Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Oklahoma-Texas Area Office, Oklahoma City, OK, 12776-12777 [2025-04628]
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 52 / Wednesday, March 19, 2025 / Notices
Cultural Affiliation
National Park Service
Based on the available information
and the results of consultation, cultural
affiliation is clearly identified by the
information available about the human
remains described in this notice.
National Park Service
Notice of Inventory Completion:
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and
Ethnology, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA
National Park Service, Interior.
In accordance with the Native
American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and
Ethnology, Harvard University (PMAE)
has completed an inventory of human
remains and has determined that there
is a cultural affiliation between the
human remains and Indian Tribes or
Native Hawaiian organizations in this
notice. The human remains were
collected at the Fort Mohave Indian
School, Mohave County, AZ.
Repatriation of the human
remains in this notice may occur on or
after April 18, 2025.
Jane Pickering, Peabody
Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology,
Harvard University, 11 Divinity Avenue,
Cambridge, MA 02138, telephone (617)
496–2374, email jpickering@
notice is published as part of the
National Park Service’s administrative
responsibilities under NAGPRA. The
determinations in this notice are the
sole responsibility of the PMAE, and
additional information on the
determinations in this notice, including
the results of consultation, can be found
in the inventory or related records. The
National Park Service is not responsible
for the determinations in this notice.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Abstract of Information Available
Based on the information available,
human remains representing, at
minimum, one individual was collected
at the Fort Mohave Indian School,
Mohave County, AZ. The human
remains are hair clippings collected
from one individual who was recorded
as being 15 years old and identified as
‘‘Chemehuevi.’’ Timothy G. Mackey
took the hair clippings at the Fort
Mohave Indian School between 1930
and 1933. Mackey sent the hair
clippings to George Woodbury, who
donated the hair clippings to the PMAE
in 1935. No associated funerary objects
are present.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:11 Mar 18, 2025
Jkt 265001
The PMAE has determined that:
• The human remains described in
this notice represent the physical
remains of one individual of Native
American ancestry.
• There is a reasonable connection
between the human remains described
in this notice and the Colorado River
Indian Tribes of the Colorado River
Indian Reservation, Arizona and
Requests for Repatriation
Written requests for repatriation of the
human remains in this notice must be
sent to the Responsible Official
identified in ADDRESSES. Requests for
repatriation may be submitted by:
1. Any one or more of the Indian
Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations
identified in this notice.
2. Any lineal descendant, Indian
Tribe, or Native Hawaiian organization
not identified in this notice who shows,
by a preponderance of the evidence, that
the requestor is a lineal descendant or
a culturally affiliated Indian Tribe or
Native Hawaiian organization.
Repatriation of the human remains in
this notice to a requestor may occur on
or after April 18, 2025. If competing
requests for repatriation are received,
the PMAE must determine the most
appropriate requestor prior to
repatriation. Requests for joint
repatriation of the human remains are
considered a single request and not
competing requests. The PMAE is
responsible for sending a copy of this
notice to the Indian Tribe identified in
this notice.
Authority: Native American Graves
Protection and Repatriation Act, 25
U.S.C. 3003, and the implementing
regulations, 43 CFR 10.10.
Dated: February 19, 2025.
Melanie O’Brien,
Manager, National NAGPRA Program.
[FR Doc. 2025–04609 Filed 3–18–25; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00081
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S.
Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Reclamation, Oklahoma-Texas Area
Office, Oklahoma City, OK
National Park Service, Interior.
In accordance with the Native
American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the U.S.
Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Reclamation, Oklahoma-Texas Area
Office (OTAO) has completed an
inventory of human remains and has
determined that there is a cultural
affiliation between the human remains
and Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian
organizations in this notice.
DATES: Repatriation of the human
remains in this notice may occur on or
after April 18, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Kate Ellison, Bureau of
Reclamation, Oklahoma-Texas Area
Office, 5924 NW 2nd Street, Suite 200,
Oklahoma City, OK 73127, telephone
(405) 470–4816, email kellison@
Ellison, Bureau of Reclamation,
Oklahoma-Texas Area Office at
telephone (405) 470–4816, or by email
to Individuals who
are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or
have a speech disability may dial 711
(TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access
telecommunications relay services.
Individuals outside the United States
should use the relay services offered
within their country to make
international calls to the point-ofcontact in the United States.
notice is published as part of the
National Park Service’s administrative
responsibilities under NAGPRA. The
determinations in this notice are the
sole responsibility of the OTAO, and
additional information on the
determinations in this notice, including
the results of consultation, can be found
in its inventory or related records. The
National Park Service is not responsible
for the determinations in this notice.
Abstract of Information Available
Human remains representing, at least,
two individuals have been identified
from archeological site 41MC296 in
McMullen County, Texas. No associated
funerary objects are present.
Archeological site 41MC296 was
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 52 / Wednesday, March 19, 2025 / Notices
recorded in August 1979 by workers
from the Center for Archaeological
Research at the University of Texas in
San Antonio. Carbon was recovered
from virtually all units and levels
during Phase II excavations at the site.
The dates from these samples ranged
from 100–10 BC and A.D. 1520–1610.
The human remains were found in level
five (40–50 cm below ground surface)
and level six (50–60 cm below ground
Cultural Affiliation
Based on the information available
and the results of consultation, cultural
affiliation is reasonably identified by the
geographical location or acquisition
history of the human remains described
in this notice.
The OTAO has determined that:
• The human remains described in
this notice represent the physical
remains of two individuals of Native
American ancestry.
• There is a connection between the
human remains described in this notice
and the Mescalero Apache Tribe of the
Mescalero Reservation, New Mexico.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Requests for Repatriation
Written requests for repatriation of the
human remains in this notice must be
sent to the authorized representative
identified in this notice under
ADDRESSES. Requests for repatriation
may be submitted by:
1. Any one or more of the Indian
Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations
identified in this notice.
2. Any lineal descendant, Indian
Tribe, or Native Hawaiian organization
not identified in this notice who shows,
by a preponderance of the evidence, that
the requestor is a lineal descendant or
an Indian Tribe or Native Hawaiian
organization with cultural affiliation.
Repatriation of the human remains
described in this notice to a requestor
may occur on or after April 18, 2025. If
competing requests for repatriation are
received, the OTAO must determine the
most appropriate requestor prior to
repatriation. Requests for joint
repatriation of the human remains are
considered a single request and not
competing requests. OTAO of
Reclamation is responsible for sending a
copy of this notice to the Indian Tribes
and Native Hawaiian organizations
identified in this notice.
Authority: Native American Graves
Protection and Repatriation Act, 25
U.S.C. 3003, and the implementing
regulations, 43 CFR 10.10.
18:11 Mar 18, 2025
[FR Doc. 2025–04628 Filed 3–18–25; 8:45 am]
Jkt 265001
‘‘Uncompahgre.’’ H.M. Tidwell took the
hair clippings at the Uintah and Ouray
Agency between 1930 and 1933.
Tidwell sent the hair clippings to
George Woodbury, who donated the hair
clippings to the PMAE in 1935. No
associated funerary objects are present.
Cultural Affiliation
National Park Service
Based on the available information
and the results of consultation, cultural
affiliation is clearly identified by the
information available about the human
remains described in this notice.
Notice of Inventory Completion:
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and
Ethnology, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA
National Park Service, Interior.
In accordance with the Native
American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and
Ethnology, Harvard University (PMAE)
has completed an inventory of human
remains and has determined that there
is a cultural affiliation between the
human remains and Indian Tribes or
Native Hawaiian organizations in this
notice. The human remains were
collected at the Uintah and Ouray
Agency, Uintah County, UT.
DATES: Repatriation of the human
remains in this notice may occur on or
after April 17, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Jane Pickering, Peabody
Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology,
Harvard University, 11 Divinity Avenue,
Cambridge, MA 02138, telephone (617)
496–2374, email jpickering@
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Dated: March 5, 2025.
Melanie O’Brien,
Manager, National NAGPRA Program.
notice is published as part of the
National Park Service’s administrative
responsibilities under NAGPRA. The
determinations in this notice are the
sole responsibility of the PMAE, and
additional information on the
determinations in this notice, including
the results of consultation, can be found
in the inventory or related records. The
National Park Service is not responsible
for the determinations in this notice.
Abstract of Information Available
Based on the information available,
human remains representing, at
minimum, four individuals were
collected at the Uintah and Ouray
Agency, Uintah County, UT. The human
remains are hair clippings collected
from one individual who was recorded
as being 66 years old, one individual
who was recorded as being 65 years old,
and two individuals recorded as being
51 years old and identified as
PO 00000
Frm 00082
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 9990
The PMAE has determined that:
• The human remains described in
this notice represent the physical
remains of four individuals of Native
American ancestry.
• There is a reasonable connection
between the human remains described
in this notice and the Southern Ute
Indian Tribe of the Southern Ute
Reservation, Colorado; Ute Indian Tribe
of the Uintah & Ouray Reservation,
Utah; and the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe.
Requests for Repatriation
Written requests for repatriation of the
human remains in this notice must be
sent to the Responsible Official
identified in ADDRESSES. Requests for
repatriation may be submitted by:
1. Any one or more of the Indian
Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations
identified in this notice.
2. Any lineal descendant, Indian
Tribe, or Native Hawaiian organization
not identified in this notice who shows,
by a preponderance of the evidence, that
the requestor is a lineal descendant or
a culturally affiliated Indian Tribe or
Native Hawaiian organization.
Repatriation of the human remains in
this notice to a requestor may occur on
or after April 17, 2025. If competing
requests for repatriation are received,
the PMAE must determine the most
appropriate requestor prior to
repatriation. Requests for joint
repatriation of the human remains are
considered a single request and not
competing requests. The PMAE is
responsible for sending a copy of this
notice to the Indian Tribe identified in
this notice.
Authority: Native American Graves
Protection and Repatriation Act, 25
U.S.C. 3003, and the implementing
regulations, 43 CFR 10.10.
Dated: March 5, 2025.
Melanie O’Brien,
Manager, National NAGPRA Program.
[FR Doc. 2025–04633 Filed 3–18–25; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 52 (Wednesday, March 19, 2025)]
[Pages 12776-12777]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-04628]
National Park Service
Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Reclamation, Oklahoma-Texas Area Office, Oklahoma City, OK
AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau
of Reclamation, Oklahoma-Texas Area Office (OTAO) has completed an
inventory of human remains and has determined that there is a cultural
affiliation between the human remains and Indian Tribes or Native
Hawaiian organizations in this notice.
DATES: Repatriation of the human remains in this notice may occur on or
after April 18, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Kate Ellison, Bureau of Reclamation, Oklahoma-Texas Area
Office, 5924 NW 2nd Street, Suite 200, Oklahoma City, OK 73127,
telephone (405) 470-4816, email [email protected].
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kate Ellison, Bureau of Reclamation,
Oklahoma-Texas Area Office at telephone (405) 470-4816, or by email to
[email protected]. Individuals who are deaf, deafblind, hard of
hearing, or have a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or
TeleBraille) to access telecommunications relay services. Individuals
outside the United States should use the relay services offered within
their country to make international calls to the point-of-contact in
the United States.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice is published as part of the
National Park Service's administrative responsibilities under NAGPRA.
The determinations in this notice are the sole responsibility of the
OTAO, and additional information on the determinations in this notice,
including the results of consultation, can be found in its inventory or
related records. The National Park Service is not responsible for the
determinations in this notice.
Abstract of Information Available
Human remains representing, at least, two individuals have been
identified from archeological site 41MC296 in McMullen County, Texas.
No associated funerary objects are present. Archeological site 41MC296
[[Page 12777]]
recorded in August 1979 by workers from the Center for Archaeological
Research at the University of Texas in San Antonio. Carbon was
recovered from virtually all units and levels during Phase II
excavations at the site. The dates from these samples ranged from 100-
10 BC and A.D. 1520-1610. The human remains were found in level five
(40-50 cm below ground surface) and level six (50-60 cm below ground
Cultural Affiliation
Based on the information available and the results of consultation,
cultural affiliation is reasonably identified by the geographical
location or acquisition history of the human remains described in this
The OTAO has determined that:
The human remains described in this notice represent the
physical remains of two individuals of Native American ancestry.
There is a connection between the human remains described
in this notice and the Mescalero Apache Tribe of the Mescalero
Reservation, New Mexico.
Requests for Repatriation
Written requests for repatriation of the human remains in this
notice must be sent to the authorized representative identified in this
notice under ADDRESSES. Requests for repatriation may be submitted by:
1. Any one or more of the Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian
organizations identified in this notice.
2. Any lineal descendant, Indian Tribe, or Native Hawaiian
organization not identified in this notice who shows, by a
preponderance of the evidence, that the requestor is a lineal
descendant or an Indian Tribe or Native Hawaiian organization with
cultural affiliation.
Repatriation of the human remains described in this notice to a
requestor may occur on or after April 18, 2025. If competing requests
for repatriation are received, the OTAO must determine the most
appropriate requestor prior to repatriation. Requests for joint
repatriation of the human remains are considered a single request and
not competing requests. OTAO of Reclamation is responsible for sending
a copy of this notice to the Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian
organizations identified in this notice.
Authority: Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act,
25 U.S.C. 3003, and the implementing regulations, 43 CFR 10.10.
Dated: March 5, 2025.
Melanie O'Brien,
Manager, National NAGPRA Program.
[FR Doc. 2025-04628 Filed 3-18-25; 8:45 am]