Agricultural Marketing Service December 2024 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Section 8e Import Inspection Fee Structure
The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) of the Department of Agriculture (USDA) is revising the regulations governing the inspection and certification for fresh fruits, vegetables, and other products by amending certain fees charged for Section 8e import inspections from a per-carlot basis to a per-pound basis, reducing the fee for each additional sublot by 50 percent, and establishing a new fee calculation for lots less than a carlot. These revisions recover, as nearly as practicable, the costs of performing inspection services on imported commodities in accordance with the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937.
Watermelon Research and Promotion Plan; Increased Assessment Rate
This final rule implements a recommendation from the National Watermelon Promotion Board to increase the assessment rate from six cents per hundredweight to nine cents per hundredweight. Domestic watermelon producers of 10 acres or more and domestic first handlers of watermelons will each pay four and a half cents per hundredweight, and importers of 150,000 pounds or more annually of watermelons will pay nine cents per hundredweight. This final rule also amends current regulatory language to correct non-substantive and typographical errors.
National Organic Program; Market Development for Mushrooms and Pet Food
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is amending the USDA organic regulations to clarify standards for organic mushrooms and organic pet food. The topics addressed by the rule include mushroom substrate composition and sourcing of mushroom spawn in organic mushroom production, composting requirements for organic mushroom production, composition and labeling requirements for organic pet food, and the use of certain synthetic substances, including taurine, in organic pet food.
Request for Extension and Revision of a Currently Approved Information Collection
This notice announces the Agricultural Marketing Service's (AMS) intention to request that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approve a 3-year extension of a currently approved information collection for the "Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements under the United States Grain Standards Act (USGSA) and under the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (AMA)." This approval is required under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA).
Notice of Request for Approval of an Existing Information Collection in Use Without an OMB Control Number
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the Agricultural Marketing Service's (AMS) intent to request approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of an existing information collection in use without an OMB control number for Dairy Market News pursuant to Section 203(g) of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, as amended.
Natural Grass Sod Promotion, Research, and Information Order
This document proposes to establish an industry-funded promotion, research, and information program for natural grass sod products. The proposed program, the Natural Grass Sod Promotion, Research, and Information Order (Order), was submitted to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) by Turfgrass Producers International (TPI), a group of natural grass sod producers. The purpose of the program would be to maintain and expand markets for natural grass sod products and the program would be financed by an assessment on domestic sod producers. This proposed Order also announces that USDA is conducting a referendum among eligible producers to determine whether they favor establishing the program. The program would be established if it is favored by a majority of industry producers voting in the referendum. A separate final rule on referendum procedures is published in this issue of the Federal Register. This proposed Order also announces the Agricultural Marketing Service's (AMS) intent to request approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of new information collection requirements to implement the program.
Natural Grass Sod Promotion, Research, and Information Order; Referendum Procedures
This rule establishes procedures for conducting a referendum to determine whether issuance of the proposed Natural Grass Sod Promotion, Research, and Information Order (Order) is favored by natural grass sod producers. The procedures will also be used for any subsequent referenda under the Order. The proposed Order is published separately in this issue of the Federal Register.
Marketing Order Regulating the Handling of Spearmint Oil Produced in the Far West; Revision of the Salable Quantity and Allotment Percentage for Class 3 (Native) Spearmint Oil for the 2024-2025 Marketing Year
This proposed rule would implement a recommendation from the Far West Spearmint Oil Administrative Committee (Committee) to revise the quantity of Class 3 (Native) spearmint oil that handlers may purchase from, or handle on behalf of, producers in Washington, Idaho, and Oregon and parts of Nevada and Utah (Far West) for the 2024-2025 marketing year, which began on June 1, 2024. This action would increase the 2024-2025 marketing year Native spearmint oil salable quantity from 678,980 pounds to 731,220 pounds, and the allotment percentage from 26 percent to 28 percent.
Milk in the Northeast and Other Marketing Areas; Final Decision on Proposed Amendments to Marketing Agreements and Orders
This proposed rule is the Secretary's final decision in this proceeding and recommends amendments to the pricing provisions in the 11 Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMOs). AMS will determine if producers approve of the proposed amended orders, as required by regulation.
Notice of Request for Extension of a Currently Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), this notice announces the Agricultural Marketing Service's (AMS) intention to request approval, from the Office of Management and Budget, for an extension of and revision to the currently approved information collection in support of the reporting and recordkeeping requirements under the Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921, as amended and supplemented (P&S Act). This approval is required under the PRA.
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