Children and Families Administration – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 651 - 700 of 1,140
Child Care and Development Fund Error Rate Reporting
This final rule revises the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) regulations to provide for the reporting of error rates in the expenditure of CCDF grant funds by the fifty States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The error rate reports will serve to implement provisions of the Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 (IPIA) and the President's Management Agenda (PMA)'s goal of ``Eliminating Improper Payments.''
Notice To Award a Grant
The Office of Refugee Resettlement, Anti-Trafficking in Persons Office, will award a non-competitive grant to Polaris Project, P.O. Box 77892, Washington DC, 20013, in the amount of $394,452 in Fiscal Year 2007 due to urgent and compelling circumstances. The award will be used to improve the systemic response to protect victims of human trafficking in the United States through the Training, Technical Assistance, and Strategic Planning (TTASP) Program. The specific goal of the TTASP program is to raise the standards of the anti-trafficking field through the development of new and cutting edge strategies, best practices, improved national levels of coordination and strategic planning, and capacity building for the field through practitioner-based training and technical assistance. The services obtained are intended to increase levels of victim identification through the creation of improved direct outreach strategies, enable localized best practice strategies to be shared on a national scale, provide around the clock technical assistance from leading human trafficking experts, and be a resource for strategic planning assistance at the local, State and Federal levels. Services will be provided via a centralized online clearinghouse of training and technical assistance resources, a dedicated technical assistance telephone hotline, on-site training and consulting services, and a peer-to-peer training and strategic planning event. Grant and Cooperative Agreement Program Authority for this activity is contained in section 106(b) and section 107(b)(1)(B) of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA), Public Law 106-386, Division A, 114 Stat. 1464 (2000) and in section 412(c)(1)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), (8 U.S.C. 1522(c)(1)(A)). The Recipient will: 1. Develop anti-trafficking materials covering topics not currently in circulation; 2. Create an online clearing house of training and technical assistance resources, including all TTASP training manuals, briefing materials, model strategic plans, sample outreach materials, user- driven worksheets, and summaries of best practices and model programs; 3. Provide targeted training and technical assistance on effective anti-trafficking strategies to anti-trafficking coalitions, task forces, direct outreach organizations, service providers, and others as needed; 4. Provide around the clock technical assistance via telephone on an emergency or on-demand basis for service providers or law enforcement officials that encounter trafficking victims; 5. Create a comprehensive strategic planning document for use by new and existing anti-trafficking coalitions that consolidates national best practices for implementing anti-trafficking activities at the local level; 6. Provide technical review of third-party materials, including, but not limited to client service protocols and forms, outreach protocols and materials, and organizational training documents; and 7. Provide consulting services to ORR in areas of strategic planning, staying abreast of the latest trends in the field, and any other technical assistance requested. After the appropriate reviews, it has been determined that the need to improve the systemic response to protect victims of human trafficking in the United States through the training, technical assistance, and strategic planning is urgent and compelling. The project period is September 30, 2007 to September 29, 2010.
Awards to Eleven Office of Refugee Resettlement Shelter Care Providers
This notice is hereby given that awards will be made to eleven unaccompanied alien shelter care providers in the amount of $10,633,009. This funding will support services through September 30, 2007.
Reallotment of FY 2006 Funds for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Notice is hereby given of a preliminary determination that funds from the fiscal year (FY) 2006 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) are available for reallotment to States, Territories, and Tribes and Tribal Organizations that receive FY 2007 direct LIHEAP grants. No subgrantees or other entities may apply for these funds. Section 2607(b)(1) of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act (the Act), Title XXVI of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (42 U.S.C. 8621 et seq.), as amended, requires that if the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) determines that, as of September 1 of any fiscal year, an amount in excess of certain levels allotted to a grantee for any fiscal year will not be used by the grantee during the fiscal year, the Secretary must notify the grantee and publish a notice in the Federal Register that such funds may be realloted to LIHEAP grantees during the following fiscal year. If reallotted, the LIHEAP block grant allocation formula will be used to distribute the funds. (No funds may be allotted to entities that are not direct LIHEAP grantees during FY 2007.) It has been determined that $326,894 may be available for reallotment during FY 2007. This determination is based on revised Carryover and Reallotment Reports from the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians in North Dakota and Southern Ute Indian Tribe in Colorado, which were submitted to the Office of Community Services as required by 45 CFR 96.82. The statute allows grantees who have funds unobligated at the end of the fiscal year for which they are awarded to request that they be allowed to carry over up to 10 percent of their allotments to the next fiscal year. Funds in excess of this amount must be returned to HHS and are subject to reallotment under section 2607(b)(1) of the Act. The amount described in this notice was reported as unobligated FY 2006 funds in excess of the amount that the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians could carry over to FY 2007. Additionally, an amount from Southern Ute Indian Tribe is excess funds for FY 2006 plus the 10 percent carryover, since the tribe did not apply for FY 2007 LIHEAP funds. The Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians was notified by certified mail that $297,492 of its FY 2006 funds may be reallotted. Additionally, the Southern Ute Indian Tribe was notified by certified mail that $29,402 of its FY 2006 funds may be reallotted. In accordance with section 2607(b)(3), the Chief Executive Officers of both the tribes have 30 days from the date of the letter to submit comments to: Josephine B. Robinson, Director, Office of Community Services, 370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW., Washington, DC 20447. The comment period expires August 31, 2007. After considering any comments submitted, the Chief Executive Officers will be notified of the final reallotment amount, and this decision also will be published in the Federal Register. If funds are reallotted, they will be allocated in accordance with section 2604 of the Act and must be treated by LIHEAP grantees receiving them as an amount appropriated for FY 2007. As FY 2007 funds, they will be subject to all requirements of the Act, including section 2607(b)(2), which requires that a grantee obligate at least 90 percent of its total block grant allocation for a fiscal year by the end of the fiscal year for which the funds are appropriated, that is, by September 30, 2007.
Grant to Forty-Nine Community Services State Associations; Office of Community Services
Notice is hereby given that awards will be made to forty-nine Community Services State Associations (CAA), in the amount of $65,000 each for ongoing capacity-building within the Community Services Network of Federal, State and local organizations to continue their work of addressing CSBG program needs. State CAA Associations have developed a shared vision for addressing the causes and effects of poverty; established a framework to convene fragmented programs across State and local governments; and utilized technological advances to better serve communities and track program successes. The period of this funding will extend from September 30, 2007 through September 29, 2008.
Notice To Award a Grant
This is a notice to award a grant to the Medical Institute for Sexual Health, Austin, TX, in the amount of $207,400 to support the development of online medical accuracy training for abstinence education providers. Background: The Medical Institute for Sexual Health proposes to develop an online instructor-led workshop to train abstinence education providers in methods to access medically accurate sexual health information via the internet. Participants will learn to identify credible internet resources for sexual health information, efficiently and effectively search the internet, and answer most questions on sexual health topics. The proposal is within the scope of technical assistance activities that the Abstinence Education Division of the Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) provides to grantees with regard to integrating medical and scientific information into abstinence education programming. The Congress, in appropriating funds for the program, has directed the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) to devote up to five percent of appropriated funds for technical assistance and capacity- building for abstinence education grantees. In addition, the proposed activities of this awardee are outside the scope of the ACF's previous or proposed abstinence education competitive program announcements and would not qualify for any other existing grant opportunities. For Further Information Contact: Stanley Koutstaal, Ph.D., Acting Director, Division of Abstinence Education, 1250 Maryland Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20024, (202) 401-9205,
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