Department of Commerce December 26, 2018 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Atlantic Bluefish Fishery; 2019 Bluefish Specifications
Document Number: 2018-27878
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NMFS proposes specifications for the 2019 Atlantic bluefish fishery, as recommended by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council. This action is necessary to comply with the implementing regulations of the Bluefish Fishery Management Plan that require NMFS to publish specifications for the fishery after providing the opportunity for public comment. The proposed specifications are intended to establish allowable harvest levels for the stock that will prevent overfishing while allowing optimum yield, consistent with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and the Bluefish Fishery Management Plan. This action also informs the public of the proposed fishery specifications, and provides an opportunity for comment.
Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; Fisheries Off West Coast States; Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; Trawl Rationalization Program; 2019 Cost Recovery
Document Number: 2018-27872
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
This action provides participants in the Pacific Coast Groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program with the 2019 fee percentages and MS pricing needed to calculate the required payments for the cost recovery fees due in 2019. For calendar year 2019, NMFS announces the following fee percentages by sector specific program: 2.9 percent for the Shorebased Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) Program, 0 percent for the MS Co-op Program, 0 percent for the Catcher/Processer (CP) Co-op Program. For 2019, the MS pricing to be used as a proxy by the CP Co-op Program is: $0.07./lb for Pacific whiting.
Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab Fishery; 2019 Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab Specifications
Document Number: 2018-27871
Type: Rule
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
We are finalizing specifications for the 2019 Atlantic deep- sea red crab fishery, including an annual catch limit and total allowable landings limit. This action is necessary to fully implement previously projected allowable red crab harvest levels that will prevent overfishing and allow harvesting of optimum yield. This action is intended to establish the allowable 2019 harvest levels, consistent with the Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab Fishery Management Plan.
Marine Mammals; File No. 22187
Document Number: 2018-27870
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Notice is hereby given that Heather E. Liwanag, Ph.D., 1 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407-0401, has applied in due form for a permit to conduct research on northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) in California.
Advance Notification of Sunset Review; Correction
Document Number: 2018-27864
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
The Department of Commerce (Commerce) is correcting an advance notification of sunset review.
Certain New Pneumatic Off-the-Road Tires From the People's Republic of China: Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; 2016
Document Number: 2018-27863
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
The Department of Commerce (Commerce) finds that Tianjin Leviathan International Trade Co., Ltd. (Tianjin Leviathan) received countervailable subsidies during the period of review (POR) January 1, 2016, through December 31, 2016.
Certain Frozen Warmwater Shrimp From India: Initiation of Antidumping Duty Changed Circumstances Review
Document Number: 2018-27862
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
The Department of Commerce (Commerce) is initiating a changed circumstances review to determine if Sunrise Seafoods India Private Limited (SSIPL) is the successor-in-interest to Sunrise Aqua Food Exports (SAFE) in the context of the antidumping duty order on certain frozen warmwater shrimp (shrimp) from India.
Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Atlantic Herring Fishery; 2018 River Herring and Shad Catch Cap Reached for Midwater Trawl Vessels in the Cape Cod Catch Cap Area
Document Number: 2018-27845
Type: Rule
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NMFS is reducing the Atlantic herring possession limit for vessels fishing with midwater trawl gear in the Cape Cod Catch Cap Closure Area, based on a projection that the prescribed catch cap for that area has been reached. This action is necessary to comply with the regulations implementing the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan and is intended to limit the harvest of river herring and shad in the Cape Cod Catch Cap Area.
New England Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting
Document Number: 2018-27840
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The New England Fishery Management Council (Council) is scheduling a public meeting of its Groundfish Committee to consider actions affecting New England fisheries in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Recommendations from this group will be brought to the full Council for formal consideration and action, if appropriate.
New England Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting
Document Number: 2018-27839
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The New England Fishery Management Council (Council) is scheduling a public meeting of its Recreational Advisory Panel to consider actions affecting New England fisheries in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Recommendations from this group will be brought to the full Council for formal consideration and action, if appropriate.
South Atlantic Fishery Management Council; Public Meetings
Document Number: 2018-27838
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The Council will hold a meeting of its System Management Plan (SMP) Workgroup via webinar.
Pacific Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting
Document Number: 2018-27837
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The Pacific Fishery Management Council's (Pacific Council) Ad Hoc Ecosystem Workgroup (EWG) will hold a meeting, which is open to the public.
Pacific Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting
Document Number: 2018-27836
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The Pacific Fishery Management Council's (Pacific Council) Highly Migratory Species Management Team (HMSMT) will hold a meeting, which is open to the public.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 2018-27814
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting
Document Number: 2018-27808
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council will hold a half day meeting via webinar of its Standing, Reef Fish, and Mackerel Scientific and Statistical Committees (SSC).
Pacific Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting
Document Number: 2018-27806
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The Ecosystem and Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Subcommittees of the Pacific Fishery Management Council's (Pacific Council's) Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) will hold a meeting via webinar to review analyses of drivers of albacore distribution and availability to fisheries in the California Current. The webinar meeting is open to the public.
Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the U.S. Navy Training and Testing Activities in the Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing Study Area
Document Number: 2018-27788
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-12-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NMFS has received a request from the U.S. Navy (Navy) to amend NMFS' Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) regulations authorizing the take of marine mammals incidental to Navy training and testing activities conducted in the Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing (AFTT) Study Area from November 2018 to November 2023 to cover seven years of the Navy's activities, instead of five. Section 316 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (2019 NDAA), signed into law on August 13, 2018, amended the MMPA to extend the maximum period for MMPA incidental take regulations under section 101(a)(5)(A) from five to seven years for military readiness activities. The Navy's activities qualify as military readiness activities pursuant to the MMPA, as amended by the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2004. The Navy proposes no changes to their specified activities, mitigation measures, monitoring, or reporting and requests that NMFS amend the final rule issued on November 14, 2018, to authorize incidental take of marine mammals for the two additional years now allowed under the statute. NMFS invites the public to provide information, suggestions, and comments on the Navy's application.
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