Notice of Submission Deadline for Schedule Information for Chicago O'Hare International Airport, John F. Kennedy International Airport, Los Angeles International Airport, Newark Liberty International Airport, and San Francisco International Airport for the Winter 2025/2026 Scheduling Season, 12931-12933 [2025-04476]
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 52 / Wednesday, March 19, 2025 / Notices
cargo barrier. Relief from § 25.857(e) is
sought to permit carriage of up to two
authorized persons (previously known
as supernumeraries) in the CRM, while
installed in the Class E Cargo
compartment, in flight. While the CRM
is occupied, relief is sought from
§ 25.1447(c)(1) because the installation
does not provide a manual means for
the crew to deploy drop-down oxygen
dispensing units.
[FR Doc. 2025–04547 Filed 3–18–25; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
[Docket No.: FAA–2024–2463; Summary
Notice No. 2025–09]
Petition for Exemption; Summary of
Petition Received; Drone Power1 LLC
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice.
This notice contains a
summary of a petition seeking relief
from specified requirements of Federal
Aviation Regulations. The purpose of
this notice is to improve the public’s
awareness of, and participation in, the
FAA’s exemption process. Neither
publication of this notice nor the
inclusion nor omission of information
in the summary is intended to affect the
legal status of the petition or its final
Comments on this petition must
identify the petition docket number and
must be received on or before April 8,
ADDRESSES: Send comments identified
by docket number FAA–2024–2463
using any of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to and follow
the online instructions for sending your
comments electronically.
• Mail: Send comments to Docket
Operations, M–30; U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Room W12–140, West
Building Ground Floor, Washington DC
• Hand Delivery or Courier: Take
comments to Docket Operations in
Room W12–140 of the West Building
Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Washington DC 20590–
0001, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal
• Fax: Fax comments to Docket
Operations at (202) 493–2251.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:11 Mar 18, 2025
Jkt 265001
Privacy: In accordance with 5 U.S.C.
553(c), DOT solicits comments from the
public to better inform its rulemaking
process. DOT posts these comments,
without edit, including any personal
information the commenter provides, to, as
described in the system of records
notice (DOT/ALL–14 FDMS), which can
be reviewed at
Docket: Background documents or
comments received may be read at at any time.
Follow the online instructions for
accessing the docket or go to the Docket
Operations in Room W12–140 of the
West Building Ground Floor at 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington DC
20590–0001, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal
Troutman at (202) 267–2928, Office of
Rulemaking, Federal Aviation
Administration, 800 Independence
Avenue SW, Washington DC 20591.
This notice is published pursuant to
14 CFR 11.85.
Issued in Washington DC.
Dan A. Ngo,
Manager, Part 11 Petitions Branch, Office of
Petition for Exemption
Docket No.: FAA–2024–2463.
Petitioner: DronePower1 LLC.
Section(s) of 14 CFR Affected: 49
U.S.C. 44807, 14 CFR part 91, subpart E,
§§ 61.3(a)(1)(i), 91.7(a), 91.119(c),
91.121, 91.151(b), 91.405(a),
91.407(a)(1), 91.409(a)(1), 91.409(a)(2),
91.417(a), 91.417(b).
Description of Relief Sought:
DronePower1 LLC, a startup drone
operations service provider founded in
Wyoming, seeks an exemption to
operate the Joyance JTC30 Cleaning
Drone, an unmanned aircraft system
(UAS) weighing 55 pounds (lbs.) or
greater, to provide commercial solar
panel cleaning-related services for
commercial and utility sized solar
fields. Operations would be conducted
in secure solar fields where the solar
panels will be ground mounted and not
placed on structures. The aircraft’s
maximum takeoff weight would not
exceed 150 lbs. Operations would be
conducted within visual line of site
(VLOS) of the pilot in command (PIC) at
all times. Operations would not be
conducted at night.
[FR Doc. 2025–04549 Filed 3–18–25; 8:45 am]
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Federal Aviation Administration
Notice of Submission Deadline for
Schedule Information for Chicago
O’Hare International Airport, John F.
Kennedy International Airport, Los
Angeles International Airport, Newark
Liberty International Airport, and San
Francisco International Airport for the
Winter 2025/2026 Scheduling Season
Department of Transportation,
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Notice of submission deadline.
Under this notice, FAA
announces the submission deadline of
May 15, 2025, for Winter 2025/2026
flight schedules at Chicago O’Hare
International Airport (ORD), John F.
Kennedy International Airport (JFK),
Los Angeles International Airport
(LAX), Newark Liberty International
Airport (EWR), and San Francisco
International Airport (SFO).
Schedules should be submitted
by May 15, 2025.
Schedules may be
submitted to the Slot Administration
Office by email to: 7-AWA-slotadmin@
Meilus, Manager, Slot Administration
and Capacity Analysis, AJR–G, Federal
Aviation Administration, 800
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20591; telephone (202) 267–2822;
document provides routine notice to
carriers serving capacity-constrained
airports in the United States, including
particular, this notice announces the
deadline for carriers to submit
schedules for the Winter 2025/2026
scheduling season.
General Information for All Airports
FAA has designated JFK as an IATA
Level 3 airport consistent with the
Worldwide Slot Guidelines (WSG).1
FAA currently limits scheduled
1 FAA generally applies the WSG to the extent
there is no conflict with U.S. law or regulation.
FAA recognizes the WSG has been replaced by the
Worldwide Airports Slot Guidelines (WASG)
edition 1, effective June 1, 2020, WASG edition 2,
effective July 1, 2022, and most recently, WASG
edition 3, effective April 1, 2024. The WASG is
published jointly by Airports Council InternationalWorld, IATA, and the Worldwide Airport
Coordinators Group (WWACG). While FAA is
considering whether to implement certain changes
to the Guidelines in the United States, it will
continue to apply WSG edition 9.
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 52 / Wednesday, March 19, 2025 / Notices
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
operations at JFK by order that expires
on October 24, 2026.2
FAA has designated EWR, LAX, ORD,
and SFO as IATA Level 2 airports 3
subject to a schedule review process
premised upon voluntary cooperation.
The Winter 2025/2026 scheduling
season is from October 26, 2025,
through March 28, 2026, in recognition
of the IATA Winter scheduling period.
FAA primarily is concerned about
scheduled and other regularly
conducted commercial operations
during designated hours, but carriers
may submit schedule plans for the
entire day. The designated hours for the
Winter 2025/2026 scheduling season
are: at EWR and JFK from 0600 to 2300
Eastern Time,4 at LAX and SFO from
0600 to 2300 Pacific Time,5 and at ORD
from 0600 to 2100 Central Time.6 These
hours are unchanged from previous
scheduling seasons.
Carriers should submit schedule
information in sufficient detail
including, at minimum, the marketing
or operating carrier, flight number,
scheduled time of operation, frequency,
aircraft equipment, and effective dates.
IATA standard schedule information
format and data elements for
communications at Level 2 and Level 3
airports in the IATA Standard
Schedules Information Manual (SSIM)
Chapter 6 may be used. The WSG
provides additional information on
schedule submissions at Level 2 and
Level 3 airports. Some carriers at JFK
manage and track slots through FAAassigned Slot identification (ID)
numbers corresponding to an arrival or
departure slot in a particular half-hour
on a particular day of week and date.
FAA has a similar voluntary process for
tracking schedules at EWR with
Reference IDs, and certain carriers are
managing their schedules accordingly.
The primary users of IDs are United
States and Canadian carriers that have
the highest frequencies and
considerable schedule changes
throughout the season and can benefit
from a simplified exchange of
information not dependent on full flight
2 Operating Limitations at John F. Kennedy
International Airport, 73 FR 3510 (Jan. 18, 2008), as
most recently extended 89 FR 41486 (May 13,
2024). The slot coordination parameters for JFK are
set forth in this Order.
3 These designations remain effective until FAA
announces a change in the Federal Register.
4 1000 to 0300 UTC during Daylight Saving Time;
1100 to 0400 UTC for the remainder of the
scheduling season.
5 1300 to 0600 UTC during Daylight Saving Time;
1400 to 0700 UTC for the remainder of the
scheduling season.
6 1100 to 0200 UTC during Daylight Saving Time;
1200 to 0300 UTC for the remainder of the
scheduling season.
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Jkt 265001
details. Carriers are encouraged to
submit schedule requests at those
airports using Slot or Reference IDs.
As stated in the WSG, schedule
facilitation at a Level 2 airport is based
on the following: (1) Schedule
adjustments are mutually agreed upon
between the carriers and the facilitator;
(2) the intent is to avoid exceeding the
airport’s coordination parameters; (3)
the concepts of historic precedence and
series of slots do not apply at Level 2
airports, although WSG recommends
giving priority to approved services that
plan to operate unchanged from the
previous equivalent season at Level 2
airports; and (4) the facilitator should
adjust the smallest number of flights by
the least amount of time necessary to
avoid exceeding the airport’s
coordination parameters. Consistent
with the WSG, the success of Level 2 in
the United States depends on the
voluntary cooperation of carriers.
FAA considers several factors and
priorities that are consistent with the
WSG as it reviews schedule and slot
requests at Level 2 and Level 3 airports,
including (1) historic slots or services
from the previous equivalent season
over new demand for the same timings;
(2) services that are unchanged over
services that plan to change time or
other capacity relevant parameters; (3)
introduction of year-round services; (4)
effective period of operation; (5)
regularly planned operations over ad
hoc operations; and (6) other
operational factors that may limit a
carrier’s timing flexibility.
FAA seeks to maintain close
communications with carriers and
terminal schedule facilitators on
potential runway schedule issues or
terminal and gate issues that may affect
the runway times. In addition to
applying these priorities from the WSG,
the U.S. Government has adopted a
number of measures and procedures to
promote competition and new entry at
U.S. slot-controlled and schedulefacilitated airports.
Slot management in the United States
differs in some respect from procedures
in other countries. In the United States,
FAA is responsible for facilitation and
coordination of runway access for
takeoffs and landings at Level 2 and
Level 3 airports; however, the airport
authority or its designee is responsible
for facilitation and coordination of
terminal/gate/airport facility access. The
process with the individual airports for
terminal access and other airport
services is separate from, and in
addition to, FAA schedule review based
on runway capacity.
Generally, FAA uses average hourly
runway capacity throughput for airports
PO 00000
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and performance metrics in conducting
its schedule review at Level 2 airports
and determining the scheduling limits
at Level 3 airports included in FAA
rules or orders.7 FAA also considers
other factors that can affect operations,
such as capacity changes due to runway,
taxiway, or other airport construction,
air traffic control procedural changes,
airport surface operations, and historical
or projected flight delays and
Finally, FAA notes that the schedule
information submitted by carriers to
FAA may be subject to disclosure under
the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The WSG also provides for release of
information at certain stages of slot
coordination and schedule facilitation.
In general, once it acts on a schedule
submission or slot request, FAA may
release information on slot allocation or
similar slot transactions, or schedule
information reviewed as part of the
schedule facilitation process. FAA does
not expect that practice to change, and
most slot and schedule information
would not be exempt from release under
FOIA. FAA recognizes that some
carriers may submit information on
schedule plans that is both customarily
and actually treated as private. Carriers
that submit such confidential schedule
information should clearly mark the
information, or any relevant portions
thereof, as proprietary information
(‘‘PROPIN’’). FAA will take the
necessary steps to protect properly
designated information to the extent
allowable by law.
EWR General Information
Consistent with the WSG, carriers are
asked for their voluntary cooperation to
adjust schedules to meet the targeted
scheduling limits in order to minimize
potential congestion and delay. For the
Winter 2025/2026 scheduling season,
the voluntary, targeted hourly
scheduling limits remain at 77
operations and 41 operations per halfhour.8 To help with a balance between
arrivals and departures, the targeted
maximum number of scheduled arrivals
or departures, respectively, is 41 in an
hour and 22 in a half-hour. These targets
7 FAA typically determines an airport’s average
adjusted runway capacity or typical throughput for
Level 2 airports by reviewing hourly data on the
arrival and departure rates that air traffic control
indicates could be accepted for that hour,
commonly known as ‘‘called’’ rates. FAA also
reviews the actual number of arrivals and
departures that operated in the same hour.
Generally, FAA uses the higher of the two numbers,
called or actual, for identifying trends and schedule
review purposes. Some dates are excluded from
analysis, such as during periods when extended
airport closures or construction could affect
8 See 89 FR 43501 (May 17, 2024).
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 52 / Wednesday, March 19, 2025 / Notices
are expected to allow some higher levels
of operations in certain periods (not to
exceed the hourly limits) and some
recovery from lower demand in adjacent
periods. Consistent with general
established practice at EWR, FAA will
accept flights above the limits if the
flights were operated as approved, or
treated as operated, by the same carrier
on a regular basis in the previous
corresponding season (i.e., Winter 2024/
2025) and consistent with DOT’s 2022
reassignment of 16 peak-hour runway
timings.9 However, FAA does not
intend to approve requests for new
flights unless they can be
accommodated within the targeted
limits. FAA is seeking carriers’
voluntary cooperation to get scheduled
operations down to the targeted
scheduling limits.
Carriers are reminded that FAA
approval for runway times is separate
from the approval process for gates or
other airport infrastructure and both are
essential for the success of Level 2 at
EWR. Schedule facilitation at Level 2
airports is designed to engender
collaboration and gain mutual
agreement between the carriers and
FAA regarding schedules and potential
adjustments to stay within the
performance goals and capacity limits of
the airport and to mitigate delays and
congestion that would result in the need
for Level 3 slot controls. FAA expects
that all carriers operating at EWR will
respect the targeted scheduling limits
and work cooperatively with FAA in
order to avoid unacceptable delays and
other adverse operational impacts at the
Issued in Washington, DC, on March 13,
Daniel J. Murphy,
Vice President, System Operations Services.
[FR Doc. 2025–04476 Filed 3–18–25; 8:45 am]
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
9 See Department of Transportation Order 2022–
7–1, Docket DOT–OST–2021–0103, served July 5,
2022, ‘‘Reassignment of Schedules at NewarkLiberty International Airport.’’
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 265001
Federal Aviation Administration
Notice of Availability, Notice of Public
Comment Period, Notice of Virtual
Public Meeting, and Request for
Comment on the Draft Environmental
Assessment for the SpaceX Falcon 9
Operations at Space Launch Complex
40 (SLC–40), Cape Canaveral Space
Force Station, Florida
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of availability, public
comment period, and virtual public
In accordance with the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969, as amended (NEPA) and FAA
Order 1050.1F, Environmental Impacts:
Policies and Procedures, the FAA is
announcing the availability of and
requesting comment on the Draft
Environmental Assessment for SpaceX
Falcon 9 Operations at Space Launch
Complex 40, Cape Canaveral Space
Force Station (Draft EA).
DATES: The FAA will hold a virtual
public meeting on the Draft EA on April
16, 2025, from 6–8 p.m. (eastern).
Interested parties must register to join
the virtual public meeting. Registration
is now available at the link in
ADDRESSES. The public comment period
for the Draft EA and DAF’s Draft FONSI
will close on April 24, 2025.
ADDRESSES: The Draft EA is available for
public review at
The Unique ID for this document is
The United States Department of Air
Force (DAF) is a Cooperating Agency for
this Draft EA. In order to meet DAF’s
National Environmental Policy Act
requirements for adopting the FAA’s
Environmental Assessment as a
Cooperating Agency, (see 32 CFR
989.15(e)), the FAA has also posted a
link to the Draft Finding of No
Significant Impact (Draft FONSI) on
behalf of the DAF for public comment.
The DAF Draft FONSI can be viewed at:
The DAF Draft FONSI can be viewed at:
The Draft EA and Draft FONSI have
been posted and comments will be
received through the Federal ERulemaking Portal: https:// Search for ‘‘FAA–
2025–0114’’ to retrieve the docket and
follow the instructions to submit a
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
The FAA invites interested parties to
submit comments on the Draft EA and
USSF Draft FONSI. Public comments
can be submitted electronically to under Docket No.
FAA–2025–0114, by postal mail to Ms.
Eva Long, FAA Environmental
Protection Specialist, c/o ICF, 1902
Reston Metro Plaza Reston, VA 20190,
or delivered in verbal form at the public
• Meeting Registration Link: https://
Dial-in phone number: 888–788–0099
(Toll Free), Webinar ID: 853 9161 5696,
Passcode: 743444.
EA analyzes:
• Up to 120 Falcon 9 launches
annually at SLC–40, an annual increase
of 70 launches from the 50 previously
• Construction and operation of a
landing zone at Space Launch Complex40, and
• Up to 34 first-stage booster landings
at the new landing zone annually.
The Draft EA also evaluates the
potential environmental impacts
associated with FAA’s approval of
related airspace closures.
The FAA will provide a pre-recorded
presentation during the first portion of
the public meeting. The public will
have the opportunity to submit written
and oral comments during the meeting.
Both English and Spanish versions of
the presentation will be made available
to the public on April 16, 2025 on the
project website:
More information on the Draft EA,
Draft FONSI, and virtual public
meetings can be found at https://
EA. If any accommodation for the public
meeting is needed (such as additional
translation services), please submit a
request by April 4, 2025, to
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, be advised that your entire
comment—including your personal
identifying information—may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask the FAA in your comment
to withhold from public review your
personal identifying information, the
FAA cannot guarantee that it will be
able to do so. All comments received
during the comment period will be
given equal weight and be taken into
consideration in the preparation of the
Final EA.
[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 52 (Wednesday, March 19, 2025)]
[Pages 12931-12933]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-04476]
Federal Aviation Administration
Notice of Submission Deadline for Schedule Information for
Chicago O'Hare International Airport, John F. Kennedy International
Airport, Los Angeles International Airport, Newark Liberty
International Airport, and San Francisco International Airport for the
Winter 2025/2026 Scheduling Season
AGENCY: Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration
ACTION: Notice of submission deadline.
SUMMARY: Under this notice, FAA announces the submission deadline of
May 15, 2025, for Winter 2025/2026 flight schedules at Chicago O'Hare
International Airport (ORD), John F. Kennedy International Airport
(JFK), Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Newark Liberty
International Airport (EWR), and San Francisco International Airport
DATES: Schedules should be submitted by May 15, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Schedules may be submitted to the Slot Administration Office
by email to: [email protected].
Administration and Capacity Analysis, AJR-G, Federal Aviation
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591;
telephone (202) 267-2822; email [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This document provides routine notice to
carriers serving capacity-constrained airports in the United States,
including ORD, JFK, LAX, EWR, and SFO. In particular, this notice
announces the deadline for carriers to submit schedules for the Winter
2025/2026 scheduling season.
General Information for All Airports
FAA has designated JFK as an IATA Level 3 airport consistent with
the Worldwide Slot Guidelines (WSG).\1\ FAA currently limits scheduled
[[Page 12932]]
operations at JFK by order that expires on October 24, 2026.\2\
\1\ FAA generally applies the WSG to the extent there is no
conflict with U.S. law or regulation. FAA recognizes the WSG has
been replaced by the Worldwide Airports Slot Guidelines (WASG)
edition 1, effective June 1, 2020, WASG edition 2, effective July 1,
2022, and most recently, WASG edition 3, effective April 1, 2024.
The WASG is published jointly by Airports Council International-
World, IATA, and the Worldwide Airport Coordinators Group (WWACG).
While FAA is considering whether to implement certain changes to the
Guidelines in the United States, it will continue to apply WSG
edition 9.
\2\ Operating Limitations at John F. Kennedy International
Airport, 73 FR 3510 (Jan. 18, 2008), as most recently extended 89 FR
41486 (May 13, 2024). The slot coordination parameters for JFK are
set forth in this Order.
FAA has designated EWR, LAX, ORD, and SFO as IATA Level 2 airports
\3\ subject to a schedule review process premised upon voluntary
cooperation. The Winter 2025/2026 scheduling season is from October 26,
2025, through March 28, 2026, in recognition of the IATA Winter
scheduling period.
\3\ These designations remain effective until FAA announces a
change in the Federal Register.
FAA primarily is concerned about scheduled and other regularly
conducted commercial operations during designated hours, but carriers
may submit schedule plans for the entire day. The designated hours for
the Winter 2025/2026 scheduling season are: at EWR and JFK from 0600 to
2300 Eastern Time,\4\ at LAX and SFO from 0600 to 2300 Pacific Time,\5\
and at ORD from 0600 to 2100 Central Time.\6\ These hours are unchanged
from previous scheduling seasons.
\4\ 1000 to 0300 UTC during Daylight Saving Time; 1100 to 0400
UTC for the remainder of the scheduling season.
\5\ 1300 to 0600 UTC during Daylight Saving Time; 1400 to 0700
UTC for the remainder of the scheduling season.
\6\ 1100 to 0200 UTC during Daylight Saving Time; 1200 to 0300
UTC for the remainder of the scheduling season.
Carriers should submit schedule information in sufficient detail
including, at minimum, the marketing or operating carrier, flight
number, scheduled time of operation, frequency, aircraft equipment, and
effective dates. IATA standard schedule information format and data
elements for communications at Level 2 and Level 3 airports in the IATA
Standard Schedules Information Manual (SSIM) Chapter 6 may be used. The
WSG provides additional information on schedule submissions at Level 2
and Level 3 airports. Some carriers at JFK manage and track slots
through FAA-assigned Slot identification (ID) numbers corresponding to
an arrival or departure slot in a particular half-hour on a particular
day of week and date. FAA has a similar voluntary process for tracking
schedules at EWR with Reference IDs, and certain carriers are managing
their schedules accordingly. The primary users of IDs are United States
and Canadian carriers that have the highest frequencies and
considerable schedule changes throughout the season and can benefit
from a simplified exchange of information not dependent on full flight
details. Carriers are encouraged to submit schedule requests at those
airports using Slot or Reference IDs.
As stated in the WSG, schedule facilitation at a Level 2 airport is
based on the following: (1) Schedule adjustments are mutually agreed
upon between the carriers and the facilitator; (2) the intent is to
avoid exceeding the airport's coordination parameters; (3) the concepts
of historic precedence and series of slots do not apply at Level 2
airports, although WSG recommends giving priority to approved services
that plan to operate unchanged from the previous equivalent season at
Level 2 airports; and (4) the facilitator should adjust the smallest
number of flights by the least amount of time necessary to avoid
exceeding the airport's coordination parameters. Consistent with the
WSG, the success of Level 2 in the United States depends on the
voluntary cooperation of carriers.
FAA considers several factors and priorities that are consistent
with the WSG as it reviews schedule and slot requests at Level 2 and
Level 3 airports, including (1) historic slots or services from the
previous equivalent season over new demand for the same timings; (2)
services that are unchanged over services that plan to change time or
other capacity relevant parameters; (3) introduction of year-round
services; (4) effective period of operation; (5) regularly planned
operations over ad hoc operations; and (6) other operational factors
that may limit a carrier's timing flexibility.
FAA seeks to maintain close communications with carriers and
terminal schedule facilitators on potential runway schedule issues or
terminal and gate issues that may affect the runway times. In addition
to applying these priorities from the WSG, the U.S. Government has
adopted a number of measures and procedures to promote competition and
new entry at U.S. slot-controlled and schedule-facilitated airports.
Slot management in the United States differs in some respect from
procedures in other countries. In the United States, FAA is responsible
for facilitation and coordination of runway access for takeoffs and
landings at Level 2 and Level 3 airports; however, the airport
authority or its designee is responsible for facilitation and
coordination of terminal/gate/airport facility access. The process with
the individual airports for terminal access and other airport services
is separate from, and in addition to, FAA schedule review based on
runway capacity.
Generally, FAA uses average hourly runway capacity throughput for
airports and performance metrics in conducting its schedule review at
Level 2 airports and determining the scheduling limits at Level 3
airports included in FAA rules or orders.\7\ FAA also considers other
factors that can affect operations, such as capacity changes due to
runway, taxiway, or other airport construction, air traffic control
procedural changes, airport surface operations, and historical or
projected flight delays and congestion.
\7\ FAA typically determines an airport's average adjusted
runway capacity or typical throughput for Level 2 airports by
reviewing hourly data on the arrival and departure rates that air
traffic control indicates could be accepted for that hour, commonly
known as ``called'' rates. FAA also reviews the actual number of
arrivals and departures that operated in the same hour. Generally,
FAA uses the higher of the two numbers, called or actual, for
identifying trends and schedule review purposes. Some dates are
excluded from analysis, such as during periods when extended airport
closures or construction could affect capacity.
Finally, FAA notes that the schedule information submitted by
carriers to FAA may be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA). The WSG also provides for release of
information at certain stages of slot coordination and schedule
facilitation. In general, once it acts on a schedule submission or slot
request, FAA may release information on slot allocation or similar slot
transactions, or schedule information reviewed as part of the schedule
facilitation process. FAA does not expect that practice to change, and
most slot and schedule information would not be exempt from release
under FOIA. FAA recognizes that some carriers may submit information on
schedule plans that is both customarily and actually treated as
private. Carriers that submit such confidential schedule information
should clearly mark the information, or any relevant portions thereof,
as proprietary information (``PROPIN''). FAA will take the necessary
steps to protect properly designated information to the extent
allowable by law.
EWR General Information
Consistent with the WSG, carriers are asked for their voluntary
cooperation to adjust schedules to meet the targeted scheduling limits
in order to minimize potential congestion and delay. For the Winter
2025/2026 scheduling season, the voluntary, targeted hourly scheduling
limits remain at 77 operations and 41 operations per half-hour.\8\ To
help with a balance between arrivals and departures, the targeted
maximum number of scheduled arrivals or departures, respectively, is 41
in an hour and 22 in a half-hour. These targets
[[Page 12933]]
are expected to allow some higher levels of operations in certain
periods (not to exceed the hourly limits) and some recovery from lower
demand in adjacent periods. Consistent with general established
practice at EWR, FAA will accept flights above the limits if the
flights were operated as approved, or treated as operated, by the same
carrier on a regular basis in the previous corresponding season (i.e.,
Winter 2024/2025) and consistent with DOT's 2022 reassignment of 16
peak-hour runway timings.\9\ However, FAA does not intend to approve
requests for new flights unless they can be accommodated within the
targeted limits. FAA is seeking carriers' voluntary cooperation to get
scheduled operations down to the targeted scheduling limits.
\8\ See 89 FR 43501 (May 17, 2024).
\9\ See Department of Transportation Order 2022-7-1, Docket DOT-
OST-2021-0103, served July 5, 2022, ``Reassignment of Schedules at
Newark-Liberty International Airport.''
Carriers are reminded that FAA approval for runway times is
separate from the approval process for gates or other airport
infrastructure and both are essential for the success of Level 2 at
EWR. Schedule facilitation at Level 2 airports is designed to engender
collaboration and gain mutual agreement between the carriers and FAA
regarding schedules and potential adjustments to stay within the
performance goals and capacity limits of the airport and to mitigate
delays and congestion that would result in the need for Level 3 slot
controls. FAA expects that all carriers operating at EWR will respect
the targeted scheduling limits and work cooperatively with FAA in order
to avoid unacceptable delays and other adverse operational impacts at
the airport.
Issued in Washington, DC, on March 13, 2025.
Daniel J. Murphy,
Vice President, System Operations Services.
[FR Doc. 2025-04476 Filed 3-18-25; 8:45 am]