Bureau of Economic Analysis – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Results 151 - 200 of 376
Bureau of Economic Analysis Advisory Committee Meeting
Document Number: 2019-23970
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-11-04
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, BEA announces a meeting of the Bureau of Economic Analysis Advisory Committee. The meeting will address proposed improvements, extensions, and research related to BEA's economic accounts. In addition, the meeting will include an update on recent statistical developments.
Request for Comment; Notice of Development of Economic Statistics for Puerto Rico
Document Number: 2019-23866
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-11-01
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) is soliciting comments from the public on its new prototype Economic Statistics for Puerto Rico, which cover consumer spending, business investment, and trade in goods for Puerto Rico. BEA seeks comments on the statistics' methodology, presentation, level of detail, and scope. Following the public comment period, BEA will incorporate feedback, update the methodology and related materials for these economic statistics, and incorporate the revised prototype economic statistics into research to develop estimates of Puerto Rico GDP.
Request for Comments on Developing State-Level Statistics for the Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account
Document Number: 2019-23677
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-10-30
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) is soliciting comments from the public about new prototype statistics on the economic activity generated by outdoor recreation in each U.S. state and the District of Columbia. Following the public comment period, BEA will evaluate feedback, finalize the methodology and related materials, and begin publishing this data series annually in the Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account (ORSA).
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 2019-20021
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-09-17
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 2019-18228
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-08-23
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Direct Investment Surveys: BE-10, Benchmark Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad
Document Number: 2019-16628
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2019-08-07
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
This proposed rule would amend regulations of the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to set forth the reporting requirements for the 2019 BE-10, Benchmark Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad (``BE-10 survey''). The BE-10 survey is conducted every five years; the prior survey covered 2014. The BE-10 survey covers the universe of U.S. direct investment abroad and is BEA's most comprehensive survey of such investment. For the 2019 BE-10 survey, BEA proposes changes in data items collected, the design of the survey forms, and the reporting requirements for the survey to satisfy changing data needs and improve data quality and the effectiveness and efficiency of data collection.
Notice of Advisory Committee Renewal
Document Number: 2019-16516
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-08-02
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Charter for the Bureau of Economic Analysis Advisory Committee is renewed for an additional two-year period, as a necessary committee which is in the public interest, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C. App. 2.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Direct Investment Surveys: BE-577, Quarterly Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad-Transactions of U.S. Reporter With Foreign Affiliate
Document Number: 2019-14847
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-07-12
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Request for Comment; Notice of Development of Gross Domestic Product by County Statistics
Document Number: 2019-13858
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-06-28
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) is soliciting comments from the public on its new prototype Gross Domestic Product by County statistics, including comments on the methodology, presentation, granularity, and scope. Following the public comment period, BEA will incorporate feedback, finalize the methodology and related materials, and begin publishing this data series as an official series annually. Gross Domestic Product by County statistics will provide information on the economic activity generated in each of the nation's counties or county equivalents.
International Services Surveys: BE-140 Benchmark Survey of Insurance Transactions by U.S. Insurance Companies With Foreign Persons
Document Number: 2019-12373
Type: Rule
Date: 2019-06-12
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
This final rule amends regulations of the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to renew the reporting requirements for the mandatory BE-140 Benchmark Survey of Insurance Transactions by U.S. Insurance Companies with Foreign Persons. This survey applies to the 2018 calendar reporting year. This mandatory benchmark survey, conducted under the authority of the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act, covers the universe of transactions in insurance services and is BEA's most comprehensive survey of such transactions. For the 2018 benchmark survey, BEA is making several changes to the data items collected and the design of the survey form.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Direct Investment Surveys: BE-13, Survey of New Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
Document Number: 2019-12271
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-06-11
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
BE-605: Quarterly Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States-Transactions of U.S. Affiliate With Foreign Parent
Document Number: 2019-09818
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-05-13
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United StatesTransactions of U.S. Affiliate with Foreign Parent (BE-605). The data collected on the BE-605 survey are needed to measure the size and economic significance of foreign direct investment in the United States and its impact on the U.S. economy. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-125: Quarterly Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property With Foreign Persons
Document Number: 2019-09810
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-05-13
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property with Foreign Persons (BE- 125). The data collected on the BE-125 survey are needed to measure U.S. trade in services and to analyze the impact of U.S. trade on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-577: Quarterly Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad-Transactions of U.S. Reporter With Foreign Affiliate
Document Number: 2019-09809
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-05-13
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of U.S. Direct Investment AbroadTransactions of U.S. Reporter with Foreign Affiliate (BE-577). The data collected on the BE-577 survey are needed to measure the size and economic significance of U.S. direct investment abroad and its impact on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-45: Quarterly Survey of Insurance Transactions by U.S. Insurance Companies With Foreign Persons
Document Number: 2019-09808
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-05-13
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of Insurance Transactions by U.S. Insurance Companies with Foreign Persons (BE-45). The data collected on the BE-45 survey are needed to measure U.S. trade in insurance services and to analyze the impact of U.S. trade on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-185: Quarterly Survey of Financial Services Transactions Between U.S. Financial Services Providers and Foreign Persons
Document Number: 2019-09804
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-05-13
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of Financial Services Transactions between U.S. Financial Services Providers and Foreign Persons (BE-185). The data collected on the BE-185 survey are needed to measure U.S. trade in financial services and to analyze the impact of U.S. trade on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act and by Section 5408 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988.
BE-37: Quarterly Survey of U.S. Airline Operators' Foreign Revenues and Expenses
Document Number: 2019-09802
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-05-13
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of U.S. Airline Operators' Foreign Revenues and Expenses (BE-37). The data collected on the BE-37 survey are needed to measure U.S. trade in transport services and to analyze the impact of U.S. trade on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-30: Quarterly Survey of Ocean Freight Revenues and Foreign Expenses of U.S. Carriers
Document Number: 2019-09796
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-05-13
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of Ocean Freight Revenues and Foreign Expenses of U.S. Carriers (BE-30). The data collected on the BE-30 survey are needed to measure U.S. trade in transport services and to analyze the impact of U.S. trade on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-29: Annual Survey of Foreign Ocean Carriers' Expenses in the United States
Document Number: 2019-09795
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-05-13
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Annual Survey of Foreign Ocean Carriers' Expenses in the United States (BE-29). The data collected on the BE-29 survey are needed to measure U.S. trade in transport services and to analyze the impact of U.S. trade on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-15: Annual Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
Document Number: 2019-09794
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-05-13
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Annual Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States (BE-15). The data collected on the BE-15 survey are needed to measure the size and economic significance of foreign direct investment in the United States and its impact on the U.S. economy. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-11: Annual Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad
Document Number: 2019-09792
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-05-13
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Annual Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad (BE-11). The data collected on the BE-11 survey are needed to measure the size and economic significance of U.S. direct investment abroad and its impact on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-9: Quarterly Survey of Foreign Airline Operators' Revenues and Expenses in the United States
Document Number: 2019-09790
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-05-13
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of Foreign Airline Operators' Revenues and Expenses in the United States (BE-9). The data collected on the BE-9 survey are needed to measure U.S. trade in transport services and to analyze the impact of U.S. trade on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
International Services Surveys: BE-140 Benchmark Survey of Insurance Transactions by U.S. Insurance Companies With Foreign Persons
Document Number: 2019-05432
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2019-03-26
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
This proposed rule would amend regulations of the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to renew reporting requirements for the mandatory BE-140 Benchmark Survey of Insurance Transactions by U.S. Insurance Companies with Foreign Persons. This survey will apply to the 2018 calendar reporting year. This mandatory benchmark survey, conducted under the authority of the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act, covers the universe of transactions in insurance services and is BEA's most comprehensive survey of such transactions. For the 2018 benchmark survey, BEA proposes several changes in the data items collected and the design of the survey form.
American Workforce Policy Advisory Board
Document Number: 2019-03044
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-02-21
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Under Secretary for Economic Affairs announces the March 6, 2019 inaugural meeting of the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board (Workforce Advisory Board). The Advisory Board advises the National Council for the American Worker (National Council) on how the Federal Government can encourage the private sector and educational institutions to combat the skills crisis by investing in and increasing demand-driven education, training, and re-training for American workers. The discussions for this inaugural meeting include a review of the National Council's priority areas and identification of areas of activity for the Workforce Advisory Board.
Meeting of Bureau of Economic Analysis Advisory Committee
Document Number: 2019-02651
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-02-19
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, we are announcing a meeting of the Bureau of Economic Analysis Advisory Committee. The meeting will address proposed improvements, extensions and research related to BEA's economic accounts. In addition, the meeting will include an update on recent statistical developments.
Meeting of Bureau of Economic Analysis Advisory Committee
Document Number: 2018-22547
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-10-17
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, we are announcing a meeting of the Bureau of Economic Analysis Advisory Committee. The meeting will address proposed improvements to BEA's economic accounts and provide an update on recent statistical developments.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 2018-20787
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-09-25
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 2018-20783
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-09-25
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Services Surveys: BE-30, Quarterly Survey of Ocean Freight Revenues and Foreign Expenses of U.S. Carriers, and the BE-37, Quarterly Survey of U.S. Airline Operators' Foreign Revenues and Expenses
Document Number: 2018-14424
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-07-05
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Services Surveys: BE-125, Quarterly Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property With Foreign Persons
Document Number: 2018-14423
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-07-05
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Services Surveys: BE-9, Quarterly Survey of Foreign Airline Operators' Revenues and Expenses in the United States
Document Number: 2018-14422
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-07-05
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Services Surveys: BE-29, Annual Survey of Foreign Ocean Carriers' Expenses in the United States
Document Number: 2018-14421
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-07-05
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Services Surveys: BE-185, Quarterly Survey of Financial Services Transactions Between U.S. Financial Services Providers and Foreign Persons
Document Number: 2018-14420
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-07-05
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Services Surveys: BE-45, Quarterly Survey of Insurance Transactions by U.S. Insurance Companies With Foreign Persons
Document Number: 2018-14416
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-07-05
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Direct Investment Surveys: BE-15, Annual Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
Document Number: 2018-10942
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-05-22
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Direct Investment Surveys: BE-11, Annual Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad
Document Number: 2018-10941
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-05-22
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
BE-45: Quarterly Survey of Insurance Transactions by U.S. Insurance Companies With Foreign Persons
Document Number: 2018-06975
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-04-05
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of Insurance Transactions by U.S. Insurance Companies with Foreign Persons (BE-45). The data collected on the BE-45 survey are needed to measure U.S. trade in insurance services and to analyze the impact of U.S. trade on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-9: Quarterly Survey of Foreign Airline Operators' Revenues and Expenses in the United States
Document Number: 2018-06908
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-04-05
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of Foreign Airline Operators' Revenues and Expenses in the United States (BE-9). The data collected on the BE-9 survey are needed to measure U.S. trade in transport services and to analyze the impact of U.S. trade on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-29: Annual Survey of Foreign Ocean Carriers' Expenses in the United States
Document Number: 2018-06906
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-04-05
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Annual Survey of Foreign Ocean Carriers' Expenses in the United States (BE-29). The data collected on the BE-29 survey are needed to measure U.S. trade in transport services and to analyze the impact of U.S. trade on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-37: Quarterly Survey of U.S. Airline Operators' Foreign Revenues and Expenses
Document Number: 2018-06901
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-04-05
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of U.S. Airline Operators' Foreign Revenues and Expenses (BE-37). The data collected on the BE-37 survey are needed to measure U.S. trade in transport services and to analyze the impact of U.S. trade on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-125: Quarterly Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property With Foreign Persons
Document Number: 2018-06900
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-04-05
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property with Foreign Persons (BE- 125). The data collected on the BE-125 survey are needed to measure U.S. trade in services and to analyze the impact of U.S. trade on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-11: Annual Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad
Document Number: 2018-06907
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-04-04
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Annual Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad (BE-11). The data collected through the BE-11 survey are needed to measure the size and economic significance of U.S. direct investment abroad and its impact on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-185: Quarterly Survey of Financial Services Transactions Between U.S. Financial Services Providers and Foreign Persons
Document Number: 2018-06905
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-04-04
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of Financial Services Transactions between U.S. Financial Services Providers and Foreign Persons (BE-185). The data collected on the BE-185 survey are needed to measure U.S. trade in financial services and to analyze the impact of U.S. trade on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act and by Section 5408 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988.
BE-577: Quarterly Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad-Transactions of U.S. Reporter With Foreign Affiliate
Document Number: 2018-06904
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-04-04
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of U.S. Direct Investment AbroadTransactions of U.S. Reporter with Foreign Affiliate (BE-577). The data collected through the BE-577 survey are needed to measure the size and economic significance of U.S. direct investment abroad and its impact on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-605: Quarterly Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States-Transactions of U.S. Affiliate With Foreign Parent
Document Number: 2018-06903
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-04-04
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United StatesTransactions of U.S. Affiliate with Foreign Parent (BE-605). The data collected through the BE-605 survey are needed to measure the size and economic significance of foreign direct investment in the United States and its impact on the U.S. economy. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
BE-30: Quarterly Survey of Ocean Freight Revenues and Foreign Expenses of U.S. Carriers
Document Number: 2018-06902
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-04-04
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
By this Notice, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Department of Commerce, is informing the public that it is conducting the mandatory survey titled Quarterly Survey of Ocean Freight Revenues and Foreign Expenses of U.S. Carriers (BE-30). The data collected on the BE-30 survey are needed to measure U.S. trade in transport services and to analyze the impact of U.S. trade on the U.S. and foreign economies. This survey is authorized by the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
Meeting of Bureau of Economic Analysis Advisory Committee
Document Number: 2018-04587
Type: Notice
Date: 2018-03-08
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, we are announcing a meeting of the Bureau of Economic Analysis Advisory Committee. The meeting will address proposed improvements to BEA's economic accounts and provide an update on recent statistical developments.
International Services Surveys: BE-120 Benchmark Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property With Foreign Persons
Document Number: 2018-02065
Type: Rule
Date: 2018-02-02
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
This final rule amends regulations of the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to set forth the reporting requirements for the mandatory BE-120 Benchmark Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property with Foreign Persons. This survey applies to the 2017 fiscal reporting year. The benchmark survey covers the universe of transactions in selected services and intellectual property and is BEA's most comprehensive survey of such transactions. For the 2017 benchmark survey, BEA is making changes to the reporting requirements of the survey, the data items collected, and the design of the survey form to satisfy changing data needs and to improve data quality and the effectiveness and efficiency of data collections.
Direct Investment Surveys: BE-12, Benchmark Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
Document Number: 2017-26887
Type: Rule
Date: 2017-12-13
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
This final rule amends regulations of the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to set forth the reporting requirements for the 2017 BE-12, Benchmark Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States. The BE-12 survey is conducted every five years; the prior survey covered 2012. The benchmark survey covers the universe of foreign direct investment in the United States and is BEA's most detailed survey of such investment. For the 2017 benchmark survey, BEA will make changes in data items collected, the design of the survey forms, and the reporting requirements for the survey to satisfy changing data needs and to improve data quality and the effectiveness and efficiency of data collection.
International Services Surveys: BE-120 Benchmark Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property With Foreign Persons
Document Number: 2017-24422
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2017-11-15
Agency: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
This proposed rule would amend regulations of the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to renew reporting requirements for the mandatory BE-120 Benchmark Survey of Transactions in Selected Services and Intellectual Property with Foreign Persons. This survey will apply to the 2017 fiscal reporting year. The benchmark survey covers the universe of transactions in selected services and intellectual property and is BEA's most comprehensive survey of such transactions. For the 2017 benchmark survey, BEA proposes several changes in the data items collected, the design of the survey form, and the reporting requirements for the survey. This mandatory survey would be conducted under the authority of the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act.
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