Department of Justice 2012 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 501 - 550 of 863
Residency Requirements for Aliens Acquiring Firearms (2011R-23P)
The Department of Justice is amending the regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) by removing the 90-day State residency requirement for aliens lawfully present in the United States to purchase or acquire a firearm. The Department has determined that the Gun Control Act does not permit ATF to impose a regulatory requirement that aliens lawfully present in the United States are subject to a 90-day State residency requirement when such a requirement is not applicable to U.S. citizens. In addition, upon the effective date of this interim final rule the provisions of ATF Ruling 2004-1 will become obsolete.
Firearms Disabilities for Certain Nonimmigrant Aliens (2001R-332P)
In 2002, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) published an interim final rule implementing the provision of the Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999, relating to firearms disabilities for certain nonimmigrant aliens. That regulation implemented the law by prohibiting, with certain exceptions, the sale or disposition of firearms or ammunition to, and the possession, shipment, transportation, or receipt of firearms or ammunition by, nonimmigrant aliens. The Department of Justice has now determined that the relevant statutory prohibitions on transfer and possession of firearms and ammunition apply only to nonimmigrant aliens who were admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa, and that the prohibitions do not apply to nonimmigrant aliens who lawfully entered the United States without a visa. The Department is therefore issuing this rule to make conforming changes to the regulations, so that the regulations are consistent with the Department's current legal interpretation. This final rule addresses only the nonimmigrant alien visa issue. The remaining issues raised by the 2002 interim final rule, and the public comments submitted with respect to those issues, will be addressed in a separate forthcoming rule.
Draft Offender Tracking System Standard
In an effort to obtain comments from interested parties, the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice will make available to the general public three draft documents: (1) A draft standard entitled, ``Offender Tracking System Standard'' (2) a draft companion document entitled, ``Offender Tracking System Certification Program Requirements'' and (3) a Selection and Application Guide. The opportunity to provide comments on these three documents is open to industry technical representatives, criminal justice agencies and organizations, research, development and scientific communities, and all other stakeholders and interested parties. Those individuals wishing to obtain and provide comments on the draft documents under consideration are directed to the following Web site: https://
Solicitation of Comments on Request for United States Assumption of Concurrent Federal Criminal Jurisdiction; Elk Valley Rancheria
This notice solicits public comments on the Request for United States Assumption of Concurrent Federal Criminal Jurisdiction recently submitted to the Office of Tribal Justice, Department of Justice by the Elk Valley Rancheria pursuant to the provisions of 28 CFR 50.25.
Solicitation for a Cooperative Agreement: Resources for NIC's Web Site on Data Collection and Analysis in Corrections
The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is seeking applications for the development of resources for NIC's Web site on data collection and analysis for corrections. The resource materials will include, but are not limited to, documents or other information sources (i.e. spreadsheets, Web sites) that provide examples of policy and procedure governing information management; information on effective practices in developing or acquiring automated information management systems; and an overview of current information technology in corrections. NIC currently has some content under development on its Web site at The Web site resources will also include small data applications that provide users the capability for data analysis and interpretation and short tutorials on how to download and use the applications provided. The Web site applications, after initial development, deployment, and testing, will be maintained by NIC. The project will be for a 12-month period and will be carried out in conjunction with the NIC Jails Division who will confer as needed with Prisons and Community Corrections Services Division staff. The awardee will work closely with NIC staff on all aspects of the project. To be considered, the applicant team collectively must have, at a minimum, (1) in-depth knowledge of the purpose, functions, and operational complexities of corrections (2) in-depth knowledge of the full range of decisions corrections administrators must make to manage corrections populations/clients and operations, (3) in-depth knowledge of the types of data needed to inform these decisions, (4) expertise and experience in identifying, collecting, and analyzing these data, (5) expertise and experience in developing and managing information systems, (6) experience in developing Web page content, development of statistical and assessment applications using standard html and java script, and Excel, and development of tutorials or other ``how- to'' resources that support the developed applications; and (7) demonstrated ability to research materials in support of this type of project. All resource products developed must comply with Section 508 Standards for Accessibility. (
Meeting of the Office of Justice Programs' Science Advisory Board
This notice announces a forthcoming meeting of OJP's Science Advisory Board (``Board''). General Function of the Board: The Board is chartered to provide OJP, a component of the Department of Justice, with valuable advice in the areas of science and statistics for the purpose of enhancing the overall impact and performance of its programs and activities in criminal and juvenile justice. To this end, the Board has designated six (6) subcommittees: National Institute of Justice (NIJ); Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS); Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP); Bureau of Justice Assistance; Quality and Protection of Science; and Evidence Translation/ Integration.
Draft Standards and Best Practices for Interaction Between Medical Examiner/Coroner and Organ and Tissue Procurement Organizations
In an effort to obtain further comments from interested parties, the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice, Scientific Working Group for Medicolegal Death Investigation has extended the deadline for comments on the draft document titled ``Organ and Tissue Procurement Committee Standards and Best Practices for Interaction Between Medical Examiner/Coroner Offices and Organ Tissue Procurement Organizations'' from May 12, 2012, to June 11, 2012. Notice of the availability of this document was published previously in the Federal Register at 77 FR 24573, on April 24, 2012, as OJP (NIJ) Docket No. 1589. The opportunity to provide comments on this document is open to coroner/medical examiner office representatives, law enforcement agencies, organizations, and all other stakeholders and interested parties. Those individuals wishing to obtain and provide comments on the draft document under consideration are directed to the following Web site:
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