Supplemental Evidence and Data Request on The Performance of Fusion Procedures for Degenerative Disease of the Lumbar Spine, 3214-3218 [2025-00548]

Download as PDF 3214 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Notices khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES The public portions of the applications listed below, as well as other related filings required by the Board, if any, are available for immediate inspection at the Federal Reserve Bank(s) indicated below and at the offices of the Board of Governors. This information may also be obtained on an expedited basis, upon request, by contacting the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank and from the Board’s Freedom of Information Office at request.htm. Interested persons may express their views in writing on the standards enumerated in the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842(c)). Comments received are subject to public disclosure. In general, comments received will be made available without change and will not be modified to remove personal or business information including confidential, contact, or other identifying information. Comments should not include any information such as confidential information that would not be appropriate for public disclosure. Comments regarding each of these applications must be received at the Reserve Bank indicated or the offices of the Board of Governors, Ann E. Misback, Secretary of the Board, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, Washington DC 20551–0001, not later than February 13, 2025. A. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (Colette A. Fried, Assistant Vice President) 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60690–1414. 11 The maximum penalty amount for an institution is the lesser of this amount or 1 percent of total assets. 12 The maximum penalty amount for an institution is the lesser of this amount or 1 percent of total assets. 13 These amounts also apply to CMPs in statutes that cross-reference 12 U.S.C. 1818, such as 12 U.S.C. 2601, 2804(b), 3108(b), 3349(b), 4009(a), 4309(a), 4717(b); 15 U.S.C. 1607(a), 1681s(b), 1691(b), 1691c(a), 1693o(a); and 42 U.S.C. 3601. 14 The maximum penalty amount for an institution is the lesser of this amount or 1 percent of total assets. 15 The $157-per-day maximum CMP under 12 U.S.C. 1828(h) for failure or refusal to pay any assessment applies only when the assessment is less than $10,000. When the amount of the assessment is $10,000 or more, the maximum CMP under section 1828(h) is 1 percent of the amount of the assessment for each day that the failure or refusal continues. 16 The maximum penalty amount for an institution is the lesser of this amount or 1 percent of total assets. 17 The maximum penalty amount for an institution is the greater of this amount or 1/ 100,000th of the institution’s total assets. 18 The maximum penalty amount for an institution is the greater of this amount or 1/ 50,000th of the institution’s total assets. 19 The maximum penalty amount for an institution is the lesser of this amount or 1 percent of total assets. VerDate Sep<11>2014 22:42 Jan 13, 2025 Jkt 265001 Comments can also be sent electronically to 1. UIR Acceptance Corporation, Lemont, Illinois; to become a bank holding company by acquiring Easton Bancshares, Inc., and thereby indirectly acquiring Community Bank of Easton, both of Easton, Illinois. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Michele Taylor Fennell, Associate Secretary of the Board. [FR Doc. 2025–00599 Filed 1–13–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6210–01–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Supplemental Evidence and Data Request on The Performance of Fusion Procedures for Degenerative Disease of the Lumbar Spine Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), HHS. ACTION: Request for Supplemental Evidence and Data Submission. AGENCY: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is seeking scientific information submissions from the public. Scientific information is being solicited to inform our review on The Performance of Fusion Procedures for Degenerative Disease of the Lumbar Spine, which is currently being conducted by the AHRQ’s Evidencebased Practice Centers (EPC) Program. Access to published and unpublished pertinent scientific information will improve the quality of this review. DATES: Submission Deadline on or before February 13, 2025. ADDRESSES: Email submissions: epc@ Print submissions: Mailing Address: Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, ATTN: EPC SEADs Coordinator, 5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 06E53A, Rockville, MD 20857 Shipping Address (FedEx, UPS, etc.): Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, ATTN: EPC SEADs Coordinator, 5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 06E77D, Rockville, MD 20857 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kelly Carper, Telephone: 301–427–1656 or Email: SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has commissioned the Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC) Program to complete a review of the evidence for The Performance of Fusion Procedures for Degenerative Disease of the Lumbar Spine. AHRQ is conducting this review pursuant to Section 902 of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 299a. The EPC Program is dedicated to identifying as many studies as possible that are relevant to the questions for each of its reviews. In order to do so, we are supplementing the usual manual and electronic database searches of the literature by requesting information from the public (e.g., details of studies conducted). We are looking for studies that report on The Performance of Fusion Procedures for Degenerative Disease of the Lumbar Spine. The entire research protocol is available online at: products/lumbar-spinal-fusion/protocol. This is to notify the public that the EPC Program would find the following information on The Performance of Fusion Procedures for Degenerative Disease of the Lumbar Spine helpful: D A list of completed studies that your organization has sponsored for this topic. In the list, please indicate whether results are available on along with the trial number. D For completed studies that do not have results on, a summary, including the following elements, if relevant: study number, study period, design, methodology, indication and diagnosis, proper use instructions, inclusion and exclusion criteria, primary and secondary outcomes, baseline characteristics, number of patients screened/eligible/ enrolled/lost to follow-up/withdrawn/ analyzed, effectiveness/efficacy, and safety results. D A list of ongoing studies that your organization has sponsored for this topic. In the list, please provide the trial number or, if the trial is not registered, the protocol for the study including, if relevant, a study number, the study period, design, methodology, indication and diagnosis, proper use instructions, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and primary and secondary outcomes. D Description of whether the above studies constitute ALL Phase II and above clinical trials sponsored by your organization for this topic and an index outlining the relevant information in each submitted file. Your contribution is very beneficial to the Program. Materials submitted must SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: E:\FR\FM\14JAN1.SGM 14JAN1 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Notices be publicly available or able to be made public. Materials that are considered confidential; marketing materials; study types not included in the review; or information on topics not included in the review cannot be used by the EPC Program. This is a voluntary request for information, and all costs for complying with this request must be borne by the submitter. The draft of this review will be posted on AHRQ’s EPC Program website and available for public comment for a period of 4 weeks. If you would like to be notified when the draft is posted, please sign up for the email list at: email-updates. The review will answer the following questions. This information is provided as background. AHRQ is not requesting that the public provide answers to these questions. Key Questions (KQ) Questions on Surgery (KQ 1–4) In adults with symptomatic, stable degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis (DLS) with or without radiculopathy or neurogenic claudication • Key Question 1. What are the benefits and harms of surgery with instrumentation in addition to decompression compared with decompression alone? In symptomatic adults with unstable or stable DLS with or without radiculopathy or neurogenic claudication undergoing instrumented fusion: • Key Question 2. What are the benefits and harms of the addition of an 3215 interbody cage to instrumentation (e.g., pedicle screws) compared to use of instrumentation alone (i.e., posterolateral fusion)? • Key Question 3. What are the benefits and harms of the use of bone graft extenders and biologic substitutes compared to the use of autografts? In adults with symptomatic, degenerative lumbar spine disease undergoing instrumented fusion: • Key Question 4. Does the use of intraoperative monitoring (IONM) decrease perioperative neurological injuries compared with not using IONM? PICOTS (Populations, Interventions, Comparators, Outcomes, Timing, and Setting) khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES TABLE 1—EPC PROPOSED PICOTS AND CORRESPONDING INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION CRITERIA KEY QUESTIONS 1,2,3 AND 4 ON SURGERY Inclusion Exclusion Population ..................................................................... Key Questions (1–3) • Symptomatic adult patients with a radiographic diagnosis (based on dynamic (flexion and extension radiographs) of degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis (any grade) who remain symptomatic following conservative treatment • Patients with or without evidence of nerve compression (radiculopathy, neurogenic claudication) KQ 1 • Stable (non-mobile, static) DLS (<3 mm slip on extension/flexion radiographs) KQ 2, 3 • Patients with unstable or stable DLS on radiographs KQ 4 • Patients with symptomatic degenerative lumbar spine disease undergoing fusion of 5 or fewer levels (stratify by presence of DLS) Interventions ................................................................. ALL Key Questions • FDA approved devices or materials (or in Phase III trials) as applicable to the KQ • Open and minimally invasive (e.g., endoscopic) procedures KQ 1 • Decompression (discectomy, indirect and direct methods) with instrumented spinal fusion (e.g., with pedicle screws, interbody cages, or other hardware) KQ 2 • Surgical decompression and instrumented posterolateral fusion (e.g., using pedicle screws) with addition of interbody cage (expandable or static, ALIF, TLIF, LLIF) KQ 3 • Decompression and spinal fusion using bone graft extenders or biologic substitutes (demineralized bone matrix, cadaveric allograft, cortical fibers, bone morphogenic protein, cellular allografts KQ 4 • IONM (Motor Evoked Potentials (MEP), Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SSEP), Free Running EMG (electromyography) Direct Stimulation ALL Key Questions • Patients <18 years old. • Asymptomatic patients. • Other forms of spondylolisthesis are excluded (i.e., excluding dysplastic, isthmic, traumatic, and pathologic causes/forms). • Patients with osteoporosis, vertebral compression fractures. • Exclude pts undergoing revisions or repeat procedures. • Patients having reoperation/repeat procedures. KQs 1–3 • Patients without degenerative spondylolisthesis. • Studies with <80% of patients have spondylolisthesis. KQ 1 • Patients with unstable (dynamic) DLS: (exclude study if stable is not specified, is unclear). ALL Key Questions • Devices or materials that are not FDA approved or in Phase III trials (as applicable to the question) or not available in the U.S. • Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) • Procedures that don’t include decompression • Non-instrumented fusions • Coflex, interspinous fixation • Minimally invasive lumbar decompression (MILD) procedure • Surgical procedures not listed KQ 4 • Other monitoring formats (e.g., imaging, computer assisted navigation systems, etc.) • Combinations of graft materials (other than with autograft) • Comparison of graft materials with each other VerDate Sep<11>2014 22:42 Jan 13, 2025 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\14JAN1.SGM 14JAN1 3216 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Notices TABLE 1—EPC PROPOSED PICOTS AND CORRESPONDING INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION CRITERIA KEY QUESTIONS 1,2,3 AND 4 ON SURGERY—Continued Inclusion Comparators ................................................................. Outcomes ..................................................................... Timing ........................................................................... Settings ......................................................................... Study designs ............................................................... Exclusion ALL Key Questions • FDA approved devices or materials (or in Phase III trials) as applicable to the KQ • Open and minimally invasive (e.g., endoscopic) procedures KQ 1 • Decompression alone KQ 2 • Decompression and instrumented posterolateral spinal fusion (e.g., using pedicle screws alone) KQ 3 • Decompression and instrumented spinal fusion using autograft KQ 4 • No use of IONM ALL Key Questions • Validated measures for pain and symptoms Æ Pain (e.g., VAS) Æ Function (e.g., ODI) Æ Quality of Life (e.g., SF–36, SF–12) • Peri- and post-operative harms (including serious AEs/harms, persistent pain, sacro-iliac joint pain, instrument failure) Additional outcomes by KQ KQ 1: Reoperation rates KQ 2: Fusion (arthrodesis) rates KQ 3: Fusion (arthrodesis) rates KQ 4: Persistent neurological damage based on clinical exam (e.g., foot drop) Key Questions 1–3 • Pain, function, reoperation: 3, 6 and ≥12 months (up to 60 months) • Reoperation-any time (KQ 2): • Harms: any time KQ 4 • Any time during post-operative followup ALL Key Questions • Inpatient care followed by care in specialty and primary care clinics • Outpatient ambulatory surgery centers ALL Key Questions • RCTs for effectiveness/efficacy outcomes • FDA SSED if there is inadequate information from published studies • Studies published in 2000 or later KQ 1–3: NRSIs will be considered for harms only and must be specifically designed to evaluate/report on AE/harms and control for confounding and focused on rare or long-term harms. KQ 4: NRSIs on effectiveness and harms ALL Key Questions • Conservative care, non-operative care, usual care • Devices or materials that are not FDA approved or in Phase III trials (as applicable to the question) or not available in the U.S. • Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) KQ 1 • Other surgical procedures KQ 2, 3 • Non-instrumented fusion, • Instrumentation prior to 2000 • Coflex, interspinous fixation KQ 3 • Combinations of graft materials with autograft ALL Key Questions • Measures of pain, function that are not validated • Measures/outcomes not listed • Radiographic parameters (e.g., evidence of global spinal alignment) KQ 1 • Re-operation beyond 12 months KQs 1–3 • Outcomes measured less than 3 months (except harms) KQ 4 • Alerts and responses to alerts during surgery ALL Key Questions • NRSI that do not control for confounding • NRSI that include historical controls • NRSI of treatment with fewer than 50 patients per treatment arm • Case reports, case-series, single-arm and prepost studies • Publication types: Conference abstracts or proceedings, editorials, letters, white papers, citations that have not been peer-reviewed, single site reports of multi-site studies • Studies published prior to 2000 • Studies not in English KQ 1–3 • Trials with fewer than 15 patients per treatment arm Serious adverse events are defined as events that are life-threatening or require additional medical attention. AE = adverse event; ALIF = anterior lumbar interbody fusion; DLS = degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis; EQ–5D = EuroQol 5D scale; FDA = Food and Drug Administration; IONM = intraoperative neurological monitoring; KQ = Key Question; LLIF = lateral lumbar interbody fusion; MCID = minimum clinically important difference; NRSI = nonrandomized studies of intervention; ODI = Oswestry Disability Index; RCT = randomized controlled trial; RMD = Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire; SSED = Summary of Safety and Effectiveness Data; SF–36/12 = Short Form 36 or 12 questionnaire; TLIF = transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion; U.S. = United States; VAS = visual analog scale. khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES KQ 5 and 6: Questions on Non-Surgical Procedures for Chronic Low Back Pain Due To Degenerative Spine Disease Key Question 5. In adult patients with chronic low-back pain (≥3 months) resulting from degenerative disease what are the benefits and harms of lumbar epidural steroid injections, intra-articular (facet) injection, medial VerDate Sep<11>2014 22:42 Jan 13, 2025 Jkt 265001 branch blocks, or radio frequency ablation? Key Question 6. In adult patients with chronic low-back pain (≥3 months) resulting from degenerative disease of the lumbar spine, does symptomatic improvement to therapeutic challenge with lumbar epidural steroid injections, intra-articular (facet) injection, medial branch blocks or radio frequency PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 ablation predict positive outcomes after lumbar fusion surgery? Special populations and factors for Key Questions 5 and 6: Age, sex, BMI, presence of psychological comorbidities, presence of medical comorbidities, baseline pain severity, presence and type of concomitant degenerative lumbar spine disease, presence and severity of DLS. E:\FR\FM\14JAN1.SGM 14JAN1 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Notices 3217 TABLE 2—EPC PROPOSED PICOTS AND CORRESPONDING INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION CRITERIA: KEY QUESTIONS 5 AND 6 ON SPECIFIC PROCEDURES IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN DUE TO DEGENERATIVE SPINE DISEASE Inclusion Exclusion Population ..................................................................... KQ 5, 6 • Adult patients with chronic low-back pain (≥3 months duration) resulting from degenerative disease Interventions ................................................................. KQ 5, • • • • 6 Epidural steroid injections (ESI) Intra-articular (facet) injections Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) Medial branch blocks KQ 5, • • • • • KQ 5, • • • • • • • Comparators ................................................................. Outcomes ..................................................................... Timing ........................................................................... khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES Settings ......................................................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 22:42 Jan 13, 2025 Jkt 265001 KQ 5 • Other nonoperative treatment, no treatment, sham KQ 6 • No therapeutic challenge; (prognostic/predictive modeling study) KQ 5 and 6: Harms (e.g., serious peri-procedural and post-procedural harms) KQ 5 • Validated measures for pain and symptoms Æ Pain (e.g., VAS, NRS) Æ Function (e.g., ODI) Æ Quality of Life (e.g., SF–36, SF12) KQ 6 • Response to challenge: Improvement in symptoms vs. non-improvement; [stratify other outcomes by response] • Validated measures for pain and symptoms following fusion surgery Æ Pain (e.g., VAS, NRS) Æ Function (e.g., ODI) Æ Quality of Life (e.g., SF–36, SF–12) Æ Symptoms associated with neural compression • Successful arthrodesis [as radiographically determined via x-ray/computed tomography or by proxy (e.g., lack of revision, pedicle screw loosening)] KQ 5 and 6 • Serious harms—periprocedural KQ 5 • 3-month and 6-month periods following the procedure KQ 6 • Outcomes measured at 3, 6 and ≥12 months after surgical procedure (up to 24 months) KQ 5 • Outpatient KQ 6 • Outpatient care for therapeutic challenge. Inpatient care followed by care in specialty and primary care clinics for surgical procedure • Outpatient ambulatory surgery centers for surgery PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 KQ 5, • 6 Patients with acute or subacute LBP Patients with disc herniation Patients with failed back surgery syndrome Sacroiliac pain Patients having reoperation 6 Discoblock, provocative discography Neuromodulation (e.g., spinal cord, dorsal column, dorsal root stimulation, peripheral nerve stimulation) Injections: exclude other biologics (e.g., PRP), intradiscal injections Minimally invasive lumbar decompression (MILD), percutaneous decompression Selective nerve root blocks Intraosseous basivertebral nerve ablation Combinations of procedures; Studies evaluating additive benefits of one procedure with another 6 Combinations of procedures; Studies evaluating additive benefits of one procedure to another KQ 5 • For ESI, exclude comparison with disc procedures (e.g., discography); comparisons of medications • For RFA exclude comparisons of different types of neurotomy (conventional vs. pulsed [cooled] RF; RF vs. alcohol ablation) KQ 5, 6 • Measures of pain, function that are not validated • Measures/outcomes not listed E:\FR\FM\14JAN1.SGM 14JAN1 3218 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Notices TABLE 2—EPC PROPOSED PICOTS AND CORRESPONDING INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION CRITERIA: KEY QUESTIONS 5 AND 6 ON SPECIFIC PROCEDURES IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN DUE TO DEGENERATIVE SPINE DISEASE— Continued Inclusion Study designs ............................................................... Exclusion KQ 5 • RCTS for effectiveness/efficacy outcomes • Prospective NRSIs that control for confounding will be considered for effectiveness in the absence of RCTs • NRSIs for harms must be specifically designed to evaluate/report on serious AE/harms and that control for confounding OR focused on rare or long-term harms KQ 6 • Predictive/prognostic modeling studies evaluating the association of procedure response impact on outcomes that control for confounding KQ 5, • • • 6 NRSI that do not control for confounding NRSI that include historical controls NRSI with fewer than 50 patients per treatment arm • Case reports, case-series, single-arm and prepost studies • Publication types: Conference abstracts or proceedings, editorials, letters, white papers, citations that have not been peer-reviewed, single site reports of multi-site studies • Studies not in English Serious adverse events are defined as events that are life-threatening or anything needing additional medical attention. AE = adverse event; DLS = degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis; EQ–5D = EuroQol 5D scale; ESI = epidural steroid injection; FDA = Food and Drug Administration; IONM = intraoperative neuro monitoring; KQ = Key Question; LBP = low back pain; MCID = minimum clinically important difference; NRSI = nonrandomized studies of intervention; ODI = Oswestry Disability Index; RCT = randomized controlled trial; RF = radiofrequency ablation; RMD = Rolland-Morris Disability Questionnaire; SSED = Summary of Safety and Effectiveness Data; SF–36/12 = Short Form 36 or 12 questionnaire; VAS = visual analog scale. Dated: January 7, 2025. Marquita Cullom, Associate Director. [FR Doc. 2025–00548 Filed 1–13–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4160–90–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Supplemental Evidence and Data Request on Primary Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), HHS. ACTION: Request for Supplemental Evidence and Data Submission. AGENCY: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is seeking scientific information submissions from the public. Scientific information is being solicited to inform our review on Primary Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review, which is currently being conducted by the AHRQ’s Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC) Program. Access to published and unpublished pertinent scientific information will improve the quality of this review. DATES: Submission Deadline on or before February 13, 2025. ADDRESSES: Email submissions: epc@ Print submissions: Mailing Address: Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Attn: khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 22:42 Jan 13, 2025 Jkt 265001 EPC SEADs Coordinator, 5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 06E53A, Rockville, MD 20857. Shipping Address (FedEx, UPS, etc.): Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Attn: EPC SEADs Coordinator, 5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 06E77D, Rockville, MD 20857. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kelly Carper, Telephone: 301–427–1656 or Email: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has commissioned the Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC) Program to complete a review of the evidence for Primary Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review. AHRQ is conducting this review pursuant to Section 902 of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 299a. The EPC Program is dedicated to identifying as many studies as possible that are relevant to the questions for each of its reviews. In order to do so, we are supplementing the usual manual and electronic database searches of the literature by requesting information from the public (e.g., details of studies conducted). We are looking for studies that report on Primary Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review. The entire research protocol is available online at: https://effectivehealthcare. This is to notify the public that the EPC Program would find the following information on Primary Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review helpful: PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 D A list of completed studies that your organization has sponsored for this topic. In the list, please indicate whether results are available on along with the trial number. D For completed studies that do not have results on, a summary, including the following elements, if relevant: study number, study period, design, methodology, indication and diagnosis, proper use instructions, inclusion and exclusion criteria, primary and secondary outcomes, baseline characteristics, number of patients screened/eligible/ enrolled/lost to follow-up/withdrawn/ analyzed, effectiveness/efficacy, and safety results. D A list of ongoing studies that your organization has sponsored for this topic. In the list, please provide the trial number or, if the trial is not registered, the protocol for the study including, if relevant, a study number, the study period, design, methodology, indication and diagnosis, proper use instructions, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and primary and secondary outcomes. D Description of whether the above studies constitute ALL Phase II and above clinical trials sponsored by your organization for this topic and an index outlining the relevant information in each submitted file. Your contribution is very beneficial to the Program. Materials submitted must be publicly available or able to be made public. Materials that are considered confidential; marketing materials; study types not included in the review; or information on topics not included in the review cannot be used by the EPC Program. This is a voluntary request for information, and all costs for complying E:\FR\FM\14JAN1.SGM 14JAN1


[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 8 (Tuesday, January 14, 2025)]
[Pages 3214-3218]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-00548]



Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Supplemental Evidence and Data Request on The Performance of 
Fusion Procedures for Degenerative Disease of the Lumbar Spine

AGENCY: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), HHS.

ACTION: Request for Supplemental Evidence and Data Submission.


SUMMARY: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is 
seeking scientific information submissions from the public. Scientific 
information is being solicited to inform our review on The Performance 
of Fusion Procedures for Degenerative Disease of the Lumbar Spine, 
which is currently being conducted by the AHRQ's Evidence-based 
Practice Centers (EPC) Program. Access to published and unpublished 
pertinent scientific information will improve the quality of this 

DATES: Submission Deadline on or before February 13, 2025.

    Email submissions: [email protected].
    Print submissions:

Mailing Address: Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement, Agency 
for Healthcare Research and Quality, ATTN: EPC SEADs Coordinator, 5600 
Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 06E53A, Rockville, MD 20857
Shipping Address (FedEx, UPS, etc.): Center for Evidence and Practice 
Improvement, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, ATTN: EPC 
SEADs Coordinator, 5600 Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 06E77D, Rockville, MD 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Kelly Carper, Telephone: 301-427-1656 
or Email: [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Agency for Healthcare Research and 
Quality has commissioned the Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC) 
Program to complete a review of the evidence for The Performance of 
Fusion Procedures for Degenerative Disease of the Lumbar Spine. AHRQ is 
conducting this review pursuant to Section 902 of the Public Health 
Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 299a.
    The EPC Program is dedicated to identifying as many studies as 
possible that are relevant to the questions for each of its reviews. In 
order to do so, we are supplementing the usual manual and electronic 
database searches of the literature by requesting information from the 
public (e.g., details of studies conducted). We are looking for studies 
that report on The Performance of Fusion Procedures for Degenerative 
Disease of the Lumbar Spine. The entire research protocol is available 
online at:
    This is to notify the public that the EPC Program would find the 
following information on The Performance of Fusion Procedures for 
Degenerative Disease of the Lumbar Spine helpful:
    [ssquf] A list of completed studies that your organization has 
sponsored for this topic. In the list, please indicate whether results 
are available on along with the 
trial number.
    [ssquf] For completed studies that do not have results on, a summary, including the following elements, if 
relevant: study number, study period, design, methodology, indication 
and diagnosis, proper use instructions, inclusion and exclusion 
criteria, primary and secondary outcomes, baseline characteristics, 
number of patients screened/eligible/enrolled/lost to follow-up/
withdrawn/analyzed, effectiveness/efficacy, and safety results.
    [ssquf] A list of ongoing studies that your organization has 
sponsored for this topic. In the list, please provide the trial number or, if the trial is not registered, the 
protocol for the study including, if relevant, a study number, the 
study period, design, methodology, indication and diagnosis, proper use 
instructions, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and primary and 
secondary outcomes.
    [ssquf] Description of whether the above studies constitute ALL 
Phase II and above clinical trials sponsored by your organization for 
this topic and an index outlining the relevant information in each 
submitted file.
    Your contribution is very beneficial to the Program. Materials 
submitted must

[[Page 3215]]

be publicly available or able to be made public. Materials that are 
considered confidential; marketing materials; study types not included 
in the review; or information on topics not included in the review 
cannot be used by the EPC Program. This is a voluntary request for 
information, and all costs for complying with this request must be 
borne by the submitter.
    The draft of this review will be posted on AHRQ's EPC Program 
website and available for public comment for a period of 4 weeks. If 
you would like to be notified when the draft is posted, please sign up 
for the email list at:
    The review will answer the following questions. This information is 
provided as background. AHRQ is not requesting that the public provide 
answers to these questions.

Key Questions (KQ)

Questions on Surgery (KQ 1-4)

    In adults with symptomatic, stable degenerative lumbar 
spondylolisthesis (DLS) with or without radiculopathy or neurogenic 
     Key Question 1. What are the benefits and harms of surgery 
with instrumentation in addition to decompression compared with 
decompression alone?
    In symptomatic adults with unstable or stable DLS with or without 
radiculopathy or neurogenic claudication undergoing instrumented 
     Key Question 2. What are the benefits and harms of the 
addition of an interbody cage to instrumentation (e.g., pedicle screws) 
compared to use of instrumentation alone (i.e., posterolateral fusion)?
     Key Question 3. What are the benefits and harms of the use 
of bone graft extenders and biologic substitutes compared to the use of 
    In adults with symptomatic, degenerative lumbar spine disease 
undergoing instrumented fusion:
     Key Question 4. Does the use of intraoperative monitoring 
(IONM) decrease perioperative neurological injuries compared with not 
using IONM?

PICOTS (Populations, Interventions, Comparators, Outcomes, Timing, and 

  Table 1--EPC Proposed PICOTS and Corresponding Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Key Questions 1,2,3 and 4 on
                                                  Inclusion                              Exclusion
Population.......................  Key Questions (1-3)                     ALL Key Questions
                                    Symptomatic adult patients      Patients <18 years old.
                                    with a radiographic diagnosis (based    Asymptomatic patients.
                                    on dynamic (flexion and extension       Other forms of
                                    radiographs) of degenerative lumbar     spondylolisthesis are excluded
                                    spondylolisthesis (any grade) who       (i.e., excluding dysplastic,
                                    remain symptomatic following            isthmic, traumatic, and pathologic
                                    conservative treatment                  causes/forms).
                                    Patients with or without        Patients with osteoporosis,
                                    evidence of nerve compression           vertebral compression fractures.
                                    (radiculopathy, neurogenic              Exclude pts undergoing
                                    claudication)                           revisions or repeat procedures.
                                   KQ 1                                     Patients having reoperation/
                                    Stable (non-mobile, static)     repeat procedures.
                                    DLS (<3 mm slip on extension/flexion   KQs 1-3
                                    radiographs)                            Patients without
                                   KQ 2, 3                                  degenerative spondylolisthesis.
                                    Patients with unstable or       Studies with <80% of
                                    stable DLS on radiographs               patients have spondylolisthesis.
                                   KQ 4                                    KQ 1
                                    Patients with symptomatic       Patients with unstable
                                    degenerative lumbar spine disease       (dynamic) DLS: (exclude study if
                                    undergoing fusion of 5 or fewer         stable is not specified, is
                                    levels (stratify by presence of DLS)    unclear).
Interventions....................  ALL Key Questions                       ALL Key Questions
                                    FDA approved devices or         Devices or materials that
                                    materials (or in Phase III trials) as   are not FDA approved or in Phase III
                                    applicable to the KQ                    trials (as applicable to the
                                    Open and minimally invasive     question) or not available in the
                                    (e.g., endoscopic) procedures           U.S.
                                   KQ 1                                     Mesenchymal stem cells
                                    Decompression (discectomy,      (MSCs)
                                    indirect and direct methods) with       Procedures that don't
                                    instrumented spinal fusion (e.g.,       include decompression
                                    with pedicle screws, interbody cages,   Non-instrumented fusions
                                    or other hardware)                      Coflex, interspinous
                                   KQ 2                                     fixation
                                    Surgical decompression and      Minimally invasive lumbar
                                    instrumented posterolateral fusion      decompression (MILD) procedure
                                    (e.g., using pedicle screws) with       Surgical procedures not
                                    addition of interbody cage              listed
                                    (expandable or static, ALIF, TLIF,     KQ 4
                                    LLIF)                                   Other monitoring formats
                                   KQ 3                                     (e.g., imaging, computer assisted
                                    Decompression and spinal        navigation systems, etc.)
                                    fusion using bone graft extenders or    Combinations of graft
                                    biologic substitutes (demineralized     materials (other than with
                                    bone matrix, cadaveric allograft,       autograft)
                                    cortical fibers, bone morphogenic       Comparison of graft
                                    protein, cellular allografts            materials with each other
                                   KQ 4
                                    IONM (Motor Evoked Potentials
                                    (MEP), Somatosensory Evoked
                                    Potentials (SSEP), Free Running EMG
                                    (electromyography) Direct Stimulation

[[Page 3216]]

Comparators......................  ALL Key Questions                       ALL Key Questions
                                    FDA approved devices or         Conservative care, non-
                                    materials (or in Phase III trials) as   operative care, usual care
                                    applicable to the KQ                    Devices or materials that
                                    Open and minimally invasive     are not FDA approved or in Phase III
                                    (e.g., endoscopic) procedures           trials (as applicable to the
                                   KQ 1                                     question) or not available in the
                                    Decompression alone             U.S.
                                   KQ 2                                     Mesenchymal stem cells
                                    Decompression and               (MSCs)
                                    instrumented posterolateral spinal     KQ 1
                                    fusion (e.g., using pedicle screws      Other surgical procedures
                                    alone)                                 KQ 2, 3
                                   KQ 3                                     Non-instrumented fusion,
                                    Decompression and               Instrumentation prior to
                                    instrumented spinal fusion using        2000
                                    autograft                               Coflex, interspinous
                                   KQ 4                                     fixation
                                    No use of IONM                 KQ 3
                                                                            Combinations of graft
                                                                            materials with autograft
Outcomes.........................  ALL Key Questions                       ALL Key Questions
                                    Validated measures for pain     Measures of pain, function
                                    and symptoms                            that are not validated
                                   [cir] Pain (e.g., VAS)                   Measures/outcomes not listed
                                   [cir] Function (e.g., ODI)               Radiographic parameters
                                   [cir] Quality of Life (e.g., SF-36, SF-  (e.g., evidence of global spinal
                                    12)                                     alignment)
                                    Peri- and post-operative
                                    harms (including serious AEs/harms,
                                    persistent pain, sacro-iliac joint
                                    pain, instrument failure)
                                   Additional outcomes by KQ
                                   KQ 1: Reoperation rates
                                   KQ 2: Fusion (arthrodesis) rates
                                   KQ 3: Fusion (arthrodesis) rates
                                   KQ 4: Persistent neurological damage
                                    based on clinical exam (e.g., foot
Timing...........................  Key Questions 1-3                       KQ 1
                                    Pain, function, reoperation:    Re-operation beyond 12
                                    3, 6 and >=12 months (up to 60          months
                                    months)                                KQs 1-3
                                    Reoperation-any time (KQ 2):    Outcomes measured less than
                                    Harms: any time                 3 months (except harms)
                                   KQ 4                                    KQ 4
                                    Any time during post-           Alerts and responses to
                                    operative followup                      alerts during surgery
Settings.........................  ALL Key Questions                       .....................................
                                    Inpatient care followed by
                                    care in specialty and primary care
                                    Outpatient ambulatory surgery
Study designs....................  ALL Key Questions                       ALL Key Questions
                                    RCTs for effectiveness/         NRSI that do not control for
                                    efficacy outcomes                       confounding
                                    FDA SSED if there is            NRSI that include historical
                                    inadequate information from published   controls
                                    studies                                 NRSI of treatment with fewer
                                    Studies published in 2000 or    than 50 patients per treatment arm
                                    later                                   Case reports, case-series,
                                   KQ 1-3: NRSIs will be considered for     single-arm and pre-post studies
                                    harms only and must be specifically     Publication types:
                                    designed to evaluate/report on AE/      Conference abstracts or proceedings,
                                    harms and control for confounding and   editorials, letters, white papers,
                                    focused on rare or long-term harms.     citations that have not been peer-
                                   KQ 4: NRSIs on effectiveness and harms   reviewed, single site reports of
                                                                            multi-site studies
                                                                            Studies published prior to
                                                                            Studies not in English
                                                                           KQ 1-3
                                                                            Trials with fewer than 15
                                                                            patients per treatment arm
Serious adverse events are defined as events that are life-threatening or require additional medical attention.
  AE = adverse event; ALIF = anterior lumbar interbody fusion; DLS = degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis; EQ-
  5D = EuroQol 5D scale; FDA = Food and Drug Administration; IONM = intraoperative neurological monitoring; KQ =
  Key Question; LLIF = lateral lumbar interbody fusion; MCID = minimum clinically important difference; NRSI =
  nonrandomized studies of intervention; ODI = Oswestry Disability Index; RCT = randomized controlled trial; RMD
  = Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire; SSED = Summary of Safety and Effectiveness Data; SF-36/12 = Short
  Form 36 or 12 questionnaire; TLIF = transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion; U.S. = United States; VAS = visual
  analog scale.

KQ 5 and 6: Questions on Non-Surgical Procedures for Chronic Low Back 
Pain Due To Degenerative Spine Disease

    Key Question 5. In adult patients with chronic low-back pain (>=3 
months) resulting from degenerative disease what are the benefits and 
harms of lumbar epidural steroid injections, intra-articular (facet) 
injection, medial branch blocks, or radio frequency ablation?
    Key Question 6. In adult patients with chronic low-back pain (>=3 
months) resulting from degenerative disease of the lumbar spine, does 
symptomatic improvement to therapeutic challenge with lumbar epidural 
steroid injections, intra-articular (facet) injection, medial branch 
blocks or radio frequency ablation predict positive outcomes after 
lumbar fusion surgery?
    Special populations and factors for Key Questions 5 and 6: Age, 
sex, BMI, presence of psychological comorbidities, presence of medical 
comorbidities, baseline pain severity, presence and type of concomitant 
degenerative lumbar spine disease, presence and severity of DLS.

[[Page 3217]]

    Table 2--EPC Proposed PICOTS and Corresponding Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria: Key Questions 5 and 6 on
          Specific Procedures in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain Due To Degenerative Spine Disease
                                                  Inclusion                              Exclusion
Population.......................  KQ 5, 6                                 KQ 5, 6
                                    Adult patients with chronic     Patients with acute or
                                    low-back pain (>=3 months duration)     subacute LBP
                                    resulting from degenerative disease     Patients with disc
                                                                            Patients with failed back
                                                                            surgery syndrome
                                                                            Sacroiliac pain
                                                                            Patients having reoperation
Interventions....................  KQ 5, 6                                 KQ 5, 6
                                    Epidural steroid injections     Discoblock, provocative
                                    (ESI)                                   discography
                                    Intra-articular (facet)         Neuromodulation (e.g.,
                                    injections                              spinal cord, dorsal column, dorsal
                                    Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)   root stimulation, peripheral nerve
                                    Medial branch blocks            stimulation)
                                                                            Injections: exclude other
                                                                            biologics (e.g., PRP), intradiscal
                                                                            Minimally invasive lumbar
                                                                            decompression (MILD), percutaneous
                                                                            Selective nerve root blocks
                                                                            Intraosseous basivertebral
                                                                            nerve ablation
                                                                            Combinations of procedures;
                                                                            Studies evaluating additive benefits
                                                                            of one procedure with another
Comparators......................  KQ 5                                    KQ 5, 6
                                    Other nonoperative treatment,   Combinations of procedures;
                                    no treatment, sham                      Studies evaluating additive benefits
                                   KQ 6                                     of one procedure to another
                                    No therapeutic challenge;      KQ 5
                                    (prognostic/predictive modeling         For ESI, exclude comparison
                                    study)                                  with disc procedures (e.g.,
                                                                            discography); comparisons of
                                                                            For RFA exclude comparisons
                                                                            of different types of neurotomy
                                                                            (conventional vs. pulsed [cooled]
                                                                            RF; RF vs. alcohol ablation)
Outcomes.........................  KQ 5 and 6: Harms (e.g., serious peri-  KQ 5, 6
                                    procedural and post-procedural harms)   Measures of pain, function
                                   KQ 5                                     that are not validated
                                    Validated measures for pain     Measures/outcomes not listed
                                    and symptoms
                                   [cir] Pain (e.g., VAS, NRS)
                                   [cir] Function (e.g., ODI)
                                   [cir] Quality of Life (e.g., SF-36,
                                   KQ 6
                                    Response to challenge:
                                    Improvement in symptoms vs. non-
                                    improvement; [stratify other outcomes
                                    by response]
                                    Validated measures for pain
                                    and symptoms following fusion surgery
                                   [cir] Pain (e.g., VAS, NRS)
                                   [cir] Function (e.g., ODI)
                                   [cir] Quality of Life (e.g., SF-36, SF-
                                   [cir] Symptoms associated with neural
                                    Successful arthrodesis [as
                                    radiographically determined via x-ray/
                                    computed tomography or by proxy
                                    (e.g., lack of revision, pedicle
                                    screw loosening)]
Timing...........................  KQ 5 and 6
                                    Serious harms--periprocedural
                                   KQ 5
                                    3-month and 6-month periods
                                    following the procedure
                                   KQ 6
                                    Outcomes measured at 3, 6 and
                                    >=12 months after surgical procedure
                                    (up to 24 months)
Settings.........................  KQ 5
                                   KQ 6
                                    Outpatient care for
                                    therapeutic challenge. Inpatient care
                                    followed by care in specialty and
                                    primary care clinics for surgical
                                    Outpatient ambulatory surgery
                                    centers for surgery

[[Page 3218]]

Study designs....................  KQ 5                                    KQ 5, 6
                                    RCTS for effectiveness/         NRSI that do not control for
                                    efficacy outcomes                       confounding
                                    Prospective NRSIs that          NRSI that include historical
                                    control for confounding will be         controls
                                    considered for effectiveness in the     NRSI with fewer than 50
                                    absence of RCTs                         patients per treatment arm
                                    NRSIs for harms must be         Case reports, case-series,
                                    specifically designed to evaluate/      single-arm and pre-post studies
                                    report on serious AE/harms and that     Publication types:
                                    control for confounding OR focused on   Conference abstracts or proceedings,
                                    rare or long-term harms                 editorials, letters, white papers,
                                   KQ 6                                     citations that have not been peer-
                                    Predictive/prognostic           reviewed, single site reports of
                                    modeling studies evaluating the         multi-site studies
                                    association of procedure response       Studies not in English
                                    impact on outcomes that control for
Serious adverse events are defined as events that are life-threatening or anything needing additional medical
  attention. AE = adverse event; DLS = degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis; EQ-5D = EuroQol 5D scale; ESI =
  epidural steroid injection; FDA = Food and Drug Administration; IONM = intraoperative neuro monitoring; KQ =
  Key Question; LBP = low back pain; MCID = minimum clinically important difference; NRSI = nonrandomized
  studies of intervention; ODI = Oswestry Disability Index; RCT = randomized controlled trial; RF =
  radiofrequency ablation; RMD = Rolland-Morris Disability Questionnaire; SSED = Summary of Safety and
  Effectiveness Data; SF-36/12 = Short Form 36 or 12 questionnaire; VAS = visual analog scale.

    Dated: January 7, 2025.
Marquita Cullom,
Associate Director.
[FR Doc. 2025-00548 Filed 1-13-25; 8:45 am]

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