Issuance of a Geographic Targeting Order Imposing Additional Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements on Certain Money Services Businesses Along the Southwest Border, 12106-12108 [2025-04099]
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lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 49 / Friday, March 14, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
formal orders of investigation that
authorize specifically-designated
enforcement staff to exercise the
Commission’s statutory power to
subpoena witnesses and take the other
actions authorized by the relevant cited
The Commission delegated authority
to issue formal orders of investigation to
the Director on August 11, 2009.
‘‘Delegation of Authority to Director of
Division of Enforcement,’’ 74 FR 40068–
01 (Aug. 11, 2009). The delegation was
made effective for a one-year period,
ending on August 11, 2010, to allow
Commission review of the Division’s
exercise of formal order authority. On
August 16, 2010, the Commission
amended its rules to extend the
Director’s delegated authority to issue
formal orders of investigation beyond
the one-year period. ‘‘Delegation of
Authority to the Director of Its Division
of Enforcement,’’ 75 FR 49820–01 (Aug.
16, 2010); see also 17 CFR 200.30–
4(a)(13). The amendment will delete
this delegation provision, 17 CFR
200.30–4(a)(13), to more closely align
the Commission’s use of its investigative
resources with Commission priorities.
amendment imposes no new burdens on
private parties, the Commission does
not believe that the amendment will
have any impact on competition for
purposes of section 23(a)(2) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934. 15
U.S.C. 78w(a)(2).
Dated: March 10, 2025.
Vanessa A. Countryman,
Statutory Authority
The amendment contained in this
release is being adopted pursuant to
statutory authority granted to the
Commission, including section 19 of the
Securities Act of 1933, 15 U.S.C. 77s;
sections 4A, 4B, and 23 of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. 78d–1,
78d–2, and 78w; section 38 of the
Investment Company Act, 15 U.S.C.
80a–37; section 211 of the Investment
Advisers Act, 15 U.S.C. 80b–11; and
section 3 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 15
U.S.C. 7202.
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
Administrative Law Matters
The Commission finds, in accordance
with the Administrative Procedure Act
(‘‘APA’’), that this amendment relates
solely to agency organization,
procedure, or practice. 5 U.S.C.
553(b)(A). Accordingly, the APA’s
provisions regarding notice of
rulemaking and opportunity for public
comment are not applicable. In accord
with the APA, we find that there is good
cause to establish an effective date less
than 30 days after publication of this
amendment. 5 U.S.C. 553(d). This
amendment does not substantially affect
the rights or obligations of non-agency
parties and pertains to increasing
efficiency of internal Commission
operations. This amendment is therefore
effective on March 14, 2025. For the
same reasons, the provisions of the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act are not applicable. See 5
U.S.C. 804(3)(C) (the term ‘‘rule’’ does
not include ‘‘any rule of agency
organization, procedure, or practice that
does not substantially affect the rights or
obligations of non-agency parties’’).
Additionally, the provisions of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 60 et
seq., which apply only when notice and
comment are required by the APA or
other law, are not applicable. See 5
U.S.C. 601(2). This amendment does not
contain any collection of information
requirements as defined by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. See
5 CFR 1320.3(c). Further, because this
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, the Commission is amending
17 CFR part 200 as follows:
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List of Subjects in 17 CFR Part 200
Administrative practice and
procedure, Authority delegations
(Government agencies).
Text of Amendment
1. The authority citation for part 200
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552, 552a, 552b, and
557; 11 U.S.C. 901 and 1109(a); 15 U.S.C.
77c, 77e, 77f, 77g, 77h, 77j, 77o, 77q, 77s,
77u, 77z–3, 77ggg(a), 77hhh, 77sss, 77uuu,
78b, 78c(b), 78d, 78d–1, 78d–2, 78e, 78f, 78g,
78h, 78i, 78k, 78k–1, 78l, 78m, 78n, 78o,
78o–4, 78q, 78q–1, 78t–1, 78u, 78w, 78ll(d),
78mm, 78eee, 80a–8, 80a–20, 80a–24, 80a–
29, 80a–37, 80a–41, 80a–44(a), 80a–44(b),
80b–3, 80b–4, 80b–5, 80b–9, 80b–10(a), 80b–
11, 7202, and 7211 et seq.; 29 U.S.C. 794; 44
U.S.C. 3506 and 3507; Reorganization Plan
No. 10 of 1950 (15 U.S.C. 78d); sec. 8G, Pub.
L. 95–452, 92 Stat. 1101 (5 U.S.C. App.); sec.
913, Pub. L. 111–203, 124 Stat. 1376, 1827;
sec. 3(a), Pub. L. 114–185, 130 Stat. 538; E.O.
11222, 30 FR 6469, 3 CFR, 1964–1965 Comp.,
p. 36; E.O. 12356, 47 FR 14874, 3 CFR, 1982
Comp., p. 166; E.O. 12600, 52 FR 23781, 3
CFR, 1987 Comp., p. 235; Information
Security Oversight Office Directive No. 1, 47
FR 27836; and 5 CFR 735.104 and 5 CFR
parts 2634 and 2635, unless otherwise noted.
§ 200.30–4
2. Section 200.30–4 is amended by
removing and reserving paragraph
By the Commission.
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[FR Doc. 2025–04064 Filed 3–13–25; 8:45 am]
31 CFR Part 1010
Issuance of a Geographic Targeting
Order Imposing Additional
Recordkeeping and Reporting
Requirements on Certain Money
Services Businesses Along the
Southwest Border
Financial Crimes Enforcement
Network (FinCEN), Treasury.
ACTION: Order.
FinCEN is issuing notice of a
Geographic Targeting Order, requiring
certain money services businesses along
the southwest border of the United
States to report and retain records of
transactions in currency of more than
$200 but not more than $10,000, and to
verify the identity of persons presenting
such transactions.
DATES: This action is effective April 14,
FinCEN’s Regulatory Support Section by
submitting an inquiry at
I. Background
If the Secretary of the Treasury
(Secretary) finds, upon his own
initiative or at the request of an
appropriate Federal or State law
enforcement official, that reasonable
grounds exist for concluding that
additional recordkeeping and reporting
requirements are necessary to carry out
the purposes of the Bank Secrecy Act
(BSA) 1 or to prevent evasions thereof,
the Secretary may issue a Geographic
Targeting Order (GTO) requiring any
domestic financial institution or group
of domestic financial institutions, or any
domestic nonfinancial trade or business
or group of domestic nonfinancial trades
or businesses, in a geographic area to
obtain such information as the Secretary
may describe in such GTO concerning
1 The Bank Secrecy Act, as amended, is codified
at 12 U.S.C. 1829b, 1951–1960 and 31 U.S.C. 5311–
5314, 5316–5336 and includes other authorities
reflected in notes thereto. Regulations
implementing the BSA appear at 31 CFR chapter X.
The Secretary of the Treasury’s authority to
administer the BSA has been delegated to the
Director of FinCEN.
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 49 / Friday, March 14, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
any transaction in which such financial
institution or nonfinancial trade or
business is involved in for the payment,
receipt, or transfer of funds (as the
Secretary may describe in such GTO),
and concerning any other person
participating in such transaction. For
any such transaction, the Secretary may
require the financial institution or
nonfinancial trade or business to
maintain a record and/or file a report in
the manner and to the extent specified.
The maximum effective period for a
GTO is 180 days unless renewed.2 The
authority of the Secretary to issue a GTO
has been delegated to the Director of
FinCEN (Director).3
The Director finds that reasonable
grounds exist for concluding that the
additional recordkeeping and reporting
requirements set forth in the GTO
contained in this document (the
‘‘Order’’) are necessary to carry out the
purposes of the BSA or to prevent
evasions thereof. This action is being
taken in furtherance of Treasury’s efforts
to combat illicit finance by drug cartels
and other illicit actors along the
southwest border of United States. The
Order does not alter any existing BSA
obligation of a Covered Business (as
defined in the Order), except as
otherwise noted in the Order itself.
Thus, for example, a Covered Business
must continue to file Currency
Transaction Reports (CTRs) for
transactions in currency above $10,000
and Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)
where appropriate and in accordance
with the BSA and applicable
regulations. Although the dollar
thresholds for filing SARs in the SAR
regulation applicable to Covered
Businesses remains the same (as low as
$2,000),4 FinCEN encourages the
voluntary filing of SARs where
appropriate to report transactions
conducted to evade the $200 reporting
threshold imposed by the Order.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
II. Geographic Targeting Order
A. Businesses and Transactions Covered
by This Order
1. For purposes of this Order, the
‘‘Covered Business’’ means a money
services business, as defined in 31 CFR
1010.100(ff), located in the Covered
Geographic Area.
2. For purposes of this Order, a
‘‘Covered Transaction’’ means each
deposit, withdrawal, exchange of
currency or other payment or transfer,
by, through, or to the Covered Business
which involves a transaction in
2 31
U.S.C. 5326; see also 31 CFR 1010.370.
Order 180–01 (Jan. 14, 2020).
4 31 CFR 1022.320 (SAR rule for money services
3 Treasury
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currency, of more than $200 but not
more than $10,000.
3. For purposes of this Order, a
‘‘Covered Geographic Area’’ means the
areas denoted by the ZIP codes below
corresponding to the following seven
counties in California and Texas:
a. Imperial County, California: 92231,
92249, 92281, and 92283;
b. San Diego County, California:
91910, 92101, 92113, 92117, 92126,
92154, and 92173;
c. Cameron County, Texas: 78520 and
d. El Paso County, Texas: 79901,
79902, 79903, 79905, 79907, and 79935;
e. Hidalgo County, Texas: 78503,
78557, 78572, 78577, and 78596;
f. Maverick County, Texas: 78852; and
g. Webb County, Texas: 78040, 78041,
78043, 78045, and 78046.
4. All terms used but not otherwise
defined herein shall have the same
meaning set forth in part 1010 of
chapter X of subtitle B of title 31 of the
Code of Federal Regulations.
B. Reports Required To Be Filed by the
Covered Business
5. Except as otherwise set forth in this
Order, if the Covered Business is
involved in a Covered Transaction, then
the Covered Business shall report the
Covered Transaction to FinCEN on a
Currency Transaction Report within 15
days following the day on which the
Covered Transaction occurred. In the
case of the U.S. Postal Service, the
obligation contained in the preceding
sentence shall not apply to payments or
transfers made solely in connection
with the purchase of postage or
philatelic products.
Note: When submitting the report, the
Covered Business may receive a warning that
the transaction is below $10,000. The
Covered Business shall ignore the warning
and continue with the submission.
6. Each report filed pursuant to this
Order must be: (a) completed in
accordance with the terms of this Order
and the Currency Transaction Report
instructions (when those terms and
those instructions conflict, the terms of
this Order prevail); and (b) e-filed
though the BSA E-Filing System.5
7. Before concluding a Covered
Transaction, the Covered Business must
comply with the identification
requirements set forth at 31 CFR
1010.312, including the requirement
that the specific identifying information
5 To electronically file a Currency Transaction
Report, a Covered Business will need a BSA EFiling User account. To create a BSA E-Filing User
account, please visit https://bsaefiling. For more
information on e-filing, please visit https://
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(e.g., the account number of the credit
card, the driver’s license number) used
in verifying the identity of the customer
shall be recorded on the Currency
Transaction Report, and the mere
notation of ‘‘known customer’’ or ‘‘bank
signature card on file’’ on the report is
prohibited. For purposes of this
requirement, the Covered Business need
not identify employees of armored car
8. The Covered Business is not
required to file a report otherwise
required under this Order on a Covered
Transaction between the Covered
Business and a commercial bank.
9. Part IV of the Currency Transaction
Report shall contain the following
information in Field 45:
C. Order Period
The terms of this Order are effective
beginning April 14, 2025 and ending on
September 9, 2025.
D. Retention of Records
The Covered Business must: (a) retain
all reports filed to comply with this
Order and any other records relating to
compliance with this Order for a period
of five years from the last day that this
Order is effective (including any
renewals of this Order); (b) store all
such records in a manner accessible
within a reasonable period of time; and
(c) make such records available to
FinCEN, or any other appropriate law
enforcement or regulatory agency, upon
request, in accordance with applicable
E. No Effect on Other Provision of the
BSA or Its Implementing Regulations
Nothing in this Order otherwise
modifies or affects any provision of the
BSA or the regulations implementing
the BSA to the extent not expressly
stated herein.
F. Confidentiality
This Order is being publicly issued,
and its terms are not confidential.
G. Compliance
The Covered Business must supervise,
and is responsible for, compliance by
each of its officers, directors, employees,
and agents with the terms of this Order.
The Covered Business must transmit
this Order to each of its agents located
in the Covered Geographic Area. The
Covered Business must also transmit
this Order to its Chief Executive Officer
or other similarly acting manager.
H. Penalties for Noncompliance
The Covered Business, and any of its
officers, directors, employees, and
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 49 / Friday, March 14, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
agents, may be liable, without
limitation, for civil or criminal penalties
for violating any of the terms of this
I. Validity of Order
Any judicial determination that any
provision of this Order is invalid shall
not affect the validity of any other
provision of this Order, and each other
provision shall thereafter remain in full
force and effect. A copy of this Order
carries the full force and effect of an
original signed Order.
J. Paperwork Reduction Act
The collection of information subject
to the Paperwork Reduction Act
contained in this Order has been
approved by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) and assigned OMB
control number 1506–0056. An agency
may not conduct or sponsor, and a
person is not required to respond to, a
collection of information unless it
displays a valid OMB control number.
K. Questions
All questions about the Order should
be directed to the FinCEN at https://
(Authority: 31 U.S.C. 5326)
Andrea M. Gacki,
Director, Financial Crimes Enforcement
[FR Doc. 2025–04099 Filed 3–13–25; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
36 CFR Part 7
[NPS–GLCA–NPS39678; NPS–2024–0005;
RIN 1024–AE91
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area;
Motor Vehicles; Postponement of
Effective Date
National Park Service, Interior.
Final rule; postponement of
effective date.
This action further postpones
the effective date for a rule published on
January 13, 2025, pending judicial
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
As of March 14, 2025, the
effective date of the rule amending 36
CFR part 7 published at 90 FR 2621,
January 13, 2025, delayed on February
13, 2025, at 90 FR 9518, is postponed
indefinitely, pending judicial review.
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The National Park Service (NPS) will
publish a document in the Federal
Register announcing the new effective
date or other dates the public may need
to know.
Michelle Kerns, Superintendent, Glen
Canyon National Recreation Area, P.O.
Box 1507, Page, Arizona 86040, by
phone at 928–608–6210, or by email at
Individuals in the United States who are
deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have
a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY,
TDD, or TeleBraille) to access
telecommunications relay services.
Individuals outside the United States
should use the relay services offered
within their country to make
international calls to the point-ofcontact in the United States.
January 13, 2025, the NPS published a
final rule revising special regulations at
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
to update rules about the use of motor
vehicles on roads and off roads on
designated routes and areas (the ‘‘Final
Rule’’; 90 FR 2621). On January 20,
2025, the President issued a
memorandum titled ‘‘Regulatory Freeze
Pending Review’’ (‘‘Freeze Memo’’). The
Freeze Memo directed all executive
departments and agencies to consider
postponing for 60 days from the date of
the Freeze Memo the effective date for
any rules that had been published in the
Federal Register but had not yet taken
effect for the purpose of reviewing any
questions of fact, law, and policy that
the rules may raise.
On February 13, the NPS published
an action delaying the effective date for
the Final Rule until March 21, 2025 (90
FR 9518) for the purpose of giving
agency officials the opportunity to
further review any questions of fact,
law, and policy that the Final Rule may
After conducting that review, the NPS
has determined that justice requires an
indefinite postponement of the effective
date of the Final Rule, pending
resolution of ongoing litigation. Under
section 705 of the Administrative
Procedure Act ‘‘[w]hen an agency finds
that justice so requires, it may postpone
the effective date of action taken by it,
pending judicial review.’’ 5 U.S.C. 705.
The State of Utah, Wayne and Garfield
Counties, and the Utah School and
Institutional Trust Lands
Administration have challenged the
special regulations for motor vehicle use
at Glen Canyon National Recreation
Area that were promulgated in 2021 (the
‘‘2021 Rule’’; 86 FR 3804) and the
corresponding off-road vehicle
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management plan (‘‘ORV plan’’). State
of Utah v. Haaland, 4:24–cv–00048 (D.
Utah). The plaintiffs allege numerous
legal deficiencies, including claimed
State interests in roads affected by the
2021 Rule, the plaintiffs’ inability to
economically develop school trust lands
accessed from roads managed by the
ORV Plan, and the opportunity for
Department of the Interior agencies to
better coordinate motorized vehicle
regulation across jurisdictional
boundaries. While the plaintiffs’
challenge is to the 2021 Rule, many of
the issues raised in that litigation,
including the effects of off-road vehicle
management on State interests and
school trust lands, are also relevant to
the Final Rule.
The NPS has determined that
postponing the effective date of the
Final Rule and preserving the regulatory
status quo of the 2021 Rule pending the
resolution of ongoing litigation
regarding that rule is necessary in order
to avoid unduly foreclosing potential
remedies, ensure proper adjudication of
these claims, and avoid creating a
shifting regulatory landscape that may
frustrate resolution of the issues raised
in that litigation. Maintaining the status
quo will also serve the public interest by
avoiding confusion with the public on
what motorized uses are allowed in the
Recreation Area and avoiding
unnecessary and costly agency
operations to implement additional
changes while the previous changes are
the subject of the pending litigation.
Additionally, the Bureau of Land
Management (‘‘BLM’’) released its
Travel Management Plan for the Henry
Mountains and Freemont Gorge Area on
January 17, 2025, shortly after the
publication of the Final Rule. This area
is adjacent to the Recreation Area, and
roads from the Recreation Area extend
into this BLM planning area, and vice
versa. Postponing the effective date of
the Final Rule will allow for ongoing
coordination on these matters that will
better inform the adjudication of the
pending claims from the State of Utah
and the other plaintiffs.
Finally, the National Parks
Conservation Association and Southern
Utah Wilderness Alliance, parties to the
Settlement Agreement under which the
Final Rule was published, have been
granted intervenor status in the
challenge from the State of Utah to the
2021 Rule, so that the interests of all
parties will be heard and adequately
protected by resolution of these issues
in that forum. In light of this active
litigation, the NPS has concluded that
justice requires it to postpone the
effective date for the Final Rule until the
[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 49 (Friday, March 14, 2025)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 12106-12108]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-04099]
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
31 CFR Part 1010
Issuance of a Geographic Targeting Order Imposing Additional
Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements on Certain Money Services
Businesses Along the Southwest Border
AGENCY: Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), Treasury.
ACTION: Order.
SUMMARY: FinCEN is issuing notice of a Geographic Targeting Order,
requiring certain money services businesses along the southwest border
of the United States to report and retain records of transactions in
currency of more than $200 but not more than $10,000, and to verify the
identity of persons presenting such transactions.
DATES: This action is effective April 14, 2025.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: FinCEN's Regulatory Support Section by
submitting an inquiry at
I. Background
If the Secretary of the Treasury (Secretary) finds, upon his own
initiative or at the request of an appropriate Federal or State law
enforcement official, that reasonable grounds exist for concluding that
additional recordkeeping and reporting requirements are necessary to
carry out the purposes of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) \1\ or to prevent
evasions thereof, the Secretary may issue a Geographic Targeting Order
(GTO) requiring any domestic financial institution or group of domestic
financial institutions, or any domestic nonfinancial trade or business
or group of domestic nonfinancial trades or businesses, in a geographic
area to obtain such information as the Secretary may describe in such
GTO concerning
[[Page 12107]]
any transaction in which such financial institution or nonfinancial
trade or business is involved in for the payment, receipt, or transfer
of funds (as the Secretary may describe in such GTO), and concerning
any other person participating in such transaction. For any such
transaction, the Secretary may require the financial institution or
nonfinancial trade or business to maintain a record and/or file a
report in the manner and to the extent specified. The maximum effective
period for a GTO is 180 days unless renewed.\2\ The authority of the
Secretary to issue a GTO has been delegated to the Director of FinCEN
\1\ The Bank Secrecy Act, as amended, is codified at 12 U.S.C.
1829b, 1951-1960 and 31 U.S.C. 5311-5314, 5316-5336 and includes
other authorities reflected in notes thereto. Regulations
implementing the BSA appear at 31 CFR chapter X. The Secretary of
the Treasury's authority to administer the BSA has been delegated to
the Director of FinCEN.
\2\ 31 U.S.C. 5326; see also 31 CFR 1010.370.
\3\ Treasury Order 180-01 (Jan. 14, 2020).
The Director finds that reasonable grounds exist for concluding
that the additional recordkeeping and reporting requirements set forth
in the GTO contained in this document (the ``Order'') are necessary to
carry out the purposes of the BSA or to prevent evasions thereof. This
action is being taken in furtherance of Treasury's efforts to combat
illicit finance by drug cartels and other illicit actors along the
southwest border of United States. The Order does not alter any
existing BSA obligation of a Covered Business (as defined in the
Order), except as otherwise noted in the Order itself. Thus, for
example, a Covered Business must continue to file Currency Transaction
Reports (CTRs) for transactions in currency above $10,000 and
Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) where appropriate and in accordance
with the BSA and applicable regulations. Although the dollar thresholds
for filing SARs in the SAR regulation applicable to Covered Businesses
remains the same (as low as $2,000),\4\ FinCEN encourages the voluntary
filing of SARs where appropriate to report transactions conducted to
evade the $200 reporting threshold imposed by the Order.
\4\ 31 CFR 1022.320 (SAR rule for money services businesses).
II. Geographic Targeting Order
A. Businesses and Transactions Covered by This Order
1. For purposes of this Order, the ``Covered Business'' means a
money services business, as defined in 31 CFR 1010.100(ff), located in
the Covered Geographic Area.
2. For purposes of this Order, a ``Covered Transaction'' means each
deposit, withdrawal, exchange of currency or other payment or transfer,
by, through, or to the Covered Business which involves a transaction in
currency, of more than $200 but not more than $10,000.
3. For purposes of this Order, a ``Covered Geographic Area'' means
the areas denoted by the ZIP codes below corresponding to the following
seven counties in California and Texas:
a. Imperial County, California: 92231, 92249, 92281, and 92283;
b. San Diego County, California: 91910, 92101, 92113, 92117, 92126,
92154, and 92173;
c. Cameron County, Texas: 78520 and 78521;
d. El Paso County, Texas: 79901, 79902, 79903, 79905, 79907, and
e. Hidalgo County, Texas: 78503, 78557, 78572, 78577, and 78596;
f. Maverick County, Texas: 78852; and
g. Webb County, Texas: 78040, 78041, 78043, 78045, and 78046.
4. All terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the
same meaning set forth in part 1010 of chapter X of subtitle B of title
31 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
B. Reports Required To Be Filed by the Covered Business
5. Except as otherwise set forth in this Order, if the Covered
Business is involved in a Covered Transaction, then the Covered
Business shall report the Covered Transaction to FinCEN on a Currency
Transaction Report within 15 days following the day on which the
Covered Transaction occurred. In the case of the U.S. Postal Service,
the obligation contained in the preceding sentence shall not apply to
payments or transfers made solely in connection with the purchase of
postage or philatelic products.
Note: When submitting the report, the Covered Business may
receive a warning that the transaction is below $10,000. The Covered
Business shall ignore the warning and continue with the submission.
6. Each report filed pursuant to this Order must be: (a) completed
in accordance with the terms of this Order and the Currency Transaction
Report instructions (when those terms and those instructions conflict,
the terms of this Order prevail); and (b) e-filed though the BSA E-
Filing System.\5\
\5\ To electronically file a Currency Transaction Report, a
Covered Business will need a BSA E-Filing User account. To create a
BSA E-Filing User account, please visit For more information on
e-filing, please visit
7. Before concluding a Covered Transaction, the Covered Business
must comply with the identification requirements set forth at 31 CFR
1010.312, including the requirement that the specific identifying
information (e.g., the account number of the credit card, the driver's
license number) used in verifying the identity of the customer shall be
recorded on the Currency Transaction Report, and the mere notation of
``known customer'' or ``bank signature card on file'' on the report is
prohibited. For purposes of this requirement, the Covered Business need
not identify employees of armored car services.
8. The Covered Business is not required to file a report otherwise
required under this Order on a Covered Transaction between the Covered
Business and a commercial bank.
9. Part IV of the Currency Transaction Report shall contain the
following information in Field 45: ``MSB0325GTO''.
C. Order Period
The terms of this Order are effective beginning April 14, 2025 and
ending on September 9, 2025.
D. Retention of Records
The Covered Business must: (a) retain all reports filed to comply
with this Order and any other records relating to compliance with this
Order for a period of five years from the last day that this Order is
effective (including any renewals of this Order); (b) store all such
records in a manner accessible within a reasonable period of time; and
(c) make such records available to FinCEN, or any other appropriate law
enforcement or regulatory agency, upon request, in accordance with
applicable law.
E. No Effect on Other Provision of the BSA or Its Implementing
Nothing in this Order otherwise modifies or affects any provision
of the BSA or the regulations implementing the BSA to the extent not
expressly stated herein.
F. Confidentiality
This Order is being publicly issued, and its terms are not
G. Compliance
The Covered Business must supervise, and is responsible for,
compliance by each of its officers, directors, employees, and agents
with the terms of this Order. The Covered Business must transmit this
Order to each of its agents located in the Covered Geographic Area. The
Covered Business must also transmit this Order to its Chief Executive
Officer or other similarly acting manager.
H. Penalties for Noncompliance
The Covered Business, and any of its officers, directors,
employees, and
[[Page 12108]]
agents, may be liable, without limitation, for civil or criminal
penalties for violating any of the terms of this Order.
I. Validity of Order
Any judicial determination that any provision of this Order is
invalid shall not affect the validity of any other provision of this
Order, and each other provision shall thereafter remain in full force
and effect. A copy of this Order carries the full force and effect of
an original signed Order.
J. Paperwork Reduction Act
The collection of information subject to the Paperwork Reduction
Act contained in this Order has been approved by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) and assigned OMB control number 1506-0056.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB
control number.
K. Questions
All questions about the Order should be directed to the FinCEN at
(Authority: 31 U.S.C. 5326)
Andrea M. Gacki,
Director, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.
[FR Doc. 2025-04099 Filed 3-13-25; 8:45 am]