Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request, 13401-13405 [2025-04893]

Download as PDF 13401 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 54 / Friday, March 21, 2025 / Notices Issued on: March 17, 2025. Karen M. Brunelle, Director, Office of Project Development, Federal Highway Administration, Tallahassee, Florida. [FR Doc. 2025–04841 Filed 3–20–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–RY–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Railroad Administration [Docket No. FRA–2025–0011] Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Department of Transportation (DOT). ACTION: Notice of information collection; request for comment. AGENCY: Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) and its implementing regulations, FRA seeks approval of the Information Collection Request (ICR) summarized below. Before submitting this ICR to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval, FRA is soliciting public comment on specific aspects of the activities identified in the ICR. DATES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments on or before May 20, 2025. ADDRESSES: Written comments and recommendations for the proposed ICR should be submitted on to the docket, Docket No. FRA–2025–0011. All comments received will be posted without change to the docket, including any personal information provided. Please refer to the assigned OMB control number (2130–0544) in any correspondence submitted. FRA will summarize comments received in response to this notice in a subsequent 30-day notice, made available to the public, and include them in its information collection submission to OMB for approval. SUMMARY: Ms. Arlette Mussington, Information Collection Clearance Officer, at email: or telephone: (571) 609–1285 or Ms. Joanne Swafford, Information Collection Clearance Officer, at email: or telephone: (757) 897–9908. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The PRA, 44 U.S.C. 3501–3520, and its implementing regulations, 5 CFR part 1320, require Federal agencies to provide 60 days’ notice to the public to allow comment on information collection activities before seeking OMB approval of the activities. See 44 U.S.C. 3506, 3507; 5 CFR 1320.8 through 1320.12. Specifically, FRA invites interested parties to comment on the following ICR regarding: (1) whether the information collection activities are necessary for FRA to properly execute its functions, including whether the activities will have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of FRA’s estimates of the burden of the information collection activities, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used to determine the estimates; (3) ways for FRA to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information being collected; and (4) ways for FRA to minimize the burden of information collection activities on the public, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. See 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A); 5 CFR 1320.8(d)(1). FRA believes that soliciting public comment may reduce the administrative and paperwork burdens associated with the collection of information that Federal regulations mandate. In summary, comments received will advance three objectives: (1) reduce reporting burdens; (2) organize information collection requirements in a ‘‘user-friendly’’ format to improve the use of such information; and (3) accurately assess the resources expended to retrieve and produce information requested. See 44 U.S.C. 3501. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The summary below describes the ICR that FRA will submit for OMB clearance as the PRA requires: Title: Passenger Equipment Safety Standards. OMB Control Number: 2130–0544. Abstract: FRA’s Passenger Equipment Safety Standards (49 CFR part 238) are used by FRA to promote passenger train safety by ensuring requirements are met for structural design and performance, fire safety, emergency systems, inspection, testing, and maintenance, and other provisions for the safe operation of railroad passenger equipment. For instance, the information collected from daily inspections is used to detect and correct equipment problems in order to prevent, to the extent that they can be prevented, collisions, derailments, and other occurrences involving railroad passenger equipment that cause injury or death to railroad employees, railroad passengers, or to the general public. In this 60-day notice, FRA has adjusted the estimated paperwork burden. FRA’s estimate of the burden hours under this ICR has increased from 95,946 hours to 95,947 hours. Under §§ 238.133(c), En route failure safety briefing and 238.21(f), Comment on petitions, after further review, FRA determined that these requirements are not considered information collection under 5 CFR 1320.3(b) and (c). Therefore, the burden hour estimates associated with these requirements were removed. A small increase in the estimated number of submissions under § 238.111, Pre-revenue service acceptance testing plans for Tier III resulted in the overall increase in burden of one (1) hour. Type of Request: Extension without change (with changes in estimates) of a currently approved collection. Affected Public: Businesses. Form(s): N/A. Respondent Universe: 35 Railroads. Frequency of Submission: On occasion. REPORTING BURDEN Respondent universe khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES CFR section 229.47 Emergency brake valve: —(a) through (b) ‘‘Emergency Brake Valve’’ shall be legibly stenciled or marked near each valve or shall be shown on an adjacent badge plate. 238.7 Waivers: —(a) through (c) Petition for waiver of compliance under this section. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:34 Mar 20, 2025 Jkt 265001 Total annual responses Average time per response Total annual burden in hours Wage rate 1 Total cost equivalent (A) (B) (C) = A * B (D) (E) = C * D FRA anticipates zero submissions for this regulatory requirement over the next three-years. 34 railroads ............. PO 00000 Frm 00064 12 ............................ Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 6 hours .................... E:\FR\FM\21MRN1.SGM 72 21MRN1 $89.13 $6,417.36 13402 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 54 / Friday, March 21, 2025 / Notices REPORTING BURDEN—Continued 238.15 Movement of passenger equipment with power brake defects: 2 —(b)(1)(iii) Passenger equipment with a power brake defect at the time a Class I or IA brake test is performed must be tagged before it is moved. —(c)(2) Limitations on movement of passenger equipment in passenger service that becomes defective en route after a Class I or IA brake test—Tagging of defective equipment. 238.17 Movement of passenger equipment with other than power brake defects: —(c)(4) and (e)(3) Tagging of defective equipment. 238.19 Reporting and tracking of repairs to defective passenger equipment: khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES Total annual responses Average time per response Total annual burden in hours Wage rate 1 Total cost equivalent (A) (B) (C) = A * B (D) (E) = C * D 34 railroads ............. 1,000 ....................... 3 minutes ................. 50 89.13 4,456.50 34 railroads ............. 288 .......................... 3 minutes ................. 14.40 89.13 1,283.48 34 railroads ............. 200 .......................... 3 minutes ................. 10 89.13 891.30 Respondent universe CFR section 238.19(b) and (c) Retention or availability of records. For Tier I trainsets, FRA determined that since the 1990s railroads retain and make available records for reporting and tracking defective passenger equipment as part of their normal business operations. —(d) List of repair points—Railroads operating long-distance intercity and long-distance Tier II passenger equipment. FRA anticipates zero submissions under this paperwork requirement over the next three years. 238.21 Special approval procedure: —(b) Petitions for special approval of alternative standard. —(c) Petitions for special approval of alternative compliance. 238.103 Fire safety: —(c) Fire safety analysis for procuring new passenger cars and locomotives. —(d)(4) New fire safety analysis prior to transferring existing passenger cars and locomotives to a new category of rail service. 238.105 Train electronic hardware and software safety: Train electronic hardware and software safety program plans. 238.107 Inspection, testing and maintenance plan (ITM): —(b) Development of ITM plan for new railroads. —(d) ITM plan annual review ........................ 238.109 Training, qualification, and designation program: —(a) Development of training program/curriculum for new railroads. —(b)(13) Recordkeeping—Employees and trainers—Training qualifications. 238.111 Pre-revenue service acceptance testing plan: 3 —(a) Passenger equipment that has previously been used in service in the U.S.— New and modified plans. —(b)(1) and (2) Passenger equipment that has not been previously used in revenue service in the U.S. —(b)(4) Documenting in writing the results of the tests. —(b)(7) and (c) Plan submitted to FRA for Tier II or Tier III equipment before being placed in service. 238.131 Exterior side door safety systems— new passenger cars and locomotives used in passenger service: —(a)(2)—Failure Modes, Effects, Criticality Analysis (FMECA). 238.133 Exterior side door safety systems—all passenger cars and locomotives used in a passenger service: —(a)(2) Functional test plans ........................ —(d) Records of door by-pass activation, unintended opening, and exterior side door safety system inspections. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:34 Mar 20, 2025 Jkt 265001 34 railroads ............. 1 .............................. 16 hours .................. 16 89.13 1,426.08 34 railroads ............. 1 .............................. 40 hours .................. 40 89.13 3,565.20 1 new railroad ......... 1 .............................. 150 hours ................ 150 89.13 13,369.50 34 railroads ............. 1 .............................. 10 hours .................. 10 89.13 891.30 1 new railroad ......... 1 .............................. 150 hours ................ 150 89.13 13,369.50 1 new railroad ......... 1 .............................. 150 hours ................ 150 89.13 13,369.50 34 railroads ............. 34 ............................ 20 hours .................. 680 89.13 60,608.40 1 new railroad ......... 1 .............................. 160 hours ................ 160 89.13 14,260.80 34 railroads ............. 488 .......................... 3 minutes ................. 24.40 89.13 2,174.78 35 railroads ............. 1.33 ......................... 16 hours .................. 21.28 89.13 1,896.69 35 railroads ............. 1 .............................. 192 hours ................ 192 89.13 17,112.96 35 railroads ............. 1 letter ..................... 4 hours .................... 4 89.13 356.52 1 railroad ................. 0.33 ......................... 3 hours .................... 1 89.13 89.13 1 new railroad ......... 1 .............................. 80 hours .................. 80 89.13 7,130.40 1 new railroad ......... 34 railroads ............. 1 .............................. 100 .......................... 4 hours .................... 2 minutes ................. 4 3.33 89.13 89.13 356.52 296.81 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\21MRN1.SGM 21MRN1 13403 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 54 / Friday, March 21, 2025 / Notices REPORTING BURDEN—Continued Respondent universe CFR section 238.135 Operating practices for exterior side door safety systems: —(c) Railroads’ request to FRA for special consideration to operate passenger trains with exterior side doors or trap doors, or both, open between stations. Average time per response Total annual burden in hours Wage rate 1 Total cost equivalent (A) (B) (C) = A * B (D) (E) = C * D The estimated paperwork burden for this regulatory requirement is covered above under § 238.7 or § 238.21. —(c)(4) Railroads’ response to FRA request for additional information concerning special consideration request. The estimated paperwork burden for this regulatory requirement is covered above under § 238.7 or § 238.21. —(d) Operating rules on how to safely override a door summary circuit or no-motion system, or both, in the event of an en route exterior side door failure or malfunction on a passenger train (Note: Includes burden under § 238.137). 1 new railroad ......... —(e) Railroads’ training of train crewmembers on requirements of this section. The estimated paperwork burden associated with training recordkeeping for crewmembers per this requirement is covered under § 238.109 and under OMB control numbers, 2130–0596 Conductor Certification and 2130–0533, Locomotive Engineer Certification. 238.229 Safety appliances—general: —(c) Welded safety appliances—Written lists submitted to FRA by the railroads. —(d) Defective welded safety appliance or welded safety appliance bracket or support—Tagging. —(d) Notification to crewmembers about non-compliant equipment. —(g) Inspection plans .................................... —(k) Records of the inspection and repair of the welded safety appliance brackets. 238.230 Safety appliances—new equipment: —(b)(1)(ix) Inspection record of welded equipment by qualified employee. —(b)(3) Welded safety appliances: Documentation for equipment impractically designed to mechanically fasten safety appliance support. 238.231 Brake System: —(h)(3) Inspection and repair of hand/parking brake: Records (under FRA Form 6180.49A). —(h)(4)(iv) Procedures verifying hold of hand/parking brakes. 238.237 Automated monitoring: —(b) Documentation for alerter/deadman control timing. —(d)(2)(i) Defective alerter/deadman control: Tagging. 238.303 Exterior calendar day mechanical inspection of passenger equipment: —(b)(2) Notice of previous inspection ........... khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES Total annual responses 1 .............................. 8 hours .................... 8 89.13 713.04 1 new railroad ......... 1 .............................. 1 hour ...................... 1 89.13 89.13 34 railroads ............. 4 .............................. 3 minutes ................. 0.20 69.60 13.92 34 railroads ............. 2 .............................. 1 minute .................. 0.03 89.13 2.68 1 new railroad ......... 1 .............................. 16 hours .................. 16 89.13 1,426.08 The estimated paperwork burden for this requirement is covered under OMB control number 2130–0004 (§ 229.21). FRA estimates zero submissions for this paperwork requirement for this 3-year ICR period. FRA estimates zero submissions for this paperwork requirement for this 3-year ICR period. The estimated paperwork burden for this requirement is covered under § 238.303(g) and under OMB control number 2130–0004. 1 new railroad ......... 1 .............................. 2 hours .................... 2 89.13 178.26 1 new railroad ......... 1 .............................. 2 hours .................... 2 89.13 178.26 34 railroads ............. 25 ............................ 3 minutes ................. 1.25 69.60 87.00 2.50 69.60 174.00 FRA anticipates zero railroad submissions for this 3-year ICR period. —(e)(15)(i)(A) & (ii)(A) Tagging of inoperative dynamic brakes. 34 railroads ............. —(e)(17) Multiple unit (MU) passenger equipment found with inoperative/ineffective air compressors at exterior calendar day inspection: Documents. FRA anticipates zero railroad submissions for this 3-year ICR period. —(e)(17)(v) Written notice to train crew about inoperative/ineffective air compressors. The estimated paperwork burden for this regulatory requirement is covered above under § 238.303(e)(15). —(g) Record of exterior calendar daily mechanical inspections (Other than locomotives) (* Note: Includes burden for records of inoperative air compressors under § 238.303(e)(18)(iv)). 34 railroads ............. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:34 Mar 20, 2025 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00066 50.00 tags ............... 1,734,115 ................ Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 3 minutes ................. 1 minute .................. E:\FR\FM\21MRN1.SGM 28,901.92 21MRN1 89.13 2,576,028.13 13404 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 54 / Friday, March 21, 2025 / Notices REPORTING BURDEN—Continued 238.305 Interior calendar day mechanical inspection of passenger cars: —(c)(10) Tagging of defective end/side doors —(f) Records of interior calendar day inspection. 238.307 Periodic mechanical inspection of passenger cars and unpowered vehicles used in passenger trains: —(a)(2) Alternative inspection intervals: Notifications. —(c)(1) Notice of seats and seat attachments broken or loose. —(e)(1) Records of each periodic mechanical inspection. —(e)(2) Detailed documentation of reliability assessments as basis for alternative inspection interval. 238.311 Single car test: —(f) Tagging to indicate need for single car test. 238.313 Class I brake test: —(h) Record for additional inspection for passenger equipment that does not comply with § 238.231(b)(1). khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES 238.321 Out-of-service credit: Passenger car: Out-of-use notation ............... 16:34 Mar 20, 2025 Average time per response Total annual burden in hours Wage rate 1 Total cost equivalent (A) (B) (C) = A * B (D) (E) = C * D 34 railroads ............. 34 railroads ............. 540.00 ..................... 3,102,865 ................ 3 minutes ................. 1 minute .................. 27 51,714.42 89.13 89.13 2,406.51 4,609,306.26 34 railroads ............. 2 .............................. 5 hours .................... 10 89.13 891.30 34 railroads ............. 200 .......................... 2 minutes ................. 6.67 69.60 464.24 34 railroads ............. 5,184 ....................... 1 hour ...................... 5,184 69.60 360,806.40 34 railroads ............. 2 .............................. 100 hours ................ 200 89.13 17,826.00 34 railroads ............. 50.00 tags ............... 3 minutes ................. 2.50 69.60 174.00 34 railroads ............. 15,600 ..................... 30 minutes ............... 7,800 69.60 542,880.00 The estimated paperwork burden for this regulatory requirement is covered in this ICR under § 238.307 and under OMB control number 2130–0004 under § 229.23(d) through (g). 238.703 Quasi-static compression load requirements: —(b)(3) Document to FRA on Tier III trainset compliance. 238.705 Dynamic collision scenario: —(a)(10) Dynamic collision scenario—Model validation document to FRA for review and approval. 238.707 Override protection: —Anti-climbing performance evaluation for Tier III trainsets. 238.709 Fluid entry inhibition: —(b) Information to demonstrate compliance with this section of a Tier III trainset. 238.721 Glazing: —(3)(i) Cab glazing; end facing—Documentation containing technical justification. —(b) Cab glazing; side-facing exterior windows in Tier III cab—Each end-facing exterior window in a cab shall, at a minimum, provide ballistic penetration resistance that meets the requirements of appendix A to part 223 (Certification of Glazing Materials). —(c) Non-cab glazing; side-facing exterior windows—Tier III—compliance document for Type II glazing. —(c)(2) Alternative standard to FRA for sidefacing exterior window intended to be breakable and serve as an emergency window exit (option to comply with an alternative standard). 238.731 Brake system: —(d)(1) Tier III trainsets’ passenger brake alarm—Legible stenciling/marking of devices with words ‘‘Passenger Brake Alarm’’ (including the design of the sticker). —(f) Main reservoir test/certification .............. —(h) Main reservoir tests—Inspection, testing and maintenance program. —(j) Brake application/release—Brake actuator design with approved brake cylinder pressure as part of design review process. —(o) Train securement—Tier III equipment: demonstrated securement procedure. 238.733 Interior fixture attachment: —Analysis for FRA approval (Tier III) ............ 238.735 Seat crashworthiness standard (passenger & cab crew): —Analysis for FRA approval (Tier III) ............ VerDate Sep<11>2014 Total annual responses Respondent universe CFR section Jkt 265001 1 new railroad ......... 0.33 ......................... 40 hours .................. 13.20 89.13 1,176.52 1 new railroad ......... 0.33 ......................... 40 hours .................. 13.20 89.13 1,176.52 1 new railroad ......... 0.33 ......................... 40 hours .................. 13.20 89.13 1,176.52 1 new railroad ......... 0.33 ......................... 20 hours .................. 6.60 89.13 588.26 3 glass manufacturers. 3 glass manufacturers. 0.33 ......................... 60 hours .................. 19.80 89.13 1,764.78 0.33 ......................... 10 hours .................. 3.30 89.13 294.13 3 glass manufacturers. 0.33 ......................... 20 hours .................. 6.60 89.13 588.26 3 glass manufacturers. 0.67 ......................... 5 hours .................... 3.35 89.13 298.59 1 new railroad ......... 53.33 stenciling ....... 1 hour (design) + 2 minutes (marking). 55.11 69.60 3,835.66 1 new railroad ......... 1 railroad ................. 0.33 ......................... 0.33 ......................... 6 hours .................... 10 hours .................. 1.98 3.30 69.60 89.13 137.81 294.13 1 railroad ................. 0.33 ......................... 40 hours .................. 13.20 89.13 1,176.52 1 railroad ................. 0.33 ......................... 8 hours .................... 2.64 89.13 235.31 1 railroad ................. 0.33 ......................... 20 hours .................. 6.60 89.13 588.26 1 railroad ................. 0.33 ......................... 40 hours .................. 13.20 89.13 1,176.52 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\21MRN1.SGM 21MRN1 13405 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 54 / Friday, March 21, 2025 / Notices REPORTING BURDEN—Continued Total annual responses Average time per response Total annual burden in hours Wage rate 1 Total cost equivalent (A) (B) (C) = A * B (D) (E) = C * D 1 railroad ................. 0.33 ......................... 20 hours .................. 6.60 89.13 588.26 1 railroad ................. 0.33 ......................... 60 hours .................. 19.80 89.13 1,764.78 1 railroad ................. 0.33 analysis/test .... 60 hours .................. 19.80 89.13 1,764.78 1 railroad ................. 0.33 analysis/test .... 40 hours .................. 13.20 89.13 1,176.52 35 railroads ............. 4,860,838 Responses. N/A .......................... 95,947 N/A 8,296,770 Respondent universe CFR section 238.737 Luggage racks: —Analysis for FRA approval (Tier III) ............ 238.741 Emergency window egress and rescue access: —Plan to FRA for passenger cars in Tier III trainsets not in compliance with § 238.113 or § 238.114. 238.743 Emergency Lighting: —Analysis for FRA approval (Tier III) ............ 238.751 Alerters: —Alternate technology—Analysis for FRA approval (Tier III). Total 4 ...................................................... 1 Throughout the tables in this document, the dollar equivalent cost is derived from the 2023 Surface Transportation Board’s Full Year Wage A&B data series using the appropriate employee group hourly wage rate that includes 75-percent overhead charges. 2 Paragraph 238.15(c)(4), Conditional requirement, has been removed from this submission. FRA determined that this regulatory requirement does not create a paperwork burden. 3 Paragraph 238.111(b), Subsequent equipment orders have been removed from this submission. After further review, this is not a requirement specified under this section and therefore there is no associated burden. 4 Totals may not add up due to rounding. Total Estimated Annual Responses: 4,860,838. Total Estimated Annual Burden: 95,947 hours. Total Estimated Annual Burden Hour Dollar Cost Equivalent: $8,296,770. FRA informs all interested parties that it may not conduct or sponsor, and a respondent is not required to respond to, a collection of information that does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501–3520. Christopher S. Van Nostrand, Deputy Chief Counsel. [FR Doc. 2025–04893 Filed 3–20–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–06–P DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Internal Revenue Service Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Publication 3319 Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice and request for comments. AGENCY: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The IRS is soliciting comments concerning, Low-Income Taxpayer Clinics Grant Application Package and Guidelines. khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:34 Mar 20, 2025 Jkt 265001 Written comments should be received on or before May 20, 2025 to be assured of consideration. ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments to Andres Garcia, Internal Revenue Service, Room 6526, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20224, or by email to Include ‘‘OMB Number 1545–1648— Low-Income Taxpayer Clinics Grant Application Package and Guidelines’’ in the subject line of the message. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information or copies of this collection should be directed to Molly Stasko, at (202) 317– 6206, or at Internal Revenue Service, Room 6526, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20224, or through the internet at SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title: Low-Income Taxpayer Clinics Grant Application Package and Guidelines. OMB Number: 1545–1648. Publication Number: 3319. Abstract: Publication 3319 outlines requirements of the IRS Low-Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITC) program and provides instructions on how to apply for a LITC grant award. The IRS will review the information provided by applicants to determine whether to award grants for the Low-Income Taxpayer Clinics. Current Actions: Form 13424–M has been revised and a new reporting Form 13424–R for the LITC Packet. Form 13424–M incorporates some fields from the Form 13424 and eliminates a separate form. In lieu of non-competing continuation applicants DATES: PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 filling out a separate project abstract, they will instead check a box on the form 13424–M listed ‘‘Continuation’’ and it will show only the required fields for completion. If an applicant needs to report a major change to their program, they will be able to designate which fields need to be modified and those that don’t by checking yes or no. This will eliminate the problems we had with the Project Abstract where the grantees would make mistakes or create errors. Form 13424–R will replace the 13424 A, B, C, K, N forms. We reduced the data points we are collecting significantly, and as a result, we anticipate that the time to complete will be reduced significantly. Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection. Affected Public: Not-for-profit institutions. Estimated Number of Respondents: 130. Estimated Time per Respondent: 43 hrs., 53 mins. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 9,338. The following paragraph applies to all of the collections of information covered by this notice: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless the collection of information displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a collection of information must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns and tax return information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103. E:\FR\FM\21MRN1.SGM 21MRN1


[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 54 (Friday, March 21, 2025)]
[Pages 13401-13405]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-04893]



Federal Railroad Administration

[Docket No. FRA-2025-0011]

Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment 

AGENCY: Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Department of 
Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Notice of information collection; request for comment.


SUMMARY: Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) and its 
implementing regulations, FRA seeks approval of the Information 
Collection Request (ICR) summarized below. Before submitting this ICR 
to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval, FRA is 
soliciting public comment on specific aspects of the activities 
identified in the ICR.

DATES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments on or before 
May 20, 2025.

ADDRESSES: Written comments and recommendations for the proposed ICR 
should be submitted on to the docket, Docket No. 
FRA-2025-0011. All comments received will be posted without change to 
the docket, including any personal information provided. Please refer 
to the assigned OMB control number (2130-0544) in any correspondence 
submitted. FRA will summarize comments received in response to this 
notice in a subsequent 30-day notice, made available to the public, and 
include them in its information collection submission to OMB for 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Arlette Mussington, Information 
Collection Clearance Officer, at email: [email protected] or 
telephone: (571) 609-1285 or Ms. Joanne Swafford, Information 
Collection Clearance Officer, at email: [email protected] or 
telephone: (757) 897-9908.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The PRA, 44 U.S.C. 3501-3520, and its 
implementing regulations, 5 CFR part 1320, require Federal agencies to 
provide 60 days' notice to the public to allow comment on information 
collection activities before seeking OMB approval of the activities. 
See 44 U.S.C. 3506, 3507; 5 CFR 1320.8 through 1320.12. Specifically, 
FRA invites interested parties to comment on the following ICR 
regarding: (1) whether the information collection activities are 
necessary for FRA to properly execute its functions, including whether 
the activities will have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of FRA's 
estimates of the burden of the information collection activities, 
including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used to 
determine the estimates; (3) ways for FRA to enhance the quality, 
utility, and clarity of the information being collected; and (4) ways 
for FRA to minimize the burden of information collection activities on 
the public, including the use of automated collection techniques or 
other forms of information technology. See 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A); 5 
CFR 1320.8(d)(1).
    FRA believes that soliciting public comment may reduce the 
administrative and paperwork burdens associated with the collection of 
information that Federal regulations mandate. In summary, comments 
received will advance three objectives: (1) reduce reporting burdens; 
(2) organize information collection requirements in a ``user-friendly'' 
format to improve the use of such information; and (3) accurately 
assess the resources expended to retrieve and produce information 
requested. See 44 U.S.C. 3501.
    The summary below describes the ICR that FRA will submit for OMB 
clearance as the PRA requires:
    Title: Passenger Equipment Safety Standards.
    OMB Control Number: 2130-0544.
    Abstract: FRA's Passenger Equipment Safety Standards (49 CFR part 
238) are used by FRA to promote passenger train safety by ensuring 
requirements are met for structural design and performance, fire 
safety, emergency systems, inspection, testing, and maintenance, and 
other provisions for the safe operation of railroad passenger 
equipment. For instance, the information collected from daily 
inspections is used to detect and correct equipment problems in order 
to prevent, to the extent that they can be prevented, collisions, 
derailments, and other occurrences involving railroad passenger 
equipment that cause injury or death to railroad employees, railroad 
passengers, or to the general public.
    In this 60-day notice, FRA has adjusted the estimated paperwork 
burden. FRA's estimate of the burden hours under this ICR has increased 
from 95,946 hours to 95,947 hours.
    Under Sec. Sec.  238.133(c), En route failure safety briefing and 
238.21(f), Comment on petitions, after further review, FRA determined 
that these requirements are not considered information collection under 
5 CFR 1320.3(b) and (c). Therefore, the burden hour estimates 
associated with these requirements were removed.
    A small increase in the estimated number of submissions under Sec.  
238.111, Pre-revenue service acceptance testing plans for Tier III 
resulted in the overall increase in burden of one (1) hour.
    Type of Request: Extension without change (with changes in 
estimates) of a currently approved collection.
    Affected Public: Businesses.
    Form(s): N/A.
    Respondent Universe: 35 Railroads.
    Frequency of Submission: On occasion.

                                                                    Reporting Burden
                                                                                                                 Total annual
          CFR section               Respondent universe      Total annual responses       Average time per         burden in      Wage      Total cost
                                                                                              response               hours      rate \1\    equivalent
                                                            (A).....................  (B).....................     (C) = A * B       (D)     (E) = C * D
229.47 Emergency brake valve:
    --(a) through (b)            FRA anticipates zero submissions for this regulatory requirement over the next three-years.
     ``Emergency Brake Valve''
     shall be legibly stenciled
     or marked near each valve
     or shall be shown on an
     adjacent badge plate.
238.7 Waivers:
    --(a) through (c) Petition   34 railroads.............  12......................  6 hours.................              72    $89.13       $6,417.36
     for waiver of compliance
     under this section.

[[Page 13402]]

238.15 Movement of passenger
 equipment with power brake
 defects: \2\
    --(b)(1)(iii) Passenger      34 railroads.............  1,000...................  3 minutes...............              50     89.13        4,456.50
     equipment with a power
     brake defect at the time a
     Class I or IA brake test
     is performed must be
     tagged before it is moved.
    --(c)(2) Limitations on      34 railroads.............  288.....................  3 minutes...............           14.40     89.13        1,283.48
     movement of passenger
     equipment in passenger
     service that becomes
     defective en route after a
     Class I or IA brake test--
     Tagging of defective
238.17 Movement of passenger
 equipment with other than
 power brake defects:
    --(c)(4) and (e)(3) Tagging  34 railroads.............  200.....................  3 minutes...............              10     89.13          891.30
     of defective equipment.
238.19 Reporting and tracking
 of repairs to defective
 passenger equipment:
    238.19(b) and (c) Retention  For Tier I trainsets, FRA determined that since the 1990s railroads retain and make available records for reporting and
     or availability of records.  tracking defective passenger equipment as part of their normal business operations.
    --(d) List of repair         FRA anticipates zero submissions under this paperwork requirement over the next three years.
     operating long-distance
     intercity and long-
     distance Tier II passenger
238.21 Special approval
    --(b) Petitions for special  34 railroads.............  1.......................  16 hours................              16     89.13        1,426.08
     approval of alternative
    --(c) Petitions for special  34 railroads.............  1.......................  40 hours................              40     89.13        3,565.20
     approval of alternative
238.103 Fire safety:
    --(c) Fire safety analysis   1 new railroad...........  1.......................  150 hours...............             150     89.13       13,369.50
     for procuring new
     passenger cars and
    --(d)(4) New fire safety     34 railroads.............  1.......................  10 hours................              10     89.13          891.30
     analysis prior to
     transferring existing
     passenger cars and
     locomotives to a new
     category of rail service.
238.105 Train electronic
 hardware and software safety:
    Train electronic hardware    1 new railroad...........  1.......................  150 hours...............             150     89.13       13,369.50
     and software safety
     program plans.
238.107 Inspection, testing and
 maintenance plan (ITM):
    --(b) Development of ITM     1 new railroad...........  1.......................  150 hours...............             150     89.13       13,369.50
     plan for new railroads.
    --(d) ITM plan annual        34 railroads.............  34......................  20 hours................             680     89.13       60,608.40
238.109 Training,
 qualification, and designation
    --(a) Development of         1 new railroad...........  1.......................  160 hours...............             160     89.13       14,260.80
     training program/
     curriculum for new
    --(b)(13) Recordkeeping--    34 railroads.............  488.....................  3 minutes...............           24.40     89.13        2,174.78
     Employees and trainers--
     Training qualifications.
238.111 Pre-revenue service
 acceptance testing plan: \3\
    --(a) Passenger equipment    35 railroads.............  1.33....................  16 hours................           21.28     89.13        1,896.69
     that has previously been
     used in service in the
     U.S.--New and modified
    --(b)(1) and (2) Passenger   35 railroads.............  1.......................  192 hours...............             192     89.13       17,112.96
     equipment that has not
     been previously used in
     revenue service in the U.S.
    --(b)(4) Documenting in      35 railroads.............  1 letter................  4 hours.................               4     89.13          356.52
     writing the results of the
    --(b)(7) and (c) Plan        1 railroad...............  0.33....................  3 hours.................               1     89.13           89.13
     submitted to FRA for Tier
     II or Tier III equipment
     before being placed in
238.131 Exterior side door
 safety systems--new passenger
 cars and locomotives used in
 passenger service:
    --(a)(2)--Failure Modes,     1 new railroad...........  1.......................  80 hours................              80     89.13        7,130.40
     Effects, Criticality
     Analysis (FMECA).
238.133 Exterior side door
 safety systems--all passenger
 cars and locomotives used in a
 passenger service:
    --(a)(2) Functional test     1 new railroad...........  1.......................  4 hours.................               4     89.13          356.52
    --(d) Records of door by-    34 railroads.............  100.....................  2 minutes...............            3.33     89.13          296.81
     pass activation,
     unintended opening, and
     exterior side door safety
     system inspections.

[[Page 13403]]

238.135 Operating practices for
 exterior side door safety
    --(c) Railroads' request to  The estimated paperwork burden for this regulatory requirement is covered above under Sec.   238.7 or Sec.   238.21.
     FRA for special
     consideration to operate
     passenger trains with
     exterior side doors or
     trap doors, or both, open
     between stations.
    --(c)(4) Railroads'          The estimated paperwork burden for this regulatory requirement is covered above under Sec.   238.7 or Sec.   238.21.
     response to FRA request
     for additional information
     concerning special
     consideration request.
    --(d) Operating rules on     1 new railroad...........  1.......................  8 hours.................               8     89.13          713.04
     how to safely override a
     door summary circuit or no-
     motion system, or both, in
     the event of an en route
     exterior side door failure
     or malfunction on a
     passenger train (Note:
     Includes burden under Sec.
    --(e) Railroads' training    The estimated paperwork burden associated with training recordkeeping for crewmembers per this requirement is covered
     of train crewmembers on      under Sec.   238.109 and under OMB control numbers, 2130-0596 Conductor Certification and 2130-0533, Locomotive
     requirements of this         Engineer Certification.
238.229 Safety appliances--
    --(c) Welded safety          1 new railroad...........  1.......................  1 hour..................               1     89.13           89.13
     appliances--Written lists
     submitted to FRA by the
    --(d) Defective welded       34 railroads.............  4.......................  3 minutes...............            0.20     69.60           13.92
     safety appliance or welded
     safety appliance bracket
     or support--Tagging.
    --(d) Notification to        34 railroads.............  2.......................  1 minute................            0.03     89.13            2.68
     crewmembers about non-
     compliant equipment.
    --(g) Inspection plans.....  1 new railroad...........  1.......................  16 hours................              16     89.13        1,426.08
    --(k) Records of the         The estimated paperwork burden for this requirement is covered under OMB control number 2130-0004 (Sec.   229.21).
     inspection and repair of
     the welded safety
     appliance brackets.
238.230 Safety appliances--new
    --(b)(1)(ix) Inspection      FRA estimates zero submissions for this paperwork requirement for this 3-year ICR period.
     record of welded equipment
     by qualified employee.
    --(b)(3) Welded safety       FRA estimates zero submissions for this paperwork requirement for this 3-year ICR period.
     appliances: Documentation
     for equipment
     impractically designed to
     mechanically fasten safety
     appliance support.
238.231 Brake System:
    --(h)(3) Inspection and      The estimated paperwork burden for this requirement is covered under Sec.   238.303(g) and under OMB control number
     repair of hand/parking       2130-0004.
     brake: Records (under FRA
     Form 6180.49A).
    --(h)(4)(iv) Procedures      1 new railroad...........  1.......................  2 hours.................               2     89.13          178.26
     verifying hold of hand/
     parking brakes.
238.237 Automated monitoring:
    --(b) Documentation for      1 new railroad...........  1.......................  2 hours.................               2     89.13          178.26
     alerter/deadman control
    --(d)(2)(i) Defective        34 railroads.............  25......................  3 minutes...............            1.25     69.60           87.00
     alerter/deadman control:
238.303 Exterior calendar day
 mechanical inspection of
 passenger equipment:
    --(b)(2) Notice of previous  FRA anticipates zero railroad submissions for this 3-year ICR period.
    --(e)(15)(i)(A) & (ii)(A)    34 railroads.............  50.00 tags..............  3 minutes...............            2.50     69.60          174.00
     Tagging of inoperative
     dynamic brakes.
    --(e)(17) Multiple unit      FRA anticipates zero railroad submissions for this 3-year ICR period.
     (MU) passenger equipment
     found with inoperative/
     ineffective air
     compressors at exterior
     calendar day inspection:
    --(e)(17)(v) Written notice  The estimated paperwork burden for this regulatory requirement is covered above under Sec.   238.303(e)(15).
     to train crew about
     air compressors.
    --(g) Record of exterior     34 railroads.............  1,734,115...............  1 minute................       28,901.92     89.13    2,576,028.13
     calendar daily mechanical
     inspections (Other than
     locomotives) (* Note:
     Includes burden for
     records of inoperative air
     compressors under Sec.

[[Page 13404]]

238.305 Interior calendar day
 mechanical inspection of
 passenger cars:
    --(c)(10) Tagging of         34 railroads.............  540.00..................  3 minutes...............              27     89.13        2,406.51
     defective end/side doors.
    --(f) Records of interior    34 railroads.............  3,102,865...............  1 minute................       51,714.42     89.13    4,609,306.26
     calendar day inspection.
238.307 Periodic mechanical
 inspection of passenger cars
 and unpowered vehicles used in
 passenger trains:
    --(a)(2) Alternative         34 railroads.............  2.......................  5 hours.................              10     89.13          891.30
     inspection intervals:
    --(c)(1) Notice of seats     34 railroads.............  200.....................  2 minutes...............            6.67     69.60          464.24
     and seat attachments
     broken or loose.
    --(e)(1) Records of each     34 railroads.............  5,184...................  1 hour..................           5,184     69.60      360,806.40
     periodic mechanical
    --(e)(2) Detailed            34 railroads.............  2.......................  100 hours...............             200     89.13       17,826.00
     documentation of
     reliability assessments as
     basis for alternative
     inspection interval.
238.311 Single car test:
    --(f) Tagging to indicate    34 railroads.............  50.00 tags..............  3 minutes...............            2.50     69.60          174.00
     need for single car test.
238.313 Class I brake test:
    --(h) Record for additional  34 railroads.............  15,600..................  30 minutes..............           7,800     69.60      542,880.00
     inspection for passenger
     equipment that does not
     comply with Sec.
238.321 Out-of-service credit:
    Passenger car: Out-of-use    The estimated paperwork burden for this regulatory requirement is covered in this ICR under Sec.   238.307 and under
     notation.                    OMB control number 2130-0004 under Sec.   229.23(d) through (g).
238.703 Quasi-static
 compression load requirements:
    --(b)(3) Document to FRA on  1 new railroad...........  0.33....................  40 hours................           13.20     89.13        1,176.52
     Tier III trainset
238.705 Dynamic collision
    --(a)(10) Dynamic collision  1 new railroad...........  0.33....................  40 hours................           13.20     89.13        1,176.52
     scenario--Model validation
     document to FRA for review
     and approval.
238.707 Override protection:
    --Anti-climbing performance  1 new railroad...........  0.33....................  40 hours................           13.20     89.13        1,176.52
     evaluation for Tier III
238.709 Fluid entry inhibition:
    --(b) Information to         1 new railroad...........  0.33....................  20 hours................            6.60     89.13          588.26
     demonstrate compliance
     with this section of a
     Tier III trainset.
238.721 Glazing:
    --(3)(i) Cab glazing; end    3 glass manufacturers....  0.33....................  60 hours................           19.80     89.13        1,764.78
     containing technical
    --(b) Cab glazing; side-     3 glass manufacturers....  0.33....................  10 hours................            3.30     89.13          294.13
     facing exterior windows in
     Tier III cab--Each end-
     facing exterior window in
     a cab shall, at a minimum,
     provide ballistic
     penetration resistance
     that meets the
     requirements of appendix A
     to part 223 (Certification
     of Glazing Materials).
    --(c) Non-cab glazing; side- 3 glass manufacturers....  0.33....................  20 hours................            6.60     89.13          588.26
     facing exterior windows--
     Tier III--compliance
     document for Type II
    --(c)(2) Alternative         3 glass manufacturers....  0.67....................  5 hours.................            3.35     89.13          298.59
     standard to FRA for side-
     facing exterior window
     intended to be breakable
     and serve as an emergency
     window exit (option to
     comply with an alternative
238.731 Brake system:
    --(d)(1) Tier III            1 new railroad...........  53.33 stenciling........  1 hour (design) + 2                55.11     69.60        3,835.66
     trainsets' passenger brake                                                        minutes (marking).
     alarm--Legible stenciling/
     marking of devices with
     words ``Passenger Brake
     Alarm'' (including the
     design of the sticker).
    --(f) Main reservoir test/   1 new railroad...........  0.33....................  6 hours.................            1.98     69.60          137.81
    --(h) Main reservoir tests-- 1 railroad...............  0.33....................  10 hours................            3.30     89.13          294.13
     Inspection, testing and
     maintenance program.
    --(j) Brake application/     1 railroad...............  0.33....................  40 hours................           13.20     89.13        1,176.52
     release--Brake actuator
     design with approved brake
     cylinder pressure as part
     of design review process.
    --(o) Train securement--     1 railroad...............  0.33....................  8 hours.................            2.64     89.13          235.31
     Tier III equipment:
     demonstrated securement
238.733 Interior fixture
    --Analysis for FRA approval  1 railroad...............  0.33....................  20 hours................            6.60     89.13          588.26
     (Tier III).
238.735 Seat crashworthiness
 standard (passenger & cab
    --Analysis for FRA approval  1 railroad...............  0.33....................  40 hours................           13.20     89.13        1,176.52
     (Tier III).

[[Page 13405]]

238.737 Luggage racks:
    --Analysis for FRA approval  1 railroad...............  0.33....................  20 hours................            6.60     89.13          588.26
     (Tier III).
238.741 Emergency window egress
 and rescue access:
    --Plan to FRA for passenger  1 railroad...............  0.33....................  60 hours................           19.80     89.13        1,764.78
     cars in Tier III trainsets
     not in compliance with
     Sec.   238.113 or Sec.
238.743 Emergency Lighting:
    --Analysis for FRA approval  1 railroad...............  0.33 analysis/test......  60 hours................           19.80     89.13        1,764.78
     (Tier III).
238.751 Alerters:
    --Alternate technology--     1 railroad...............  0.33 analysis/test......  40 hours................           13.20     89.13        1,176.52
     Analysis for FRA approval
     (Tier III).
        Total \4\..............  35 railroads.............  4,860,838 Responses.....  N/A.....................          95,947       N/A       8,296,770
\1\ Throughout the tables in this document, the dollar equivalent cost is derived from the 2023 Surface Transportation Board's Full Year Wage A&B data
  series using the appropriate employee group hourly wage rate that includes 75-percent overhead charges.
\2\ Paragraph 238.15(c)(4), Conditional requirement, has been removed from this submission. FRA determined that this regulatory requirement does not
  create a paperwork burden.
\3\ Paragraph 238.111(b), Subsequent equipment orders have been removed from this submission. After further review, this is not a requirement specified
  under this section and therefore there is no associated burden.
\4\ Totals may not add up due to rounding.

    Total Estimated Annual Responses: 4,860,838.
    Total Estimated Annual Burden: 95,947 hours.
    Total Estimated Annual Burden Hour Dollar Cost Equivalent: 
    FRA informs all interested parties that it may not conduct or 
sponsor, and a respondent is not required to respond to, a collection 
of information that does not display a currently valid OMB control 
    Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501-3520.

Christopher S. Van Nostrand,
Deputy Chief Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2025-04893 Filed 3-20-25; 8:45 am]

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