Administration for Children and Families September 17, 2019 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Submission for OMB Review; Assessing the Implementation and Cost of High Quality Early Care and Education: Field Test (0970-0499)
Document Number: 2019-20115
Type: Notice
Date: 2019-09-17
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families
This information request is part of the project, Assessing the Implementation and Cost of High Quality Early Care and Education (ECE- ICHQ). The project's goal is to create a technically sound and feasible instrument that will provide consistent, systematic measures of the implementation and costs of education and care in center-based settings that serve children from birth to age 5. The resulting measures will inform research, policy, and practice by improving understanding of variations in what centers do to support quality, their associated costs, and how resources for ECE may be better aligned with expectations for quality.
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