Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Fractional Aircraft Ownership Programs, 8316 [2025-01811]

Download as PDF 8316 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 17 / Tuesday, January 28, 2025 / Notices change is consistent with the Act.5 Comments may be submitted electronically by using the Commission’s internet comment form ( self-regulatory-organizationrulemaking/national-securitiesexchanges?file_number=SR-GEMX2025-04) or by sending an email to Please include file number SR–GEMX–2025–04 on the subject line. Alternatively, paper comments may be sent to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549–1090. All submissions should refer to file number SR–GEMX–2025– 04. To help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on the Commission’s internet website ( self-regulatory-organizationrulemaking/national-securitiesexchanges?file_number=SR-GEMX2025-04). Do not include personal identifiable information in submissions; you should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. We may redact in part or withhold entirely from publication submitted material that is obscene or subject to copyright protection. All submissions should refer to file number SR–GEMX–2025–04 and should be submitted on or before February 18, 2025. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated authority.6 Sherry R. Haywood, Assistant Secretary. AGENCY: [FR Doc. 2025–01777 Filed 1–27–25; 8:45 am] ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 5 Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in the Commission’s Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549, on official business days between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for inspection and copying at the principal office of SRO. 6 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12). 17:49 Jan 27, 2025 Jkt 265001 Plexus Fund III, L.P., Plexus Fund QP III, L.P.; Surrender of License of Small Business Investment Companies Pursuant to the authority granted to the United States Small Business Administration under section 309 of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958, as amended, and 13 CFR 107.1900 of the Code of Federal Regulations to function as a small business investment company under the Small Business Investment Company License Nos. 04/04–0324 and 04/04–0325 issued to Plexus Fund III, L.P. and Plexus Fund QP III, L.P., respectively, said licenses are hereby declared null and void. Thomas Morris, Director, Patient Capital Investments, Office of Investment and Innovation, United States Small Business Administration. [FR Doc. 2025–01804 Filed 1–27–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration [Docket No. FAA–2025–0148] Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Fractional Aircraft Ownership Programs Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of Transportation. ACTION: Notice and request for comments. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. Fractional Ownership is a program that offers increased flexibility in aircraft ownership. Owners purchase shares of an aircraft and agree to share their aircraft with others having an ownership share in that same aircraft. Owners agree to put their aircraft into a ‘‘pool’’ of other shared aircraft and to lease their aircraft to another owner in that pool. This collection is necessary to ensure compliance with relevant safety regulations. DATES: Written comments should be submitted by March 31, 2025. ADDRESSES: Please send written comments: SUMMARY: BILLING CODE 8011–01–P VerDate Sep<11>2014 [License No. 04/04–0324; License No. 04/ 04–0325] PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 9990 By Electronic Docket: (Enter docket number into search field). By mail: Christopher Morris, Flight Standards Service, General Aviation and Commercial Division, 800 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20591. By email: John Attebury by email at: john.h.attebury@; phone: 281–929–7078. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Public Comments Invited: You are asked to comment on any aspect of this information collection, including (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for FAA’s performance; (b) the accuracy of the estimated burden; (c) ways for FAA to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information collection; and (d) ways that the burden could be minimized without reducing the quality of the collected information. The agency will summarize and/or include your comments in the request for OMB’s clearance of this information collection. OMB Control Number: 2120–0684. Title: Fractional Aircraft Ownership Programs. Form Numbers: There are no FAA forms associated with this collection. Type of Review: This is a renewal of an existing information collection. Background: Each fractional ownership program manager and each fractional owner must comply with the requirements of 14 CFR part 91, subpart K. Information is used to determine if these entities are operating in accordance with the minimum safety standards of these regulations. The FAA will use the information it reviews and collects to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and make improvements as needed, and ensure compliance with and adherence to regulations. Respondents: Eleven fractional ownership operators with 1,187 aircraft. Frequency: On occasion. Estimated Average Burden per Response: 1 hour, 20 minutes. Estimated Total Annual Burden: Approximately 18,000 hours. Issued in Washington, DC, on January 23, 2025. D.C. Morris, Aviation Safety Analyst, Flight Standards Service, General Aviation and Commercial Division. [FR Doc. 2025–01811 Filed 1–27–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P E:\FR\FM\28JAN1.SGM 28JAN1


[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 17 (Tuesday, January 28, 2025)]
[Page 8316]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-01811]



Federal Aviation Administration

[Docket No. FAA-2025-0148]

Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; 
Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Fractional 
Aircraft Ownership Programs

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of 

ACTION: Notice and request for comments.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA 
invites public comments about our intention to request Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information 
collection. Fractional Ownership is a program that offers increased 
flexibility in aircraft ownership. Owners purchase shares of an 
aircraft and agree to share their aircraft with others having an 
ownership share in that same aircraft. Owners agree to put their 
aircraft into a ``pool'' of other shared aircraft and to lease their 
aircraft to another owner in that pool. This collection is necessary to 
ensure compliance with relevant safety regulations.

DATES: Written comments should be submitted by March 31, 2025.

ADDRESSES: Please send written comments:
    By Electronic Docket: (Enter docket number into 
search field).
    By mail: Christopher Morris, Flight Standards Service, General 
Aviation and Commercial Division, 800 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, 
DC 20591.
    By email: [email protected].

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John Attebury by email at: 
[email protected]; phone: 281-929-7078.

    Public Comments Invited: You are asked to comment on any aspect of 
this information collection, including (a) Whether the proposed 
collection of information is necessary for FAA's performance; (b) the 
accuracy of the estimated burden; (c) ways for FAA to enhance the 
quality, utility and clarity of the information collection; and (d) 
ways that the burden could be minimized without reducing the quality of 
the collected information. The agency will summarize and/or include 
your comments in the request for OMB's clearance of this information 
    OMB Control Number: 2120-0684.
    Title: Fractional Aircraft Ownership Programs.
    Form Numbers: There are no FAA forms associated with this 
    Type of Review: This is a renewal of an existing information 
    Background: Each fractional ownership program manager and each 
fractional owner must comply with the requirements of 14 CFR part 91, 
subpart K. Information is used to determine if these entities are 
operating in accordance with the minimum safety standards of these 
regulations. The FAA will use the information it reviews and collects 
to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and make improvements as 
needed, and ensure compliance with and adherence to regulations.
    Respondents: Eleven fractional ownership operators with 1,187 
    Frequency: On occasion.
    Estimated Average Burden per Response: 1 hour, 20 minutes.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden: Approximately 18,000 hours.

    Issued in Washington, DC, on January 23, 2025.
D.C. Morris,
Aviation Safety Analyst, Flight Standards Service, General Aviation and 
Commercial Division.
[FR Doc. 2025-01811 Filed 1-27-25; 8:45 am]

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