Children and Families Administration 2007 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 151 - 179 of 179
Child Support Enforcement Program
These proposed regulations implement provisions of title IV-D of the Social Security Act (the Act) as amended by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, Pub. L. 109-171 (DRA of 2005). The proposed regulations address use of the tax refund intercept program to collect past-due child support on behalf of children who are not minors, mandatory review and adjustment of child support orders for families receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), reduction of Federal matching rate for laboratory costs incurred in determining paternity, States' option to pay more child support collections to former assistance families, and the mandatory annual $25 fee in certain child support (IV-D) cases in which the State has collected and disbursed at least $500 of support. The regulations also make other conforming changes necessary to implement changes to the distribution and disbursement requirements.
The Data Measures, Data Composites, and National Standards To Be Used in the Child and Family Services Reviews; Corrections
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) published a notice in the Federal Register of June 7, 2006 (Vol. 71, No. 109), pages 32969-32987, presenting the data measures, data composites, and national standards to be used in the Child and Family Services Review (CFSR). This notice provides corrections to this notice. A consolidated version of the June 7 Federal Register Announcement incorporating these corrections is provided on the Children's Bureau's Web site (address). The following are the key changes in the document and the reasons for the changes: There are new specifications for each of the individual measures included in each composite. After publication of the June 7, Federal Register Announcement, ACF conducted trainings on the CFSR data indicators at each of the 10 ACF Regional Offices. The trainings were provided to key administrators and staff of State child welfare agencies. During these trainings, issues were identified and questions were raised regarding the individual measures included in the composite. After reviewing these issues and questions, ACF determined that more specific information about the measures was needed and that some measures required revision in order to better target the outcome being assessed. The increased specification includes using the precise terminology that is used in the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) and describing in greater detail the children who are in the denominator and numerator of each measure. The revisions to some of the measures required changes in the syntax used to calculate the measures. There is a new definition of foster parent used by the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS). The change was made in this definition because the definition of a foster parent used by NCANDS was recently revised. There is a new version of the table of ranges, percentiles, and national standards for the data indicators and measures to be used in the second round of the Child and Family Services Review. This table replaces the Table 1 provided in the June 7, 2006 Federal Register. It was revised to reflect new data and new national standards for all of the CFSR data indicators. The data in the table and the national standards for all of the data indicators and measures are different than those presented in the June 7 Federal Register notice. This difference is due to one or both of the following reasons: (1) A change in the syntax for calculating some of the measures, and (2) a change in the process for calculating the national standards. The reason for the change in the procedures for calculating the national standards is provided in the following bullet. There are revisions and corrections to Attachment B: Methodology for Developing the Composites. The revisions in Attachment B were made to (1) correct an error in the original attachment B, (2) provide the new coefficients (weights) for the composite measures that resulted from the changes in the syntax, and (3) explain the new procedure for calculating the national standards. The error in the original attachment B occurred in Step 10 of the process of calculating the composite scores. The new coefficients (weights) for each of the measures included in the composites are presented in Table 1 of the attachmentCoefficients (Weights) for the Measures Included in the Permanency Related Data Composites. The coefficients/weights changed due to changes in the syntax used to calculate some of the individual measures. The new procedure for calculating the national standards involved changes in the statistical requirements for fitting the data to a normal curve and to changes in the parameters used in calculating the sampling error.
Family Violence Prevention and Services/Grants to State Domestic Violence Coalitions
This announcement governs the proposed award of formula grants under the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) to private, non-profit State Domestic Violence Coalitions (Coalitions). The purpose of these grants is to assist in the conduct of activities to promote domestic violence intervention and prevention and to increase public awareness of domestic violence issues. This notice for family violence prevention and services grants to Coalitions serves two purposes. The first is to confirm a Federal commitment to reducing domestic violence; and the second purpose is to urge States, localities, cities, and the private sector to become involved in State and local planning towards an integrated service delivery approach.
Family Violence Prevention and Services/Grants for Battered Women's Shelters/Grants to States
This announcement governs the proposed award of mandatory grants under the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) to States (including Territories and Insular Areas). The purpose of these grants is to assist States in establishing, maintaining, and expanding programs and projects to prevent family violence and to provide immediate shelter and related assistance for victims of family violence and their dependents. This announcement sets forth the application requirements, the application process, and other administrative and fiscal requirements for grants in Fiscal Year (FY) 2007.
Family Violence Prevention and Services/Grants for Battered Women's Shelters and Related Assistance/Grants to Indian Tribal Organizations (Including Alaska Native Villages)
This announcement governs the proposed award of formula grants under the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) to Indian Tribes (including Alaska Native Villages) and Tribal organizations. The purpose of these grants is to assist Tribes in establishing, maintaining, and expanding programs and projects to prevent family violence and to provide immediate shelter and related assistance for victims of family violence and their dependents. This announcement sets forth the application requirements, the application process, and other administrative and fiscal requirements for grants in Fiscal Year (FY) 2007. Grantees are to be mindful that although the expenditure period for grants is a two-year period, an application is required every year to provide continuity in the provision of services. (See Section II. Award Information, Expenditure Periods.)
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