Bureau of Ocean Energy Management August 2023 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 6 of 6
Gulf of Mexico, Outer Continental Shelf, Oil and Gas Lease Sale 261
BOEM announces the availability of the Record of Decision (ROD) for Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Lease Sale 261 (GOM Lease Sale 261). This ROD identifies the selected alternative for GOM Lease Sale 261, which is analyzed in the Gulf of Mexico OCS Oil and Gas Lease Sales 259 and 261: Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (GOM Lease Sales 259 and 261 Supplemental EIS).
Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Lease Sale 261
On Wednesday, September 27, 2023, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) will open and publicly announce bids received for blocks offered in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Lease Sale 261 (GOM Lease Sale 261), in accordance with the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA), as amended, and its implementing regulations. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) requires BOEM to hold GOM Lease Sale 261 by September 30, 2023. The GOM Lease Sale 261 Final Notice of Sale (Final NOS) package contains information essential to potential bidders and comprises this notice, Information to Lessees, and Lease Stipulations.
Risk Management and Financial Assurance for OCS Lease and Grant Obligations; Extension of Public Comment Period
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is extending the public comment period on our notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM), ``Risk Management and Financial Assurance for Outer Continental Shelf Lease and Grant Obligations,'' by 10 days. Comments previously submitted do not need to be resubmitted and will be fully considered.
Notice of Availability of a Joint Record of Decision for the Revolution Wind Farm and Revolution Wind Export Cable Project
BOEM announces the availability of the joint ROD on the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the construction and operations plan (COP) submitted by Revolution Wind, LLC (Revolution Wind) for its Revolution Wind Farm and Revolution Wind Export Cable Project (Project) offshore Rhode Island. The joint ROD includes the Department of the Interior's (DOI) decision regarding the Revolution Wind COP, NMFS' decision regarding Revolution Wind's request for Incidental Take Regulations (ITR) and an associated Letter of Authorization (LOA) under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), and the DA's decision regarding authorizations under section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (RHA) and section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). NMFS has adopted the FEIS to support its decision of whether or not to promulgate ITRs and issue a LOA to Revolution Wind under the MMPA. USACE has adopted the FEIS to support its decision to issue a DA permit under section 10 of the RHA and section 404 of the CWA. The joint ROD concludes the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for each agency and is available with associated information on BOEM's website at: https://www.boem.gov/renewable-energy/state- activities/revolution-wind.
Agency Information Collection Activities; North Atlantic Right Whale Research and Management Activities
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) proposes a new information collection request (ICR).
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Assessment for Commercial Wind Lease Issuance and Site Assessment Activities on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Offshore Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia
In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) intends to prepare an environmental assessment (EA) to consider the potential environmental impacts associated with possible wind energy-related leasing, site assessment, and site characterization activities on the U.S. Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). BOEM is seeking public input regarding important environmental issues and the identification of reasonable alternatives that should be considered in the EA. The environmental impacts of any proposed wind energy projects will be assessed after a lease is issued and before BOEM decides whether or not to approve any lessee's project construction and operations plan.
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