Information Collection; Overseas Employment Service Agreement (GSA Form 5040), 8215-8221 [2025-01756]
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 16 / Monday, January 27, 2025 / Notices
time you spend researching proceedings
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Dated: January 17, 2025.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Update to Notice of Financial
Institutions for Which the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation Has
Been Appointed Either Receiver,
Liquidator, or Manager
Federal Deposit Insurance
ACTION: Update listing of financial
institutions in liquidation.
[FR Doc. 2025–01731 Filed 1–24–25; 8:45 am]
This list
(as updated from time to time in the
Federal Register) may be relied upon as
‘‘of record’’ notice that the Corporation
has been appointed receiver for
purposes of the statement of policy
published in the July 2, 1992, issue of
the Federal Register (57 FR 29491). For
further information concerning the
identification of any institutions that
have been placed in liquidation, please
visit the Corporation website at
banklist.html, or contact the Chief,
Receivership Oversight at
or at Division of Resolutions and
Receiverships, FDIC, 600 North Pearl
Street, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75201.
Notice is hereby given that
the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (Corporation) has been
appointed the sole receiver for the
following financial institution effective
as of the Date Closed as indicated in the
[In alphabetical order]
FDIC Ref. No.
Bank name
10548 .........................
Pulaski Savings Bank ......................................................................
Chicago ............................
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Dated at Washington, DC, on January 21,
Jennifer M. Jones,
Deputy Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2025–01739 Filed 1–24–25; 8:45 am]
(Authority: Government in the Sunshine Act,
5 U.S.C. 552b)
Sunshine Act Meetings
Thursday, January 30,
2025, 10:00 a.m.
PLACE: Hybrid Meeting: 1050 First Street
NE, Washington, DC (12th Floor) and
Note: If you would like to virtually
access the meeting, see the instructions
STATUS: This meeting will be open to the
public. To access the meeting virtually,
go to the commission’s website and click on the banner to
be taken to the meeting page.
Proposed Revisions to Directives 10
(Rules of Procedure of the Federal
Election Commission Pursuant to 2
U.S.C. 437(c)(e)) and 17 (Circulation
Authority; Agenda Deadline
Management and Administrative
Judith Ingram, Press Officer, Telephone:
(202) 694–1220
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
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Individuals who plan to attend in
person and who require special
assistance, such as sign language
interpretation or other reasonable
accommodations, should contact Laura
E. Sinram, Secretary and Clerk, at (202)
694–1040 or, at least
72 hours prior to the meeting date.
Submitted: January 23, 2025.
Laura E. Sinram,
Secretary and Clerk of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2025–01845 Filed 1–23–25; 4:15 pm]
[OMB Control No. 3090–0329; Docket No.
2025–0001; Sequence No. 5]
Information Collection; Overseas
Employment Service Agreement (GSA
Form 5040)
Office of Human Resource
Management, Strategic Planning, Policy,
and Training Division, General Services
Administration (GSA).
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
Under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act, the
Regulatory Secretariat Division will be
submitting to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) a request to review
and approve a revision to an existing
information collection requirement.
PO 00000
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Date closed
Submit comments on or before
March 28, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments
identified by Information Collection
3090–0329; ‘‘Overseas Employment
Service Agreement (GSA Form 5040)’’
to: Submit
comments via the Federal eRulemaking
portal by searching for ‘‘Information
Collection 3090–0329; Overseas
Employment Service Agreement (GSA
Form 5040).’’ Select the link ‘‘Submit a
Comment’’ that corresponds with
‘‘Information Collection 3090–0329;
Overseas Employment Service
Agreement (GSA Form 5040).’’ Follow
the instructions provided at the ‘‘Submit
a Comment’’ screen. Please include your
name, company name (if any), and
‘‘Information Collection 3090–0329;
Overseas Employment Service
Agreement (GSA Form 5040)’’ on your
attached document. If your comment
cannot be submitted using https://, call or email the
points of contact in the FOR FURTHER
document for alternate instructions.
Instructions: Please submit comments
only and cite ‘‘Information Collection
3090–0329; Overseas Employment
Service Agreement (GSA Form 5040),’’
in all correspondence related to this
collection. Comments received generally
will be posted without change to https://, including any
personal and/or business confidential
information provided. To confirm
receipt of your comment(s), please
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 16 / Monday, January 27, 2025 / Notices
approximately two-to-three days after
submission to verify posting.
Colin C. Bennett, Human Resources
Specialist, Office of Human Resources
Management, Strategic Planning, Policy,
and Training Division, at telephone
240–418–6822 or via email to for clarification of
A. Purpose
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal leave law (5 U.S.C. 6304(b)
and 6305) requires that employees be on
defined, time-limited, foreign tours of
duty as well as have agency agreements
in place for return transportation. The
Department of State Standardized
Regulations (DSSR) covering living
quarters allowance (5 U.S.C. 5923(a)(2)
and DSSR 031.12) also require
documented tours of duty with an
agency commitment for return
transportation. At GSA, the overseas
tour of duty and permanent change of
station commitments and requirements
are contained within a standard agency
form, GSA Form 5040, ‘‘Overseas
Employment and Service Agreement’’.
As part of the Federal Travel
Regulations (FTR) (44 CFR part 302),
when an agency pays for permanent
change of station the employee must
commit to a period of return agency
service (at least one year). This form
also contains clauses that serve to create
an enforceable service contract under
the FTR.
This form was first developed during
2022 and was published for public
comment on February 14, 2023 (88 FR
9521) and then on June 8, 2023 (88 FR
37542). Our agency has successfully
used this form to determine leave
benefits and foreign allowance
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eligibility, advise employees of their
rights and responsibilities, and to help
ensure that the human resources and
payroll accounting records are accurate
before, during and after the permanent
change of station.
By using the form, our agency was
able to develop a few ideas about how
to improve the form, without impacting
the amount of time the form takes to fill
out by job candidates or current Federal
employees. For example, we propose to
modify lines 6 and 11 to clarify how to
determine the Duty Station Location
Code, which is a numeric value
assigned by the Office of Personnel
Management. For item 13, we propose
to reference a new GSA agency form,
Form 5047, ‘‘Actual Place of Residence
Determination’’, which must be
completed at the same time. In item 15,
we propose to clarify foreign allowances
and leave benefits that GSA currently
allows, due to agency administrative
order number 9592. For item 16, the
financial liability disclosures, we have
added additional disclosure statements
taken from a different form, Form 5042,
‘‘Home Leave and Renewal Agreement
Travel’’, which was subsequently
developed during 2023 and 2024 and
better implements certain language
required by the Federal Travel
Regulations. For item 17, we propose to
add a new table which lists the name of
family dependents, which should help
the agency better arrange for each
family’s foreign travel and relocation.
While we do not believe that these
small changes and improvements will
create any additional burden on job
candidates or agency employees, we
encourage feedback on the form. We are
also receptive to ideas on certain data
elements or form questions that are
currently missing but should be
included in the form.
PO 00000
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B. Annual Reporting Burden
Respondents: 25 per year.
Responses per Respondent: 1.
Total Annual Responses: 25.
Hours per Response: 8.
Total Burden Hours: 200.
C. Public Comments
Public comments are solicited to help
GSA understand whether or not the
modified and improved GSA Form 5040
will help to streamline the current leave
and allowance eligibility review and
approval process. The agency would
also like to know: (a) whether this
collection of the additional information
(such as list of dependents) is necessary,
(b) whether it will have practical utility,
(c) whether our estimate of the public
burden of this collection of information
is accurate (and based on valid
assumptions and methodology), (d)
whether or not there are ways to
enhance the new form’s utility and
clarity of the information to be
collected, and (e) whether or not there
might be ways in to minimize the data
collection burden through the use of
information technology.
Obtaining Copies of Proposals: We
have provided a copy of the proposed
new draft GSA Form 5040 at the end of
this notice below the signature block. A
copy of the proposed draft form can
alternatively be obtained through GSA’s
Regulatory Secretariat Division by
calling 202–501–4755 or emailing Please cite OMB
Control No. 3090–0329, Student Loan
Repayment Application and Service
Agreement (GSA Form 5040), in all
Lois Mandell,
Director, Regulatory Secretariat Division,
General Services Administration.
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 16 / Monday, January 27, 2025 / Notices
.(~Pri'l~y1¢t~tetnentatid'P.ifie(Wi)tkRl:rdut:/11JtiAd!S~r:ee{t:k,O) QspaceForoe:{Qob)0other.........,.........__ _ _ _ _......,.
Dstate Depatttnent Dfoteigti and CoifiiiietniaIServlce D ·~l,jency f6r 1ntematt.ona1· De'letoµment
~, ApJXJJntee1t1r·emi:i1~e·sOVfii~GsA:organ12:ation.(Sezyicl$.•·0r$!alfOfficeJ
D $SM~raiAi:Cf4i$/tlpn SetYrceoi(iiliiil\exp~$li$~1l·bi!•iiaidai;ccrcilnij~tlie:ija.clulil.•t,1ai:itot~cle~,•·iljetasAol!i¢¢i.HumanResoofliesMa~ageli'ilin.t(◊HRM)·;~
t!•"actualpla~e:fl!inn1.1aIIeav.$ per year are l!ilS\'.ieiigil>tefQt-"h'tln-$.Jeave" lltid$1'.~ U:So:Q §q~ei(a} ta ~engrble tot !1¢.ti1:e 1~e, the jolt
empbymentfyotf:ieragenc·ies ofthe·.Unitedstafes, UriitedstatesfitmsJnterests;;ororganizations, intemationalor.ganizations in
trar1$portatronto the Unitec:tStates {ltlr ~s~rntor~s or posseS$tons), ~k One
0 ThiS jtib'c.andlda~ Is eilgjb1efor45:..c!ayanoua/ ieave accrual and home leave.
0 Thts job candidate ls noteliglbleJor 454:iayannuafieaveaccruatand home:reave• ..
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
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GSA 5040 (REV. 8f2023J
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 16 / Monday, January 27, 2025 / Notices
'(ou anda:>nsictered eligible
the following for~ig11a11owance (che:ik aUftlatappty):
CJ Pt;StAliowa11ce D LivifiQQUa1t11rsAliowarjoe D EdC1ti11tfona1A1iowai198
tr. 45-aaf(.3$0 Mur} an®a11eav!iacctt:ialceiling
□ Post Hsl'd$li:ip0iffl'!~nfial ODl:i~tRaY
O Htimeteave
Dale of Post.Allowance.Coitimehceitieiit (00/MMNYYY); ---'---=---..............---"'"
Ni>tei: Toealiowances®proved for lhispositioh a:testibje¢ffotheterrnsofthe MoA bet\<111'/EiliGSA and the $E!rvlcedagency
(such~ Dot>}, ~A allQWatiCE! poilcyancfthe·Departmentof$tateStanc:tardl® Regulafiom;(®Rl.
·~2t~c>Eicanctidafl'!swhoar~k>Cliif·~1~s(~~anlng, aiready ify'ihg lnthefQ~lgn arE!a)arE! t)Clrma1iylrie1iij1ble.~r Uvitig·
tjUartets:allowance (LOA) due to QSSB:0;31/1. The:ex~fiori to fh\sgeneraj n.ile; fcn:inct5n~aencrtratisfer; liia DSSR:03:t 12,
requiresathorougl1reviewofthe pers()flne.1· historyal'.ld•speclficctocumeritatlonfromthe losihgagency(ag,,OoP FQrm.16171.
In ttie eventyou fail to fulfill the terms of this agreement,. .or any subsequent agreement, any mon~ eJn and Offset Against lnciet:>tedness, the F'ederai traver Reguiahons at,ff d,F,i:t l30iJtitd) (1~1
eamon}'tdnta~.rull'!S !iJ6vernin~hQWid. aOOress·relo~tin9anernp1oyee•t:iack:tohlsQI' her prace oraciualresfdetici!.·,n theU~s$.eittier:•. fa).nofoomplet(ld·ffie12.rnoi\!hsof;seJV1¢efolkiWiDQreii~la:greef1'ienttrave1, .•or(bJ@rnpletedc
that period of servioa but not{)Onipleled fhefulfiiver:seas tour of (lufy{l!iee Box 8)\lri botti situations the. employee. •m0$t beattha
resp1Jnsibil1ty:and·e~nseor transpqrting 1ii111Selfc>r tierse[f, a.t)(i. hf$ or hE1i:Jat11iiY and tio~h9ki QQC/ds. ftoni the last ~. tlf·
overseas.dq\y to:fu(:) pra~of actua1restoence1n the Us, lFi how:ever:. GS)l;pays foftfiattetumtelWledQE!; nc>•
thlrityo:uarea~stingfhafyc;u hav¢rellldtneabo"Ei$~eni$andthat•you'a1ieefo
rerrtai{1WiththeG$Aatfhe overseasposHo.r no· 1essttiarr·ti•rriontt1sf-Oliowing RAT,
Pte~eptoyJdet~·llll,tne~•and•thetr.1te·1>fQ1rtl\ qfthe9~nctemsWnowif1·~1t:ieatewlthYQUfo•theJoretgnatl'!cllf'ifl)t!Qh
permanehtchange Of irtatiort If there are no d$penctehts;oheckthe below box instead:
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□ :Check.this;boxlfthereare no•dependelibr
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 16 / Monday, January 27, 2025 / Notices
1. Name{LastName,- Ffrat Name, Middle Initial)
Dale of Birth (MMJDDIYYYY)
Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
Date of Birth {MM/DDIYYYY)
Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
Date of Birth (MM/DDIYYYY)
4. Name (LastName, First Name, Middle Initial)
Dated Birth (MM/DDIYYYY)
Under 5 U.S.C. §5722, 5724, and 5724a, and the Federal Travel Regulations at 41 C.FR. §.302-2.14, I agree to remain in the
service of GSA for a.perlod of at ieast 1 year following GSA's payment, or reimbursement, of permanent change of station
relocation expenses. l understand that if I do not complete this.service period that I will be considered indebted fOr those
relocation expenses.
1 afso understand that if I separate from GSA (due to agency transfer, resfgnation, etc.) before completion of the tour of duty
specified in this agreement that GSA is under no obli!:)atron to pay for the transportation of myself, my family; and household
goods and personal effects from my overaeas post of duty back to my place ofaCtual residem;e within the United states.
I hereby certify that I have read and understood the foregoingstatements and agree to the terms dismissed above.
(Signature. of Job Gandidate)
(Signature of Selecting Official)
As. described withih 41 C.F.R. §-302.215; sometimes circumstances occur thaf are beyondar\ employee's control and wh1Ch may
lead to an employee returning to the U.S. (or U.S: Territory or Possession).and/or Separating from Government service before the
service agreement period has ended. In these situations, this service agreement can be canceled by GSA, relievlng the
employee of ffnancial responsibility from not completing the required period of overseas service. Examples Of appropriate
cancellation include: personal or family medical emergency, medicalevacuation, approvatfor disability retiremenl; or other
similar unexpected circumstance. Cancellation can be documented below.
Name OfGSA Program Office (e,_g., FAS}
Name. of GSA Official within Program Office (i:e. PBS or FASRegiohal Commissinner, or designee, per
GSAOrder5450. 110 ADM DJ
Title of GSA Official
Reason for Cancellation
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GSA 5040 (BEV. 8/2023) PAGE.3
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 16 / Monday, January 27, 2025 / Notices
Information collected viathis form is pursuanUo federal law, in partict..illlf: 5. u:S.C, ~6&l4(b) {45°day annual leave:accrual
ceiU~k51.J.S.C,~'3Q5{i:l) ll'.1\)trle lea\:ie], lmd5lJ.~;(,. §§ 5722;.0724 am:t5724a [peiti'iafietitcha~~of~tiOh fe!O\;ati()ribenefits1
Disclosilieis maooafory underthe.homeleaveahd Jeaveaccroat ai:ithoritii;jscsotnattheoorrect Plil'f and becnentscan beprovi~
t..i!Xitt. s1ppornttrt!lnt.•tran~r(1t•tea~igl'llt1~nt- OlsPl~vi:e t~.reqµire'd•wAAlrtM··pe~.nentchange ot•S'ta{lon.aµt/l◊tfty· .llY·• F~erjal
7"-~elRegulatiO(lSat.41. q.p,R,§•3~ 2,1,lffufaciJitate tet~t{Ol'l bettefits proe;essintt T~ir'lfor~on-conectec;lviathisformwil!
only tie usei;l byDHRM and theemployeeis supervtstiruncter the provisions of5 U,S;:Q; § 55:la(b){3}lroutine use]: Sueh
i[1fot'matiohis titifreleasi:\bleti:lthi! generat·J)l.lblicd~to5U$.C; ~552{q)(6)aridwill.~·storedWithihfheOff1ceClf~fs6n'riel
Ma11agllment's (QfM) El~ro(liC Petsoonel f~lt!r• (tiGPF). 8f>PH~ion,und~t~e11rof Re/;Clrd NCltiqe ($QBNi.'QP~/~\'ti~
WaJheFederal Registerat77FR 736~ (Q®e:m~t 11, 2Q12); AJob.candidi:\te'sfailure toprovlctethe rnfotmat1on.requesteo on
thiSfc:irr11 fl'la)I lEiactto ~ erre>!f¥ secretariat Oivl$ion (MVCEll, tSOOF Strellt. tWII; wasningfon,.de 2Q4P5,
Ttlls fqr~ should !:le completed by~ human resources specialist filing t~ PQSitipn... Theselectedjobi::andli:late. l'Tll3y~ed to
Pt't)Vlctethehp~·r:es()Urc:;e$spe(liail$tW!ffi··mc:ireinfpJIT:iatiqn, Otl;!dqitiQijl;![·dO()·wereiilthe.J:.e1· ~ apf!Olnti:!e'lE!\).:$\tottie ovel'$ea$ ~t, •.i!'ld ~~aQ.alriJ,. Tri.e
Atroy(f, a:1972~,M~ 16, 1~; {1J ptiys1Ci:llt'El"Side'1Ce, {2) tesideflcep)'()Victed tfl~geneyte®t(fs, (3Ji'e$ilt!il!:e~O!'dif'i!)tli
empk;iymem hlstoi:y, {4} individuaLOffamily association with an area; and (P)exercisei:lf>Pl'ivl~ ancldt..ities, such asvotin"Q,
i,\l'ld·Jncorne t$}(atid fir~tly tax: a net oornptto11erG:ettera1 ◊iJ!'tiiol:'IS heve at!doo.other i;)Qrisideratiori ractcts, e;~ti as the
place·ofbirfh;.educatlon, •or marriage,. Toepattment serviced· by t1te.MOA·•an1.f this,A~fi!effletitl·. Tliisdataelemetiftapturestfiepaifhet
agencv·:wtthiq·tl'(e·U,S. G.o.vernlJ!lilnt·tllati$Sponsoringt_hewor1<:dotte btGSA:and·.GS;l\'s poslli(ll'.lat:th~foreigq·post
'11.1 a~(.(~- Proje~ bateotArrl\lal and Tout of but,yEnd Date: this Information hefµstt'ie agency to plan the petnianent
tha.tlge•of ~tion·Oftfle·joo··canar&te, asVJellasotheJ·qonsicter:auo~; $tlbhasteillp0tary quarte~S'sUbsistet1¢ea11owanee: Ttie
end date of the. tour is-also used to determine when a managerlafalecislon is madewhetherornot to allowthejol:n:andidabito
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lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
remain,1!\'.iatfoteigl'lpost, ..ot, if'.lhejOocanctidate WTII • b8·ofrerectaJobopportonit)I bi:lCRirHhe united Slate$.
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 16 / Monday, January 27, 2025 / Notices
8. AtJpointee or Ernplo~•s Qvel'.S&llS GSA Otganization (Se~ice or: 'staff Offie4J): For this row, pleaseannot~te Whi9h
1,taffor$E!rvlce offieethatisemp)Qyihgthejobcan~ale.yeesstatronetioverseasgefierallyare not
i::onsidered permanentemp1oye.E!$ in a foreign country due tolhe nature·ofttie Status of. Forces agreement between the u:a
attd~foreigrrcouotfy': Wh:tin the•ernptoyee"sfilture wcati(iO h-as notbeetuo11yiaentlfied,·users:0rthe fdtrn maymatk. "TBL7'
(for To Be Determined) ot'1\latitlnwide'' or "[GSAOrganizatitlriJNatlonWide"suohas''FAS Natlonwrae,"
11. puty:8tiitiQil L«~k!n co<1e.,EntetthJscQtte, wnich11Sat10PM~r~1tco.cte that s:pe¢iffoa11yictentifiil$theto.0111ry,·ctty;. etc;
G$A:, 1yprc;_anyt11e·it1ttiara~1gntt1ent is3·~rs; andrE!oe!Walsare 2 yE!a!'$ (upto~yea!'t'lt t11e1e:ngthtif'!')e asslgnmetit
confirms thattheJ;;ponsonng:agency isablelo·pay forthefunctlon·backtothe UJt. ihls.'dataelementalsohelps todetermlne1
inCE!rtain~,a timeUne, foreligibUity, fclrhorne .leave urit!er&U:RC, §6305, W!,E!n theemplO)l$SMure recauan has not
been fully identified,. users onoe. form may "TBD"(for7'.o. E!e oetermined}or"l\latiohwide" ar"[GSA OrgarnzationJ
13,. Travel and Tnmsportationexpenus to and From the Overseas Post This data element remihds app:omti:i.esbr
emplQYeesto.completetheGSAFtitm•504TWhlthhelpsttf.ldentify'the·1a:ctuar pta¢eofresidenceffor1tiepurposesof:
12-rnonthseNice agre19~tt$t:J1.11red by l~L;~VJJJ1.~~y1.;~Ae'<:rua1: tti:ls sectl()n c!EIS:<,ri~whetht!iirQrn«:a]ob.oahc:i)da~ is efis/titefor hanoe oommenoernem (ht actual ariivaf.a, fl:1e
overseas 1s .kllov,ti, enterfl'iafd~e ror mativatpayroll Pi'ocesslhQ. ®(poses\
F'inanciar Trns$E!¢tii:ili nouriesttteJpb o.alidiaatethat irtie or si,e ~ notsavstytne,12;:month
sel'lliOE! ~1Jire01et1t.foll~ingpermanent chaligE! otstattonGSA matoreateal'E!08ivable andcofleottha(lebt~rough sai~ry
iidm1hi$trative o®,t. r111s uc:ti..;na1sa di~OSSE!lI rene\i@l agrE!ett1ent.trave1, retorn PG$,.•ana· ¢1tlplJlt.!tereirfibursernent
17~ Names.of:Depenra¢¢ef:i!;tng the.GSA
p1;>SitiQn and the glfer 'Of assignmeot tO thefOrE!iQh PPst. ThE!· agen¢Y $i9hatµre stiOQld gerierauy ~· t!')e htlm,111 resol,lr¢e
specialisfat e~A filling the.position,
it: cancellation: This.seclihnannofates thafGSA rnaycance[the•.overseas•servlceagreement ttue:foreasons ileyond·the
emp!clyE)(l'!lt:ohtro1, cance11ationQf thisagreett1ent; and reoattttittie v,s,, mayoootlr, farexarnpJ.e,. tftl'leernpioy8$ becom®
senously ill and Js rnea,oaliyevacuatea,
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
[OMB Control No. 3090–0317; Docket No.
2024–0001; Sequence No. 12]
Submission for OMB Review;
Notarized Document Submittal for
System for Award Management—New
Entity Administrator Appointments
Office of Acquisition Policy,
General Services Administration (GSA).
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
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Under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act, the
Regulatory Secretariat Division will be
submitting to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) a request to review
and approve a revision to an existing
OMB clearance regarding a notarized
document submittal for System for
Award Management (SAM) Registration.
DATES: Submit comments on or before
February 26, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for this information
collection should be sent within 30 days
[FR Doc. 2025–01756 Filed 1–24–25; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 16 (Monday, January 27, 2025)]
[Pages 8215-8221]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-01756]
[OMB Control No. 3090-0329; Docket No. 2025-0001; Sequence No. 5]
Information Collection; Overseas Employment Service Agreement
(GSA Form 5040)
AGENCY: Office of Human Resource Management, Strategic Planning,
Policy, and Training Division, General Services Administration (GSA).
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
SUMMARY: Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, the
Regulatory Secretariat Division will be submitting to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) a request to review and approve a revision
to an existing information collection requirement.
DATES: Submit comments on or before March 28, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments identified by Information Collection 3090-
0329; ``Overseas Employment Service Agreement (GSA Form 5040)'' to: Submit comments via the Federal
eRulemaking portal by searching for ``Information Collection 3090-0329;
Overseas Employment Service Agreement (GSA Form 5040).'' Select the
link ``Submit a Comment'' that corresponds with ``Information
Collection 3090-0329; Overseas Employment Service Agreement (GSA Form
5040).'' Follow the instructions provided at the ``Submit a Comment''
screen. Please include your name, company name (if any), and
``Information Collection 3090-0329; Overseas Employment Service
Agreement (GSA Form 5040)'' on your attached document. If your comment
cannot be submitted using, call or email
the points of contact in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of
this document for alternate instructions.
Instructions: Please submit comments only and cite ``Information
Collection 3090-0329; Overseas Employment Service Agreement (GSA Form
5040),'' in all correspondence related to this collection. Comments
received generally will be posted without change to, including any personal and/or business
confidential information provided. To confirm receipt of your
comment(s), please
[[Page 8216]]
check, approximately two-to-three days after
submission to verify posting.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Colin C. Bennett, Human Resources
Specialist, Office of Human Resources Management, Strategic Planning,
Policy, and Training Division, at telephone 240-418-6822 or via email
to [email protected] for clarification of content.
A. Purpose
Federal leave law (5 U.S.C. 6304(b) and 6305) requires that
employees be on defined, time-limited, foreign tours of duty as well as
have agency agreements in place for return transportation. The
Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR) covering living
quarters allowance (5 U.S.C. 5923(a)(2) and DSSR 031.12) also require
documented tours of duty with an agency commitment for return
transportation. At GSA, the overseas tour of duty and permanent change
of station commitments and requirements are contained within a standard
agency form, GSA Form 5040, ``Overseas Employment and Service
Agreement''. As part of the Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) (44 CFR
part 302), when an agency pays for permanent change of station the
employee must commit to a period of return agency service (at least one
year). This form also contains clauses that serve to create an
enforceable service contract under the FTR.
This form was first developed during 2022 and was published for
public comment on February 14, 2023 (88 FR 9521) and then on June 8,
2023 (88 FR 37542). Our agency has successfully used this form to
determine leave benefits and foreign allowance eligibility, advise
employees of their rights and responsibilities, and to help ensure that
the human resources and payroll accounting records are accurate before,
during and after the permanent change of station.
By using the form, our agency was able to develop a few ideas about
how to improve the form, without impacting the amount of time the form
takes to fill out by job candidates or current Federal employees. For
example, we propose to modify lines 6 and 11 to clarify how to
determine the Duty Station Location Code, which is a numeric value
assigned by the Office of Personnel Management. For item 13, we propose
to reference a new GSA agency form, Form 5047, ``Actual Place of
Residence Determination'', which must be completed at the same time. In
item 15, we propose to clarify foreign allowances and leave benefits
that GSA currently allows, due to agency administrative order number
9592. For item 16, the financial liability disclosures, we have added
additional disclosure statements taken from a different form, Form
5042, ``Home Leave and Renewal Agreement Travel'', which was
subsequently developed during 2023 and 2024 and better implements
certain language required by the Federal Travel Regulations. For item
17, we propose to add a new table which lists the name of family
dependents, which should help the agency better arrange for each
family's foreign travel and relocation.
While we do not believe that these small changes and improvements
will create any additional burden on job candidates or agency
employees, we encourage feedback on the form. We are also receptive to
ideas on certain data elements or form questions that are currently
missing but should be included in the form.
B. Annual Reporting Burden
Respondents: 25 per year.
Responses per Respondent: 1.
Total Annual Responses: 25.
Hours per Response: 8.
Total Burden Hours: 200.
C. Public Comments
Public comments are solicited to help GSA understand whether or not
the modified and improved GSA Form 5040 will help to streamline the
current leave and allowance eligibility review and approval process.
The agency would also like to know: (a) whether this collection of the
additional information (such as list of dependents) is necessary, (b)
whether it will have practical utility, (c) whether our estimate of the
public burden of this collection of information is accurate (and based
on valid assumptions and methodology), (d) whether or not there are
ways to enhance the new form's utility and clarity of the information
to be collected, and (e) whether or not there might be ways in to
minimize the data collection burden through the use of information
Obtaining Copies of Proposals: We have provided a copy of the
proposed new draft GSA Form 5040 at the end of this notice below the
signature block. A copy of the proposed draft form can alternatively be
obtained through GSA's Regulatory Secretariat Division by calling 202-
501-4755 or emailing [email protected]. Please cite OMB Control No.
3090-0329, Student Loan Repayment Application and Service Agreement
(GSA Form 5040), in all correspondence.
Lois Mandell,
Director, Regulatory Secretariat Division, General Services
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[FR Doc. 2025-01756 Filed 1-24-25; 8:45 am]