Department of Energy 2020 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 101 - 150 of 2,028
Test Procedure Interim Waiver Process
In this final rule, the U.S. Department of Energy (``DOE'') has adopted a streamlined approach to its test procedure waiver decision-making process that requires the Department to notify, in writing, an applicant for an interim waiver of the disposition of the request within 45 business days of receipt of the application. An interim waiver will remain in effect until a final waiver decision is published in the Federal Register or until DOE publishes a new or amended test procedure that addresses the issues presented in the application, whichever is earlier. DOE's regulations continue to specify that DOE will take either of these actions within 1 year of issuance of an interim waiver. This final rule addresses delays in DOE's current process for considering requests for interim waivers and waivers from the DOE test method, which in turn can result in significant delays for manufacturers in bringing new and innovative products to market. This final rule requires the Department to process interim waiver requests within the 45 business day window and clarifies the process by which interested stakeholders provide input into the development of an appropriate test procedure waiver.
Energy Conservation Program: Decision and Order Granting a Waiver to CNA International, Inc. From the Department of Energy Dishwashers Test Procedure
The U.S. Department of Energy (``DOE'') gives notice of a Decision and Order (Case Number 2020-008) that grants to CNA International, Inc. (``CNA'') a waiver from specified portions of the DOE test procedure for determining the energy and water consumption of specified dishwashers. Under the Decision and Order CNA is required to test and rate the specified basic model of its dishwasher in accordance with the alternate test procedure specified in the Decision and Order.
Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Consumer Products; Early Assessment Review; Miscellaneous Refrigeration Products
The U.S. Department of Energy (``DOE'') is undertaking an early assessment review for amended energy conservation standards for miscellaneous refrigeration products to determine whether to amend the applicable energy conservation standards for this product. Specifically, through this request for information (``RFI''), DOE seeks data and information that could enable the agency to determine whether DOE should propose a ``no-new-standard'' determination because a more- stringent standard: Would not result in a significant savings of energy; is not technologically feasible; is not economically justified; or any combination of the foregoing. DOE welcomes written comments from the public on any subject within the scope of this document (including those topics not specifically raised in this RFI), as well as the submission of data and other relevant information concerning this early assessment review.
Vista Pacifico LNG, S.A.P.I. de C.V.; Application for Long-Term, Multi-Contract Authorization To Export Domestically Produced Natural Gas Through Mexico to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries After Liquefaction to Liquefied Natural Gas
The Office of Fossil Energy (FE) of the Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice (Notice) of receipt of an application (Application), filed on November 18, 2020, by Vista Pacifico LNG, S.A.P.I de C.V. (Vista Pacifico), and supplemented on November 23, 2020. The Application requests long-term, multi-contract authorization to export domestically produced natural gas by pipeline to Mexico in a volume up to 240 billion cubic feet (Bcf) per year (Bcf/yr), and to re-export 200 Bcf/yr of this natural gas as liquefied natural gas (LNG). Vista Pacifico seeks to re-export this LNG by vessel from one of two sets of proposed Topolobampo liquefaction and export terminal facilities, referred to as the VPLNG Mid-Scale Project, to be located in Topolobampo in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico. Vista Pacifico filed the Application under the Natural Gas Act (NGA). Protests, motions to intervene, notices of intervention, and written comments are invited.
Agency Information Collection Extension
EIA submitted an information collection request for extension as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The information collection requests a three-year extension of the Natural Gas Data Collection Program, OMB Control Number 1905-0175. The surveys covered by this request include; Form EIA-176 Annual Report of Natural and Supplemental Gas Supply and Disposition; Form EIA-191 Monthly Underground Natural Gas Storage Report; Form EIA-191L Monthly Liquefied Natural Gas Storage Report; Form EIA-757 Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey; Form EIA-857 Monthly Report of Natural Gas Purchases and Deliveries to Consumers; Form EIA-910 Monthly Natural Gas Marketer Survey; and Form EIA-912 Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report. The Natural Gas Data Collection Program provides information on natural gas production, underground storage, supply, processing, transmission, distribution, and consumption by sector within the United States.
Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Commercial Equipment; Early Assessment Review: Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners and Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps
The U.S. Department of Energy (``DOE'') is undertaking an early assessment review to determine whether to proceed with a rulemaking to amend DOE's test procedures for packaged terminal air conditioners (``PTACs'') and packaged terminal heat pumps (``PTHPs'') to adopt the most recent procedures referenced in the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (``ASHRAE'') Standard 90.1, ``Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings,'' which are consistent with DOE's current test procedures, unless there exists clear and convincing evidence supporting the adoption of alternate procedures. DOE welcomes written comments from the public on any subject within the scope of this document (including topics not raised in this RFI), as well as the submission of data and other relevant information concerning this early assessment review.
Commission Information Collection Activities (FERC-725HH); Comment Request; Revision and Extension
In compliance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission or FERC) is soliciting public comment on the currently approved information collection FERC-725HH (RF Reliability Standards).
Eagle LNG Partners Jacksonville II LLC; Application To Amend Export Term Through December 31, 2050, for Existing Non-Free Trade Agreement Authorization
The Office of Fossil Energy (FE) of the Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice (Notice) of receipt of an application (Application), filed on November 30, 2020, by Eagle LNG Partners Jacksonville II LLC (Eagle Maxville). Eagle Maxville seeks to amend the export term set forth in its current authorization to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) to non-free trade agreement countries, DOE/FE Order No. 4078, to a term ending on December 31, 2050. Eagle Maxville filed the Application under the Natural Gas Act (NGA) and DOE's policy statement entitled, ``Extending Natural Gas Export Authorizations to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries Through the Year 2050'' (Policy Statement). Protests, motions to intervene, notices of intervention, and written comments on the requested term extension are invited.
Eagle LNG Partners Jacksonville LLC; Application To Amend Export Term Through December 31, 2050, for Existing Non-Free Trade Agreement Authorization
The Office of Fossil Energy (FE) of the Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice (Notice) of receipt of an application (Application), filed on November 30, 2020, by Eagle LNG Partners Jacksonville LLC (Eagle LNG). Eagle LNG seeks to amend the export term set forth in its current authorization to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) to non-free trade agreement countries, DOE/FE Order No. 4445, to a term ending on December 31, 2050. Eagle LNG filed the Application under the Natural Gas Act (NGA) and DOE's policy statement entitled, ``Extending Natural Gas Export Authorizations to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries Through the Year 2050'' (Policy Statement). Protests, motions to intervene, notices of intervention, and written comments on the requested term extension are invited.
Agency Information Collection Extension
The Department of Energy (DOE) has submitted an information collection request to the OMB for extension under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The information collection requests a three-year extension of its Semi-Annual Davis-Bacon Enforcement Report, OMB Control Number 1910-5165. All Federal agencies administering programs subject to Davis-Bacon wage provisions are required by to submit a report of all new covered contracts/projects and all compliance and enforcement activities every six months to the Department of Labor (DOL). In order for DOE to comply with this reporting requirement, it must collect contract and enforcement information from the Recovery Act funded Loan Borrowers, Loan Guarantee Borrowers, DOE direct contractors, and other prime contractors that administer DOE programs subject to Davis-Bacon requirements. DOE will require that such entities complete and submit a Semi-Annual Enforcement Report every six months, by the 21st of April and the 21st of October each year.
National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) is updating its National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) implementing procedures pertaining to authorizations issued under the Natural Gas Act (NGA). These changes will improve the efficiency of the DOE decision-making process by saving time and expense in the NEPA compliance process and eliminating unnecessary environmental documentation for these actions that DOE has determined normally do not have significant effects.
Annova LNG Common Infrastructure, LLC; Application To Amend Export Term Through December 31, 2050, for Existing Non-Free Trade Agreement Authorization
The Office of Fossil Energy (FE) of the Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice (Notice) of receipt of an application (Application), filed on November 24, 2020, by Annova LNG Common Infrastructure, LLC (Annova LNG). Annova LNG seeks to amend the export term set forth in its current authorization to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) to non- free trade agreement countries, DOE/FE Order No. 4491, to a term ending on December 31, 2050. Annova LNG filed the Application under the Natural Gas Act (NGA) and DOE's policy statement entitled, ``Extending Natural Gas Export Authorizations to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries Through the Year 2050'' (Policy Statement). Protests, motions to intervene, notices of intervention, and written comments on the requested term extension are invited.
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