Administration for Children and Families August 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 18 of 18
Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation; Grant to the Institute for American Values
Notice is hereby given that the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation will award grant funds without competition to the Institute for American Values. This grant is being awarded for an unsolicited proposal entitled, ``Gendered Parenting and Its Implications for Child Well-Being and Couple Relationships,'' that conforms to the applicable program objectives, is within the legislative authorities and proposes activities that may be lawfully supported through grant mechanisms. The study is unique and relevant to ACF's interest in increasing child well-being and supporting healthy marriage. The resulting products can be expected to benefit policymakers and others interested in family policy. The Institute for American Values is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and education organization conducting interdisciplinary research concerning issues of civil society. The grant will support an 18-month project at a cost of $96,000 in Federal support. The project is also being supported through non- Federal funding sources.
Children's Bureau Proposed Research Priorities for Fiscal Years 2006-2008
The Children's Bureau solicited comments from the public on the Proposed Research Priorities for Fiscal Years 2006-2008 in Volume 71, Number 23 of the Federal Register on February 3, 2006. Comments were due by April 4, 2006. All comments received by the deadline were reviewed and given consideration in the preparation of this notice.
Office Of Community Services; Community Economic Development Program
The purpose of the Community Economic Development (CED) grants is to create new employment and business development opportunities for low-income individuals. The Office of Community Services (OCS) awarded a $663,263 CED grant (Grant No. 90EE0720) to Hall Neighborhood House in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on September 29, 2005. Prior to the expenditure of any of the grant funds, the grantee informed OCS in a letter dated April 17, 2006, that it wished to ``relinquish the management and operation of this program effective immediately.'' The letter stated the grantee's ``current financial instability'' as the reason for the action. In an attempt not to lose the benefits for the community that were intended through the CED grant, OCS identified a possible replacement recipient: Action for Bridgeport Community Development, Inc (ABCD). The organization is being considered as a replacement recipient for the following reasons: ABCD is a previously successful CED grantee (grant 90EE0546). ABCD is headquartered approximately a mile and a half from the offices of Hall Neighborhood House (HNH) in Bridgeport, CT and will serve the same community. Also, ABCD and HNH have worked together in the past and reportedly have maintained a good working relationship. ABCD has a significantly sophisticated budget to manage this project effectively. (In 2003, the organization had gross receipts of approximately $20 million.). ABCD was recently selected by the Head Start Bureau to be the successor grantee of HNH's active Head Start grant. ACF Region I Administrator Hugh Galligan speaks highly of the performance of ABCD and has recommended that it be the replacement recipient. OCS has received and reviewed an application from ABCD. Upon finding that the proposed project is significantly similar to the one chosen for funding through HNH, OCS has requested that ABCD be approved as the permanent replacement recipient for Grant No. 90EE0720.
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