International Competitive Services and Price Changes, 8496-8498 [2025-01938]

Download as PDF 8496 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 19 / Thursday, January 30, 2025 / Rules and Regulations $0–9,999. (18 CFR 381.304(b)) ............................................................................................................................................ $10,000–29,999. (18 CFR 381.304(b)) ................................................................................................................................. $30,000 or more. (18 CFR 381.304(a)) ................................................................................................................................ 4. Written legal interpretations by the Office of General Counsel. (18 CFR 381.305(a)) .................................................................. 100 600 31,310 11,730 Fees Applicable to Natural Gas Pipelines 1. Pipeline certificate applications pursuant to 18 CFR 284.224. (18 CFR 381.207(b)) .................................................................... * 1,000 Fees Applicable to Cogenerators and Small Power Producers 1. Certification of qualifying status as a small power production facility. (18 CFR 381.505(a)) ......................................................... 2. Certification of qualifying status as a cogeneration facility. (18 CFR 381.505(a)) ......................................................................... 35,170 39,810 * This fee has not been changed. List of Subjects in 18 CFR Part 381 POSTAL SERVICE Electric power plants, Electric utilities, Natural gas, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 39 CFR Part 20 International Competitive Services and Price Changes Issued: January 8, 2025. Anton C. Porter, Executive Director. ACTION: In consideration of the foregoing, the Commission amends part 381, chapter I, title 18, Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth below. PART 381—FEES 1. The authority citation for part 381 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 15 U.S.C. 717–717w; 16 U.S.C. 791–828c, 2601–2645; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 42 U.S.C. 7101–7352; 49 U.S.C. 60502; 49 App. U.S.C. 1–85. § 381.302 [Amended] 2. In § 381.302, paragraph (a) is amended by removing ‘‘$37,760’’ and adding ‘‘$40,900’’ in its place. ■ § 381.303 [Amended] 3. In § 381.303, paragraph (a) is amended by removing ‘‘$55,120’’ and adding ‘‘$59,710’’ in its place. ■ § 381.304 [Amended] 4. In § 381.304, paragraph (a) is amended by removing ‘‘$28,900’’ and adding ‘‘$31,310’’ in its place. ■ § 381.305 [Amended] 5. In § 381.305, paragraph (a) is amended by removing ‘‘$10,830’’ and adding ‘‘$11,730’’ in its place. ■ § 381.403 [Amended] 6. In § 381.403, remove ‘‘$18,790’’ and add ‘‘$20,360’’ in its place. ■ lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1 § 381.505 [Amended] 7. In § 381.505, paragraph (a) is amended by removing ‘‘$32,470’’ and ‘‘$36,750’’ and adding ‘‘$35,170’’ and ‘‘$39,810’’ in their places, respectively. ■ [FR Doc. 2025–01975 Filed 1–29–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:14 Jan 29, 2025 Postal ServiceTM. Final rule. AGENCY: Jkt 265001 SUMMARY: The Postal ServiceTM is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®), and Notice 123, Price List, to reflect changes to Competitive Services as established by the Governors of the United States Postal Service. DATES: Effective: January 30, 2025. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dale Kennedy at 202–268–6592 or Kathy Frigo at 202–268–4178. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This final action describes new prices established by the Governors of the United States Postal Service and submitted for review by the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) in Docket Number CP2025–1, which the PRC favorably reviewed on January 16, 2025, in Order No. 8635 (see Also, by notice filed on November 15, 2024, in PRC Docket No. MC2025–424, which the PRC favorably reviewed on January 13, 2025, in Order No. 8573, the Postal Service is changing the country group assignments for St. Pierre and Miquelon. In addition, the Postal Service is also changing the Foreign Office of Exchange Code for International Priority Airmail destined for St. Pierre and Miquelon. This final action describes the international price changes and minor classification changes for the following international competitive services: • Priority Mail Express International®. • Priority Mail International®. • First-Class Package International Service. • International Priority Airmail®. • International Surface Air Lift®. • Direct Sacks of Printed Matter to One Addressee (Airmail M-bag®). PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 • The following competitive international extra services and fees: • International Insurance. • Certificate of Mailing. • International Registered Mail. • Customs Clearance and Delivery Fee. For pricing, see the Postal Explorer website at Priority Mail Express International 1 Priority Mail Express International (PMEI) service provides fast service to approximately 180 countries in 3–5 business days for many major markets, although the actual number of days may vary based upon origin, destination, and customs delays. PMEI with Money-Back Guarantee service is available for certain destinations. Due to airline travel restrictions and cancellations, PMEI with Money-Back Guarantee service has been suspended for several destinations until further notice. For more information, see the USPS Service Updates page on The price increase for PMEI service averages 4.9 percent. The Commercial Base price provides a discount below the published retail prices for customers who prepare and pay for PMEI shipments via permit imprint, online at®, or as registered end-users using an authorized PC Postage vendor (with the exception of Click-N-Ship® service). Customers who prepare PMEI shipments via Click-N-Ship service pay retail prices. Commercial Plus will be equivalent to Commercial Base; however, deeper discounting may still be available to customers through negotiated service agreements. The Postal Service will continue to include PMEI service in customized contracts. PMEI flat rate pricing continues to be available for Flat Rate Envelopes. Priority Mail International Priority Mail International (PMI) is an economical way to send merchandise and documents to approximately 180 1 GXG service was suspended as of September 29, 2024, and thus is not included with this Notice. E:\FR\FM\30JAR1.SGM 30JAR1 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 19 / Thursday, January 30, 2025 / Rules and Regulations countries in 6–10 business days for many major markets, although the actual number of days may vary based upon origin, destination, and customs delays. The price increase for PMI service averages 4.9 percent. The Commercial Base price provides a discount below the published retail prices for customers who prepare and pay for PMI items via permit imprint, online at, or as registered end-users using an authorized PC Postage vendor (with the exception of Click-N-Ship). Customers who prepare PMI shipments via Click-N-Ship pay retail prices. Commercial Plus prices will be equivalent to Commercial Base; however, deeper discounting may still be made available to customers through negotiated service agreements. The Postal Service will continue to include PMI service in customized contracts. PMI flat rate pricing continues to be available for Flat Rate Envelopes, Small Flat Rate Boxes, and Medium and Large Flat Rate Boxes. First-Class Package International Service First-Class Package International Service (FCPIS) is an economical international service for small packages not exceeding 4 pounds in weight and $400 in value. The price increase for FCPIS averages 4.9 percent. The Commercial Base price provides a discount below the published retail prices for customers who prepare and pay for FCPIS items via permit imprint or by USPS-approved online payment methods. Customers who prepare FCPIS shipments via Click-N-Ship service pay retail prices. Commercial Plus prices will be equivalent to Commercial Base; however, deeper discounting will be made available to customer through negotiated service agreements. Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service (E– USPS DELCON INTL®) is a tracking service available at no charge for FCPIS items to select destination countries. International Priority Airmail and International Surface Air Lift International Priority Airmail (IPA) service, including IPA M-bags, is a commercial service designed for volume mailings of all First-Class Mail International postcards, letters, and large envelopes (flats), and for volume mailings of FCPIS packages (small packets) weighing up to a maximum of 4.4 pounds. IPA shipments are typically flown to foreign destinations (exceptions apply to Canada) and are then entered into that country’s air or surface priority mail system for delivery. The price increase for IPA is 4.9 percent. International Surface Airlift (ISAL) is like IPA except that once flown to the foreign destination, ISAL is entered into that country’s air or surface nonpriority mail system for delivery. The price increase for ISAL is 28.9 percent. Direct Sacks of Printed Matter to One Addressee (Airmail M-Bags) An Airmail M-bag is a direct sack of printed matter sent to a single foreign addressee at a single address. Prices are based on the weight of the sack. The 8497 published prices for Airmail M-bags will remain the same on average and not increase, although a few prices will change slightly. International Extra Services and Fees Depending on country destination and mail type, customers may add a variety of extra services to their outbound shipments and pay a variety of fees. The Postal Service proposes to increase fees for certain competitive international extra services as follows: • PMEI and PMI merchandise insurance: There is no charge for PMEI and PMI merchandise insurance coverage up to $200. The starting fee for additional insurance over $200 will be lowered to $11.85. For each additional $100 or fraction over $300 up to a maximum indemnity limit of $5000 (the maximum indemnity varies by country), the incremental fee will be as set forth in the table below: Indemnity limit not over Fee Up to $200 .................................... $200.01–$300.00 .......................... $300.01–$400.00 .......................... $400.01–$500.00 .......................... $500.01–$600.00 .......................... $600.01–$700.00 .......................... $700.01–$800.00 .......................... $800.01–$900.00 .......................... $0.00 11.85 15.00 18.15 21.30 24.40 27.60 30.70 $30.70 plus $3.15 per $100 or fraction thereof over $900 in declared value. Maximum insurance $5,000 (varies by country). • Certificate of mailing service: Prices for competitive international certificate of mailing service will be as follows: CERTIFICATE OF MAILING Fee lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1 Individual pieces: Individual article (PS Form 3817) ................................................................................................................................................. Duplicate copy of PS Form 3817 or PS Form 3665 (per page) .................................................................................................. Firm mailing sheet (PS Form 3665), per piece (minimum 3) All other qualifying classes of mail .............................................. Bulk quantities: For first 1,000 pieces (or fraction thereof) ................................................................................................................................... Each additional 1,000 pieces (or fraction thereof) ....................................................................................................................... Duplicate copy of PS Form 3606 ................................................................................................................................................. • International Registered Mail service: The fee for competitive international registered mail will increase to $21.75. • Customs clearance and delivery fee: The competitive customs clearance and delivery fee per dutiable item will increase to $8.85. The Postal Service hereby adopts the following changes to Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM), which is incorporated by reference in VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:14 Jan 29, 2025 Jkt 265001 the Code of Federal Regulations. We will publish an appropriate amendment to 39 CFR part 20 to reflect these changes. List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 20 Foreign relations, International postal services. Accordingly, the Postal Service amends Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM), incorporated by reference in the Code of Federal PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 $2.10 2.10 0.61 11.65 1.52 2.10 Regulations, as follows (see 39 CFR 20.1) PART 20—[AMENDED] 1. The authority citation for 39 CFR part 20 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301– 307; 18 U.S.C. 1692–1737; 39 U.S.C. 101, 401, 403, 404, 407, 414, 416, 3001–3011, 3201–3219, 3403–3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632, 3633, and 5001. E:\FR\FM\30JAR1.SGM 30JAR1 8498 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 19 / Thursday, January 30, 2025 / Rules and Regulations 2. Revise the following sections of the IMM as follows: * * * * * ■ Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM) * 2 * * * * * * * Commercial Services * * * * * * * * Exhibit 292.45a * IPA Foreign Office of Exchange Codes and Price Groups * * * * * Mail Preparation * * * * [Revise the entry for Saint Pierre and Miquelon to read as follows:] * * Country labeling name Foreign office of exchange code * * * * Saint Pierre and Miquelon ............................................................................................ * * ROI ........................................................... * * * * * * * * * * Global Express Guaranteed * * * Saint Pierre and Miquelon .................... * * * Price group Max. wt. (lbs.) n/a n/a * * * * * Saint Pierre and Miquelon * * * * * [Revise the heading for the Priority Mail International section to read as follows (changing the price group to 15):] VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:14 Jan 29, 2025 Max. wt. (lbs.) PMEI flat rate envelopes price group 1 * n/a Jkt 265001 n/a * n/a Price group Max. wt. (lbs.) * 15 66 * First-Class Mail International (240) Price Group 5 [Revise the heading for the First-Class Package International Service section to Frm 00012 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 9990 First-Class Mail International and First-Class Package International Service PMI flat rate envelopes and boxes price group 2 FCMI price group 3 * FCPIS price group 4 * 4 * [Revise the heading for the First-Class Mail International section to read as follows (changing the price group to 5):] * * * * * PO 00000 15 * Priority Mail International Priority Mail International (230) Price Group 15 Individual Country Listings * Price group * * * * * * * Price group [Revise the entry for Saint Pierre and Miquelon to read as follows:] Priority Mail Express International Country * * Country Price Groups and Weight Limits * lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1 * 292.45 PA Foreign Office of Exchange Codes and Price Groups 292 International Priority Airmail (IPA) Service 292.4 Conditions for Mailing * 290 5 * 15 * read as follows (changing the price group to 15):] * * * * * First-Class Package International Service (250) Price Group 15 * * * * * Kevin Rayburn, Attorney, Ethics & Legal Compliance. [FR Doc. 2025–01938 Filed 1–29–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7710–12–P E:\FR\FM\30JAR1.SGM 30JAR1


[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 19 (Thursday, January 30, 2025)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 8496-8498]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-01938]



39 CFR Part 20

International Competitive Services and Price Changes

AGENCY: Postal ServiceTM.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: The Postal ServiceTM is revising Mailing Standards 
of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual 
(IMM[supreg]), and Notice 123, Price List, to reflect changes to 
Competitive Services as established by the Governors of the United 
States Postal Service.

DATES: Effective: January 30, 2025.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dale Kennedy at 202-268-6592 or Kathy 
Frigo at 202-268-4178.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This final action describes new prices 
established by the Governors of the United States Postal Service and 
submitted for review by the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) in 
Docket Number CP2025-1, which the PRC favorably reviewed on January 16, 
2025, in Order No. 8635 (see
    Also, by notice filed on November 15, 2024, in PRC Docket No. 
MC2025-424, which the PRC favorably reviewed on January 13, 2025, in 
Order No. 8573, the Postal Service is changing the country group 
assignments for St. Pierre and Miquelon. In addition, the Postal 
Service is also changing the Foreign Office of Exchange Code for 
International Priority Airmail destined for St. Pierre and Miquelon.
    This final action describes the international price changes and 
minor classification changes for the following international 
competitive services:
     Priority Mail Express International[supreg].
     Priority Mail International[supreg].
     First-Class Package International Service.
     International Priority Airmail[supreg].
     International Surface Air Lift[supreg].
     Direct Sacks of Printed Matter to One Addressee (Airmail 
     The following competitive international extra services and 
     International Insurance.
     Certificate of Mailing.
     International Registered Mail.
     Customs Clearance and Delivery Fee.
    For pricing, see the Postal Explorer website at

Priority Mail Express International 1

    \1\ GXG service was suspended as of September 29, 2024, and thus 
is not included with this Notice.

    Priority Mail Express International (PMEI) service provides fast 
service to approximately 180 countries in 3-5 business days for many 
major markets, although the actual number of days may vary based upon 
origin, destination, and customs delays. PMEI with Money-Back Guarantee 
service is available for certain destinations. Due to airline travel 
restrictions and cancellations, PMEI with Money-Back Guarantee service 
has been suspended for several destinations until further notice. For 
more information, see the USPS Service Updates page on 
The price increase for PMEI service averages 4.9 percent. The 
Commercial Base price provides a discount below the published retail 
prices for customers who prepare and pay for PMEI shipments via permit 
imprint, online at[supreg], or as registered end-users using 
an authorized PC Postage vendor (with the exception of Click-N-
Ship[supreg] service). Customers who prepare PMEI shipments via Click-
N-Ship service pay retail prices. Commercial Plus will be equivalent to 
Commercial Base; however, deeper discounting may still be available to 
customers through negotiated service agreements.
    The Postal Service will continue to include PMEI service in 
customized contracts.
    PMEI flat rate pricing continues to be available for Flat Rate 

Priority Mail International

    Priority Mail International (PMI) is an economical way to send 
merchandise and documents to approximately 180

[[Page 8497]]

countries in 6-10 business days for many major markets, although the 
actual number of days may vary based upon origin, destination, and 
customs delays. The price increase for PMI service averages 4.9 
percent. The Commercial Base price provides a discount below the 
published retail prices for customers who prepare and pay for PMI items 
via permit imprint, online at, or as registered end-users 
using an authorized PC Postage vendor (with the exception of Click-N-
Ship). Customers who prepare PMI shipments via Click-N-Ship pay retail 
prices. Commercial Plus prices will be equivalent to Commercial Base; 
however, deeper discounting may still be made available to customers 
through negotiated service agreements.
    The Postal Service will continue to include PMI service in 
customized contracts.
    PMI flat rate pricing continues to be available for Flat Rate 
Envelopes, Small Flat Rate Boxes, and Medium and Large Flat Rate Boxes.

First-Class Package International Service

    First-Class Package International Service (FCPIS) is an economical 
international service for small packages not exceeding 4 pounds in 
weight and $400 in value. The price increase for FCPIS averages 4.9 
percent. The Commercial Base price provides a discount below the 
published retail prices for customers who prepare and pay for FCPIS 
items via permit imprint or by USPS-approved online payment methods. 
Customers who prepare FCPIS shipments via Click-N-Ship service pay 
retail prices. Commercial Plus prices will be equivalent to Commercial 
Base; however, deeper discounting will be made available to customer 
through negotiated service agreements.
    Electronic USPS Delivery Confirmation International service (E-USPS 
DELCON INTL[supreg]) is a tracking service available at no charge for 
FCPIS items to select destination countries.

International Priority Airmail and International Surface Air Lift

    International Priority Airmail (IPA) service, including IPA M-bags, 
is a commercial service designed for volume mailings of all First-Class 
Mail International postcards, letters, and large envelopes (flats), and 
for volume mailings of FCPIS packages (small packets) weighing up to a 
maximum of 4.4 pounds. IPA shipments are typically flown to foreign 
destinations (exceptions apply to Canada) and are then entered into 
that country's air or surface priority mail system for delivery. The 
price increase for IPA is 4.9 percent. International Surface Airlift 
(ISAL) is like IPA except that once flown to the foreign destination, 
ISAL is entered into that country's air or surface nonpriority mail 
system for delivery. The price increase for ISAL is 28.9 percent.

Direct Sacks of Printed Matter to One Addressee (Airmail M-Bags)

    An Airmail M-bag is a direct sack of printed matter sent to a 
single foreign addressee at a single address. Prices are based on the 
weight of the sack. The published prices for Airmail M-bags will remain 
the same on average and not increase, although a few prices will change 

International Extra Services and Fees

    Depending on country destination and mail type, customers may add a 
variety of extra services to their outbound shipments and pay a variety 
of fees. The Postal Service proposes to increase fees for certain 
competitive international extra services as follows:
     PMEI and PMI merchandise insurance: There is no charge for 
PMEI and PMI merchandise insurance coverage up to $200. The starting 
fee for additional insurance over $200 will be lowered to $11.85. For 
each additional $100 or fraction over $300 up to a maximum indemnity 
limit of $5000 (the maximum indemnity varies by country), the 
incremental fee will be as set forth in the table below:

                   Indemnity limit not over                       Fee
Up to $200...................................................      $0.00
$200.01-$300.00..............................................      11.85
$300.01-$400.00..............................................      15.00
$400.01-$500.00..............................................      18.15
$500.01-$600.00..............................................      21.30
$600.01-$700.00..............................................      24.40
$700.01-$800.00..............................................      27.60
$800.01-$900.00..............................................      30.70
$30.70 plus $3.15 per $100 or fraction thereof over $900 in declared
  value. Maximum insurance $5,000 (varies by country).

     Certificate of mailing service: Prices for competitive 
international certificate of mailing service will be as follows:

                         Certificate of Mailing
Individual pieces:
    Individual article (PS Form 3817)...................           $2.10
    Duplicate copy of PS Form 3817 or PS Form 3665 (per             2.10
    Firm mailing sheet (PS Form 3665), per piece                    0.61
     (minimum 3) All other qualifying classes of mail...
Bulk quantities:
    For first 1,000 pieces (or fraction thereof)........           11.65
    Each additional 1,000 pieces (or fraction thereof)..            1.52
    Duplicate copy of PS Form 3606......................            2.10

     International Registered Mail service: The fee for 
competitive international registered mail will increase to $21.75.
     Customs clearance and delivery fee: The competitive 
customs clearance and delivery fee per dutiable item will increase to 
    The Postal Service hereby adopts the following changes to Mailing 
Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail 
Manual (IMM), which is incorporated by reference in the Code of Federal 
Regulations. We will publish an appropriate amendment to 39 CFR part 20 
to reflect these changes.

List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 20

    Foreign relations, International postal services.

    Accordingly, the Postal Service amends Mailing Standards of the 
United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM), 
incorporated by reference in the Code of Federal Regulations, as 
follows (see 39 CFR 20.1)


1. The authority citation for 39 CFR part 20 continues to read as 

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301-307; 18 U.S.C. 1692-
1737; 39 U.S.C. 101, 401, 403, 404, 407, 414, 416, 3001-3011, 3201-
3219, 3403-3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632, 3633, and 5001.

[[Page 8498]]

2. Revise the following sections of the IMM as follows:
* * * * *

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International 
Mail Manual (IMM)

* * * * *

2 Conditions for Mailing

* * * * *

290 Commercial Services

* * * * *

292 International Priority Airmail (IPA) Service

* * * * *

292.4 Mail Preparation

* * * * *

292.45 PA Foreign Office of Exchange Codes and Price Groups

* * * * *
Exhibit 292.45a

IPA Foreign Office of Exchange Codes and Price Groups

    [Revise the entry for Saint Pierre and Miquelon to read as 

                                      Foreign office of
       Country labeling name            exchange code       Price group
                              * * * * * * *
Saint Pierre and Miquelon.........  ROI.................              15
                              * * * * * * *

* * * * *

Country Price Groups and Weight Limits

* * * * *
    [Revise the entry for Saint Pierre and Miquelon to read as 

                                                                      Global Express     Priority Mail Express International       Priority Mail International            First-Class Mail
                                                                        Guaranteed     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   International and First-
                                                                   --------------------                                                                              Class Package International
                              Country                                                                        PMEI flat rate                         PMI flat rate              Service
                                                                      Price   Max. wt.    Price   Max. wt.   envelopes price    Price   Max. wt.   envelopes  and  -----------------------------
                                                                      group    (lbs.)     group    (lbs.)       group \1\       group    (lbs.)     boxes  price     FCMI price     FCPIS price
                                                                                                                                                      group \2\       group \3\      group \4\
                                                                                          * * * * * * *
Saint Pierre and Miquelon.........................................      n/a       n/a       n/a       n/a               n/a        15        66                 4             5              15
                                                                                          * * * * * * *

* * * * *

Individual Country Listings

* * * * *

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

* * * * *
    [Revise the heading for the Priority Mail International section to 
read as follows (changing the price group to 15):]

Priority Mail International (230) Price Group 15

    [Revise the heading for the First-Class Mail International section 
to read as follows (changing the price group to 5):]
* * * * *

First-Class Mail International (240) Price Group 5

    [Revise the heading for the First-Class Package International 
Service section to read as follows (changing the price group to 15):]
* * * * *

First-Class Package International Service (250) Price Group 15

* * * * *

Kevin Rayburn,
Attorney, Ethics & Legal Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2025-01938 Filed 1-29-25; 8:45 am]
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