Expansion of Buprenorphine Treatment via Telemedicine Encounter and Continuity of Care via Telemedicine for Veterans Affairs Patients, 13410-13412 [2025-05007]
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 55 / Monday, March 24, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
recordkeeping requirements;
Shipwrecks; Wildlife.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
John Armor,
Director, Office of National Marine
Sanctuaries, National Ocean Service,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
15 CFR Part 922
Designation of Papahānaumokuākea
National Marine Sanctuary
[FR Doc. 2025–04949 Filed 3–21–25; 8:45 am]
Office of National Marine
Sanctuaries (ONMS), National Ocean
Service, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notification of review and
effective date of final rule.
The National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is
reviewing, for consistency with the
Administration’s policies and Executive
Orders, the final rule that published on
January 16, 2025 to designate
Papahānaumokuākea National Marine
Sanctuary (PNMS). The designation and
regulations for PNMS became effective
on March 3, 2025.
DATES: The final rule to designate
PNMS, which was published at 90 FR
4856 on January 16, 2025, became
effective March 3, 2025.
Roberts, Papahānaumokuākea National
Marine Sanctaury Superintendent, at
Eric.Roberts@noaa.gov or 808–294–
to Section 304(b) of the National Marine
Sanctuaries Act (NMSA) (16 U.S.C.
1434(b)(1)), a sanctuary designation and
its regulations become effective
following the close of a review period of
45 days of continuous session of
Congress beginning on the date of
publication of the final rule. For PNMS,
the final rule published on January 16,
2025, and by operation of NMSA
Section 304(b), the designation and
regulations became effective as of March
3, 2025.
NOAA is reviewing the final rule for
this designation for consistency with the
Administration’s policies and Executive
Orders, including Executive Order
14219, Ensuring Lawful Governance and
Implementing the President’s
‘‘Department of Government Efficiency’’
Deregulatory Initiative.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
List of Subjects in 15 CFR Part 922
Administrative practice and
procedure; Coastal zone; Cultural
resources; Environmental; Protection;
Fishing; Historic preservation; Marine
protected areas; Marine resources;
Natural resources; National marine
sanctuaries; Penalties; Recreation and
recreation areas; Reporting and
VerDate Sep<11>2014
15:45 Mar 21, 2025
Jkt 265001
Drug Enforcement Administration
21 CFR Part 1306
[Docket No. DEA–948; DEA–407VA]
RIN 1117–AB78; 1117–AB40; 1117–AB88
42 CFR Part 12
Expansion of Buprenorphine
Treatment via Telemedicine Encounter
and Continuity of Care via
Telemedicine for Veterans Affairs
Drug Enforcement
Administration, Department of Justice;
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, Department of
Health and Human Services.
ACTION: Final rule.
In the January 17, 2025, issue
of the Federal Register, the Drug
Enforcement Administration and the
Department of Health and Human
Services published two final rules
related to the practice of telemedicine,
titled ‘‘Expansion of Buprenorphine
Treatment via Telemedicine Encounter’’
and ‘‘Continuity of Care via
Telemedicine for Veterans Affairs
Patients.’’ These final rules were
originally scheduled to become final on
February 18, 2025. In accordance with
the Presidential Memorandum of
January 20, 2025, titled ‘‘Regulatory
Freeze Pending Review,’’ the Drug
Enforcement Administration and the
Department of Health and Human
Services delayed the effective dates of
these two final rules to March 21, 2025,
by issuing a final rule; delay of effective
dates and request for comments in the
February 19, 2025, issue of the Federal
Register. The Drug Enforcement
Administration received 32 comments
in response to the request for public
comments regarding the delayed
effective date. Considering these
comments, the Department of Justice
wishes to further postpone the effective
dates for the purpose of further
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reviewing any questions of fact, law,
and policy that the rules may raise.
Therefore, the Drug Enforcement
Administration and the Department of
Health and Human Services will delay
the effective date of the two final rules
titled ‘‘Expansion of Buprenorphine
Treatment via Telemedicine Encounter’’
and ‘‘Continuity of Care via
Telemedicine for Veterans Affairs
Patients’’ to December 31, 2025.
DATES: As of March 20, 2025, the
effective dates of the final rules
amending 21 CFR part 1306 and 42 CFR
part 12 published in the Federal
Register on January 17, 2025, at 90 FR
6504 and 90 FR 6523, respectively, are
effective December 31, 2025.
Heather Achbach, Regulatory Drafting
and Policy Support Section, Diversion
Control Division, Drug Enforcement
Administration; Telephone: (571) 776–
On January 17, 2025, the Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA) and
the Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) published two final
rules titled ‘‘Expansion of
Buprenorphine Treatment via
Telemedicine Encounter’’ (90 FR 6504)
and ‘‘Continuity of Care via
Telemedicine for Veterans Affairs
Patients’’ (90 FR 6523). These rules,
respectively, amended their regulations
to expand the circumstances under
which: (1) practitioners registered by
DEA are authorized to prescribe
schedule III–V controlled substances
approved by the Food and Drug
Administration for the treatment of
opioid use disorder via a telemedicine
encounter, including an audio-only
telemedicine encounter 1 and (2)
Department of Veterans Affairs
practitioners acting within the scope of
their Veterans Affairs employment are
authorized to prescribe schedule II–V
controlled substances via telemedicine
to a Veterans Affairs patient with whom
they have not conducted an in-person
medical evaluation, if another Veterans
Affairs practitioner has, at any time,
previously conducted an in-person
medical evaluation of the Veterans
Affairs patient, subject to certain
On January 20, 2025, the President of
the United States issued a memorandum
to all executive departments and
agencies titled ‘‘Regulatory Freeze
1 90
2 90
FR 6504 (Jan. 17, 2025).
FR 6523 (Jan. 17, 2025).
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 55 / Monday, March 24, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
Pending Review’’ (the Freeze Memo).3
Paragraph 3 of the Freeze Memo ordered
agencies to ‘‘consider postponing for 60
days from the date of this memorandum
the effective date for any rules that have
been published in the Federal Register,
or any rules that have been issued in
any manner but have not taken effect,
for the purpose of reviewing any
questions of fact, law, and policy that
the rules may raise.’’ The purpose of
this delay was ‘‘to allow interested
parties to provide comments about
issues of fact, law, and policy raised by
the rules postponed under this
memorandum, and consider
reevaluating pending petitions
involving such rules.’’ In accordance
with the Freeze Memo, DEA and HHS
published a final rule; delay of effective
dates and request for comment in the
February 19, 2025, issue of the Federal
In the preamble to that rule, DEA
explained that the ‘‘new effective dates
will not delay or limit the ability of the
practitioners covered by these two rules
to prescribe via telemedicine, because
the ‘Temporary Extension of COVID–19
Telemedicine Flexibilities for
Prescription of Controlled Medications,’
which has been in effect since May 10,
2023, permits practitioners to prescribe
via telemedicine through December 31,
2025.’’ 5 In addition, this delay allowed
Department of Justice (DOJ) and HHS
officials further opportunity to review
any potential questions of fact, law, and
policy raised by those two final rules.
DEA solicited public comment
regarding the delayed effective dates of
these two final rules. DEA also solicited
public comment on whether there may
be a need for their effective dates to be
extended beyond the new effective date
of March 21, 2025, and to address issues
of fact, law, and policy raised by these
rules, for consideration by officials of
the two agencies. DEA received a total
of 32 comments. Of the 32 comments
received, three commenters specifically
requested a further delay in the effective
date of the two final rules and 13
commenters requested that the final
rules become effective as soon as
possible. Since a new effective date will
not delay or limit the ability of the
practitioners covered by these two rules
to prescribe via telemedicine, because
the ‘Temporary Extension of COVID–19
Telemedicine Flexibilities for
Prescription of Controlled Medications
permits practitioners to prescribe via
telemedicine through December 31,
2025, and to allow DOJ additional time
to further review any questions of fact,
law, and policy that the rules may raise,
DEA and HHS will further delay the
effective date of the two final rules
published in the January 17, 2025, issue
of the Federal Register, titled
‘‘Expansion of Buprenorphine
Treatment via Telemedicine
Encounter’’ 6 and ‘‘Continuity of Care
via Telemedicine for Veterans Affairs
Patients’’ 7 to December 31, 2025. This
document finalizes the delayed effective
date of these final rules to December 31,
Comments Received
DEA received 32 comments in
response to the request for comments
regarding the effective date of the two
final rules in the January 17, 2025, issue
of the Federal Register, titled
‘‘Expansion of Buprenorphine
Treatment via Telemedicine
Encounter’’ 8 and ‘‘Continuity of Care
via Telemedicine for Veterans Affairs
Patients’’.9 Of these comments, 13
commenters requested to finalize the
effective date of the two final rules as
soon as possible, which was scheduled
to be March 21, 2025.
Three commenters explicitly
requested that the effective date be
delayed beyond March 21, 2025;
however, these comments did not
provide an alternative effective date for
these two final rules. Four commenters
generally agreed with the final rules
without specifying a preference with
respect to their effective dates. Eleven
commenters expressed concerns
unrelated to the effective date. One
commenter provided general comments
but did not respond with respect to the
delayed effective date.
Based on the foregoing reasons, DEA
and HHS are further delaying the
effective date of the two final rules
published in the January 17, 2025, issue
of the Federal Register titled
‘‘Expansion of Buprenorphine
Treatment via Telemedicine
Encounter’’ 10 and ‘‘Continuity of Care
via Telemedicine for Veterans Affairs
Patients’’ 11 to December 31, 2025.
Regulatory Analyses
Change to the effective date of these
final rules does not affect the economic
impact calculated in the final rules. Per
Office of Management and Budget
6 90
3 90
FR 8249 (Jan. 28, 2025).
FR 9841 (Feb. 19, 2025).
5 90 FR 9841, 98842 (citing 88 FR 30037 (May 10,
2023), as extended by 88 FR 30037 (May 10, 2023)
and 89 FR 91253 (Nov. 19, 2024)).
4 90
VerDate Sep<11>2014
15:45 Mar 21, 2025
Jkt 265001
FR 6504 (Jan. 17, 2025).
7 90 FR 6523 (Jan. 17, 2025).
8 90 FR 6504 (Jan. 17, 2025).
9 90 FR 6523 (Jan. 17, 2025).
10 90 FR 6504 (Jan. 17, 2025).
11 90 FR 6523 (Jan. 17, 2025).
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(OMB) Circular A–4, analysis is
conducted on a time frame which
includes all important benefits and
costs, and such time frame generally
begins at the point when the final rule
is expected to begin to have effects.12 No
portion of the analysis conducted in
these final rules was dependent on the
original effective date, and therefore the
change in the time frame does not
change any part of the analysis.
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
(Regulatory Review)
The change to the effective date has
no change on the analysis conducted in
this section in these two rules. This
document merely effectuates a limited
delay in the effective dates of two rules,
previously scheduled to take effect
March 21, 2025. There is no change to
the substance of these two final rules.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The change to the effective date has
no change on the analysis conducted in
this section in the final rules.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
The change to the effective date has
no change on the analysis conducted in
this section in the final rules.
Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice
This document meets the applicable
standards set forth in sections 3(a) and
3(b)(2) of E.O. 12988 to eliminate
drafting errors and ambiguity, minimize
litigation, provide a clear legal standard
for affected conduct, and promote
simplification and burden reduction.
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
This document does not have
federalism implications warranting the
application of E.O. 13132. The
document does not have substantial
direct effects on the States, on the
relationship between the National
Government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
Executive Order 13175, Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
DEA and HHS are committed to the
principles of collaboration and
consultation with Tribal governments,
as demonstrated through its plans to
12 OMB Circular A–4, section 3(b): ‘‘The time
frame for your analysis should include a period
before and after the date of compliance that is long
enough to encompass all the important benefits and
costs likely to result from the regulation. A logical
beginning point for your stream of estimates would
be the point in which the regulation will begin to
have effects. . .’’
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 55 / Monday, March 24, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
conduct the appropriate Executive
Order 13175 Tribal consultations and
recognizes the significance of these
consultations and their role in shaping
regulations that impact Tribal
communities. Relevant issues regarding
Tribal Consultation were discussed in
the two final rules published on January
17, 2025.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
The estimated annual impact of this
notice is minimal. Thus, DEA and HHS
have determined in accordance with the
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
(UMRA) (2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) that this
action would not result in any Federal
mandate that may result in the
expenditure by State, local, and Tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector, of $100,000,000 or more
(adjusted for inflation) in any one year.
Therefore, neither a Small Government
Agency Plan nor any other action is
required under provisions of UMRA.
This document of the Drug
Enforcement Administration was signed
on March 19, 2025, by Acting
Administrator Derek Maltz. That
document with the original signature
and date is maintained by DEA. For
administrative purposes only, and in
compliance with requirements of the
Office of the Federal Register, the
undersigned DEA Federal Register
Liaison Officer has been authorized to
sign and submit the document in
electronic format for publication, as an
official document of DEA. This
administrative process in no way alters
the legal effect of this document upon
publication in the Federal Register.
Heather Achbach,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, Drug
Enforcement Administration.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,
Secretary, Department of Health and Human
[FR Doc. 2025–05007 Filed 3–20–25; 4:15 pm]
Coast Guard
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
33 CFR Part 117
[Docket No. USCG–2023–0185]
RIN 1625–AA09
Drawbridge Operation Regulation;
Sandusky Bay, Sandusky, OH
Coast Guard, DHS.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
15:45 Mar 21, 2025
Final rule.
The Coast Guard is altering
the operating regulations and signaling
requirements that govern the Norfolk
Southern Railroad Bridge, mile 3.5, over
the Sandusky Bay.
DATES: This rule is effective April 23,
ADDRESSES: To view documents
mentioned in this preamble as being
available in the docket, go to https://
www.regulations.gov. Type the docket
number (USCG–2023–0185) in the
‘‘SEARCH’’ box and click ‘‘SEARCH’’. In
the Document Type column, select
‘‘Supporting & Related Material.’’
you have questions on this rule, call or
email Mr. Lee D. Soule, Bridge
Management Specialist, Ninth Coast
Guard District; telephone 216–902–
6085, email Lee.D.Soule@uscg.mil.
I. Table of Abbreviations
Signing Authority
Jkt 265001
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
DHS Department of Homeland Security
FR Federal Register
IGLD85 International Great Lakes Datum of
LWD Low Water Datum based on IGLD85
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MPH Miles Per Hour
OMB Office of Management and Budget
NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
§ Section
U.S.C. United States Code
II. Background Information and
Regulatory History
The Coast Guard published an NPRM
on May 8, 2023, entitled Drawbridge
Operation Regulation; Sandusky Bay,
Sandusky, OH in the Federal Register,
to seek comments on a proposed
modification to the current operating
schedule to the Norfolk Southern
Railroad Bridge, mile 3.5, Sandusky
Bay. 88 FR 29584. During the comment
period, that ended on July 7, 2023, we
received two comments.
In addition to modernizing the
regulation, this final rule will address
two specific concerns of the Coast
Guard as they relate to the operation of
the Norfolk Southern Railroad Bridge,
mile 3.5, and the responsiveness of
drawtenders to marine traffic. The Coast
Guard has received several complaints
on the operations of the bridge,
including, specifically, that the remote
drawtender ignores telephone and radio
calls from mariners. Sandusky Bay hosts
over 12,000 registered recreational
vessels a year and is home to the busiest
amusement park in America. Federal,
State, Local, and commercial search and
rescue departments require dependable
PO 00000
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access to the Norfolk Southern Railroad
Bridge, mile 3.5, to reach emergencies
on both sides of Sandusky Bay.
Emergency responders and the greater
public need a simple, reliable, and
consistent method for requesting bridge
III. Legal Authority and Need for Rule
The Coast Guard is issuing this rule
under authority 33 U.S.C. 499.
IV. Discussion of Comments, Changes
and the Final Rule
Of the two comments received from
bridge owner, Norfolk Southern, one
comment requested an extension to the
comment period and the other comment
was in opposition to many aspects of
the proposed rule.
Norfolk Southern’s position outlined
in their comment makes train operations
paramount to all other considerations.
The intent of this regulation, as well as
the Coast Guard’s broader
congressionally mandated duty to
regulate the operation of bridges, is
simple: to provide for the reasonable
needs of navigation at the bridge. See 33
CFR 114.10. However, bridges cannot
unreasonably obstruct the free
navigation of the waters over which
they are constructed. 33 U.S.C. 494. A
bridge is a permitted obstruction to
navigation, but it is only allowed to
remain across the waterway if it
provides for the reasonable need of
navigation. See 33 CFR 114.10.
Norfolk Southern alleges that we have
failed to engage them on this issue
before starting a rulemaking. On the
contrary, we have engaged Norfolk
Southern each time a mariner reports an
unreasonable delay to a bridge opening
and have reiterated the need for prompt
openings and improved communication
with the public. We have also conveyed
this need at regularly scheduled
monthly meetings with Norfolk
Southern where we have continually
asserted the long-standing legal
requirement to provide timely bridge
openings to satisfy the reasonable needs
of navigation. We have also provided
Norfolk Southern notice and reasonable
opportunity to be heard through the
present NPRM. See 88 FR 29584.
Norfolk Southern asserted that the
Coast Guard’s bridge regulations and
requirements will jeopardize the safety
of train crews and equipment. The Coast
Guard disagrees. Railroads across the
country operate trains over movable
bridges every day without loss of life or
equipment. There is no evidence that
Norfolk Southern is at a disadvantage to
any competitor in the region or that
Norfolk Southern will suffer any
decreased ability to cross bridges safely
[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 55 (Monday, March 24, 2025)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 13410-13412]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2025-05007]
Drug Enforcement Administration
21 CFR Part 1306
[Docket No. DEA-948; DEA-407VA]
RIN 1117-AB78; 1117-AB40; 1117-AB88
42 CFR Part 12
Expansion of Buprenorphine Treatment via Telemedicine Encounter
and Continuity of Care via Telemedicine for Veterans Affairs Patients
AGENCY: Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice;
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Department
of Health and Human Services.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: In the January 17, 2025, issue of the Federal Register, the
Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Health and Human
Services published two final rules related to the practice of
telemedicine, titled ``Expansion of Buprenorphine Treatment via
Telemedicine Encounter'' and ``Continuity of Care via Telemedicine for
Veterans Affairs Patients.'' These final rules were originally
scheduled to become final on February 18, 2025. In accordance with the
Presidential Memorandum of January 20, 2025, titled ``Regulatory Freeze
Pending Review,'' the Drug Enforcement Administration and the
Department of Health and Human Services delayed the effective dates of
these two final rules to March 21, 2025, by issuing a final rule; delay
of effective dates and request for comments in the February 19, 2025,
issue of the Federal Register. The Drug Enforcement Administration
received 32 comments in response to the request for public comments
regarding the delayed effective date. Considering these comments, the
Department of Justice wishes to further postpone the effective dates
for the purpose of further reviewing any questions of fact, law, and
policy that the rules may raise. Therefore, the Drug Enforcement
Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services will
delay the effective date of the two final rules titled ``Expansion of
Buprenorphine Treatment via Telemedicine Encounter'' and ``Continuity
of Care via Telemedicine for Veterans Affairs Patients'' to December
31, 2025.
DATES: As of March 20, 2025, the effective dates of the final rules
amending 21 CFR part 1306 and 42 CFR part 12 published in the Federal
Register on January 17, 2025, at 90 FR 6504 and 90 FR 6523,
respectively, are effective December 31, 2025.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Heather Achbach, Regulatory Drafting
and Policy Support Section, Diversion Control Division, Drug
Enforcement Administration; Telephone: (571) 776-3882.
On January 17, 2025, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and
the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published two final
rules titled ``Expansion of Buprenorphine Treatment via Telemedicine
Encounter'' (90 FR 6504) and ``Continuity of Care via Telemedicine for
Veterans Affairs Patients'' (90 FR 6523). These rules, respectively,
amended their regulations to expand the circumstances under which: (1)
practitioners registered by DEA are authorized to prescribe schedule
III-V controlled substances approved by the Food and Drug
Administration for the treatment of opioid use disorder via a
telemedicine encounter, including an audio-only telemedicine encounter
\1\ and (2) Department of Veterans Affairs practitioners acting within
the scope of their Veterans Affairs employment are authorized to
prescribe schedule II-V controlled substances via telemedicine to a
Veterans Affairs patient with whom they have not conducted an in-person
medical evaluation, if another Veterans Affairs practitioner has, at
any time, previously conducted an in-person medical evaluation of the
Veterans Affairs patient, subject to certain conditions.\2\
\1\ 90 FR 6504 (Jan. 17, 2025).
\2\ 90 FR 6523 (Jan. 17, 2025).
On January 20, 2025, the President of the United States issued a
memorandum to all executive departments and agencies titled
``Regulatory Freeze
[[Page 13411]]
Pending Review'' (the Freeze Memo).\3\ Paragraph 3 of the Freeze Memo
ordered agencies to ``consider postponing for 60 days from the date of
this memorandum the effective date for any rules that have been
published in the Federal Register, or any rules that have been issued
in any manner but have not taken effect, for the purpose of reviewing
any questions of fact, law, and policy that the rules may raise.'' The
purpose of this delay was ``to allow interested parties to provide
comments about issues of fact, law, and policy raised by the rules
postponed under this memorandum, and consider reevaluating pending
petitions involving such rules.'' In accordance with the Freeze Memo,
DEA and HHS published a final rule; delay of effective dates and
request for comment in the February 19, 2025, issue of the Federal
\3\ 90 FR 8249 (Jan. 28, 2025).
\4\ 90 FR 9841 (Feb. 19, 2025).
In the preamble to that rule, DEA explained that the ``new
effective dates will not delay or limit the ability of the
practitioners covered by these two rules to prescribe via telemedicine,
because the `Temporary Extension of COVID-19 Telemedicine Flexibilities
for Prescription of Controlled Medications,' which has been in effect
since May 10, 2023, permits practitioners to prescribe via telemedicine
through December 31, 2025.'' \5\ In addition, this delay allowed
Department of Justice (DOJ) and HHS officials further opportunity to
review any potential questions of fact, law, and policy raised by those
two final rules.
\5\ 90 FR 9841, 98842 (citing 88 FR 30037 (May 10, 2023), as
extended by 88 FR 30037 (May 10, 2023) and 89 FR 91253 (Nov. 19,
DEA solicited public comment regarding the delayed effective dates
of these two final rules. DEA also solicited public comment on whether
there may be a need for their effective dates to be extended beyond the
new effective date of March 21, 2025, and to address issues of fact,
law, and policy raised by these rules, for consideration by officials
of the two agencies. DEA received a total of 32 comments. Of the 32
comments received, three commenters specifically requested a further
delay in the effective date of the two final rules and 13 commenters
requested that the final rules become effective as soon as possible.
Since a new effective date will not delay or limit the ability of the
practitioners covered by these two rules to prescribe via telemedicine,
because the `Temporary Extension of COVID-19 Telemedicine Flexibilities
for Prescription of Controlled Medications permits practitioners to
prescribe via telemedicine through December 31, 2025, and to allow DOJ
additional time to further review any questions of fact, law, and
policy that the rules may raise, DEA and HHS will further delay the
effective date of the two final rules published in the January 17,
2025, issue of the Federal Register, titled ``Expansion of
Buprenorphine Treatment via Telemedicine Encounter'' \6\ and
``Continuity of Care via Telemedicine for Veterans Affairs Patients''
\7\ to December 31, 2025. This document finalizes the delayed effective
date of these final rules to December 31, 2025.
\6\ 90 FR 6504 (Jan. 17, 2025).
\7\ 90 FR 6523 (Jan. 17, 2025).
Comments Received
DEA received 32 comments in response to the request for comments
regarding the effective date of the two final rules in the January 17,
2025, issue of the Federal Register, titled ``Expansion of
Buprenorphine Treatment via Telemedicine Encounter'' \8\ and
``Continuity of Care via Telemedicine for Veterans Affairs
Patients''.\9\ Of these comments, 13 commenters requested to finalize
the effective date of the two final rules as soon as possible, which
was scheduled to be March 21, 2025.
\8\ 90 FR 6504 (Jan. 17, 2025).
\9\ 90 FR 6523 (Jan. 17, 2025).
Three commenters explicitly requested that the effective date be
delayed beyond March 21, 2025; however, these comments did not provide
an alternative effective date for these two final rules. Four
commenters generally agreed with the final rules without specifying a
preference with respect to their effective dates. Eleven commenters
expressed concerns unrelated to the effective date. One commenter
provided general comments but did not respond with respect to the
delayed effective date.
Based on the foregoing reasons, DEA and HHS are further delaying
the effective date of the two final rules published in the January 17,
2025, issue of the Federal Register titled ``Expansion of Buprenorphine
Treatment via Telemedicine Encounter'' \10\ and ``Continuity of Care
via Telemedicine for Veterans Affairs Patients'' \11\ to December 31,
\10\ 90 FR 6504 (Jan. 17, 2025).
\11\ 90 FR 6523 (Jan. 17, 2025).
Regulatory Analyses
Change to the effective date of these final rules does not affect
the economic impact calculated in the final rules. Per Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-4, analysis is conducted on a
time frame which includes all important benefits and costs, and such
time frame generally begins at the point when the final rule is
expected to begin to have effects.\12\ No portion of the analysis
conducted in these final rules was dependent on the original effective
date, and therefore the change in the time frame does not change any
part of the analysis.
\12\ OMB Circular A-4, section 3(b): ``The time frame for your
analysis should include a period before and after the date of
compliance that is long enough to encompass all the important
benefits and costs likely to result from the regulation. A logical
beginning point for your stream of estimates would be the point in
which the regulation will begin to have effects. . .''
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 (Regulatory Review)
The change to the effective date has no change on the analysis
conducted in this section in these two rules. This document merely
effectuates a limited delay in the effective dates of two rules,
previously scheduled to take effect March 21, 2025. There is no change
to the substance of these two final rules.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The change to the effective date has no change on the analysis
conducted in this section in the final rules.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
The change to the effective date has no change on the analysis
conducted in this section in the final rules.
Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform
This document meets the applicable standards set forth in sections
3(a) and 3(b)(2) of E.O. 12988 to eliminate drafting errors and
ambiguity, minimize litigation, provide a clear legal standard for
affected conduct, and promote simplification and burden reduction.
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
This document does not have federalism implications warranting the
application of E.O. 13132. The document does not have substantial
direct effects on the States, on the relationship between the National
Government and the States, or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various levels of government.
Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal
DEA and HHS are committed to the principles of collaboration and
consultation with Tribal governments, as demonstrated through its plans
[[Page 13412]]
conduct the appropriate Executive Order 13175 Tribal consultations and
recognizes the significance of these consultations and their role in
shaping regulations that impact Tribal communities. Relevant issues
regarding Tribal Consultation were discussed in the two final rules
published on January 17, 2025.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
The estimated annual impact of this notice is minimal. Thus, DEA
and HHS have determined in accordance with the Unfunded Mandates Reform
Act of 1995 (UMRA) (2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) that this action would not
result in any Federal mandate that may result in the expenditure by
State, local, and Tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector, of $100,000,000 or more (adjusted for inflation) in any
one year. Therefore, neither a Small Government Agency Plan nor any
other action is required under provisions of UMRA.
Signing Authority
This document of the Drug Enforcement Administration was signed on
March 19, 2025, by Acting Administrator Derek Maltz. That document with
the original signature and date is maintained by DEA. For
administrative purposes only, and in compliance with requirements of
the Office of the Federal Register, the undersigned DEA Federal
Register Liaison Officer has been authorized to sign and submit the
document in electronic format for publication, as an official document
of DEA. This administrative process in no way alters the legal effect
of this document upon publication in the Federal Register.
Heather Achbach,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, Drug Enforcement Administration.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,
Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services.
[FR Doc. 2025-05007 Filed 3-20-25; 4:15 pm]