Submission for OMB Review; Notarized Document Submittal for System for Award Management-New Entity Administrator Appointments, 8221-8222 [2025-01755]
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 16 / Monday, January 27, 2025 / Notices
8. AtJpointee or Ernplo~•s Qvel'.S&llS GSA Otganization (Se~ice or: 'staff Offie4J): For this row, pleaseannot~te Whi9h
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lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
[OMB Control No. 3090–0317; Docket No.
2024–0001; Sequence No. 12]
Submission for OMB Review;
Notarized Document Submittal for
System for Award Management—New
Entity Administrator Appointments
Office of Acquisition Policy,
General Services Administration (GSA).
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:10 Jan 24, 2025
Jkt 265001
PO 00000
Frm 00042
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act, the
Regulatory Secretariat Division will be
submitting to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) a request to review
and approve a revision to an existing
OMB clearance regarding a notarized
document submittal for System for
Award Management (SAM) Registration.
DATES: Submit comments on or before
February 26, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for this information
collection should be sent within 30 days
[FR Doc. 2025–01756 Filed 1–24–25; 8:45 am]
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 16 / Monday, January 27, 2025 / Notices
of publication of this notice to
Find this particular information
collection by selecting ‘‘Currently under
Review—Open for Public Comments’’ or
by using the search function.
Salomeh Ghorbani, Director, IAE
Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement
Division, at 202–430–0206 or IAE_
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
A. Purpose
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
Subpart 4.11 prescribes policies and
procedures for requiring contractor
registration in the System for Award
Management (SAM) database to increase
visibility of vendor sources (including
their geographical locations) for specific
supplies and services; and establish a
common source of vendor data for the
In the past, the GSA Office of
Inspector General (OIG) conducted an
investigation into fraudulent activities
discovered within SAM. As a result, workflows and data analysis
have been revised over the last several
years to improve our ability to identify
bad actors earlier than before.
As a result of GSA actively pursuing
technical alternatives to the collection
of this information for all non-federal
entities, GSA seeks to refine the
requirement previously adopted, where
a risk-based approach was used to
justify the collection of the entity
administrator appointment letter
(EAAL) for all new entities, and only
employ this method to establish an
Entity Administrator to an existing
entity where the previous administrator
is no longer on staff.
This information is essential to GSA’s
acquisition mission to meet the needs of
all federal agencies, as well as the needs
of the grant community. A key element
of GSA’s mission is to provide efficient
and effective acquisition solutions
across the Federal Government. SAM is
essential to the accomplishment of that
mission. In addition to federal contracts,
federal assistance programs also rely
upon the integrity and security of the
information in SAM. Without
assurances that the information in SAM
is protected and is at minimal risk of
compromise, GSA would risk losing the
confidence of the federal acquisition
and assistance communities that it
serves. As a result, some entities may
prefer not to do business with the
federal government.
B. Annual Reporting Burden
Respondents: 139,027.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:10 Jan 24, 2025
Jkt 265001
Responses per Respondent: 1.
Total Annual Responses: 139,027.
Hours per Response: .5.
Total Burden Hours: 69,513.
The information collection allows
GSA to request the notarized letter and
apply this approach to individuals who
seek to become the Entity Administrator
for an entity record in when
there is no Entity Administrator
appointed for that entity in the system.
Individuals seeking administrator
access to entity records in SAM are
provided the template for the
requirements of the notarized letter. It is
estimated that the individual will take
an average 0.5 hours to create the letter
and 0.25 hours to upload the letter to
the Federal Service Desk. GSA proposes
that an individual equivalent to a GS–
5, Step 5 Administrative Support person
within the government would perform
these tasks. The estimated hourly rate of
$25.06 (Base + Locality + Fringe) was
used for the calculation.
Based on historical data of the ratio of
small entities to other than small
entities that exist in SAM, GSA
approximates 58,500 of the 90,000
annual entities who do not have an
individual with the Entity
Administrator role will have in-house
resources to notarize documents. GSA
proposes that the entities with in-house
notaries will typically be large
businesses where the projected salary of
the executive or officer responsible for
signing the notarized letter is, on
average, approximately $150 per hour.
The projected time for signature and
notarizing the letter internally is 0.5
The other remaining 31,500 entities
per year are estimated to be small
entities where the projected salary of the
executive or officer responsible for
signing the notarized letter is, on
average, approximately $100 per hour.
These entities will likely have to obtain
notary services from an outside source.
The projected time for signature and
notarizing the letter externally is 1 hour.
The estimate includes a nominal fee
($5.00) usually charged by third-party
C. Public Comments
A 60-day notice published in the
Federal Register at 89 FR 92688 on
November 22, 2024. No public
comments were received.
Obtaining Copies of Proposals:
Requesters may obtain a copy of the
information collection documents from
the Regulatory Secretariat Division by
calling 202–501–4755 or emailing Please cite OMB
Control No. 3090–0317, Notarized
Document Submittal for System for
PO 00000
Frm 00043
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Award Management Registration, in all
Lois Mandell,
Director, Regulatory Secretariat Division.
[FR Doc. 2025–01755 Filed 1–24–25; 8:45 am]
[Inv. No. 337–TA–1434]
Certain Composite Intermediate Bulk
Containers; Institution of Investigation
U.S. International Trade
ACTION: Notice.
Notice is hereby given that a
complaint was filed with the U.S.
International Trade Commission on
December 5, 2024, under section 337 of
the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, on
behalf of Schütz Container Systems, Inc.
of North Branch, New Jersey and
Protechna S.A. of Fribourg, Switzerland.
The complaint was supplemented on
December 20, 2024. The complaint, as
supplemented, alleges violations of
section 337 based upon the importation
into the United States, the sale for
importation, and the sale within the
United States after importation of
certain composite intermediate bulk
containers by reason of the infringement
of certain claims of U.S. Patent No.
9,718,581 (‘‘the ’581 patent’’); U.S.
Patent No. 8,708,150 (‘‘the ’150 patent’’);
U.S. Patent No. 8,919,562 (‘‘the ’562
patent’’); U.S. Patent No. 8,567,626 (‘‘the
’626 patent’’); U.S. Patent No. 9,004,310
(‘‘the ’310 patent’’); and U.S. Patent No.
8,276,299 (‘‘the’299 patent’’). The
complaint further alleges that an
industry in the United States exists as
required by the applicable Federal
Statute. The complainant requests that
the Commission institute an
investigation and, after the
investigation, issue a general exclusion
order, in the alternative a limited
exclusion order, and cease and desist
The complaint, except for
any confidential information contained
therein, may be viewed on the
Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS)
at For help
accessing EDIS, please email Hearing impaired
individuals are advised that information
on this matter can be obtained by
contacting the Commission’s TDD
terminal on (202) 205–1810. Persons
with mobility impairments who will
need special assistance in gaining access
[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 16 (Monday, January 27, 2025)]
[Pages 8221-8222]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-01755]
[OMB Control No. 3090-0317; Docket No. 2024-0001; Sequence No. 12]
Submission for OMB Review; Notarized Document Submittal for
System for Award Management--New Entity Administrator Appointments
AGENCY: Office of Acquisition Policy, General Services Administration
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
SUMMARY: Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, the
Regulatory Secretariat Division will be submitting to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) a request to review and approve a revision
to an existing OMB clearance regarding a notarized document submittal
for System for Award Management (SAM) Registration.
DATES: Submit comments on or before February 26, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and recommendations for this information
collection should be sent within 30 days
[[Page 8222]]
of publication of this notice to
Find this particular information collection by selecting ``Currently
under Review--Open for Public Comments'' or by using the search
Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement Division, at 202-430-0206 or
[email protected].
A. Purpose
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 4.11 prescribes
policies and procedures for requiring contractor registration in the
System for Award Management (SAM) database to increase visibility of
vendor sources (including their geographical locations) for specific
supplies and services; and establish a common source of vendor data for
the Government.
In the past, the GSA Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted an
investigation into fraudulent activities discovered within SAM. As a
result, workflows and data analysis have been revised over the
last several years to improve our ability to identify bad actors
earlier than before.
As a result of GSA actively pursuing technical alternatives to the
collection of this information for all non-federal entities, GSA seeks
to refine the requirement previously adopted, where a risk-based
approach was used to justify the collection of the entity administrator
appointment letter (EAAL) for all new entities, and only employ this
method to establish an Entity Administrator to an existing entity where
the previous administrator is no longer on staff.
This information is essential to GSA's acquisition mission to meet
the needs of all federal agencies, as well as the needs of the grant
community. A key element of GSA's mission is to provide efficient and
effective acquisition solutions across the Federal Government. SAM is
essential to the accomplishment of that mission. In addition to federal
contracts, federal assistance programs also rely upon the integrity and
security of the information in SAM. Without assurances that the
information in SAM is protected and is at minimal risk of compromise,
GSA would risk losing the confidence of the federal acquisition and
assistance communities that it serves. As a result, some entities may
prefer not to do business with the federal government.
B. Annual Reporting Burden
Respondents: 139,027.
Responses per Respondent: 1.
Total Annual Responses: 139,027.
Hours per Response: .5.
Total Burden Hours: 69,513.
The information collection allows GSA to request the notarized
letter and apply this approach to individuals who seek to become the
Entity Administrator for an entity record in when there is no
Entity Administrator appointed for that entity in the system.
Individuals seeking administrator access to entity records in SAM
are provided the template for the requirements of the notarized letter.
It is estimated that the individual will take an average 0.5 hours to
create the letter and 0.25 hours to upload the letter to the Federal
Service Desk. GSA proposes that an individual equivalent to a GS-5,
Step 5 Administrative Support person within the government would
perform these tasks. The estimated hourly rate of $25.06 (Base +
Locality + Fringe) was used for the calculation.
Based on historical data of the ratio of small entities to other
than small entities that exist in SAM, GSA approximates 58,500 of the
90,000 annual entities who do not have an individual with the Entity
Administrator role will have in-house resources to notarize documents.
GSA proposes that the entities with in-house notaries will typically be
large businesses where the projected salary of the executive or officer
responsible for signing the notarized letter is, on average,
approximately $150 per hour. The projected time for signature and
notarizing the letter internally is 0.5 hours.
The other remaining 31,500 entities per year are estimated to be
small entities where the projected salary of the executive or officer
responsible for signing the notarized letter is, on average,
approximately $100 per hour. These entities will likely have to obtain
notary services from an outside source. The projected time for
signature and notarizing the letter externally is 1 hour. The estimate
includes a nominal fee ($5.00) usually charged by third-party notaries.
C. Public Comments
A 60-day notice published in the Federal Register at 89 FR 92688 on
November 22, 2024. No public comments were received.
Obtaining Copies of Proposals: Requesters may obtain a copy of the
information collection documents from the Regulatory Secretariat
Division by calling 202-501-4755 or emailing [email protected]. Please
cite OMB Control No. 3090-0317, Notarized Document Submittal for System
for Award Management Registration, in all correspondence.
Lois Mandell,
Director, Regulatory Secretariat Division.
[FR Doc. 2025-01755 Filed 1-24-25; 8:45 am]