizen Exchanges of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs announces an open competition for the P4L Afghanistan Global Connections and Exchange program. The Bureau will award one grant. Public and private non-profit organizations meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) and public institutions may submit proposals to select Afghanistan schools and provide them with access to the Internet and related training to develop collaborative school partnerships with U.S. schools. Thematic online projects will enhance learning, research and cross-border communication among participating schools. Organizations with less than four years of experience in conducting international exchange programs are not eligible for this competition.
State-36 Security Records
Notice is hereby given that the Department of State proposes to alter an existing system of records, STATE-36, pursuant to the Provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. (r)), and the Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-130, Appendix I. The Department's report was filed with the Office of Management and Budget on November 29, 2004. It is proposed that the current system will retain the name ``Security Records.'' It is also proposed that due to the expanded scope of the current system, the altered system description will include revisions and/or additions to the following sections: System Location; Categories of Individuals covered by the System; Authority for Maintenance of the System; and Routine Uses of Records Maintained in the System, Including Categories of Users and Purposes of such Uses. Changes to the existing system description are proposed in order to reflect more accurately the Bureau of Diplomatic Security's record- keeping system, the Authority establishing its existence and responsibilities, and the uses and users of the system. Any persons interested in commenting on the altered system of records may do so by submitting comments in writing to Margaret P. Grafeld, Director; Office of Information Programs and Services; A/RPS/IPS; Department of State, SA- 2; Washington, DC 20522-6001. This system of records will be effective 40 days from the date of publication, unless we receive comments that will result in a contrary determination. The altered system description, ``Security Records,'' will read as set forth below.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Defining Yongle: Imperial Art in Early Fifteenth-Century China”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 (68 FR 19875), I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition ``Defining Yongle: Imperial Art in Early Fifteenth-Century China,'' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to a loan agreement with the foreign owner. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York, from on or about April 1, 2005, to on or about July 10, 2005, and at possible additional venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public notice of these determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “The Kingdom of Siam: Art of Central Thailand, 1350-1800”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition ``The Kingdom of Siam: Art of Central Thailand, 1350-1800,'' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to loan agreements with the foreign owners. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, CA, from on or about February 18, 2005, to on or about May 8, 2005; Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA, from on or about July 16, 2005, to on or about October 16, 2005, and at possible additional venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these Determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs; Certifications Pursuant to Section 609 of Public Law 101-162
On December 21, 2004, the Department of State certified, pursuant to Section 609 of Public Law 101-162 (``Section 609''), that Venezuela has adopted a program to reduce the incidental capture of sea turtles in its shrimp fisheries comparable to the program in effect in the United States. On December 21, 2004, the Department of State withdrew certification for Trinidad and Tobago and for Panama pursuant to Section 609 because neither country's program for protecting sea turtles in its shrimp fisheries is determined to be comparable to the program in effect in the United States.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Recarving China's Past: The Art, Archaeology and Architecture of the ‘Wu Family Shrines’ ”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition ``Recarving China's Past: The Art, Archaeology and Architecture of the `Wu Family Shrines,' '' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to loan agreements with the foreign owners. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at The Princeton University Art Museum, from on or about March 5, 2005, until on or about June 26, 2005, and at possible additional venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these Determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition; Determinations: “From Filippo Lippi to Piero della Francesca: Fra Carnevale and the Making of a Renaissance Master”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 [79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459], Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 [112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.], Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999 [64 FR 56014], Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999 [64 FR 57920], as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition, ``From Filippo Lippi to Piero della Francesca: Fra Carnevale and the Making of a Renaissance Master,'' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to loan agreements with the foreign lenders. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York, from on or about January 31, 2005, to on or about May 1, 2005, and at possible additional venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Refugee Biographic Data, OMB Control Number 1405-0102
The Department of State has submitted the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Title of Information Collection: Refugee Biographic Data. OMB Control Number: 1405-0102. Type of Request: Extension of a Currently Approved Collection. Originating Office: Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, PRM/A. Form Number: N/A. Respondents: Refugee applicants for the U.S. Resettlement Program. Estimated Number of Respondents: 70,000. Estimated Number of Responses: 70,000. Average Hours per Response: One-half hour. Total Estimated Burden: 35,000 hours. Frequency: Once per respondent. Obligation To Respond: Required To Obtain a Benefit.
30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: DS-1504, Request for Customs Clearance of Merchandise, OMB Control Number 1405-0104
The Department of State has submitted the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Title of Information Collection: Request for Customs Clearance of Merchandise. OMB Control Number: 1405-0104. Type of Request: Extension of a currently approved collection. Originating Office: Bureau of Diplomatic Security, Office of Foreign Missions, Diplomatic Tax and Customs Program, DS/OFM/VTC/TC. Form Number: DS-1504. Respondents: Eligible foreign diplomatic or consular missions, certain foreign government organizations, and designated international organizations. Estimated Number of Respondents: 350. Estimated Number of Responses: Approximately 13,700. Average Hours per Response: Fifteen minutes. Total Estimated Burden: 3,425 hours. Frequency: On occasion. Obligation To Respond: Required to obtain or retain a benefit.
30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Irish Peace Process Cultural and Training Program (IPPCTP) Employer Information Collection; 1405-0124
The Department of State has submitted the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Title of Information Collection: Irish Peace Process Cultural and Training Program Employer Information Collection. OMB Control Number: 1405-0124. Type of Request: Extension of a Currently Approved Collection. Originating Office: Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Office of United Kingdom, Benelux, and Ireland AffairsEUR/ UBI. Form Number: N/A. Respondents: Entities wishing to provide employment and individuals participating in the program. Estimated Number of Respondents: 261. Estimated Number of Responses: 411. Average Burden per Response: Range: 2-30 minutes per response. Median: 10 minutes per response. Total Estimated Burden: 99 hours. Frequency: On occasion. Obligation To Respond: Required to Obtain or Retain a Benefit.
30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Form DS-4071, Export Declaration of Defense Technical Data or Services, OMB 1405-0157
The Department of State has submitted the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Title of Information Collection: Export Declaration of Defense Technical Data or Services. OMB Control Number: 1405-0157. Type of Request: Extension of a Currently Approved Collection. Originating Office: PM/DDTC. Form Number: DS-4071. Respondents: Business organizations. Estimated Number of Respondents: 2,000. Estimated Number of Responses: 10,000. Average Hours per Response: \1/4\ hour (15 minutes). Total Estimated Burden: 2,500 hours. Frequency: On occasion. Obligation To Respond: Mandatory.
30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: DS-60, Affidavit Regarding a Change of Name, OMB Control Number 1405-0133
The Department of State has submitted the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Title of Information Collection: Affidavit Regarding A Change of Name. OMB Control Number: 1405-0133. Type of Request: Revision of a Currently Approved Collection. Originating Office: Bureau of Consular Affairs, CA/PPT/FO/ FC. Form Number: DS-60. Respondents: U.S. citizens. Estimated Number of Respondents: 106,800 per year. Estimated Number of Responses: 106,800 per year. Average Hours Per Response: .25 (15 minutes). Total Estimated Burden: 26,700 hours per year. Frequency: On Occasion. Obligation to Respond: Required to Obtain or Retain a Benefit.
30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: DS-10, Birth Affidavit, OMB Control Number 1405-0132
The Department of State has submitted the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Title of Information Collection: Birth Affidavit. OMB Control Number: 1405-0132. Type of Request: Revision of a currently approved collection. Originating Office: Bureau of Consular Affairs, CA/PPT/FO/ FC. Form Number: DS-10. Respondents: U.S. citizens. Estimated Number of Respondents: 81,500 per year. Estimated Number of Responses: 81,500 per year. Average Hours Per Response: .25 (15 minutes). Total Estimated Burden: 20,375. Frequency: On Occasion. Obligation to Respond: Required To Obtain or Retain a Benefit.
Imposition of Nonproliferation Measures Against Nine Foreign Entities, Including a Ban on U.S. Government Procurement, and Removal of Penalties From One Entity
A determination has been made that nine entities have engaged in activities that require the imposition of measures pursuant to Section 3 of the Iran Nonproliferation Act of 2000, which provides for penalties on entities for the transfer to Iran since January 1, 1999, of equipment and technology controlled under multilateral export control lists (Australia Group, Chemical Weapons Convention, Missile Technology Control Regime, Nuclear Suppliers Group, Wassenaar Arrangement) or otherwise having the potential to make a material contribution to the development of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or cruise or ballistic missile systems. The latter category includes (a) items of the same kind as those on multilateral lists, but falling below the control list parameters, when it is determined that such items have the potential of making a material contribution to WMD or cruise or ballistic missile systems, (b) other items with the potential of making such a material contribution, when added through case-by-case decisions, and (c) items on U.S. national control lists for WMD/missile reasons that are not on multilateral lists. It was also determined that sanctions imposed on a Spanish entity, effective September 23, 2004 (69 FR 4845) pursuant to the Iran Nonproliferation Act of 2000, no longer apply.
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