Agencies and Commissions March 8, 2019 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 16 of 16
Regular Meeting; Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation Board
Notice is hereby given of the regular meeting of the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation Board (Board).
SJI Board of Directors Meeting, Notice
The SJI Board of Directors will be meeting on Monday, April 1, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the National Center for State Courts Headquarters in Williamsburg, Virginia. The purpose of this meeting is to consider grant applications for the 2nd quarter of FY 2019, and other business. All portions of this meeting are open to the public.
Petition for Reconsideration of a Declaratory Ruling on Regulatory Status of Wireless Messaging Service
A Petition for Reconsideration (Petition) has been filed regarding the Commission's declaratory ruling by John Bergmayer on behalf of Public Knowledge.
Federal Advisory Committee Act; Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council
The Federal Communications Commission (Commission) hereby announces that the charter of the Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (hereinafter CSRIC) has been renewed pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA).
Certain Sleep-Disordered Breathing Treatment Mask Systems and Components Thereof; Notice of the Commission's Determination To Review an Initial Determination Amending the Complaint and Notice of Investigation; Affirmance of the Initial Determination With Modified Reasoning
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined to review the presiding administrative law judge's (``ALJ'') initial determination (``ID'') (Order No. 11) amending the complaint and notice of investigation to reflect a corporate name change of complainant ResMed Ltd to ResMed Pty Ltd.
National Council on the Arts 196th Meeting
Pursuant to section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended, notice is hereby given that a meeting of the National Council on the Arts will be held. Open to the public on a space available basis.
Procurement List; Proposed Additions and Deletions
The Committee is proposing to add services to the Procurement List that will be furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities, and delete services previously furnished by such agencies.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board Approval Under Delegated Authority and Submission to OMB With Request for Comments
On November 30, 2018, the Board published a notice in the Federal Register (83 FR 61635) requesting public comment for 60 days on a proposal to extend for three years, with revision, the Application to Become a Savings and Loan Holding Company or to Acquire a Savings Association or Savings and Loan Holding Company (FR LL-10(e); OMB No. 7100-0336). The comment period for this notice expired on January 29, 2019. For reasons described below, the Board has determined that it is appropriate to reopen the comment period for 30 days. This action will allow interested persons additional time to analyze the proposal and prepare their comments.
Silicomanganese From India, Kazakhstan, and Venezuela; Scheduling of Expedited Five-Year Reviews
The Commission hereby gives notice of the scheduling of expedited reviews pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1930 (``the Act'') to determine whether revocation of the antidumping duty orders on silicomanganese from India, Kazakhstan, and Venezuela would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within a reasonably foreseeable time.
Revision of Guidelines on Use of Firearms by Security Personnel
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing, with the approval of the U.S. Attorney General, revised guidelines on the use of weapons by the security personnel of licensees and certificate holders whose official duties include the protection of designated facilities, certain radioactive material or other property owned or operated by an NRC licensee or certificate holder, or radioactive material or other property that is being transported to or from a facility owned or operated by such a licensee or certificate holder. The revised guidelines are entitled ``Guidelines on the Use of Firearms by Security Personnel in Protecting U.S. NRC-Regulated Facilities, Radioactive Material, and Other Property, Revision 2.'' The NRC first issued firearms guidelines on September 11, 2009.
Service Rules for the 698-746, 747-762, and 777-792 Bands
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) describes the process for relicensing 700 MHz spectrum that is returned to the Commission's inventory as a result of licensees' failure to meet applicable construction requirements. The document begins with the ``keep-what-you-serve'' (KWYS) rules applicable to failing licensees and ends with the specific rules and requirements for licensees that acquire unserved areas through the relicensing process, including through auction where necessary.
IP CTS Improvements and Program Management
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) expands the telecommunications relay service (TRS) User Registration Database (Database) that the Commission created for the video relay service (VRS) program to encompass internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IP CTS). Including IP CTS user registration information in the Database will help the program verify the identity of IP CTS users, audit and review IP CTS provider practices, substantiate provider compensation requests, and improve program management.
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