Department of Health and Human Services September 15, 2022 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 13 of 13
Determination of Regulatory Review Period for Purposes of Patent Extension; CAPLYTA
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or the Agency) has determined the regulatory review period for CAPLYTA and is publishing this notice of that determination as required by law. FDA has made the determination because of the submission of applications to the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Department of Commerce, for the extension of a patent which claims that human drug product.
Anesthesiology and Respiratory Therapy Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee; Notice of Meeting; Establishment of a Public Docket; Request for Comments
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announces a forthcoming public advisory committee meeting of the Anesthesiology and Respiratory Therapy Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee. The general function of the committee is to provide advice and recommendations to FDA on regulatory issues. The meeting will be open to the public. FDA is establishing a docket for public comment on this document.
Defining Small Number of Animals for Minor Use Determination; Periodic Reassessment
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA, the Agency, or we) is proposing to revise the ``small number of animals'' definition for dogs and cats in our existing regulation for new animal drugs for minor use or minor species. The Minor Use and Minor Species Animal Health Act of 2004 (MUMS Act) provides incentives to encourage animal drug sponsors to develop and seek FDA approval of drugs intended for use in minor animal species or for minor uses in major animal species. Congress provided a statutory definition of ``minor use'' that relies on the phrase ``small number of animals'' to characterize such use. We are proposing certain revisions to the definition of ``small number of animals'' based on our most recent reassessment of the small numbers, which we conducted from 2018 to 2019.
Defining Small Number of Animals for Minor Use Determination; Periodic Reassessment
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA, the Agency, or we) is announcing the availability of its most recent periodic reassessment of the definition of ``small number of animals'' for minor use in major species (contained in our existing regulation for new animal drugs for minor use and minor species). We also are announcing that the small number of animals upper limit thresholds (small numbers) for horses and the food-producing major species (cattle, pigs, turkeys, and chickens) will remain the same. We are separately issuing a direct final rule and a companion proposed rule to revise (i.e., increase) the small numbers for dogs and cats.
Defining Small Number of Animals for Minor Use Determination; Periodic Reassessment
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA, the Agency, or we) is revising the ``small number of animals'' definition for dogs and cats in our existing regulation for new animal drugs for minor use or minor species. The Minor Use and Minor Species Animal Health Act of 2004 (MUMS Act) provides incentives to encourage animal drug sponsors to develop and seek FDA approval of drugs intended for use in minor animal species or for minor uses in major animal species. Congress provided a statutory definition of ``minor use'' that relies on the phrase ``small number of animals'' to characterize such use. We are revising the definition of ``small number of animals'' based on our most recent reassessment of the small numbers, which we conducted from 2018 to 2019.
Notice of Availability of Health Center Program Scope of Project and Telehealth Policy Information Notice
HRSA is inviting public comment on the Draft Health Center Program Scope of Project and Telehealth Policy Information Notice (Telehealth PIN). The purpose of the Telehealth PIN is to establish policy for health centers that provide services via telehealth within the HRSA-approved scope of project. The Telehealth PIN also describes considerations and criteria health centers must meet for providing services via telehealth within the Health Center Program scope of project. The Health Center Program is authorized by section 330 of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 254b. HRSA provides federal award funding to health centers to deliver required primary care and additional health services to medically underserved areas and populations. HRSA also certifies entities that it has determined to meet section 330 requirements as Health Center Program look-alikes. Health centers provide required primary care and additional health services to residents of the area served by the health center. Each health center is responsible for maintaining its operations, including developing and implementing its own operating procedures for providing health services through telehealth, in compliance with all Health Center Program requirements and all other applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.\1\
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is announcing an opportunity for the public to comment on CMS' intention to collect information from the public. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (the PRA), federal agencies are required to publish notice in the Federal Register concerning each proposed collection of information (including each proposed extension or reinstatement of an existing collection of information) and to allow 60 days for public comment on the proposed action. Interested persons are invited to send comments regarding our burden estimates or any other aspect of this collection of information, including the necessity and utility of the proposed information collection for the proper performance of the agency's functions, the accuracy of the estimated burden, ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected, and the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology to minimize the information collection burden.
Q3D(R2)-Guideline for Elemental Impurities; International Council for Harmonisation; Guidance for Industry; Availability
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is announcing the availability of a final guidance for industry entitled ``Q3D(R2) Guideline for Elemental Impurities.'' The guidance was prepared under the auspices of the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH), formerly the International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use. The guidance revises the guidance for industry ``Q3D(R1) Elemental Impurities'' issued in March 2020 to provide Permissible Daily Exposures (PDEs) for the cutaneous and transcutaneous routes of administration. It also provides relevant risk assessment considerations to supplement previous guidance for the oral, parenteral, and inhalation routes of administration. The guidance is intended to provide recommendations for acceptable amounts of the listed elemental impurities for pharmaceutical products and for conducting risk assessments.
Determination That Bacitracin for Injection, 10,000 Units/Vial and 50,000 Units/Vial, Was Withdrawn From Sale for Reasons of Safety or Effectiveness
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) has determined that bacitracin for injection, 10,000 units/vial and 50,000 units/vial, was withdrawn from sale for reasons of safety or effectiveness. The Agency will not accept or approve abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) for bacitracin for injection.
Determination of Regulatory Review Period for Purposes of Patent Extension; TAVALISSE
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or the Agency) has determined the regulatory review period for TAVALISSE and is publishing this notice of that determination as required by law. FDA has made the determination because of the submission of an application to the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Department of Commerce, for the extension of a patent which claims that human drug product.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection: Public Comment Request Information Collection Request Title: The Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education Program Eligible Resident/Fellow FTE Chart, OMB No. 0915-0367-Revision
In compliance with the requirement of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, for opportunity for public comment on proposed data collection projects, HRSA announces plans to submit an Information Collection Request (ICR), described below, to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Prior to submitting the ICR to OMB, HRSA seeks comments from the public regarding the burden estimate, below, or any other aspect of the ICR.
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