Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 41, Notification of Proposed Production Activity; Zebra Technologies Corporation; (Computer Printing Products); Kenosha, Wisconsin, 8007-8008 [2025-01585]
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ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 14 / Thursday, January 23, 2025 / Notices
Abstract: Under the Agricultural
Marketing Act of 1946, as amended (7
U.S.C. 1621 et seq.), AMS is responsible
for conducting research to enhance
market access for small and medium
sized farmers. The role of the Local and
Regional Foods Division (LFRD) of AMS
is to facilitate distribution of U.S.
agricultural products. The division
identifies marketing opportunities,
provides analysis to help take advantage
of those opportunities and develops and
evaluates strategies including methods
to diversify farming operations of direct
from farm-to-customer enterprises.
The definitions of farmers markets,
on-farm markets, community-supported
agriculture (CSA), and food hubs, as
utilized by AMS for the purposes of the
Local Food Directories and Survey are
listed below.
An agritourism operation is a working
farm, ranch, aquaculture and
agroforestry. An agritourism directory is
a list of working farms, ranches,
aquaculture and agroforestry operations
that provide education and recreation
opportunities, active-involvement
experiences (e.g., farming activities,
processing), as well as retailing and
hospitality (e.g., accommodations,
dining) facilities and services for the
enjoyment of visitors that generate
supplemental income, create and grow
farm product markets i.e., for local
foods, and build understanding of
agriculture. A working farm, ranch,
aquaculture or agroforestry operation is
defined as an area of land and buildings,
or water (ponds, lakes, rivers, oceans),
including within and around cities, that
is currently being utilized to raise and
grow domesticated animals, plants,
trees, and freshwater and marine fish
and shellfish, for food and beverages,
including vegetables, fruits, herbs,
meats, dairy products, oils, cereals, fish
and shellfish, and products for direct
sales to customers, and/or immediate
consumption or enjoyment of
customers, that are grown or processed
there (e.g., Christmas trees, pinyon
seeds, ginseng, wool, wine, beer,
cheeses, nursery plants).
An on-farm market is a single farm
operation that sells agricultural and/or
horticultural products directly to
customers on its farm property or on
property adjacent to its farm. Most
products sold at the on-farm market are
either grown on the proprietor’s farm or
are sourced from neighboring farms. An
on-farm market may operate seasonally
or year-round. On-farm markets are an
important component of direct
marketing, adding value by offering
customers a visit to the farm and the
opportunity to purchase products from
the people who grew them.
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A CSA enterprise is defined as a farm
or network/association of multiple
farms that offer customers regular
(usually weekly) deliveries of locallygrown farm products during one or
more harvest season(s) on a subscription
or membership basis. Customers have
access to a selected share or range of
farm products offered by a single farm
or group of farmers based on partial or
total advance payment of a subscription
or membership fee. The up-front
working capital generated by selling
shares reduces the financial risk to the
farmer(s). Generally, farmers receive
better prices for their crops and have
reduced marketing costs. Consumers
benefit by receiving a periodic (usually
weekly) delivery of fresh locally-grown
fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs and other
produce. They also benefit from the
ability to collectively support the
sustainability of local farmers.
A food hub is a business or
organization that actively manages the
aggregation, distribution, and marketing
of source-identified food products to
multiple buyers from multiple
producers, primarily local and regional
producers, to strengthen the ability of
these producers to satisfy local and
regional wholesale, retail, and
institutional demand. This marketing
channel also allows farm operators to
capture a larger share of consumers’
food dollar.
This information will be used to
continue building the USDA National
Local Food Directories describing the
characteristics of local food operations
and working farms.
Topic areas in the survey:
—Characteristics of local food business
—Contact information
—Types of products sold
—Location of the business
—Operation schedule
Estimate of Burden: Public reporting
burden for this collection of information
is estimated to average 5 minutes per
Respondents: Local food businesses
listing their information on USDA
National Local Food Directories
Estimated Number of Potential
Respondents: 15,000.
Estimated Total Potential Annual
Responses to all Surveys: 500.
Maximum Estimated Total Annual
Burden on All Respondents: 1,250
Comments: Comments are invited on:
(1) whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
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(2) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the proposed collection
of information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(3) ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and (4) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
the use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
All responses to this notice will be
summarized and included in the request
for OMB approval. All comments will
become a matter of public record.
Melissa Bailey,
Associate Administrator, Agricultural
Marketing Service.
[FR Doc. 2025–01610 Filed 1–22–25; 8:45 am]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 41,
Notification of Proposed Production
Activity; Zebra Technologies
Corporation; (Computer Printing
Products); Kenosha, Wisconsin
Zebra Technologies Corporation
submitted a notification of proposed
production activity to the FTZ Board
(the Board) for its facility in Kenosha,
Wisconsin within FTZ 41. The
notification conforming to the
requirements of the Board’s regulations
(15 CFR 400.22) was received on
January 13, 2025.
Pursuant to 15 CFR 400.14(b), FTZ
production activity would be limited to
the specific foreign-status material(s)/
component(s) and specific finished
product(s) described in the submitted
notification (summarized below) and
subsequently authorized by the Board.
The benefits that may stem from
conducting production activity under
FTZ procedures are explained in the
background section of the Board’s
website—accessible via
The proposed finished products
include: self-adhesive nameplates,
labels, and sheets; plastic mounting
components; cellular rubber articles;
vulcanized rubber articles; paper
packing material; rolls of labels; stylus
tethers; straps; steel screws; steel wire
springs; metal clips; AC power filter
release instrument kits; cable routing
tool kits; PCB removal took kits and
print head cam sync gauge kits; castors;
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 14 / Thursday, January 23, 2025 / Notices
mounting brackets; thermal printers;
thermal printer replacement
components; tablets and mobile
computers; data capturing and
transmitting devices; point-of-sale parts;
power supply adapters, cradles, and
chargers; lithium-ion batteries;
smartphones; data capturing and
transmitting devices; location solution
products; antennas; magnetic media
cards; optical media cards;
semiconductor media cards; monitors;
real-time locating systems, components
of location solution devices; cables with
connectors/fittings used for
telecommunication devices; cords and
power cables; fixed mount industrial
scanners; and fixed mount industrial
scanner components (duty rate ranges
from duty-free to 7.0%).
The proposed foreign-status
materials/components include: plastic
labels in roll; plastic labels in sheet;
plastic end cap parts; plastic with textile
labels; plastic bags; plastic caps/plugs/
closures; plastic gaskets/seals/washers;
plastic name plates, labels, mounts,
straps, and ties; rubber gaskets and
washer grommets; rubber grommets;
corrugated boxes, printed paper labels;
self-adhesive paper labels; paper core
rolls for labels; paper packing spacers,
pads, and inserts; single sheet
instructions/manuals; instructions/
manuals; instruction/manuals/
brochures; stylus tethers; touchpad
hand carrying straps and belt loops; lens
filters; machine steel screws; steel
screws with a diameter less than 6
millimeters; steel screws with a
diameter greater than 6 millimeters;
steel nuts; steel spring lock washers; flat
steel washers; steel rivets; steel cotter
pins; steel helical spring; steel extension
spring; steel threaded standoff;
aluminum belt tensioning device; hex
key hand tools; AC power filter release
tool kits; phone camera sync devices;
maghead insertion cable devices; mirror
mount brackets; metal brackets; thermal
printers; printer heads; feeder roller;
main PCB board; mobile computers and
tablets; docking stations; barcode
scanners, imagers, and scan engines;
point of sale terminals; outer housing;
display assembly; ball bearings;
clutches, shafts couplings, and joints;
chargers; charger parts; battery cells;
lithium-ion batteries; cellphone devices;
mobile computing devices; data
transmitting devices; RFID antennas;
aerial reflectors; CD-rom media; smart
card media; wet inlay tags; digital
cameras; real-time location tags; radio
antennas for mobile devices; mobile
computing device parts; main PCB
board assembly and outer housing;
coaxial connectors; mobile computing
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device touch panel PCB; LED lights;
paper-low sensor kits; cables for
telecommunication devices; detachable
power cables; flex cables (less than 80
volts); feedkey and flex cables for
printers; ferrite; spectrometers;
industrial fixed mount machine vision
devices; printer ribbon high/low torque
devices; and flipper deck level devices
(duty rate ranges from duty-free to
4.5%). The request indicates that certain
materials/components are subject to
duties under section 301 of the Trade
Act of 1974 (section 301), depending on
the country of origin. The applicable
section 301 decisions require subject
merchandise to be admitted to FTZs in
privileged foreign status (19 CFR
146.41). The Board’s regulations (15
CFR 400.13(c)(2)) require that
merchandise subject to AD/CVD orders,
or items which would be otherwise
subject to suspension of liquidation
under AD/CVD procedures if they
entered U.S. customs territory, be
admitted to the zone in privileged
foreign status (19 CFR 146.41).
Public comment is invited from
interested parties. Submissions shall be
addressed to the Board’s Executive
Secretary and sent to: The
closing period for their receipt is March
4, 2025.
A copy of the notification will be
available for public inspection in the
‘‘Online FTZ Information System’’
section of the Board’s website.
For further information, contact
Kolade Osho at
Dated: January 17, 2025.
Elizabeth Whiteman,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2025–01585 Filed 1–22–25; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Certain Chassis and Subassemblies
Thereof From the People’s Republic of
China: Rescission of Antidumping
Duty Administrative Review; 2023–
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of
Commerce (Commerce) is rescinding the
administrative review of the
antidumping duty (AD) order on certain
chassis and subassemblies thereof
(chassis) from the People’s Republic of
China (China) for the period of review
PO 00000
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(POR) July 1, 2023, through June 30,
DATES: Applicable January 23, 2025.
Gemma Larsen, AD/CVD Operations,
Office I, Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–8125.
On July 8, 2021, Commerce published
in the Federal Register the AD order on
chassis from China.1 On July 1, 2024,
Commerce published in the Federal
Register a notice of opportunity to
request an administrative review of the
Order.2 On July 31, 2024, Commerce
received a timely request from domestic
producers of subject merchandise, the
Coalition of American Chassis
Manufacturers (Coalition), in
accordance with 19 CFR 351.213(b)(1),
to conduct an administrative review of
the Order of the following exporters: (1)
CIMC Vehicles (Group) Co., Ltd.; (2)
Dongguan CIMC Vehicles Co., Ltd.
(CIMC Vehicles); (3) Qingdao CIMC
Special Vehicles Co., Ltd; and (4)
On August 14, 2024, Commerce
published in the Federal Register a
notice of initiation of administrative
review with respect to imports of
chassis exported by the above Chinese
exporters, in accordance with section
751(a) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended (the Act), and 19 CFR
351.221(c)(1)(i).4 On August 22, 2024,
we placed on the record U.S. Customs
and Border Protection (CBP) data for
entries of chassis from China during the
POR, showing no reviewable POR
entries, and invited interested parties to
comment.5 On August 29, 2024, CIMC
Vehicles submitted comments
requesting Commerce rescind the
administrative review.6
On September 19, 2024, Commerce
notified all interested parties of its
intent to rescind the instant review in
1 See Certain Chassis and Subassemblies Thereof
from the People’s Republic of China: Antidumping
Duty Order, 86 FR 36093 (July 8, 2021) (Order).
2 See Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Order,
Finding, or Suspended Investigation; Opportunity
to Request Administrative Review and Join Annual
Inquiry Service List, 89 FR 54437 (July 1, 2024).
3 See Coalition’s Letter, ‘‘Request for
Administrative Review,’’ dated July 31, 2024.
4 See Initiation of Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews, 89 FR
66035 (August 14, 2024) (Initiation Notice).
5 See Memorandum, ‘‘U.S. Customs and Boarder
Protection (CBP) Data Release,’’ dated August 22,
6 See CIMC Vehicles’ Letter, ‘‘Comments on CBP
Data,’’ dated August 29, 2024.
[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 14 (Thursday, January 23, 2025)]
[Pages 8007-8008]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-01585]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 41, Notification of Proposed Production
Activity; Zebra Technologies Corporation; (Computer Printing Products);
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Zebra Technologies Corporation submitted a notification of proposed
production activity to the FTZ Board (the Board) for its facility in
Kenosha, Wisconsin within FTZ 41. The notification conforming to the
requirements of the Board's regulations (15 CFR 400.22) was received on
January 13, 2025.
Pursuant to 15 CFR 400.14(b), FTZ production activity would be
limited to the specific foreign-status material(s)/component(s) and
specific finished product(s) described in the submitted notification
(summarized below) and subsequently authorized by the Board. The
benefits that may stem from conducting production activity under FTZ
procedures are explained in the background section of the Board's
website--accessible via
The proposed finished products include: self-adhesive nameplates,
labels, and sheets; plastic mounting components; cellular rubber
articles; vulcanized rubber articles; paper packing material; rolls of
labels; stylus tethers; straps; steel screws; steel wire springs; metal
clips; AC power filter release instrument kits; cable routing tool
kits; PCB removal took kits and print head cam sync gauge kits;
[[Page 8008]]
mounting brackets; thermal printers; thermal printer replacement
components; tablets and mobile computers; data capturing and
transmitting devices; point-of-sale parts; power supply adapters,
cradles, and chargers; lithium-ion batteries; smartphones; data
capturing and transmitting devices; location solution products;
antennas; magnetic media cards; optical media cards; semiconductor
media cards; monitors; real-time locating systems, components of
location solution devices; cables with connectors/fittings used for
telecommunication devices; cords and power cables; fixed mount
industrial scanners; and fixed mount industrial scanner components
(duty rate ranges from duty-free to 7.0%).
The proposed foreign-status materials/components include: plastic
labels in roll; plastic labels in sheet; plastic end cap parts; plastic
with textile labels; plastic bags; plastic caps/plugs/closures; plastic
gaskets/seals/washers; plastic name plates, labels, mounts, straps, and
ties; rubber gaskets and washer grommets; rubber grommets; corrugated
boxes, printed paper labels; self-adhesive paper labels; paper core
rolls for labels; paper packing spacers, pads, and inserts; single
sheet instructions/manuals; instructions/manuals; instruction/manuals/
brochures; stylus tethers; touchpad hand carrying straps and belt
loops; lens filters; machine steel screws; steel screws with a diameter
less than 6 millimeters; steel screws with a diameter greater than 6
millimeters; steel nuts; steel spring lock washers; flat steel washers;
steel rivets; steel cotter pins; steel helical spring; steel extension
spring; steel threaded standoff; aluminum belt tensioning device; hex
key hand tools; AC power filter release tool kits; phone camera sync
devices; maghead insertion cable devices; mirror mount brackets; metal
brackets; thermal printers; printer heads; feeder roller; main PCB
board; mobile computers and tablets; docking stations; barcode
scanners, imagers, and scan engines; point of sale terminals; outer
housing; display assembly; ball bearings; clutches, shafts couplings,
and joints; chargers; charger parts; battery cells; lithium-ion
batteries; cellphone devices; mobile computing devices; data
transmitting devices; RFID antennas; aerial reflectors; CD-rom media;
smart card media; wet inlay tags; digital cameras; real-time location
tags; radio antennas for mobile devices; mobile computing device parts;
main PCB board assembly and outer housing; coaxial connectors; mobile
computing device touch panel PCB; LED lights; paper-low sensor kits;
cables for telecommunication devices; detachable power cables; flex
cables (less than 80 volts); feedkey and flex cables for printers;
ferrite; spectrometers; industrial fixed mount machine vision devices;
printer ribbon high/low torque devices; and flipper deck level devices
(duty rate ranges from duty-free to 4.5%). The request indicates that
certain materials/components are subject to duties under section 301 of
the Trade Act of 1974 (section 301), depending on the country of
origin. The applicable section 301 decisions require subject
merchandise to be admitted to FTZs in privileged foreign status (19 CFR
146.41). The Board's regulations (15 CFR 400.13(c)(2)) require that
merchandise subject to AD/CVD orders, or items which would be otherwise
subject to suspension of liquidation under AD/CVD procedures if they
entered U.S. customs territory, be admitted to the zone in privileged
foreign status (19 CFR 146.41).
Public comment is invited from interested parties. Submissions
shall be addressed to the Board's Executive Secretary and sent to:
[email protected]. The closing period for their receipt is March 4, 2025.
A copy of the notification will be available for public inspection
in the ``Online FTZ Information System'' section of the Board's
For further information, contact Kolade Osho at
[email protected].
Dated: January 17, 2025.
Elizabeth Whiteman,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2025-01585 Filed 1-22-25; 8:45 am]