Actions Taken at the March 13, 2025 Meeting, 13398-13399 [2025-04895]

Download as PDF 13398 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 54 / Friday, March 21, 2025 / Notices SUSQUEHANNA RIVER BASIN COMMISSION Actions Taken at the March 13, 2025 Meeting Susquehanna River Basin Commission. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: As part of its regular business meeting held on March 13, 2025, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania the Commission approved the applications of certain water resources projects and took additional actions, as set forth in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION below. DATES: March 14, 2025. ADDRESSES: Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 4423 N Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110–1788. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jason E. Oyler, General Counsel and Secretary, telephone: (717) 238–0423, ext. 1312, fax: (717) 238–2436; email: Regular mail inquiries may be sent to the above address. See also the Commission website at SUMMARY: The Commission took the following actions at its March 13, 2025 business: (1) Adopted Resolution 2025–01 to adopt a general permit, GP–04 relating to Into Basin Diversions of Water; (2) Tabled Resolution 2025–02 related to an update to its 2015 Dry Cooling Resolution until the June 2025 business meeting; and (3) Approved and/or tabled 39 actions on 24 regulatory program projects as listed below. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES Project Applications Approved 1. Project Sponsor and Facility: Beavertown Municipal Authority, Beaver Township, Snyder County, Pa. Applications for renewal of groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.199 mgd from Well 6 and 0.199 mgd from Well 7 (Docket No. 19930901). 2. Project Sponsor and Facility: Bedford Township Municipal Authority, Bedford County, Pa. Applications for renewal of groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.324 mgd from Bowman Well 1 and 0.100 mgd from Bowman Well 2 (Docket No. 19990502). Service area is located in an Environmental Justice area. 3. Project Sponsor: BlueTriton Brands, Inc. Project Facility: Pine Grove Spring, Pine Grove Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. Applications for renewal of groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.288 mgd (30-day average) from Borehole PB–1, consumptive use of up to 0.288 VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:34 Mar 20, 2025 Jkt 265001 mgd (30-day average), and an out-ofbasin diversion of up to 0.288 mgd (30day average) (Docket No. 20000202). 4. Project Sponsor: Borough of Ephrata. Project Facility: Ephrata Area Joint Authority, Ephrata Borough, Lancaster County, Pa. Application for renewal of groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.260 mgd (30-day average) from Well 2 (Docket No. 19940706). Service area is located in an Environmental Justice area. 5. Project Sponsor and Facility: College Township Water Authority, College Township, Centre County, Pa. Application for groundwater withdrawal of up to 1.405 mgd (30-day average) from Well OH–20. 6. Project Sponsor and Facility: Diversified Production LLC (Wilson Creek), Duncan Township, Tioga County, Pa. Application for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 0.720 mgd (peak day) (Docket No. 20200302). 7. Project Sponsor and Facility: DS Services of America, Inc., West Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Application for renewal of consumptive use of up to 0.242 mgd (30-day average) (Docket No. 20000203). Located adjacent to an Environmental Justice area. 8. Project Sponsor and Facility: EQT ARO LLC (Lycoming Creek), Lewis Township, Lycoming County, Pa. Application for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 1.340 mgd (peak day) (Docket No. 20200301). 9. Project Sponsor: First Investors General, Inc. Project Facility: Cool Creek Golf Club, Hellam Township, York County, Pa. Application for renewal with modification for consumptive use of up to 0.190 mgd (30-day average) (Docket No. 20000602). 10. Project Sponsor: H&K Group, Inc. Project Facility: Penn/MD Materials Quarry, Fulton Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Applications for consumptive use of up to 0.024 mgd (peak day) and groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 1.980 mgd from the Pit Sump, 0.004 mgd from the Primary and Secondary Well, and 0.011 mgd from the Tertiary Well. 11. Project Sponsor: HP Hood LLC. Project Facility: Arkport NY Plant, Hornellsville Town, Steuben County, N.Y. Application for groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.600 mgd (30-day average) from Well 2. 12. Project Sponsor and Facility: Huntsinger Farms, Inc. (Deep Creek 3), Hegins Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 0.504 mgd (peak day). PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 13. Project Sponsor and Facility: JKLM Energy, LLC (Tioga River), Tioga Township, Tioga County, Pa. Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 3.000 mgd (peak day). 14. Project Sponsor: McStern, L.L.C. Project Facility: Deer Valley Golf Course, South Hanover Township, Dauphin County, Pa. Application for renewal with modification for consumptive use of up to 0.217 mgd (30-day average) (Docket No. 20020618). 15. Project Sponsor and Facility: Meadia Heights Golf Club LLC (Conestoga River), West Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Applications for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 0.249 mgd (peak day) and consumptive use of up to 0.249 mgd (30-day average) (Docket No. 20200910). Located in an Environmental Justice area. 16. Project Sponsor: Michael Foods, Inc. Project Facility: Papetti’s Hygrade Egg Products, Inc., d.b.a. Michael Foods Egg Products Company, Upper Mahantango Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. Applications for renewal of consumptive use of up to 0.225 mgd (peak day) and groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.186 mgd from Well 1, 0.079 mgd from Well 2, and 0.350 mgd from Well 3 (Docket No. 19990903). 17. Project Sponsor and Facility: Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC (Sugar Creek), Troy Township, Bradford County, Pa. Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 0.750 mgd (peak day). 18. Project Sponsor: Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC. Project Facility: Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Salem Township, Luzerne County, Pa. Applications for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 76.000 mgd (peak day) from the Susquehanna River, consumptive use of up to 53.000 mgd (peak day), and groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.125 (30-day average) from Well TW–2 (Docket No. 19950301). 19. Project Sponsor and Facility: SWN Production Company, LLC (Susquehanna River), Oakland Township, Susquehanna County, Pa. Application for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 3.000 mgd (peak day) (Docket No. 20200305). 20. Project Sponsor and Facility: SWN Production Company, LLC (Tunkhannock Creek), Lenox Township, Susquehanna County, Pa. Application for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 1.218 mgd (peak day) (Docket No. 20200306). 21. Project Sponsor: Valley CC LLC. Project Facility: Valley Country Club, E:\FR\FM\21MRN1.SGM 21MRN1 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 54 / Friday, March 21, 2025 / Notices review of a claim provides a time period of less than 150 days for filing such claim, then that shorter time period still applies. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For FHWA, contact William Witucki, Senior Urban Area Engineer, Washington Division, Federal Highway Administration, 711 Capitol Way S, Suite 501, Olympia, WA 98501–1284, 360–753–9411, or william.witucki@ Regular office hours are from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays, or Margaret Kucharski, Megaprograms Environmental Manager, Environmental Services Office, Washington State Department of Transportation, 999 3rd Ave., Suite 2300, Seattle, WA 98104, 206–498–0508, or Margaret.Kucharski@ Project Tabled 1. Project Sponsor and Facility: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is Fredericksburg Sewer and Water hereby given that the FHWA has taken Authority, Bethel Township, Lebanon final agency actions within the meaning County, Pa. Applications for of 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1) by issuing groundwater withdrawals (30-day licenses, permits, and approvals for the averages) of up to 0.158 mgd from Well following project in the State of 7 and 0.144 mgd from Well 8. Washington: The SR 509/Clear Creek Authority: Public Law 91–575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq., 18 CFR parts 806, 807, Restoration Project (Project) will remove two fish passage barriers (WDFW IDs and 808. 600317 and 600318) and other Dated: March 18, 2025. infrastructure related to an existing Jason E. Oyler, commercial fish hatchery and restore General Counsel and Secretary to the natural stream processes at the Project Commission. site. The two existing fish passage [FR Doc. 2025–04895 Filed 3–20–25; 8:45 am] barriers (dams) prevent anadromous fish BILLING CODE 7040–01–P from migrating upstream and divert stream flow, preventing sediment transport downstream. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Restoring Clear Creek to natural stream processes will provide Federal Highway Administration immediate benefits to fish and aquatic Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions wildlife by: removing two fish passage barriers (WDFW IDs 600317 and on Transportation Project in 600318); opening over 2 miles of Washington State spawning habitat that is currently AGENCY: Federal Highway inaccessible to anadromous fish Administration (FHWA), Department of including Federally protected Puget Transportation (DOT). Sound Chinook Salmon; restoring stream processes including floodplain ACTION: Notice of limitation on claims for Judicial Review of actions by FHWA. connectivity, sediment continuity, and flood conveyance; eliminating surface SUMMARY: This notice announces actions water withdrawals and improving water taken by FHWA that are final. The quality and quantity; improving action relates to the approval of the spawning and rearing habitat and categorical exclusion for the SR 509/ habitat complexity. Clear Creek Restoration Project in Pierce The actions by the agencies, and the County, State of Washington. Those laws under which such actions were actions grant licenses, permits, and taken, are described in the project’s approvals for the project. FHWA Categorical Exclusion issued on DATES: By this notice, FHWA is advising June 21, 2024, and in other documents the public of final Agency actions in the project records. This Statute of subject to 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1). A claim Limitations notice applies only to seeking judicial review of the Federal decisions within the Categorical agency actions on the listed highway Exclusion dated June 21, 2024. The Categorical Exclusion and other project will be barred unless the claim project records are available by is filed on or before August 18, 2025. If contacting FHWA and WSDOT at the the Federal law that authorizes judicial khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES Sugarloaf Township, Luzerne County, Pa. Applications for renewal of groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.090 mgd from the Shop Well and 0.090 mgd from the Pumphouse Well (Docket No. 20090632). 22. Project Sponsor: Weaverland Valley Authority. Project Facility: Terre Hill Water System, East Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Application for renewal of groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.098 mgd (30-day average) from Well 6 (Docket No. 19880405). 23. Project Sponsor and Facility: Westfield Borough, Tioga County, Pa. Application for groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.412 mgd (30-day average) from the Harvey Well. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:34 Mar 20, 2025 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 13399 address provided above. The Categorical Exclusion can be viewed and downloaded from the project website found on the ‘‘Environment’’ tab of the Puget Sound Gateway Program website at:, or obtained from any contact listed above. This notice applies to all Federal agency decisions as of the issuance date of this notice and all laws under which such actions were taken, including but not limited to: 1. General: National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321– 4351); Federal-Aid Highway Act (23 U.S.C. 109 and 23 U.S.C. 128). 2. Air: Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401– 7671q). 3. Land: Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program (16 U.S.C. 460–4 to 460–11) Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 (49 U.S.C. 303; 23 U.S.C. 138); 4. Wildlife: Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. 1531–1544 and Section 1536); Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661–667d); Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 U.S.C. 703–712). 5. Historic and Cultural Resources: Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470f); Archeological Resources Protection Act of 1977 (16 U.S.C. 470aa–470mm); Archeological and Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 469–469c); Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) (25 U.S.C. 3001–3013). 6. Social and Economic: American Indian Religious Freedom Act (42 U.S.C. 1996). 7. Wetlands and Water Resources: Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) (16 U.S.C. 4601–4604); Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) (42 U.S.C. 300f–300j–26)); ; Emergency Wetlands Resources Act, (16 U.S.C. 3901, 3921); Wetlands Mitigation (23 U.S.C. 119(g) and 133(b)(14)); Flood Disaster Protection Act, 42 U.S.C. 4012a, 4106). 8. Noise: Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970, Public Law 91–605 [84 Stat. 1713]; [23 U.S.C. 109(h) & (i)]. 9. Navigation: Rivers and Harbos Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403); 10. Hazardous Materials: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.) 11. Executive Orders: E.O. 11990 Protection of Wetlands; E.O. 11988 Floodplain Management; E.O. 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations; E.O. 11593 Protection and Enhancement of Cultural Resources; E.O. 13007 Indian Sacred Sites; E.O. E:\FR\FM\21MRN1.SGM 21MRN1


[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 54 (Friday, March 21, 2025)]
[Pages 13398-13399]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-04895]

[[Page 13398]]



Actions Taken at the March 13, 2025 Meeting

AGENCY: Susquehanna River Basin Commission.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: As part of its regular business meeting held on March 13, 
2025, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania the Commission approved the 
applications of certain water resources projects and took additional 
actions, as set forth in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION below.

DATES: March 14, 2025.

ADDRESSES: Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 4423 N Front Street, 
Harrisburg, PA 17110-1788.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jason E. Oyler, General Counsel and 
Secretary, telephone: (717) 238-0423, ext. 1312, fax: (717) 238-2436; 
email: [email protected]. Regular mail inquiries may be sent to the above 
address. See also the Commission website at

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission took the following actions at 
its March 13, 2025 business: (1) Adopted Resolution 2025-01 to adopt a 
general permit, GP-04 relating to Into Basin Diversions of Water; (2) 
Tabled Resolution 2025-02 related to an update to its 2015 Dry Cooling 
Resolution until the June 2025 business meeting; and (3) Approved and/
or tabled 39 actions on 24 regulatory program projects as listed below.

Project Applications Approved

    1. Project Sponsor and Facility: Beavertown Municipal Authority, 
Beaver Township, Snyder County, Pa. Applications for renewal of 
groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.199 mgd from Well 
6 and 0.199 mgd from Well 7 (Docket No. 19930901).
    2. Project Sponsor and Facility: Bedford Township Municipal 
Authority, Bedford County, Pa. Applications for renewal of groundwater 
withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.324 mgd from Bowman Well 1 and 
0.100 mgd from Bowman Well 2 (Docket No. 19990502). Service area is 
located in an Environmental Justice area.
    3. Project Sponsor: BlueTriton Brands, Inc. Project Facility: Pine 
Grove Spring, Pine Grove Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. Applications 
for renewal of groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.288 mgd (30-day 
average) from Borehole PB-1, consumptive use of up to 0.288 mgd (30-day 
average), and an out-of-basin diversion of up to 0.288 mgd (30-day 
average) (Docket No. 20000202).
    4. Project Sponsor: Borough of Ephrata. Project Facility: Ephrata 
Area Joint Authority, Ephrata Borough, Lancaster County, Pa. 
Application for renewal of groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.260 mgd 
(30-day average) from Well 2 (Docket No. 19940706). Service area is 
located in an Environmental Justice area.
    5. Project Sponsor and Facility: College Township Water Authority, 
College Township, Centre County, Pa. Application for groundwater 
withdrawal of up to 1.405 mgd (30-day average) from Well OH-20.
    6. Project Sponsor and Facility: Diversified Production LLC (Wilson 
Creek), Duncan Township, Tioga County, Pa. Application for renewal of 
surface water withdrawal of up to 0.720 mgd (peak day) (Docket No. 
    7. Project Sponsor and Facility: DS Services of America, Inc., West 
Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Application for renewal of 
consumptive use of up to 0.242 mgd (30-day average) (Docket No. 
20000203). Located adjacent to an Environmental Justice area.
    8. Project Sponsor and Facility: EQT ARO LLC (Lycoming Creek), 
Lewis Township, Lycoming County, Pa. Application for renewal of surface 
water withdrawal of up to 1.340 mgd (peak day) (Docket No. 20200301).
    9. Project Sponsor: First Investors General, Inc. Project Facility: 
Cool Creek Golf Club, Hellam Township, York County, Pa. Application for 
renewal with modification for consumptive use of up to 0.190 mgd (30-
day average) (Docket No. 20000602).
    10. Project Sponsor: H&K Group, Inc. Project Facility: Penn/MD 
Materials Quarry, Fulton Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Applications 
for consumptive use of up to 0.024 mgd (peak day) and groundwater 
withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 1.980 mgd from the Pit Sump, 
0.004 mgd from the Primary and Secondary Well, and 0.011 mgd from the 
Tertiary Well.
    11. Project Sponsor: HP Hood LLC. Project Facility: Arkport NY 
Plant, Hornellsville Town, Steuben County, N.Y. Application for 
groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.600 mgd (30-day average) from Well 2.
    12. Project Sponsor and Facility: Huntsinger Farms, Inc. (Deep 
Creek 3), Hegins Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. Application for 
surface water withdrawal of up to 0.504 mgd (peak day).
    13. Project Sponsor and Facility: JKLM Energy, LLC (Tioga River), 
Tioga Township, Tioga County, Pa. Application for surface water 
withdrawal of up to 3.000 mgd (peak day).
    14. Project Sponsor: McStern, L.L.C. Project Facility: Deer Valley 
Golf Course, South Hanover Township, Dauphin County, Pa. Application 
for renewal with modification for consumptive use of up to 0.217 mgd 
(30-day average) (Docket No. 20020618).
    15. Project Sponsor and Facility: Meadia Heights Golf Club LLC 
(Conestoga River), West Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, Pa. 
Applications for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 0.249 mgd 
(peak day) and consumptive use of up to 0.249 mgd (30-day average) 
(Docket No. 20200910). Located in an Environmental Justice area.
    16. Project Sponsor: Michael Foods, Inc. Project Facility: 
Papetti's Hygrade Egg Products, Inc., d.b.a. Michael Foods Egg Products 
Company, Upper Mahantango Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. Applications 
for renewal of consumptive use of up to 0.225 mgd (peak day) and 
groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.186 mgd from Well 
1, 0.079 mgd from Well 2, and 0.350 mgd from Well 3 (Docket No. 
    17. Project Sponsor and Facility: Repsol Oil & Gas USA, LLC (Sugar 
Creek), Troy Township, Bradford County, Pa. Application for surface 
water withdrawal of up to 0.750 mgd (peak day).
    18. Project Sponsor: Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC. Project Facility: 
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Salem Township, Luzerne County, Pa. 
Applications for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 76.000 
mgd (peak day) from the Susquehanna River, consumptive use of up to 
53.000 mgd (peak day), and groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.125 (30-
day average) from Well TW-2 (Docket No. 19950301).
    19. Project Sponsor and Facility: SWN Production Company, LLC 
(Susquehanna River), Oakland Township, Susquehanna County, Pa. 
Application for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 3.000 mgd 
(peak day) (Docket No. 20200305).
    20. Project Sponsor and Facility: SWN Production Company, LLC 
(Tunkhannock Creek), Lenox Township, Susquehanna County, Pa. 
Application for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 1.218 mgd 
(peak day) (Docket No. 20200306).
    21. Project Sponsor: Valley CC LLC. Project Facility: Valley 
Country Club,

[[Page 13399]]

Sugarloaf Township, Luzerne County, Pa. Applications for renewal of 
groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.090 mgd from the 
Shop Well and 0.090 mgd from the Pumphouse Well (Docket No. 20090632).
    22. Project Sponsor: Weaverland Valley Authority. Project Facility: 
Terre Hill Water System, East Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pa. 
Application for renewal of groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.098 mgd 
(30-day average) from Well 6 (Docket No. 19880405).
    23. Project Sponsor and Facility: Westfield Borough, Tioga County, 
Pa. Application for groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.412 mgd (30-day 
average) from the Harvey Well.

Project Tabled

    1. Project Sponsor and Facility: Fredericksburg Sewer and Water 
Authority, Bethel Township, Lebanon County, Pa. Applications for 
groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.158 mgd from Well 
7 and 0.144 mgd from Well 8.
    Authority: Public Law 91-575, 84 Stat. 1509 et seq., 18 CFR parts 
806, 807, and 808.

    Dated: March 18, 2025.
Jason E. Oyler,
General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2025-04895 Filed 3-20-25; 8:45 am]

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