Department of Agriculture 2012 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 501 - 550 of 961
Information Collection: Ride-Along Program
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Forest Service is seeking comments from all interested individuals and organizations on a new information collection associated with the Ride- Along Program application, a program which allows any private citizen to apply to ride along with Forest Service law enforcement officers.
Grapes Grown in Designated Area of Southeastern California; Increased Assessment Rate
This rule would increase the assessment rate established for the California Desert Grape Administrative Committee (Committee) for the 2012 and subsequent fiscal periods from $0.0125 to $0.0150 per 18- pound lug of grapes handled. The Committee locally administers the marketing order, which regulates the handling of grapes grown in a designated area of southeastern California. Assessments upon grape handlers are used by the Committee to fund reasonable and necessary expenses of the program. The fiscal period begins January 1 and ends December 31. The assessment rate would remain in effect indefinitely unless modified, suspended or terminated.
Avocados Grown in South Florida; Decreased Assessment Rate
This rule decreases the assessment rate established for the Avocado Administrative Committee (Committee) for the 2012-13 and subsequent fiscal periods from $0.37 to $0.25 per 55-pound bushel container of Florida avocados handled. The Committee locally administers the marketing order which regulates the handling of avocados grown in South Florida. Assessments upon Florida avocado handlers are used by the Committee to fund reasonable and necessary expenses of the program. The fiscal period begins April 1 and ends March 31. The assessment rate will remain in effect indefinitely unless modified, suspended, or terminated.
Notice of Intent To Revise a Currently Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the National Institute of Food and Agriculture's (NIFA) intention to revise a currently approved information collection entitled, ``Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service Grant Application.'' NIFA also intends to rename the information collection, ``NIFA Grant Application.''
Announcement of Grant Application Deadlines and Funding Levels for the Assistance to High Energy Cost Rural Communities
The Rural Utilities Service (RUS), an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), announces the availability of up to $7 million in Fiscal Year 2012 for competitive grants to assist communities with extremely high energy costs. This grant program is authorized under section 19 of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (RE Act) (7 U.S.C. 918a) and program regulations at 7 CFR part 1709. The grant funds may be used to acquire, construct, extend, upgrade, or otherwise improve energy generation, transmission, or distribution facilities serving communities in which the average residential expenditure for home energy exceeds 275 percent of the national average. Eligible applicants include persons, States, political subdivisions of States, and other entities organized under State law. Federally-recognized Indian Tribes and Tribal entities are eligible applicants. This notice describes the eligibility and application requirements, the criteria that will be used by RUS to award funding, and information on how to obtain application materials. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number for this program is 10.859. You may obtain the Application Guide and materials for the Assistance to High Energy Cost Rural Communities Grant Program via the Internet at the following Web site: Programs.html. You may also request the Application Guide and materials from RUS by contacting the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this notice.
Implementation of National Organic Program (NOP); Sunset Review (2012) Amendments to Pectin on the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances
On June 6, 2012, AMS published a final rule to address substances due to sunset from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List) in 2012. This final rule amended two listings for pectin on the National List effective June 27, 2012.
Information Collection; Application for Permit for Use of Roads, Trails, or Areas Restricted by Regulation or Order
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Forest Service is seeking comments on the revision of a currently approved information collection, form FS-7700-40, Application for Permit, Non-Federal Commercial Use of Roads Restricted by Order. The revised information collection is entitled, ``Application for a Permit for Use of Roads, Trails, or Areas Restricted by Regulation or Order.'' The Forest Service is also seeking comment on an associated new information collection, form FS-7700-NEW (form number to be determined), Permit for Use of Roads, Trails, or Areas Restricted by Regulation or Order, and renewal of an associated existing information collection, form FS-7700-41, Non-Federal Commercial Road Use Permit.
Milk in the Mideast Marketing Area; Final Decision
This final decision recommends adoption of a proposal to amend the Pool Plant provisions of the Mideast Federal milk marketing order to reflect that distributing plants physically located within the marketing area with a Class I utilization of at least 30 percent, and with combined route disposition and transfers of at least 50 percent distributed into Federal milk marketing areas, would be regulated as a Pool Distributing Plant under the terms of the order.
Information Collection; Request for Comment; Objections to New Land Management Plans, Plan Amendments, and Plan Revisions
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Forest Service is seeking comments from all interested people and organizations on the extension of a currently approved information collection, objections to new land management plans, plan amendments, and plan revisions.
Information Collection; Role of Communities in Stewardship Contracting Projects
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Forest Service is seeking comments from all interested individuals and organizations on the extension with revision of a currently approved information collection, Role of Communities in Stewardship Contracting Projects.
Notice for Request To Reinstate Previously Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the Rural Housing Service's (RHS) intent to reinstate a previously approved information collection in support of the Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program.
Community Programs Guaranteed Loans
The Rural Housing Service (RHS) proposes to amend the regulations utilized to service the Community Facilities Guaranteed Loan Program by amending the regulation in two separate sections, in order to clarify the types of projects that are eligible for a Community Facilities Guaranteed Loan. The intended effect of this action is to strengthen the Community Facilities Guaranteed Loan Program by limiting the risk to the guaranteed loan portfolio. RHS is seeking to prohibit the financing of facilities in which the operation of such facilities have not been supported by the community and have resulted in significant default and loan losses to the agency.
Notice of Establishment of a Commodity Import Approval Process Web Site
We are announcing the creation of a new Plant Protection and Quarantine Web site that will provide stakeholders with information about the commodity import approval process for plants and plant products and give them the opportunity to consult with us on risk assessments as they are being drafted. We are doing this in response to stakeholder requests for more information about the commodity import approval process and the opportunity to comment on draft risk assessments. This Web site will make the commodity import approval process more visible to stakeholders and allow them to comment on draft risk assessments.
WTO Agricultural Safeguard Trigger Levels
The Foreign Agricultural Service published a document in the Federal Register of May 25, 2012, updating the trigger levels for products which may be subject to measures under the safeguard provisions of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture. The document contained incorrect trigger levels.
Importation of Dracaena Plants From Costa Rica
We are amending the plants for planting regulations to provide conditions for the importation into the continental United States of Dracaena spp. plants from Costa Rica. These conditions will apply to plants less than 460 mm in length, which are currently allowed to be imported, and will also allow for the importation of plants over 460 mm and up to 1,371.6 mm in length, which are currently prohibited. As a condition of entry, Dracaena spp. plants from Costa Rica will have to be produced in accordance with integrated pest risk management measures that will include requirements for registration of place of production and packinghouses, a pest management plan, inspection for quarantine pests, sanitation, and traceability from place of production through the packing and export facility and to the port of entry into the United States. All Dracaena spp. plants from Costa Rica will also be required to be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate with an additional declaration stating that all conditions for the importation of the plants have been met and that the consignment of plants has been inspected and found free of quarantine pests. This action will allow for the importation of oversized Dracaena spp. plants from Costa Rica into the United States while continuing to provide protection against the introduction of quarantine pests.
Boundary Establishment for the Allegheny National Wild and Scenic River, Allegheny National Forest, Warren, Forest, and Venango Counties, PA; Correction
In accordance with Section 3(b) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, the USDA Forest Service, Allegheny National Forest, published a document in the Federal Register of April 10, 2012, concerning boundary establishment for the Allegheny National Wild and Scenic River. This document was published before sufficient consultation with the Seneca Nation of Indians (SNI).
Export Sales Reporting Requirements
This proposed rule would add reporting for pork (fresh, chilled, and frozen box/primal cuts) and distillers dried grain (DDG) to the Export Sales Reporting Requirements. Under this proposed rule, all exporters of U.S. pork and DDG would be required to report on a weekly basis, information on the export sales of pork and DDG to the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS).
Domestic Dates Produced or Packed in Riverside County, CA; Order Amending Marketing Order 987
This final rule amends Marketing Agreement and Order No. 987 (order), which regulates the handling of domestic dates produced or packed in Riverside County, California. The amendments approved by producers in referendum were proposed by the California Date Administrative Committee (CDAC or committee), which is responsible for local administration of the order. The amendments are intended to improve administration of and compliance with the order and reflect current industry practices. Two amendments proposed by the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) were not approved in referendum.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request-National Hunger Clearinghouse Database Form
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment on this proposed information collection. This collection is a revision of a currently approved collection for the National Hunger Clearinghouse.
Privacy Act of 1974: Notice of Proposed Privacy Act System of Records Revision; Correction
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Departmental Management (DM), Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Coordination (OHSEC), published in the Federal Register on October 6, 2011, a notice of the proposed Radiation Safety Management System (RSMS). The notice is being corrected to provide the location of the system and paper records.
South Mississippi Electric Cooperative: Plant Ratcliff, Kemper County Integrated Gasification Combined-Cycle (IGCC) Project
The South Mississippi Electric Power Association (SMEPA), a rural electric generation and transmission cooperative, has approached the USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS, the Agency) for financial assistance through which SMEPA would acquire a 17.5% undivided ownership interest in Plant Ratcliff, an Integrated Gasification Combined-Cycle (IGCC) Project currently under construction in Kemper County, Mississippi (hereinafter ``the Project'') and owned by Mississippi Power Company (MPCo). In accordance with RUS Environmental Policies and Procedures, 7 CFR 1794, RUS has discretion in determining whether a proposal is subject to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. 4321, when potential borrowers will have only partial ownership of a project for which they are requesting financing (7 CFR 1794.20, Control). Though acknowledging that RUS financing will provide SMEPA with significantly limited control of the Project, RUS considers the Project subject to NEPA and to the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and its implementing regulations at 36 CFR part 800. This notice documents the efforts undertaken by RUS to ensure compliance with NEPA, NHPA, and all other applicable environmental laws and regulations through the adoption of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) prepared for the Project by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
Processed Raspberry Promotion, Research and Information Program; Request for Extension and Revision of a Currently Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), this document announces the Agricultural Marketing Service's (AMS) intention to request approval, from the Office of Management and Budget, for an extension of and revision to the currently approved information collection National Processed Raspberry Promotion, Research, and Information Program.
International Standard-Setting Activities
This notice informs the public of the sanitary and phytosanitary standard-setting activities of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex), in accordance with section 491 of the Trade Agreements Act of 1979, as amended, and the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, Public Law 103-465, 108 Stat. 4809. This notice also provides a list of other standard-setting activities of Codex, including commodity standards, guidelines, codes of practice, and revised texts. This notice, which covers the time periods from June 1, 2011, to May 31, 2012, and June 1, 2012, to May 31, 2013, seeks comments on standards under consideration and recommendations for new standards.
Questa Ranger District, Carson National Forest; Taos County, NM; Taos Ski Valley's 2010 Master Development Plan-Phase 1 Projects; Additional Filings
The USDA Forest Service published in the Federal Register a Notice of Intent (75 FR 71414-71415, November 23, 2010) to prepare an environmental impact statement for a proposal to authorize several (Phase 1) projects included in the Taos Ski Valley (TSV) 2010 Master Development Plan (MDP). All proposed projects would be within the existing special use permit (SUP) area. A corrected notice of intent was published in the Federal Register on September 29, 2011 (76 FR 60451) modifying the proposed action to relocate the snow tubing area and add the relocation of an existing footbridge across the Rio Hondo. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a notice of availability (NOA) for the draft EIS in the Federal Register on January 13, 2012 (77 FR 2060). Revised Dates: The final environmental impact statement (final EIS) and record of decision (ROD) are expected in July 2012. Change in Responsible Official: In addition, this notice changes the official responsible for the EIS and subsequent record of decision to Acting Forest Supervisor Diana Trujillo, Carson National Forest.
Notice of Intent To Request Revision and Extension of a Currently Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the intention of the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) to request revision and extension of a currently approved information collection for the Floriculture Survey. Revision to burden hours will be needed due to changes in the size of the target population, sampling design, and/or questionnaire length.
Notice of Request for Extension of a Currently Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the Rural Housing Service's intention to request an extension for a currently approved information collection in support of the Single Family Housing Direct Loans and Grants programs. The collection involves the use of Form RD 410-8, ``Applicant Reference Letter.'' The Form will be used to obtain information about an applicant's credit history that might not appear on a credit report and to provide clarification on the promptness of applicant's payments on debts, which enables Rural Housing Service to make better creditworthiness decisions.
Notice of Intent To Grant Exclusive License
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, intends to grant to US Agriseeds of San Luis Obispo, California, an exclusive license to the variety of pepper described in Plant Variety Protection Certificate Number 200700006, ``TigerPaw-NR'', issued on August 20, 2009.
Notice of Intent To Grant Exclusive License
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, intends to grant to Oregon State University of Corvallis, Oregon, an exclusive license to the blueberry variety named ``Perpetua.''
Notice of Intent To Grant Exclusive License
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, intends to grant to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln of Lincoln, Nebraska, an exclusive license to the wheat variety named ``Mattern''.
Notice of Intent To Revise and Extend a Currently Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 this notice announces the intention of the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) to request revision and extension of a currently approved information collection, the Stocks Reports. Revision to burden hours will be needed due to changes in the size of the target population, sampling design, and/or questionnaire length.
Pistachios Grown in California, Arizona, and New Mexico; Order Amending Marketing Order No. 983
This final rule amends Marketing Agreement and Order No. 983 (order), which regulates the handling of pistachios grown in California, Arizona, and New Mexico. The amendments were proposed by the Administrative Committee for Pistachios (Committee), which is responsible for local administration of the order. The amendments will provide authority to establish aflatoxin and quality regulations for pistachios shipped to export markets, including authority to establish different regulations for different markets; change a related section of the order concerning substandard pistachios to conform to the proposed addition of export authority; and correct an erroneous cross- reference to another section of the order. These amendments are intended to provide authority to ensure uniform and consistent aflatoxin and quality regulations in the domestic and various export markets.
Tart Cherries Grown in the States of Michigan, et al.; Final Free and Restricted Percentages for the 2011-12 Crop Year for Tart Cherries
This rule establishes final free and restricted percentages for the 2011-12 crop year under the marketing order for tart cherries grown in the states of Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin (order). The order is administered locally by the Cherry Industry Administrative Board (Board). This action establishes the proportion of tart cherries from the 2011 crop which may be handled in commercial outlets at 88 percent free and 12 percent restricted. These percentages should stabilize marketing conditions by adjusting supply to meet market demand and help improve grower returns.
Recreation Resource Advisory Committees
The Secretary of Agriculture has established the Pacific Northwest Recreation Resource Advisory Committee (Recreation RACs) pursuant to Section 4 of the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (REA) that was passed into law as part of the 2005 Consolidated Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 108-447) on December 8, 2004. The purpose of this Recreation RAC is to provide recommendations regarding recreation fees to both the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as appropriate. There are currently eleven vacancies on the Recreation RAC: Winter Motorized, Winter Non-motorized Recreation, Summer Motorized Recreation, Summer Non-motorized, Hunting and Fishing, Motorized Outfitter and Guide Recreation, Non-motorized Outfitter and Guide Recreation, Local Environmental, State Tourism, Local Government, and Tribal. The public is invited to submit nominations for membership on the Recreation RAC.
Information Collection Request; Request for Aerial Photography
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Farm Service Agency (FSA) is seeking comments from all interested individuals and organizations on an extension of a currently approved information collection associated with FSA Aerial Photography Program. The FSA Aerial Photography Field Office (APFO) uses the information from this form to collect the customer and photography information needed to produce and ship the various photographic products ordered.
Intermountain Region, Boise National Forest; Emmett Ranger District, Idaho; Scriver Creek Integrated Restoration Project
The Forest Service will prepare a Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) to disclose the environmental consequences of implementing alternatives considered for the Scriver Creek Integrated Restoration Project. Following the public review period for the SDEIS, the Forest Service will issue the Final EIS and Record of Decision (ROD) which will identify the alternative selected by the Responsible Official for implementation. The need for a SDEIS is to allow the Forest Service to clearly identify all permits, licenses and other entitlements which may be needed to implement the proposed activities that were not otherwise identified in the DEIS released December 30, 2011 (FR Vol. 76, No. 251; NOA for EIS No. 20110438). Specifically, an SDEIS is needed to identify that a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit may be required and comments on the SDEIS will be requested from the appropriate regulatory agencies and public to help assess whether such a permit is required. There have also been modifications made to the proposed action identified in the DEIS released December 30, 2011 concerning road systems, logging systems and watershed restoration opportunities as a result of updated field information. Additional alternatives may also be developed in response to comments received on the DEIS. Thus, the Responsible Official has determined that the purpose of the act [NEPA] would be furthered by issuing a SDEIS for additional review and comment prior to completion of the Final EIS.
Information Collection Activity; Comment Request
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35, as amended), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development administers rural utilities programs through the Rural Utilities Service. The USDA Rural Development invites comments on the following information collections for which the Agency intends to request approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
National Environmental Policy Act: Categorical Exclusions for Soil and Water Restoration Activities
The United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, is proposing to supplement its National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations (36 CFR Part 220) with three new categorical exclusions for activities that restore lands negatively impacted by water control structures, natural and human caused events, and roads and trails. These categorical exclusions will allow the Forest Service to more efficiently analyze and document the potential environmental effects of soil and water restoration projects that are intended to restore the flow of waters into natural channels and floodplains by removing water control structures, such as dikes, ditches, culverts and pipes; restore lands and habitat to pre-disturbance conditions, to the extent practicable, by removing debris, sediment, and hazardous conditions following natural or human-caused events; and restore lands occupied by roads and trails to natural conditions. The proposed road and trail restoration category would be used for restoring lands impacted by non-system roads and trails that are no longer needed and no longer maintained. This category would not be used to make access decisions about which roads and trails are to be designated for public use.
Substantially Underserved Trust Areas (SUTA)
The Rural Utilities Service (RUS) is issuing regulations related to loans and grants to finance the construction, acquisition, or improvement of infrastructure projects in Substantially Underserved Trust Areas (SUTA). The intent is to implement Section 306F of the Rural Electrification Act by providing the process by which eligible applicants may apply for funding by the agency.
Chronic Wasting Disease Herd Certification Program and Interstate Movement of Farmed or Captive Deer, Elk, and Moose
We are amending a final rule, which will take effect when these amendments become effective, that will establish a herd certification program to control chronic wasting disease (CWD) in farmed or captive cervids in the United States. Under that rule, owners of deer, elk, and moose herds who choose to participate in the CWD Herd Certification Program would have to follow requirements for animal identification, testing, herd management, and movement of animals into and from herds. This document amends that final rule to provide that our regulations will set minimum requirements for the interstate movement of farmed or captive deer, elk, and moose but will not preempt State or local laws or regulations that are more restrictive than our regulations. This document requests public comment on that change. This document also amends the final rule to require farmed or captive deer, elk, and moose to participate in the Herd Certification Program and to be monitored for CWD for 5 years before they can move interstate, clarify our herd inventory procedures, establish an optional protocol for confirmatory DNA testing of CWD-positive samples, add a requirement to continue testing cervids that are killed or sent to slaughter from Certified herds, and make several other changes. These actions will help to control the incidence of CWD in farmed or captive cervid herds and prevent its spread.
Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska-2012-13 and 2013-14 Subsistence Taking of Wildlife Regulations
This final rule establishes regulations for seasons, harvest limits, and methods and means related to the taking of wildlife for subsistence uses in Alaska during the 2012-13 and 2013-14 regulatory years. The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) completes the biennial process of revising subsistence hunting and trapping regulations in even-numbered years and subsistence fishing and shellfish regulations in odd-numbered years; public proposal and review processes take place during the preceding year. The Board also addresses customary and traditional use determinations during the applicable biennial cycle. This rulemaking replaces the wildlife taking regulations that expire on June 30, 2012. This rule also revises wildlife customary and traditional use determinations and the general regulations on subsistence taking of fish and wildlife.
Notice of Request for Extension of Approval of an Information Collection; Animal Welfare
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's intention to request an extension of approval of an information collection associated with its Animal Welfare Act regulations for the humane handling, care, treatment, and transportation of certain animals by dealers, research facilities, exhibitors, carriers, and intermediate handlers.
Notice of Request for Extension of and Revision to an Approval of an Information Collection; Importation of Wooden Handicrafts From China
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's intention to request approval of an extension to and revision of an information collection associated with regulations for the importation of wooden handicrafts from China.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
We are reopening the comment period for our interim rule that amended the regulations concerning the importation of animals and animal products to prohibit or restrict the importation of bird and poultry products from regions where any subtype of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is considered to exist. The interim rule also imposed restrictions concerning importation of live poultry and birds that have been vaccinated for certain types of HPAI, or that have been moved through regions where any subtype of HPAI is considered to exist. This action will give the public an additional opportunity to comment on the interim rule and on a change to its provisions that we are considering.
Importation of Tomatoes From the Economic Community of West African States Into the Continental United States
We are amending the fruits and vegetables regulations to allow the importation of tomatoes from the member States of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) into the continental United States. As a condition of entry, tomatoes from the ECOWAS will be subject to a systems approach that includes requirements for pest exclusion at the production site, fruit fly trapping and monitoring, and procedures for packing the tomatoes. The tomatoes will also be required to be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the national plant protection organization of the exporting country with an additional declaration that the tomatoes have been produced in accordance with these requirements. This action will allow for the importation of tomatoes from the ECOWAS into the continental United States while continuing to provide protection against the introduction of quarantine pests.
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