Agency for International Development January 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Notice of Public Information Collections Being Reviewed by the U.S. Agency for International Development: Comments Requested
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is making efforts to reduce the paperwork burden. USAID invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following proposed and/or continuing information collections as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act for 1995. Comments are requested concerning: (a) Whether the proposed or continuing collections of information are necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the burden estimates; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Dates: Submit comments on or before March 20, 2006. For Further Information Contact: Beverly Johnson, Bureau for Management, Office of Administrative Services. Information and Records Division, U.S. Agency for International Development, Room 2.07-106, RRB, Washington, DC 20523, (202) 712-1365 or via e-mail Supplementary Information: OMB No.: OMB 412-NEW. Form No.: N/A. Title: Mentor-Prot[eacute]g[eacute] Program Application. Type of Review: New Information Collection. Purpose: The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) requests comment on its Mentor-Prot[eacute]g[eacute] Program Application. The form will be used to apply for participation in the USAID Mentor-Prot[eacute]g[eacute] Program. Firms interested in becoming a mentor firm must apply in writing to the USAID/OSDBU. The application shall be evaluated by the nature and extent of technical and managerial support proposed as well as the extent of financial assistance in the form of equity investment, loans, joint-venture support, and traditional subcontracting support proposed. The Mentor-Prot[eacute]g[eacute] agreement contains: (1) Name, address, phone, and E-mail of mentor and prot[eacute]g[eacute] firm(s) and a point of contact within both firms who will oversee the agreement; (2) Procedures for the mentor's voluntary withdrawal from the program including notification of the prot[eacute]g[eacute] firm and the USAID OSDBU. Withdrawal notification must be in writing, at least 30 days in advance of the mentor's intent to withdraw. (3) Procedures for a prot[eacute]g[eacute]'s voluntary withdrawal from the program. The prot[eacute]g[eacute] shall notify the mentor firm in writing at least 30 days in advance of the prot[eacute]g[eacute] firm's intent to voluntarily terminate the Mentor-Prot[eacute]g[eacute] agreement. The mentor shall notify OSDBU and the contracting officer immediately upon receipt of notice from the prot[eacute]g[eacute]; (4) A description of the type of developmental program that will be provided by the mentor firm to the prot[eacute]g[eacute] firm, to include a description of the subcontract work, a schedule for providing assistance, and criteria for evaluation of the prot[eacute]g[eacute]'s developmental success; (5) A listing of the number and types of subcontracts to be awarded to the prot[eacute]g[eacute] firm; (6) Program participation term; (7) Termination procedures; (8) Plan for accomplishing work should the agreement be terminated; and (9) Other terms and conditions, as appropriate.
Notice of Public Information Collection Requirements Submitted to OMB for Review
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has submitted the following information collections to OMB for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13. Comments regarding this information collection are best assured of having their full effect if received within 30 days of this notification. Comments should be sent via email to David or fax to 202-395-7285. Copies of submission may be obtained by calling (202) 712-1365. Supplementary Information: OMB Number: OMB 0412-NEW. Form Number: N/A. Title: Minority Serving Institution Database. Type of Submission: New Information Collection. Purpose: The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) requests comment on its proposal to expand its existing automated Extranet database to include voluntary registration of U.S. Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). The existing application, the Small Business Resource Database (SBRD) was placed into production at the beginning of Fiscal Year 2004. Small and Small and Disadvantaged Business interested in pursuing contracts with USAID may register with the Agency on a voluntary basis. These data are then made available via a secure Extranet conduit to Agency Program, Technical and Contact Officers worldwide. The Agency experienced a significant improvement in the amount of contracting with these entities in Fiscal Year 2004, versus USAID's performance in 2003, and in comparison to the averages for the Executive Branch of the Federal government. The Agency's performance in this regard is published at the following URL: https:// USAID proposes to capture the voluntary registration of Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), who may be interested in pursuing grants with USAID in furtherance of the Agency's international development initiatives. The existing SBRD application, and the Extranet conduit for disseminating these data within USAID would be utilized for this purpose. This action would further the grant-making process and potentially benefit several of the three hundred and fifty-one U.S. MSIs. Additional information regarding the SBRD, which is presently in production, without the proposed expanded registration capability, may be reviewed at the following URL: business/vendordb.html. Annual Reporting Burden: Respondents: 351. Total annual responses: 351. Total annual hours requested: 87.75 hours.
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