Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs-Authorized Testing Panels, 4662-4668 [2025-00425]
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 10 / Thursday, January 16, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
17 ChloroSense. ‘‘Measurement of Free and Total Chlorine in Drinking Water by Palintest ChloroSense,’’ August 2009. Available at https:// or from Palintest Ltd, 1455 Jamike Avenue (Suite 100), Erlanger, KY 41018.
28 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 22nd edition (2012). Available from American Public Health Association,
800 I Street NW, Washington, DC 20001–3710.
31 Hach Company. ‘‘Hach Method 10260-Determination of Chlorinated Oxidants (Free and Total) in Water Using Disposable Planar Reagentfilled Cuvettes and Mesofluidic Channel Colorimetry,’’ April 2013. 5600 Lindbergh Drive, P.O. Box 389, Loveland, CO 80539.
34 Hach Company. ‘‘Hach Method 10241-Spectrophotometric Measurement of Free Chlorine (Cl ) in Drinking Water,’’ November 2015. Revi2
sion 1.2. 5600 Lindbergh Drive, P.O. Box 389, Loveland, CO 80539.
49 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 23rd edition (2017). Available from American Public Health Association,
800 I Street NW, Washington, DC 20001–3710.
55 EPA Method 127. ‘‘Determination of Monochloramine Concentration in Drinking Water.’’ January 2021. EPA 815–B–21–004. Available at the
National Service Center for Environmental Publications at
59 ChloroSense, Rev. 1.1. ‘‘Free and Total Chlorine in Drinking Water by Amperometry using Disposable Sensors.’’ February 2020. Palintest
Ltd, 400 Corporate Circle, Suite J, Golden, CO 80401.
66 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 24th edition (2023). Available from American Public Health Association,
800 I Street NW, Washington, DC 20001–3710.
69 e-sens, Inc. ‘‘e-sens, Inc. Automated Micro Chlorine Detection (AMCD) Method for the Determination of Residual Free and Total Chlorine in
Water.’’ December 2023. Available from e-sens, Inc., 630 Komas Dr., Ste 235, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108.
70 EPA Method 537.1, Version 1.0. ‘‘Determination of Selected Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) in Drinking Water by Solid
Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS).’’ November 2018. EPA/600/R–18/352. Approved as alternative testing method to support initial PFAS monitoring (for monitoring-frequency determinations) until April 26, 2027 as described at 40 CFR
141.902(b)(1) [Monitoring requirements for PFAS—Initial monitoring]. Available at the National Service Center for Environmental Publications at
42 CFR Chapter 1
Mandatory Guidelines for Federal
Workplace Drug Testing Programs—
Authorized Testing Panels
Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA), Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS)
ACTION: Issuance of authorized drug
testing panels.
The Department of Health and
Human Services (‘‘HHS’’ or
‘‘Department’’) herein publishes the
panels of Schedule I and II drugs and
biomarkers authorized for testing in
Federal workplace drug testing
programs. The Department has revised
the drug testing panels for both urine
and oral fluid, and revised required
nomenclature for laboratory and
Medical Review Officer Reports.
DATES: The authorized drug testing
panels and required report
nomenclature are effective July 7, 2025.
Eugene D. Hayes, Ph.D., MBA,
SAMHSA, CSAP, DWP; 5600 Fishers
Lane, Room 16N02, Rockville, MD
20857, by telephone (240) 276–1459 or
by email at Eugene.Hayes@
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
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The drug
testing panels in this Notification
specify the analytes and cutoffs for
Federal agency workplace drug testing
specimens and the nomenclature (i.e.,
analyte names and abbreviations) that
must be used to report Federal
workplace drug test results, in
accordance with Subpart C of the
Mandatory Guidelines for Federal
Workplace Drug Testing Programs using
Urine (UrMG, 88 FR 70768) and the
Mandatory Guidelines for Federal
Workplace Drug Testing Programs using
Oral Fluid (OFMG, 88 FR 70814).
Section 3.4 of Subpart C calls upon the
Secretary of HHS (Secretary) to ‘‘publish
the drug and biomarker test analytes
and cutoffs (i.e., the ‘drug testing panel’
and ‘biomarker testing panel’) for initial
and confirmatory drug and biomarker
tests in the Federal Register each year,’’
and make them available on the internet
Section 3.4 of the UrMG and the OFMG
also requires HHS-certified laboratories,
instrumented initial test facilities (IITFs,
urine only), and Medical Review
Officers (MROs) to use the
nomenclature (i.e., analyte names and
abbreviations) published with the drug
and biomarker testing panels to report
Federal workplace drug test results.
This Federal Register Notification
(FRN) contains only the drug testing
panel because, to date, HHS has not
approved any biomarker tests for use
with Federal workplace drug testing
specimens. The drug testing panels in
Section 3.4 of the UrMG and OFMG will
remain in effect until July 7, 2025.
[FR Doc. 2025–00464 Filed 1–15–25; 8:45 am]
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HHS, by the authority of section 503
of Public Law 100–71, 5 U.S.C., and
Executive Order 12564, establishes the
scientific and technical guidelines for
Federal workplace drug testing
programs and establishes standards for
certification of laboratories engaged in
drug testing for Federal agencies. In
addition, the Department specifies the
drugs and biomarkers for which Federal
employees may be tested. To facilitate
timely analyte and cutoff changes based
on the state of the science, the
Department publishes the HHS
authorized drug and biomarker testing
panels separately from the Mandatory
Analyte changes are based on a
thorough review of relevant
information, including drug prevalence
estimates, the current state of the
science, laboratory capabilities, costs
associated with the change, and benefits
of the change to Federal agencies. To
identify panel changes needed, the
Department solicits review and input
from subject matter experts such as
Responsible Persons (RPs) of HHScertified laboratories, Medical Review
Officers (MROs), research scientists, and
manufacturers of collection devices
and/or immunoassay kits, as well as
Federal partners such as the Department
of Transportation (DOT), the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), the
Department of Defense (DOD), and the
Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA). The Department also seeks
public comment to inform decisions
related to analyte changes.
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 10 / Thursday, January 16, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
Using this process for recommending
changes to the analyte table, the
Department proposed the removal of
methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA)
and methylenedioxymethamphetamine
(MDMA) and the addition of fentanyl in
the notice for the December 5, 2023,
Drug Testing Advisory Board (DTAB)
meeting published in the November 17,
2023, Federal Register. The meeting
notice included supporting information
for the proposed changes and a request
for public comment, along with the
January 4, 2024, due date for public
comments and the methods for
comment submission. During the
December 5th, 2023, DTAB meeting, the
Department presented the basis for the
proposed changes including technical
and scientific support.
The Department received and
reviewed 176 comments from 118
commenters. All comments were
reviewed and taken into consideration
in the preparation of draft final drug
testing panels. During the DTAB
meeting on March 5, 2024, the
Department presented a summary of the
public comments, along with additional
supporting information for the proposed
changes including workplace testing
prevalence information, cost estimates
and areas of agreement and concerns
The comments are available for public
view on the SAMHSA website at and https:// During the June 4–
5, 2024, DTAB meeting, the Department
provided updated information on
fentanyl positivity in workplace testing
(urine and oral fluid). DTAB members
agreed with the proposed changes.
The Department continued to assess
the proposed testing panel changes and
as described below, has decided not to
remove MDMA and MDA from the urine
and oral fluid drug testing panels at this
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
Summary of Public Comments and
HHS’s Response
The following provides the basis for
the changes to nomenclature and the
drug testing panel. The issues and
concerns raised in public comments and
HHS responses are set forth under each
For consistency and to avoid
misinterpretation of test results, the
UrMG and OFMG require HHS-certified
test facilities and MROs to report results
using the nomenclature (i.e., analyte
names and abbreviations) in the drug
and biomarker testing panels published
in the Federal Register.
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The drug testing panel includes
revised abbreviations for marijuana test
analytes, consistent with current
scientific nomenclature. The
Department previously used the
abbreviation THC for D-9tetrahydrocannabinol and THCA for D9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic
acid. The new abbreviations are D9THC
in place of THC and D9THCC in place
of THCA. Including ‘‘D9’’ in these
abbreviations distinguishes them from
other compounds (e.g., D-8tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid
and D-8-tetrahydrocannabinol). The
revised abbreviation D9THCC also
distinguishes this marijuana metabolite
from D9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, a
non-psychoactive cannabinoid in the
cannabis plant that is also commonly
abbreviated as THCA. This plant
compound is an important precursor
integral to the growth, definition, and
production of legal hemp as defined by
the US Department of Agriculture
(USDA).1 2
Drug Testing Panel
Note: Oral fluid cutoffs in the authorized
drug testing panel are based on undiluted
(neat) oral fluid.
Removed Drugs:
Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA)
and Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
The Department proposed to remove
MDA and MDMA from the drug testing
panel because the number of positive
specimens reported by HHS-certified
laboratories did not seem to support
testing all specimens for MDA and
MDMA in Federal workplace drug
testing programs. Information provided
to the Department through the National
Laboratory Certification Program (NLCP)
in 2024 shows the MDMA positivity rate
for the past three years (2021–2023) has
been at or below 0.002% and a review
of the results indicates that >25% of the
positive specimens are likely agency
blind samples. A further review of the
NLCP data shows that almost 40% of
MDMA positive urine specimens are
also positive for another drug to include
amphetamines (7%), benzoylecgonine
(9%) and THC (21%), indicating that
these specimens would be identified as
drug positive by other means. MDMA
accounts for only 0.28% of the drugs
identified in exhibits submitted to crime
laboratories. Tablets sold as MDMA on
the street often do not contain MDMA
and instead contain another
phenethylamine compound such as
dipentylone.3 4 In addition, the NLCP
information shows that MDA has a
significantly lower positivity rate
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(0.00008% of tested specimens) than
MDMA, with only six specimens
identified as containing MDA without
MDMA in 2023, and both analytes have
lower positivity rates than
phencyclidine (PCP). While PCP has an
overall positivity rate nearly as low as
MDMA, there are regional differences in
the positivity of PCP in federally
regulated and general workplace drug
testing populations with some areas of
the country having much higher rates,
so the Department has determined that
PCP remains a regulated test analyte.5
A total of 10 commenters addressed
the removal of MDMA and MDA from
the testing panel. Of these, four agreed
with removal of these drugs, while six
Four commenters who disagreed
noted that, because drug testing deters
use, MDMA and MDA use may increase
after removal from the panel. Another
commenter who disagreed with removal
stated that growing interest in MDMA
use for post-traumatic stress disorder
and anxiety may lead to increased
MDMA use. This commenter also noted
that the National Survey on Drug Use
and Health (NSDUH) showed adults’
self-reported use of MDMA (i.e.,
Ecstasy) was higher than for
phencyclidine (PCP).6 A commenter
who agreed with removal noted that
SAMHSA might consider removing
MDA and keeping MDMA on the testing
panel with amphetamine and
methamphetamine, based on current
amphetamines immunoassay crossreactivity to MDMA.
Three commenters stated that MDMA/
MDA positivity rates in DOT-regulated
programs have remained steady over
time. One of these agreed with removal
and had no safety concerns, while the
other two commenters cited this as a
reason for continuing to test these drugs.
The Department considered all
comments and has decided that the
removal of MDMA and MDA from the
urine and oral fluid drug testing panels
requires further study, and therefore,
MDMA/MDA will not be removed from
the drug testing panels at this time. The
Department will continue to monitor
MDMA/MDA prevalence and will
engage with the DTAB and continue to
assess the costs and benefits of
removing one or both analytes in the
Added Drugs: Fentanyl and Norfentanyl
After declaring the opioid crisis, a
public health emergency in 2017, former
President Trump signed the SUPPORT
for Patients and Communities Act
(SUPPORT Act) into law on October 24,
2018. Section 8105 of the Fighting
Opioid Abuse in Transportation Act,
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 10 / Thursday, January 16, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
included in the SUPPORT Act, required
the Secretary to determine whether it is
justified, based on the reliability and
cost-effectiveness of testing, to revise
the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal
Workplace Drug Testing Programs to
include fentanyl.7 Section 8105
additionally required the Secretary to
consider whether to include any other
drugs or other substances listed in
Schedule I and II of Controlled
Substances Act (CSA).8 Norfentanyl is a
metabolite of fentanyl. Because it is also
an immediate precursor used in the
illicit manufacture of fentanyl, it is a
Schedule II substance under the CSA.
Fentanyl was considered for inclusion
in the proposed Mandatory Guidelines
of May 2015. At that time, fentanyl was
primarily found as a mixture with
heroin. Because the heroin metabolite 6acetylmorphine was already included in
the Mandatory Guidelines, it was
decided that the addition of fentanyl
was not needed to identify fentanyl use.
However, the illicit drug market and
epidemiological data on drug use and
overdose have changed since that time:
fentanyl, primarily illicitly made
fentanyl, is involved in a large
percentage of overdose deaths in the
United States and is therefore an
important public safety concern.9 10
Furthermore, illicitly made fentanyl is
increasingly used as a stand-alone
substance among people who use drugs,
not in conjunction with heroin and
other substances.3 According to the
National Forensic Laboratory
Information System (NFLIS) 2022
Annual Report, fentanyl was the 3rd
most frequently identified drug and
accounted for 13.81% of all drugs
reported by forensic laboratories.
The Department conducted studies to
determine the prevalence of fentanyl in
regulated drug testing specimens and
examined the current state of the
technology available to HHS-certified
laboratories for initial and confirmatory
testing of fentanyl and norfentanyl. A
review of the literature was conducted
to identify peer-reviewed publications
that reported concentrations of fentanyl
and/or norfentanyl in urine and oral
fluid, to determine whether the current
initial and confirmatory test
technologies available in HHS-certified
laboratories are appropriate for testing
for fentanyl and/or norfentanyl and to
assist in decisions regarding appropriate
cutoff concentrations.
Fentanyl Prevalence
When the Department assessed
fentanyl prevalence, two HHS-certified
laboratories offered urine testing for
fentanyl upon request of a Federal
agency or an MRO. Data from the NLCP
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included six laboratory-reported
positive test results from 52 requests for
fentanyl testing from January 1, 2017,
through December 31, 2022. Three of
the specimens were also positive for at
least one other drug: two specimens
were positive for D9THCC, and one was
positive for other opioids (i.e.,
hydrocodone, hydromorphone) in
addition to fentanyl.
The Department also gathered
information through a query of HHScertified laboratories that perform
fentanyl and norfentanyl testing (urine
and/or oral fluid) for non-regulated
clients (e.g., workplace testing,
compliance testing of healthcare
providers) and through pulse testing
studies (i.e., retesting several
deidentified federally regulated urine
specimens using the laboratory’s
fentanyl and norfentanyl testing
procedures). Based on information from
non-regulated workplace drug testing
and the pulse testing studies, it is
estimated that approximately 0.27–
0.37% of submitted Federal workplace
urine specimens will screen positive
during initial testing and 0.1 to 0.3%
will confirm positive for fentanyl and/
or its primary metabolite norfentanyl.
Additionally, a recent pulse testing
study showed that norfentanyl was 36%
more prevalent than 6-acetylmorphine
in specimens with a positive opiate
initial test.
Of the total 118 commenters, 115
supported the addition of fentanyl to the
authorized drug testing panels. Most
commenters noted the prevalence of
fentanyl use and overdoses, based on
their professional or personal
experience, and the threat to workplace
and public safety, particularly in
transportation industries. Of the three
individuals who disagreed: one
incorrectly stated that fentanyl would be
detected and reported using current
opioid tests for Federal agency urine
specimens; one incorrectly indicated
that fentanyl would only be detected
within a few hours of use; and the third
disagreed with any additional Federal
regulations for truck drivers.
The Department considered all
comments and has added fentanyl to the
urine and oral fluid drug testing panels
and added its metabolite norfentanyl to
the urine drug testing panel. Until the
effective date of the new drug testing
panel, fentanyl and/or norfentanyl can
be analyzed under the Mandatory
Guidelines only upon request of a
Federal agency for a reasonable
suspicion or post-accident specimen or
routinely with a waiver from the
Secretary (in accordance with Section
3.2 of the UrMG and OFMG). A detailed
discussion is provided below.
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Fentanyl Analyte Selection and Cutoff
Information provided by HHScertified laboratories in 2023 indicated
that a majority (84%) of the laboratories
analyzed non-regulated workplace
specimens for fentanyl and/or
norfentanyl, and that all had the ability
to analyze urine specimens for fentanyl
with sufficiently sensitive detection
limits using commercially available
immunoassay kits and confirmatory test
instrumentation commonly used in
HHS-certified laboratories. The
laboratories’ initial test cutoffs ranged
from 0.5 to 2 ng/mL for fentanyl and
confirmatory test cutoffs for fentanyl
and norfentanyl ranged from 0.5 to 2 ng/
mL for fentanyl and 0.5 to 5 ng/mL for
Fentanyl and norfentanyl prevalence
and concentrations appear to vary
considerably depending on the
population studied and the applied
cutoff. Laboratory data from nonregulated workplace drug testing are
around 1% fentanyl positivity in urine.
The median, mean and max fentanyl
concentrations were 12.6 ng/mL, 257.5
ng/mL and 36,199 ng/mL, respectively.
Norfentanyl concentrations were
reported to be around 4 times higher
than those of fentanyl.11 A recent pulse
testing study on regulated urine
workplace specimens showed that
norfentanyl concentrations were 5.5
times higher than fentanyl
concentrations (median, Q1–Q3, 2.5–
13.3 times higher).12 The median
fentanyl and norfentanyl concentrations
were 159 and 1,521 ng/mL, respectively.
In a large study of 1 million urine
specimens conducted by healthcare
professionals for routine care, the
positivity rate for fentanyl was 1.4%
(13,770 specimens) using cutoffs of 2
ng/mL for fentanyl and 8 ng/mL for
norfentanyl.13 Using immunoassay
screening and a GC–MS confirmatory
test cutoff of 1 ng/mL, fentanyl was
positive in 4.2% (458 specimens) of
specimens among patients being treated
for pain conditions.14 The median,
mean, and range of fentanyl
concentrations were 23 ng/mL, 87 ng/
mL, and 1 to 2382 ng/mL, respectively.
Another study of patients with chronic
pain demonstrated that norfentanyl can
be an important component of
identifying people who use fentanyl
when urine is the specimen matrix.15
The authors showed that including
norfentanyl increased the number of
positive specimens by 42% over
analyzing for fentanyl alone. The
fentanyl median, mean and range
concentrations were 22 ng/ml, 59.2 ng/
mL, and 0.5 to 596 ng/mL, respectively.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 10 / Thursday, January 16, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
Norfentanyl median, mean and range
concentrations were 25.5 ng/mL, 134
ng/mL, and 0.5 to 1,772 ng/ml,
respectively. A study of 77,018 urine
specimens from patients treated with
fentanyl using a transdermal patch
reported median and mean fentanyl
concentration of 37 and 88 ng/mL.16
When comparing doses of 12 and 100
mg/h, the mean fentanyl concentration
increased from 32 to 137 ng/mL, and the
norfentanyl mean concentration
increased from 176 to 695 ng/mL,
illustrating the dose-response
Based on this information, the
Department originally proposed a 1 ng/
mL initial test cutoff for both fentanyl
and norfentanyl in urine, with a 0.5 ng/
mL confirmatory test cutoff for both
Ten commenters disagreed with
adding norfentanyl as an initial test
analyte for urine. Nine of these
specifically disagreed with norfentanyl
as an initial test analyte, noting that no
current FDA-cleared immunoassay has
sufficient cross-reactivity for fentanyl
and norfentanyl to meet the program
requirement for grouped analytes (i.e., at
least 80% cross-reactivity to the nontarget analyte). One commenter
suggested that the Department lower the
cross-reactivity requirement to 5%,
noting that norfentanyl is often at higher
concentrations than fentanyl. One
suggested including fentanyl as the
initial test analyte and norfentanyl only
as a confirmatory test analyte, noting it
is a Schedule II drug because it is used
in the synthesis of fentanyl, and is not
a pharmacologically active metabolite or
a separate drug of misuse.
Nine commenters addressed the
proposed 1 ng/mL fentanyl initial test
cutoff for urine. Of these, one agreed
with the fentanyl cutoff, noting that
current FDA-cleared immunoassays
used for initial testing can meet this
cutoff. Eight commenters disagreed,
stating that a 1 ng/mL cutoff is beyond
the limits of traditional immunoassay
technologies, and that laboratories
would not be able to meet the UrMG
requirement for initial test controls
targeted at 25% above and below the
cutoff. One commenter suggested a
lower cutoff (0.75 ng/mL) but did not
provide supporting information. The
Department notes that there is a
commercial immunoassay at this cutoff.
Regarding the proposed confirmatory
test analytes and cutoffs, one
commenter agreed with testing both
fentanyl and norfentanyl using the
proposed 0.5 ng/mL cutoff. Two other
commenters agreed with norfentanyl as
a confirmatory test analyte but disagreed
with the proposed cutoff. One of these
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commenters provided 2022–2023 data
from non-regulated drug testing
showing that only 1.6% of specimens
had results below 1.0 ng/mL, while
more than 50% had results above 100
ng/mL for fentanyl and above 1000 ng/
mL for norfentanyl. The commenter did
not indicate the initial test cutoff(s) used
for these specimens. An initial test
cutoff of 1 or 2 ng/mL could explain the
low percentage of confirmatory test
results below 1 ng/mL.
One commenter disagreed with the
proposed fentanyl cutoffs for both initial
and confirmatory testing, stating the
cutoffs were too low and would present
legal challenges due to long elimination
times in urine following fentanyl use.
The commenter noted that there are no
controlled studies in the literature on
this topic. Concerns were based on a
laboratory’s reports of six cases
involving norfentanyl >0.5 ng/mL for at
least one month after self-reported
cessation of fentanyl use, and two other
studies indicating possible long
elimination time based on positive
results after self-reported cessation of
fentanyl use by individuals with opioid
use disorder.17
The Department considered all
comments. Regarding initial test analyte
selection, the Department agrees with
commenters that, at the time of this
writing, most commercial
immunoassays for fentanyl in urine are
calibrated to fentanyl and exhibit little
cross-reactivity to norfentanyl. The
Department is aware of one
immunoassay for fentanyl that has 5–
7% cross-reactivity to norfentanyl and
another immunoassay for norfentanyl in
urine with a 5 ng/mL cutoff (i.e., above
the cutoff specified in the drug testing
panel). As detailed above, HHS-certified
laboratory test information, the pulse
testing study, and review of fentanyl
and norfentanyl concentrations from
other tested populations demonstrate
the importance of testing for
To facilitate implementation of
fentanyl testing into Federal workplace
drug testing programs, the Department
has decided to include only fentanyl
(not norfentanyl) as the sole initial test
analyte for urine at a cutoff of 1 ng/mL
and require a fentanyl immunoassay
initial test to exhibit at least 5% crossreactivity for norfentanyl. The
Department also increased the proposed
0.5 ng/mL confirmatory test cutoffs to 1
ng/mL for both fentanyl and
norfentanyl. These changes are
consistent with the current initial and
confirmatory test technologies already
available in HHS-certified laboratories
and detailed in the current scientific
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Fentanyl Analyte Selection and Cutoff
Determination—Oral Fluid
Information provided by HHScertified urine laboratories in 2023
indicated that 43% offered oral fluid
testing to non-regulated workplace
clients and that 71% of these
laboratories offered testing for fentanyl.
These laboratories indicated they had
the ability to analyze oral fluid
specimens for fentanyl with sufficiently
sensitive detection limits using
commercially available immunoassay
kits and confirmatory test
instrumentation commonly used in
HHS-certified laboratories. The
laboratories’ initial test cutoffs ranged
from 1 to 4 ng/mL for fentanyl and
confirmatory test cutoffs for fentanyl
ranged from 0.5 to 1 ng/mL for fentanyl.
Fentanyl has been detected in oral
fluid in non-regulated workplace drug
testing, patients receiving pain
management, overdose cases, and
driving under the influence of drugs
(DUID) cases. Laboratory data from nonregulated workplace drug testing show
around 4% fentanyl positivity in oral
fluid. The median, mean and max
fentanyl concentrations were 8.6 ng/mL,
55.7 ng/mL and 17,409 ng/mL,
respectively.11 The median norfentanyl
concentration was 4.5 ng/mL. For DUID
testing, cutoffs of 1 ng/mL for the initial
test and 0.5 ng/mL for the confirmatory
test have been recommended for
fentanyl in oral fluid.18 In a study of
people arrested for DUID, 59% of oral
fluid specimens had concentrations
above 20 ng/mL.19 In a large study, oral
fluid specimens were collected from
6,441 patients receiving pain care and
screened by immunoassay (1 ng/mL
fentanyl cutoff) and confirmed by LC–
MS/MS.20 Of the collected specimens,
6.9% screened positive (443 specimens)
and 98.4% of those (436 specimens)
were confirmed positive. The fentanyl,
median, mean, and range concentrations
were, 6.6, 49.8, and 0.2 to 5,341.3 ng/
mL, respectively. For the 148 confirmed
positive norfentanyl specimens, the
norfentanyl median, mean, and range
concentrations were 1.6, 4.7, and 0.5 to
125 ng/mL, respectively. In a study of
patients treated with buprenorphine, the
prevalence of fentanyl in oral fluid was
2.9% (n=146) with a median
concentration of 1.3 ng/mL (Q1–Q3,
0.4–10.4).21 In a study of patients
wearing fentanyl patches (n=162), the
median fentanyl concentration was
around 5 ng/mL, range 0.012–38.4 ng/
Based on this information and review
of the scientific literature, the
Department originally proposed
fentanyl as the only analyte for oral
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 10 / Thursday, January 16, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
fluid, with a 1 ng/mL initial test cutoff
and a 0.5 ng/mL confirmatory test
Three commenters disagreed with
testing fentanyl in oral fluid noting that,
because there are no FDA-cleared
immunoassays meeting program
requirements, inclusion of fentanyl
would delay implementation of oral
fluid into Federal workplace drug
testing programs. One of these
commenters raised concern that the
added burden and cost to develop and
implement an alternate technology
initial test (e.g., LC–MS/MS) would
deter some laboratories from applying
for oral fluid certification. Another
commenter noted that, unless the
regulatory process is streamlined, HHS
will not be able to respond quickly to
changes in drug use.
One commenter agreed with the
proposed 1 ng/mL fentanyl initial test
cutoff for oral fluid, while 10
commenters disagreed. Most
commenters were concerned that the
cutoff was too low, stating that oral fluid
collection devices containing a buffer
(i.e., diluting the oral fluid) would not
be able to meet program analytical
requirements (e.g., controls at 25%
above and below the initial test cutoff).
Many of the commenters indicated that
a higher cutoff is supported by drug test
results. One commenter suggested
raising the cutoff: suggesting that the
Department select a cutoff between 2
and 4 ng/mL. Two commenters
requested research supporting the
proposed 1 ng/mL initial test cutoff and
0.5 confirmatory test cutoff. This
information is provided above. One
commenter recommended a lower
initial test cutoff (0.75 ng/mL) and a
higher confirmatory cutoff (5 ng/mL),
with no scientific support.
The Department has considered all
comments and has decided to increase
the initial test cutoff to 4 ng/mL and the
confirmatory test cutoff for fentanyl to 1
ng/mL. Based on information provided
by the public, review of the scientific
literature, and current methods and
technologies used for oral fluid drug
testing, the Department has determined
that these fentanyl cutoffs are
appropriate for initial and confirmatory
Revised Criteria for Grouped Analytes
Using an Alternate Technology Initial
Drug Test
The Department defines grouped
initial test analytes as two or more
analytes that are in the same drug class
and have the same initial drug test
cutoff. Footnote 1 of the drug testing
panel specifies requirements for initial
tests using immunoassay and those
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using an alternate technology (e.g.,
liquid chromatography-tandem mass
spectrometry, LC–MS/MS). The
Department has revised Footnote 1 of
the Section 3.4 tables in the UrMG and
OFMG to include more specific and
updated criteria for alternate technology
initial drug tests, based on current
technology and program experience.
For a technology other than
immunoassay that measures a response
from the entire group without
differentiating between analytes (e.g., an
activity-based assay, a mass
spectrometric assay that does not
differentiate isobaric compounds), the
laboratory must compare the result to
the initial test cutoff. In the case of an
alternate technology that differentiates
and quantifies each analyte in the
group, the laboratory must compare
each analyte’s result to the confirmatory
test cutoff and reflex specimens with a
positive initial test result to
confirmatory testing.
Biomarker Testing Panel
Section 3.4 of the UrMG and OFMG
call upon the Secretary to add
biomarkers to the biomarker testing
panel; however, at the time of this
writing, no biomarkers have been
approved for Federal workplace drug
testing. The Department will review and
approve biomarkers based on laboratory
data and support from the scientific and
medical literature and add them to the
biomarker testing panel in a subsequent
A biomarker is defined in Section 1.5
of the UrMG and OFMG as ‘‘an
endogenous substance used to validate
a biological specimen’’. While
creatinine in urine meets this definition,
it is not sufficient as a sole analyte. The
UrMG include requirements for testing
both creatinine and specific gravity to
report a specimen as dilute, invalid, or
Costs and Benefits
HHS-certified test facilities and MROs
will incur initial costs for administrative
and programming changes for the
addition of fentanyl and/or norfentanyl.
Laboratories that already offer
fentanyl and norfentanyl testing and use
the same cutoff(s) for their nonregulated clients may experience some
savings compared to laboratories that do
not test for these analytes. Estimated
costs for testing for fentanyl range from
$0.23 to $5.00 (for initial testing) and
$8.00 to $25.00 (for confirmatory
testing) per specimen tested. Total
laboratory costs for fentanyl
confirmatory testing of Federal
employee specimens are estimated to
range from $577–$4,750. Based on the
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number of tests performed on Federal
employees, the added cost for fentanyl
confirmatory testing will be $0.0152 to
$0.125 per submitted specimen, and the
total cost for adding fentanyl will range
from $9,317 to $194,750, based on these
MROs may experience increased costs
when an agency chooses to test their
federal job applicants and employees for
the added analytes, as fentanyl analytes
are expected to have high positivity
rates and, in addition, fentanyl is a
Schedule II drug with approved
therapeutic uses requiring the MRO to
review potential medical explanations.
Additional costs for testing and MRO
review will be incorporated into the
overall costs for the Federal agency
submitting the specimen to the
laboratory. Added costs to MROs would
be expected to shift to Federal agencies
over time, as existing contracts expire,
and new contract terms are negotiated.
Currently, the Department does not
require HHS-certified test facilities to
implement authorized biomarker tests.
Each laboratory and IITF should
conduct their own cost analysis when
deciding whether to offer biomarker
testing to federally regulated clients.
The Department will consider costs
when deciding whether to require all
certified test facilities to test for a
specific biomarker.
1. Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018,
Public Law 115–334 (2018). 115th
2. Agricultural Marketing Service. (2021).
Establishment of a Domestic Hemp
Production Program, Federal Register,
86, 5596–5691. U.S. Department of
3. National Forensic Laboratory Information
System (NFLIS). (2023). NFLIS—Drug
2022 Annual Report. U.S. Department of
Justice, Drug Enforcement Agency,
Diversion Control Division. https://
4. 46th Expert Committee on Drug
Dependence. (2023, October). Critical
review report: Dipentylone. World Health
5. Quest Diagnostics, Inc. (2021). 2021
annual report: Drug testing index and
industry insights. https://
6. Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA).
(2023). National Survey on Drug Use and
Health (NSDUH). U.S. Department of
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 10 / Thursday, January 16, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
Health and Human Services, https://
7. Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that
Promotes Opioid Recovery and
Treatment for Patients and Communities
Act or the SUPPORT for Patients and
Communities Act, Public Law 115–271,
132 STAT. 3895 Stat. (2018, October 24).
8. Schedules of Controlled Substances, 21
CFR 1308.
9. O’Donnell JK, Halpin J, Mattson CL,
Goldberger BA, Gladden M, ‘‘Deaths
involving fentanyl, fentanyl analogues,
and U–47700—10 states, July–December
2016, Weekly/November 3, 2017/66(43);
1197–1202,’’ Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.
10. Trecki J, Gerona RR, Ellison R, Thomas
C, Mileusnic-Polchan D. Notes from the
Field: Increased Incidence of FentanylRelated Deaths Involving Parafluorofentanyl or Metonitazene—Knox
County, Tennessee, November 2020–
August 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly
Rep 2022;71:153–155. doi: https://
11. Kuntz, D. (2024, March 5). CRL testing
experience for fentanyl in urine and oral
fluids. DTAB Meeting. https://
12. Vikingsson, S. (2023, March 7). Summary
of pulse testing studies for fentanyl in
opioids initial test positive and D8-HC in
THCA initial test positive specimens.
DTAB Meeting. https://
13. LaRue, L., Twillman, R.K., Dawson, E.,
Whitley, P., Frasco, M.A., Huskey, A., &
Guevara, M.G. (2019). Rate of fentanyl
positivity among urine drug test results
positive for Cocaine or
Methamphetamine. JAMA Network
Open, 2(4), e192851.
14. Cone, E.J., Caplan, Y.H., Black, D.L.,
Robert, T., & Moser, F. (2008). Urine drug
testing of chronic pain patients: Licit and
illicit drug patterns. Journal of
Analytical Toxicology, 32(8), 530–543.
15. Depriest, A., Heltsley, R., Black, D.L.,
Cawthon, B., Robert, T., Moser, F.,
Caplan, Y.H., & Cone, E.J. (2010). Urine
drug testing of chronic pain patients. III.
Normetabolites as biomarkers of
synthetic opioid use. Journal of
Analytical Toxicology, 34(8), 444–449.
16. Cummings, O.T., Enders, J.R., & McIntire,
G.L., Backer, R., & Poklis, A. (2016).
Fentanyl-Norfentanyl concentrations
during transdermal patch application:
LC–MS–MS urine analysis. Journal of
Analytical Toxicology, 40(8), 595–600.
17. Walker, N., Dawson, G.B., Rana, S., 2023.
Challenges with fentanyl renewed use
interpretation. Society of Forensic
Toxicologists (SOFT) 2023 Meeting,
Denver, CO.
18. D’Orazio, A.L., Mohr, A.L.A., ChanHosokawa, A., Harper, C., Huestis, M.A.,
Limoges, J.F., Miles, A.K., Scarneo, C.E.,
Kerrigan, S., Liddicoat, L.J., Scott, K.S.,
Logan, B.K. (2021). Recommendations
for toxicological investigation of drugimpaired driving and motor vehicle
fatalities–2021 update. Journal of
Analytical. Toxicology, 45(6), 529–536.
19. Harper, C.E., Mata, D.C., & Lee, D. (2023).
The impact of fentanyl on DUIDs and
traffic fatalities: Blood and oral fluid
data. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 68(5),
20. Heltsley, R., DePriest, A., Black, D.L.,
Robert, T., Marshall, L., Meadors, V.M.,
Caplan, Y.H., & Cone, E.J. (2011). Oral
fluid drug testing of chronic pain
patients. I. Positive prevalence rates of
licit and illicit drugs. Journal of
Analytical. Toxicology, 35(8), 529–540.
21. West, R., Mikel, C., Hofilena, D., &
Guevara, M. (2018). Positivity rates of
drugs in patients treated for opioid
dependence with buprenorphine: A
comparison of oral fluid and urine using
paired collections and LC–MS/MS. Drug
and Alcohol Dependence, 193, 183–191.
22. Bista, S.R., Haywood, A., Norris, R.,
Good, P., Tapuni, A., Lobb, M., & Hardy,
J. (2015). Saliva versus plasma for
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
studies of fentanyl in patients with
cancer. Clinical Therapy, 37(11), 2468–
D9THCC .........
D-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid.
BZE ................
COD ...............
MOR ...............
HYC ...............
HYM ...............
OXYC .............
OXYM ............
6-AM ..............
PCP ................
FENT ..............
NFENT ...........
AMP ...............
MAMP ............
MDMA ............
MDA ...............
test cutoff 1
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
Initial test analyte
Marijuana metabolite (D9THCC) ...............................
Cocaine metabolite (Benzoylecgonine) .....................
Codeine/Morphine .....................................................
50 ng/mL.
150 ng/mL.2
2,000 ng/mL.
Hydrocodone/Hydromorphone ...................................
300 ng/mL.
Oxycodone/Oxymorphone .........................................
100 ng/mL.
6-Acetylmorphine .......................................................
Phencyclidine .............................................................
Fentanyl 3 ...................................................................
10 ng/mL.
25 ng/mL.
1 ng/mL.
Amphetamine/Methamphetamine ..............................
500 ng/mL.
MDMA/MDA ...............................................................
500 ng/mL.
Confirmatory test analyte
D9THCC ....................................................................
Benzoylecgonine .......................................................
Codeine .....................................................................
Morphine ...................................................................
Hydrocodone .............................................................
Hydromorphone ........................................................
Oxycodone ................................................................
Oxymorphone ............................................................
6-Acetylmorphine ......................................................
Phencyclidine ............................................................
Fentanyl ....................................................................
Norfentanyl ................................................................
Amphetamine ............................................................
Methamphetamine ....................................................
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ...........................
Methylenedioxyamphetamine ...................................
1 For
test cutoff
15 ng/mL.
100 ng/mL.
2,000 ng/mL.
4,000 ng/mL.
100 ng/mL.
100 ng/mL.
100 ng/mL.
100 ng/mL.
10 ng/mL.
25 ng/mL.
1 ng/mL.
1 ng/mL.
250 ng/mL.
250 ng/mL.
250 ng/mL.
250 ng/mL.
grouped analytes (i.e., two or more analytes that are in the same drug class and have the same initial test cutoff):
Immunoassay: The test must be calibrated with one analyte from the group identified as the target analyte. The cross-reactivity of the
immunoassay to the other analyte(s) within the group must be 80 percent or greater; if not, separate immunoassays must be used for the
analytes within the group.
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 10 / Thursday, January 16, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
Alternate technology: Either one analyte or all analytes from the group must be used for calibration, depending on the technology. For a technology that measures a response from the entire group without differentiating between analytes (e.g., an activity-based assay, a mass spectrometric assay that does not differentiate isobaric compounds), the laboratory must compare the result to the initial test cutoff. In the case of an
alternate technology that differentiates and quantifies each analyte in the group, the laboratory must compare each analyte’s result to the confirmatory test cutoff and reflex specimens with a positive initial test result to confirmatory testing.
2 Alternate technology (BZE): The confirmatory test cutoff must be used for an alternate technology initial test that is specific for the target
analyte (i.e., 100 ng/mL for benzoylecgonine).
3 A fentanyl immunoassay must have at least 5% cross-reactivity to norfentanyl.
HHS Biomarker Testing Panel—Urine
SAMHSA has not yet authorized
routine testing for any biomarker in
urine. HHS-certified laboratories and
instrumented initial test facilities (IITFs)
may request authorization to test
Federal agency specimens for a
biomarker upon Medical Review Officer
(MRO) request by submitting supporting
documentation and assay validation
records to the National Laboratory
Certification Program (NLCP) for
SAMHSA review and approval.
Oral fluid
D9THC ...........
COC ...............
BZE ................
COD ...............
MOR ...............
HYC ...............
HYM ...............
OXYC .............
OXYM ............
6-AM ..............
Oral fluid
PCP ................
FENT ..............
AMP ...............
MAMP ............
MDMA ............
MDA ...............
HHS drug testing panel—undiluted (neat) oral fluid
test cutoff 1
Initial test analyte
Marijuana (D9THC) ....................................................
Cocaine/Benzoylecgonine .........................................
4 ng/mL.
15 ng/mL.
Codeine/Morphine .....................................................
30 ng/mL.
Hydrocodone/Hydromorphone ...................................
30 ng/mL.
Oxycodone/Oxymorphone .........................................
30 ng/mL.
6-Acetylmorphine .......................................................
Phencyclidine .............................................................
Fentanyl .....................................................................
Amphetamine/Methamphetamine ..............................
4 ng/mL.2
10 ng/mL.
4 ng/mL.
50 ng/mL.
MDMA/MDA ...............................................................
50 ng/mL.
Confirmatory test analyte
D9THC .......................................................................
Cocaine .....................................................................
Benzoylecgonine .......................................................
Codeine .....................................................................
Morphine ...................................................................
Hydrocodone .............................................................
Hydromorphone ........................................................
Oxycodone ................................................................
Oxymorphone ............................................................
6-Acetylmorphine ......................................................
Phencyclidine ............................................................
Fentanyl ....................................................................
Amphetamine ............................................................
Methamphetamine ....................................................
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ...........................
Methylenedioxyamphetamine ...................................
test cutoff
2 ng/mL.
8 ng/mL.
8 ng/mL.
15 ng/mL.
15 ng/mL.
15 ng/mL.
15 ng/mL.
15 ng/mL.
15 ng/mL.
2 ng/mL.
10 ng/mL.
1 ng/mL.
25 ng/mL.
25 ng/mL.
25 ng/mL.
25 ng/mL.
1 For
grouped analytes (i.e., two or more analytes that are in the same drug class and have the same initial test cutoff):
Immunoassay: The test must be calibrated with one analyte from the group identified as the target analyte. The cross reactivity of the
immunoassay to the other analyte(s) within the group must be 80 percent or greater; if not, separate immunoassays must be used for the
analytes within the group.
Alternate technology: Either one analyte or all analytes from the group must be used for calibration, depending on the technology. For a technology that measures a response from the entire group without differentiating between analytes (e.g., an activity-based assay, a mass spectrometric assay that does not differentiate isobaric compounds), the laboratory must compare the result to the initial test cutoff. In the case of an
alternate technology that differentiates and quantifies each analyte in the group, the laboratory must compare each analyte’s result to the confirmatory test cutoff and reflex specimens with a positive initial test result to confirmatory testing.
2 Alternate technology (6-AM): The confirmatory test cutoff must be used for an alternate technology initial test that is specific for the target
analyte (i.e., 2 ng/mL for 6-AM).
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
HHS Biomarker Testing Panel—Oral
SAMHSA has not yet authorized
routine testing for any biomarker in oral
fluid. HHS-certified laboratories may
request authorization to test Federal
agency specimens for a biomarker by
submitting supporting documentation
and assay validation records to the
National Laboratory Certification
Program (NLCP) for SAMHSA review
and approval. Authorized biomarker test
cutoffs for oral fluid will be based on
undiluted (neat) oral fluid.
Xavier Becerra,
Secretary, Department of Health and Human
[FR Doc. 2025–00425 Filed 1–15–25; 8:45 am]
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[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 10 (Thursday, January 16, 2025)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 4662-4668]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-00425]
42 CFR Chapter 1
Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing
Programs--Authorized Testing Panels
AGENCY: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
ACTION: Issuance of authorized drug testing panels.
SUMMARY: The Department of Health and Human Services (``HHS'' or
``Department'') herein publishes the panels of Schedule I and II drugs
and biomarkers authorized for testing in Federal workplace drug testing
programs. The Department has revised the drug testing panels for both
urine and oral fluid, and revised required nomenclature for laboratory
and Medical Review Officer Reports.
DATES: The authorized drug testing panels and required report
nomenclature are effective July 7, 2025.
CSAP, DWP; 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 16N02, Rockville, MD 20857, by
telephone (240) 276-1459 or by email at [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The drug testing panels in this Notification
specify the analytes and cutoffs for Federal agency workplace drug
testing specimens and the nomenclature (i.e., analyte names and
abbreviations) that must be used to report Federal workplace drug test
results, in accordance with Subpart C of the Mandatory Guidelines for
Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs using Urine (UrMG, 88 FR 70768)
and the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing
Programs using Oral Fluid (OFMG, 88 FR 70814). Section 3.4 of Subpart C
calls upon the Secretary of HHS (Secretary) to ``publish the drug and
biomarker test analytes and cutoffs (i.e., the `drug testing panel' and
`biomarker testing panel') for initial and confirmatory drug and
biomarker tests in the Federal Register each year,'' and make them
available on the internet at Section
3.4 of the UrMG and the OFMG also requires HHS-certified laboratories,
instrumented initial test facilities (IITFs, urine only), and Medical
Review Officers (MROs) to use the nomenclature (i.e., analyte names and
abbreviations) published with the drug and biomarker testing panels to
report Federal workplace drug test results.
This Federal Register Notification (FRN) contains only the drug
testing panel because, to date, HHS has not approved any biomarker
tests for use with Federal workplace drug testing specimens. The drug
testing panels in Section 3.4 of the UrMG and OFMG will remain in
effect until July 7, 2025.
HHS, by the authority of section 503 of Public Law 100-71, 5
U.S.C., and Executive Order 12564, establishes the scientific and
technical guidelines for Federal workplace drug testing programs and
establishes standards for certification of laboratories engaged in drug
testing for Federal agencies. In addition, the Department specifies the
drugs and biomarkers for which Federal employees may be tested. To
facilitate timely analyte and cutoff changes based on the state of the
science, the Department publishes the HHS authorized drug and biomarker
testing panels separately from the Mandatory Guidelines.
Analyte changes are based on a thorough review of relevant
information, including drug prevalence estimates, the current state of
the science, laboratory capabilities, costs associated with the change,
and benefits of the change to Federal agencies. To identify panel
changes needed, the Department solicits review and input from subject
matter experts such as Responsible Persons (RPs) of HHS-certified
laboratories, Medical Review Officers (MROs), research scientists, and
manufacturers of collection devices and/or immunoassay kits, as well as
Federal partners such as the Department of Transportation (DOT), the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Department of Defense (DOD),
and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The Department also
seeks public comment to inform decisions related to analyte changes.
[[Page 4663]]
Using this process for recommending changes to the analyte table,
the Department proposed the removal of methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA)
and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and the addition of fentanyl
in the notice for the December 5, 2023, Drug Testing Advisory Board
(DTAB) meeting published in the November 17, 2023, Federal Register.
The meeting notice included supporting information for the proposed
changes and a request for public comment, along with the January 4,
2024, due date for public comments and the methods for comment
submission. During the December 5th, 2023, DTAB meeting, the Department
presented the basis for the proposed changes including technical and
scientific support.
The Department received and reviewed 176 comments from 118
commenters. All comments were reviewed and taken into consideration in
the preparation of draft final drug testing panels. During the DTAB
meeting on March 5, 2024, the Department presented a summary of the
public comments, along with additional supporting information for the
proposed changes including workplace testing prevalence information,
cost estimates and areas of agreement and concerns The comments are
available for public view on the SAMHSA website at and During the June 4-5,
2024, DTAB meeting, the Department provided updated information on
fentanyl positivity in workplace testing (urine and oral fluid). DTAB
members agreed with the proposed changes.
The Department continued to assess the proposed testing panel
changes and as described below, has decided not to remove MDMA and MDA
from the urine and oral fluid drug testing panels at this time.
Summary of Public Comments and HHS's Response
The following provides the basis for the changes to nomenclature
and the drug testing panel. The issues and concerns raised in public
comments and HHS responses are set forth under each topic.
For consistency and to avoid misinterpretation of test results, the
UrMG and OFMG require HHS-certified test facilities and MROs to report
results using the nomenclature (i.e., analyte names and abbreviations)
in the drug and biomarker testing panels published in the Federal
The drug testing panel includes revised abbreviations for marijuana
test analytes, consistent with current scientific nomenclature. The
Department previously used the abbreviation THC for [Delta]-9-
tetrahydrocannabinol and THCA for [Delta]-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-
carboxylic acid. The new abbreviations are [Delta]9THC in place of THC
and [Delta]9THCC in place of THCA. Including ``[Delta]9'' in these
abbreviations distinguishes them from other compounds (e.g., [Delta]-8-
tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid and [Delta]-8-
tetrahydrocannabinol). The revised abbreviation [Delta]9THCC also
distinguishes this marijuana metabolite from [Delta]9-
tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid in the
cannabis plant that is also commonly abbreviated as THCA. This plant
compound is an important precursor integral to the growth, definition,
and production of legal hemp as defined by the US Department of
Agriculture (USDA).1 2
Drug Testing Panel
Note: Oral fluid cutoffs in the authorized drug testing panel
are based on undiluted (neat) oral fluid.
Removed Drugs: Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
The Department proposed to remove MDA and MDMA from the drug
testing panel because the number of positive specimens reported by HHS-
certified laboratories did not seem to support testing all specimens
for MDA and MDMA in Federal workplace drug testing programs.
Information provided to the Department through the National Laboratory
Certification Program (NLCP) in 2024 shows the MDMA positivity rate for
the past three years (2021-2023) has been at or below 0.002% and a
review of the results indicates that >25% of the positive specimens are
likely agency blind samples. A further review of the NLCP data shows
that almost 40% of MDMA positive urine specimens are also positive for
another drug to include amphetamines (7%), benzoylecgonine (9%) and THC
(21%), indicating that these specimens would be identified as drug
positive by other means. MDMA accounts for only 0.28% of the drugs
identified in exhibits submitted to crime laboratories. Tablets sold as
MDMA on the street often do not contain MDMA and instead contain
another phenethylamine compound such as dipentylone.3 4 In
addition, the NLCP information shows that MDA has a significantly lower
positivity rate (0.00008% of tested specimens) than MDMA, with only six
specimens identified as containing MDA without MDMA in 2023, and both
analytes have lower positivity rates than phencyclidine (PCP). While
PCP has an overall positivity rate nearly as low as MDMA, there are
regional differences in the positivity of PCP in federally regulated
and general workplace drug testing populations with some areas of the
country having much higher rates, so the Department has determined that
PCP remains a regulated test analyte.\5\
A total of 10 commenters addressed the removal of MDMA and MDA from
the testing panel. Of these, four agreed with removal of these drugs,
while six disagreed.
Four commenters who disagreed noted that, because drug testing
deters use, MDMA and MDA use may increase after removal from the panel.
Another commenter who disagreed with removal stated that growing
interest in MDMA use for post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety may
lead to increased MDMA use. This commenter also noted that the National
Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) showed adults' self-reported use
of MDMA (i.e., Ecstasy) was higher than for phencyclidine (PCP).\6\ A
commenter who agreed with removal noted that SAMHSA might consider
removing MDA and keeping MDMA on the testing panel with amphetamine and
methamphetamine, based on current amphetamines immunoassay cross-
reactivity to MDMA.
Three commenters stated that MDMA/MDA positivity rates in DOT-
regulated programs have remained steady over time. One of these agreed
with removal and had no safety concerns, while the other two commenters
cited this as a reason for continuing to test these drugs.
The Department considered all comments and has decided that the
removal of MDMA and MDA from the urine and oral fluid drug testing
panels requires further study, and therefore, MDMA/MDA will not be
removed from the drug testing panels at this time. The Department will
continue to monitor MDMA/MDA prevalence and will engage with the DTAB
and continue to assess the costs and benefits of removing one or both
analytes in the future.
Added Drugs: Fentanyl and Norfentanyl
After declaring the opioid crisis, a public health emergency in
2017, former President Trump signed the SUPPORT for Patients and
Communities Act (SUPPORT Act) into law on October 24, 2018. Section
8105 of the Fighting Opioid Abuse in Transportation Act,
[[Page 4664]]
included in the SUPPORT Act, required the Secretary to determine
whether it is justified, based on the reliability and cost-
effectiveness of testing, to revise the Mandatory Guidelines for
Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs to include fentanyl.\7\ Section
8105 additionally required the Secretary to consider whether to include
any other drugs or other substances listed in Schedule I and II of
Controlled Substances Act (CSA).\8\ Norfentanyl is a metabolite of
fentanyl. Because it is also an immediate precursor used in the illicit
manufacture of fentanyl, it is a Schedule II substance under the CSA.
Fentanyl was considered for inclusion in the proposed Mandatory
Guidelines of May 2015. At that time, fentanyl was primarily found as a
mixture with heroin. Because the heroin metabolite 6-acetylmorphine was
already included in the Mandatory Guidelines, it was decided that the
addition of fentanyl was not needed to identify fentanyl use. However,
the illicit drug market and epidemiological data on drug use and
overdose have changed since that time: fentanyl, primarily illicitly
made fentanyl, is involved in a large percentage of overdose deaths in
the United States and is therefore an important public safety
concern.9 10 Furthermore, illicitly made fentanyl is
increasingly used as a stand-alone substance among people who use
drugs, not in conjunction with heroin and other substances.\3\
According to the National Forensic Laboratory Information System
(NFLIS) 2022 Annual Report, fentanyl was the 3rd most frequently
identified drug and accounted for 13.81% of all drugs reported by
forensic laboratories.
The Department conducted studies to determine the prevalence of
fentanyl in regulated drug testing specimens and examined the current
state of the technology available to HHS-certified laboratories for
initial and confirmatory testing of fentanyl and norfentanyl. A review
of the literature was conducted to identify peer-reviewed publications
that reported concentrations of fentanyl and/or norfentanyl in urine
and oral fluid, to determine whether the current initial and
confirmatory test technologies available in HHS-certified laboratories
are appropriate for testing for fentanyl and/or norfentanyl and to
assist in decisions regarding appropriate cutoff concentrations.
Fentanyl Prevalence
When the Department assessed fentanyl prevalence, two HHS-certified
laboratories offered urine testing for fentanyl upon request of a
Federal agency or an MRO. Data from the NLCP included six laboratory-
reported positive test results from 52 requests for fentanyl testing
from January 1, 2017, through December 31, 2022. Three of the specimens
were also positive for at least one other drug: two specimens were
positive for [Delta]9THCC, and one was positive for other opioids
(i.e., hydrocodone, hydromorphone) in addition to fentanyl.
The Department also gathered information through a query of HHS-
certified laboratories that perform fentanyl and norfentanyl testing
(urine and/or oral fluid) for non-regulated clients (e.g., workplace
testing, compliance testing of healthcare providers) and through pulse
testing studies (i.e., retesting several deidentified federally
regulated urine specimens using the laboratory's fentanyl and
norfentanyl testing procedures). Based on information from non-
regulated workplace drug testing and the pulse testing studies, it is
estimated that approximately 0.27-0.37% of submitted Federal workplace
urine specimens will screen positive during initial testing and 0.1 to
0.3% will confirm positive for fentanyl and/or its primary metabolite
norfentanyl. Additionally, a recent pulse testing study showed that
norfentanyl was 36% more prevalent than 6-acetylmorphine in specimens
with a positive opiate initial test.
Of the total 118 commenters, 115 supported the addition of fentanyl
to the authorized drug testing panels. Most commenters noted the
prevalence of fentanyl use and overdoses, based on their professional
or personal experience, and the threat to workplace and public safety,
particularly in transportation industries. Of the three individuals who
disagreed: one incorrectly stated that fentanyl would be detected and
reported using current opioid tests for Federal agency urine specimens;
one incorrectly indicated that fentanyl would only be detected within a
few hours of use; and the third disagreed with any additional Federal
regulations for truck drivers.
The Department considered all comments and has added fentanyl to
the urine and oral fluid drug testing panels and added its metabolite
norfentanyl to the urine drug testing panel. Until the effective date
of the new drug testing panel, fentanyl and/or norfentanyl can be
analyzed under the Mandatory Guidelines only upon request of a Federal
agency for a reasonable suspicion or post-accident specimen or
routinely with a waiver from the Secretary (in accordance with Section
3.2 of the UrMG and OFMG). A detailed discussion is provided below.
Fentanyl Analyte Selection and Cutoff Determination--Urine
Information provided by HHS-certified laboratories in 2023
indicated that a majority (84%) of the laboratories analyzed non-
regulated workplace specimens for fentanyl and/or norfentanyl, and that
all had the ability to analyze urine specimens for fentanyl with
sufficiently sensitive detection limits using commercially available
immunoassay kits and confirmatory test instrumentation commonly used in
HHS-certified laboratories. The laboratories' initial test cutoffs
ranged from 0.5 to 2 ng/mL for fentanyl and confirmatory test cutoffs
for fentanyl and norfentanyl ranged from 0.5 to 2 ng/mL for fentanyl
and 0.5 to 5 ng/mL for norfentanyl.
Fentanyl and norfentanyl prevalence and concentrations appear to
vary considerably depending on the population studied and the applied
cutoff. Laboratory data from non-regulated workplace drug testing are
around 1% fentanyl positivity in urine. The median, mean and max
fentanyl concentrations were 12.6 ng/mL, 257.5 ng/mL and 36,199 ng/mL,
respectively. Norfentanyl concentrations were reported to be around 4
times higher than those of fentanyl.\11\ A recent pulse testing study
on regulated urine workplace specimens showed that norfentanyl
concentrations were 5.5 times higher than fentanyl concentrations
(median, Q1-Q3, 2.5-13.3 times higher).\12\ The median fentanyl and
norfentanyl concentrations were 159 and 1,521 ng/mL, respectively. In a
large study of 1 million urine specimens conducted by healthcare
professionals for routine care, the positivity rate for fentanyl was
1.4% (13,770 specimens) using cutoffs of 2 ng/mL for fentanyl and 8 ng/
mL for norfentanyl.\13\ Using immunoassay screening and a GC-MS
confirmatory test cutoff of 1 ng/mL, fentanyl was positive in 4.2% (458
specimens) of specimens among patients being treated for pain
conditions.\14\ The median, mean, and range of fentanyl concentrations
were 23 ng/mL, 87 ng/mL, and 1 to 2382 ng/mL, respectively. Another
study of patients with chronic pain demonstrated that norfentanyl can
be an important component of identifying people who use fentanyl when
urine is the specimen matrix.\15\ The authors showed that including
norfentanyl increased the number of positive specimens by 42% over
analyzing for fentanyl alone. The fentanyl median, mean and range
concentrations were 22 ng/ml, 59.2 ng/mL, and 0.5 to 596 ng/mL,
[[Page 4665]]
Norfentanyl median, mean and range concentrations were 25.5 ng/mL, 134
ng/mL, and 0.5 to 1,772 ng/ml, respectively. A study of 77,018 urine
specimens from patients treated with fentanyl using a transdermal patch
reported median and mean fentanyl concentration of 37 and 88 ng/mL.\16\
When comparing doses of 12 and 100 [micro]g/h, the mean fentanyl
concentration increased from 32 to 137 ng/mL, and the norfentanyl mean
concentration increased from 176 to 695 ng/mL, illustrating the dose-
response relationships.
Based on this information, the Department originally proposed a 1
ng/mL initial test cutoff for both fentanyl and norfentanyl in urine,
with a 0.5 ng/mL confirmatory test cutoff for both analytes.
Ten commenters disagreed with adding norfentanyl as an initial test
analyte for urine. Nine of these specifically disagreed with
norfentanyl as an initial test analyte, noting that no current FDA-
cleared immunoassay has sufficient cross-reactivity for fentanyl and
norfentanyl to meet the program requirement for grouped analytes (i.e.,
at least 80% cross-reactivity to the non-target analyte). One commenter
suggested that the Department lower the cross-reactivity requirement to
5%, noting that norfentanyl is often at higher concentrations than
fentanyl. One suggested including fentanyl as the initial test analyte
and norfentanyl only as a confirmatory test analyte, noting it is a
Schedule II drug because it is used in the synthesis of fentanyl, and
is not a pharmacologically active metabolite or a separate drug of
Nine commenters addressed the proposed 1 ng/mL fentanyl initial
test cutoff for urine. Of these, one agreed with the fentanyl cutoff,
noting that current FDA-cleared immunoassays used for initial testing
can meet this cutoff. Eight commenters disagreed, stating that a 1 ng/
mL cutoff is beyond the limits of traditional immunoassay technologies,
and that laboratories would not be able to meet the UrMG requirement
for initial test controls targeted at 25% above and below the cutoff.
One commenter suggested a lower cutoff (0.75 ng/mL) but did not provide
supporting information. The Department notes that there is a commercial
immunoassay at this cutoff.
Regarding the proposed confirmatory test analytes and cutoffs, one
commenter agreed with testing both fentanyl and norfentanyl using the
proposed 0.5 ng/mL cutoff. Two other commenters agreed with norfentanyl
as a confirmatory test analyte but disagreed with the proposed cutoff.
One of these commenters provided 2022-2023 data from non-regulated drug
testing showing that only 1.6% of specimens had results below 1.0 ng/
mL, while more than 50% had results above 100 ng/mL for fentanyl and
above 1000 ng/mL for norfentanyl. The commenter did not indicate the
initial test cutoff(s) used for these specimens. An initial test cutoff
of 1 or 2 ng/mL could explain the low percentage of confirmatory test
results below 1 ng/mL.
One commenter disagreed with the proposed fentanyl cutoffs for both
initial and confirmatory testing, stating the cutoffs were too low and
would present legal challenges due to long elimination times in urine
following fentanyl use. The commenter noted that there are no
controlled studies in the literature on this topic. Concerns were based
on a laboratory's reports of six cases involving norfentanyl >0.5 ng/mL
for at least one month after self-reported cessation of fentanyl use,
and two other studies indicating possible long elimination time based
on positive results after self-reported cessation of fentanyl use by
individuals with opioid use disorder.\17\
The Department considered all comments. Regarding initial test
analyte selection, the Department agrees with commenters that, at the
time of this writing, most commercial immunoassays for fentanyl in
urine are calibrated to fentanyl and exhibit little cross-reactivity to
norfentanyl. The Department is aware of one immunoassay for fentanyl
that has 5-7% cross-reactivity to norfentanyl and another immunoassay
for norfentanyl in urine with a 5 ng/mL cutoff (i.e., above the cutoff
specified in the drug testing panel). As detailed above, HHS-certified
laboratory test information, the pulse testing study, and review of
fentanyl and norfentanyl concentrations from other tested populations
demonstrate the importance of testing for norfentanyl.
To facilitate implementation of fentanyl testing into Federal
workplace drug testing programs, the Department has decided to include
only fentanyl (not norfentanyl) as the sole initial test analyte for
urine at a cutoff of 1 ng/mL and require a fentanyl immunoassay initial
test to exhibit at least 5% cross-reactivity for norfentanyl. The
Department also increased the proposed 0.5 ng/mL confirmatory test
cutoffs to 1 ng/mL for both fentanyl and norfentanyl. These changes are
consistent with the current initial and confirmatory test technologies
already available in HHS-certified laboratories and detailed in the
current scientific literature.
Fentanyl Analyte Selection and Cutoff Determination--Oral Fluid
Information provided by HHS-certified urine laboratories in 2023
indicated that 43% offered oral fluid testing to non-regulated
workplace clients and that 71% of these laboratories offered testing
for fentanyl. These laboratories indicated they had the ability to
analyze oral fluid specimens for fentanyl with sufficiently sensitive
detection limits using commercially available immunoassay kits and
confirmatory test instrumentation commonly used in HHS-certified
laboratories. The laboratories' initial test cutoffs ranged from 1 to 4
ng/mL for fentanyl and confirmatory test cutoffs for fentanyl ranged
from 0.5 to 1 ng/mL for fentanyl.
Fentanyl has been detected in oral fluid in non-regulated workplace
drug testing, patients receiving pain management, overdose cases, and
driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) cases. Laboratory data from
non-regulated workplace drug testing show around 4% fentanyl positivity
in oral fluid. The median, mean and max fentanyl concentrations were
8.6 ng/mL, 55.7 ng/mL and 17,409 ng/mL, respectively.\11\ The median
norfentanyl concentration was 4.5 ng/mL. For DUID testing, cutoffs of 1
ng/mL for the initial test and 0.5 ng/mL for the confirmatory test have
been recommended for fentanyl in oral fluid.\18\ In a study of people
arrested for DUID, 59% of oral fluid specimens had concentrations above
20 ng/mL.\19\ In a large study, oral fluid specimens were collected
from 6,441 patients receiving pain care and screened by immunoassay (1
ng/mL fentanyl cutoff) and confirmed by LC-MS/MS.\20\ Of the collected
specimens, 6.9% screened positive (443 specimens) and 98.4% of those
(436 specimens) were confirmed positive. The fentanyl, median, mean,
and range concentrations were, 6.6, 49.8, and 0.2 to 5,341.3 ng/mL,
respectively. For the 148 confirmed positive norfentanyl specimens, the
norfentanyl median, mean, and range concentrations were 1.6, 4.7, and
0.5 to 125 ng/mL, respectively. In a study of patients treated with
buprenorphine, the prevalence of fentanyl in oral fluid was 2.9%
(n=146) with a median concentration of 1.3 ng/mL (Q1-Q3, 0.4-10.4).\21\
In a study of patients wearing fentanyl patches (n=162), the median
fentanyl concentration was around 5 ng/mL, range 0.012-38.4 ng/mL.\22\
Based on this information and review of the scientific literature,
the Department originally proposed fentanyl as the only analyte for
[[Page 4666]]
fluid, with a 1 ng/mL initial test cutoff and a 0.5 ng/mL confirmatory
test cutoff.
Three commenters disagreed with testing fentanyl in oral fluid
noting that, because there are no FDA-cleared immunoassays meeting
program requirements, inclusion of fentanyl would delay implementation
of oral fluid into Federal workplace drug testing programs. One of
these commenters raised concern that the added burden and cost to
develop and implement an alternate technology initial test (e.g., LC-
MS/MS) would deter some laboratories from applying for oral fluid
certification. Another commenter noted that, unless the regulatory
process is streamlined, HHS will not be able to respond quickly to
changes in drug use.
One commenter agreed with the proposed 1 ng/mL fentanyl initial
test cutoff for oral fluid, while 10 commenters disagreed. Most
commenters were concerned that the cutoff was too low, stating that
oral fluid collection devices containing a buffer (i.e., diluting the
oral fluid) would not be able to meet program analytical requirements
(e.g., controls at 25% above and below the initial test cutoff). Many
of the commenters indicated that a higher cutoff is supported by drug
test results. One commenter suggested raising the cutoff: suggesting
that the Department select a cutoff between 2 and 4 ng/mL. Two
commenters requested research supporting the proposed 1 ng/mL initial
test cutoff and 0.5 confirmatory test cutoff. This information is
provided above. One commenter recommended a lower initial test cutoff
(0.75 ng/mL) and a higher confirmatory cutoff (5 ng/mL), with no
scientific support.
The Department has considered all comments and has decided to
increase the initial test cutoff to 4 ng/mL and the confirmatory test
cutoff for fentanyl to 1 ng/mL. Based on information provided by the
public, review of the scientific literature, and current methods and
technologies used for oral fluid drug testing, the Department has
determined that these fentanyl cutoffs are appropriate for initial and
confirmatory tests.
Revised Criteria for Grouped Analytes Using an Alternate Technology
Initial Drug Test
The Department defines grouped initial test analytes as two or more
analytes that are in the same drug class and have the same initial drug
test cutoff. Footnote 1 of the drug testing panel specifies
requirements for initial tests using immunoassay and those using an
alternate technology (e.g., liquid chromatography-tandem mass
spectrometry, LC-MS/MS). The Department has revised Footnote 1 of the
Section 3.4 tables in the UrMG and OFMG to include more specific and
updated criteria for alternate technology initial drug tests, based on
current technology and program experience.
For a technology other than immunoassay that measures a response
from the entire group without differentiating between analytes (e.g.,
an activity-based assay, a mass spectrometric assay that does not
differentiate isobaric compounds), the laboratory must compare the
result to the initial test cutoff. In the case of an alternate
technology that differentiates and quantifies each analyte in the
group, the laboratory must compare each analyte's result to the
confirmatory test cutoff and reflex specimens with a positive initial
test result to confirmatory testing.
Biomarker Testing Panel
Section 3.4 of the UrMG and OFMG call upon the Secretary to add
biomarkers to the biomarker testing panel; however, at the time of this
writing, no biomarkers have been approved for Federal workplace drug
testing. The Department will review and approve biomarkers based on
laboratory data and support from the scientific and medical literature
and add them to the biomarker testing panel in a subsequent FRN.
A biomarker is defined in Section 1.5 of the UrMG and OFMG as ``an
endogenous substance used to validate a biological specimen''. While
creatinine in urine meets this definition, it is not sufficient as a
sole analyte. The UrMG include requirements for testing both creatinine
and specific gravity to report a specimen as dilute, invalid, or
Costs and Benefits
HHS-certified test facilities and MROs will incur initial costs for
administrative and programming changes for the addition of fentanyl
and/or norfentanyl.
Laboratories that already offer fentanyl and norfentanyl testing
and use the same cutoff(s) for their non-regulated clients may
experience some savings compared to laboratories that do not test for
these analytes. Estimated costs for testing for fentanyl range from
$0.23 to $5.00 (for initial testing) and $8.00 to $25.00 (for
confirmatory testing) per specimen tested. Total laboratory costs for
fentanyl confirmatory testing of Federal employee specimens are
estimated to range from $577-$4,750. Based on the number of tests
performed on Federal employees, the added cost for fentanyl
confirmatory testing will be $0.0152 to $0.125 per submitted specimen,
and the total cost for adding fentanyl will range from $9,317 to
$194,750, based on these estimates.
MROs may experience increased costs when an agency chooses to test
their federal job applicants and employees for the added analytes, as
fentanyl analytes are expected to have high positivity rates and, in
addition, fentanyl is a Schedule II drug with approved therapeutic uses
requiring the MRO to review potential medical explanations. Additional
costs for testing and MRO review will be incorporated into the overall
costs for the Federal agency submitting the specimen to the laboratory.
Added costs to MROs would be expected to shift to Federal agencies over
time, as existing contracts expire, and new contract terms are
Currently, the Department does not require HHS-certified test
facilities to implement authorized biomarker tests. Each laboratory and
IITF should conduct their own cost analysis when deciding whether to
offer biomarker testing to federally regulated clients. The Department
will consider costs when deciding whether to require all certified test
facilities to test for a specific biomarker.
1. Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, Public Law 115-334 (2018).
115th Congress.
2. Agricultural Marketing Service. (2021). Establishment of a
Domestic Hemp Production Program, Federal Register, 86, 5596-5691.
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
3. National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS). (2023).
NFLIS--Drug 2022 Annual Report. U.S. Department of Justice, Drug
Enforcement Agency, Diversion Control Division.
4. 46th Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. (2023, October).
Critical review report: Dipentylone. World Health Organization:
5. Quest Diagnostics, Inc. (2021). 2021 annual report: Drug testing
index and industry insights.
6. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA). (2023). National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH).
U.S. Department of
[[Page 4667]]
Health and Human Services,
7. Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery
and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act or the SUPPORT for
Patients and Communities Act, Public Law 115-271, 132 STAT. 3895
Stat. (2018, October 24).
8. Schedules of Controlled Substances, 21 CFR 1308.
9. O'Donnell JK, Halpin J, Mattson CL, Goldberger BA, Gladden M,
``Deaths involving fentanyl, fentanyl analogues, and U-47700--10
states, July-December 2016, Weekly/November 3, 2017/66(43); 1197-
1202,'' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.
10. Trecki J, Gerona RR, Ellison R, Thomas C, Mileusnic-Polchan D.
Notes from the Field: Increased Incidence of Fentanyl-Related Deaths
Involving Para-fluorofentanyl or Metonitazene--Knox County,
Tennessee, November 2020-August 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
2022;71:153-155. doi:
11. Kuntz, D. (2024, March 5). CRL testing experience for fentanyl
in urine and oral fluids. DTAB Meeting.
12. Vikingsson, S. (2023, March 7). Summary of pulse testing studies
for fentanyl in opioids initial test positive and [Delta]8-HC in
THCA initial test positive specimens. DTAB Meeting.
13. LaRue, L., Twillman, R.K., Dawson, E., Whitley, P., Frasco,
M.A., Huskey, A., & Guevara, M.G. (2019). Rate of fentanyl
positivity among urine drug test results positive for Cocaine or
Methamphetamine. JAMA Network Open, 2(4), e192851.
14. Cone, E.J., Caplan, Y.H., Black, D.L., Robert, T., & Moser, F.
(2008). Urine drug testing of chronic pain patients: Licit and
illicit drug patterns. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 32(8), 530-
15. Depriest, A., Heltsley, R., Black, D.L., Cawthon, B., Robert,
T., Moser, F., Caplan, Y.H., & Cone, E.J. (2010). Urine drug testing
of chronic pain patients. III. Normetabolites as biomarkers of
synthetic opioid use. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 34(8), 444-
16. Cummings, O.T., Enders, J.R., & McIntire, G.L., Backer, R., &
Poklis, A. (2016). Fentanyl-Norfentanyl concentrations during
transdermal patch application: LC-MS-MS urine analysis. Journal of
Analytical Toxicology, 40(8), 595-600.
17. Walker, N., Dawson, G.B., Rana, S., 2023. Challenges with
fentanyl renewed use interpretation. Society of Forensic
Toxicologists (SOFT) 2023 Meeting, Denver, CO.
18. D'Orazio, A.L., Mohr, A.L.A., Chan-Hosokawa, A., Harper, C.,
Huestis, M.A., Limoges, J.F., Miles, A.K., Scarneo, C.E., Kerrigan,
S., Liddicoat, L.J., Scott, K.S., Logan, B.K. (2021).
Recommendations for toxicological investigation of drug-impaired
driving and motor vehicle fatalities-2021 update. Journal of
Analytical. Toxicology, 45(6), 529-536.
19. Harper, C.E., Mata, D.C., & Lee, D. (2023). The impact of
fentanyl on DUIDs and traffic fatalities: Blood and oral fluid data.
Journal of Forensic Sciences, 68(5), 1686-1697.
20. Heltsley, R., DePriest, A., Black, D.L., Robert, T., Marshall,
L., Meadors, V.M., Caplan, Y.H., & Cone, E.J. (2011). Oral fluid
drug testing of chronic pain patients. I. Positive prevalence rates
of licit and illicit drugs. Journal of Analytical. Toxicology,
35(8), 529-540.
21. West, R., Mikel, C., Hofilena, D., & Guevara, M. (2018).
Positivity rates of drugs in patients treated for opioid dependence
with buprenorphine: A comparison of oral fluid and urine using
paired collections and LC-MS/MS. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 193,
22. Bista, S.R., Haywood, A., Norris, R., Good, P., Tapuni, A.,
Lobb, M., & Hardy, J. (2015). Saliva versus plasma for
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies of fentanyl in patients
with cancer. Clinical Therapy, 37(11), 2468-2475.
Report Nomenclature--Urine
Abbreviation Analyte
[Delta]9THCC........................... [Delta]-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-
9-carboxylic acid.
BZE.................................... Benzoylecgonine.
COD.................................... Codeine.
MOR.................................... Morphine.
HYC.................................... Hydrocodone.
HYM.................................... Hydromorphone.
OXYC................................... Oxycodone.
OXYM................................... Oxymorphone.
6-AM................................... 6-Acetylmorphine.
PCP.................................... Phencyclidine.
FENT................................... Fentanyl.
NFENT.................................. Norfentanyl.
AMP.................................... Amphetamine.
MAMP................................... Methamphetamine.
MDMA................................... Methylenedioxymethamphetamine.
MDA.................................... Methylenedioxyamphetamine.
HHS Drug Testing Panel--Urine
Confirmatory test Confirmatory test
Initial test analyte Initial test cutoff \1\ analyte cutoff
Marijuana metabolite 50 ng/mL. [Delta]9THCC............ 15 ng/mL.
Cocaine metabolite 150 ng/mL.\2\ Benzoylecgonine......... 100 ng/mL.
Codeine/Morphine................. 2,000 ng/mL. Codeine................. 2,000 ng/mL.
Morphine................ 4,000 ng/mL.
Hydrocodone/Hydromorphone........ 300 ng/mL. Hydrocodone............. 100 ng/mL.
Hydromorphone........... 100 ng/mL.
Oxycodone/Oxymorphone............ 100 ng/mL. Oxycodone............... 100 ng/mL.
Oxymorphone............. 100 ng/mL.
6-Acetylmorphine................. 10 ng/mL. 6-Acetylmorphine........ 10 ng/mL.
Phencyclidine.................... 25 ng/mL. Phencyclidine........... 25 ng/mL.
Fentanyl \3\..................... 1 ng/mL. Fentanyl................ 1 ng/mL.
Norfentanyl............. 1 ng/mL.
Amphetamine/Methamphetamine...... 500 ng/mL. Amphetamine............. 250 ng/mL.
Methamphetamine......... 250 ng/mL.
MDMA/MDA......................... 500 ng/mL. Methylenedioxymethamphet 250 ng/mL.
amine. 250 ng/mL.
\1\ For grouped analytes (i.e., two or more analytes that are in the same drug class and have the same initial
test cutoff):
Immunoassay: The test must be calibrated with one analyte from the group identified as the target analyte. The
cross-reactivity of the immunoassay to the other analyte(s) within the group must be 80 percent or greater; if
not, separate immunoassays must be used for the analytes within the group.
[[Page 4668]]
Alternate technology: Either one analyte or all analytes from the group must be used for calibration, depending
on the technology. For a technology that measures a response from the entire group without differentiating
between analytes (e.g., an activity-based assay, a mass spectrometric assay that does not differentiate
isobaric compounds), the laboratory must compare the result to the initial test cutoff. In the case of an
alternate technology that differentiates and quantifies each analyte in the group, the laboratory must compare
each analyte's result to the confirmatory test cutoff and reflex specimens with a positive initial test result
to confirmatory testing.
\2\ Alternate technology (BZE): The confirmatory test cutoff must be used for an alternate technology initial
test that is specific for the target analyte (i.e., 100 ng/mL for benzoylecgonine).
\3\ A fentanyl immunoassay must have at least 5% cross-reactivity to norfentanyl.
HHS Biomarker Testing Panel--Urine
SAMHSA has not yet authorized routine testing for any biomarker in
urine. HHS-certified laboratories and instrumented initial test
facilities (IITFs) may request authorization to test Federal agency
specimens for a biomarker upon Medical Review Officer (MRO) request by
submitting supporting documentation and assay validation records to the
National Laboratory Certification Program (NLCP) for SAMHSA review and
Report Nomenclature--Oral Fluid
Oral fluid
Abbreviation Analyte
[Delta]9THC............................ [Delta]-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
COC.................................... Cocaine.
BZE.................................... Benzoylecgonine.
COD.................................... Codeine.
MOR.................................... Morphine.
HYC.................................... Hydrocodone.
HYM.................................... Hydromorphone.
OXYC................................... Oxycodone.
OXYM................................... Oxymorphone.
6-AM................................... 6-Acetylmorphine.
PCP.................................... Phencyclidine.
FENT................................... Fentanyl.
AMP.................................... Amphetamine.
MAMP................................... Methamphetamine.
MDMA................................... Methylenedioxymethamphetamine.
MDA.................................... Methylenedioxyamphetamine.
HHS Drug Testing Panel--Oral Fluid
HHS drug testing panel--undiluted (neat) oral fluid
Confirmatory test Confirmatory test
Initial test analyte Initial test cutoff \1\ analyte cutoff
Marijuana ([Delta]9THC).......... 4 ng/mL. [Delta]9THC............. 2 ng/mL.
Cocaine/Benzoylecgonine.......... 15 ng/mL. Cocaine................. 8 ng/mL.
Benzoylecgonine......... 8 ng/mL.
Codeine/Morphine................. 30 ng/mL. Codeine................. 15 ng/mL.
Morphine................ 15 ng/mL.
Hydrocodone/Hydromorphone........ 30 ng/mL. Hydrocodone............. 15 ng/mL.
Hydromorphone........... 15 ng/mL.
Oxycodone/Oxymorphone............ 30 ng/mL. Oxycodone............... 15 ng/mL.
Oxymorphone............. 15 ng/mL.
6-Acetylmorphine................. 4 ng/mL.\2\ 6-Acetylmorphine........ 2 ng/mL.
Phencyclidine.................... 10 ng/mL. Phencyclidine........... 10 ng/mL.
Fentanyl......................... 4 ng/mL. Fentanyl................ 1 ng/mL.
Amphetamine/Methamphetamine...... 50 ng/mL. Amphetamine............. 25 ng/mL.
Methamphetamine......... 25 ng/mL.
MDMA/MDA......................... 50 ng/mL. Methylenedioxymethamphet 25 ng/mL.
amine. 25 ng/mL.
\1\ For grouped analytes (i.e., two or more analytes that are in the same drug class and have the same initial
test cutoff):
Immunoassay: The test must be calibrated with one analyte from the group identified as the target analyte. The
cross reactivity of the immunoassay to the other analyte(s) within the group must be 80 percent or greater; if
not, separate immunoassays must be used for the analytes within the group.
Alternate technology: Either one analyte or all analytes from the group must be used for calibration, depending
on the technology. For a technology that measures a response from the entire group without differentiating
between analytes (e.g., an activity-based assay, a mass spectrometric assay that does not differentiate
isobaric compounds), the laboratory must compare the result to the initial test cutoff. In the case of an
alternate technology that differentiates and quantifies each analyte in the group, the laboratory must compare
each analyte's result to the confirmatory test cutoff and reflex specimens with a positive initial test result
to confirmatory testing.
\2\ Alternate technology (6-AM): The confirmatory test cutoff must be used for an alternate technology initial
test that is specific for the target analyte (i.e., 2 ng/mL for 6-AM).
HHS Biomarker Testing Panel--Oral Fluid
SAMHSA has not yet authorized routine testing for any biomarker in
oral fluid. HHS-certified laboratories may request authorization to
test Federal agency specimens for a biomarker by submitting supporting
documentation and assay validation records to the National Laboratory
Certification Program (NLCP) for SAMHSA review and approval. Authorized
biomarker test cutoffs for oral fluid will be based on undiluted (neat)
oral fluid.
Xavier Becerra,
Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services.
[FR Doc. 2025-00425 Filed 1-15-25; 8:45 am]