Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Status for the Florida Manatee and Endangered Status for the Antillean Manatee, 3131-3160 [2025-00467]
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
(1) A copy of the current cleaning
plan and previous versions;
(2) The dates, duration, and
completion status of equipment and
area cleaning each time a cleaning plan
is executed;
(3) Implementation records
documenting the initial date of cleaning
plan implementation; and
(4) Documentation that instruction
has been provided to potentially
exposed persons whose job function
includes cleaning plan implementation
or whose job function requires them to
be present in a regulated area where a
cleaning plan could be executed.
(d) Retention. Owners or operators
must retain the records required in
paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section
for five years from the date that such
records were generated.
[FR Doc. 2024–30931 Filed 1–13–25; 8:45 am]
Administration for Children and
45 CFR Parts 205, 260, 261, and 263
RIN 0970–AC97
Strengthening Temporary Assistance
for Needy Families (TANF) as a Safety
Net and Work Program; Withdrawal
Administration for Children
and Families (ACF), HHS.
ACTION: Proposed rule; withdrawal.
This document withdraws a
proposed rule that was published in the
Federal Register on October 2, 2023.
The proposed rule would have amended
the Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families (TANF) program regulations to
strengthen the safety net and reduce
administrative burden.
DATES: The Administration for Children
and Families is withdrawing the
proposed rule published October 2,
2023 (88 FR 67697) as of January 14,
Office of Family Assistance, ACF, at
TANFquestions@acf.hhs.gov or 202–
401–9275. Deaf and hard of hearing
individuals may call 202–401–9275
through their chosen relay service or
711 between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Eastern
Administration for Children and
Families (ACF) published a notice of
proposed rulemaking (NPRM) related to
the administration of TANF in the
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with PROPOSALS
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Federal Register on October 2, 2023 (88
FR 67697). The NPRM proposed to (1)
establish a ceiling on the term ‘‘needy’’;
(2) clarify when an expenditure is
‘‘reasonably calculated to accomplish a
TANF purpose’’; (3) exclude as an
allowable TANF maintenance-of-effort
(MOE) expenditures cash donations
from non-governmental third parties
and the value of third-party in-kind
contributions; (4) ensure that excused
holidays match the number of Federal
holidays, following the recognition of
Juneteenth as a Federal holiday; (5)
develop new criteria to allow States to
use alternative Income and Eligibility
Verification System (IEVS) measures; (6)
clarify the ‘‘significant progress’’ criteria
following a work participation rate
corrective compliance plan; and (7)
clarify the existing regulatory text about
the allowability of costs associated with
disseminating program information.
However, upon further consideration,
the Department has elected to withdraw
the Strengthening TANF as a Safety Net
and Work Program Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking published in the Federal
Register on 10/02/2023, effective
January 14, 2025. The Department
appreciates the more than 7,000
comments received from State agencies,
advocates and a broad range of
additional stakeholders. In making the
decision to withdraw the NPRM, the
Department continues to recognize the
importance of rulemaking to ensure that
TANF funds are used in a manner
consistent with statutory requirements.
However, the Department has
determined that it could benefit from
additional public input and
consideration on a set of issues relating
to allowable TANF spending before
adopting a final rule. With the time left
in this Administration, the Department
is focusing on other matters, including
implementing the TANF provisions of
the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023,
and it is not feasible to solicit additional
public comments. The Department has
concluded that withdrawing the NPRM
will assure agency flexibility in reexamining and exploring options and
alternatives with stakeholders in the
future prior to developing an NPRM that
could draw from this additional
stakeholder engagement. For these
independently sufficient reasons, the
Department is withdrawing this NPRM.
The NPRM published on October 2,
2023, is hereby withdrawn.
Dated: January 7, 2025.
Xavier Becerra,
Secretary, Department of Health and Human
[FR Doc. 2025–00537 Filed 1–13–25; 8:45 am]
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Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[Docket No. FWS–R4–ES–2024–0050;
RIN 1018–BH60
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Threatened Status for the
Florida Manatee and Endangered
Status for the Antillean Manatee
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Proposed rule.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), propose to
list the two subspecies of the West
Indian manatee, the Florida manatee
(Trichechus manatus latirostris) and the
Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus
manatus), under the Endangered
Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act).
We have conducted status reviews for
the two subspecies, and, as a result, we
are proposing to list the Florida manatee
as a threatened species with protective
regulations under section 4(d) of the Act
(‘‘4(d) rule’’), and the Antillean manatee
as an endangered species, under the
Act. These two listings would replace
the current threatened species listing of
the West Indian manatee (Trichechus
manatus). This determination also
serves as our 12-month findings on two
petitions and as our completed 5-year
review of the West Indian manatee. If
we finalize this rule as proposed, it
would remove the West Indian manatee
from the Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife (List), add the
Florida manatee and Antillean manatee
to the List, and extend the Act’s
protections to the Florida manatee and
Antillean manatee.
DATES: We will accept comments
received or postmarked on or before
March 17, 2025. Comments submitted
electronically using the Federal
eRulemaking Portal (see ADDRESSES,
below) must be received by 11:59 p.m.
eastern time on the closing date. We
must receive requests for an additional
public hearing, in writing, at the address
CONTACT by February 28, 2025.
Public informational meeting and
public hearing: On February 26, 2025,
we will hold a public informational
meeting followed by a public hearing
from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Eastern-Standard
time (6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Atlantic-Standard
time). For more information, see Public
Hearing, below.
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
You may submit comments
by one of the following methods:
(1) Electronically: Go to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov. In the Search box,
enter FWS–R4–ES–2024–0050, which is
the docket number for this rulemaking.
Then, click on the Search button. On the
resulting page, in the panel on the left
side of the screen, under the Document
Type heading, check the Proposed Rule
box to locate this document. You may
submit a comment by clicking on
(2) By hard copy: Submit by U.S. mail
to: Public Comments Processing, Attn:
FWS–R4–ES–2024–0050, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, MS: PRB/3W, 5275
Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041–
We request that you send comments
only by the methods described above.
We will post all comments on https://
www.regulations.gov. This generally
means that we will post any personal
information you provide us (see
Information Requested, below, for more
Availability of supporting materials:
Supporting materials, such as the
species status assessment report, are
available on the Service’s website at
https://www.fws.gov/species/manateetrichechus-manatus, at https://
www.regulations.gov at Docket No.
FWS–R4–ES–2024–0050, or both.
Public hearing: We will hold a virtual
public informational meeting followed
by a public hearing on this proposed
rule using the Zoom online video
platform and teleconference. For more
information, see Public Hearing, below.
Basili, Deputy State Supervisor, Florida
Ecological Services Office, 7915
Baymeadows Way, Suite 200,
Jacksonville, FL 32256–7517; telephone
904–731–3079; or Lourdes Mena, Field
Supervisor, Caribbean Ecological
Services Field Office, P.O. Box 491,
Boqueron, PR 00622; telephone 352–
749–2462. Individuals in the United
States who are deaf, deafblind, hard of
hearing, or have a speech disability may
dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to
access telecommunications relay
services. Individuals outside the United
States should use the relay services
offered within their country to make
international calls to the point-ofcontact in the United States. Please see
Docket No. FWS–R4–ES–2024–0050 on
https://www.regulations.gov for a
document that summarizes this
proposed rule.
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Executive Summary
Why we need to publish a rule. The
Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) defines the
term ‘‘species’’ as including any
subspecies of fish or wildlife or plants,
and any distinct population segment of
any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife
which interbreeds when mature. Under
the Act, a species warrants listing if it
meets the definition of an endangered
species (in danger of extinction
throughout all or a significant portion of
its range) or a threatened species (likely
to become an endangered species within
the foreseeable future throughout all or
a significant portion of its range). If we
determine that a species warrants
listing, we must list the species
promptly and designate the species’
critical habitat to the maximum extent
prudent and determinable. We have
determined that the Florida manatee
meets the Act’s definition of a
threatened species, and the Antillean
manatee meets the Act’s definition of an
endangered species; therefore, we are
proposing to list them as such. We
proposed to revise and/or designate
critical habitat for the Florida manatee
and Antillean manatee in a recent
Federal Register publication (89 FR
78134). Listing a species as an
endangered or threatened species can be
completed only by issuing a rule
through the Administrative Procedure
Act rulemaking process (5 U.S.C. 551 et
What this document does. We
propose to list the two accepted
subspecies of the West Indian manatee,
the Florida manatee (Trichechus
manatus latirostris) and the Antillean
manatee (Trichechus manatus
manatus), under the Act. We would list
the Florida manatee as a threatened
species covered by the ‘‘blanket’’
protective regulation at 50 CFR 17.31(a)
(‘‘blanket 4(d) rule’’), and the Antillean
manatee as an endangered species.
These two separate listings would
replace the current threatened species
listing of the West Indian manatee
(Trichechus manatus). Therefore, if we
finalize this action as proposed, we
would list both of the accepted
subspecies of the West Indian manatee,
and therefore all of Trichechus
manatus, but with a different listing
status for each subspecies (threatened
species status for the Florida manatee
with the blanket 4(d) rule, and
endangered species status for the
Antillean manatee).
The basis for our action. Under the
Act, we may determine that a species is
an endangered or threatened species
because of any of five factors: (A) The
present or threatened destruction,
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modification, or curtailment of its
habitat or range; (B) overutilization for
commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (C) disease or
predation; (D) the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E)
other natural or manmade factors
affecting its continued existence. We
have determined that the Florida
manatee is threatened throughout its
range due to the following primary
threats: watercraft collisions, habitat
loss (including seagrass loss) and
modification from coastal development,
unusual mortality events, natural
processes (including cold weather
events and harmful algal blooms),
human interactions, loss of warm-water
refugia, and climate change. We have
also determined that the Antillean
manatee is endangered throughout its
range due to the following primary
threats: watercraft collisions, habitat
loss (including seagrass loss) and
modification from coastal development,
natural processes like harmful algal
blooms, human interactions, poaching,
low genetic diversity, and climate
Information Requested
We intend that any final action
resulting from this proposed rule will be
based on the best scientific and
commercial data available and be as
accurate and as effective as possible.
Therefore, we request comments or
information from other governmental
agencies, Native American Tribes, the
scientific community, industry, or any
other interested parties concerning this
proposed rule. We particularly seek
comments concerning:
(1) The species’ biology, range, and
population trends, including:
(a) Biological or ecological
requirements of either subspecies,
including habitat requirements for
feeding, breeding, and sheltering;
(b) Genetics and taxonomy;
(c) Historical and current range,
including distribution patterns and the
locations of any additional populations
of either subspecies;
(d) Historical and current population
levels, and current and projected trends;
(e) Past and ongoing conservation
measures for either subspecies, their
habitats, or both.
(2) Threats and conservation actions
affecting either subspecies, including:
(a) Factors that may be affecting the
continued existence of either
subspecies, which may include habitat
modification or destruction,
overutilization, disease, predation, the
inadequacy of existing regulatory
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
mechanisms, or other natural or
manmade factors;
(b) Biological, commercial trade, or
other relevant data concerning any
threats (or lack thereof) to either
subspecies; and
(c) Existing regulations or
conservation actions that may be
addressing threats to either subspecies.
(3) Additional information concerning
the historical and current status of
either subspecies.
(4) Information to assist with applying
or issuing protective regulations under
section 4(d) of the Act that may be
necessary and advisable to provide for
the conservation of the Florida manatee.
In particular, we seek information
(a) The extent to which we should
include any of the Act’s section 9
prohibitions in the 4(d) rule for the
Florida manatee; and
(b) Whether we should consider any
additional or different exceptions from
the prohibitions in the 4(d) rule for the
Florida manatee.
Please include sufficient information
with your submission (such as scientific
journal articles or other publications) to
allow us to verify any scientific or
commercial information you include.
Please note that submissions merely
stating support for, or opposition to, the
action under consideration without
providing supporting information,
although noted, do not provide
substantial information necessary to
support a determination. Section
4(b)(1)(A) of the Act directs that
determinations as to whether any
species is an endangered or a threatened
species must be made solely on the
basis of the best scientific and
commercial data available.
You may submit your comments and
materials concerning this proposed rule
by one of the methods listed in
ADDRESSES. We request that you send
comments only by the methods
described in ADDRESSES.
If you submit information via https://
www.regulations.gov, your entire
submission—including any personal
identifying information—will be posted
on the website. If your submission is
made via a hardcopy that includes
personal identifying information, you
may request at the top of your document
that we withhold this information from
public review. However, we cannot
guarantee that we will be able to do so.
We will post all hardcopy submissions
on https://www.regulations.gov.
Comments and materials we receive,
as well as supporting documentation we
used in preparing this proposed rule,
will be available for public inspection
on https://www.regulations.gov.
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Our final determinations may differ
from this proposal because we will
consider all comments we receive
during the comment period as well as
any information that may become
available after this proposal. Based on
the new information we receive (and, if
relevant, any comments on that new
information), we may conclude the
Florida manatee is endangered instead
of threatened, that the Antillean
manatee is threatened instead of
endangered, or that either subspecies
does not warrant listing as an
endangered species or a threatened
species. In addition, we may change the
parameters of the prohibitions or the
exceptions to those prohibitions in the
protective regulations under section 4(d)
of the Act for the Florida manatee if we
conclude it is appropriate in light of
comments and new information
received. For example, we may expand
the prohibitions if we conclude that the
protective regulation as a whole,
including those additional prohibitions,
is necessary and advisable to provide for
the conservation of the subspecies.
Conversely, we may establish additional
or different exceptions to the
prohibitions in the final rule if we
conclude that the activities would
facilitate or are compatible with the
conservation and recovery of the
subspecies. In our final rule, we will
clearly explain our rationale and the
basis for our final decisions, including
why we made changes, if any, that differ
from this proposal.
Public Hearing
Section 4(b)(5) of the Act provides for
a public hearing on this proposal, if
requested. At this time, we have
preemptively scheduled a public
informational meeting and public
hearing on this proposed rule. We will
hold the public informational meeting
and public hearing on the date and at
the time listed above under Public
informational meeting and public
hearing in DATES. We are holding the
public informational meeting and public
hearing via the Zoom online video
platform and via teleconference so that
participants can attend remotely. The
use of a virtual public hearing is
consistent with our regulations at 50
CFR 424.16(c)(3).
For security purposes, anyone
intending to listen to and view the
hearing via Zoom, listen to the hearing
by telephone, or provide oral public
comments at the hearing by Zoom or
telephone must register in advance. For
information on how to register, or if you
encounter problems joining Zoom on
the day of the hearing, visit https://
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public-hearing. Registrants will receive
the Zoom link and the telephone
number for the public hearing.
Interested members of the public who
are not familiar with the Zoom platform
should view the Zoom video tutorials
(https://learnzoom.us/show-me) prior to
the public hearing.
The public hearing will provide
interested parties an opportunity to
present verbal testimony (formal, oral
comments) regarding this proposed rule.
The public hearing will not be an
opportunity for dialogue with the
Service, but rather a forum for accepting
formal verbal testimony. In the event
there is a large attendance, the time
allotted for oral statements may be
limited. Therefore, anyone wishing to
make an oral statement at the public
hearing for the record is encouraged to
provide a prepared written copy of that
statement to us through the Federal
eRulemaking Portal, or U.S. mail (see
ADDRESSES, above). There are no limits
on the length of written comments
submitted to us.
Reasonable Accommodation
The Service is committed to providing
access to the public hearing for all
participants. Closed captioning will be
available during the public hearing.
Participants will also have access to live
audio during the public hearing via
their telephone or computer speakers.
Persons with disabilities requiring
reasonable accommodations to
participate in the hearing should contact
the person listed under FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT at least 5 business
days prior to the date of the hearing to
help ensure availability. An accessible
version of the Service’s presentation
will also be posted online at https://
www.fws.gov/project/manatee-virtualpublic-hearing prior to the hearing (see
DATES, above). See https://www.fws.gov/
for more information about reasonable
accommodation. Finally, a full audio
and video recording and transcript of
the public hearing will be posted online
at https://www.fws.gov/project/manateevirtual-public-hearing after the hearing.
Previous Federal Actions
The Florida manatee (Trichechus
manatus latirostris), a subspecies of the
West Indian manatee, was listed as
endangered in 1967 (see 32 FR 4001,
March 11, 1967) under the Endangered
Species Preservation Act of 1966 (Pub.
L. 89–669; 80 Stat. 926). After adoption
of the Endangered Species Conservation
Act of 1969 (Pub. L. 91–135; 83 Stat.
275), the Florida manatee listing was
amended in 1970 to include the West
Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus)
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
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throughout its range, including in
northern South America (see 35 FR
8491, June 2, 1970). A December 2,
1970, amendment then added the
Caribbean Sea to the ‘‘Where found’’
information in the listing entry for the
West Indian (Florida) manatee, which
added the Antillean manatee to the
listing (see 35 FR 18319). The West
Indian manatee was subsequently
grandfathered into the List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
under the Act in 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531
et seq.). In 2017, the West Indian
manatee, including both subspecies,
was reclassified from endangered to
threatened (see 82 FR 16668, April 5,
On October 21, 2021, we received a
petition from Julio C. Colón requesting
that we list the Puerto Rico population
of the Antillean manatee as an
endangered distinct population segment
(DPS) and that we designate critical
habitat for this entity under the Act. The
petition provided substantial scientific
or commercial information indicating
that the petitioned entity may qualify as
a DPS, and we found that the petition
provided substantial information
regarding low genetic diversity and
isolation (Factor E) and boat collisions
(Factor E) that may be potential threats
to the Puerto Rico manatee population
(see 88 FR 70634, October 12, 2023).
On November 21, 2022, we received
a petition from the Center for Biological
Diversity (CBD) and others requesting
that we reclassify (uplist) the West
Indian manatee, including its
subspecies the Antillean manatee and
Florida manatee, as endangered species
under the Act. The petition presented
substantial information on the loss of
seagrass (Factor A) within the range of
the Florida manatee, as well as the
negative impacts of this factor to the
West Indian manatee’s viability (see 88
FR 70634, October 12, 2023).
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In response to the October 21, 2021,
and November 21, 2022, petitions, we
initiated a status review. To ensure that
status review was complete, we
requested new scientific and
commercial data and other information
regarding the West Indian manatee
throughout its range, including
information specific to the Puerto Rico
population of Antillean manatee, and
factors that may affect their status (88
FR 70634, October 12, 2023). This
document serves as our 12-month
findings for those two petitions.
Peer Review
Species status assessment (SSA)
teams prepared SSA reports for the
Florida manatee (Service 2024a, entire)
and Antillean manatee (Service 2024b,
entire). The SSA teams were composed
of Service biologists, in consultation
with other species experts. The SSA
reports each represent a compilation of
the best scientific and commercial data
available concerning the status of each
subspecies, including the impacts of
past, present, and future factors (both
negative and beneficial) affecting each
In accordance with our joint policy on
peer review published in the Federal
Register on July 1, 1994 (59 FR 34270),
and our August 22, 2016, memorandum
updating and clarifying the role of peer
review in listing and recovery actions
under the Act, we will solicit
independent scientific review of the
information contained in the Florida
manatee and Antillean manatee SSA
reports during the comment period for
this proposed rule.
I. Proposed Listing Determination
A thorough review of the taxonomy,
life history, and ecology of the Florida
manatee (Trichechus manatus
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latirostris) is available in its SSA report
(version 1.1; Service 2024a, pp. 17–33)
and of the Antillean manatee
(Trichechus manatus manatus) in its
SSA report (version 1.1; Service 2024b,
pp. 15–34).
West Indian manatees (manatees) are
large, herbivorous marine mammals
with short, paired flippers and a distinct
paddle-shaped tail. Adults average
about 3.0 meters (m) (9.8 feet (ft)) in
length and 400 kilograms (kg) (900
pounds (lb)) in weight, but they may
reach lengths of up to 4 m (13 ft) (Husar
1978, p. 1; Reynolds and Odell 1991, p.
38) and weigh as much as 1,620 kg
(3,570 lb) (Rathbun et al. 1990, p. 23).
The two subspecies appear similar,
share most common morphological
characteristics, and can typically only
be distinguished through skeletal
measurements or genetic analysis. A
difference commonly reported between
the two subspecies is size, with the
Florida manatee larger and heavier than
the Antillean manatee; however, sizes
do overlap (Converse et al. 1994, p. 427;
Wong et al. 2012, p. 5; CastelblancoMartı́nez et al. 2021, p. 7).
Manatees use a wide variety of
freshwater, estuarine, and marine
habitats for their survival as well as lifehistory needs (i.e., feeding and drinking,
traveling, resting, thermoregulation,
cavorting, mating, calving, and nursing).
Manatees feed on a variety of freshwater
and marine vegetation, as well as seek
out sources of fresh drinking water
when in marine and estuarine habitats.
Manatees tend to travel along the
waterward edges of beds of vegetation in
or near channels, and sometimes along
coastal beaches. Manatees often use
secluded canals, creeks, embayments,
and lagoons, particularly near the
mouths of rivers and sloughs, for
feeding, resting, cavorting, mating, and
Florida manatees are found in coastal
and inland waters in Florida yearround, regularly in Georgia and the
Carolinas, and in coastal Alabama and
Louisiana during warmer months;
vagrants can be found as far north as
Massachusetts and as far west as Texas
(see figure 1, above; Gunter 1941, p. 64;
Lowery 1974, p. 481; Domning and
Hayek 1986, p. 136; Fertl et al. 2005, p.
74; Beck 2015, unpubl. data). Florida
manatees are also known to travel to
and from the Bahamas, Cuba, and
Mexico (Odell et al. 1978, p. 289;
Alvarez-Alemán et al. 2010, p. 148;
Melillo-Sweeting et al. 2011, p. 505).
Antillean manatees are found in the
coastal waters of the Greater Antilles
(i.e., Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, and
Puerto Rico) and discontinuously along
the Gulf coast of Mexico, Caribbean
coast of Central and South America, and
Atlantic coast of South America as far
south as Bahia, Brazil (see figure 1,
above; Self-Sullivan and MignucciGiannoni 2012, p. 36). Except for rare
sightings, manatees are no longer found
in the Lesser Antilles (i.e., Caribbean
islands extending from the U.S. and
British Virgin Islands to Grenada)
(Lefebvre et al. 2001, p. 425). The few
individuals that have been reported for
the U.S. and British Virgin Islands,
Turks and Caicos, Cayman Islands, St.
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Maarten, Curacao, and Bonaire are
considered vagrant from nearby
populations (Service 2007, p. 27; SelfSullivan and Mignucci-Giannoni 2012,
p. 40).
Regulatory and Analytical Framework
Regulatory Framework
Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533)
and the implementing regulations in
title 50 of the Code of Federal
Regulations set forth the procedures for
determining whether a species is an
endangered species or a threatened
species, issuing protective regulations
for threatened species, and designating
critical habitat for endangered and
threatened species.
The Act defines an ‘‘endangered
species’’ as a species that is in danger
of extinction throughout all or a
significant portion of its range, and a
‘‘threatened species’’ as a species that is
likely to become an endangered species
within the foreseeable future throughout
all or a significant portion of its range.
The Act requires that we determine
whether any species is an endangered
species or a threatened species because
of any of the following factors:
(A) The present or threatened
destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range;
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(B) Overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
(C) Disease or predation;
(D) The inadequacy of existing
regulatory mechanisms; or
(E) Other natural or manmade factors
affecting its continued existence.
These factors represent broad
categories of natural or human-caused
actions or conditions that could have an
effect on a species’ continued existence.
In evaluating these actions and
conditions, we look for those that may
have a negative effect on individuals of
the species, as well as other actions or
conditions that may ameliorate any
negative effects or may have positive
We use the term ‘‘threat’’ to refer in
general to actions or conditions that are
known to or are reasonably likely to
negatively affect individuals of a
species. The term ‘‘threat’’ includes
actions or conditions that have a direct
impact on individuals (direct impacts),
as well as those that affect individuals
through alteration of their habitat or
required resources (stressors). The term
‘‘threat’’ may encompass—either
together or separately—the source of the
action or condition or the action or
condition itself.
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However, the mere identification of
any threat(s) does not necessarily mean
that the species meets the statutory
definition of an ‘‘endangered species’’ or
a ‘‘threatened species.’’ In determining
whether a species meets either
definition, we must evaluate all
identified threats by considering the
species’ expected response and the
effects of the threats—in light of those
actions and conditions that will
ameliorate the threats—on an
individual, population, and species
level. We evaluate each threat and its
expected effects on the species, then
analyze the cumulative effect of all of
the threats on the species as a whole.
We also consider the cumulative effect
of the threats in light of those actions
and conditions that will have positive
effects on the species, such as any
existing regulatory mechanisms or
conservation efforts. The Secretary
determines whether the species meets
the definition of an ‘‘endangered
species’’ or a ‘‘threatened species’’ only
after conducting this cumulative
analysis and describing the expected
effect on the species.
The Act does not define the term
‘‘foreseeable future,’’ which appears in
the statutory definition of ‘‘threatened
species.’’ Our implementing regulations
at 50 CFR 424.11(d) set forth a
framework for evaluating the foreseeable
future on a case-by-case basis, which is
further described in the 2009
Memorandum Opinion on the
foreseeable future from the Department
of the Interior, Office of the Solicitor
(M–37021, January 16, 2009; ‘‘MOpinion,’’ available online at https://
uploads/M-37021.pdf). The foreseeable
future extends as far into the future as
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and
National Marine Fisheries Service
(hereafter, the Services) can make
reasonably reliable predictions about
the threats to the species and the
species’ responses to those threats. We
need not identify the foreseeable future
in terms of a specific period of time. We
will describe the foreseeable future on a
case-by-case basis, using the best
available data and taking into account
considerations such as the species’ lifehistory characteristics, threat-projection
timeframes, and environmental
variability. In other words, the
foreseeable future is the period of time
over which we can make reasonably
reliable predictions. ‘‘Reliable’’ does not
mean ‘‘certain’’; it means sufficient to
provide a reasonable degree of
confidence in the prediction, in light of
the conservation purposes of the Act.
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Analytical Framework
The SSA reports document the results
of our comprehensive biological review
of the best scientific and commercial
data regarding the status of each of the
subspecies, including an assessment of
the potential threats to each subspecies.
The SSA reports do not represent our
decision on whether the subspecies
should be proposed for listing as an
endangered or threatened species under
the Act. However, they do provide the
scientific basis that informs our
regulatory decisions, which involve the
further application of standards within
the Act and its implementing
regulations and policies.
To assess the Florida manatee’s and
Antillean manatee’s viability, we used
the three conservation biology
principles of resiliency, redundancy,
and representation (Shaffer and Stein
2000, pp. 306–310). Briefly, resiliency is
the ability of the species to withstand
environmental and demographic
stochasticity (for example, wet or dry,
warm or cold years); redundancy is the
ability of the species to withstand
catastrophic events (for example,
droughts, large pollution events); and
representation is the ability of the
species to adapt to both near-term and
long-term changes in its physical and
biological environment (for example,
climate conditions, pathogens). In
general, species viability will increase
with increases in resiliency,
redundancy, and representation (Smith
et al. 2018, p. 306). Using these
principles, we identified each
subspecies’ ecological requirements for
survival and reproduction at the
individual, population, and subspecies
levels, and described the beneficial and
risk factors influencing the subspecies’
The SSA process can be categorized
into three sequential stages. During the
first stage, we evaluated the individual
subspecies’ life-history needs. The next
stage involved an assessment of the
historical and current condition of the
subspecies’ demographics and habitat
characteristics, including an
explanation of how the subspecies
arrived at its current condition. The
final stage of the SSA involved making
predictions about the subspecies’
responses to positive and negative
environmental and anthropogenic
influences. Throughout all of these
stages, we used the best available
information to characterize viability as
the ability of the subspecies to sustain
populations in the wild over time,
which we then used to inform our
regulatory decision.
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The following is a summary of the key
results and conclusions from the SSA
reports; each SSA report can be found
at Docket No. FWS–R4–ES–2024–0050
on https://www.regulations.gov.
Summary of Biological Status and
In this discussion, we review the
biological condition of each subspecies
and their resources, and the threats that
influence each subspecies’ current and
future condition, in order to assess each
subspecies’ overall viability and the
risks to that viability.
Species Needs
As mentioned above, manatees use a
wide variety of freshwater, estuarine,
and marine habitats for their life-history
needs (i.e., feeding and drinking,
traveling, resting, thermoregulation,
cavorting, mating, calving, and nursing).
For all life stages, manatees require
access to fresh water for drinking, travel
corridors during migration to reach
habitats needed for survival and
reproduction, and calm waters for
resting (Ortiz et al. 1999, p. 33; Deutsch
et al. 2003, entire; Flamm et al. 2005,
entire; Drew et al. 2012, p. 24; Favero
et al. 2020, p. 1670; Ross et al. 2020,
entire). For pregnant females, sheltered
backwaters with little disturbance are
required for parturition (Hartman 1979,
p. 110; Reynolds and Odell 1991, p. 51).
All manatee life stages require
appropriate forage and water
temperatures (Best 1981, p. 7; Irvine et
al. 1983, p. 323; Smith 1993, entire;
Rommel et al. 2001, p. 339; Rommel and
Caplan 2003, p. 343; Reich and Worthy
2006, p. 304; Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission (FWC) 2007,
p. 2; United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) 2010, p. 8; Allen et
al. 2018, p. 1931). Because seagrass is
one of the largest components of the
manatee’s diet in coastal areas, healthy
seagrass ecosystems are critical for the
species’ survival. Manatees
predominantly feed on seagrass in nearshore, shallow waters averaging 1 to 3
meters (3.3 to 9.8 ft) in depth (Smith
1993, p. 11). Salt marsh vegetation,
specifically smooth cordgrass (Spartina
alterniflora), is an important food source
for manatees in northeastern Florida,
Georgia, and South Carolina (Zoodsma
1991, pp. 54–61).
The Antillean manatee inhabits the
southern limits of the manatee’s
distribution; therefore, the subspecies is
tropical and does not face cold stress
risk. Florida manatees may exhibit
major shifts in distribution during
different times of the year largely due to
the subspecies being subtropical and
cold-intolerant. Because the Florida
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subspecies occurs in the northern limits
of the manatee’s range, it requires stable,
long-term sources of warm water, such
as natural springs, during colder months
in order to survive. These warm-water
sites buffer the lethal effects of cold
temperatures. Over half of Florida
manatees are known to use warm-water
discharges from power plants rather
than natural springs, thermal basins, or
other sites (Laist et al. 2013, p. 4; Valade
et al. 2020, p. 3). Florida manatees in
the southernmost parts of the range
depend primarily on industrial warmwater outfalls, while Florida manatees
in the northernmost parts of the range
rely almost exclusively on natural
springs (Laist et al. 2013, p. 4). An
ambient temperature of 68 degrees
Fahrenheit (°F) (20 degrees Celsius (°C))
has been identified as the threshold
when many Florida manatees seek out
warm-water refugia, although there is
considerable variability for individual
tolerance to cold and when individual
manatees begin to move toward warmer
waters (Deutsch et al. 2003, pp. 22–25).
Threats Analysis
There are many factors affecting the
viability of manatees; these factors
include habitat loss (including seagrass
loss) and modification from coastal
development, overutilization from
recreational disturbance by humans,
disease and predation, pollution and
harmful algal blooms, collisions from
boating, entrapment in water control
structures, loss of warm-water refugia,
poaching, entanglement in fishing gear
and marine debris, low genetic
diversity, and climate change. The
current and future primary influences
on the Florida manatee are watercraft
collisions, habitat loss (including
seagrass loss) and modification from
coastal development, unusual mortality
events (UME), natural processes
(including cold weather events and
harmful algal blooms), human
interactions, loss of warm-water refugia,
and climate change. The current
primary influences on the Antillean
manatee are watercraft collisions,
habitat loss (including seagrass loss) and
modification from coastal development,
natural processes like harmful algal
blooms, human interactions, poaching,
low genetic diversity, and climate
Watercraft Collisions
Collisions with watercraft are a
primary threat to both subspecies of the
manatee. Watercraft-related collisions
result in direct impacts to manatees in
the form of lethal and sublethal injuries,
can lead to orphaning dependent calves
of mothers that succumb to injuries, and
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can result in additional impacts to
reproduction. Collisions with watercraft
can occur rangewide anywhere
watercraft usage overlaps with
waterways accessible to manatees, and
manatees are particularly vulnerable to
collisions in shallow-water habitats
(Edwards et al. 2016, p. 8).
Within the United States, collisions
with watercraft have been identified as
the most significant anthropogenic
threat to Florida manatees (Runge et al.
2017, p. 37; Service 2023, p. 10),
causing fatalities, sublethal injuries, and
the orphaning of dependent calves
(Service 2023, p. 11). Ninety-six percent
of Florida manatees have scars from at
least one watercraft collision, and 25
percent of adults have scars from 10 or
more watercraft collisions (Bassett et al.
2020, entire). From 1990 through 2021,
watercraft-related collisions were the
most prevalent cause of death for
Florida manatees; during that time,
2,503 Florida manatee deaths (or 19.1
percent of all documented carcasses)
were attributed to watercraft-related
collisions. Both a potential increase in
the number of manatees and boaters
would lead to a greater number of
expected collisions (Martin et al. 2016,
pp. 43–44). There were 1,029,993 boats
registered in Florida as of 2022, and an
unknown number of out-of-State boats
were brought in by seasonal residents
and visitors. Florida has the highest
number of registered boats of any U.S.
State (FWC 2022, entire), and since
1990, the number of boats registered in
Florida has increased by more than 33
percent, even with the reduced
registrations accompanying the
economic recession that began in 2008.
The human population in Florida is
expected to grow by millions in the next
few decades (approximately 3 to 9
million more people by 2045; Rayer and
Wang 2020, entire). With an increasing
human population, the number of boats
in Florida waters is also expected to
increase, resulting in more
opportunities for watercraft-related
manatee injuries and deaths.
Watercraft collisions that kill or injure
manatees are a threat for the Antillean
manatee as well. However, current
information on watercraft collisions is
limited and variable for most of the
countries within the subspecies’ range.
This threat is likely widespread in
portions of the range near human
populations and has likely been
increasing in magnitude over the last
few decades and will continue to
increase into the future as motorboats
become more abundant.
In Puerto Rico, 43 years of manatee
mortality data from 1980 to 2022
indicate that a total of 54 manatees are
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known to have died due to watercraft
collisions (Mignucci-Giannoni et al.
2000, p. 192; Mignucci-Giannoni 2006,
p. 2; Puerto Rico Department of Natural
and Environmental Resources
(PRDNER) and Caribbean Manatee
Conservation Center (CMCC) 2022,
unpubl. data). This number represents
approximately 18 percent of the total
known mortality cases during that time
(54 out of 308), with a maximum of
seven manatees in 2021 and usually at
least one manatee per year.
Unfortunately, there appears to be a
recent increasing trend of watercraftrelated mortalities with three cases in
2020, seven in 2021 (highest on record),
and three in 2022. In Belize, watercraft
collisions are the predominant cause of
death, and strandings due to watercraft
collisions have been increasing over
recent decades (UNEP 2010, p. 22;
Galves et al. 2023, entire; Specially
Protected Areas and Wildlife Regional
Activity Center (SPAW–RAC) 2021, p.
20). In Mexico, watercraft-related
mortalities do not seem to be a
significant cause of manatee mortality,
and there was a recent (March 2020)
documentation of the first case in 20
years of a watercraft collision with a
healthy juvenile female manatee
(Castelblanco-Martı́nez et al. 2020, p.
14). In Brazil, increased boating
activities have resulted in both lethal
collisions with manatees and disruption
of manatee behavior (Self-Sullivan and
Mignucci-Giannoni 2012, p. 43).
Habitat Loss and Modification
Human activities have caused the loss
and alteration of manatee habitat used
for breeding, feeding, sheltering, and
seasonal migration. Seagrass, macroalgae, salt marsh, and freshwater
vegetation have been affected, leading to
significant losses of foraging habitat.
Human activities that can result in the
loss of aquatic vegetation as food
resources include dredging, filling,
boating, eutrophication, and coastal
development (Zieman and Zieman 1989,
pp. 88–96; Duarte 2002, p. 194; Orth et
al. 2006, p. 991; PRDNER 2008, entire;
PRDNER 2012, entire). Dredging directly
removes submerged aquatic vegetation
(SAV), and sediments suspended in the
water column during dredge and fill
activities cover adjacent SAV beds
(Zieman and Zieman 1989, pp. 88–89;
Auil 1998, p. 9). Boat groundings and
boat propellers scar seagrass beds when
boats navigate through seagrass beds in
water that is too shallow for the draft
(deepest point) of their boats, and even
if the areas can eventually recover, the
process can take many years (Sargent et
al. 1995, pp. 6, 28; Hallac et al. 2012,
entire). Additionally, excess nitrogen
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and phosphorus that enters the aquatic
system via septic systems, stormwater
runoff or outfalls, or industrial and
agricultural runoff can cause
eutrophication, which reduces the
amount of light available for
photosynthesis, which subsequently
may increase SAV mortality (Ralph et
al. 2007, pp. 571–577; Lapointe et al.
2020, p. 2). Coastal development can
have numerous negative impacts on
manatee habitat, including impacts on
tidal marsh and SAV. The most
significant impact development has on
tidal marsh is the direct conversion of
marsh to development, resulting in a
direct loss of habitat and forage.
In Florida, seagrass resources have
declined along the Atlantic coast since
2011, most notably in the 156-mile (mi)
(251-kilometer (km)) Indian River
Lagoon (IRL), which is considered an
important area for manatees in Florida
(Landsberg et al. 2022, p. 1). Loss of
seagrass is expected to have contributed
to the unusual mortality event in the
winter of 2020–2021 that affected IRL
populations (described below under
‘‘Unusual Mortality Events’’). Seagrass
declines have also been observed in
other locations in southeastern Florida
estuarine systems, including northern
and central Biscayne Bay. As of 2015,
Statewide mapping effort estimated 2.48
million acres of seagrass coverage in the
shallow coastal regions of Florida
(Yarbro and Carlson 2016, p. 5). While
there have been recent gains or stability
in seagrass coverage in many areas due
to improvements in water quality and
restoration, the total acreage of seagrass
in Florida today is less than half of what
it was in the 1950s (Yarbro and Carlson
2016, p. 3). During the winter of 2022–
2023, manatees from the upper IRL were
observed foraging in the central and
southern Mosquito Lagoon where
seagrass beds have been reported to be
in healthier condition, but to access
forage in that area, manatees are
traveling more than 20 miles (32
kilometers) from warm-water sites each
way. In addition, the St. Johns River
Water Management District (Saint Johns
River Water Management District
(SJRWMD) 2023, entire) reports some
improvement in the condition of the
seagrass in the IRL in 2023.
Anthropogenic activities that result in
the loss of seagrass also occur in Puerto
Rico. Although there are no estimates of
how much seagrass is needed to sustain
the manatee population in Puerto Rico,
seagrass abundance is not currently
considered a limiting factor for the
Antillean manatee population there
(Drew et al. 2012, p. 13). Within other
areas of the Antillean manatee’s range,
effects of habitat fragmentation from
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agriculture, development, resource
extraction, and boating contribute to
habitat loss. In Panama, manatee
distribution is apparently fragmented
because of discontinuous and likely
depleted habitat (Lefebvre et al. 2001, p.
442). In Colombia, Antillean manatees
have been cut off from important habitat
by highway construction activities since
the 1970s (Montoya-Ospina et al. 2001,
p. 127). Agriculture and development
have impacted coastal and estuarine
manatee habitat in Honduras (Cerrato
1993, in Lefebvre et al. 2001, p. 440;
UNEP 2010, p. 52), Costa Rica (UNEP
2010, p. 34), Jamaica (UNEP 2010, p.
55), Trinidad and Tobago (UNEP 2010,
p. 76), and Mexico and Belize (UNEP
2010, pp. 23, 58–59). In Cuba,
agricultural activities directly impacted
manatees when residues from sugar
processing killed eight manatees in 1981
and caused others to abandon Cuba’s
largest bay (UNEP 2010, p. 37).
Furthermore, resource extraction and
seagrass scarring pose a threat to
manatees in Guatemala (UNEP 2010, pp.
45–46), while in the northeastern
estuaries of Brazil, habitat destruction
and degradation of mangrove forests are
the main influencing factors for calf
strandings (Dos Santos-Medeiros et al.
2021, entire). We anticipate many of
these factors contributing to habitat
fragmentation and loss will continue to
act on both the Florida manatee and
Antillean manatee into the future.
Unusual Mortality Events
Per the Marine Mammal Protection
Act of 1972 (MMPA; 16 U.S.C. 1361 et
seq.), an ‘‘unusual mortality event’’
(UME) may be declared when there is a
stranding that is unexpected, involves a
significant die off of any marine
mammal population, and demands
immediate response (16 U.S.C.
1421h(9)). When a UME is declared by
the appropriate agency (for the manatee,
this agency is the Service), the event
will be investigated, and expertise
shared through the MMPA-established
Working Group on Marine Mammal
Unusual Mortality Events (WGMMUME)
(16 U.S.C. 1421c). In addition, funds
may be made available for response and
investigation through the UME
Contingency Fund (16 U.S.C. 1421d).
The first formally designated UME
affecting Florida manatees occurred in
1996, with the loss of 149 manatees due
to red tide toxicity (see ‘‘Pollution and
Red Tides,’’ below) associated with
brevetoxins (tasteless, odorless
neurotoxic compounds) (Bossart et al.
1998, p. 277). Since that time, there
have been several red tide-related UMEs
or ‘‘repeat mortality events’’ (RMEs), as
well as events in 2010 and 2011 (cold
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temperatures), 2013 (deaths associated
with a dietary shift or change in gut
flora), and an ongoing event that started
in December 2020 (starvation due to loss
of foraging habitat along the Atlantic
Coast of Florida) (Barlas et al. 2011, pp.
iii–vi; Hardy et al. 2019, p. 1).
Two of the most recent UME events
have occurred in the IRL area along
Florida’s Atlantic Coast. A
‘‘superbloom’’ event of phytoplankton
in 2011, followed by successive blooms
in 2016 and 2018, contributed to a
significant loss of seagrass in this
estuary (Martin et al. 2017, p. 5; Runge
et al. 2017, p. 21; Service 2023, p. 47).
During the winter of 2020–2021, the IRL
experienced a more substantial collapse
of almost all forage in Brevard County
and neighboring counties along the IRL
(Service 2023, p. 5; SJRWMD 2023,
unpublished data). This latest UME was
officially declared in March 2021, and
encompasses the area of the east coast
of Florida and the Lower St. Johns River
north of Putnam County (referred to as
the Atlantic Management Unit) (Service
2023, p. 5). The current UME is marked
by a significant increase in mortality
and morbidity, with affected animals—
of which an unusually large proportion
has been adults—showing similar signs
of malnutrition and starvation (Service
2023, p. 17). From December 1, 2020, to
September 27, 2024, a preliminary total
of 1,693 carcasses (from all causes of
death, including watercraft collisions,
starvation, unknown causes, etc.) have
been verified from the Atlantic
Management Unit (FWC Manatee
Mortality Database 2024, unpaginated).
During this same period, more than 210
Florida manatees were rescued for a
variety of causes, with UME-related
manatees in need of rescue
characterized by emaciation, sideways
swimming, or impaired lung function.
The long-term implications of this UME
to the Florida manatee population are
unknown and will take many years
post-event to assess. There are no
documented UMEs for the Antillean
Pollution and Harmful Algal Blooms
Exposure to contaminants in the
water may affect the immune response
of manatees to environmental stressors.
Pollution generated from agriculture,
human wastewater, oil and gas
production, and general urban runoff
contribute contaminants that are
discharged into waterways and become
integrated into sediments. Some
contaminants are concentrated near
industry and human population centers,
while others are distributed more
broadly in water.
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Florida manatees in areas with
widespread use of copper as an aquatic
herbicide have been found to have high
concentrations of copper in liver tissues,
which can lead to jaundice, and toxic
levels can lead to death (O’Shea et al.
1984, pp. 741, 746). Even Florida
manatees in less agricultural outfalls in
Citrus, Brevard, and Charlotte Counties
have demonstrated high copper
concentrations (O’Shea et al. 1984, pp.
742–743; Takeuchi et al. 2016, p. 447);
however, because manatees cover such
great distances in their routine
migrations, it is challenging to link
manatee bioaccumulation of copper to
specific locations.
Antillean manatees can be directly
and indirectly exposed to harmful
toxicants in waterways, which impacts
individuals’ overall body condition and
behavior. Exposure to these toxicants
can alter behavior, reduce immune
function and reproductive ability, and,
depending on the magnitude and
frequency of exposure, result in death.
Within the Antillean manatee’s range,
water pollution has been shown to
occur due to agricultural practices (e.g.,
cane cultivation), development, and
motorized boats (Corona-Figueroa et al.
2022, entire). These practices can
increase runoff (heavy metals,
pesticides, herbicides, etc.), which is
harmful to the subspecies and its
primary food source (i.e., sea grass).
Contaminants have been implicated in
the death of one Antillean manatee calf
in Puerto Rico (from a diesel spill), and
mortality associated with residues from
sugar processing may have also
occurred in Cuba (UNEP 1995, p. 23).
This contamination is considered a
rationale for Antillean manatees’
abandonment of Bahı́a de Nipe, Cuba’s
largest bay (UNEP 1995, p. 23). One
study from Mexico found metal
concentrations (arsenic, cadmium,
chromium, copper, lead, nickel, and
zinc) within Antillean manatee bones
higher than for most other marine
mammals globally, and significantly
different concentrations between the
sample from the Gulf of Mexico versus
the Mexican Caribbean samples
(Romero-Calderón et al. 2016, p. 9).
Despite this knowledge, metal toxicity
thresholds for the Antillean manatee are
Increases in nutrient and chemical
runoff may promote harmful algal
blooms (such as red tides) or damage
seagrass beds that manatees rely on for
a food source. During red tide events,
which occur primarily along Florida’s
Gulf Coast, phytoplankton (microalgae)
blooms and high concentrations of the
marine algae produce brevetoxins,
which can have debilitating or lethal
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effects on manatees and other aquatic
life. Observations of red tides and
accompanying fish kills have been
recorded in Florida and the Gulf of
Mexico since at least the 1800s (note
that fish kills plausibly caused by red
tides in the Gulf of Mexico have been
recorded since 1648), and have been
documented spreading via ocean
currents up the Atlantic Coast of the
United States to the Carolinas
(Steidinger 2009, p. 550; Fleming et al.
2011, p. 225). Brevetoxins can sicken or
kill animals, including humans, through
direct exposure in water, aerosolized
brevetoxins in the air, or
bioaccumulation up the food web
(Landsberg et al. 2009, p. 600;
Steidinger 2009, p. 550). Brevetoxins
can also be inhaled or ingested while
manatees are foraging in seagrass
communities, and brevetoxins may
reside in the sediments for extended
periods of time. Initiation of red tide
algal blooms occurs in offshore areas,
after which they are transported closer
to shore by upwelling ocean currents
(Weisberg et al. 2016, p. 116).
These red tide events occur in Florida
and the Gulf of Mexico, and for the
Florida manatee, these events have had
the greatest impacts in southwest
Florida (Lazensky et al. 2021, p. 1).
While marine algae have been reported
from Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, and
Jamaica (Steidinger 2009, pp. 550–551),
red tide algal blooms are not known to
be a significant threat to the Antillean
manatee throughout its range. However,
between 2018 and 2019 in Mexico, more
than 50 Antillean manatee deaths were
attributed to toxicity from algal blooms
within the wetlands in the Tabasco
region, but the algal species and cause
of the bloom were not identified
(Núñez-Nogueira and Uribe-López 2020,
p. 257). The magnitude, timing, and
frequency of harmful algal blooms may
change in the future with a changing
Human Interactions
The general threat from human
interaction is widespread throughout
both subspecies’ ranges and is
concentrated around human population
centers and heavily used recreation
sites. While it is known that interaction
with and harassment by humans can
cause manatees to alter their natural
behavior and habitat use, impacts at the
population level are not well
Potential overutilization of manatees
and their habitats for recreational
purposes may take place during viewing
activities conducted by commercial tour
operators and private citizens in the
southeastern United States, Belize, and
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Mexico, and is becoming more frequent
in Puerto Rico. People view manatees
from the water; from boats, kayaks,
paddleboards, and canoes; and from
shoreline areas. The presence of
motorized and nonmotorized watercraft
and swimmers can disturb manatees
and cause them to alter their habitat use,
potentially causing them to leave the
habitats on which they depend to fulfill
physiological needs (Buckingham et al.
1999, entire; Sorice et al. 2003, entire).
For the Florida manatee, this type of
activity may be most detrimental when
manatees are clustered at warm-water
aggregation areas necessary for survival
due to their sensitivity to cold.
Disturbance from recreation can also
cause manatees to alter behaviors such
as resting or nursing, and sometimes
could result in separation of mother/calf
pairs or interfere with reproduction or
socialization. There are also frequently
documented accounts of the public
touching, pursuing, and offering water
and food to manatees. Manatees may
become conditioned to these
interactions and thus alter their
behavior such that they may be attracted
to high human-use areas, posing
additional risk to manatees especially in
areas of high boat traffic. This further
exposes manatees to human-associated
threats such as watercraft collisions.
Within the Florida manatee’s range,
the types of human interaction can vary.
These include Florida manatee viewing
from the water or shoreline to
swimming with manatees. Human
interaction with manatees may result in
disruption of the manatee’s natural
behaviors (such as foraging, resting,
thermoregulating at warm-water sites,
and nursing and caring for their young)
and interfere with mating herds,
reproduction, or socialization behaviors.
Some human activities may discourage
Florida manatees’ use of, or result in
Florida manatees leaving, vital warmwater habitats necessary for their
survival. For the Florida manatee, the
highest levels of human interaction
often occur during the winter months,
when hundreds of manatees aggregate at
warm-water sites, and effects from
disturbance can be particularly
detrimental due to the manatee’s
physiological need for warmth. During
the rest of the year, many of the same
types of human interactions occur at
some level throughout the subspecies’
range, but the magnitude of impact of
these interactions is not well
understood. For example, areas that are
frequented by Florida manatees in
South Carolina have become
increasingly more well known and
attract people to view the manatees;
therefore, human interaction with
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
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Florida manatees does not occur only in
Florida. Many times, these viewing
opportunities are passive, but there have
been reports of people touching,
feeding, providing water to, swimming
with, or trying to ride on manatees.
There is evidence that Antillean
manatees are facing similar human
interaction pressures throughout their
range. In Puerto Rico, interaction with
manatees by kayak and paddleboard
users, divers, and swimmers occurs in
several popular beach and coastal
recreational areas. There is at least one
case in Puerto Rico in which a person
may have separated a newborn calf from
its mother and the calf had to be
rescued. In Swallow Caye, Belize,
manatees stopped visiting suitable
manatee habitat in 1992 after swimwith-the-manatee programs were
allowed without proper control (Auil
1998, p. 12). In Costa Rica, manatees
appear to avoid areas of high-quality
habitat during the day when they are
frequented by boats (UNEP 2010, p. 34).
In Mexico, there is concern over the
increased boat-based tourism that
targets manatees and dolphins within
the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve
(Catesblanco-Martı́nez et al. 2019,
entire). Specific information is lacking
for other range countries, but Antillean
manatees are likely influenced by
human interactions wherever their
populations overlap with areas of
human use. It is likely the threat of
overutilization of manatees and their
habitats will continue in the future and
increase in areas with higher human
Historically, manatees were harvested
for a variety of purposes including meat;
bones for weapons, medicine, and
artisanal crafts; hides; oil for cooking;
and fat for candle-making (Lefebvre et
al. 2001, p. 426; UNEP 2010, pp. 12, 31,
40; Marsh et al. 2011, p. 264; SelfSullivan and Mignucci-Giannoni 2012,
pp. 42–45). Now, they are primarily
hunted for their meat (Jiménez 2002, p.
276). Manatees are particularly
susceptible to overexploitation because
of their low reproductive rates, and
poaching continues to pose a serious
threat to some Antillean manatee
populations, especially in those areas
where few manatees remain (Lefebvre et
al. 2001, p. 12).
In the past, poaching has been
responsible for declining numbers
throughout much of the Antillean
manatee’s range (in 17 of 20 range
countries; Thornback and Jenkins 1982,
as cited in Lefebvre et al. 2001, p. 426).
Poaching is still common in areas where
enforcement is lacking or where local
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people are unaware of laws in place to
protect Antillean manatees (UNEP 2010,
entire; Marsh et al. 2011, p. 386). In
general, the actual level of poaching is
not well-documented throughout the
Antillean manatee’s range. Poaching is
currently not considered a threat in
Puerto Rico, but it is still considered a
primary threat to Antillean manatees in
Cuba (Alvaréz-Alemán et al. 2021,
entire) and Guatemala (MachucaCoronado et al. 2023, entire). Poaching
is not considered a threat to the Florida
Cold Stress and Loss of Warm-Water
The manatee is a subtropical species
that has little tolerance for cold. Cold
stress is not known to affect Antillean
manatees because they inhabit warmer
subtropical waters. However, for the
Florida manatee, past and potential
future losses of natural and humanmade warm-water habitat coupled with
cold stress constitute a major threat to
this subspecies (Runge et al. 2017, p. 26;
Valade et al. 2020, p. 2).
Manatees are characterized as having
low metabolism and poor insulation,
which inhibit their ability to retain heat
and thermoregulate (Irvine 1983, entire;
Worthy et al. 2000, p. 3; Rommel et al.
2001, p. 339; Bossart et al. 2002, p. 45;
Rommel et al. 2002, p. 3; Hardy et al.
2019, p. 2; Martony et al. 2019, p. 86).
The likelihood of cold stress is highest
where water temperatures are colder or
have greater fluctuations (e.g., shallower
water depths), as well as in areas with
limited warm-water or foraging habitat.
Cold stress is only an immediate threat
during winter but impacts to the overall
health and fitness of individuals are
likely to carry over after cold weather
has passed (Walsh et al. 2005, entire).
The magnitude of this threat varies
annually depending on the severity of
the winter. Cold temperatures limit the
northern extent of the Florida manatee’s
winter range and restrict the available
wintering sites to areas mostly in
peninsular Florida, although
anthropogenic thermal discharges have
extended the winter range of the Florida
manatee and altered its distribution in
Florida waters (Laist and Reynolds
2005a, p. 740).
Florida’s natural springs have seen
substantial declines in flows and water
quality, and many springs have been
altered (i.e., dammed, silted in, or
otherwise obstructed) to the point they
are no longer accessible to manatees
(Laist and Reynolds 2005b, p. 287;
Taylor 2006, pp. 5–6; FWC 2007, p. 10).
Flow declines are largely attributable to
demands on aquifers (spring recharge
areas) for potable water or other users
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such as agriculture (Marella 2014, pp.
1–2). Declining flows can result in fewer
usable warm-water sites for wintering
manatees, both in terms of thermal
quantity and quality.
In Florida, manatees are known to
utilize 67 primary and secondary warmwater sites, including 10 power plants,
23 springs and spring complexes, and
34 passive thermal basins (Valade et al.
2020 pp. 2–3, 25–30). Groundwater
seeps, haloclines, solar radiation,
thermal inertia, and biodegradation
provide the source of heated water for
passive thermal basins (Stith et al. 2012,
entire; Laist et al. 2013, p. 1). Industrial
outfalls are the primary warm-water
sites most heavily used in the two
largest Florida winter management units
(Southwest and Atlantic), while Florida
manatees in the two smallest and more
northerly winter management units (i.e.,
Upper St. Johns River and Northwest)
rely almost exclusively on natural
springs (Laist et al. 2013, p. 4). If power
plant outflows in the Southwest and
Atlantic management units are lost, or
have reduced or unpredictable flows,
manatees that winter at such sites
would have to overcome their strong
site fidelity and shift their distribution
south in order to convert to using
passive thermal basins and warm
ambient waters in southern Florida, or
they would have to move north to
utilize the springs in the Upper St.
Johns River and Northwest winter
management units. Experience with
disruptions at sites has shown that some
manatees can adapt to minor changes at
these sites; during temporary power
plant shutdowns, manatees have been
observed to use less-preferred nearby
sites when an alternate warm-water
source was not provided at the primary
The potential loss of warm water at
natural springs, passive thermal basins,
and power plants in Florida is a
significant threat to the subspecies, as
more individuals would be susceptible
to lethal and sublethal effects of cold
stress (Service 2001, entire; Laist and
Reynolds 2005a, 2005b, entire; Service
2007, entire; Runge et al. 2017, entire).
Loss of warm-water sites has the
potential to influence population
dynamics enough to significantly
increase the risk of population quasiextinction (Runge et al. 2017, p. 26).
However, severity and timing of these
losses and their effect on populations
are uncertain. In the future, warm-water
refugia loss is likely to continue to be a
threat to the Florida manatee and will
increase over time.
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
Low Genetic Diversity
Low genetic diversity has been
identified in Antillean manatee
populations in Puerto Rico, Belize,
Brazil, Mexico, Panama, and Cuba
(Hunter et al. 2010, entire; Nourisson et
al. 2011, p. 833; Hunter et al. 2012,
entire; Dı́az-Ferguson et al. 2017, pp.
383–384; Alvarez-Alemán 2019, pp.
103, 115; Luna et al. 2021, entire). Low
genetic diversity likely exists elsewhere
across the Antillean subspecies’ range,
and genetic diversity is likely lower the
more isolated a population is.
Additional research is needed to
understand whether low genetic
diversity leads to reduced fitness or
poses an imminent threat to manatee
populations. When genetic diversity is
substantially reduced or slowly eroded
over time through loss of individuals, it
can lead to an extinction vortex, which
results in an inbreeding feedback loop
and can lead to extinction (Nordstrom et
al. 2023, p. 2). There is no evidence that
low genetic diversity is an issue for the
Florida manatee.
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Climate Change
Climate change impacts are likely to
influence the viability of manatees in
several ways, including temperature
increases, sea level rise, fluctuations in
ocean chemistry, hydrological cycle
deviations, and changes in timing and
intensity of tropical storms, as well as
extreme cold events. These large-scale
impacts may lead to habitat changes,
increased algal blooms, and new threats
from diseases (Edwards 2013, pp. 727,
735; Marsh et al. 2017, entire; Osland et
al. 2020, entire). The synergism of these
factors will affect manatee health and
habitat, and potentially reduce the
future range of each subspecies.
More than 90 percent of the excess
heat accumulated in the climate system
between 1971 and 2010 has been stored
in the ocean, particularly near the
surface (Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) 2014, pp. 40–42;
IPCC 2019, p. 9). The upper ocean (0–
700 m, or 0–2,297 ft) has warmed since
the 1970s due to human-caused carbon
dioxide emissions (IPCC Sixth
Assessment Report Summary for
Policymakers (AR6 SPM) 2021). The
ocean will continue to warm throughout
the 21st century, and the strongest
warming is predicted to occur in
tropical regions and Northern
Hemisphere subtropical regions (IPCC
2014, p. 60). Increasing ocean
temperatures will affect estuarine and
freshwater systems, seagrass, and other
forage plant communities by influencing
photosynthetic rates and biomass,
changes in plant communities and
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growth of competitors, changes in
aspects of life history, or shifts in
distribution if physiological tolerances
are exceeded (Short and Neckles 1999,
pp. 172–175; Bjork et al. 2008, pp. 21–
23). Influences can be both positive
(e.g., possible increased photosynthesis
and growth from increased carbon) and
negative (e.g., increased growth of
competitive algae and epiphytes that
shade seagrass and reduce growth)
(Short and Neckles 1999, pp. 172–175;
Bjork et al. 2008, pp. 21–23). Increased
temperatures can also increase stress on
plants, decreasing growth and
reproduction and resulting in less forage
for manatees (Marsh et al. 2017, p. 343).
An increase in temperature will likely
decrease the frequency and intensity of
cold weather events, which in turn
would decrease Florida manatees’
exposure to cold stress and may reduce
the time they spend at warm-water sites.
However, these changes may not
completely eliminate mortality events
from cold weather (Osland et al. 2020,
pp. 3, 13). Conversely, manatees in
tropical regions may reach upper
thermal tolerances due to rising water
temperatures (Marsh et al. 2017, p. 336).
Due to the projected sea level rise
(SLR) associated with climate change,
coastal systems and low-lying areas will
increasingly experience submergence,
coastal flooding, and coastal erosion
(IPCC 2014, p. 17). In response to SLR
and other climate change impacts, many
terrestrial, freshwater, and marine
species have shifted their geographic
ranges, seasonal activities, and
migration patterns (IPCC 2014, p. 4).
Increases in sea level have been
occurring throughout the southeastern
Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United
States, and the overall magnitude of SLR
in the region has been slightly higher
than the global average (Mitchum 2011,
p. 9). At various locations in Florida,
SLR has averaged about 3.0 millimeters
(mm) (0.12 inches (in)) per year since
the early 1990s (Ruppert 2014, p. 2).
The amount of SLR that will occur in
the future will depend largely on the
rate of anthropogenic greenhouse gas
emissions and associated warming. Salt
marshes may be able to persist with SLR
by either floodwater sedimentation or
through landward migration. However,
future SLR is expected to shift available
habitat farther inland (in some cases
closer to developed areas) or the habitat
will be lost all together. Coastal tidal
marshes are threatened by this ‘‘coastal
squeeze,’’ the combination of SLR rise
and a physical barrier that prevents the
landward migration of marshes
(Martinez et al. 2014, p. 180).
Regarding fluctuations in ocean
chemistry, rising carbon dioxide levels
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will directly impact seagrasses and
other aquatic vegetation (Unsworth et al.
2019, p. 810). As carbon dioxide
increases in the atmosphere, it will
continue to increase in the ocean and
lead to a decrease in pH. Under elevated
carbon dioxide conditions, seagrass
growth rates will increase (Koch et al.
2013, p. 103). An additional
consequence of fluctuations in ocean
chemistry from climate change may be
harmful algal blooms. Increased ocean
temperatures will influence the range,
frequency, duration, size, and seasonal
window of opportunity for harmful algal
Hydrological cycle deviations are
another potential consequence of
climate change, with projections for
future precipitation trends suggesting
overall annual precipitation will
decrease in the southeastern United
States and Puerto Rico (Carter et al.
2014, p. 17; Khalyani et al. 2016, pp.
271–275; Bhardwaj et al. 2018, p. 145).
Similarly, uncertain predicted changes
in precipitation in Mexico, Central
America, and South America indicate
that the wet season could become drier,
and the dry season could become either
wetter or drier depending on the region,
but primarily drier along the Caribbean
coast of Central America and most of
South America (Vera et al. 2006, p. 4;
Karmalkar et al. 2011, pp. 622–626).
Climate change could intensify or
increase the frequency of drought
events. Frequency, duration, and
intensity of droughts are likely to
increase in the southeastern United
States where Florida manatees primarily
occur (Thomas et al. 2004, pp. 145–147).
Overall, the changes in rainfall patterns
will likely have a geographically uneven
impact on manatees.
Tropical cyclones, severe storms, and
dust storms will bring intense flooding
that may impact seagrasses and
manatees through increased runoff and
turbidity in coastal waters (Marsh et al.
2017, p. 343). Impacts to manatees from
tropical storms and hurricanes include
strandings, debris-related injuries,
individuals being swept off-shore or
exceedingly far inshore, entrapment in
isolated water bodies, and impacts to
forage (Langtimm and Beck 2003, entire;
Langtimm et al. 2006, entire; Langtimm
et al. 2007, p. 192; NOAA 2007, pp. 94–
96). The Florida manatee survival rate is
negatively correlated with more intense
hurricane seasons (Langtimm and Beck
2003, p. 262). Tropical storms,
hurricanes, and high tide flooding
events are already contributing to
increased Florida manatee rescues as
manatees are gaining access to areas that
were previously inaccessible, such as in
golf course ponds, in culverts, in
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stormwater retention areas, and behind
water control structures. In Puerto Rico,
tropical storms and hurricanes intensify
heavy surf, and at least one manatee calf
death was attributed to Hurricane
Hortense in 1996 (Service 2007, p. 33).
For the Antillean manatee, hurricane
events may have a greater impact on
some populations (Caribbean and Gulf
of Mexico) than on others (coast of
South America).
Other Influences
Disease and Predation: Numerous
infectious diseases and parasites have
been reported in manatees) (Owen et al.
2018, entire). Papillomaviruses can
infect individuals with suppressed
immune systems have been observed in
manatees and are believed to be spread
via contact (Bossart et al. 2002, entire;
Woodruff et al. 2005, entire; Halvorsen
and Keith 2008, p. 414). However,
papillomas (epithelial tumors) on
infected manatees are benign.
Toxoplasmosis has been identified in
the Florida manatee and the Antillean
manatee in Puerto Rico, but cases of the
disease and evidence of antibodies to
Toxoplasma gondii were rare in the
Puerto Rican population (Buergelt and
Bonde 1983, entire; Smith et al. 2016,
entire; Bossart et al. 2012, entire).
There is no evidence that predation is
a significant threat to the viability of
either the Florida manatee or the
Antillean manatee. There have been
documented interactions with sharks
and alligators on manatees, but these
instances are rare (Mou Sue et al. 1990,
p. 239; Marsh et al. 2011, p. 239). As
there is no evidence of predation being
a significant threat to either subspecies
of manatee, we do not anticipate this to
change in the future. However, impacts
from disease may increase over time if
manatees are under stress due to climate
Entanglement by Fishing Gear and
Marine Debris: Fishing gear, both active
and discarded, can kill or injure both
subspecies of manatee through either
entanglement (e.g., in nets, crab traps, or
monofilament line), ingestion (e.g.,
monofilament line, fishhooks, etc.), or
incidental capture (e.g., in inshore
recreational and commercial shrimp
trawls). Other marine debris not related
to fishing, like plastics, rope, wire,
sponges, balloons, etc., can pose an
issue for manatees (Reinert et al. 2017,
p. 418; Service Captive Manatee
Database 2024, unpaginated; Service
2020, pp. 2–3). Causes of death from
ingestion of marine debris include
intussusception (telescoping of the
intestine into itself) of the small
intestine and impaction, obstruction,
and perforation of the gastrointestinal
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tract (Beck and Barros 1991, p. 509;
Reinert et al. 2017, p. 418). Causes of
death from entanglement have included
secondary infection, drowning, and
being tethered to an immovable object
(Reinert et al. 2017, p. 418).
Drowning in fishery nets has occurred
but appears to be infrequent, with just
one instance of a manatee associated
with a recreational shrimp net between
2014 and 2018 (FWC Manatee Mortality
Database 2024, unpaginated). Incidental
captures of manatees by research groups
does occur and non-target manatees can
be caught during other rescue activities,
again with limited frequency, but
manatees are typically released
unharmed (Service 2020, p. 2). In 2019,
Florida manatees were reported to be
incidentally captured on at least 15
occasions (Service 2020, p. 2). Because
conservation actions have been
implemented, deaths from marine
debris are rare, and population
modeling efforts have determined that
marine debris (including entanglements
and ingestion of fishing gear) presents
only a low threat to the persistence of
the Florida manatee (Runge et al. 2015,
p. 16; 2017, p. 18).
Entrapment in Water Control
Structures: Water control structures
include flood gates that control water
movement and navigation locks that
allow vessel passages past dams and
impoundments, such as those associated
with the Caloosahatchee Waterway.
Water control structures and navigation
locks have historically posed a threat to
the Florida manatee. Between 1980 and
1999, an average of 6.6 Florida manatees
per year died in structure-related deaths
(FWC Manatee Mortality Database 2021,
Because of safety advances for water
control structures (discussed further
under Conservation Efforts and
Regulatory Mechanisms, below), these
structures are not currently considered
a major threat to the Florida manatee.
Most water control structures that may
impact Florida manatee have been
retrofitted with manatee protection
systems or mesh barriers, and these
structures implement standard
operating procedures to reduce impacts
to manatees. Information is not available
regarding the precise degree to which
water control structures pose a threat to
the Antillean manatee, but the best
available information indicates a few
manatee deaths are reported in Mexico,
Colombia, and Cuba due to dams and
water control structures. Water control
structures are not believed to currently
be a major threat to either subspecies of
manatee, and we do not anticipate this
threat to increase in the future because
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we assume that management actions to
prevent entrapment will continue.
Conservation Efforts and Regulatory
As described under Threats Analysis,
above, several factors can affect the
viability of manatees. Below, we
provide an overview of conservation
efforts, and regulatory mechanisms, and
recovery plans that address the threats
and provide benefits to manatees.
Watercraft Collisions
The primary conservation action to
reduce the risk of manatee injury and
death from watercraft collisions is the
establishment of protected areas that
restrict boat entry and limit vessel
speeds. The rationale behind speed
limits is that a slower speed allows both
manatees and boaters additional
response time to avoid a collision
(Calleson and Frohlich 2007, p. 297;
Rycyk et al. 2018, p. 956). Furthermore,
if an impact occurs, the degree of
trauma will generally be less if the
colliding boat is operating at slower
speed (Laist and Shaw 2006, p. 478;
Calleson and Frohlich 2007, p. 297).
For the Florida manatee, manatee
protection zones are a primary
conservation tool that has been
implemented to address this threat.
These zones, which have been
implemented in Florida at the Federal,
State, and local level, regulate boater
entry and speed in protected areas to
reduce risk to manatees and their
habitat. There are many different types
of protection zones, including idle- and
slow-speed areas, boater travel corridors
that allow higher speeds in deeper
channels, shoreline buffers, zones with
seasonal entry or speed limitations, nonmotorized areas, and no-entry areas
(FWC 2007, p. 148). Federal, State, and
local manatee protection speed zones
have been established in 27 Florida
For the Antillean manatee, some
countries have designated protected
areas to help reduce the impact of
watercraft collisions and other threats to
manatees. For example, Belize has three
protected areas created specifically to
safeguard manatee habitat: Swallow
Caye Wildlife Sanctuary, Corozal Bay
Wildlife Sanctuary, and Gales Point
Wildlife Sanctuary, as well as numerous
protected areas within coastal areas
(UNEP 2010, p. 24). Other countries,
including Brazil, the Dominican
Republic, Guatemala, and Mexico, have
also designated reserves specifically for
the conservation of manatees (UNEP
2010, pp. 28, 41, 47, 60).
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
Habitat Loss and Modification
To offset threats to seagrass in the
United States, including Puerto Rico, a
wide range of conservation efforts are
ongoing. These include the collective
efforts of the Service, U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers (USACE), Puerto Rico
Department of Natural and
Environmental Resources (PRDNER),
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), U.S. Coast
Guard, FWC, Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP),
Florida’s regional Water Management
Districts (WMDs), and others who are
working to avoid, minimize, and
mitigate project impacts on manatee
habitat. The development and
implementation of no-wake areas,
marked navigation channels, boat
exclusion areas, and standard manatee
construction conditions for marinas and
boat ramps are a few of the efforts
making a positive impact on
maintaining and protecting important
manatee habitat.
For the Florida manatee, habitat
degradation and loss from natural and
human-related causes are being
addressed through collective efforts to
improve overall water quality; minimize
construction-related impacts; minimize
loss of seagrass due to propeller scarring
and dock construction; and increase the
abundance of SAV, salt marsh, and
mangroves by restoring these habitats.
The Service, USACE, and NOAA, as
well as multiple State agencies
including FWC, FDEP, and regional
WMDs, review development permits to
identify potential impacts and develop
measures that will avoid, minimize, or
mitigate for direct and secondary
impacts. In addition, these agencies
have programs for increasing SAV, salt
marsh, and mangrove habitats through
restoration; restoring living shorelines;
and improving water quality. In
southwest Florida, spatial coverage of
seagrass increased by more than 12,000
ha between the 1980s and 2016 in six
assessed estuaries (St. Joseph Sound,
Clearwater Harbor, Tampa Bay, Sarasota
Bay, Lemon Bay, and Charlotte Harbor;
Tomasko et al. 2018, p. 1135). This
recovery was made possible by
conservation actions that limited
nutrient loads in the water, including
upgrading wastewater and stormwater
systems, as well as legislation regulating
discharged pollutants (Tomasko et al.
2018, pp. 1133–1135). Protected areas
where boat access is limited or
prohibited also protect manatee habitat
from direct threats from vessels, their
wakes, and other destructive activities.
Major habitat restoration efforts were
undertaken by Save Crystal River, Inc.,
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with financial backing by the State of
Florida and other sources. As part of
this effort to restore Kings Bay, a threepronged approach was instituted in the
area, consisting of: organic detritus/
muck removal; then replanting with
more salt-tolerant eelgrass variants
(‘‘Rock Star’’ and ‘‘Salty Dog’’), with the
initial plantings protected by herbivory
exclusion cages; and then maintenance
of the restoration site (Kramer 2020, pp.
1–4; Save Crystal River 2021, entire).
Over time, the plants have shown strong
growth and persistence, and have
expanded the vegetated area well
beyond the initial planting locations,
contributing to enhanced water clarity
in many parts of the bay. While water
clarity has improved, an added benefit
for manatees is that the SAV has
expanded nearer to natural spring sites,
resulting in reduced travel distances to
feed and less exposure to colder
ambient temperatures and boat traffic.
Current efforts to forestall reductions
in salt marsh habitat include reducing
impacts from coastal development
through the Federal and State
permitting process, mitigation for lost
salt marsh, and restoration efforts to
enhance and increase salt marsh habitat
(Radabaugh et al. 2017, pp. 139–141).
There are recovery efforts being made
to protect the Antillean manatee against
threats posed by habitat loss or
modification. In Puerto Rico, there have
been efforts to restore damaged habitat,
protect habitat by restricting boater
entry or speeds, and provide mooring
buoys to prevent anchorage (PRDNER
2012, entire). In Belize, three protected
areas were created specifically to protect
critical manatee habitat (Swallow Caye
Wildlife Sanctuary, Corozal Bay
Wildlife Sanctuary, and Gales Point
Wildlife Sanctuary), and more than 43
percent of the country’s protected areas
are within the coastal zone (UNEP 2010,
p. 24). Mexico has designated
significant special manatee protection
areas (UNEP 2010, p. 60). The
Dominican Republic and Guatemala
also have designated protected habitat
specifically for Antillean manatee
conservation, in addition to other
protected coastal and wetland areas that
are not protected specifically for
manatees (UNEP 2010, pp. 19–82;
Domı́nguez Tejo 2019, p. 6).
Some Antillean manatee habitat has
been protected in other range countries
including the Bahamas, Brazil,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, French
Guiana, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua,
Panama, Suriname, Trinidad and
Tobago, and Venezuela, although these
protected areas are not necessarily
protected or enforced to the benefit of
manatees specifically (e.g., Ramsar sites
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designated as wetlands of international
importance but without specific
management or planning to benefit
manatees) (UNEP 2010, pp. 19–82).
Pollution and Harmful Algal Blooms
Conservation measures associated
with harmful algal blooms include
rescue and treatment of affected
individuals, and efforts to reduce the
occurrence of harmful algal blooms in
cases where the drivers of blooms are
understood, which is not the case for
red tides caused by blooms of the
marine algae Karenia brevis. Although
there are no effective conservation
measures available currently to reduce
the impact of red tides themselves,
manatee rescue, care and treatment, and
release have aided in the rehabilitation
of numerous manatees suffering from
sublethal effects of brevetoxin exposure.
Between 2010 and 2022, 70 Florida
manatees have been rescued (7.7
percent of all rescues) for red tiderelated causes (FWC Manatee Mortality
Database 2024, unpaginated).
Many efforts are being undertaken to
address recurring algal blooms in
Florida, and specifically in the IRL. The
State of Florida, Indian River Lagoon
National Estuary Program (IRLNEP),
Brevard County, and many other
partners have funded and are
implementing a large number of projects
to improve the IRL’s health. The
initiatives are aimed at removing legacy
nutrient loads and reducing current
nutrient sources through the
implementation of stormwater
improvement projects, fertilizer bans,
septic to sewer conversions, dredging of
accumulated muck from the lagoon, and
restoration projects for oysters, clams,
and seagrass (Tetra Tech and
Closewaters, LLC 2021, entire; IRLNEP
2019, entire).
For the Antillean manatee, once the
manatee deaths in the Tabasco region
started to increase, the Mexican
government summoned a committee to
investigate the causes of death. While
brevetoxins have been reported from
Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, and
Jamaica (Steidinger 2009, pp. 550–551),
algal blooms are not known to be a
significant threat to the Antillean
manatee throughout its range. However,
between 2018 and 2019, more than 50
Antillean manatee deaths in Mexico
were attributed to toxicity from algal
blooms within the wetlands in the
Tabasco region, although the algal
species and cause of the bloom was not
identified (Núñez-Nogueira and UribeLópez 2020, p. 257). The magnitude,
timing, and frequency of harmful algal
blooms may change in the future with
a changing climate. Further, large mats
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of pelagic sargassum may impact
Antillean manatees’ respiratory, ocular,
and neurological functions.
Human Interactions
In Florida, where people currently
view manatees, numerous measures are
in place to prevent the take of manatees
due to disturbance from viewing-related
harassment. All waterborne activities
are prohibited in Federal manatee
sanctuaries and FWC or other State noentry zones; specific waterborne
activities may be restricted in Federal
manatee refuges and FWC nomotorized-vessel zones. Both the
Service and FWC promote and post
appropriate guidelines for Florida
manatee viewing through outreach via
social media and signage at public
viewing areas. Ecotourism is popular
throughout the State of Florida but
remains a significant concern due to
increasing demand for manatee-related
tourism, limited law enforcement
presence, and cumulative effects from
these activities on manatees especially
when the activities occur in the vicinity
of large manatee aggregations at warmwater sites.
Within the Crystal River National
Wildlife Refuge in Citrus County,
Florida, a special use permit system is
in place to govern commercial tours
within refuge waters. The permit system
ensures these activities occur with
proper education and viewing practices
in place. Federal and State designated
sanctuaries and protected areas keep
people out of sensitive manatee habitats
(i.e., warm-water sites), educated tour
guides are tasked with ensuring that
their customers do not harass manatees,
and many educational programs
prescribe appropriate measures to take
when in the presence of manatees.
Refuge staff, including law enforcement,
hold annual meetings with volunteers
and tour guides to provide updates on
manatee issues in the area and to review
proper manatee viewing practices. The
federally designated Kings Bay Manatee
Refuge regulates waterborne activities
that are disruptions to natural behaviors
such as resting, nursing, foraging,
mating, and socializing, and has
established speed zones for the
protection of manatees.
There is limited information available
about conservation measures that
address human interaction in many
range countries for the Antillean
manatee. In Puerto Rico, government
agencies and local nongovernmental
organizations have implemented
education and outreach strategies to
ensure that manatee harassment is
avoided and minimized by
concessionaires and others within
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manatee use areas. There has been an
increase in the type and number of
recreational activities where manatees
occur and, thus, an increase in the
scenarios where manatee harassment
occurs. In general, surveillance and
enforcement related to human
interactions with manatees is difficult
given the frequency and diversity of the
incidents. There are examples of similar
protected areas and use restrictions to
protect Antillean manatees in other
range countries from human
interactions. For example, at Swallow
Caye in Belize where manatees stopped
visiting suitable habitat after swim-withthe-manatee programs were allowed,
community groups and a local
conservation organization helped to
declare the area a wildlife sanctuary in
2002. The area is currently co-managed
between the Belize Forest Department
and a local conservation organization,
and manatees have returned to the area
(UNEP 2010, p. 23). In Mexico, several
workshops and meetings were
conducted with the local tourist
operators and the authorities within the
Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve
(Castelblanco-Martı́nez et al. 2019,
Loss of Warm-Water Refugia
As discussed under Threats Analysis,
above, cold stress does not tend to affect
Antillean manatees, because they
inhabit warmer subtropical waters.
Florida manatees during the colder
months may suffer from cold stress and
require human intervention. However,
for the Florida manatee, primary direct
conservation response to address cold
stress is rescue and treatment. Providing
care for cold-stressed manatees is
dependent on the public or other
entities reporting these distressed
manatees to FWC and other rescue
partners, as well as the availability of
experienced rescue personnel,
availability of rehabilitation space, and
other resources necessary to rescue,
transport, and provide treatment.
Consequently, only a small number of
individuals that need treatment for cold
stress are likely to be rescued and
Over the last 10 years (2014–2023),
close to 40 manatees have been rescued
outside of Florida, and most of those
rescues were the result of artificial
warm-water attractants (power plants,
pulp mills, and other industrial-related
outfalls that produce heated effluents in
manatee-accessible waters) that altered
manatee migratory behavior but where
the heated discharges were insufficient
to sustain manatees through the winter
(Service Manatee Database 2024,
unpaginated). When these situations
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occur, the Service works cooperatively
with the industrial partner to try to
mitigate those attractants.
Major spring restoration efforts have
occurred at Homosassa Springs, Three
Sisters Springs, Chassahowitzka Spring,
Ulele Spring, Fanning Springs, Manatee
Springs, and Warm Mineral Springs,
where sand bars and other obstructions
were removed to facilitate manatee
access to these areas (TNC 2015,
unpaginated; Valade et al. 2020, p. 17).
Restoration and shoreline stabilization
at Blue Spring (Volusia County), a major
natural warm-water site, is ongoing.
Because of sedimentation from human
activities, manatees could not access the
Warm Mineral Springs warm-water site
under certain low tide conditions (FWC
2019, pp. 16–17). Another site in
southwest Florida at Port of the Islands
is expected to be lost because of
hydrologic restoration in the Picayune
Strand as part of the Comprehensive
Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). In
response, a manatee warm-water
mitigation feature was built that
includes three deep pools that are
connected to the surficial aquifer and
hold warm saline groundwater for
manatee use. This site is being
monitored by researchers to evaluate
temperature conditions and manatee use
(FWC 2019, pp. 16–17).
The State of Florida’s WMDs are also
required to set minimum flows and
levels (MFLs) for aquifers, surface
watercourses, and other surface water
bodies. Minimum flows are required for
rivers, streams, estuaries, and springs in
Florida, which provide benefits to
manatees and help provide protection
for natural warm-water sites. The MFLs
created for each waterbody must
establish a limit that identifies a point
where further water withdrawals will be
harmful to the water resources or
ecology of the area; non-consumptive
and environmental values are
considered in this determination. After
an MFL is set, water use permits are
used to regulate and prevent
groundwater withdrawals that would
lower flows or levels that fall below the
MFL. MFL reviews typically occur on a
5-year cycle, and these levels ensure
adequate flows and require that
conservation measures be taken should
flows drop below targets. MFLs have
been completed for numerous
waterbodies including those important
for manatees, like Blue Spring (Volusia
County); Manatee and Fanning Springs
(Levy County); Weeki Wachee Spring
(Hernando County); Homosassa,
Chassahowitzka, and the Crystal River/
Kings Bay system (Citrus County);
DeLeon Springs (Volusia County); Silver
Glen Springs (Lake and Marion
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Counties); and Wakulla Springs
(Wakulla County).
Additional conservation actions
include the Service’s and FWC’s
coordination with the power-generating
companies in Florida, and through the
FDEP, manatee protection conditions
are incorporated into each facility’s
National Pollution Discharge
Elimination System permit. The Service
also coordinates with State and industry
partners to minimize any future
manatee losses from industrial site
reductions or closures by seeking shortterm alternatives and long-term
sustainable options for supporting
manatees without reliance on industrial
warm-water sources. In 2004, the Warmwater Task Force created the first
version of the Warm-water Habitat
Action Plan to address the expected loss
of warm-water habitat produced by
Florida power plants. The task force was
part of the Service’s Manatee Recovery
Team and consisted of representatives
of Federal and State wildlife agencies,
the power industry, recreational and
commercial boating interests, and
environmental organizations. The
Service and FWC finalized the Florida
Manatee Warm-water Habitat Action
Plan (Valade et al. 2020, entire), and this
document serves as the framework to
address the expected loss of industrial
warm-water habitat in the future. This
plan consists of seven main strategies
and sets forth both short-term and longterm measures to address one of the
most significant threats to the future
existence of the Florida manatee and the
recovery of the subspecies (Valade et al.
2020, entire).
WMDs and the USACE (Service 2023, p.
12). In response to these advances,
annual mortality has fallen to an average
of 4.2 manatees per year between 2000
and 2019 (FWC Manatee Mortality
Database 2024, unpaginated).
Water Control Structures
Water control structures are not
believed to be a major threat to the
Antillean manatee. However, advances
in manatee protection systems installed
on water control structures to prevent
Florida manatees from being crushed or
impinged have been largely successful.
Efforts to mitigate the negative effects of
these water control structures on
manatees are ongoing. In Florida, most
water control structures that are known
to have caused Florida manatee deaths
have been retrofitted with manatee
protection systems (Service 2023, p. 12),
including acoustic arrays and piezoelectric strips that reverse closing locks
or gates when they encounter a manatee.
In addition, mesh exclusion barriers are
used to prevent manatees from
accessing the recessed areas of
navigational locks. Risks at navigational
locks and water control structures have
been further reduced by the
implementation of standard operating
procedures developed by the Florida
Recovery Plans and Recovery Actions
Recovery and conservation actions for
the West Indian manatee are described
in the ‘‘UNEP Caribbean
Environment[al] Program’s Regional
Management Plan for the West Indian
Manatee’’ (UNEP 2010, entire) and in
national conservation plans for
countries outside the United States. The
UNEP plan identifies short- and longterm conservation and research
measures that should be implemented to
conserve the West Indian manatee. This
plan also includes an overview of
manatees within their range countries,
including descriptions of regional and
national conservation measures and
research programs that have been
implemented. Given the general lack of
information about the Antillean
manatee in most of its range countries,
the plan recommends that needed
research and the development of
common methodologies be prioritized
in concert with coordinated manatee
and manatee habitat protection efforts
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Entanglement by Fishing Gear and
Marine Debris
Conservation actions to reduce the
impact of this threat include rescue,
efforts to remove and keep discarded
fishing gear and debris out of the water,
and community outreach and education.
In addition, best management practices
have been provided by FWC and the
Service for some commercial fisheries
and research activities that have
included active tending of nets, limited
set times, location restrictions, and
reporting of entanglements and captures
of manatees during these activities.
Rescue activities have reduced
mortality associated with fishing gear,
which has likely contributed towards
recovery of the Florida manatee. Permits
related to in-water activities, such as
mooring fields, turbidity booms, and
other entangling materials, are reviewed
by FWC and Service staff, and
conditions to minimize or eliminate
entanglements are provided as specific
conditions to the issued permit. Derelict
crab trap removal, monofilament
recycling programs, and other coastal
cleanup efforts also aid in reducing the
threat to marine wildlife and
minimizing the number of
entanglements by removing gear from
the water. Extensive education and
outreach efforts increase awareness and
promote sound gear-disposal activities.
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(UNEP 2010, entire). Belize, Colombia,
Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, and
Trinidad have developed countryspecific manatee recovery plans as well
(UNEP 2010, p. 92).
Efforts to conserve manatees outside
the United States vary significantly from
country to country. Some countries,
including, but not limited to, Mexico,
Belize, Guatemala, Brazil, Dominican
Republic, and Cuba, are engaged in
efforts to assess the current status and
distribution of manatees. Many
countries also provide protections for
manatees and their habitats. A number
of governments have designated
manatee protection areas and have
developed or are developing
conservation plans (UNEP 2010, p. xiv).
National legislation exists for manatees
in all range countries, and many
countries have ratified their
participation in international
conventions and protocols that protect
manatees and their habitat (UNEP 2010,
p. xv). Other efforts to protect manatees
include education and outreach efforts,
and countries promote cooperation and
information exchanges.
Within the United States, the
Service’s Recovery Plan for the Puerto
Rico Population of the West Indian
(Antillean) Manatee (Service 1986,
entire), the South Florida Multi-Species
Recovery Plan (Service 1999, entire),
and the Florida Manatee Recovery Plan
(Service 2001, entire) identify recovery
and conservation actions for the two
subspecies. Actions common to all
plans include minimizing manatee
mortality and injury, protecting manatee
habitats, and monitoring manatee
populations and habitat.
The Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rico
population of the West Indian
(Antillean) Manatee (Service 1986,
entire) included three major objectives:
(1) To identify, assess, and reduce
human-related mortalities, especially
those related to gill-net entanglement;
(2) to identify and minimize alteration,
degradation, and destruction of
important Antillean manatee habitats;
and (3) to develop criteria and biological
information necessary to determine
whether and when to reclassify (either
delist or downlist) the Puerto Rico
population (Service 1986, p. 12). The
1986 plan also includes a step-down
outline that identifies two primary
recovery actions: (1) population
management, and (2) habitat protection.
The 1986 plan (Service 1986, entire)
does not establish quantitative recovery
criteria to describe a sustainable
population of manatees in Puerto Rico.
It does, however, direct the Service to
determine and satisfy the recovery
criteria that are based on mortality and
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abundance trends and a minimum
population size and to ensure that
adequate habitat protection and antipoaching measures are implemented
(Service 1986, Executive Summary).
Since the release of the 1986 plan,
initiated recovery actions have provided
substantial new knowledge about the
subspecies’ ecology and threats. Some of
these efforts apply to multiple tasks and
are helping to update conservation
information and tools that are applied
towards adaptive management and
education. Efforts include (but are not
limited to) the rescue, rehabilitation,
and release actions related to strandings
(led by PRDNER); aerial surveys;
identification of important manatee
habitats and resources in Puerto Rico;
and developing conservation measures
as part of project reviews.
The current Florida Manatee Recovery
Plan on October 30, 2001 (Service 2001,
entire) includes four principal
objectives: (1) Minimize causes of
Florida manatee disturbance,
harassment, injury, and mortality; (2)
determine and monitor the status of
Florida manatee populations; (3)
protect, identify, evaluate, and monitor
Florida manatee habitats; and (4)
facilitate Florida manatee recovery
through public awareness and
education. To help achieve these
objectives, the 2001 recovery plan
identifies 118 recovery implementation
tasks. Since the release of the 2001
recovery plan, initiated recovery actions
have provided substantial new
knowledge about the subspecies’
ecology and threats. Some of these
efforts apply to multiple tasks and are
helping to update conservation
information and tools that are applied
towards adaptive management and
education. The delisting criteria for
maintaining spring flows and protecting
warm-water refugia have not yet been
Recovery actions are also
implemented during technical
assistance and project review. Any
action or project with a Federal nexus
(e.g., Federal funds, permits, or actions)
will require a consultation with the
Service under section 7 of the Act.
During the consultation process, the
Service identifies conservation
measures to avoid and minimize
possible effects of proposed actions or
projects. Each year, we review
numerous projects pertaining to the
manatee (e.g., dredging, dock and
marina construction, coastal
development, marine events (i.e., highspeed boat races), and underwater and
beach unexploded ordnance). The
Service has developed guidelines
specific to Puerto Rico for Antillean
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manatee conservation measures. For
example, we have worked with the U.S.
Coast Guard to develop and implement
standard permit conditions for boat
races, such as observer protocols.
Regulatory Mechanisms
Because the Florida manatee is a
subspecies of the West Indian manatee,
its conservation has benefited from a
number of Federal, State, and local
laws. The species is federally protected
in the United States, including Puerto
Rico, under the Act and the MMPA. In
addition to the consultation procedures
under section 7 of the Act, the Clean
Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) and
Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16
U.S.C. 661–666c) provide regulatory
mechanisms for interagency
consultation associated with projects,
and these reviews may result in habitat
protection for the subspecies. The boat
facility siting strategies in the 16 county
manatee protection plans are a major
component of the section 7 consultation
process under the Act. Manatee
protection plans (MPPs) are Federal,
State, and local agreements designed to
help direct future boat facility
development away from the highest
manatee use areas on a county-specific
Critical habitat for the Florida
manatee was designated in 1976 (see 41
FR 41914, September 24, 1976, and 42
FR 47840, September 22, 1977). This
designation identified specific
waterways in Florida that were
historically known to support high
concentrations of Florida manatees at
that time. In 2010, the Service
concluded that revisions to critical
habitat for the Florida manatee were
warranted and that future updates to
this designation would need to
encompass the most recent studies of
distribution, habitat use, and habitat
requirements (75 FR 1574, January 12,
2010). We proposed to revise the critical
habitat designation for the Florida
manatee and to designate critical habitat
for the Antillean manatee in a separate
Federal Register publication (89 FR
In addition to the Act, within the
continental United States, Puerto Rico,
and U.S. Virgin Islands, the MMPA and
State and Commonwealth laws and
regulations provide protections for
Florida and Antillean manatees. Under
the MMPA, the primary objective of
marine mammal management is to
maintain the health and stability of the
marine ecosystem (16 U.S.C. 1361(6)).
Service regulations implementing the
MMPA restrict the taking, possession,
transportation, selling, offering for sale,
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and importing of all marine mammals
(50 CFR part 18).
In addition to the Federal protections
discussed above, the Florida manatee is
protected at the State level in Florida.
The first State protection of manatees in
Florida was established in 1893 when
hunting was prohibited, and a State law
was instituted in 1907 that imposed a
$500 fine and/or 6 months in prison for
killing or molesting a manatee. The first
manatee protection areas were
established in 1979 (FWC 2007, p. 179).
The subspecies is protected under the
Florida Endangered and Threatened
Species Act (see Florida Statutes at
section 379.2291) and the Florida
Manatee Sanctuary Act of 1978 (see
Florida Statutes at section 379.2431(2)).
At the species level, the West Indian
manatee (Trichechus manatus) is listed
as endangered on the State marine
endangered and threatened species list
(see Florida Administrative Code at
section 68A–27.0031).
Within Florida, the Florida Manatee
Sanctuary Act of 1978 provides
significant protections, including
authority for the regulation of manatee
protection zones in manatee habitat and
the development of county-specific
MPPs. In establishing the Florida
Manatee Sanctuary Act, Florida
declared the entire State a refuge and
sanctuary for manatees and called for
the protection of manatees from injury,
disturbance, harassment, or harm. The
Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act also
allows for the enforcement of boat
speeds and operations in areas where
manatees have been frequently seen and
where the best scientific information
supports that manatees inhabit the areas
on a regular basis.
Manatee protection plans are
comprehensive county-wide manatee
protection strategies that are developed
cooperatively and agreed to by the
county, FWC, and the Service.
Important aspects of MPPs include boat
facility siting recommendations and
associated predictability for permitting,
habitat protection policies, education
programs, and coordinated law
enforcement efforts with a plan for
Manatee protection plans are also
addressed in the Florida Manatee
Sanctuary Act and the Florida Manatee
Recovery Plan. In 1989, the Florida
Governor and Cabinet provided a
directive that identified 13 ‘‘key’’
counties that needed to develop MPPs
and described what conservation
measures should be incorporated into
these plans. In 2002, the Florida
Legislature amended the Florida
Manatee Sanctuary Act to include the
requirement for MPPs in these 13 key
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counties. Furthermore, deadlines were
set up for completion of these plans and
criteria for approval. MPPs have also
been established in other counties.
Federal and State agencies have made
the effort to mitigate the loss of warmwater habitat in Florida by providing
regulatory measures to protect spring
flows, supporting spring restoration
efforts, and working cooperatively with
industry to maintain important artificial
warm-water sources while regional
warm-water networks are established to
support the manatee population. In
some areas of Florida, local
governments have also adopted
protection measures, including local
speed zones that provide benefits to
manatees (see appendix B of the SSA
report (Service 2024a, pp. B71–B79)).
In other parts of its range, the Florida
manatee is listed under State laws. For
each State listed here, the listed entity
is the West Indian manatee rather than
the Florida subspecies, but the Florida
subspecies is the only subspecies
known to regularly occur in these
States. The West Indian manatee is
listed as endangered under State law in
Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina
(when present in inland waters),
Mississippi, and Virginia. The species is
listed as threatened under State law in
Louisiana and Texas. Alabama does not
have a State law that designates species
as either endangered or threatened, but
West Indian manatees are a protected
species under the State’s Protected
Nongame Species Regulation (Alabama
Administrative Code at section 220–2–
.92(1)(e)). In addition to protections
from take and harassment, Louisiana
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
(LDWF) also conducts some boater
awareness by posting manatee signs at
boat launches in Southern Louisiana.
The Georgia Department of Natural
Resources (GADNR), in coordination
with the USACE, requires permanent
manatee education signs to be posted at
all boat launches, marinas, and
community docks in tidal waters;
GADNR also requires temporary signs
and other standard conditions for inwater work in tidal waters and marshes.
The Antillean manatee in Puerto Rico
is also protected by Commonwealth
laws and regulations (see appendix B of
the SSA report (Service 2024b, p. 35)).
A number of international
environmental agreements provide
protections for the West Indian manatee
or its habitat, such as the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES; March 3, 1973, 27 U.S.T. 1087);
Convention for the Protection and
Development of the Marine
Environment of the Wider Caribbean
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Region (WCR or Cartagena Convention;
adopted on March 24, 1983, and entered
into force on October 11, 1986);
Cartagena Convention’s Protocol
Concerning Specially Protected Areas
and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider
Caribbean Region (adopted on January
18, 1990, and entered into force on June
18, 2000); Convention on Biological
Diversity (1992); International
Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships (MARPOL
Convention; adopted on November 2,
1973); and United Nations Law of the
Sea Convention (UNCLOS; 1982).
Further, multiple international treaties
and agreements provide protections for
the Antillean manatee throughout its
range including the UNEP Regional
Management Plan for the West Indian
Manatee (Trichechus manatus) and
manatee protection ordinance. For
additional information on existing
regulatory protections for the manatee,
please refer to appendix D of the SSA
report (Service 2024b, pp. 137–139).
While regulatory mechanisms should
be effective and consistent across the
two subspecies’ ranges, the extent and
overall effectiveness of these regulatory
protections to the subspecies and their
habitats vary from country to country.
Lack of enforcement remains a critical
issue for the Antillean manatee (UNEP
2010, p. 89; Marsh et al. 2011, p. 387),
and despite having laws in place, illegal
activities such as poaching and
destruction of habitat still occur (SelfSullivan and Mignucci-Giannoni 2012,
p. 41). In Puerto Rico, for example,
PRDNER has indicated that current
speed regulatory buoys are ineffective,
in part because regulations do not
identify the perimeter or area that each
buoy regulates (Service 2017, p. 16695).
Although some efforts may be having a
positive impact on manatee recovery,
enforcement and compliance will
require significant cooperative efforts
and funding, particularly with
regulations and enforcement to avoid
and minimize watercraft collisions and
habitat degradation.
Cumulative Effects
We note that, by using the SSA
framework to guide our analysis of the
scientific information documented in
the SSA reports, we have analyzed the
cumulative effects of identified threats
and conservation actions on both
subspecies. To assess the current and
future condition of each subspecies, we
evaluate the effects of all the relevant
factors that may be influencing the
subspecies, including threats and
conservation efforts. Because the SSA
framework considers not just the
presence of the factors, but to what
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degree they collectively influence risk to
the entire subspecies, our assessment
integrates the cumulative effects of the
factors and replaces a standalone
cumulative-effects analysis.
Current Condition—Florida Manatee
Viability of the Florida manatee is
best understood by describing
resiliency, redundancy, and
representation (see Analytical
Framework, above). Maintaining
sufficiently resilient populations across
the range of a species increases the
ability of that species to adapt to natural
selection processes, increasing the
chances that the species will persist in
a changing world (Service 2016, pp. 12–
13). We delineated resiliency units
within each representative unit to serve
as the basis for this status assessment.
We use the term ‘‘resiliency unit’’ rather
than population to be clear that
delineated units do not necessarily align
with biological populations. While we
used the concept of biological
populations as a guide in delineating
these units, there were cases where
information was lacking about
connectivity and barriers to connectivity
between groups of manatees, or where
data availability necessitated assessing
units at different scales. These
delineations were based on a number of
factors including connectivity and
dispersal patterns, site fidelity, seasonal
differences in distribution, ecological
differences, and the scale of data
availability. There are five
representative units for the West Indian
manatee, and the Florida manatee is
contained within one representative
unit (see Current Condition—Antillean
Manatee, below, and section 4.1.1 of the
Florida manatee SSA report for more
details (Service 2024a, pp. 64–67)).
The Florida manatee was
characterized at two seasonal scales to
assess resiliency: one based on warm
season distribution (also called warm
season coastal resiliency units) and one
based primarily on cold season
distribution (also called winter
management units) (see figure 2, below).
Warm season coastal resiliency units
include the Gulf and East Coast units as
well as the freshwater tributaries
flowing into the two units. Cold season
distribution is based on four Florida
winter management units: Northwest,
Southwest, Atlantic, and Upper Saint
Johns River (see chapter 4 of the SSA
report (Service 2024a, pp. 63–94)).
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
Based on the assessment of current
demographic and habitat needs for the
Florida manatee, three winter
management units (Northwest,
Southwest, Upper St. Johns River) have
high resiliency and one winter
management unit (Atlantic) has
moderate resiliency (see table 1, below).
Scaled to warm season coastal resiliency
units, the Gulf Coast exhibits high
resiliency, and the East Coast exhibits
moderate resiliency. Forage conditions
and availability of warm-water habitat
for the Florida manatee are currently in
good condition for three of the four
winter management units. The
exception is the Atlantic winter
management unit, where the forage-
driven UME affected resiliency in the
unit from 2021–2023. While the longterm implications of this UME to the
Florida manatee population are
unknown, the population trend for the
Atlantic winter management unit was
tentatively assessed as low, leading to
an overall resiliency of low for this
recent two-year period. The Atlantic
winter management unit has the highest
estimated abundance of Florida
manatees, as calculated from the 2021–
2022 Statewide abundance survey in
Florida (Gowan et al. 2023, p. 7),
indicating a large number of manatees
were being affected by the loss of forage
and degraded conditions in this unit.
[Service 2024a, pp. 93–94]
Management Unit:
Northwest ....................
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1,270 (790–1,840) .............
High ...............
Good ..............
Good ..............
Good ..............
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To measure the current resiliency of
the Florida manatee, we first analyzed
and scored four condition factors: (1)
population trend, (2) regional foraging
habitat condition, (3) winter foraging
habitat condition, and (4) winter warmwater refugia condition. Overall
resiliency was calculated by tallying the
number of times a unit was assigned
high, moderate, or low condition across
the four resiliency factors at both warm
season and winter management scales
(Service 2024a, pp. 69–94). For more
details on resiliency methodology, see
section 4.2 of the SSA report (Service
2024a, pp. 69–78).
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
[Service 2024a, pp. 93–94]
Southwest ...................
Atlantic ........................
2021–2023 ..................
Upper St. Johns River
Warm Season Coastal Resiliency Unit:
Gulf Coast ...................
East Coast .........................
2,966 (2,551–3,434) ..........
3,520 (2,750–4,430) ..........
480 (460–510) ...................
Moderate ........
Moderate ........
(Low) ..............
High ...............
Good ..............
Diminished .....
Good ..............
Good ..............
Diminished .....
Good ..............
Good ..............
Good ..............
Good ..............
4,810 (3,820–6,010) ..........
4,000 (3,240–4,910) ..........
High ...............
Moderate ........
Good ..............
Caution * ........
Good ..............
Diminished .....
Good ..............
Good ..............
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with PROPOSALS
* ‘‘Caution’’ condition indicates that there are some metrics that indicate that forage resources are being impacted.
The Florida manatee, which
comprises a single representative unit,
currently has one coastal resiliency unit
exhibiting high resiliency and the
second exhibiting moderate resiliency
(see table 1, above). Three of the four
winter management units exhibit high
resiliency and one (the Atlantic unit)
exhibits moderate resiliency. Of note,
from 2021 to 2023, the Atlantic unit had
a low level of resiliency, driven by
losses of forage and high mortality due
to the UME declared in 2021 (Service
2023, p. 5). However, when comparing
from 2011–2020 across the winter
management units, the Atlantic unit was
assessed to have moderate resiliency
currently. Additionally, the number of
manatees in Florida on the East coast
from 2021–2022 was estimated to be
between 3,940–6,980 (Gowan et al.
2023, p. 1). The estimate from 2022 was
higher than the estimate from 2016;
however, the credible intervals permit a
range of population trajectories (Gowan
et al. 2023, p. 5). This range of
population trajectories lends credence
to a tentative score of low from 2021 to
present in the Atlantic winter
management unit in the SSA report
(Service 2024a, p. 90), but this range
also leaves the possibility that the
population is increasing after the UME.
Loss of forage is the driver limiting
the resiliency of the East Coast
resiliency unit. Prior to the UME, the
Atlantic unit was exhibiting stable or
slow population growth, while the other
three winter management units were,
and continue to, exhibit positive growth
(Service 2023, p. 5). The full impacts of
the ongoing UME are continuing to be
assessed at this time and both
retrospective and predictive population
modeling efforts are underway and will
be included in future versions of the
SSA report.
Redundancy for the Florida manatee
can be described as the number and
distribution of sufficiently resilient
populations across the range, and the
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subspecies’ ability to withstand
anticipated species-relevant
catastrophic events. The Florida
manatee has redundancy at a regional
scale; in addition to the overall
moderate resiliency of Atlantic unit and
overall high resiliency of Northwest,
Southwest, and Upper St. John’s River
the East Coast resiliency unit currently
has moderate, and the Gulf Coast high,
resiliency. In addition, the subspecies is
distributed throughout its historical
range. Resiliency across the Florida
manatee’s range has enabled the
subspecies to survive past catastrophic
events, such as UMEs and hurricanes,
and to recover from such events. Thus,
the Florida manatee has sufficient
redundancy, or distribution of current
moderate to high resiliency units, across
its range to withstand catastrophic
Representation refers to the breadth of
genetic and environmental diversity
within and among populations that
contributes to the ability of the species
to respond and adapt to changing
environmental conditions over time
(Service 2016, p. 6). Maintaining
sufficiently resilient populations across
the range of the species increases the
ability of the species to adapt to natural
selection processes, increasing the
chances that the species will persist in
a changing world (Service 2016, pp. 12–
13). Partial migration between resiliency
and management units results in genetic
mixing, which has led to low genetic
differentiation between units (Service
2023, pp. 25–27). This migration and
subsequent genetic mixing increases the
adaptive capacity of the Florida manatee
by allowing for the introduction of
advantageous traits across units that can
enhance the species’ ability to adapt to
changing environmental conditions.
Partial migration describes a species’
adaptive ability to exploit new areas
where conditions are favorable before
retreating when the season changes and
conditions become unfavorable (Bright
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Ross et al. 2021, entire). Partial
migration has already enabled range
shifts for the Florida manatee on the
Gulf Coast (Cloyed et al. 2021, p. 6) and
contributes to the subspecies’ adaptive
capacity. Partial migration allows
portions of a population to respond to
environmental variability, such as losses
of warm-water refugia, and shift to other
available wintering locations. Thus, the
Florida manatee does exhibit potential
adaptive capacity to changing
environmental conditions.
Future Conditions—Florida Manatee
In our analysis of the Florida
manatee’s future condition, we carefully
considered the best available science,
including future condition projections
of modeled threats and the subspecies’
response to those threats from a 2016
modeling effort, as well as information
regarding the ongoing threat of seagrass
loss, the emerging effects of the UME,
and the emerging effects of climate
change. We relied on a core biological
model (CBM) that resulted from a
collaborative research effort of subject
matter experts and represents the most
comprehensive analysis to date (Runge
et al. 2017, entire). Plausible future
scenarios were developed and modeled
to project the future condition of the
subspecies. The CBM forecasts
population dynamics of the Florida
manatee in four regions (Northwest,
Upper St. Johns River, Atlantic, and
Southwest winter management units),
incorporating current information on
life history and uncertainty in parameter
estimates, and applying environmental
as well as demographic stochasticity
(Runge et al. 2017, p. 33). The plausible
scenarios predicted future viability
under multiple scenarios grouped as:
baseline (no change to current habitat,
demographics, or threats), current and
ongoing threats (level of various threats
increased or decreased to examine their
effects on long-term viability of Florida
manatees), and potential emerging
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
threats (investigated the possible impact
of multiple emerging threats on the
viability of the Florida manatee) (Runge
et al. 2017, pp. 13–16).
Current and ongoing threats in the
CBM included mortality resulting from
watercraft collisions, water control
structures, and entanglement by fishing
gear and marine debris; loss of warmwater habitat; and red tide. Potential
emerging threats included cold-related
mortality and a multiple emerging
threats scenario, which included seven
features. The seven features included in
the multiple emerging threats scenario
are: (1) watercraft-related mortality rate
increasing by 50 percent over the next
30 years, then stabilizing; (2) immediate
loss of industrial power plants; (3)
reduction of carrying capacity provided
by natural spring flows of 50 percent
over the long term; (4) manatees
choosing warm-water sites in proportion
to their historical use; (5) elevated
frequency of cold and severely cold
years; (6) elevated frequency of
moderate and intense red tide events;
and (7) chronic density-independent
additional mortality (2 percent)
occurring in the IRL area. The analysis
for the CBM was completed using data
up to 2016, prior to the recent UME, and
serves as the best available science
providing a comprehensive assessment
and projected future condition for the
Florida manatee (Runge et al. 2017, p.
4). Nevertheless, the models developed
and used within the SSA provide the
best available future projections for the
Florida manatee (see section 5.3 of the
SSA report (Service 2024a, pp. 104–
107)). Although Runge et al. (2017,
entire) did not account explicitly for the
current and ongoing UME, the multiple
emerging threats scenario did account
for chronic density-independent
additional mortality in the area that is
part of the current UME, and current
ongoing modeling efforts will result in
an updated version of the SSA report
when completed.
Our baseline and threats future
condition scenarios forecast viability 50,
100, and 150 years in the future, and the
emerging threats future condition
scenarios forecast viability 100 years in
the future. We have sufficient
information to determine the threats
that are currently impacting the
subspecies and are expected to continue
to impact the subspecies in the future,
as well as the subspecies’ response to
those threats (baseline and threats future
condition scenarios). The timeframes of
50, 100, and 150 years also give time for
this long-lived mammal to demonstrate
the impact of threats on populations and
the subspecies as a whole. For emerging
threats, we have sufficient certainty to
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project threats that are expected to
impact the subspecies in the future at
100 years and the subspecies’ response
to those threats. Earlier than this
timeframe, we do not have information
that impacts to the subspecies will be
demonstrable, and beyond this
timeframe, there is too much
uncertainty about subspecies’ response.
Therefore, the selected timeframes are
reasonable to model threats and forecast
variations of threats acting on the
subspecies and its habitat, as well as
reasonable time for a long-lived marine
mammal to respond to those threats.
Although we need not identify the
foreseeable future in terms of a specific
period of time, we have described the
foreseeable future for the Florida
manatee as far into the future as we can
make reasonably reliable predictions
about the threats to the subspecies and
the subspecies’ responses to those
threats. We have taken into account
considerations such as the subspecies’
life-history characteristics, threatprojection timeframes, and
environmental variability in our future
condition scenarios and timeframes.
The suite of future condition threats
scenarios for the Florida manatee
(modeled at 50, 100, and 150 years)
predict how particular threats impact
the subspecies’ probability of falling
below established quasi-extinction
thresholds (100, 250, 500 individuals)
and expected minimum population
(EMP) size. Threats generally fall into
two groups: those that have minimal
effect on quasi-extinction probability
(e.g., water-control structures, marine
debris) and those that have a more
significant effect (e.g., watercraft
collisions, warm-water refugia loss,
harmful algal blooms/red tide). The
potential emerging threats scenarios
take into consideration increases to
existing threats, appearance of new
threats, and multiple threats increasing
at the same time, and compare the
results to the baseline scenario.
For the Florida manatee, both the
baseline and ongoing threats scenario
future condition results indicate that the
probability of Florida manatee
extinction at 150 years is low, but
substantial threats remain. Model
results indicate that there could be a
substantial shift in the distribution of
Florida manatees, depending on the
threat being considered. Long-term
declines are projected in the Southwest
and Atlantic resiliency units (or winter
management units), while long-term
increases are projected for the
Northwest and Upper St. Johns River
winter management units. Based on
factors affecting warm-water habitats,
the model estimates a higher carrying
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capacity for Florida manatees in the
Northwest and Upper St. Johns River
winter management units (Runge et al.
2017, p. 13). However, in the Southwest
and Atlantic units, declines are
expected due to the number of power
plants operating with once-through
cooling in those regions, which may
only be available until the end of the
operational lifetime of each plant
(Runge et al. 2017, pp. 14, 20). Overall,
threat scenario results projections for
the Florida manatee are variable, but the
model indicates the future viability of
the Florida manatee will likely be
impacted as watercraft use increases
due to human population increases and
as cold water stress or red tide events
increase. The greatest risk of decline is
predicted for the Atlantic and
Southwest winter management units,
largely because of the expected loss of
artificial warm-water sources. Under all
future scenarios, the EMP size is
expected to decrease over time;
however, overall extinction risk is low,
and the adult population of Florida
manatee will likely remain above quasiextinction thresholds for 150 years.
However, the long-term viability of the
Florida manatee is related to the
subspecies’ ability to withstand humancaused and natural threats of varying
magnitude and duration, as well as the
effectiveness of conservation efforts to
address the Florida manatee’s needs.
The future projections modeling effort
did not explicitly include the severity of
impacts from the most recent UME, as
the consequences of this UME on
population size and trend are not
completely understood at this time but
are currently being assessed to update
the CBM. The USGS and FWC have
ongoing initiatives to update
demographic data, integrated
population models, and the CBM for the
Florida manatee. We acknowledge the
unknown consequences to Florida
manatees associated with the recent
UME have likely had implications on
the subspecies’ future viability that were
not detected in the modeling effort. For
further information on the future
conditions of the Florida manatee,
please refer to chapter 5 of the SSA
report (Service 2024a, pp. 97–113).
Concomitant with the UME, seagrass
loss and loss of foraging habitat were
not explicitly included in the modeling
effort. As described above in Habitat
Loss and Modification, seagrass
resources have been declining in
multiple locations across Florida since
2011 and are contributing factors to the
recent UMEs. While there has been
some recently reported improvement in
the condition of seagrass beds in the IRL
(SJRWMD 2023, entire), current seagrass
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levels are greatly reduced from previous
long-term levels and remain a risk to
manatee viability in the future.
The modeling effort also did not
forecast industrial warm-water sources
going offline within the next 20–25
years as has been discussed by power
plant representatives in recent years.
The baseline scenario encompassed
power plants being online for 50 years,
which is no longer the case. The greatest
effect would be to the Atlantic and
Southwest winter management units.
Currently, more than half of Florida
manatees seek shelter from winter cold
in the warm-water discharges of power
plants. The rest of the population uses
natural springs and thermal basins
located in Florida. The power
companies will likely phase out power
plant discharges within the next 25
years, and human-caused impacts to
warm water availability, such as flow
reductions and other activities, threaten
Florida’s springs and thermal basins.
Although some mitigation strategies
have been discussed and planned,
uncertainty associated with manatee
spatial and temporal response to these
plant shutdowns is important in
assessing viability of the subspecies in
the future.
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Also not included in the modeling
effort are the effects of climate change
on Florida manatees in the future.
Climate change impacts are expected to
influence the viability of manatees in
several ways, including temperature
increases, sea level rise, fluctuations in
ocean chemistry, hydrological cycle
deviations, and changes intiming and
intensity of tropical storms, as well as
extreme cold events.These large-scale
impacts may lead to habitat changes,
increased algal blooms, and new threats
from diseases (Edwards 2013, pp. 727,
735; Marsh et al. 2017, entire; Osland et
al. 2020, entire). The synergism of these
factors will affect manatee health and
habitat, and potentially reduce the
future range of the Florida manatee.
While the risk of population decline
at the regional level is high for the
Florida manatee at the Southwest and
Atlantic units, risk of population
decline is moderate at the warm season
coastal resiliency unit scale. It is
important to note that the 2016 model
did not include the severity of the
ongoing UME, nor did it include
differing seagrass loss/rebound futures,
nor did it include effects of future
climate change. These are substantial
risks to the Florida manatee in the
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future, all of which may negatively
impact the viability of the Florida
manatee and increase its extinction risk.
Current Condition—Antillean Manatee
The West Indian manatee species is
divided into five representation units.
The current range of the Antillean
manatee is grouped into four
representation units based on known
genetic and ecological variation across
the subspecies’ range, as well as input
from subspecies experts. Unit 1
represents the Florida manatee (see
Current Condition—Florida Manatee,
above), and there are four units (Units
2–5) that encompass the Antillean
manatee. The four Antillean
representative units are: Unit 2: Greater
Antilles, Unit 3: Gulf of Mexico to
Caribbean coast of South America–
Coastal, Unit 4: Gulf of Mexico to
Caribbean coast of South America–
Freshwater, and Unit 5: Atlantic Coast
of South America (inset of figure 3,
below; section 4.1.1 of the Antillean
manatee SSA report (Service 2024b, pp.
45–47)). Representation units for the
Antillean manatee are based on known
genetic and ecological variation across
the subspecies’ range.
Figure 3. Antillean manatee’s 4
representative units (units 2–5) and 14
resiliency units. The units portray the
general extent of each unit and do not
reflect presence and absence within
each unit.
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with PROPOSALS
These four representative units of the
Antillean manatee span 20 countries
and are characterized by 14 resiliency
units (see figure 3, above) based on
assumed connectivity as well as data
availability (see chapter 4 of the SSA
report (Service 2024b, pp. 44–74)). The
current resiliency assessments for the
Antillean manatee differ from the
Florida manatee because: (1) the biology
and ecology of the two subspecies differ,
primarily because different factors
influence their resiliency; and (2) the
two subspecies differ in the amount of
data and information available to assess
their resiliency.
Current resiliency (henceforth called
current condition) for each Antillean
manatee resiliency unit was determined
using the best available information on
population trends. Population trends
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were used to determine the current
condition of each resiliency unit, as
population trends are an indicator of
current condition; populations that are
stable or increasing are more resilient to
stochastic events than those that are
declining. The best available
information on trends was gathered
primarily from three publications: (1)
the most recent International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List
assessment for the West Indian manatee
(Deutsch et al. 2008, Supplementary
Table 1), (2) the UNEP Regional
Management Plan for the West Indian
manatee (UNEP 2010, p. 11), and (3) a
population viability analysis for the
Antillean manatee (CastelblanoMartinez et al. 2012, p. 132).
Sometimes different data sources
report different trends (e.g., one source
says ‘‘stable,’’ while another says
‘‘declining’’). In all these cases, we
retain all the reported trends in the
current condition assessment for each
country to transparently report the
uncertainty in the current trend. Trends
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were ranked moderate if they were
reported as stable and ranked low if any
sources reported them as declining. For
resiliency units made up of multiple
countries where different trends were
reported for different countries, we
report the trend of the entire unit to be
the trend associated with more than half
of the manatees in the unit. For
example, if two out of three countries
were reported to have a declining trend
and one out of three was reported to
have a stable trend, the entire unit with
these three countries was reported to
have a declining trend.
After the reported population trends
for each resiliency unit were identified,
each resiliency unit was sorted into one
of four categories, called trend
categories, shown in Table 2 below.
These trend categories were used to
describe current condition of Antillean
manatee resiliency units. For
populations where trends were
unknown, they were classified the same
as otherwise identical trend
descriptions without ‘‘unknown’’, with
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
the uncertainty in the true trend
incorporated into the certainty metric
associated with the trend.
Trend category
Reported population trends
High .....................................................................
Moderate .............................................................
Low .....................................................................
Unknown. ............................................................
Trend certainty also helped convey
the variability in data availability across
the subspecies’ large geographic range
(see table 4–2 in the SSA report (Service
2024b, p. 53)). These certainty levels are
defined as High (based on recent
information (i.e., within 20 years)),
Moderate (based on other recent data,
but not a statistical estimate (e.g.,
minimum counts, genetic analysis,
mortality records, etc.)), and Low (based
on informed opinions of local experts,
localized and/or outdated data (e.g.,
more than 20 years old)).
Certainty levels were also reported for
abundance. While not used to explicitly
determine current condition of
resiliency units, abundance was also
reported for each resiliency unit because
the ability of Antillean manatee to
withstand the normal range of
environmental and demographic
stochasticity increases with abundance.
We believe the general magnitude of the
Increasing; Increasing/Unknown; Stable/Increasing; Stable/Increasing/Unknown.
Stable; Stable/Unknown.
Stable/Declining; Stable/Declining/Unknown; Declining; Declining/Unknown.
estimates are informative, such that a
list of resiliency units ranked in order
of estimated abundance is likely to
provide a fair interpretation of which
resiliency units have relatively higher or
lower abundance than the others. The
abundance of each resiliency unit was
informed primarily by the same three
sources that informed population trends
(Deutsch et al. 2008, Supplementary
Table 1; UNEP 2010, p. 11;
Castelblanco-Martı́nez et al. 2012, p.
Current condition for the Antillean
manatee is also influenced by the
quality and quantity of habitat, threats
and stressors, and conservation actions
pursued in each population. Study and
documentation of these factors are
uneven across the subspecies’ range and
cannot be assessed in a consistent
manner across all or even most
populations. Consequently, we have not
included these factors explicitly in the
current condition assessment but do
summarize the information available for
each population. While the quantity and
quality of habitat is important for the
current condition of populations,
information about habitat status is not
available for many areas within the
subspecies’ large geographic range.
Habitat information for each population
is summarized in the SSA report
(Service 2024b, pp. 55–71).
Thirteen out of 14 resiliency units
exhibit low current condition, and only
the Puerto Rico resiliency unit, where
the trend is stable, has moderate current
condition. Our current condition
assessment for the Antillean manatee
was mostly characterized by low
certainty for the current status, and
Antillean manatees are consistently
described as being more abundant
historically than they are today.
[Service 2024b, p. 71]
category 1
Brazil ................................................
>1,104 (>485–2,221) (low certainty)
Low ..............
Caribbean Mexico, Belize, Guatemala.
Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica,
Panama Coastal.
Gulf of Mexico ..................................
Colombia Rivers ..............................
Puerto Rico ......................................
Cuba ................................................
650–1,400 (moderate certainty) .....
Stable/Declining/Unknown (low certainty).
Stable/Declining/Unknown (moderate certainty).
Declining (low certainty) .................
Low ..............
Low ..............
Declining (low certainty) .................
Unknown/Declining (low certainty) ..
Stable (moderate certainty) ............
Unknown/Declining (low certainty) ..
Low ..............
Low ..............
Moderate ......
Low ..............
Declining (low certainty) .................
Low ..............
Declining (low certainty) .................
Declining (low certainty) .................
Declining (low certainty) .................
Low ..............
Low ..............
Low ..............
Unknown (low certainty) .................
Unknown/Declining (low certainty) ..
Unknown (low certainty) .................
Unknown ......
Low ..............
Unknown ......
Hispaniola ........................................
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with PROPOSALS
Resiliency unit
Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana
Venezuela Rivers .............................
Trinidad and Tobago .......................
Lago de Maracaibo (Venezuela) .....
Jamaica ............................................
Panama Canal .................................
800–950 (169–204 minimum) (low
600–850 (moderate certainty) ........
400 (100–1,000) (low certainty) ......
386 (sd = 89) (high certainty) .........
100–500 (50 minimum) (low certainty).
300 (38–53 minimum) (low certainty).
300 (45 minimum) (low certainty) ...
<300 (low certainty) ........................
100 (25–30 minimum) (low certainty).
<100 (low certainty) ........................
50 (low certainty) ............................
20–25 (16 minimum) (moderate
1 Trends that were unknown were categorized as such. Trends were ranked as high if they were reported to be increasing or if different
sources reported them to be stable or increasing. Trends were ranked as moderate if they were reported to be stable. To be conservative, trends
were ranked as low if any sources reported them as declining, even if they were also reported as stable by the same source (i.e., one source described it as stable/declining) or different sources (i.e., one source described it as stable and a different source described it as declining).
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
The resiliency uncertainty carries
over into our interpretations of
redundancy and representation in the
four Antillean manatee representative
units (see inset of figure 3, above). The
Greater Antilles representative unit
(Unit 2) contains one resiliency unit
(Puerto Rico) that currently exhibits a
moderately certain stable population,
resulting in moderate current condition.
All remaining resiliency units in the
Greater Antilles representative unit
(Cuba, Hispaniola and Jamaica) and all
resiliency units in the other three
Antillean manatee representative units
(Units 3, 4, 5) exhibit low current
condition. The most genetically distinct
Antillean manatee representative unit,
in terms of evolutionary history
indicated by mitochondrial DNA
haplotypes, is the Atlantic Coast of
South America unit (Unit 5) (Service
2024b, pp. 24–28). Both resiliency units
in this representative unit currently
exhibit low current condition. The most
ecologically distinct Antillean manatee
representative unit, the Gulf of Mexico
to Caribbean Coast of South America–
Freshwater unit (Unit 4), is also
characterized by all resiliency units
exhibiting low current condition.
The best available information
indicates abundance is declining across
most of the subspecies’ range (see
section 4.2.2 in the SSA report (Service
2024b, pp. 55–71)). Current abundance
estimates in each resiliency unit for the
Antillean manatee vary widely, ranging
from 20 to more than 1,000 individuals
(see table 3). Two resiliency units are
estimated to have more than 1,000
Antillean manatees: (1) Caribbean,
Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala, and (2)
Brazil. Four resiliency units are
estimated to have 100 or fewer Antillean
manatees: (1) Trinidad and Tobago, (2)
Lago de Maracaibo, (3) Jamaica, and (4)
Panama Canal; those four resiliency
units are comparatively smaller than
those that support larger Antillean
manatee populations. The remaining
eight resiliency units are estimated to
support between 100 and 1,000
Antillean manatees. As with trend
estimates, the certainty of abundance
estimates vary across the range of the
Antillean manatee and are mostly based
on expert input, past versus present
occurrence records or perceptions, and
mortality records.
The majority of the genetic and
ecological diversity within the
subspecies occurs in resiliency units
characterized as having low current
condition, thus leading to overall low
representation for the subspecies.
Redundancy is also low, as all but one
of the resiliency units are in low
condition, thus the subspecies is
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susceptible to catastrophic events. As
discussed previously, more information
about the status of the Antillean
manatee and its habitat across its range
is needed to reduce uncertainty on the
current status of the subspecies as a
whole. We note that the subspecies is
represented throughout its historical
range and in regard to redundancy,
there are 4 representative units and 14
resiliency units. This analysis led to an
overall current condition of low for the
Antillean manatee.
Because we have determined that the
Antillean manatee meets the Act’s
definition of an ‘‘endangered species’’
(see Determination of Status for the
Florida Manatee and Antillean Manatee,
below), we are not presenting the results
of the future scenarios for the Antillean
manatee in this proposed rule. Instead,
details regarding the future conditions
analysis and the future resiliency,
redundancy, and representation of the
Antillean manatee are presented in
detail in the SSA report (see chapter 5
of the SSA report (Service 2024b, pp.
76–96)), which is available at https://
www.regulations.gov under Docket No.
Determination of Status for the Florida
Manatee and Antillean Manatee
The Act defines the term ‘‘species’’ as
including any subspecies of fish or
wildlife or plants, and any distinct
population segment of any species of
vertebrate fish or wildlife which
interbreeds when mature (16 U.S.C.
1532(16)). Section 4 of the Act (16
U.S.C. 1533) and its implementing
regulations (50 CFR part 424) set forth
the procedures for determining whether
a species meets the definition of an
endangered species or a threatened
species. The Act defines an
‘‘endangered species’’ as a species in
danger of extinction throughout all or a
significant portion of its range and a
‘‘threatened species’’ as a species likely
to become an endangered species within
the foreseeable future throughout all or
a significant portion of its range. The
Act requires that we determine whether
a species meets the definition of an
endangered species or a threatened
species because of any of the following
factors: (A) The present or threatened
destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D)
the inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms; or (E) other natural or
manmade factors affecting its continued
PO 00000
Frm 00111
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Proposed Action for West Indian
Manatee Listing
Based on the best available scientific
and commercial information, the West
Indian manatee species is comprised of
two subspecies: the Florida manatee and
the Antillean manatee. We recognize the
Florida manatee and the Antillean
manatee as separate listable entities (i.e.,
subspecies) under the Act. We no longer
recognize the listed entity of the West
Indian manatee separate from the two
subspecies, and we, therefore, propose
to remove the West Indian manatee from
the List.
Status Throughout All of Its Range—
Florida Manatee
Based on our assessment of
demographic and habitat needs for the
Florida manatee, three winter
management units (Northwest,
Southwest, and Upper St. Johns River)
have high current condition, and one
winter management unit (Atlantic) has
moderate current condition. Scaled to
warm season coastal resiliency units,
the Gulf Coast unit exhibits high current
condition, and the East Coast unit
exhibits moderate current condition.
The loss of forage (particularly, but not
limited to, winter forage) led to a
tentative short term (2021–2023)
classification of low condition for the
Atlantic winter management unit.
However, the number of manatees in
Florida on the East Coast from 2021–
2022 was estimated to be between
3,940–6,980 (Gowan et al. 2023, p. 1).
While the credible intervals permit a
range of population trajectories, the
estimate from 2022 was higher than the
estimate from 2016 (3,240–4,910;
Gowan et al. 2023, pp. 5–6).
The overall current condition for the
broader East Coast resiliency unit is
moderate given the 10-year assessment
timeframe. Two winter management
units with high current condition,
Northwest and Upper St. Johns River,
are dependent upon natural springs for
warm water, unlike the Atlantic and
Southwest units, which use industrial
outfalls as their primary artificial warmwater sites. The Northwest and Upper
St. Johns River winter management
units support the two smaller
abundances of Florida manatees. The
Atlantic winter management unit has
the highest estimated abundance of
Florida manatees, meaning a large
number of manatees are currently being
affected by the loss of forage and
conditions in this unit. However, the
range of population trajectories leaves
the possibility that the population is
increasing after the UME.
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
While Florida manatees are currently
affected by watercraft collisions (Factor
E), habitat loss (including seagrass loss)
and modification from coastal
development (Factor A), unusual
mortality events (UME) (Factor E),
natural processes including cold
weather events and harmful algal
blooms (Factor E), and human
interactions (Factor B), all winter
management and coastal resiliency units
exhibit current moderate to high current
condition that supports the current
viability of the subspecies. The recent
UME is impacting the Atlantic winter
management unit, although the
magnitude and severity of the impact
has not yet been determined. The other
three winter management units
exhibited, and continue to exhibit,
stronger positive growth compared to
the Atlantic unit. The Florida manatee
is a highly managed species for which
many conservation initiatives have been
and continue to be implemented to
ameliorate threats, including efforts to
improve water quality and restore
seagrass. The best available science
demonstrates long-term population
growth and some adaptive capacity. The
subspecies is represented throughout its
historical range, and there are multiple
units with moderate to high current
condition across the range. While we
anticipate that the threats will continue
to act on the subspecies in the future,
they are not currently affecting the
subspecies such that it is in danger of
extinction now. Further, the Florida
manatee’s vulnerability to stressors is
not of such magnitude that it is
currently in danger of extinction as a
result of the threats to the subspecies or
the subspecies’ response to those
threats. After assessing the best
scientific and commercial data
available, we find that, given the
moderate to high current condition for
all Florida manatee units and the
distribution of these resilient units
throughout the subspecies’ range, the
Florida manatee is not in danger of
extinction throughout all of its range
and does not meet the Act’s definition
of an endangered species.
We therefore proceed with
determining whether the Florida
manatee is likely to become endangered
within the foreseeable future throughout
all of its range. Future viability of the
Florida manatee was investigated under
plausible future condition scenarios: a
baseline scenario, threats scenarios, and
multiple emerging threats scenarios. We
assessed Florida manatee future
condition at 50, 100, and 150 years
under all future scenarios. We
determined these timeframes represent
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the period of time under which we are
able to reasonably determine that both
the future threats and subspecies’
response to those threats are likely. As
described above in Future Conditions—
Florida Manatee, the selected
timeframes are reasonable to model
threats and forecast variations of threats
acting on the subspecies and its habitat,
and they are reasonable timeframes for
a long-lived marine mammal to respond
to those threats. Although we need not
identify the foreseeable future in terms
of a specific period of time, we have
described the foreseeable future for the
Florida manatee as far into the future as
we can make reasonably reliable
predictions about the threats to the
subspecies and the subspecies’
responses to those threats. We have
taken into account considerations such
as the subspecies’ life-history
characteristics, threat-projection
timeframes, and environmental
variability in our future condition
scenarios and timeframes.
Overall, future condition modeling
results indicate the probability of
Florida manatee extinction is low under
scenario projections as described above
in Future Conditions—Florida Manatee.
However, substantial risks remain
across the range of the subspecies. In the
future, the Florida manatee will
continue to be threatened by watercraft
collisions (Factor E), habitat loss
(including seagrass loss) and
modification from coastal development
(Factor A), unusual mortality events
(UME) (Factor E), natural processes
including cold weather events and
harmful algal blooms (Factor E), and
human interactions (Factor B), as well
as the potential loss of warm-water
refugia (Factor A) and climate change
(Factor E). The greatest risk is estimated
for the Atlantic and Southwest
wintering populations; this risk is
largely driven by the continued loss of
seagrasses (Factor A), increase in cold
water events (Factor E), and red tides
(Factor E).
In our future condition projections, at
the winter management unit level,
probability of decline is greatest in the
Atlantic winter management unit,
followed by the Southwest, Northwest,
and Upper St. Johns River winter
management units. At the warm season
coastal resiliency unit scale, the East
Coast and its tributaries have a greater
probability of decline than the Gulf
Coast and its tributaries. At this warm
season coastal resiliency unit scale, risk
of population decline is moderate, while
at the regional level, risk of population
decline is high for the two larger winter
management units (i.e., Southwest and
Atlantic). In addition, future
PO 00000
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Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
distributional shifts of the subspecies
are predicted to be largely driven by the
loss of artificial warm-water refugia, and
the future viability of Florida manatees
in the Southwest and Atlantic winter
management units may be most
negatively impacted by this.
Overall, future condition modeling
efforts project low risk of extinction for
the Florida manatee under all future
condition scenarios in 50, 100, and 150
years. These modeling efforts include
relevant threats at the time of the
assessment, but information was not
available to incorporate loss of seagrass
related to the UME, the short- and longterm effects of the UME on subspecies
abundance and distribution, and the
subspecies’ response to both loss of
seagrass and the UME. In addition,
updated climate change assessments
have become available since the future
condition modeling effort, which was
based on the 2017 assessment.
Therefore, in our determination of the
Florida manatee’s status, we carefully
considered the best available science,
including future condition projections
of modeled threats and the subspecies’
response to those threats, as well as
information regarding the ongoing and
emerging threat of seagrass loss, the
effects of the UME, and the emerging
effects of climate change.
We expect that the current threats to
the subspecies, including watercraft
collisions, habitat loss (including
seagrass loss) and modification from
coastal development, UMEs, cold
weather events and harmful algal
blooms, and human interactions, will
continue to affect the subspecies’
viability, and the negative impacts of
emerging threats, including the loss of
warm-water refugia, effects of climate
change, loss of seagrass, and effects of
UMEs, will further affect the subspecies’
viability. After evaluating threats to the
subspecies and assessing the cumulative
effect of the threats under the Act’s
section 4(a)(1) factors, we determine
that the Florida manatee meets the
definition of a threatened species across
its range. Thus, after assessing the best
scientific and commercial data
available, we conclude that the Florida
manatee is not in danger of extinction
but is likely to become in danger of
extinction within the foreseeable future
throughout all of its range.
Status Throughout a Significant Portion
of Its Range—Florida Manatee
Under the Act and our implementing
regulations, a species may warrant
listing if it is in danger of extinction or
likely to become so within the
foreseeable future throughout all or a
significant portion of its range. The
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
court in Center for Biological Diversity
v. Everson, 435 F. Supp. 3d 69 (D.D.C.
2020) (Everson), vacated the provision
of the Final Policy on Interpretation of
the Phrase ‘‘Significant Portion of Its
Range’’ in the Endangered Species Act’s
Definitions of ‘‘Endangered Species’’
and ‘‘Threatened Species’’ (hereafter
‘‘Final Policy’’; 79 FR 37578, July 1,
2014) that provided if the Services
determine that a species is threatened
throughout all of its range, the Services
will not analyze whether the species is
endangered in a significant portion of its
Therefore, we proceed to evaluating
whether the species is endangered in a
significant portion of its range—that is,
whether there is any portion of the
species’ range for which both (1) the
portion is significant; and (2) the species
is in danger of extinction in that
portion. Depending on the case, it might
be more efficient for us to address the
‘‘significance’’ question or the ‘‘status’’
question first. We can choose to address
either question first. Regardless of
which question we address first, if we
reach a negative answer with respect to
the first question that we address, we do
not need to evaluate the other question
for that portion of the species’ range.
Following the court’s holding in
Everson, we now consider whether the
Florida manatee is in danger of
extinction in a significant portion of its
range. In undertaking this analysis for
Florida manatee, we choose to address
the status question first.
We evaluated the range of the Florida
manatee to determine if the subspecies
is in danger of extinction in any portion
of its range. The subspecies’ range can
theoretically be divided into portions in
an infinite number of ways. We focused
our analysis on portions of the
subspecies’ range that may meet the
Act’s definition of an endangered
species. For the Florida manatee, we
considered whether the threats or their
effects on the subspecies are greater in
any biologically meaningful portion of
the subspecies’ range than in other
portions such that the subspecies is in
danger of extinction in that portion.
We examined the following threats:
watercraft collisions, habitat loss
(including seagrass loss) and
modification from coastal development,
UMEs, natural processes including cold
weather events and harmful algal
blooms, human interactions, loss of
warm-water refugia, and climate change,
including cumulative effects. We found
a potential difference in biological
condition of the subspecies in the
wintering area of the southeast coast of
Florida (Brevard County south to
Miami-Dade County; Atlantic winter
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management unit). The Atlantic winter
management unit includes the current
extent of the ongoing UME, is
recognized as the larger of the two
important wintering areas of the East
Coast resiliency unit and contains a
high abundance of Florida manatees.
The current UME is the result of
massive loss of forage for manatees, and
there has been a substantial increase in
mortality of manatees. Based on the
forage-driven UME, the Atlantic winter
management unit has a tentative lower
level of condition in the 2021–2023
timeframe; however, when comparing
similar time periods (past 10 years)
across the winter management units, the
Atlantic unit is assessed to have
moderate current condition.
Additionally, the number of manatees in
Florida on the East coast from 2021–
2022 was estimated to be higher than an
estimate provided from 2016, though
credible intervals permit a range of
population trajectories (Gowan et al.
2023, pp. 1, 5). This range of population
trajectories lends credence to a tentative
score of low from 2021 to present in the
Atlantic winter management unit in the
SSA report (Service 2024a, p. 90), but
this range also leaves the possibility that
the population is increasing after the
Recent demographic evidence for
Florida manatees that winter in the
Atlantic winter management unit
indicates this area has the highest
abundance estimate of manatees. The
number of manatees could provide
potential resilience to threats along the
southeast coast of Florida. Thus, we
determined that although the recent
UME has negatively impacted shortterm condition in the Atlantic winter
management unit, the area exhibits
overall moderate current condition and
still contains the greatest number of
Florida manatees; therefore, the Atlantic
winter management unit does not
exhibit a different status from the rest of
the range. We found no biologically
meaningful portion of the Florida
manatee’s range where the biological
condition of the subspecies differs from
its condition elsewhere in its range such
that the status of the subspecies in that
portion differs from any other portion of
the subspecies’ range. Therefore, no
portion of the subspecies’ range
provides a basis for determining that the
subspecies is in danger of extinction in
a significant portion of its range, and we
determine that the subspecies is likely
to become in danger of extinction
within the foreseeable future throughout
all of its range. This does not conflict
with the courts’ holdings in Desert
Survivors v. U.S. Department of the
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Interior, 321 F. Supp. 3d 1011, 1070–74
(N.D. Cal. 2018) and Center for
Biological Diversity v. Jewell, 248 F.
Supp. 3d 946, 959 (D. Ariz. 2017)
because, in reaching this conclusion, we
did not apply the aspects of the Final
Policy, including the definition of
‘‘significant’’ that those court decisions
held to be invalid.
Determination of Status—Florida
Our review of the best available
scientific and commercial information
indicates that the Florida manatee meets
the Act’s definition of a threatened
species. Therefore, we propose to list
the Florida manatee as a threatened
species in accordance with sections
3(20) and 4(a)(1) of the Act.
Status Throughout All of Its Range—
Antillean Manatee
Current abundance estimates in each
resiliency unit for the Antillean manatee
range from 20 to more than 1,000
individuals. While abundance estimates
for Antillean manatee resiliency units
are highly uncertain, the best available
information indicates abundance is
declining across most of the subspecies’
range. One out of 14 resiliency units has
moderate current condition (Puerto
Rico, where the trend is stable), and the
remaining 13 units have low current
condition. When comparing abundance
estimates, two resiliency units
and Brazil) are estimated to have more
than 1,000 Antillean manatees.
However, four resiliency units (Trinidad
and Tobago, Lago de Maracaibo,
Jamaica, and the Panama Canal) are
estimated to have 100 or fewer Antillean
manatees. The remaining eight
resiliency units are estimated to support
between 100 and 1,000 Antillean
While the current condition
assessment is characterized by low
certainty, the best available information
indicates declining population numbers
due to current and ongoing threats such
as watercraft collisions (Factor E),
habitat loss (including seagrass loss) and
modification (Factor A), natural
processes like harmful algal blooms
(Factor E), human interactions (Factor
B), poaching (Factor E), and low genetic
diversity (Factor E). Additionally, there
is a lack of effective enforcement of
manatee conservation regulations in the
Antillean manatee’s range (Factor D),
with enforcement varying widely by
country due to limited funding and
understaffed law enforcement agencies.
Although the Antillean manatee
subspecies possesses some redundancy
and an ability to withstand catastrophic
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with PROPOSALS
events on a rangewide basis, all
resiliency units, except for one (Puerto
Rico), have low current condition. Two
units have an abundance over 1,000
individuals, but four units have 100 or
fewer individuals. Further, low genetic
diversity in some areas indicates the
Antillean manatee may lack adaptive
capacity. Despite populations being
spread out across multiple units, the
low abundance, habitat fragmentation,
and adaptive capacity of populations
throughout the subspecies’ range
compromise Antillean manatee
After evaluating threats to the
subspecies and assessing the cumulative
effect of the threats under the Act’s
section 4(a)(1) factors, we determined
the best scientific and commercial data
available indicates declining population
numbers due to current and ongoing
threats such as watercraft collisions,
habitat loss and modification, natural
processes like harmful algal blooms,
human interactions, poaching, and
potentially low genetic diversity. The
best scientific and commercial data
available indicates an overall low
current condition for the Antillean
manatee subspecies. Although
populations are widely distributed in
multiple units across the subspecies’
range, the low abundance in many of
these units reduce Antillean manatee
redundancy. Most delineated units have
very low numbers of Antillean
manatees; four units contain 100 or
fewer individuals, and eight units
contain 100 to 1,000 animals. Further,
the small, isolated populations and
potential low genetic diversity indicate
the Antillean manatee may lack
adaptive capacity. It is important to
recognize the different methodologies
used to define populations for both
subspecies, therefore it is not
appropriate to make direct comparisons
between the two. While the Antillean
manatee may have some individual
populations larger than some of the
Florida manatee the condition of the
Antillean manatee also reflects
declining trends and isolation of
populations. Thus, after assessing the
best scientific and commercial data
available, we determine that the
Antillean manatee is in danger of
extinction throughout all of its range.
Status Throughout a Significant Portion
of Its Range—Antillean Manatee
Under the Act and our implementing
regulations, a species may warrant
listing if it is in danger of extinction or
likely to become so within the
foreseeable future throughout all or a
significant portion of its range. We have
determined that the Antillean manatee
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is in danger of extinction throughout all
of its range and accordingly did not
undertake an analysis of any significant
portion of its range. Because the
Antillean manatee warrants listing as
endangered throughout all of its range,
our determination does not conflict with
the decision in Everson because that
decision concerns significant portion of
the range analyses for species that
warrant listing as threatened, not
endangered, throughout all of their
Determination of Status—Antillean
Our review of the best available
scientific and commercial information
indicates that the Antillean manatee
meets the Act’s definition of an
endangered species. Therefore, we
propose to list the Antillean manatee as
an endangered species in accordance
with sections 3(6) and 4(a)(1) of the Act.
We have determined that the Antillean
manatee is in danger of extinction
throughout all of its range and
accordingly did not undertake an
analysis of a potential DPS for the
Puerto Rico population.
Available Conservation Measures
Conservation measures provided to
species listed as endangered or
threatened species under the Act
include recognition as a listed species,
planning and implementation of
recovery actions, requirements for
Federal protection, and prohibitions
against certain practices. Recognition
through listing results in public
awareness, and conservation by Federal,
State, Tribal, and local agencies, foreign
governments, private organizations, and
individuals. The Act encourages
cooperation with the States and other
countries and calls for recovery actions
to be carried out for listed species. The
protection required by Federal agencies,
including the Service, and the
prohibitions against certain activities
are discussed, in part, below.
The primary purpose of the Act is the
conservation of endangered and
threatened species and the ecosystems
upon which they depend. The ultimate
goal of such conservation efforts is the
recovery of these listed species, so that
they no longer need the protective
measures of the Act. Section 4(f) of the
Act calls for the Service to develop and
implement recovery plans for the
conservation of endangered and
threatened species. The goal of this
process is to restore listed species to a
point where they are secure, selfsustaining, and functioning components
of their ecosystems.
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The recovery planning process begins
with development of a recovery outline
made available to the public soon after
a final listing determination. The
recovery outline guides the immediate
implementation of urgent recovery
actions while a recovery plan is being
developed. Recovery teams (composed
of species experts, Federal and State
agencies, nongovernmental
organizations, and stakeholders) may be
established to develop and implement
recovery plans. The recovery planning
process involves the identification of
actions that are necessary to halt and
reverse the species’ decline by
addressing the threats to its survival and
recovery. The recovery plan identifies
recovery criteria for review of when a
species may be ready for reclassification
from endangered to threatened
(‘‘downlisting’’) or removal from
protected status (‘‘delisting’’), and
methods for monitoring recovery
progress. Recovery plans also establish
a framework for agencies to coordinate
their recovery efforts and provide
estimates of the cost of implementing
recovery tasks. Revisions of the plan
may be done to address continuing or
new threats to the species, as new
substantive information becomes
available. The recovery outline, draft
recovery plan, final recovery plan, and
any revisions will be available on our
website as they are completed (https://
www.fws.gov/program/endangeredspecies) or from our Florida Ecological
Services Field Office and Caribbean
Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR
Implementation of recovery actions
generally requires the participation of a
broad range of partners, including other
Federal agencies, States, Tribes,
nongovernmental organizations,
businesses, and private landowners.
Examples of recovery actions include
habitat restoration (e.g., restoration of
native vegetation), research, captive
propagation and reintroduction, and
outreach and education. The recovery of
many listed species cannot be
accomplished solely on Federal lands
because their range may occur primarily
or solely on non-Federal lands. To
achieve recovery of these species
requires cooperative conservation efforts
on private, State, and Tribal lands.
If this rulemaking is finalized,
funding for recovery actions will be
available from a variety of sources,
including Federal budgets, State
programs, and cost-share grants for nonFederal landowners, the academic
community, and nongovernmental
organizations. In addition, pursuant to
section 6 of the Act, Puerto Rico and the
State of Florida would be eligible for
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
Federal funds to implement
management actions that promote the
protection or recovery of the Antillean
manatee and the Florida manatee,
respectively. Information on our grant
programs that are available to aid
species recovery can be found at:
Although the separate listings of the
Florida manatee and the Antillean
manatee are only proposed actions
under the Act at this time, please let us
know if you are interested in
participating in recovery efforts for
these subspecies. Additionally, we
invite you to submit any new
information on these subspecies
whenever it becomes available and any
information you may have for recovery
planning purposes (see FOR FURTHER
Section 7 of the Act is titled,
‘‘Interagency Cooperation,’’ and it
mandates all Federal action agencies to
use their existing authorities to further
the conservation purposes of the Act
and to ensure that their actions are not
likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of listed species or adversely
modify critical habitat. Regulations
implementing section 7 are codified at
50 CFR part 402.
Section 7(a)(2) states that each Federal
action agency shall, in consultation with
the Secretary, ensure that any action
they authorize, fund, or carry out is not
likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of a listed species or result in
the destruction or adverse modification
of designated critical habitat. Each
Federal agency shall review its action at
the earliest possible time to determine
whether it may affect listed species or
critical habitat. If a determination is
made that the action may affect listed
species or critical habitat, formal
consultation is required (50 CFR
402.14(a)), unless the Service concurs in
writing that the action is not likely to
adversely affect listed species or critical
habitat. At the end of a formal
consultation, the Service issues a
biological opinion, containing its
determination of whether the Federal
action is likely to result in jeopardy or
adverse modification.
In contrast, section 7(a)(4) of the Act
requires Federal agencies to confer with
the Service on any action which is
likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of any species proposed to be
listed under the Act or result in the
destruction or adverse modification of
critical habitat proposed to be
designated for such species. Although
the conference procedures are required
only when an action is likely to result
in jeopardy or adverse modification,
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action agencies may voluntarily confer
with the Service on actions that may
affect species proposed for listing or
critical habitat proposed to be
designated. In the event that the subject
species is listed or the relevant critical
habitat is designated, a conference
opinion may be adopted as a biological
opinion and serve as compliance with
section 7(a)(2) of the Act.
Examples of discretionary actions for
the Florida manatee or the Antillean
manatee that may be subject to
conference and consultation procedures
under section 7 of the Act are land
management or other landscape-altering
activities on Federal lands administered
by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Department of Defense, and the Service,
as well as actions on State, Tribal, local,
or private lands that require a Federal
permit (such as a permit from the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers under section
404 of the Clean Water Act or a permit
from the Service under section 10 of the
Act) or that involve some other Federal
action (such as funding from the Federal
Highway Administration, Federal
Aviation Administration, or the Federal
Emergency Management Agency).
Federal actions not affecting listed
species or critical habitat—and actions
on State, Tribal, local, or private lands
that are not federally funded,
authorized, or carried out by a Federal
agency—do not require section 7
consultation. Federal agencies should
coordinate with the local Service Field
CONTACT) with any specific questions on
section 7 consultation and conference
The Act and its implementing
regulations set forth a series of general
prohibitions and exceptions that apply
to endangered wildlife. The prohibitions
of section 9(a)(1) of the Act, and the
Service’s implementing regulations
codified at 50 CFR 17.21, make it illegal
for any person subject to the jurisdiction
of the United States to commit, to
attempt to commit, to solicit another to
commit, or to cause to be committed any
of the following acts with regard to any
endangered wildlife: (1) import into, or
export from, the United States; (2) take
(which includes harass, harm, pursue,
hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture,
or collect, or to attempt to engage in any
such conduct) within the United States,
within the territorial sea of the United
States, or on the high seas; (3) possess,
sell, deliver, carry, transport, or ship, by
any means whatsoever, any such
wildlife that has been taken illegally; (4)
deliver, receive, carry, transport, or ship
in interstate or foreign commerce, by
any means whatsoever and in the course
of commercial activity; or (5) sell or
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offer for sale in interstate or foreign
commerce. Certain exceptions to these
prohibitions apply to employees or
agents of the Service, the National
Marine Fisheries Service, other Federal
land management agencies, and State or
Territorial conservation agencies.
We may issue permits to carry out
otherwise prohibited activities
involving endangered wildlife under
certain circumstances. Regulations
governing permits for endangered
wildlife are codified at 50 CFR 17.22,
and general Service permitting
regulations are codified at 50 CFR part
13. With regard to endangered wildlife,
a permit may be issued: for scientific
purposes, for enhancing the propagation
or survival of the species, or for take
incidental to otherwise lawful activities.
The statute also contains certain
exemptions from the prohibitions,
which are found in sections 9 and 10 of
the Act.
II. Protective Regulations Under
Section 4(d) of the Act
Section 4(d) of the Act contains two
sentences. The first sentence states that
the Secretary shall issue such
regulations as she deems necessary and
advisable to provide for the
conservation of species listed as
threatened species. Conservation is
defined in the Act to mean the use of
all methods and procedures which are
necessary to bring any endangered
species or threatened species to the
point at which the measures provided
pursuant to the Act are no longer
necessary. Additionally, the second
sentence of section 4(d) of the Act states
that the Secretary may by regulation
prohibit with respect to any threatened
species any act prohibited under section
9(a)(1), in the case of fish or wildlife, or
section 9(a)(2), in the case of plants.
With these two sentences in section
4(d), Congress delegated broad authority
to the Secretary to determine what
protections would be necessary and
advisable to provide for the
conservation of threatened species, and
even broader authority to put in place
any of the section 9 prohibitions for a
given species.
The courts have recognized the extent
of the Secretary’s discretion under this
standard to develop rules that are
appropriate for the conservation of a
species. For example, courts have
upheld, as a valid exercise of agency
authority, rules developed under section
4(d) that included limited prohibitions
against takings (see Alsea Valley
Alliance v. Lautenbacher, 2007 WL
2344927 (D. Or. 2007); Washington
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
Environmental Council v. National
Marine Fisheries Service, 2002 WL
511479 (W.D. Wash. 2002)). Courts have
also upheld 4(d) rules that do not
address all of the threats a species faces
(see State of Louisiana v. Verity, 853
F.2d 322 (5th Cir. 1988)). As noted in
the legislative history when the Act was
initially enacted, ‘‘once an animal is on
the threatened list, the Secretary has an
almost infinite number of options
available to [her] with regard to the
permitted activities for those species.
[She] may, for example, permit taking,
but not importation of such species, or
[she] may choose to forbid both taking
and importation but allow the
transportation of such species’’ (H.R.
Rep. No. 412, 93rd Cong., 1st Sess.
The provisions of the Florida
manatee’s proposed protective
regulations under section 4(d) of the Act
are one of many tools that we would use
to promote the conservation of the
Florida manatee. The proposed
protective regulations would apply only
if and when we make final the listing of
the Florida manatee as a threatened
species. Nothing in 4(d) rules change in
any way the recovery planning
provisions of section 4(f) of the Act, the
consultation requirements under section
7 of the Act, or the ability of the Service
to enter into partnerships for the
management and protection of the
Florida manatee. As mentioned
previously in Available Conservation
Measures, section 7(a)(2) of the Act
requires Federal agencies, including the
Service, to ensure that any action they
authorize, fund, or carry out is not likely
to jeopardize the continued existence of
any endangered species or threatened
species or result in the destruction or
adverse modification of designated
critical habitat of such species. In
addition, even before the listing of any
species or the designation of its critical
habitat is finalized, section 7(a)(4) of the
Act requires Federal agencies to confer
with the Service on any agency action
which is likely to jeopardize the
continued existence of any species
proposed to be listed under the Act or
result in the destruction or adverse
modification of critical habitat proposed
to be designated for such species. These
requirements are the same for a
threatened species regardless of what is
included in its 4(d) rule.
Section 7 consultation is required for
Federal actions that ‘‘may affect’’ a
listed species regardless of whether take
caused by the activity is prohibited or
excepted by a 4(d) rule (‘‘blanket rule’’
or species-specific 4(d) rule). A 4(d) rule
does not change the process or criteria
for informal or formal consultations and
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does not alter the analytical process
used for biological opinions or
concurrence letters. For example, as
with an endangered species, if a Federal
agency determines that an action is ‘‘not
likely to adversely affect’’ a threatened
species, this will require the Service’s
written concurrence (50 CFR 402.13(c)).
Similarly, if a Federal agency
determinates that an action is ‘‘likely to
adversely affect’’ a threatened species,
the action will require formal
consultation with the Service and the
formulation of a biological opinion (50
CFR 402.14(a)). Because consultation
obligations and processes are unaffected
by 4(d) rules, we may consider
developing tools to streamline future
intra-Service and interagency
consultations for actions that result in
forms of take that are not prohibited by
the 4(d) rule (but that still require
consultation). These tools may include
consultation guidance, Information for
Planning and Consultation (IPaC) effects
determination keys, template language
for biological opinions, or programmatic
Exercising the Secretary’s authority
under section 4(d) of the Act, we
propose to apply the protections for the
Florida manatee through our regulations
at 50 CFR 17.31(a). In our April 5, 2024,
final rule revising those regulations (89
FR 23919 at 23922–23923), we found
that applying those regulations as a
whole satisfies the requirement in
section 4(d) of the Act to issue
regulations deemed necessary and
advisable to provide for the
conservation of the threatened species.
We have not identified any ways in
which a protective regulation for this
threatened subspecies would need to
differ from the regulations at 50 CFR
17.31(a) in order to contain the
protections that are necessary and
advisable to provide for the
conservation of the Florida manatee.
Therefore, if we finalize this rule as
proposed, the regulations at 50 CFR
17.31(a) apply. This means that, except
as provided in 50 CFR 17.4 through
17.8, or in a permit issued pursuant to
50 CFR 17.32, all of the provisions of 50
CFR 17.21 for endangered wildlife,
except § 17.21(c)(3) and (5), would
apply to the Florida manatee, and the
provisions of 50 CFR 17.32(b)
concerning exceptions for certain
entities would also apply to the
Accordingly, protections in Florida’s
coastal and inland waters will not
change with the designation of the
Florida manatee subspecies as a
threatened species. Manatee protection
areas (MPAs) have played a substantial
role in manatee conservation and will
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be needed into the foreseeable future,
and the designation of these areas will
not be affected by the Florida manatee’s
listing. In addition, the MMPA prohibits
the ‘‘take’’ (i.e., to harass, hunt, capture,
kill, or attempt to harass, hunt, capture,
or kill; 16 U.S.C. 1362(13)) of marine
mammals. MPAs also play an important
role in avoiding take under the MMPA.
Required Determinations
Clarity of the Rule
We are required by Executive Order
(E.O.) 12866 and E.O. 12988 and by the
Presidential memorandum of June 1,
1998, to write all rules in plain
language. This means that each rule we
publish must:
(1) Be logically organized;
(2) Use the active voice to address
readers directly;
(3) Use clear language rather than
(4) Be divided into short sections and
sentences; and
(5) Use lists and tables wherever
If you feel that we have not met these
requirements, send us comments by one
of the methods listed in ADDRESSES. To
better help us revise the rule, your
comments should be as specific as
possible. For example, you should tell
us the numbers of the sections or
paragraphs that are unclearly written,
which sections or sentences are too
long, the sections where you feel lists or
tables would be useful, etc.
National Environmental Policy Act (42
U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)
Regulations adopted pursuant to
section 4(a) of the Act are exempt from
the National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and do
not require an environmental analysis
under NEPA. We published a notice
outlining our reasons for this
determination in the Federal Register
on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244). This
includes listing, delisting, and
reclassification rules, as well as critical
habitat designations and speciesspecific protective regulations
promulgated concurrently with a
decision to list or reclassify a species as
threatened. The courts have upheld this
position (e.g., Douglas County v.
Babbitt, 48 F.3d 1495 (9th Cir. 1995)
(critical habitat); Center for Biological
Diversity v. U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, 2005 WL 2000928 (N.D. Cal.
Aug. 19, 2005) (concurrent 4(d) rule)).
Relationship With Tribes
In accordance with the President’s
memorandum of April 29, 1994
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 8 / Tuesday, January 14, 2025 / Proposed Rules
(Government-to-Government Relations
With Native American Tribal
Governments; 59 FR 22951, May 4,
1994), E.O. 13175 (Consultation and
Coordination With Indian Tribal
Governments), the President’s
memorandum of November 30, 2022
(Uniform Standards for Tribal
Consultation; 87 FR 74479, December 5,
2022), and the Department of the
Interior’s manual at 512 DM 2, we
readily acknowledge our responsibility
to communicate meaningfully with
federally recognized Tribes and Alaska
Native Corporations (ANCs) on a
government-to-government basis. In
accordance with Secretary’s Order 3206
of June 5, 1997 (American Indian Tribal
Rights, Federal-Tribal Trust
Responsibilities, and the Endangered
Species Act), we readily acknowledge
our responsibilities to work directly
with Tribes in developing programs for
healthy ecosystems, to acknowledge that
Tribal lands are not subject to the same
controls as Federal public lands, to
remain sensitive to Indian culture, and
to make information available to Tribes.
We have communicated with the
Miccosukee Tribe of Indians and the
Common name
Seminole Tribe of Florida for the
Florida manatee. There are no federally
recognized Tribes within the range of
the Antillean manatee. We will continue
to work with Tribal entities during the
development of a final listing rule for
the Florida manatee.
References Cited
A complete list of references cited in
this proposed rule is available on the
internet at https://www.regulations.gov
and upon request from the Florida
Ecological Services Field Office (Florida
manatee) and Caribbean Ecological
Services Field Office (Antillean
The primary authors of this proposed
rule are the staff members of the Fish
and Wildlife Service’s Species
Assessment Team and the Florida and
Caribbean Ecological Services Field
Accordingly, we propose to amend
part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, title
50 of the Code of Federal Regulations,
as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 17
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361–1407; 1531–
1544; and 4201–4245, unless otherwise
2. In § 17.11, in paragraph (h), amend
the List of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife under MAMMALS by adding,
in alphabetical order, entries for
‘‘Manatee, Antillean’’ and ‘‘Manatee,
Florida’’, and removing the entry for
‘‘Manatee, West Indian’’, to read as
Endangered and threatened species,
Exports, Imports, Plants, Reporting and
Where listed
Proposed Regulation Promulgation
§ 17.11 Endangered and threatened
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
Scientific name
recordkeeping requirements,
Transportation, Wildlife.
(h) * * *
Listing citations and
applicable rules
Manatee, Antillean .............
Manatee, Florida ................
Trichechus manatus
Trichechus manatus
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Parts 622
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with PROPOSALS
[Docket No. 250107–0004]
RIN 0648–BN31
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of
Mexico, and South Atlantic; SnapperGrouper Fishery of the South Atlantic;
Amendment 59
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Jkt 265001
NMFS proposes regulations to
implement Amendment 59 to the
Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for the
Snapper-Grouper Fishery of the South
Atlantic (Snapper-Grouper FMP)
(Amendment 59). If approved,
Amendment 59 and this proposed rule
would, for South Atlantic red snapper:
revise the fishing mortality (F) at
maximum sustainable yield (MSY)
proxy for determining overfishing,
acceptable biological catch (ABC), sector
annual catch limits (ACLs), fishing year,
sector fishing season start dates,
recreational fishing season structure,
commercial trip limits, and establish an
annual experimental studies program.
Additionally, Amendment 59 and this
16:10 Jan 13, 2025
PO 00000
Frm 00117
Fmt 4702
[Federal Register citation when published as a final rule].
[Federal Register citation when published as a final rule].
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Proposed rule; notice of
availability of a fishery management
plan amendment; request for comments.
[FR Doc. 2025–00467 Filed 1–13–25; 8:45 am]
Wherever found .................
Martha Williams,
Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Wherever found .................
Sfmt 4702
proposed rule would establish a
snapper-grouper discard reduction
season in South Atlantic Federal waters.
This action is intended to end and
prevent overfishing of red snapper
while reducing dead discards and
providing additional fishing
Submit comments on this
combined proposed rule and notice of
availability of an FMP amendment on or
before March 17, 2025.
ADDRESSES: A plain language summary
of this proposed rule is available at
NOAA-NMFS-2024-0142. You may
submit comments on this document,
identified by [NOAA–NMFS–2024–
0142], by either of the following
• Electronic Submission: Submit all
electronic public comments via the
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Visit
[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 8 (Tuesday, January 14, 2025)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 3131-3160]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2025-00467]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2024-0050; FXES1111090FEDR-256-FF09E21000]
RIN 1018-BH60
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Status
for the Florida Manatee and Endangered Status for the Antillean Manatee
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to
list the two subspecies of the West Indian manatee, the Florida manatee
(Trichechus manatus latirostris) and the Antillean manatee (Trichechus
manatus manatus), under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended
(Act). We have conducted status reviews for the two subspecies, and, as
a result, we are proposing to list the Florida manatee as a threatened
species with protective regulations under section 4(d) of the Act
(``4(d) rule''), and the Antillean manatee as an endangered species,
under the Act. These two listings would replace the current threatened
species listing of the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus). This
determination also serves as our 12-month findings on two petitions and
as our completed 5-year review of the West Indian manatee. If we
finalize this rule as proposed, it would remove the West Indian manatee
from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (List), add
the Florida manatee and Antillean manatee to the List, and extend the
Act's protections to the Florida manatee and Antillean manatee.
DATES: We will accept comments received or postmarked on or before
March 17, 2025. Comments submitted electronically using the Federal
eRulemaking Portal (see ADDRESSES, below) must be received by 11:59
p.m. eastern time on the closing date. We must receive requests for an
additional public hearing, in writing, at the address shown in FOR
Public informational meeting and public hearing: On February 26,
2025, we will hold a public informational meeting followed by a public
hearing from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Eastern-Standard time (6 p.m. to 8 p.m.,
Atlantic-Standard time). For more information, see Public Hearing,
[[Page 3132]]
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by one of the following methods:
(1) Electronically: Go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://www.regulations.gov. In the Search box, enter FWS-R4-ES-2024-0050,
which is the docket number for this rulemaking. Then, click on the
Search button. On the resulting page, in the panel on the left side of
the screen, under the Document Type heading, check the Proposed Rule
box to locate this document. You may submit a comment by clicking on
(2) By hard copy: Submit by U.S. mail to: Public Comments
Processing, Attn: FWS-R4-ES-2024-0050, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
MS: PRB/3W, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3803.
We request that you send comments only by the methods described
above. We will post all comments on https://www.regulations.gov. This
generally means that we will post any personal information you provide
us (see Information Requested, below, for more information).
Availability of supporting materials: Supporting materials, such as
the species status assessment report, are available on the Service's
website at https://www.fws.gov/species/manatee-trichechus-manatus, at
https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2024-0050, or both.
Public hearing: We will hold a virtual public informational meeting
followed by a public hearing on this proposed rule using the Zoom
online video platform and teleconference. For more information, see
Public Hearing, below.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gian Basili, Deputy State Supervisor,
Florida Ecological Services Office, 7915 Baymeadows Way, Suite 200,
Jacksonville, FL 32256-7517; telephone 904-731-3079; or Lourdes Mena,
Field Supervisor, Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office, P.O. Box
491, Boqueron, PR 00622; telephone 352-749-2462. Individuals in the
United States who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have a
speech disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access
telecommunications relay services. Individuals outside the United
States should use the relay services offered within their country to
make international calls to the point-of-contact in the United States.
Please see Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2024-0050 on https://www.regulations.gov for a document that summarizes this proposed rule.
Executive Summary
Why we need to publish a rule. The Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)
defines the term ``species'' as including any subspecies of fish or
wildlife or plants, and any distinct population segment of any species
of vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when mature. Under the
Act, a species warrants listing if it meets the definition of an
endangered species (in danger of extinction throughout all or a
significant portion of its range) or a threatened species (likely to
become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout
all or a significant portion of its range). If we determine that a
species warrants listing, we must list the species promptly and
designate the species' critical habitat to the maximum extent prudent
and determinable. We have determined that the Florida manatee meets the
Act's definition of a threatened species, and the Antillean manatee
meets the Act's definition of an endangered species; therefore, we are
proposing to list them as such. We proposed to revise and/or designate
critical habitat for the Florida manatee and Antillean manatee in a
recent Federal Register publication (89 FR 78134). Listing a species as
an endangered or threatened species can be completed only by issuing a
rule through the Administrative Procedure Act rulemaking process (5
U.S.C. 551 et seq.).
What this document does. We propose to list the two accepted
subspecies of the West Indian manatee, the Florida manatee (Trichechus
manatus latirostris) and the Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus
manatus), under the Act. We would list the Florida manatee as a
threatened species covered by the ``blanket'' protective regulation at
50 CFR 17.31(a) (``blanket 4(d) rule''), and the Antillean manatee as
an endangered species. These two separate listings would replace the
current threatened species listing of the West Indian manatee
(Trichechus manatus). Therefore, if we finalize this action as
proposed, we would list both of the accepted subspecies of the West
Indian manatee, and therefore all of Trichechus manatus, but with a
different listing status for each subspecies (threatened species status
for the Florida manatee with the blanket 4(d) rule, and endangered
species status for the Antillean manatee).
The basis for our action. Under the Act, we may determine that a
species is an endangered or threatened species because of any of five
factors: (A) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B) overutilization for
commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes; (C)
disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors affecting its
continued existence. We have determined that the Florida manatee is
threatened throughout its range due to the following primary threats:
watercraft collisions, habitat loss (including seagrass loss) and
modification from coastal development, unusual mortality events,
natural processes (including cold weather events and harmful algal
blooms), human interactions, loss of warm-water refugia, and climate
change. We have also determined that the Antillean manatee is
endangered throughout its range due to the following primary threats:
watercraft collisions, habitat loss (including seagrass loss) and
modification from coastal development, natural processes like harmful
algal blooms, human interactions, poaching, low genetic diversity, and
climate change.
Information Requested
We intend that any final action resulting from this proposed rule
will be based on the best scientific and commercial data available and
be as accurate and as effective as possible. Therefore, we request
comments or information from other governmental agencies, Native
American Tribes, the scientific community, industry, or any other
interested parties concerning this proposed rule. We particularly seek
comments concerning:
(1) The species' biology, range, and population trends, including:
(a) Biological or ecological requirements of either subspecies,
including habitat requirements for feeding, breeding, and sheltering;
(b) Genetics and taxonomy;
(c) Historical and current range, including distribution patterns
and the locations of any additional populations of either subspecies;
(d) Historical and current population levels, and current and
projected trends; and
(e) Past and ongoing conservation measures for either subspecies,
their habitats, or both.
(2) Threats and conservation actions affecting either subspecies,
(a) Factors that may be affecting the continued existence of either
subspecies, which may include habitat modification or destruction,
overutilization, disease, predation, the inadequacy of existing
[[Page 3133]]
mechanisms, or other natural or manmade factors;
(b) Biological, commercial trade, or other relevant data concerning
any threats (or lack thereof) to either subspecies; and
(c) Existing regulations or conservation actions that may be
addressing threats to either subspecies.
(3) Additional information concerning the historical and current
status of either subspecies.
(4) Information to assist with applying or issuing protective
regulations under section 4(d) of the Act that may be necessary and
advisable to provide for the conservation of the Florida manatee. In
particular, we seek information concerning:
(a) The extent to which we should include any of the Act's section
9 prohibitions in the 4(d) rule for the Florida manatee; and
(b) Whether we should consider any additional or different
exceptions from the prohibitions in the 4(d) rule for the Florida
Please include sufficient information with your submission (such as
scientific journal articles or other publications) to allow us to
verify any scientific or commercial information you include.
Please note that submissions merely stating support for, or
opposition to, the action under consideration without providing
supporting information, although noted, do not provide substantial
information necessary to support a determination. Section 4(b)(1)(A) of
the Act directs that determinations as to whether any species is an
endangered or a threatened species must be made solely on the basis of
the best scientific and commercial data available.
You may submit your comments and materials concerning this proposed
rule by one of the methods listed in ADDRESSES. We request that you
send comments only by the methods described in ADDRESSES.
If you submit information via https://www.regulations.gov, your
entire submission--including any personal identifying information--will
be posted on the website. If your submission is made via a hardcopy
that includes personal identifying information, you may request at the
top of your document that we withhold this information from public
review. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. We
will post all hardcopy submissions on https://www.regulations.gov.
Comments and materials we receive, as well as supporting
documentation we used in preparing this proposed rule, will be
available for public inspection on https://www.regulations.gov.
Our final determinations may differ from this proposal because we
will consider all comments we receive during the comment period as well
as any information that may become available after this proposal. Based
on the new information we receive (and, if relevant, any comments on
that new information), we may conclude the Florida manatee is
endangered instead of threatened, that the Antillean manatee is
threatened instead of endangered, or that either subspecies does not
warrant listing as an endangered species or a threatened species. In
addition, we may change the parameters of the prohibitions or the
exceptions to those prohibitions in the protective regulations under
section 4(d) of the Act for the Florida manatee if we conclude it is
appropriate in light of comments and new information received. For
example, we may expand the prohibitions if we conclude that the
protective regulation as a whole, including those additional
prohibitions, is necessary and advisable to provide for the
conservation of the subspecies. Conversely, we may establish additional
or different exceptions to the prohibitions in the final rule if we
conclude that the activities would facilitate or are compatible with
the conservation and recovery of the subspecies. In our final rule, we
will clearly explain our rationale and the basis for our final
decisions, including why we made changes, if any, that differ from this
Public Hearing
Section 4(b)(5) of the Act provides for a public hearing on this
proposal, if requested. At this time, we have preemptively scheduled a
public informational meeting and public hearing on this proposed rule.
We will hold the public informational meeting and public hearing on the
date and at the time listed above under Public informational meeting
and public hearing in DATES. We are holding the public informational
meeting and public hearing via the Zoom online video platform and via
teleconference so that participants can attend remotely. The use of a
virtual public hearing is consistent with our regulations at 50 CFR
For security purposes, anyone intending to listen to and view the
hearing via Zoom, listen to the hearing by telephone, or provide oral
public comments at the hearing by Zoom or telephone must register in
advance. For information on how to register, or if you encounter
problems joining Zoom on the day of the hearing, visit https://www.fws.gov/project/manatee-virtual-public-hearing. Registrants will
receive the Zoom link and the telephone number for the public hearing.
Interested members of the public who are not familiar with the Zoom
platform should view the Zoom video tutorials (https://learnzoom.us/show-me) prior to the public hearing.
The public hearing will provide interested parties an opportunity
to present verbal testimony (formal, oral comments) regarding this
proposed rule. The public hearing will not be an opportunity for
dialogue with the Service, but rather a forum for accepting formal
verbal testimony. In the event there is a large attendance, the time
allotted for oral statements may be limited. Therefore, anyone wishing
to make an oral statement at the public hearing for the record is
encouraged to provide a prepared written copy of that statement to us
through the Federal eRulemaking Portal, or U.S. mail (see ADDRESSES,
above). There are no limits on the length of written comments submitted
to us.
Reasonable Accommodation
The Service is committed to providing access to the public hearing
for all participants. Closed captioning will be available during the
public hearing. Participants will also have access to live audio during
the public hearing via their telephone or computer speakers. Persons
with disabilities requiring reasonable accommodations to participate in
the hearing should contact the person listed under FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT at least 5 business days prior to the date of the
hearing to help ensure availability. An accessible version of the
Service's presentation will also be posted online at https://www.fws.gov/project/manatee-virtual-public-hearing prior to the hearing
(see DATES, above). See https://www.fws.gov/project/manatee-virtual-public-hearing for more information about reasonable accommodation.
Finally, a full audio and video recording and transcript of the public
hearing will be posted online at https://www.fws.gov/project/manatee-virtual-public-hearing after the hearing.
Previous Federal Actions
The Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), a subspecies
of the West Indian manatee, was listed as endangered in 1967 (see 32 FR
4001, March 11, 1967) under the Endangered Species Preservation Act of
1966 (Pub. L. 89-669; 80 Stat. 926). After adoption of the Endangered
Species Conservation Act of 1969 (Pub. L. 91-135; 83 Stat. 275), the
Florida manatee listing was amended in 1970 to include the West Indian
manatee (Trichechus manatus)
[[Page 3134]]
throughout its range, including in northern South America (see 35 FR
8491, June 2, 1970). A December 2, 1970, amendment then added the
Caribbean Sea to the ``Where found'' information in the listing entry
for the West Indian (Florida) manatee, which added the Antillean
manatee to the listing (see 35 FR 18319). The West Indian manatee was
subsequently grandfathered into the List of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife under the Act in 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). In 2017, the
West Indian manatee, including both subspecies, was reclassified from
endangered to threatened (see 82 FR 16668, April 5, 2017).
On October 21, 2021, we received a petition from Julio C.
Col[oacute]n requesting that we list the Puerto Rico population of the
Antillean manatee as an endangered distinct population segment (DPS)
and that we designate critical habitat for this entity under the Act.
The petition provided substantial scientific or commercial information
indicating that the petitioned entity may qualify as a DPS, and we
found that the petition provided substantial information regarding low
genetic diversity and isolation (Factor E) and boat collisions (Factor
E) that may be potential threats to the Puerto Rico manatee population
(see 88 FR 70634, October 12, 2023).
On November 21, 2022, we received a petition from the Center for
Biological Diversity (CBD) and others requesting that we reclassify
(uplist) the West Indian manatee, including its subspecies the
Antillean manatee and Florida manatee, as endangered species under the
Act. The petition presented substantial information on the loss of
seagrass (Factor A) within the range of the Florida manatee, as well as
the negative impacts of this factor to the West Indian manatee's
viability (see 88 FR 70634, October 12, 2023).
In response to the October 21, 2021, and November 21, 2022,
petitions, we initiated a status review. To ensure that status review
was complete, we requested new scientific and commercial data and other
information regarding the West Indian manatee throughout its range,
including information specific to the Puerto Rico population of
Antillean manatee, and factors that may affect their status (88 FR
70634, October 12, 2023). This document serves as our 12-month findings
for those two petitions.
Peer Review
Species status assessment (SSA) teams prepared SSA reports for the
Florida manatee (Service 2024a, entire) and Antillean manatee (Service
2024b, entire). The SSA teams were composed of Service biologists, in
consultation with other species experts. The SSA reports each represent
a compilation of the best scientific and commercial data available
concerning the status of each subspecies, including the impacts of
past, present, and future factors (both negative and beneficial)
affecting each subspecies.
In accordance with our joint policy on peer review published in the
Federal Register on July 1, 1994 (59 FR 34270), and our August 22,
2016, memorandum updating and clarifying the role of peer review in
listing and recovery actions under the Act, we will solicit independent
scientific review of the information contained in the Florida manatee
and Antillean manatee SSA reports during the comment period for this
proposed rule.
I. Proposed Listing Determination
A thorough review of the taxonomy, life history, and ecology of the
Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) is available in its
SSA report (version 1.1; Service 2024a, pp. 17-33) and of the Antillean
manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) in its SSA report (version 1.1;
Service 2024b, pp. 15-34).
West Indian manatees (manatees) are large, herbivorous marine
mammals with short, paired flippers and a distinct paddle-shaped tail.
Adults average about 3.0 meters (m) (9.8 feet (ft)) in length and 400
kilograms (kg) (900 pounds (lb)) in weight, but they may reach lengths
of up to 4 m (13 ft) (Husar 1978, p. 1; Reynolds and Odell 1991, p. 38)
and weigh as much as 1,620 kg (3,570 lb) (Rathbun et al. 1990, p. 23).
The two subspecies appear similar, share most common morphological
characteristics, and can typically only be distinguished through
skeletal measurements or genetic analysis. A difference commonly
reported between the two subspecies is size, with the Florida manatee
larger and heavier than the Antillean manatee; however, sizes do
overlap (Converse et al. 1994, p. 427; Wong et al. 2012, p. 5;
Castelblanco-Mart[iacute]nez et al. 2021, p. 7).
Manatees use a wide variety of freshwater, estuarine, and marine
habitats for their survival as well as life-history needs (i.e.,
feeding and drinking, traveling, resting, thermoregulation, cavorting,
mating, calving, and nursing). Manatees feed on a variety of freshwater
and marine vegetation, as well as seek out sources of fresh drinking
water when in marine and estuarine habitats. Manatees tend to travel
along the waterward edges of beds of vegetation in or near channels,
and sometimes along coastal beaches. Manatees often use secluded
canals, creeks, embayments, and lagoons, particularly near the mouths
of rivers and sloughs, for feeding, resting, cavorting, mating, and
[[Page 3135]]
Florida manatees are found in coastal and inland waters in Florida
year-round, regularly in Georgia and the Carolinas, and in coastal
Alabama and Louisiana during warmer months; vagrants can be found as
far north as Massachusetts and as far west as Texas (see figure 1,
above; Gunter 1941, p. 64; Lowery 1974, p. 481; Domning and Hayek 1986,
p. 136; Fertl et al. 2005, p. 74; Beck 2015, unpubl. data). Florida
manatees are also known to travel to and from the Bahamas, Cuba, and
Mexico (Odell et al. 1978, p. 289; Alvarez-Alem[aacute]n et al. 2010,
p. 148; Melillo-Sweeting et al. 2011, p. 505). Antillean manatees are
found in the coastal waters of the Greater Antilles (i.e., Cuba,
Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico) and discontinuously along the
Gulf coast of Mexico, Caribbean coast of Central and South America, and
Atlantic coast of South America as far south as Bahia, Brazil (see
figure 1, above; Self-Sullivan and Mignucci-Giannoni 2012, p. 36).
Except for rare sightings, manatees are no longer found in the Lesser
Antilles (i.e., Caribbean islands extending from the U.S. and British
Virgin Islands to Grenada) (Lefebvre et al. 2001, p. 425). The few
individuals that have been reported for the U.S. and British Virgin
Islands, Turks and Caicos, Cayman Islands, St. Maarten, Curacao, and
Bonaire are considered vagrant from nearby populations (Service 2007,
p. 27; Self-Sullivan and Mignucci-Giannoni 2012, p. 40).
Regulatory and Analytical Framework
Regulatory Framework
Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533) and the implementing
regulations in title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations set forth
the procedures for determining whether a species is an endangered
species or a threatened species, issuing protective regulations for
threatened species, and designating critical habitat for endangered and
threatened species.
The Act defines an ``endangered species'' as a species that is in
danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its
range, and a ``threatened species'' as a species that is likely to
become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout
all or a significant portion of its range. The Act requires that we
determine whether any species is an endangered species or a threatened
species because of any of the following factors:
(A) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range;
(B) Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes;
(C) Disease or predation;
(D) The inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; or
(E) Other natural or manmade factors affecting its continued
These factors represent broad categories of natural or human-caused
actions or conditions that could have an effect on a species' continued
existence. In evaluating these actions and conditions, we look for
those that may have a negative effect on individuals of the species, as
well as other actions or conditions that may ameliorate any negative
effects or may have positive effects.
We use the term ``threat'' to refer in general to actions or
conditions that are known to or are reasonably likely to negatively
affect individuals of a species. The term ``threat'' includes actions
or conditions that have a direct impact on individuals (direct
impacts), as well as those that affect individuals through alteration
of their habitat or required resources (stressors). The term ``threat''
may encompass--either together or separately--the source of the action
or condition or the action or condition itself.
[[Page 3136]]
However, the mere identification of any threat(s) does not
necessarily mean that the species meets the statutory definition of an
``endangered species'' or a ``threatened species.'' In determining
whether a species meets either definition, we must evaluate all
identified threats by considering the species' expected response and
the effects of the threats--in light of those actions and conditions
that will ameliorate the threats--on an individual, population, and
species level. We evaluate each threat and its expected effects on the
species, then analyze the cumulative effect of all of the threats on
the species as a whole. We also consider the cumulative effect of the
threats in light of those actions and conditions that will have
positive effects on the species, such as any existing regulatory
mechanisms or conservation efforts. The Secretary determines whether
the species meets the definition of an ``endangered species'' or a
``threatened species'' only after conducting this cumulative analysis
and describing the expected effect on the species.
The Act does not define the term ``foreseeable future,'' which
appears in the statutory definition of ``threatened species.'' Our
implementing regulations at 50 CFR 424.11(d) set forth a framework for
evaluating the foreseeable future on a case-by-case basis, which is
further described in the 2009 Memorandum Opinion on the foreseeable
future from the Department of the Interior, Office of the Solicitor (M-
37021, January 16, 2009; ``M-Opinion,'' available online at https://www.doi.gov/sites/doi.opengov.ibmcloud.com/files/uploads/M-37021.pdf).
The foreseeable future extends as far into the future as the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service (hereafter,
the Services) can make reasonably reliable predictions about the
threats to the species and the species' responses to those threats. We
need not identify the foreseeable future in terms of a specific period
of time. We will describe the foreseeable future on a case-by-case
basis, using the best available data and taking into account
considerations such as the species' life-history characteristics,
threat-projection timeframes, and environmental variability. In other
words, the foreseeable future is the period of time over which we can
make reasonably reliable predictions. ``Reliable'' does not mean
``certain''; it means sufficient to provide a reasonable degree of
confidence in the prediction, in light of the conservation purposes of
the Act.
Analytical Framework
The SSA reports document the results of our comprehensive
biological review of the best scientific and commercial data regarding
the status of each of the subspecies, including an assessment of the
potential threats to each subspecies. The SSA reports do not represent
our decision on whether the subspecies should be proposed for listing
as an endangered or threatened species under the Act. However, they do
provide the scientific basis that informs our regulatory decisions,
which involve the further application of standards within the Act and
its implementing regulations and policies.
To assess the Florida manatee's and Antillean manatee's viability,
we used the three conservation biology principles of resiliency,
redundancy, and representation (Shaffer and Stein 2000, pp. 306-310).
Briefly, resiliency is the ability of the species to withstand
environmental and demographic stochasticity (for example, wet or dry,
warm or cold years); redundancy is the ability of the species to
withstand catastrophic events (for example, droughts, large pollution
events); and representation is the ability of the species to adapt to
both near-term and long-term changes in its physical and biological
environment (for example, climate conditions, pathogens). In general,
species viability will increase with increases in resiliency,
redundancy, and representation (Smith et al. 2018, p. 306). Using these
principles, we identified each subspecies' ecological requirements for
survival and reproduction at the individual, population, and subspecies
levels, and described the beneficial and risk factors influencing the
subspecies' viability.
The SSA process can be categorized into three sequential stages.
During the first stage, we evaluated the individual subspecies' life-
history needs. The next stage involved an assessment of the historical
and current condition of the subspecies' demographics and habitat
characteristics, including an explanation of how the subspecies arrived
at its current condition. The final stage of the SSA involved making
predictions about the subspecies' responses to positive and negative
environmental and anthropogenic influences. Throughout all of these
stages, we used the best available information to characterize
viability as the ability of the subspecies to sustain populations in
the wild over time, which we then used to inform our regulatory
The following is a summary of the key results and conclusions from
the SSA reports; each SSA report can be found at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-
2024-0050 on https://www.regulations.gov.
Summary of Biological Status and Threats
In this discussion, we review the biological condition of each
subspecies and their resources, and the threats that influence each
subspecies' current and future condition, in order to assess each
subspecies' overall viability and the risks to that viability.
Species Needs
As mentioned above, manatees use a wide variety of freshwater,
estuarine, and marine habitats for their life-history needs (i.e.,
feeding and drinking, traveling, resting, thermoregulation, cavorting,
mating, calving, and nursing). For all life stages, manatees require
access to fresh water for drinking, travel corridors during migration
to reach habitats needed for survival and reproduction, and calm waters
for resting (Ortiz et al. 1999, p. 33; Deutsch et al. 2003, entire;
Flamm et al. 2005, entire; Drew et al. 2012, p. 24; Favero et al. 2020,
p. 1670; Ross et al. 2020, entire). For pregnant females, sheltered
backwaters with little disturbance are required for parturition
(Hartman 1979, p. 110; Reynolds and Odell 1991, p. 51).
All manatee life stages require appropriate forage and water
temperatures (Best 1981, p. 7; Irvine et al. 1983, p. 323; Smith 1993,
entire; Rommel et al. 2001, p. 339; Rommel and Caplan 2003, p. 343;
Reich and Worthy 2006, p. 304; Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission (FWC) 2007, p. 2; United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP) 2010, p. 8; Allen et al. 2018, p. 1931). Because seagrass is one
of the largest components of the manatee's diet in coastal areas,
healthy seagrass ecosystems are critical for the species' survival.
Manatees predominantly feed on seagrass in near-shore, shallow waters
averaging 1 to 3 meters (3.3 to 9.8 ft) in depth (Smith 1993, p. 11).
Salt marsh vegetation, specifically smooth cordgrass (Spartina
alterniflora), is an important food source for manatees in northeastern
Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina (Zoodsma 1991, pp. 54-61).
The Antillean manatee inhabits the southern limits of the manatee's
distribution; therefore, the subspecies is tropical and does not face
cold stress risk. Florida manatees may exhibit major shifts in
distribution during different times of the year largely due to the
subspecies being subtropical and cold-intolerant. Because the Florida
[[Page 3137]]
subspecies occurs in the northern limits of the manatee's range, it
requires stable, long-term sources of warm water, such as natural
springs, during colder months in order to survive. These warm-water
sites buffer the lethal effects of cold temperatures. Over half of
Florida manatees are known to use warm-water discharges from power
plants rather than natural springs, thermal basins, or other sites
(Laist et al. 2013, p. 4; Valade et al. 2020, p. 3). Florida manatees
in the southernmost parts of the range depend primarily on industrial
warm-water outfalls, while Florida manatees in the northernmost parts
of the range rely almost exclusively on natural springs (Laist et al.
2013, p. 4). An ambient temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit ([deg]F)
(20 degrees Celsius ([deg]C)) has been identified as the threshold when
many Florida manatees seek out warm-water refugia, although there is
considerable variability for individual tolerance to cold and when
individual manatees begin to move toward warmer waters (Deutsch et al.
2003, pp. 22-25).
Threats Analysis
There are many factors affecting the viability of manatees; these
factors include habitat loss (including seagrass loss) and modification
from coastal development, overutilization from recreational disturbance
by humans, disease and predation, pollution and harmful algal blooms,
collisions from boating, entrapment in water control structures, loss
of warm-water refugia, poaching, entanglement in fishing gear and
marine debris, low genetic diversity, and climate change. The current
and future primary influences on the Florida manatee are watercraft
collisions, habitat loss (including seagrass loss) and modification
from coastal development, unusual mortality events (UME), natural
processes (including cold weather events and harmful algal blooms),
human interactions, loss of warm-water refugia, and climate change. The
current primary influences on the Antillean manatee are watercraft
collisions, habitat loss (including seagrass loss) and modification
from coastal development, natural processes like harmful algal blooms,
human interactions, poaching, low genetic diversity, and climate
Watercraft Collisions
Collisions with watercraft are a primary threat to both subspecies
of the manatee. Watercraft-related collisions result in direct impacts
to manatees in the form of lethal and sublethal injuries, can lead to
orphaning dependent calves of mothers that succumb to injuries, and can
result in additional impacts to reproduction. Collisions with
watercraft can occur rangewide anywhere watercraft usage overlaps with
waterways accessible to manatees, and manatees are particularly
vulnerable to collisions in shallow-water habitats (Edwards et al.
2016, p. 8).
Within the United States, collisions with watercraft have been
identified as the most significant anthropogenic threat to Florida
manatees (Runge et al. 2017, p. 37; Service 2023, p. 10), causing
fatalities, sublethal injuries, and the orphaning of dependent calves
(Service 2023, p. 11). Ninety-six percent of Florida manatees have
scars from at least one watercraft collision, and 25 percent of adults
have scars from 10 or more watercraft collisions (Bassett et al. 2020,
entire). From 1990 through 2021, watercraft-related collisions were the
most prevalent cause of death for Florida manatees; during that time,
2,503 Florida manatee deaths (or 19.1 percent of all documented
carcasses) were attributed to watercraft-related collisions. Both a
potential increase in the number of manatees and boaters would lead to
a greater number of expected collisions (Martin et al. 2016, pp. 43-
44). There were 1,029,993 boats registered in Florida as of 2022, and
an unknown number of out-of-State boats were brought in by seasonal
residents and visitors. Florida has the highest number of registered
boats of any U.S. State (FWC 2022, entire), and since 1990, the number
of boats registered in Florida has increased by more than 33 percent,
even with the reduced registrations accompanying the economic recession
that began in 2008. The human population in Florida is expected to grow
by millions in the next few decades (approximately 3 to 9 million more
people by 2045; Rayer and Wang 2020, entire). With an increasing human
population, the number of boats in Florida waters is also expected to
increase, resulting in more opportunities for watercraft-related
manatee injuries and deaths.
Watercraft collisions that kill or injure manatees are a threat for
the Antillean manatee as well. However, current information on
watercraft collisions is limited and variable for most of the countries
within the subspecies' range. This threat is likely widespread in
portions of the range near human populations and has likely been
increasing in magnitude over the last few decades and will continue to
increase into the future as motorboats become more abundant.
In Puerto Rico, 43 years of manatee mortality data from 1980 to
2022 indicate that a total of 54 manatees are known to have died due to
watercraft collisions (Mignucci-Giannoni et al. 2000, p. 192; Mignucci-
Giannoni 2006, p. 2; Puerto Rico Department of Natural and
Environmental Resources (PRDNER) and Caribbean Manatee Conservation
Center (CMCC) 2022, unpubl. data). This number represents approximately
18 percent of the total known mortality cases during that time (54 out
of 308), with a maximum of seven manatees in 2021 and usually at least
one manatee per year. Unfortunately, there appears to be a recent
increasing trend of watercraft-related mortalities with three cases in
2020, seven in 2021 (highest on record), and three in 2022. In Belize,
watercraft collisions are the predominant cause of death, and
strandings due to watercraft collisions have been increasing over
recent decades (UNEP 2010, p. 22; Galves et al. 2023, entire; Specially
Protected Areas and Wildlife Regional Activity Center (SPAW-RAC) 2021,
p. 20). In Mexico, watercraft-related mortalities do not seem to be a
significant cause of manatee mortality, and there was a recent (March
2020) documentation of the first case in 20 years of a watercraft
collision with a healthy juvenile female manatee (Castelblanco-
Mart[iacute]nez et al. 2020, p. 14). In Brazil, increased boating
activities have resulted in both lethal collisions with manatees and
disruption of manatee behavior (Self-Sullivan and Mignucci-Giannoni
2012, p. 43).
Habitat Loss and Modification
Human activities have caused the loss and alteration of manatee
habitat used for breeding, feeding, sheltering, and seasonal migration.
Seagrass, macro-algae, salt marsh, and freshwater vegetation have been
affected, leading to significant losses of foraging habitat. Human
activities that can result in the loss of aquatic vegetation as food
resources include dredging, filling, boating, eutrophication, and
coastal development (Zieman and Zieman 1989, pp. 88-96; Duarte 2002, p.
194; Orth et al. 2006, p. 991; PRDNER 2008, entire; PRDNER 2012,
entire). Dredging directly removes submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV),
and sediments suspended in the water column during dredge and fill
activities cover adjacent SAV beds (Zieman and Zieman 1989, pp. 88-89;
Auil 1998, p. 9). Boat groundings and boat propellers scar seagrass
beds when boats navigate through seagrass beds in water that is too
shallow for the draft (deepest point) of their boats, and even if the
areas can eventually recover, the process can take many years (Sargent
et al. 1995, pp. 6, 28; Hallac et al. 2012, entire). Additionally,
excess nitrogen
[[Page 3138]]
and phosphorus that enters the aquatic system via septic systems,
stormwater runoff or outfalls, or industrial and agricultural runoff
can cause eutrophication, which reduces the amount of light available
for photosynthesis, which subsequently may increase SAV mortality
(Ralph et al. 2007, pp. 571-577; Lapointe et al. 2020, p. 2). Coastal
development can have numerous negative impacts on manatee habitat,
including impacts on tidal marsh and SAV. The most significant impact
development has on tidal marsh is the direct conversion of marsh to
development, resulting in a direct loss of habitat and forage.
In Florida, seagrass resources have declined along the Atlantic
coast since 2011, most notably in the 156-mile (mi) (251-kilometer
(km)) Indian River Lagoon (IRL), which is considered an important area
for manatees in Florida (Landsberg et al. 2022, p. 1). Loss of seagrass
is expected to have contributed to the unusual mortality event in the
winter of 2020-2021 that affected IRL populations (described below
under ``Unusual Mortality Events''). Seagrass declines have also been
observed in other locations in southeastern Florida estuarine systems,
including northern and central Biscayne Bay. As of 2015, Statewide
mapping effort estimated 2.48 million acres of seagrass coverage in the
shallow coastal regions of Florida (Yarbro and Carlson 2016, p. 5).
While there have been recent gains or stability in seagrass coverage in
many areas due to improvements in water quality and restoration, the
total acreage of seagrass in Florida today is less than half of what it
was in the 1950s (Yarbro and Carlson 2016, p. 3). During the winter of
2022-2023, manatees from the upper IRL were observed foraging in the
central and southern Mosquito Lagoon where seagrass beds have been
reported to be in healthier condition, but to access forage in that
area, manatees are traveling more than 20 miles (32 kilometers) from
warm-water sites each way. In addition, the St. Johns River Water
Management District (Saint Johns River Water Management District
(SJRWMD) 2023, entire) reports some improvement in the condition of the
seagrass in the IRL in 2023.
Anthropogenic activities that result in the loss of seagrass also
occur in Puerto Rico. Although there are no estimates of how much
seagrass is needed to sustain the manatee population in Puerto Rico,
seagrass abundance is not currently considered a limiting factor for
the Antillean manatee population there (Drew et al. 2012, p. 13).
Within other areas of the Antillean manatee's range, effects of habitat
fragmentation from agriculture, development, resource extraction, and
boating contribute to habitat loss. In Panama, manatee distribution is
apparently fragmented because of discontinuous and likely depleted
habitat (Lefebvre et al. 2001, p. 442). In Colombia, Antillean manatees
have been cut off from important habitat by highway construction
activities since the 1970s (Montoya-Ospina et al. 2001, p. 127).
Agriculture and development have impacted coastal and estuarine manatee
habitat in Honduras (Cerrato 1993, in Lefebvre et al. 2001, p. 440;
UNEP 2010, p. 52), Costa Rica (UNEP 2010, p. 34), Jamaica (UNEP 2010,
p. 55), Trinidad and Tobago (UNEP 2010, p. 76), and Mexico and Belize
(UNEP 2010, pp. 23, 58-59). In Cuba, agricultural activities directly
impacted manatees when residues from sugar processing killed eight
manatees in 1981 and caused others to abandon Cuba's largest bay (UNEP
2010, p. 37). Furthermore, resource extraction and seagrass scarring
pose a threat to manatees in Guatemala (UNEP 2010, pp. 45-46), while in
the northeastern estuaries of Brazil, habitat destruction and
degradation of mangrove forests are the main influencing factors for
calf strandings (Dos Santos-Medeiros et al. 2021, entire). We
anticipate many of these factors contributing to habitat fragmentation
and loss will continue to act on both the Florida manatee and Antillean
manatee into the future.
Unusual Mortality Events
Per the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (MMPA; 16 U.S.C. 1361
et seq.), an ``unusual mortality event'' (UME) may be declared when
there is a stranding that is unexpected, involves a significant die off
of any marine mammal population, and demands immediate response (16
U.S.C. 1421h(9)). When a UME is declared by the appropriate agency (for
the manatee, this agency is the Service), the event will be
investigated, and expertise shared through the MMPA-established Working
Group on Marine Mammal Unusual Mortality Events (WGMMUME) (16 U.S.C.
1421c). In addition, funds may be made available for response and
investigation through the UME Contingency Fund (16 U.S.C. 1421d).
The first formally designated UME affecting Florida manatees
occurred in 1996, with the loss of 149 manatees due to red tide
toxicity (see ``Pollution and Red Tides,'' below) associated with
brevetoxins (tasteless, odorless neurotoxic compounds) (Bossart et al.
1998, p. 277). Since that time, there have been several red tide-
related UMEs or ``repeat mortality events'' (RMEs), as well as events
in 2010 and 2011 (cold temperatures), 2013 (deaths associated with a
dietary shift or change in gut flora), and an ongoing event that
started in December 2020 (starvation due to loss of foraging habitat
along the Atlantic Coast of Florida) (Barlas et al. 2011, pp. iii-vi;
Hardy et al. 2019, p. 1).
Two of the most recent UME events have occurred in the IRL area
along Florida's Atlantic Coast. A ``superbloom'' event of phytoplankton
in 2011, followed by successive blooms in 2016 and 2018, contributed to
a significant loss of seagrass in this estuary (Martin et al. 2017, p.
5; Runge et al. 2017, p. 21; Service 2023, p. 47). During the winter of
2020-2021, the IRL experienced a more substantial collapse of almost
all forage in Brevard County and neighboring counties along the IRL
(Service 2023, p. 5; SJRWMD 2023, unpublished data). This latest UME
was officially declared in March 2021, and encompasses the area of the
east coast of Florida and the Lower St. Johns River north of Putnam
County (referred to as the Atlantic Management Unit) (Service 2023, p.
5). The current UME is marked by a significant increase in mortality
and morbidity, with affected animals--of which an unusually large
proportion has been adults--showing similar signs of malnutrition and
starvation (Service 2023, p. 17). From December 1, 2020, to September
27, 2024, a preliminary total of 1,693 carcasses (from all causes of
death, including watercraft collisions, starvation, unknown causes,
etc.) have been verified from the Atlantic Management Unit (FWC Manatee
Mortality Database 2024, unpaginated). During this same period, more
than 210 Florida manatees were rescued for a variety of causes, with
UME-related manatees in need of rescue characterized by emaciation,
sideways swimming, or impaired lung function. The long-term
implications of this UME to the Florida manatee population are unknown
and will take many years post-event to assess. There are no documented
UMEs for the Antillean manatee.
Pollution and Harmful Algal Blooms
Exposure to contaminants in the water may affect the immune
response of manatees to environmental stressors. Pollution generated
from agriculture, human wastewater, oil and gas production, and general
urban runoff contribute contaminants that are discharged into waterways
and become integrated into sediments. Some contaminants are
concentrated near industry and human population centers, while others
are distributed more broadly in water.
[[Page 3139]]
Florida manatees in areas with widespread use of copper as an
aquatic herbicide have been found to have high concentrations of copper
in liver tissues, which can lead to jaundice, and toxic levels can lead
to death (O'Shea et al. 1984, pp. 741, 746). Even Florida manatees in
less agricultural outfalls in Citrus, Brevard, and Charlotte Counties
have demonstrated high copper concentrations (O'Shea et al. 1984, pp.
742-743; Takeuchi et al. 2016, p. 447); however, because manatees cover
such great distances in their routine migrations, it is challenging to
link manatee bioaccumulation of copper to specific locations.
Antillean manatees can be directly and indirectly exposed to
harmful toxicants in waterways, which impacts individuals' overall body
condition and behavior. Exposure to these toxicants can alter behavior,
reduce immune function and reproductive ability, and, depending on the
magnitude and frequency of exposure, result in death. Within the
Antillean manatee's range, water pollution has been shown to occur due
to agricultural practices (e.g., cane cultivation), development, and
motorized boats (Corona-Figueroa et al. 2022, entire). These practices
can increase runoff (heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, etc.), which
is harmful to the subspecies and its primary food source (i.e., sea
grass). Contaminants have been implicated in the death of one Antillean
manatee calf in Puerto Rico (from a diesel spill), and mortality
associated with residues from sugar processing may have also occurred
in Cuba (UNEP 1995, p. 23). This contamination is considered a
rationale for Antillean manatees' abandonment of Bah[iacute]a de Nipe,
Cuba's largest bay (UNEP 1995, p. 23). One study from Mexico found
metal concentrations (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel,
and zinc) within Antillean manatee bones higher than for most other
marine mammals globally, and significantly different concentrations
between the sample from the Gulf of Mexico versus the Mexican Caribbean
samples (Romero-Calder[oacute]n et al. 2016, p. 9). Despite this
knowledge, metal toxicity thresholds for the Antillean manatee are
Increases in nutrient and chemical runoff may promote harmful algal
blooms (such as red tides) or damage seagrass beds that manatees rely
on for a food source. During red tide events, which occur primarily
along Florida's Gulf Coast, phytoplankton (microalgae) blooms and high
concentrations of the marine algae produce brevetoxins, which can have
debilitating or lethal effects on manatees and other aquatic life.
Observations of red tides and accompanying fish kills have been
recorded in Florida and the Gulf of Mexico since at least the 1800s
(note that fish kills plausibly caused by red tides in the Gulf of
Mexico have been recorded since 1648), and have been documented
spreading via ocean currents up the Atlantic Coast of the United States
to the Carolinas (Steidinger 2009, p. 550; Fleming et al. 2011, p.
225). Brevetoxins can sicken or kill animals, including humans, through
direct exposure in water, aerosolized brevetoxins in the air, or
bioaccumulation up the food web (Landsberg et al. 2009, p. 600;
Steidinger 2009, p. 550). Brevetoxins can also be inhaled or ingested
while manatees are foraging in seagrass communities, and brevetoxins
may reside in the sediments for extended periods of time. Initiation of
red tide algal blooms occurs in offshore areas, after which they are
transported closer to shore by upwelling ocean currents (Weisberg et
al. 2016, p. 116).
These red tide events occur in Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, and
for the Florida manatee, these events have had the greatest impacts in
southwest Florida (Lazensky et al. 2021, p. 1). While marine algae have
been reported from Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, and Jamaica (Steidinger
2009, pp. 550-551), red tide algal blooms are not known to be a
significant threat to the Antillean manatee throughout its range.
However, between 2018 and 2019 in Mexico, more than 50 Antillean
manatee deaths were attributed to toxicity from algal blooms within the
wetlands in the Tabasco region, but the algal species and cause of the
bloom were not identified (N[uacute][ntilde]ez-Nogueira and Uribe-
L[oacute]pez 2020, p. 257). The magnitude, timing, and frequency of
harmful algal blooms may change in the future with a changing climate.
Human Interactions
The general threat from human interaction is widespread throughout
both subspecies' ranges and is concentrated around human population
centers and heavily used recreation sites. While it is known that
interaction with and harassment by humans can cause manatees to alter
their natural behavior and habitat use, impacts at the population level
are not well understood.
Potential overutilization of manatees and their habitats for
recreational purposes may take place during viewing activities
conducted by commercial tour operators and private citizens in the
southeastern United States, Belize, and Mexico, and is becoming more
frequent in Puerto Rico. People view manatees from the water; from
boats, kayaks, paddleboards, and canoes; and from shoreline areas. The
presence of motorized and nonmotorized watercraft and swimmers can
disturb manatees and cause them to alter their habitat use, potentially
causing them to leave the habitats on which they depend to fulfill
physiological needs (Buckingham et al. 1999, entire; Sorice et al.
2003, entire). For the Florida manatee, this type of activity may be
most detrimental when manatees are clustered at warm-water aggregation
areas necessary for survival due to their sensitivity to cold.
Disturbance from recreation can also cause manatees to alter
behaviors such as resting or nursing, and sometimes could result in
separation of mother/calf pairs or interfere with reproduction or
socialization. There are also frequently documented accounts of the
public touching, pursuing, and offering water and food to manatees.
Manatees may become conditioned to these interactions and thus alter
their behavior such that they may be attracted to high human-use areas,
posing additional risk to manatees especially in areas of high boat
traffic. This further exposes manatees to human-associated threats such
as watercraft collisions.
Within the Florida manatee's range, the types of human interaction
can vary. These include Florida manatee viewing from the water or
shoreline to swimming with manatees. Human interaction with manatees
may result in disruption of the manatee's natural behaviors (such as
foraging, resting, thermoregulating at warm-water sites, and nursing
and caring for their young) and interfere with mating herds,
reproduction, or socialization behaviors. Some human activities may
discourage Florida manatees' use of, or result in Florida manatees
leaving, vital warm-water habitats necessary for their survival. For
the Florida manatee, the highest levels of human interaction often
occur during the winter months, when hundreds of manatees aggregate at
warm-water sites, and effects from disturbance can be particularly
detrimental due to the manatee's physiological need for warmth. During
the rest of the year, many of the same types of human interactions
occur at some level throughout the subspecies' range, but the magnitude
of impact of these interactions is not well understood. For example,
areas that are frequented by Florida manatees in South Carolina have
become increasingly more well known and attract people to view the
manatees; therefore, human interaction with
[[Page 3140]]
Florida manatees does not occur only in Florida. Many times, these
viewing opportunities are passive, but there have been reports of
people touching, feeding, providing water to, swimming with, or trying
to ride on manatees.
There is evidence that Antillean manatees are facing similar human
interaction pressures throughout their range. In Puerto Rico,
interaction with manatees by kayak and paddleboard users, divers, and
swimmers occurs in several popular beach and coastal recreational
areas. There is at least one case in Puerto Rico in which a person may
have separated a newborn calf from its mother and the calf had to be
rescued. In Swallow Caye, Belize, manatees stopped visiting suitable
manatee habitat in 1992 after swim-with-the-manatee programs were
allowed without proper control (Auil 1998, p. 12). In Costa Rica,
manatees appear to avoid areas of high-quality habitat during the day
when they are frequented by boats (UNEP 2010, p. 34). In Mexico, there
is concern over the increased boat-based tourism that targets manatees
and dolphins within the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve (Catesblanco-
Mart[iacute]nez et al. 2019, entire). Specific information is lacking
for other range countries, but Antillean manatees are likely influenced
by human interactions wherever their populations overlap with areas of
human use. It is likely the threat of overutilization of manatees and
their habitats will continue in the future and increase in areas with
higher human populations.
Historically, manatees were harvested for a variety of purposes
including meat; bones for weapons, medicine, and artisanal crafts;
hides; oil for cooking; and fat for candle-making (Lefebvre et al.
2001, p. 426; UNEP 2010, pp. 12, 31, 40; Marsh et al. 2011, p. 264;
Self-Sullivan and Mignucci-Giannoni 2012, pp. 42-45). Now, they are
primarily hunted for their meat (Jim[eacute]nez 2002, p. 276). Manatees
are particularly susceptible to overexploitation because of their low
reproductive rates, and poaching continues to pose a serious threat to
some Antillean manatee populations, especially in those areas where few
manatees remain (Lefebvre et al. 2001, p. 12).
In the past, poaching has been responsible for declining numbers
throughout much of the Antillean manatee's range (in 17 of 20 range
countries; Thornback and Jenkins 1982, as cited in Lefebvre et al.
2001, p. 426). Poaching is still common in areas where enforcement is
lacking or where local people are unaware of laws in place to protect
Antillean manatees (UNEP 2010, entire; Marsh et al. 2011, p. 386). In
general, the actual level of poaching is not well-documented throughout
the Antillean manatee's range. Poaching is currently not considered a
threat in Puerto Rico, but it is still considered a primary threat to
Antillean manatees in Cuba (Alvar[eacute]z-Alem[aacute]n et al. 2021,
entire) and Guatemala (Machuca-Coronado et al. 2023, entire). Poaching
is not considered a threat to the Florida manatee.
Cold Stress and Loss of Warm-Water Refugia
The manatee is a subtropical species that has little tolerance for
cold. Cold stress is not known to affect Antillean manatees because
they inhabit warmer subtropical waters. However, for the Florida
manatee, past and potential future losses of natural and human-made
warm-water habitat coupled with cold stress constitute a major threat
to this subspecies (Runge et al. 2017, p. 26; Valade et al. 2020, p.
Manatees are characterized as having low metabolism and poor
insulation, which inhibit their ability to retain heat and
thermoregulate (Irvine 1983, entire; Worthy et al. 2000, p. 3; Rommel
et al. 2001, p. 339; Bossart et al. 2002, p. 45; Rommel et al. 2002, p.
3; Hardy et al. 2019, p. 2; Martony et al. 2019, p. 86). The likelihood
of cold stress is highest where water temperatures are colder or have
greater fluctuations (e.g., shallower water depths), as well as in
areas with limited warm-water or foraging habitat. Cold stress is only
an immediate threat during winter but impacts to the overall health and
fitness of individuals are likely to carry over after cold weather has
passed (Walsh et al. 2005, entire). The magnitude of this threat varies
annually depending on the severity of the winter. Cold temperatures
limit the northern extent of the Florida manatee's winter range and
restrict the available wintering sites to areas mostly in peninsular
Florida, although anthropogenic thermal discharges have extended the
winter range of the Florida manatee and altered its distribution in
Florida waters (Laist and Reynolds 2005a, p. 740).
Florida's natural springs have seen substantial declines in flows
and water quality, and many springs have been altered (i.e., dammed,
silted in, or otherwise obstructed) to the point they are no longer
accessible to manatees (Laist and Reynolds 2005b, p. 287; Taylor 2006,
pp. 5-6; FWC 2007, p. 10). Flow declines are largely attributable to
demands on aquifers (spring recharge areas) for potable water or other
users such as agriculture (Marella 2014, pp. 1-2). Declining flows can
result in fewer usable warm-water sites for wintering manatees, both in
terms of thermal quantity and quality.
In Florida, manatees are known to utilize 67 primary and secondary
warm-water sites, including 10 power plants, 23 springs and spring
complexes, and 34 passive thermal basins (Valade et al. 2020 pp. 2-3,
25-30). Groundwater seeps, haloclines, solar radiation, thermal
inertia, and biodegradation provide the source of heated water for
passive thermal basins (Stith et al. 2012, entire; Laist et al. 2013,
p. 1). Industrial outfalls are the primary warm-water sites most
heavily used in the two largest Florida winter management units
(Southwest and Atlantic), while Florida manatees in the two smallest
and more northerly winter management units (i.e., Upper St. Johns River
and Northwest) rely almost exclusively on natural springs (Laist et al.
2013, p. 4). If power plant outflows in the Southwest and Atlantic
management units are lost, or have reduced or unpredictable flows,
manatees that winter at such sites would have to overcome their strong
site fidelity and shift their distribution south in order to convert to
using passive thermal basins and warm ambient waters in southern
Florida, or they would have to move north to utilize the springs in the
Upper St. Johns River and Northwest winter management units. Experience
with disruptions at sites has shown that some manatees can adapt to
minor changes at these sites; during temporary power plant shutdowns,
manatees have been observed to use less-preferred nearby sites when an
alternate warm-water source was not provided at the primary site.
The potential loss of warm water at natural springs, passive
thermal basins, and power plants in Florida is a significant threat to
the subspecies, as more individuals would be susceptible to lethal and
sublethal effects of cold stress (Service 2001, entire; Laist and
Reynolds 2005a, 2005b, entire; Service 2007, entire; Runge et al. 2017,
entire). Loss of warm-water sites has the potential to influence
population dynamics enough to significantly increase the risk of
population quasi-extinction (Runge et al. 2017, p. 26). However,
severity and timing of these losses and their effect on populations are
uncertain. In the future, warm-water refugia loss is likely to continue
to be a threat to the Florida manatee and will increase over time.
[[Page 3141]]
Low Genetic Diversity
Low genetic diversity has been identified in Antillean manatee
populations in Puerto Rico, Belize, Brazil, Mexico, Panama, and Cuba
(Hunter et al. 2010, entire; Nourisson et al. 2011, p. 833; Hunter et
al. 2012, entire; D[iacute]az-Ferguson et al. 2017, pp. 383-384;
Alvarez-Alem[aacute]n 2019, pp. 103, 115; Luna et al. 2021, entire).
Low genetic diversity likely exists elsewhere across the Antillean
subspecies' range, and genetic diversity is likely lower the more
isolated a population is. Additional research is needed to understand
whether low genetic diversity leads to reduced fitness or poses an
imminent threat to manatee populations. When genetic diversity is
substantially reduced or slowly eroded over time through loss of
individuals, it can lead to an extinction vortex, which results in an
inbreeding feedback loop and can lead to extinction (Nordstrom et al.
2023, p. 2). There is no evidence that low genetic diversity is an
issue for the Florida manatee.
Climate Change
Climate change impacts are likely to influence the viability of
manatees in several ways, including temperature increases, sea level
rise, fluctuations in ocean chemistry, hydrological cycle deviations,
and changes in timing and intensity of tropical storms, as well as
extreme cold events. These large-scale impacts may lead to habitat
changes, increased algal blooms, and new threats from diseases (Edwards
2013, pp. 727, 735; Marsh et al. 2017, entire; Osland et al. 2020,
entire). The synergism of these factors will affect manatee health and
habitat, and potentially reduce the future range of each subspecies.
More than 90 percent of the excess heat accumulated in the climate
system between 1971 and 2010 has been stored in the ocean, particularly
near the surface (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
2014, pp. 40-42; IPCC 2019, p. 9). The upper ocean (0-700 m, or 0-2,297
ft) has warmed since the 1970s due to human-caused carbon dioxide
emissions (IPCC Sixth Assessment Report Summary for Policymakers (AR6
SPM) 2021). The ocean will continue to warm throughout the 21st
century, and the strongest warming is predicted to occur in tropical
regions and Northern Hemisphere subtropical regions (IPCC 2014, p. 60).
Increasing ocean temperatures will affect estuarine and freshwater
systems, seagrass, and other forage plant communities by influencing
photosynthetic rates and biomass, changes in plant communities and
growth of competitors, changes in aspects of life history, or shifts in
distribution if physiological tolerances are exceeded (Short and
Neckles 1999, pp. 172-175; Bjork et al. 2008, pp. 21-23). Influences
can be both positive (e.g., possible increased photosynthesis and
growth from increased carbon) and negative (e.g., increased growth of
competitive algae and epiphytes that shade seagrass and reduce growth)
(Short and Neckles 1999, pp. 172-175; Bjork et al. 2008, pp. 21-23).
Increased temperatures can also increase stress on plants, decreasing
growth and reproduction and resulting in less forage for manatees
(Marsh et al. 2017, p. 343).
An increase in temperature will likely decrease the frequency and
intensity of cold weather events, which in turn would decrease Florida
manatees' exposure to cold stress and may reduce the time they spend at
warm-water sites. However, these changes may not completely eliminate
mortality events from cold weather (Osland et al. 2020, pp. 3, 13).
Conversely, manatees in tropical regions may reach upper thermal
tolerances due to rising water temperatures (Marsh et al. 2017, p.
Due to the projected sea level rise (SLR) associated with climate
change, coastal systems and low-lying areas will increasingly
experience submergence, coastal flooding, and coastal erosion (IPCC
2014, p. 17). In response to SLR and other climate change impacts, many
terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species have shifted their
geographic ranges, seasonal activities, and migration patterns (IPCC
2014, p. 4). Increases in sea level have been occurring throughout the
southeastern Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, and the
overall magnitude of SLR in the region has been slightly higher than
the global average (Mitchum 2011, p. 9). At various locations in
Florida, SLR has averaged about 3.0 millimeters (mm) (0.12 inches (in))
per year since the early 1990s (Ruppert 2014, p. 2). The amount of SLR
that will occur in the future will depend largely on the rate of
anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and associated warming. Salt
marshes may be able to persist with SLR by either floodwater
sedimentation or through landward migration. However, future SLR is
expected to shift available habitat farther inland (in some cases
closer to developed areas) or the habitat will be lost all together.
Coastal tidal marshes are threatened by this ``coastal squeeze,'' the
combination of SLR rise and a physical barrier that prevents the
landward migration of marshes (Martinez et al. 2014, p. 180).
Regarding fluctuations in ocean chemistry, rising carbon dioxide
levels will directly impact seagrasses and other aquatic vegetation
(Unsworth et al. 2019, p. 810). As carbon dioxide increases in the
atmosphere, it will continue to increase in the ocean and lead to a
decrease in pH. Under elevated carbon dioxide conditions, seagrass
growth rates will increase (Koch et al. 2013, p. 103). An additional
consequence of fluctuations in ocean chemistry from climate change may
be harmful algal blooms. Increased ocean temperatures will influence
the range, frequency, duration, size, and seasonal window of
opportunity for harmful algal blooms.
Hydrological cycle deviations are another potential consequence of
climate change, with projections for future precipitation trends
suggesting overall annual precipitation will decrease in the
southeastern United States and Puerto Rico (Carter et al. 2014, p. 17;
Khalyani et al. 2016, pp. 271-275; Bhardwaj et al. 2018, p. 145).
Similarly, uncertain predicted changes in precipitation in Mexico,
Central America, and South America indicate that the wet season could
become drier, and the dry season could become either wetter or drier
depending on the region, but primarily drier along the Caribbean coast
of Central America and most of South America (Vera et al. 2006, p. 4;
Karmalkar et al. 2011, pp. 622-626). Climate change could intensify or
increase the frequency of drought events. Frequency, duration, and
intensity of droughts are likely to increase in the southeastern United
States where Florida manatees primarily occur (Thomas et al. 2004, pp.
145-147). Overall, the changes in rainfall patterns will likely have a
geographically uneven impact on manatees.
Tropical cyclones, severe storms, and dust storms will bring
intense flooding that may impact seagrasses and manatees through
increased runoff and turbidity in coastal waters (Marsh et al. 2017, p.
343). Impacts to manatees from tropical storms and hurricanes include
strandings, debris-related injuries, individuals being swept off-shore
or exceedingly far inshore, entrapment in isolated water bodies, and
impacts to forage (Langtimm and Beck 2003, entire; Langtimm et al.
2006, entire; Langtimm et al. 2007, p. 192; NOAA 2007, pp. 94-96). The
Florida manatee survival rate is negatively correlated with more
intense hurricane seasons (Langtimm and Beck 2003, p. 262). Tropical
storms, hurricanes, and high tide flooding events are already
contributing to increased Florida manatee rescues as manatees are
gaining access to areas that were previously inaccessible, such as in
golf course ponds, in culverts, in
[[Page 3142]]
stormwater retention areas, and behind water control structures. In
Puerto Rico, tropical storms and hurricanes intensify heavy surf, and
at least one manatee calf death was attributed to Hurricane Hortense in
1996 (Service 2007, p. 33). For the Antillean manatee, hurricane events
may have a greater impact on some populations (Caribbean and Gulf of
Mexico) than on others (coast of South America).
Other Influences
Disease and Predation: Numerous infectious diseases and parasites
have been reported in manatees) (Owen et al. 2018, entire).
Papillomaviruses can infect individuals with suppressed immune systems
have been observed in manatees and are believed to be spread via
contact (Bossart et al. 2002, entire; Woodruff et al. 2005, entire;
Halvorsen and Keith 2008, p. 414). However, papillomas (epithelial
tumors) on infected manatees are benign. Toxoplasmosis has been
identified in the Florida manatee and the Antillean manatee in Puerto
Rico, but cases of the disease and evidence of antibodies to Toxoplasma
gondii were rare in the Puerto Rican population (Buergelt and Bonde
1983, entire; Smith et al. 2016, entire; Bossart et al. 2012, entire).
There is no evidence that predation is a significant threat to the
viability of either the Florida manatee or the Antillean manatee. There
have been documented interactions with sharks and alligators on
manatees, but these instances are rare (Mou Sue et al. 1990, p. 239;
Marsh et al. 2011, p. 239). As there is no evidence of predation being
a significant threat to either subspecies of manatee, we do not
anticipate this to change in the future. However, impacts from disease
may increase over time if manatees are under stress due to climate
Entanglement by Fishing Gear and Marine Debris: Fishing gear, both
active and discarded, can kill or injure both subspecies of manatee
through either entanglement (e.g., in nets, crab traps, or monofilament
line), ingestion (e.g., monofilament line, fishhooks, etc.), or
incidental capture (e.g., in inshore recreational and commercial shrimp
trawls). Other marine debris not related to fishing, like plastics,
rope, wire, sponges, balloons, etc., can pose an issue for manatees
(Reinert et al. 2017, p. 418; Service Captive Manatee Database 2024,
unpaginated; Service 2020, pp. 2-3). Causes of death from ingestion of
marine debris include intussusception (telescoping of the intestine
into itself) of the small intestine and impaction, obstruction, and
perforation of the gastrointestinal tract (Beck and Barros 1991, p.
509; Reinert et al. 2017, p. 418). Causes of death from entanglement
have included secondary infection, drowning, and being tethered to an
immovable object (Reinert et al. 2017, p. 418).
Drowning in fishery nets has occurred but appears to be infrequent,
with just one instance of a manatee associated with a recreational
shrimp net between 2014 and 2018 (FWC Manatee Mortality Database 2024,
unpaginated). Incidental captures of manatees by research groups does
occur and non-target manatees can be caught during other rescue
activities, again with limited frequency, but manatees are typically
released unharmed (Service 2020, p. 2). In 2019, Florida manatees were
reported to be incidentally captured on at least 15 occasions (Service
2020, p. 2). Because conservation actions have been implemented, deaths
from marine debris are rare, and population modeling efforts have
determined that marine debris (including entanglements and ingestion of
fishing gear) presents only a low threat to the persistence of the
Florida manatee (Runge et al. 2015, p. 16; 2017, p. 18).
Entrapment in Water Control Structures: Water control structures
include flood gates that control water movement and navigation locks
that allow vessel passages past dams and impoundments, such as those
associated with the Caloosahatchee Waterway. Water control structures
and navigation locks have historically posed a threat to the Florida
manatee. Between 1980 and 1999, an average of 6.6 Florida manatees per
year died in structure-related deaths (FWC Manatee Mortality Database
2021, unpaginated).
Because of safety advances for water control structures (discussed
further under Conservation Efforts and Regulatory Mechanisms, below),
these structures are not currently considered a major threat to the
Florida manatee. Most water control structures that may impact Florida
manatee have been retrofitted with manatee protection systems or mesh
barriers, and these structures implement standard operating procedures
to reduce impacts to manatees. Information is not available regarding
the precise degree to which water control structures pose a threat to
the Antillean manatee, but the best available information indicates a
few manatee deaths are reported in Mexico, Colombia, and Cuba due to
dams and water control structures. Water control structures are not
believed to currently be a major threat to either subspecies of
manatee, and we do not anticipate this threat to increase in the future
because we assume that management actions to prevent entrapment will
Conservation Efforts and Regulatory Mechanisms
As described under Threats Analysis, above, several factors can
affect the viability of manatees. Below, we provide an overview of
conservation efforts, and regulatory mechanisms, and recovery plans
that address the threats and provide benefits to manatees.
Watercraft Collisions
The primary conservation action to reduce the risk of manatee
injury and death from watercraft collisions is the establishment of
protected areas that restrict boat entry and limit vessel speeds. The
rationale behind speed limits is that a slower speed allows both
manatees and boaters additional response time to avoid a collision
(Calleson and Frohlich 2007, p. 297; Rycyk et al. 2018, p. 956).
Furthermore, if an impact occurs, the degree of trauma will generally
be less if the colliding boat is operating at slower speed (Laist and
Shaw 2006, p. 478; Calleson and Frohlich 2007, p. 297).
For the Florida manatee, manatee protection zones are a primary
conservation tool that has been implemented to address this threat.
These zones, which have been implemented in Florida at the Federal,
State, and local level, regulate boater entry and speed in protected
areas to reduce risk to manatees and their habitat. There are many
different types of protection zones, including idle- and slow-speed
areas, boater travel corridors that allow higher speeds in deeper
channels, shoreline buffers, zones with seasonal entry or speed
limitations, non-motorized areas, and no-entry areas (FWC 2007, p.
148). Federal, State, and local manatee protection speed zones have
been established in 27 Florida counties.
For the Antillean manatee, some countries have designated protected
areas to help reduce the impact of watercraft collisions and other
threats to manatees. For example, Belize has three protected areas
created specifically to safeguard manatee habitat: Swallow Caye
Wildlife Sanctuary, Corozal Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, and Gales Point
Wildlife Sanctuary, as well as numerous protected areas within coastal
areas (UNEP 2010, p. 24). Other countries, including Brazil, the
Dominican Republic, Guatemala, and Mexico, have also designated
reserves specifically for the conservation of manatees (UNEP 2010, pp.
28, 41, 47, 60).
[[Page 3143]]
Habitat Loss and Modification
To offset threats to seagrass in the United States, including
Puerto Rico, a wide range of conservation efforts are ongoing. These
include the collective efforts of the Service, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE), Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental
Resources (PRDNER), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), U.S. Coast Guard, FWC, Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP), Florida's regional Water Management Districts
(WMDs), and others who are working to avoid, minimize, and mitigate
project impacts on manatee habitat. The development and implementation
of no-wake areas, marked navigation channels, boat exclusion areas, and
standard manatee construction conditions for marinas and boat ramps are
a few of the efforts making a positive impact on maintaining and
protecting important manatee habitat.
For the Florida manatee, habitat degradation and loss from natural
and human-related causes are being addressed through collective efforts
to improve overall water quality; minimize construction-related
impacts; minimize loss of seagrass due to propeller scarring and dock
construction; and increase the abundance of SAV, salt marsh, and
mangroves by restoring these habitats. The Service, USACE, and NOAA, as
well as multiple State agencies including FWC, FDEP, and regional WMDs,
review development permits to identify potential impacts and develop
measures that will avoid, minimize, or mitigate for direct and
secondary impacts. In addition, these agencies have programs for
increasing SAV, salt marsh, and mangrove habitats through restoration;
restoring living shorelines; and improving water quality. In southwest
Florida, spatial coverage of seagrass increased by more than 12,000 ha
between the 1980s and 2016 in six assessed estuaries (St. Joseph Sound,
Clearwater Harbor, Tampa Bay, Sarasota Bay, Lemon Bay, and Charlotte
Harbor; Tomasko et al. 2018, p. 1135). This recovery was made possible
by conservation actions that limited nutrient loads in the water,
including upgrading wastewater and stormwater systems, as well as
legislation regulating discharged pollutants (Tomasko et al. 2018, pp.
1133-1135). Protected areas where boat access is limited or prohibited
also protect manatee habitat from direct threats from vessels, their
wakes, and other destructive activities.
Major habitat restoration efforts were undertaken by Save Crystal
River, Inc., with financial backing by the State of Florida and other
sources. As part of this effort to restore Kings Bay, a three-pronged
approach was instituted in the area, consisting of: organic detritus/
muck removal; then replanting with more salt-tolerant eelgrass variants
(``Rock Star'' and ``Salty Dog''), with the initial plantings protected
by herbivory exclusion cages; and then maintenance of the restoration
site (Kramer 2020, pp. 1-4; Save Crystal River 2021, entire). Over
time, the plants have shown strong growth and persistence, and have
expanded the vegetated area well beyond the initial planting locations,
contributing to enhanced water clarity in many parts of the bay. While
water clarity has improved, an added benefit for manatees is that the
SAV has expanded nearer to natural spring sites, resulting in reduced
travel distances to feed and less exposure to colder ambient
temperatures and boat traffic.
Current efforts to forestall reductions in salt marsh habitat
include reducing impacts from coastal development through the Federal
and State permitting process, mitigation for lost salt marsh, and
restoration efforts to enhance and increase salt marsh habitat
(Radabaugh et al. 2017, pp. 139-141).
There are recovery efforts being made to protect the Antillean
manatee against threats posed by habitat loss or modification. In
Puerto Rico, there have been efforts to restore damaged habitat,
protect habitat by restricting boater entry or speeds, and provide
mooring buoys to prevent anchorage (PRDNER 2012, entire). In Belize,
three protected areas were created specifically to protect critical
manatee habitat (Swallow Caye Wildlife Sanctuary, Corozal Bay Wildlife
Sanctuary, and Gales Point Wildlife Sanctuary), and more than 43
percent of the country's protected areas are within the coastal zone
(UNEP 2010, p. 24). Mexico has designated significant special manatee
protection areas (UNEP 2010, p. 60). The Dominican Republic and
Guatemala also have designated protected habitat specifically for
Antillean manatee conservation, in addition to other protected coastal
and wetland areas that are not protected specifically for manatees
(UNEP 2010, pp. 19-82; Dom[iacute]nguez Tejo 2019, p. 6).
Some Antillean manatee habitat has been protected in other range
countries including the Bahamas, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,
French Guiana, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Suriname, Trinidad
and Tobago, and Venezuela, although these protected areas are not
necessarily protected or enforced to the benefit of manatees
specifically (e.g., Ramsar sites designated as wetlands of
international importance but without specific management or planning to
benefit manatees) (UNEP 2010, pp. 19-82).
Pollution and Harmful Algal Blooms
Conservation measures associated with harmful algal blooms include
rescue and treatment of affected individuals, and efforts to reduce the
occurrence of harmful algal blooms in cases where the drivers of blooms
are understood, which is not the case for red tides caused by blooms of
the marine algae Karenia brevis. Although there are no effective
conservation measures available currently to reduce the impact of red
tides themselves, manatee rescue, care and treatment, and release have
aided in the rehabilitation of numerous manatees suffering from
sublethal effects of brevetoxin exposure. Between 2010 and 2022, 70
Florida manatees have been rescued (7.7 percent of all rescues) for red
tide-related causes (FWC Manatee Mortality Database 2024, unpaginated).
Many efforts are being undertaken to address recurring algal blooms
in Florida, and specifically in the IRL. The State of Florida, Indian
River Lagoon National Estuary Program (IRLNEP), Brevard County, and
many other partners have funded and are implementing a large number of
projects to improve the IRL's health. The initiatives are aimed at
removing legacy nutrient loads and reducing current nutrient sources
through the implementation of stormwater improvement projects,
fertilizer bans, septic to sewer conversions, dredging of accumulated
muck from the lagoon, and restoration projects for oysters, clams, and
seagrass (Tetra Tech and Closewaters, LLC 2021, entire; IRLNEP 2019,
For the Antillean manatee, once the manatee deaths in the Tabasco
region started to increase, the Mexican government summoned a committee
to investigate the causes of death. While brevetoxins have been
reported from Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, and Jamaica (Steidinger
2009, pp. 550-551), algal blooms are not known to be a significant
threat to the Antillean manatee throughout its range. However, between
2018 and 2019, more than 50 Antillean manatee deaths in Mexico were
attributed to toxicity from algal blooms within the wetlands in the
Tabasco region, although the algal species and cause of the bloom was
not identified (N[uacute][ntilde]ez-Nogueira and Uribe-L[oacute]pez
2020, p. 257). The magnitude, timing, and frequency of harmful algal
blooms may change in the future with a changing climate. Further, large
[[Page 3144]]
of pelagic sargassum may impact Antillean manatees' respiratory,
ocular, and neurological functions.
Human Interactions
In Florida, where people currently view manatees, numerous measures
are in place to prevent the take of manatees due to disturbance from
viewing-related harassment. All waterborne activities are prohibited in
Federal manatee sanctuaries and FWC or other State no-entry zones;
specific waterborne activities may be restricted in Federal manatee
refuges and FWC no-motorized-vessel zones. Both the Service and FWC
promote and post appropriate guidelines for Florida manatee viewing
through outreach via social media and signage at public viewing areas.
Ecotourism is popular throughout the State of Florida but remains a
significant concern due to increasing demand for manatee-related
tourism, limited law enforcement presence, and cumulative effects from
these activities on manatees especially when the activities occur in
the vicinity of large manatee aggregations at warm-water sites.
Within the Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge in Citrus County,
Florida, a special use permit system is in place to govern commercial
tours within refuge waters. The permit system ensures these activities
occur with proper education and viewing practices in place. Federal and
State designated sanctuaries and protected areas keep people out of
sensitive manatee habitats (i.e., warm-water sites), educated tour
guides are tasked with ensuring that their customers do not harass
manatees, and many educational programs prescribe appropriate measures
to take when in the presence of manatees. Refuge staff, including law
enforcement, hold annual meetings with volunteers and tour guides to
provide updates on manatee issues in the area and to review proper
manatee viewing practices. The federally designated Kings Bay Manatee
Refuge regulates waterborne activities that are disruptions to natural
behaviors such as resting, nursing, foraging, mating, and socializing,
and has established speed zones for the protection of manatees.
There is limited information available about conservation measures
that address human interaction in many range countries for the
Antillean manatee. In Puerto Rico, government agencies and local
nongovernmental organizations have implemented education and outreach
strategies to ensure that manatee harassment is avoided and minimized
by concessionaires and others within manatee use areas. There has been
an increase in the type and number of recreational activities where
manatees occur and, thus, an increase in the scenarios where manatee
harassment occurs. In general, surveillance and enforcement related to
human interactions with manatees is difficult given the frequency and
diversity of the incidents. There are examples of similar protected
areas and use restrictions to protect Antillean manatees in other range
countries from human interactions. For example, at Swallow Caye in
Belize where manatees stopped visiting suitable habitat after swim-
with-the-manatee programs were allowed, community groups and a local
conservation organization helped to declare the area a wildlife
sanctuary in 2002. The area is currently co-managed between the Belize
Forest Department and a local conservation organization, and manatees
have returned to the area (UNEP 2010, p. 23). In Mexico, several
workshops and meetings were conducted with the local tourist operators
and the authorities within the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve
(Castelblanco-Mart[iacute]nez et al. 2019, entire).
Loss of Warm-Water Refugia
As discussed under Threats Analysis, above, cold stress does not
tend to affect Antillean manatees, because they inhabit warmer
subtropical waters. Florida manatees during the colder months may
suffer from cold stress and require human intervention. However, for
the Florida manatee, primary direct conservation response to address
cold stress is rescue and treatment. Providing care for cold-stressed
manatees is dependent on the public or other entities reporting these
distressed manatees to FWC and other rescue partners, as well as the
availability of experienced rescue personnel, availability of
rehabilitation space, and other resources necessary to rescue,
transport, and provide treatment. Consequently, only a small number of
individuals that need treatment for cold stress are likely to be
rescued and rehabilitated.
Over the last 10 years (2014-2023), close to 40 manatees have been
rescued outside of Florida, and most of those rescues were the result
of artificial warm-water attractants (power plants, pulp mills, and
other industrial-related outfalls that produce heated effluents in
manatee-accessible waters) that altered manatee migratory behavior but
where the heated discharges were insufficient to sustain manatees
through the winter (Service Manatee Database 2024, unpaginated). When
these situations occur, the Service works cooperatively with the
industrial partner to try to mitigate those attractants.
Major spring restoration efforts have occurred at Homosassa
Springs, Three Sisters Springs, Chassahowitzka Spring, Ulele Spring,
Fanning Springs, Manatee Springs, and Warm Mineral Springs, where sand
bars and other obstructions were removed to facilitate manatee access
to these areas (TNC 2015, unpaginated; Valade et al. 2020, p. 17).
Restoration and shoreline stabilization at Blue Spring (Volusia
County), a major natural warm-water site, is ongoing. Because of
sedimentation from human activities, manatees could not access the Warm
Mineral Springs warm-water site under certain low tide conditions (FWC
2019, pp. 16-17). Another site in southwest Florida at Port of the
Islands is expected to be lost because of hydrologic restoration in the
Picayune Strand as part of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration
Plan (CERP). In response, a manatee warm-water mitigation feature was
built that includes three deep pools that are connected to the
surficial aquifer and hold warm saline groundwater for manatee use.
This site is being monitored by researchers to evaluate temperature
conditions and manatee use (FWC 2019, pp. 16-17).
The State of Florida's WMDs are also required to set minimum flows
and levels (MFLs) for aquifers, surface watercourses, and other surface
water bodies. Minimum flows are required for rivers, streams,
estuaries, and springs in Florida, which provide benefits to manatees
and help provide protection for natural warm-water sites. The MFLs
created for each waterbody must establish a limit that identifies a
point where further water withdrawals will be harmful to the water
resources or ecology of the area; non-consumptive and environmental
values are considered in this determination. After an MFL is set, water
use permits are used to regulate and prevent groundwater withdrawals
that would lower flows or levels that fall below the MFL. MFL reviews
typically occur on a 5-year cycle, and these levels ensure adequate
flows and require that conservation measures be taken should flows drop
below targets. MFLs have been completed for numerous waterbodies
including those important for manatees, like Blue Spring (Volusia
County); Manatee and Fanning Springs (Levy County); Weeki Wachee Spring
(Hernando County); Homosassa, Chassahowitzka, and the Crystal River/
Kings Bay system (Citrus County); DeLeon Springs (Volusia County);
Silver Glen Springs (Lake and Marion
[[Page 3145]]
Counties); and Wakulla Springs (Wakulla County).
Additional conservation actions include the Service's and FWC's
coordination with the power-generating companies in Florida, and
through the FDEP, manatee protection conditions are incorporated into
each facility's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit.
The Service also coordinates with State and industry partners to
minimize any future manatee losses from industrial site reductions or
closures by seeking short-term alternatives and long-term sustainable
options for supporting manatees without reliance on industrial warm-
water sources. In 2004, the Warm-water Task Force created the first
version of the Warm-water Habitat Action Plan to address the expected
loss of warm-water habitat produced by Florida power plants. The task
force was part of the Service's Manatee Recovery Team and consisted of
representatives of Federal and State wildlife agencies, the power
industry, recreational and commercial boating interests, and
environmental organizations. The Service and FWC finalized the Florida
Manatee Warm-water Habitat Action Plan (Valade et al. 2020, entire),
and this document serves as the framework to address the expected loss
of industrial warm-water habitat in the future. This plan consists of
seven main strategies and sets forth both short-term and long-term
measures to address one of the most significant threats to the future
existence of the Florida manatee and the recovery of the subspecies
(Valade et al. 2020, entire).
Water Control Structures
Water control structures are not believed to be a major threat to
the Antillean manatee. However, advances in manatee protection systems
installed on water control structures to prevent Florida manatees from
being crushed or impinged have been largely successful. Efforts to
mitigate the negative effects of these water control structures on
manatees are ongoing. In Florida, most water control structures that
are known to have caused Florida manatee deaths have been retrofitted
with manatee protection systems (Service 2023, p. 12), including
acoustic arrays and piezo-electric strips that reverse closing locks or
gates when they encounter a manatee. In addition, mesh exclusion
barriers are used to prevent manatees from accessing the recessed areas
of navigational locks. Risks at navigational locks and water control
structures have been further reduced by the implementation of standard
operating procedures developed by the Florida WMDs and the USACE
(Service 2023, p. 12). In response to these advances, annual mortality
has fallen to an average of 4.2 manatees per year between 2000 and 2019
(FWC Manatee Mortality Database 2024, unpaginated).
Entanglement by Fishing Gear and Marine Debris
Conservation actions to reduce the impact of this threat include
rescue, efforts to remove and keep discarded fishing gear and debris
out of the water, and community outreach and education. In addition,
best management practices have been provided by FWC and the Service for
some commercial fisheries and research activities that have included
active tending of nets, limited set times, location restrictions, and
reporting of entanglements and captures of manatees during these
Rescue activities have reduced mortality associated with fishing
gear, which has likely contributed towards recovery of the Florida
manatee. Permits related to in-water activities, such as mooring
fields, turbidity booms, and other entangling materials, are reviewed
by FWC and Service staff, and conditions to minimize or eliminate
entanglements are provided as specific conditions to the issued permit.
Derelict crab trap removal, monofilament recycling programs, and other
coastal cleanup efforts also aid in reducing the threat to marine
wildlife and minimizing the number of entanglements by removing gear
from the water. Extensive education and outreach efforts increase
awareness and promote sound gear-disposal activities.
Recovery Plans and Recovery Actions
Recovery and conservation actions for the West Indian manatee are
described in the ``UNEP Caribbean Environment[al] Program's Regional
Management Plan for the West Indian Manatee'' (UNEP 2010, entire) and
in national conservation plans for countries outside the United States.
The UNEP plan identifies short- and long-term conservation and research
measures that should be implemented to conserve the West Indian
manatee. This plan also includes an overview of manatees within their
range countries, including descriptions of regional and national
conservation measures and research programs that have been implemented.
Given the general lack of information about the Antillean manatee in
most of its range countries, the plan recommends that needed research
and the development of common methodologies be prioritized in concert
with coordinated manatee and manatee habitat protection efforts (UNEP
2010, entire). Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, and
Trinidad have developed country-specific manatee recovery plans as well
(UNEP 2010, p. 92).
Efforts to conserve manatees outside the United States vary
significantly from country to country. Some countries, including, but
not limited to, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Brazil, Dominican Republic,
and Cuba, are engaged in efforts to assess the current status and
distribution of manatees. Many countries also provide protections for
manatees and their habitats. A number of governments have designated
manatee protection areas and have developed or are developing
conservation plans (UNEP 2010, p. xiv). National legislation exists for
manatees in all range countries, and many countries have ratified their
participation in international conventions and protocols that protect
manatees and their habitat (UNEP 2010, p. xv). Other efforts to protect
manatees include education and outreach efforts, and countries promote
cooperation and information exchanges.
Within the United States, the Service's Recovery Plan for the
Puerto Rico Population of the West Indian (Antillean) Manatee (Service
1986, entire), the South Florida Multi-Species Recovery Plan (Service
1999, entire), and the Florida Manatee Recovery Plan (Service 2001,
entire) identify recovery and conservation actions for the two
subspecies. Actions common to all plans include minimizing manatee
mortality and injury, protecting manatee habitats, and monitoring
manatee populations and habitat.
The Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rico population of the West Indian
(Antillean) Manatee (Service 1986, entire) included three major
objectives: (1) To identify, assess, and reduce human-related
mortalities, especially those related to gill-net entanglement; (2) to
identify and minimize alteration, degradation, and destruction of
important Antillean manatee habitats; and (3) to develop criteria and
biological information necessary to determine whether and when to
reclassify (either delist or downlist) the Puerto Rico population
(Service 1986, p. 12). The 1986 plan also includes a step-down outline
that identifies two primary recovery actions: (1) population
management, and (2) habitat protection. The 1986 plan (Service 1986,
entire) does not establish quantitative recovery criteria to describe a
sustainable population of manatees in Puerto Rico. It does, however,
direct the Service to determine and satisfy the recovery criteria that
are based on mortality and
[[Page 3146]]
abundance trends and a minimum population size and to ensure that
adequate habitat protection and anti-poaching measures are implemented
(Service 1986, Executive Summary). Since the release of the 1986 plan,
initiated recovery actions have provided substantial new knowledge
about the subspecies' ecology and threats. Some of these efforts apply
to multiple tasks and are helping to update conservation information
and tools that are applied towards adaptive management and education.
Efforts include (but are not limited to) the rescue, rehabilitation,
and release actions related to strandings (led by PRDNER); aerial
surveys; identification of important manatee habitats and resources in
Puerto Rico; and developing conservation measures as part of project
The current Florida Manatee Recovery Plan on October 30, 2001
(Service 2001, entire) includes four principal objectives: (1) Minimize
causes of Florida manatee disturbance, harassment, injury, and
mortality; (2) determine and monitor the status of Florida manatee
populations; (3) protect, identify, evaluate, and monitor Florida
manatee habitats; and (4) facilitate Florida manatee recovery through
public awareness and education. To help achieve these objectives, the
2001 recovery plan identifies 118 recovery implementation tasks. Since
the release of the 2001 recovery plan, initiated recovery actions have
provided substantial new knowledge about the subspecies' ecology and
threats. Some of these efforts apply to multiple tasks and are helping
to update conservation information and tools that are applied towards
adaptive management and education. The delisting criteria for
maintaining spring flows and protecting warm-water refugia have not yet
been met.
Recovery actions are also implemented during technical assistance
and project review. Any action or project with a Federal nexus (e.g.,
Federal funds, permits, or actions) will require a consultation with
the Service under section 7 of the Act. During the consultation
process, the Service identifies conservation measures to avoid and
minimize possible effects of proposed actions or projects. Each year,
we review numerous projects pertaining to the manatee (e.g., dredging,
dock and marina construction, coastal development, marine events (i.e.,
high-speed boat races), and underwater and beach unexploded ordnance).
The Service has developed guidelines specific to Puerto Rico for
Antillean manatee conservation measures. For example, we have worked
with the U.S. Coast Guard to develop and implement standard permit
conditions for boat races, such as observer protocols.
Regulatory Mechanisms
Because the Florida manatee is a subspecies of the West Indian
manatee, its conservation has benefited from a number of Federal,
State, and local laws. The species is federally protected in the United
States, including Puerto Rico, under the Act and the MMPA. In addition
to the consultation procedures under section 7 of the Act, the Clean
Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) and Fish and Wildlife Coordination
Act (16 U.S.C. 661-666c) provide regulatory mechanisms for interagency
consultation associated with projects, and these reviews may result in
habitat protection for the subspecies. The boat facility siting
strategies in the 16 county manatee protection plans are a major
component of the section 7 consultation process under the Act. Manatee
protection plans (MPPs) are Federal, State, and local agreements
designed to help direct future boat facility development away from the
highest manatee use areas on a county-specific basis.
Critical habitat for the Florida manatee was designated in 1976
(see 41 FR 41914, September 24, 1976, and 42 FR 47840, September 22,
1977). This designation identified specific waterways in Florida that
were historically known to support high concentrations of Florida
manatees at that time. In 2010, the Service concluded that revisions to
critical habitat for the Florida manatee were warranted and that future
updates to this designation would need to encompass the most recent
studies of distribution, habitat use, and habitat requirements (75 FR
1574, January 12, 2010). We proposed to revise the critical habitat
designation for the Florida manatee and to designate critical habitat
for the Antillean manatee in a separate Federal Register publication
(89 FR 78134).
In addition to the Act, within the continental United States,
Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands, the MMPA and State and
Commonwealth laws and regulations provide protections for Florida and
Antillean manatees. Under the MMPA, the primary objective of marine
mammal management is to maintain the health and stability of the marine
ecosystem (16 U.S.C. 1361(6)). Service regulations implementing the
MMPA restrict the taking, possession, transportation, selling, offering
for sale, and importing of all marine mammals (50 CFR part 18).
In addition to the Federal protections discussed above, the Florida
manatee is protected at the State level in Florida. The first State
protection of manatees in Florida was established in 1893 when hunting
was prohibited, and a State law was instituted in 1907 that imposed a
$500 fine and/or 6 months in prison for killing or molesting a manatee.
The first manatee protection areas were established in 1979 (FWC 2007,
p. 179). The subspecies is protected under the Florida Endangered and
Threatened Species Act (see Florida Statutes at section 379.2291) and
the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act of 1978 (see Florida Statutes at
section 379.2431(2)). At the species level, the West Indian manatee
(Trichechus manatus) is listed as endangered on the State marine
endangered and threatened species list (see Florida Administrative Code
at section 68A-27.0031).
Within Florida, the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act of 1978 provides
significant protections, including authority for the regulation of
manatee protection zones in manatee habitat and the development of
county-specific MPPs. In establishing the Florida Manatee Sanctuary
Act, Florida declared the entire State a refuge and sanctuary for
manatees and called for the protection of manatees from injury,
disturbance, harassment, or harm. The Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act
also allows for the enforcement of boat speeds and operations in areas
where manatees have been frequently seen and where the best scientific
information supports that manatees inhabit the areas on a regular
Manatee protection plans are comprehensive county-wide manatee
protection strategies that are developed cooperatively and agreed to by
the county, FWC, and the Service. Important aspects of MPPs include
boat facility siting recommendations and associated predictability for
permitting, habitat protection policies, education programs, and
coordinated law enforcement efforts with a plan for implementation.
Manatee protection plans are also addressed in the Florida Manatee
Sanctuary Act and the Florida Manatee Recovery Plan. In 1989, the
Florida Governor and Cabinet provided a directive that identified 13
``key'' counties that needed to develop MPPs and described what
conservation measures should be incorporated into these plans. In 2002,
the Florida Legislature amended the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act to
include the requirement for MPPs in these 13 key
[[Page 3147]]
counties. Furthermore, deadlines were set up for completion of these
plans and criteria for approval. MPPs have also been established in
other counties.
Federal and State agencies have made the effort to mitigate the
loss of warm-water habitat in Florida by providing regulatory measures
to protect spring flows, supporting spring restoration efforts, and
working cooperatively with industry to maintain important artificial
warm-water sources while regional warm-water networks are established
to support the manatee population. In some areas of Florida, local
governments have also adopted protection measures, including local
speed zones that provide benefits to manatees (see appendix B of the
SSA report (Service 2024a, pp. B71-B79)).
In other parts of its range, the Florida manatee is listed under
State laws. For each State listed here, the listed entity is the West
Indian manatee rather than the Florida subspecies, but the Florida
subspecies is the only subspecies known to regularly occur in these
States. The West Indian manatee is listed as endangered under State law
in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina (when present in inland
waters), Mississippi, and Virginia. The species is listed as threatened
under State law in Louisiana and Texas. Alabama does not have a State
law that designates species as either endangered or threatened, but
West Indian manatees are a protected species under the State's
Protected Nongame Species Regulation (Alabama Administrative Code at
section 220-2-.92(1)(e)). In addition to protections from take and
harassment, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) also
conducts some boater awareness by posting manatee signs at boat
launches in Southern Louisiana. The Georgia Department of Natural
Resources (GADNR), in coordination with the USACE, requires permanent
manatee education signs to be posted at all boat launches, marinas, and
community docks in tidal waters; GADNR also requires temporary signs
and other standard conditions for in-water work in tidal waters and
The Antillean manatee in Puerto Rico is also protected by
Commonwealth laws and regulations (see appendix B of the SSA report
(Service 2024b, p. 35)). A number of international environmental
agreements provide protections for the West Indian manatee or its
habitat, such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES; March 3, 1973, 27 U.S.T. 1087);
Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment
of the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR or Cartagena Convention; adopted on
March 24, 1983, and entered into force on October 11, 1986); Cartagena
Convention's Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife
(SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region (adopted on January 18, 1990, and
entered into force on June 18, 2000); Convention on Biological
Diversity (1992); International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships (MARPOL Convention; adopted on November 2, 1973);
and United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS; 1982). Further,
multiple international treaties and agreements provide protections for
the Antillean manatee throughout its range including the UNEP Regional
Management Plan for the West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus) and
manatee protection ordinance. For additional information on existing
regulatory protections for the manatee, please refer to appendix D of
the SSA report (Service 2024b, pp. 137-139).
While regulatory mechanisms should be effective and consistent
across the two subspecies' ranges, the extent and overall effectiveness
of these regulatory protections to the subspecies and their habitats
vary from country to country. Lack of enforcement remains a critical
issue for the Antillean manatee (UNEP 2010, p. 89; Marsh et al. 2011,
p. 387), and despite having laws in place, illegal activities such as
poaching and destruction of habitat still occur (Self-Sullivan and
Mignucci-Giannoni 2012, p. 41). In Puerto Rico, for example, PRDNER has
indicated that current speed regulatory buoys are ineffective, in part
because regulations do not identify the perimeter or area that each
buoy regulates (Service 2017, p. 16695). Although some efforts may be
having a positive impact on manatee recovery, enforcement and
compliance will require significant cooperative efforts and funding,
particularly with regulations and enforcement to avoid and minimize
watercraft collisions and habitat degradation.
Cumulative Effects
We note that, by using the SSA framework to guide our analysis of
the scientific information documented in the SSA reports, we have
analyzed the cumulative effects of identified threats and conservation
actions on both subspecies. To assess the current and future condition
of each subspecies, we evaluate the effects of all the relevant factors
that may be influencing the subspecies, including threats and
conservation efforts. Because the SSA framework considers not just the
presence of the factors, but to what degree they collectively influence
risk to the entire subspecies, our assessment integrates the cumulative
effects of the factors and replaces a standalone cumulative-effects
Current Condition--Florida Manatee
Viability of the Florida manatee is best understood by describing
resiliency, redundancy, and representation (see Analytical Framework,
above). Maintaining sufficiently resilient populations across the range
of a species increases the ability of that species to adapt to natural
selection processes, increasing the chances that the species will
persist in a changing world (Service 2016, pp. 12-13). We delineated
resiliency units within each representative unit to serve as the basis
for this status assessment. We use the term ``resiliency unit'' rather
than population to be clear that delineated units do not necessarily
align with biological populations. While we used the concept of
biological populations as a guide in delineating these units, there
were cases where information was lacking about connectivity and
barriers to connectivity between groups of manatees, or where data
availability necessitated assessing units at different scales. These
delineations were based on a number of factors including connectivity
and dispersal patterns, site fidelity, seasonal differences in
distribution, ecological differences, and the scale of data
availability. There are five representative units for the West Indian
manatee, and the Florida manatee is contained within one representative
unit (see Current Condition--Antillean Manatee, below, and section
4.1.1 of the Florida manatee SSA report for more details (Service
2024a, pp. 64-67)).
The Florida manatee was characterized at two seasonal scales to
assess resiliency: one based on warm season distribution (also called
warm season coastal resiliency units) and one based primarily on cold
season distribution (also called winter management units) (see figure
2, below). Warm season coastal resiliency units include the Gulf and
East Coast units as well as the freshwater tributaries flowing into the
two units. Cold season distribution is based on four Florida winter
management units: Northwest, Southwest, Atlantic, and Upper Saint Johns
River (see chapter 4 of the SSA report (Service 2024a, pp. 63-94)).
[[Page 3148]]
To measure the current resiliency of the Florida manatee, we first
analyzed and scored four condition factors: (1) population trend, (2)
regional foraging habitat condition, (3) winter foraging habitat
condition, and (4) winter warm-water refugia condition. Overall
resiliency was calculated by tallying the number of times a unit was
assigned high, moderate, or low condition across the four resiliency
factors at both warm season and winter management scales (Service
2024a, pp. 69-94). For more details on resiliency methodology, see
section 4.2 of the SSA report (Service 2024a, pp. 69-78).
Based on the assessment of current demographic and habitat needs
for the Florida manatee, three winter management units (Northwest,
Southwest, Upper St. Johns River) have high resiliency and one winter
management unit (Atlantic) has moderate resiliency (see table 1,
below). Scaled to warm season coastal resiliency units, the Gulf Coast
exhibits high resiliency, and the East Coast exhibits moderate
resiliency. Forage conditions and availability of warm-water habitat
for the Florida manatee are currently in good condition for three of
the four winter management units. The exception is the Atlantic winter
management unit, where the forage-driven UME affected resiliency in the
unit from 2021-2023. While the long-term implications of this UME to
the Florida manatee population are unknown, the population trend for
the Atlantic winter management unit was tentatively assessed as low,
leading to an overall resiliency of low for this recent two-year
period. The Atlantic winter management unit has the highest estimated
abundance of Florida manatees, as calculated from the 2021-2022
Statewide abundance survey in Florida (Gowan et al. 2023, p. 7),
indicating a large number of manatees were being affected by the loss
of forage and degraded conditions in this unit.
Table 1--Current Resiliency for the Four Florida Manatee Winter Management Units and Two Warm Season Coastal Resiliency Units
[Service 2024a, pp. 93-94]
Abundance Trend (2011-2020) Forage Winter forage Warm-water refugia Overall resiliency
Management Unit:
Northwest................ 1,270 (790- High............... Good............... Good............... Good............... HIGH.
[[Page 3149]]
Southwest................ 2,966 (2,551- Moderate........... Good............... Good............... Good............... HIGH.
Atlantic................. 3,520 (2,750- Moderate........... Diminished......... Diminished......... Good............... MODERATE.
2021-2023................ ................ (Low).............. ................... ................... ................... (LOW).
Upper St. Johns River.... 480 (460-510)... High............... Good............... Good............... Good............... HIGH.
Warm Season Coastal
Resiliency Unit:
Gulf Coast............... 4,810 (3,820- High............... Good............... Good............... Good............... HIGH.
East Coast................... 4,000 (3,240- Moderate........... Caution *.......... Diminished......... Good............... MODERATE.
* ``Caution'' condition indicates that there are some metrics that indicate that forage resources are being impacted.
The Florida manatee, which comprises a single representative unit,
currently has one coastal resiliency unit exhibiting high resiliency
and the second exhibiting moderate resiliency (see table 1, above).
Three of the four winter management units exhibit high resiliency and
one (the Atlantic unit) exhibits moderate resiliency. Of note, from
2021 to 2023, the Atlantic unit had a low level of resiliency, driven
by losses of forage and high mortality due to the UME declared in 2021
(Service 2023, p. 5). However, when comparing from 2011-2020 across the
winter management units, the Atlantic unit was assessed to have
moderate resiliency currently. Additionally, the number of manatees in
Florida on the East coast from 2021-2022 was estimated to be between
3,940-6,980 (Gowan et al. 2023, p. 1). The estimate from 2022 was
higher than the estimate from 2016; however, the credible intervals
permit a range of population trajectories (Gowan et al. 2023, p. 5).
This range of population trajectories lends credence to a tentative
score of low from 2021 to present in the Atlantic winter management
unit in the SSA report (Service 2024a, p. 90), but this range also
leaves the possibility that the population is increasing after the UME.
Loss of forage is the driver limiting the resiliency of the East
Coast resiliency unit. Prior to the UME, the Atlantic unit was
exhibiting stable or slow population growth, while the other three
winter management units were, and continue to, exhibit positive growth
(Service 2023, p. 5). The full impacts of the ongoing UME are
continuing to be assessed at this time and both retrospective and
predictive population modeling efforts are underway and will be
included in future versions of the SSA report.
Redundancy for the Florida manatee can be described as the number
and distribution of sufficiently resilient populations across the
range, and the subspecies' ability to withstand anticipated species-
relevant catastrophic events. The Florida manatee has redundancy at a
regional scale; in addition to the overall moderate resiliency of
Atlantic unit and overall high resiliency of Northwest, Southwest, and
Upper St. John's River the East Coast resiliency unit currently has
moderate, and the Gulf Coast high, resiliency. In addition, the
subspecies is distributed throughout its historical range. Resiliency
across the Florida manatee's range has enabled the subspecies to
survive past catastrophic events, such as UMEs and hurricanes, and to
recover from such events. Thus, the Florida manatee has sufficient
redundancy, or distribution of current moderate to high resiliency
units, across its range to withstand catastrophic events.
Representation refers to the breadth of genetic and environmental
diversity within and among populations that contributes to the ability
of the species to respond and adapt to changing environmental
conditions over time (Service 2016, p. 6). Maintaining sufficiently
resilient populations across the range of the species increases the
ability of the species to adapt to natural selection processes,
increasing the chances that the species will persist in a changing
world (Service 2016, pp. 12-13). Partial migration between resiliency
and management units results in genetic mixing, which has led to low
genetic differentiation between units (Service 2023, pp. 25-27). This
migration and subsequent genetic mixing increases the adaptive capacity
of the Florida manatee by allowing for the introduction of advantageous
traits across units that can enhance the species' ability to adapt to
changing environmental conditions. Partial migration describes a
species' adaptive ability to exploit new areas where conditions are
favorable before retreating when the season changes and conditions
become unfavorable (Bright Ross et al. 2021, entire). Partial migration
has already enabled range shifts for the Florida manatee on the Gulf
Coast (Cloyed et al. 2021, p. 6) and contributes to the subspecies'
adaptive capacity. Partial migration allows portions of a population to
respond to environmental variability, such as losses of warm-water
refugia, and shift to other available wintering locations. Thus, the
Florida manatee does exhibit potential adaptive capacity to changing
environmental conditions.
Future Conditions--Florida Manatee
In our analysis of the Florida manatee's future condition, we
carefully considered the best available science, including future
condition projections of modeled threats and the subspecies' response
to those threats from a 2016 modeling effort, as well as information
regarding the ongoing threat of seagrass loss, the emerging effects of
the UME, and the emerging effects of climate change. We relied on a
core biological model (CBM) that resulted from a collaborative research
effort of subject matter experts and represents the most comprehensive
analysis to date (Runge et al. 2017, entire). Plausible future
scenarios were developed and modeled to project the future condition of
the subspecies. The CBM forecasts population dynamics of the Florida
manatee in four regions (Northwest, Upper St. Johns River, Atlantic,
and Southwest winter management units), incorporating current
information on life history and uncertainty in parameter estimates, and
applying environmental as well as demographic stochasticity (Runge et
al. 2017, p. 33). The plausible scenarios predicted future viability
under multiple scenarios grouped as: baseline (no change to current
habitat, demographics, or threats), current and ongoing threats (level
of various threats increased or decreased to examine their effects on
long-term viability of Florida manatees), and potential emerging
[[Page 3150]]
threats (investigated the possible impact of multiple emerging threats
on the viability of the Florida manatee) (Runge et al. 2017, pp. 13-
Current and ongoing threats in the CBM included mortality resulting
from watercraft collisions, water control structures, and entanglement
by fishing gear and marine debris; loss of warm-water habitat; and red
tide. Potential emerging threats included cold-related mortality and a
multiple emerging threats scenario, which included seven features. The
seven features included in the multiple emerging threats scenario are:
(1) watercraft-related mortality rate increasing by 50 percent over the
next 30 years, then stabilizing; (2) immediate loss of industrial power
plants; (3) reduction of carrying capacity provided by natural spring
flows of 50 percent over the long term; (4) manatees choosing warm-
water sites in proportion to their historical use; (5) elevated
frequency of cold and severely cold years; (6) elevated frequency of
moderate and intense red tide events; and (7) chronic density-
independent additional mortality (2 percent) occurring in the IRL area.
The analysis for the CBM was completed using data up to 2016, prior to
the recent UME, and serves as the best available science providing a
comprehensive assessment and projected future condition for the Florida
manatee (Runge et al. 2017, p. 4). Nevertheless, the models developed
and used within the SSA provide the best available future projections
for the Florida manatee (see section 5.3 of the SSA report (Service
2024a, pp. 104-107)). Although Runge et al. (2017, entire) did not
account explicitly for the current and ongoing UME, the multiple
emerging threats scenario did account for chronic density-independent
additional mortality in the area that is part of the current UME, and
current ongoing modeling efforts will result in an updated version of
the SSA report when completed.
Our baseline and threats future condition scenarios forecast
viability 50, 100, and 150 years in the future, and the emerging
threats future condition scenarios forecast viability 100 years in the
future. We have sufficient information to determine the threats that
are currently impacting the subspecies and are expected to continue to
impact the subspecies in the future, as well as the subspecies'
response to those threats (baseline and threats future condition
scenarios). The timeframes of 50, 100, and 150 years also give time for
this long-lived mammal to demonstrate the impact of threats on
populations and the subspecies as a whole. For emerging threats, we
have sufficient certainty to project threats that are expected to
impact the subspecies in the future at 100 years and the subspecies'
response to those threats. Earlier than this timeframe, we do not have
information that impacts to the subspecies will be demonstrable, and
beyond this timeframe, there is too much uncertainty about subspecies'
response. Therefore, the selected timeframes are reasonable to model
threats and forecast variations of threats acting on the subspecies and
its habitat, as well as reasonable time for a long-lived marine mammal
to respond to those threats. Although we need not identify the
foreseeable future in terms of a specific period of time, we have
described the foreseeable future for the Florida manatee as far into
the future as we can make reasonably reliable predictions about the
threats to the subspecies and the subspecies' responses to those
threats. We have taken into account considerations such as the
subspecies' life-history characteristics, threat-projection timeframes,
and environmental variability in our future condition scenarios and
The suite of future condition threats scenarios for the Florida
manatee (modeled at 50, 100, and 150 years) predict how particular
threats impact the subspecies' probability of falling below established
quasi-extinction thresholds (100, 250, 500 individuals) and expected
minimum population (EMP) size. Threats generally fall into two groups:
those that have minimal effect on quasi-extinction probability (e.g.,
water-control structures, marine debris) and those that have a more
significant effect (e.g., watercraft collisions, warm-water refugia
loss, harmful algal blooms/red tide). The potential emerging threats
scenarios take into consideration increases to existing threats,
appearance of new threats, and multiple threats increasing at the same
time, and compare the results to the baseline scenario.
For the Florida manatee, both the baseline and ongoing threats
scenario future condition results indicate that the probability of
Florida manatee extinction at 150 years is low, but substantial threats
remain. Model results indicate that there could be a substantial shift
in the distribution of Florida manatees, depending on the threat being
considered. Long-term declines are projected in the Southwest and
Atlantic resiliency units (or winter management units), while long-term
increases are projected for the Northwest and Upper St. Johns River
winter management units. Based on factors affecting warm-water
habitats, the model estimates a higher carrying capacity for Florida
manatees in the Northwest and Upper St. Johns River winter management
units (Runge et al. 2017, p. 13). However, in the Southwest and
Atlantic units, declines are expected due to the number of power plants
operating with once-through cooling in those regions, which may only be
available until the end of the operational lifetime of each plant
(Runge et al. 2017, pp. 14, 20). Overall, threat scenario results
projections for the Florida manatee are variable, but the model
indicates the future viability of the Florida manatee will likely be
impacted as watercraft use increases due to human population increases
and as cold water stress or red tide events increase. The greatest risk
of decline is predicted for the Atlantic and Southwest winter
management units, largely because of the expected loss of artificial
warm-water sources. Under all future scenarios, the EMP size is
expected to decrease over time; however, overall extinction risk is
low, and the adult population of Florida manatee will likely remain
above quasi-extinction thresholds for 150 years. However, the long-term
viability of the Florida manatee is related to the subspecies' ability
to withstand human-caused and natural threats of varying magnitude and
duration, as well as the effectiveness of conservation efforts to
address the Florida manatee's needs.
The future projections modeling effort did not explicitly include
the severity of impacts from the most recent UME, as the consequences
of this UME on population size and trend are not completely understood
at this time but are currently being assessed to update the CBM. The
USGS and FWC have ongoing initiatives to update demographic data,
integrated population models, and the CBM for the Florida manatee. We
acknowledge the unknown consequences to Florida manatees associated
with the recent UME have likely had implications on the subspecies'
future viability that were not detected in the modeling effort. For
further information on the future conditions of the Florida manatee,
please refer to chapter 5 of the SSA report (Service 2024a, pp. 97-
Concomitant with the UME, seagrass loss and loss of foraging
habitat were not explicitly included in the modeling effort. As
described above in Habitat Loss and Modification, seagrass resources
have been declining in multiple locations across Florida since 2011 and
are contributing factors to the recent UMEs. While there has been some
recently reported improvement in the condition of seagrass beds in the
IRL (SJRWMD 2023, entire), current seagrass
[[Page 3151]]
levels are greatly reduced from previous long-term levels and remain a
risk to manatee viability in the future.
The modeling effort also did not forecast industrial warm-water
sources going offline within the next 20-25 years as has been discussed
by power plant representatives in recent years. The baseline scenario
encompassed power plants being online for 50 years, which is no longer
the case. The greatest effect would be to the Atlantic and Southwest
winter management units. Currently, more than half of Florida manatees
seek shelter from winter cold in the warm-water discharges of power
plants. The rest of the population uses natural springs and thermal
basins located in Florida. The power companies will likely phase out
power plant discharges within the next 25 years, and human-caused
impacts to warm water availability, such as flow reductions and other
activities, threaten Florida's springs and thermal basins. Although
some mitigation strategies have been discussed and planned, uncertainty
associated with manatee spatial and temporal response to these plant
shutdowns is important in assessing viability of the subspecies in the
Also not included in the modeling effort are the effects of climate
change on Florida manatees in the future. Climate change impacts are
expected to influence the viability of manatees in several ways,
including temperature increases, sea level rise, fluctuations in ocean
chemistry, hydrological cycle deviations, and changes intiming and
intensity of tropical storms, as well as extreme cold events.These
large-scale impacts may lead to habitat changes, increased algal
blooms, and new threats from diseases (Edwards 2013, pp. 727, 735;
Marsh et al. 2017, entire; Osland et al. 2020, entire). The synergism
of these factors will affect manatee health and habitat, and
potentially reduce the future range of the Florida manatee.
While the risk of population decline at the regional level is high
for the Florida manatee at the Southwest and Atlantic units, risk of
population decline is moderate at the warm season coastal resiliency
unit scale. It is important to note that the 2016 model did not include
the severity of the ongoing UME, nor did it include differing seagrass
loss/rebound futures, nor did it include effects of future climate
change. These are substantial risks to the Florida manatee in the
future, all of which may negatively impact the viability of the Florida
manatee and increase its extinction risk.
Current Condition--Antillean Manatee
The West Indian manatee species is divided into five representation
units. The current range of the Antillean manatee is grouped into four
representation units based on known genetic and ecological variation
across the subspecies' range, as well as input from subspecies experts.
Unit 1 represents the Florida manatee (see Current Condition--Florida
Manatee, above), and there are four units (Units 2-5) that encompass
the Antillean manatee. The four Antillean representative units are:
Unit 2: Greater Antilles, Unit 3: Gulf of Mexico to Caribbean coast of
South America-Coastal, Unit 4: Gulf of Mexico to Caribbean coast of
South America-Freshwater, and Unit 5: Atlantic Coast of South America
(inset of figure 3, below; section 4.1.1 of the Antillean manatee SSA
report (Service 2024b, pp. 45-47)). Representation units for the
Antillean manatee are based on known genetic and ecological variation
across the subspecies' range.
[[Page 3152]]
Figure 3. Antillean manatee's 4 representative units (units 2-5)
and 14 resiliency units. The units portray the general extent of each
unit and do not reflect presence and absence within each unit.
These four representative units of the Antillean manatee span 20
countries and are characterized by 14 resiliency units (see figure 3,
above) based on assumed connectivity as well as data availability (see
chapter 4 of the SSA report (Service 2024b, pp. 44-74)). The current
resiliency assessments for the Antillean manatee differ from the
Florida manatee because: (1) the biology and ecology of the two
subspecies differ, primarily because different factors influence their
resiliency; and (2) the two subspecies differ in the amount of data and
information available to assess their resiliency.
Current resiliency (henceforth called current condition) for each
Antillean manatee resiliency unit was determined using the best
available information on population trends. Population trends were used
to determine the current condition of each resiliency unit, as
population trends are an indicator of current condition; populations
that are stable or increasing are more resilient to stochastic events
than those that are declining. The best available information on trends
was gathered primarily from three publications: (1) the most recent
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List
assessment for the West Indian manatee (Deutsch et al. 2008,
Supplementary Table 1), (2) the UNEP Regional Management Plan for the
West Indian manatee (UNEP 2010, p. 11), and (3) a population viability
analysis for the Antillean manatee (Castelblano-Martinez et al. 2012,
p. 132).
Sometimes different data sources report different trends (e.g., one
source says ``stable,'' while another says ``declining''). In all these
cases, we retain all the reported trends in the current condition
assessment for each country to transparently report the uncertainty in
the current trend. Trends were ranked moderate if they were reported as
stable and ranked low if any sources reported them as declining. For
resiliency units made up of multiple countries where different trends
were reported for different countries, we report the trend of the
entire unit to be the trend associated with more than half of the
manatees in the unit. For example, if two out of three countries were
reported to have a declining trend and one out of three was reported to
have a stable trend, the entire unit with these three countries was
reported to have a declining trend.
After the reported population trends for each resiliency unit were
identified, each resiliency unit was sorted into one of four
categories, called trend categories, shown in Table 2 below. These
trend categories were used to describe current condition of Antillean
manatee resiliency units. For populations where trends were unknown,
they were classified the same as otherwise identical trend descriptions
without ``unknown'', with
[[Page 3153]]
the uncertainty in the true trend incorporated into the certainty
metric associated with the trend.
Table 2--Reported Population Trends That Were Included in High,
Moderate, Low, and Unknown Trend Categories
Trend category Reported population trends
High......................... Increasing; Increasing/Unknown; Stable/
Increasing; Stable/Increasing/Unknown.
Moderate..................... Stable; Stable/Unknown.
Low.......................... Stable/Declining; Stable/Declining/
Unknown; Declining; Declining/Unknown.
Unknown...................... Unknown.
Trend certainty also helped convey the variability in data
availability across the subspecies' large geographic range (see table
4-2 in the SSA report (Service 2024b, p. 53)). These certainty levels
are defined as High (based on recent information (i.e., within 20
years)), Moderate (based on other recent data, but not a statistical
estimate (e.g., minimum counts, genetic analysis, mortality records,
etc.)), and Low (based on informed opinions of local experts, localized
and/or outdated data (e.g., more than 20 years old)).
Certainty levels were also reported for abundance. While not used
to explicitly determine current condition of resiliency units,
abundance was also reported for each resiliency unit because the
ability of Antillean manatee to withstand the normal range of
environmental and demographic stochasticity increases with abundance.
We believe the general magnitude of the estimates are informative, such
that a list of resiliency units ranked in order of estimated abundance
is likely to provide a fair interpretation of which resiliency units
have relatively higher or lower abundance than the others. The
abundance of each resiliency unit was informed primarily by the same
three sources that informed population trends (Deutsch et al. 2008,
Supplementary Table 1; UNEP 2010, p. 11; Castelblanco-Mart[iacute]nez
et al. 2012, p. 132).
Current condition for the Antillean manatee is also influenced by
the quality and quantity of habitat, threats and stressors, and
conservation actions pursued in each population. Study and
documentation of these factors are uneven across the subspecies' range
and cannot be assessed in a consistent manner across all or even most
populations. Consequently, we have not included these factors
explicitly in the current condition assessment but do summarize the
information available for each population. While the quantity and
quality of habitat is important for the current condition of
populations, information about habitat status is not available for many
areas within the subspecies' large geographic range. Habitat
information for each population is summarized in the SSA report
(Service 2024b, pp. 55-71).
Thirteen out of 14 resiliency units exhibit low current condition,
and only the Puerto Rico resiliency unit, where the trend is stable,
has moderate current condition. Our current condition assessment for
the Antillean manatee was mostly characterized by low certainty for the
current status, and Antillean manatees are consistently described as
being more abundant historically than they are today.
Table 3--Current Condition Summary for the Antillean Manatee Sorted in Descending Order of Estimated Abundance
[Service 2024b, p. 71]
Resiliency unit (certainty) Trend (certainty) Trend category \1\ Current condition
Brazil......................... >1,104 (>485- Stable/Declining/ Low................ LOW.
2,221) (low Unknown (low
certainty). certainty).
Caribbean Mexico, Belize, 650-1,400 Stable/Declining/ Low................ LOW.
Guatemala. (moderate Unknown (moderate
certainty). certainty).
Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa 800-950 (169-204 Declining (low Low................ LOW.
Rica, Panama Coastal. minimum) (low certainty).
Gulf of Mexico................. 600-850 (moderate Declining (low Low................ LOW.
certainty). certainty).
Colombia Rivers................ 400 (100-1,000) Unknown/Declining Low................ LOW.
(low certainty). (low certainty).
Puerto Rico.................... 386 (sd = 89) Stable (moderate Moderate........... MODERATE.
(high certainty). certainty).
Cuba........................... 100-500 (50 Unknown/Declining Low................ LOW.
minimum) (low (low certainty).
Hispaniola..................... 300 (38-53 Declining (low Low................ LOW.
minimum) (low certainty).
Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana 300 (45 minimum) Declining (low Low................ LOW.
(low certainty). certainty).
Venezuela Rivers............... <300 (low Declining (low Low................ LOW.
certainty). certainty).
Trinidad and Tobago............ 100 (25-30 Declining (low Low................ LOW.
minimum) (low certainty).
Lago de Maracaibo (Venezuela).. <100 (low Unknown (low Unknown............ LOW.
certainty). certainty).
Jamaica........................ 50 (low certainty) Unknown/Declining Low................ LOW.
(low certainty).
Panama Canal................... 20-25 (16 minimum) Unknown (low Unknown............ LOW.
(moderate certainty).
\1\ Trends that were unknown were categorized as such. Trends were ranked as high if they were reported to be
increasing or if different sources reported them to be stable or increasing. Trends were ranked as moderate if
they were reported to be stable. To be conservative, trends were ranked as low if any sources reported them as
declining, even if they were also reported as stable by the same source (i.e., one source described it as
stable/declining) or different sources (i.e., one source described it as stable and a different source
described it as declining).
[[Page 3154]]
The resiliency uncertainty carries over into our interpretations of
redundancy and representation in the four Antillean manatee
representative units (see inset of figure 3, above). The Greater
Antilles representative unit (Unit 2) contains one resiliency unit
(Puerto Rico) that currently exhibits a moderately certain stable
population, resulting in moderate current condition. All remaining
resiliency units in the Greater Antilles representative unit (Cuba,
Hispaniola and Jamaica) and all resiliency units in the other three
Antillean manatee representative units (Units 3, 4, 5) exhibit low
current condition. The most genetically distinct Antillean manatee
representative unit, in terms of evolutionary history indicated by
mitochondrial DNA haplotypes, is the Atlantic Coast of South America
unit (Unit 5) (Service 2024b, pp. 24-28). Both resiliency units in this
representative unit currently exhibit low current condition. The most
ecologically distinct Antillean manatee representative unit, the Gulf
of Mexico to Caribbean Coast of South America-Freshwater unit (Unit 4),
is also characterized by all resiliency units exhibiting low current
The best available information indicates abundance is declining
across most of the subspecies' range (see section 4.2.2 in the SSA
report (Service 2024b, pp. 55-71)). Current abundance estimates in each
resiliency unit for the Antillean manatee vary widely, ranging from 20
to more than 1,000 individuals (see table 3). Two resiliency units are
estimated to have more than 1,000 Antillean manatees: (1) Caribbean,
Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala, and (2) Brazil. Four resiliency units
are estimated to have 100 or fewer Antillean manatees: (1) Trinidad and
Tobago, (2) Lago de Maracaibo, (3) Jamaica, and (4) Panama Canal; those
four resiliency units are comparatively smaller than those that support
larger Antillean manatee populations. The remaining eight resiliency
units are estimated to support between 100 and 1,000 Antillean
manatees. As with trend estimates, the certainty of abundance estimates
vary across the range of the Antillean manatee and are mostly based on
expert input, past versus present occurrence records or perceptions,
and mortality records.
The majority of the genetic and ecological diversity within the
subspecies occurs in resiliency units characterized as having low
current condition, thus leading to overall low representation for the
subspecies. Redundancy is also low, as all but one of the resiliency
units are in low condition, thus the subspecies is susceptible to
catastrophic events. As discussed previously, more information about
the status of the Antillean manatee and its habitat across its range is
needed to reduce uncertainty on the current status of the subspecies as
a whole. We note that the subspecies is represented throughout its
historical range and in regard to redundancy, there are 4
representative units and 14 resiliency units. This analysis led to an
overall current condition of low for the Antillean manatee.
Because we have determined that the Antillean manatee meets the
Act's definition of an ``endangered species'' (see Determination of
Status for the Florida Manatee and Antillean Manatee, below), we are
not presenting the results of the future scenarios for the Antillean
manatee in this proposed rule. Instead, details regarding the future
conditions analysis and the future resiliency, redundancy, and
representation of the Antillean manatee are presented in detail in the
SSA report (see chapter 5 of the SSA report (Service 2024b, pp. 76-
96)), which is available at https://www.regulations.gov under Docket
No. FWS-R4-ES-2024-0050.
Determination of Status for the Florida Manatee and Antillean Manatee
The Act defines the term ``species'' as including any subspecies of
fish or wildlife or plants, and any distinct population segment of any
species of vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when mature
(16 U.S.C. 1532(16)). Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533) and its
implementing regulations (50 CFR part 424) set forth the procedures for
determining whether a species meets the definition of an endangered
species or a threatened species. The Act defines an ``endangered
species'' as a species in danger of extinction throughout all or a
significant portion of its range and a ``threatened species'' as a
species likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable
future throughout all or a significant portion of its range. The Act
requires that we determine whether a species meets the definition of an
endangered species or a threatened species because of any of the
following factors: (A) The present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors
affecting its continued existence.
Proposed Action for West Indian Manatee Listing
Based on the best available scientific and commercial information,
the West Indian manatee species is comprised of two subspecies: the
Florida manatee and the Antillean manatee. We recognize the Florida
manatee and the Antillean manatee as separate listable entities (i.e.,
subspecies) under the Act. We no longer recognize the listed entity of
the West Indian manatee separate from the two subspecies, and we,
therefore, propose to remove the West Indian manatee from the List.
Status Throughout All of Its Range--Florida Manatee
Based on our assessment of demographic and habitat needs for the
Florida manatee, three winter management units (Northwest, Southwest,
and Upper St. Johns River) have high current condition, and one winter
management unit (Atlantic) has moderate current condition. Scaled to
warm season coastal resiliency units, the Gulf Coast unit exhibits high
current condition, and the East Coast unit exhibits moderate current
condition. The loss of forage (particularly, but not limited to, winter
forage) led to a tentative short term (2021-2023) classification of low
condition for the Atlantic winter management unit. However, the number
of manatees in Florida on the East Coast from 2021-2022 was estimated
to be between 3,940-6,980 (Gowan et al. 2023, p. 1). While the credible
intervals permit a range of population trajectories, the estimate from
2022 was higher than the estimate from 2016 (3,240-4,910; Gowan et al.
2023, pp. 5-6).
The overall current condition for the broader East Coast resiliency
unit is moderate given the 10-year assessment timeframe. Two winter
management units with high current condition, Northwest and Upper St.
Johns River, are dependent upon natural springs for warm water, unlike
the Atlantic and Southwest units, which use industrial outfalls as
their primary artificial warm-water sites. The Northwest and Upper St.
Johns River winter management units support the two smaller abundances
of Florida manatees. The Atlantic winter management unit has the
highest estimated abundance of Florida manatees, meaning a large number
of manatees are currently being affected by the loss of forage and
conditions in this unit. However, the range of population trajectories
leaves the possibility that the population is increasing after the UME.
[[Page 3155]]
While Florida manatees are currently affected by watercraft
collisions (Factor E), habitat loss (including seagrass loss) and
modification from coastal development (Factor A), unusual mortality
events (UME) (Factor E), natural processes including cold weather
events and harmful algal blooms (Factor E), and human interactions
(Factor B), all winter management and coastal resiliency units exhibit
current moderate to high current condition that supports the current
viability of the subspecies. The recent UME is impacting the Atlantic
winter management unit, although the magnitude and severity of the
impact has not yet been determined. The other three winter management
units exhibited, and continue to exhibit, stronger positive growth
compared to the Atlantic unit. The Florida manatee is a highly managed
species for which many conservation initiatives have been and continue
to be implemented to ameliorate threats, including efforts to improve
water quality and restore seagrass. The best available science
demonstrates long-term population growth and some adaptive capacity.
The subspecies is represented throughout its historical range, and
there are multiple units with moderate to high current condition across
the range. While we anticipate that the threats will continue to act on
the subspecies in the future, they are not currently affecting the
subspecies such that it is in danger of extinction now. Further, the
Florida manatee's vulnerability to stressors is not of such magnitude
that it is currently in danger of extinction as a result of the threats
to the subspecies or the subspecies' response to those threats. After
assessing the best scientific and commercial data available, we find
that, given the moderate to high current condition for all Florida
manatee units and the distribution of these resilient units throughout
the subspecies' range, the Florida manatee is not in danger of
extinction throughout all of its range and does not meet the Act's
definition of an endangered species.
We therefore proceed with determining whether the Florida manatee
is likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout
all of its range. Future viability of the Florida manatee was
investigated under plausible future condition scenarios: a baseline
scenario, threats scenarios, and multiple emerging threats scenarios.
We assessed Florida manatee future condition at 50, 100, and 150 years
under all future scenarios. We determined these timeframes represent
the period of time under which we are able to reasonably determine that
both the future threats and subspecies' response to those threats are
likely. As described above in Future Conditions--Florida Manatee, the
selected timeframes are reasonable to model threats and forecast
variations of threats acting on the subspecies and its habitat, and
they are reasonable timeframes for a long-lived marine mammal to
respond to those threats. Although we need not identify the foreseeable
future in terms of a specific period of time, we have described the
foreseeable future for the Florida manatee as far into the future as we
can make reasonably reliable predictions about the threats to the
subspecies and the subspecies' responses to those threats. We have
taken into account considerations such as the subspecies' life-history
characteristics, threat-projection timeframes, and environmental
variability in our future condition scenarios and timeframes.
Overall, future condition modeling results indicate the probability
of Florida manatee extinction is low under scenario projections as
described above in Future Conditions--Florida Manatee. However,
substantial risks remain across the range of the subspecies. In the
future, the Florida manatee will continue to be threatened by
watercraft collisions (Factor E), habitat loss (including seagrass
loss) and modification from coastal development (Factor A), unusual
mortality events (UME) (Factor E), natural processes including cold
weather events and harmful algal blooms (Factor E), and human
interactions (Factor B), as well as the potential loss of warm-water
refugia (Factor A) and climate change (Factor E). The greatest risk is
estimated for the Atlantic and Southwest wintering populations; this
risk is largely driven by the continued loss of seagrasses (Factor A),
increase in cold water events (Factor E), and red tides (Factor E).
In our future condition projections, at the winter management unit
level, probability of decline is greatest in the Atlantic winter
management unit, followed by the Southwest, Northwest, and Upper St.
Johns River winter management units. At the warm season coastal
resiliency unit scale, the East Coast and its tributaries have a
greater probability of decline than the Gulf Coast and its tributaries.
At this warm season coastal resiliency unit scale, risk of population
decline is moderate, while at the regional level, risk of population
decline is high for the two larger winter management units (i.e.,
Southwest and Atlantic). In addition, future distributional shifts of
the subspecies are predicted to be largely driven by the loss of
artificial warm-water refugia, and the future viability of Florida
manatees in the Southwest and Atlantic winter management units may be
most negatively impacted by this.
Overall, future condition modeling efforts project low risk of
extinction for the Florida manatee under all future condition scenarios
in 50, 100, and 150 years. These modeling efforts include relevant
threats at the time of the assessment, but information was not
available to incorporate loss of seagrass related to the UME, the
short- and long-term effects of the UME on subspecies abundance and
distribution, and the subspecies' response to both loss of seagrass and
the UME. In addition, updated climate change assessments have become
available since the future condition modeling effort, which was based
on the 2017 assessment. Therefore, in our determination of the Florida
manatee's status, we carefully considered the best available science,
including future condition projections of modeled threats and the
subspecies' response to those threats, as well as information regarding
the ongoing and emerging threat of seagrass loss, the effects of the
UME, and the emerging effects of climate change.
We expect that the current threats to the subspecies, including
watercraft collisions, habitat loss (including seagrass loss) and
modification from coastal development, UMEs, cold weather events and
harmful algal blooms, and human interactions, will continue to affect
the subspecies' viability, and the negative impacts of emerging
threats, including the loss of warm-water refugia, effects of climate
change, loss of seagrass, and effects of UMEs, will further affect the
subspecies' viability. After evaluating threats to the subspecies and
assessing the cumulative effect of the threats under the Act's section
4(a)(1) factors, we determine that the Florida manatee meets the
definition of a threatened species across its range. Thus, after
assessing the best scientific and commercial data available, we
conclude that the Florida manatee is not in danger of extinction but is
likely to become in danger of extinction within the foreseeable future
throughout all of its range.
Status Throughout a Significant Portion of Its Range--Florida Manatee
Under the Act and our implementing regulations, a species may
warrant listing if it is in danger of extinction or likely to become so
within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion
of its range. The
[[Page 3156]]
court in Center for Biological Diversity v. Everson, 435 F. Supp. 3d 69
(D.D.C. 2020) (Everson), vacated the provision of the Final Policy on
Interpretation of the Phrase ``Significant Portion of Its Range'' in
the Endangered Species Act's Definitions of ``Endangered Species'' and
``Threatened Species'' (hereafter ``Final Policy''; 79 FR 37578, July
1, 2014) that provided if the Services determine that a species is
threatened throughout all of its range, the Services will not analyze
whether the species is endangered in a significant portion of its
Therefore, we proceed to evaluating whether the species is
endangered in a significant portion of its range--that is, whether
there is any portion of the species' range for which both (1) the
portion is significant; and (2) the species is in danger of extinction
in that portion. Depending on the case, it might be more efficient for
us to address the ``significance'' question or the ``status'' question
first. We can choose to address either question first. Regardless of
which question we address first, if we reach a negative answer with
respect to the first question that we address, we do not need to
evaluate the other question for that portion of the species' range.
Following the court's holding in Everson, we now consider whether
the Florida manatee is in danger of extinction in a significant portion
of its range. In undertaking this analysis for Florida manatee, we
choose to address the status question first.
We evaluated the range of the Florida manatee to determine if the
subspecies is in danger of extinction in any portion of its range. The
subspecies' range can theoretically be divided into portions in an
infinite number of ways. We focused our analysis on portions of the
subspecies' range that may meet the Act's definition of an endangered
species. For the Florida manatee, we considered whether the threats or
their effects on the subspecies are greater in any biologically
meaningful portion of the subspecies' range than in other portions such
that the subspecies is in danger of extinction in that portion.
We examined the following threats: watercraft collisions, habitat
loss (including seagrass loss) and modification from coastal
development, UMEs, natural processes including cold weather events and
harmful algal blooms, human interactions, loss of warm-water refugia,
and climate change, including cumulative effects. We found a potential
difference in biological condition of the subspecies in the wintering
area of the southeast coast of Florida (Brevard County south to Miami-
Dade County; Atlantic winter management unit). The Atlantic winter
management unit includes the current extent of the ongoing UME, is
recognized as the larger of the two important wintering areas of the
East Coast resiliency unit and contains a high abundance of Florida
manatees. The current UME is the result of massive loss of forage for
manatees, and there has been a substantial increase in mortality of
manatees. Based on the forage-driven UME, the Atlantic winter
management unit has a tentative lower level of condition in the 2021-
2023 timeframe; however, when comparing similar time periods (past 10
years) across the winter management units, the Atlantic unit is
assessed to have moderate current condition. Additionally, the number
of manatees in Florida on the East coast from 2021-2022 was estimated
to be higher than an estimate provided from 2016, though credible
intervals permit a range of population trajectories (Gowan et al. 2023,
pp. 1, 5). This range of population trajectories lends credence to a
tentative score of low from 2021 to present in the Atlantic winter
management unit in the SSA report (Service 2024a, p. 90), but this
range also leaves the possibility that the population is increasing
after the UME.
Recent demographic evidence for Florida manatees that winter in the
Atlantic winter management unit indicates this area has the highest
abundance estimate of manatees. The number of manatees could provide
potential resilience to threats along the southeast coast of Florida.
Thus, we determined that although the recent UME has negatively
impacted short-term condition in the Atlantic winter management unit,
the area exhibits overall moderate current condition and still contains
the greatest number of Florida manatees; therefore, the Atlantic winter
management unit does not exhibit a different status from the rest of
the range. We found no biologically meaningful portion of the Florida
manatee's range where the biological condition of the subspecies
differs from its condition elsewhere in its range such that the status
of the subspecies in that portion differs from any other portion of the
subspecies' range. Therefore, no portion of the subspecies' range
provides a basis for determining that the subspecies is in danger of
extinction in a significant portion of its range, and we determine that
the subspecies is likely to become in danger of extinction within the
foreseeable future throughout all of its range. This does not conflict
with the courts' holdings in Desert Survivors v. U.S. Department of the
Interior, 321 F. Supp. 3d 1011, 1070-74 (N.D. Cal. 2018) and Center for
Biological Diversity v. Jewell, 248 F. Supp. 3d 946, 959 (D. Ariz.
2017) because, in reaching this conclusion, we did not apply the
aspects of the Final Policy, including the definition of
``significant'' that those court decisions held to be invalid.
Determination of Status--Florida Manatee
Our review of the best available scientific and commercial
information indicates that the Florida manatee meets the Act's
definition of a threatened species. Therefore, we propose to list the
Florida manatee as a threatened species in accordance with sections
3(20) and 4(a)(1) of the Act.
Status Throughout All of Its Range--Antillean Manatee
Current abundance estimates in each resiliency unit for the
Antillean manatee range from 20 to more than 1,000 individuals. While
abundance estimates for Antillean manatee resiliency units are highly
uncertain, the best available information indicates abundance is
declining across most of the subspecies' range. One out of 14
resiliency units has moderate current condition (Puerto Rico, where the
trend is stable), and the remaining 13 units have low current
condition. When comparing abundance estimates, two resiliency units
(Caribbean/Mexico/Belize/Guatemala and Brazil) are estimated to have
more than 1,000 Antillean manatees. However, four resiliency units
(Trinidad and Tobago, Lago de Maracaibo, Jamaica, and the Panama Canal)
are estimated to have 100 or fewer Antillean manatees. The remaining
eight resiliency units are estimated to support between 100 and 1,000
Antillean manatees.
While the current condition assessment is characterized by low
certainty, the best available information indicates declining
population numbers due to current and ongoing threats such as
watercraft collisions (Factor E), habitat loss (including seagrass
loss) and modification (Factor A), natural processes like harmful algal
blooms (Factor E), human interactions (Factor B), poaching (Factor E),
and low genetic diversity (Factor E). Additionally, there is a lack of
effective enforcement of manatee conservation regulations in the
Antillean manatee's range (Factor D), with enforcement varying widely
by country due to limited funding and understaffed law enforcement
agencies. Although the Antillean manatee subspecies possesses some
redundancy and an ability to withstand catastrophic
[[Page 3157]]
events on a rangewide basis, all resiliency units, except for one
(Puerto Rico), have low current condition. Two units have an abundance
over 1,000 individuals, but four units have 100 or fewer individuals.
Further, low genetic diversity in some areas indicates the Antillean
manatee may lack adaptive capacity. Despite populations being spread
out across multiple units, the low abundance, habitat fragmentation,
and adaptive capacity of populations throughout the subspecies' range
compromise Antillean manatee redundancy.
After evaluating threats to the subspecies and assessing the
cumulative effect of the threats under the Act's section 4(a)(1)
factors, we determined the best scientific and commercial data
available indicates declining population numbers due to current and
ongoing threats such as watercraft collisions, habitat loss and
modification, natural processes like harmful algal blooms, human
interactions, poaching, and potentially low genetic diversity. The best
scientific and commercial data available indicates an overall low
current condition for the Antillean manatee subspecies. Although
populations are widely distributed in multiple units across the
subspecies' range, the low abundance in many of these units reduce
Antillean manatee redundancy. Most delineated units have very low
numbers of Antillean manatees; four units contain 100 or fewer
individuals, and eight units contain 100 to 1,000 animals. Further, the
small, isolated populations and potential low genetic diversity
indicate the Antillean manatee may lack adaptive capacity. It is
important to recognize the different methodologies used to define
populations for both subspecies, therefore it is not appropriate to
make direct comparisons between the two. While the Antillean manatee
may have some individual populations larger than some of the Florida
manatee the condition of the Antillean manatee also reflects declining
trends and isolation of populations. Thus, after assessing the best
scientific and commercial data available, we determine that the
Antillean manatee is in danger of extinction throughout all of its
Status Throughout a Significant Portion of Its Range--Antillean Manatee
Under the Act and our implementing regulations, a species may
warrant listing if it is in danger of extinction or likely to become so
within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion
of its range. We have determined that the Antillean manatee is in
danger of extinction throughout all of its range and accordingly did
not undertake an analysis of any significant portion of its range.
Because the Antillean manatee warrants listing as endangered throughout
all of its range, our determination does not conflict with the decision
in Everson because that decision concerns significant portion of the
range analyses for species that warrant listing as threatened, not
endangered, throughout all of their ranges.
Determination of Status--Antillean Manatee
Our review of the best available scientific and commercial
information indicates that the Antillean manatee meets the Act's
definition of an endangered species. Therefore, we propose to list the
Antillean manatee as an endangered species in accordance with sections
3(6) and 4(a)(1) of the Act. We have determined that the Antillean
manatee is in danger of extinction throughout all of its range and
accordingly did not undertake an analysis of a potential DPS for the
Puerto Rico population.
Available Conservation Measures
Conservation measures provided to species listed as endangered or
threatened species under the Act include recognition as a listed
species, planning and implementation of recovery actions, requirements
for Federal protection, and prohibitions against certain practices.
Recognition through listing results in public awareness, and
conservation by Federal, State, Tribal, and local agencies, foreign
governments, private organizations, and individuals. The Act encourages
cooperation with the States and other countries and calls for recovery
actions to be carried out for listed species. The protection required
by Federal agencies, including the Service, and the prohibitions
against certain activities are discussed, in part, below.
The primary purpose of the Act is the conservation of endangered
and threatened species and the ecosystems upon which they depend. The
ultimate goal of such conservation efforts is the recovery of these
listed species, so that they no longer need the protective measures of
the Act. Section 4(f) of the Act calls for the Service to develop and
implement recovery plans for the conservation of endangered and
threatened species. The goal of this process is to restore listed
species to a point where they are secure, self-sustaining, and
functioning components of their ecosystems.
The recovery planning process begins with development of a recovery
outline made available to the public soon after a final listing
determination. The recovery outline guides the immediate implementation
of urgent recovery actions while a recovery plan is being developed.
Recovery teams (composed of species experts, Federal and State
agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and stakeholders) may be
established to develop and implement recovery plans. The recovery
planning process involves the identification of actions that are
necessary to halt and reverse the species' decline by addressing the
threats to its survival and recovery. The recovery plan identifies
recovery criteria for review of when a species may be ready for
reclassification from endangered to threatened (``downlisting'') or
removal from protected status (``delisting''), and methods for
monitoring recovery progress. Recovery plans also establish a framework
for agencies to coordinate their recovery efforts and provide estimates
of the cost of implementing recovery tasks. Revisions of the plan may
be done to address continuing or new threats to the species, as new
substantive information becomes available. The recovery outline, draft
recovery plan, final recovery plan, and any revisions will be available
on our website as they are completed (https://www.fws.gov/program/endangered-species) or from our Florida Ecological Services Field
Office and Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR FURTHER
Implementation of recovery actions generally requires the
participation of a broad range of partners, including other Federal
agencies, States, Tribes, nongovernmental organizations, businesses,
and private landowners. Examples of recovery actions include habitat
restoration (e.g., restoration of native vegetation), research, captive
propagation and reintroduction, and outreach and education. The
recovery of many listed species cannot be accomplished solely on
Federal lands because their range may occur primarily or solely on non-
Federal lands. To achieve recovery of these species requires
cooperative conservation efforts on private, State, and Tribal lands.
If this rulemaking is finalized, funding for recovery actions will
be available from a variety of sources, including Federal budgets,
State programs, and cost-share grants for non-Federal landowners, the
academic community, and nongovernmental organizations. In addition,
pursuant to section 6 of the Act, Puerto Rico and the State of Florida
would be eligible for
[[Page 3158]]
Federal funds to implement management actions that promote the
protection or recovery of the Antillean manatee and the Florida
manatee, respectively. Information on our grant programs that are
available to aid species recovery can be found at: https://www.fws.gov/service/financial-assistance.
Although the separate listings of the Florida manatee and the
Antillean manatee are only proposed actions under the Act at this time,
please let us know if you are interested in participating in recovery
efforts for these subspecies. Additionally, we invite you to submit any
new information on these subspecies whenever it becomes available and
any information you may have for recovery planning purposes (see FOR
Section 7 of the Act is titled, ``Interagency Cooperation,'' and it
mandates all Federal action agencies to use their existing authorities
to further the conservation purposes of the Act and to ensure that
their actions are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of
listed species or adversely modify critical habitat. Regulations
implementing section 7 are codified at 50 CFR part 402.
Section 7(a)(2) states that each Federal action agency shall, in
consultation with the Secretary, ensure that any action they authorize,
fund, or carry out is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence
of a listed species or result in the destruction or adverse
modification of designated critical habitat. Each Federal agency shall
review its action at the earliest possible time to determine whether it
may affect listed species or critical habitat. If a determination is
made that the action may affect listed species or critical habitat,
formal consultation is required (50 CFR 402.14(a)), unless the Service
concurs in writing that the action is not likely to adversely affect
listed species or critical habitat. At the end of a formal
consultation, the Service issues a biological opinion, containing its
determination of whether the Federal action is likely to result in
jeopardy or adverse modification.
In contrast, section 7(a)(4) of the Act requires Federal agencies
to confer with the Service on any action which is likely to jeopardize
the continued existence of any species proposed to be listed under the
Act or result in the destruction or adverse modification of critical
habitat proposed to be designated for such species. Although the
conference procedures are required only when an action is likely to
result in jeopardy or adverse modification, action agencies may
voluntarily confer with the Service on actions that may affect species
proposed for listing or critical habitat proposed to be designated. In
the event that the subject species is listed or the relevant critical
habitat is designated, a conference opinion may be adopted as a
biological opinion and serve as compliance with section 7(a)(2) of the
Examples of discretionary actions for the Florida manatee or the
Antillean manatee that may be subject to conference and consultation
procedures under section 7 of the Act are land management or other
landscape-altering activities on Federal lands administered by the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense, and the Service, as
well as actions on State, Tribal, local, or private lands that require
a Federal permit (such as a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers under section 404 of the Clean Water Act or a permit from the
Service under section 10 of the Act) or that involve some other Federal
action (such as funding from the Federal Highway Administration,
Federal Aviation Administration, or the Federal Emergency Management
Agency). Federal actions not affecting listed species or critical
habitat--and actions on State, Tribal, local, or private lands that are
not federally funded, authorized, or carried out by a Federal agency--
do not require section 7 consultation. Federal agencies should
coordinate with the local Service Field Office (see FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT) with any specific questions on section 7
consultation and conference requirements.
The Act and its implementing regulations set forth a series of
general prohibitions and exceptions that apply to endangered wildlife.
The prohibitions of section 9(a)(1) of the Act, and the Service's
implementing regulations codified at 50 CFR 17.21, make it illegal for
any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to commit,
to attempt to commit, to solicit another to commit, or to cause to be
committed any of the following acts with regard to any endangered
wildlife: (1) import into, or export from, the United States; (2) take
(which includes harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap,
capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct)
within the United States, within the territorial sea of the United
States, or on the high seas; (3) possess, sell, deliver, carry,
transport, or ship, by any means whatsoever, any such wildlife that has
been taken illegally; (4) deliver, receive, carry, transport, or ship
in interstate or foreign commerce, by any means whatsoever and in the
course of commercial activity; or (5) sell or offer for sale in
interstate or foreign commerce. Certain exceptions to these
prohibitions apply to employees or agents of the Service, the National
Marine Fisheries Service, other Federal land management agencies, and
State or Territorial conservation agencies.
We may issue permits to carry out otherwise prohibited activities
involving endangered wildlife under certain circumstances. Regulations
governing permits for endangered wildlife are codified at 50 CFR 17.22,
and general Service permitting regulations are codified at 50 CFR part
13. With regard to endangered wildlife, a permit may be issued: for
scientific purposes, for enhancing the propagation or survival of the
species, or for take incidental to otherwise lawful activities. The
statute also contains certain exemptions from the prohibitions, which
are found in sections 9 and 10 of the Act.
II. Protective Regulations Under Section 4(d) of the Act
Section 4(d) of the Act contains two sentences. The first sentence
states that the Secretary shall issue such regulations as she deems
necessary and advisable to provide for the conservation of species
listed as threatened species. Conservation is defined in the Act to
mean the use of all methods and procedures which are necessary to bring
any endangered species or threatened species to the point at which the
measures provided pursuant to the Act are no longer necessary.
Additionally, the second sentence of section 4(d) of the Act states
that the Secretary may by regulation prohibit with respect to any
threatened species any act prohibited under section 9(a)(1), in the
case of fish or wildlife, or section 9(a)(2), in the case of plants.
With these two sentences in section 4(d), Congress delegated broad
authority to the Secretary to determine what protections would be
necessary and advisable to provide for the conservation of threatened
species, and even broader authority to put in place any of the section
9 prohibitions for a given species.
The courts have recognized the extent of the Secretary's discretion
under this standard to develop rules that are appropriate for the
conservation of a species. For example, courts have upheld, as a valid
exercise of agency authority, rules developed under section 4(d) that
included limited prohibitions against takings (see Alsea Valley
Alliance v. Lautenbacher, 2007 WL 2344927 (D. Or. 2007); Washington
[[Page 3159]]
Environmental Council v. National Marine Fisheries Service, 2002 WL
511479 (W.D. Wash. 2002)). Courts have also upheld 4(d) rules that do
not address all of the threats a species faces (see State of Louisiana
v. Verity, 853 F.2d 322 (5th Cir. 1988)). As noted in the legislative
history when the Act was initially enacted, ``once an animal is on the
threatened list, the Secretary has an almost infinite number of options
available to [her] with regard to the permitted activities for those
species. [She] may, for example, permit taking, but not importation of
such species, or [she] may choose to forbid both taking and importation
but allow the transportation of such species'' (H.R. Rep. No. 412, 93rd
Cong., 1st Sess. 1973).
The provisions of the Florida manatee's proposed protective
regulations under section 4(d) of the Act are one of many tools that we
would use to promote the conservation of the Florida manatee. The
proposed protective regulations would apply only if and when we make
final the listing of the Florida manatee as a threatened species.
Nothing in 4(d) rules change in any way the recovery planning
provisions of section 4(f) of the Act, the consultation requirements
under section 7 of the Act, or the ability of the Service to enter into
partnerships for the management and protection of the Florida manatee.
As mentioned previously in Available Conservation Measures, section
7(a)(2) of the Act requires Federal agencies, including the Service, to
ensure that any action they authorize, fund, or carry out is not likely
to jeopardize the continued existence of any endangered species or
threatened species or result in the destruction or adverse modification
of designated critical habitat of such species. In addition, even
before the listing of any species or the designation of its critical
habitat is finalized, section 7(a)(4) of the Act requires Federal
agencies to confer with the Service on any agency action which is
likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any species proposed to
be listed under the Act or result in the destruction or adverse
modification of critical habitat proposed to be designated for such
species. These requirements are the same for a threatened species
regardless of what is included in its 4(d) rule.
Section 7 consultation is required for Federal actions that ``may
affect'' a listed species regardless of whether take caused by the
activity is prohibited or excepted by a 4(d) rule (``blanket rule'' or
species-specific 4(d) rule). A 4(d) rule does not change the process or
criteria for informal or formal consultations and does not alter the
analytical process used for biological opinions or concurrence letters.
For example, as with an endangered species, if a Federal agency
determines that an action is ``not likely to adversely affect'' a
threatened species, this will require the Service's written concurrence
(50 CFR 402.13(c)). Similarly, if a Federal agency determinates that an
action is ``likely to adversely affect'' a threatened species, the
action will require formal consultation with the Service and the
formulation of a biological opinion (50 CFR 402.14(a)). Because
consultation obligations and processes are unaffected by 4(d) rules, we
may consider developing tools to streamline future intra-Service and
interagency consultations for actions that result in forms of take that
are not prohibited by the 4(d) rule (but that still require
consultation). These tools may include consultation guidance,
Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) effects determination
keys, template language for biological opinions, or programmatic
Exercising the Secretary's authority under section 4(d) of the Act,
we propose to apply the protections for the Florida manatee through our
regulations at 50 CFR 17.31(a). In our April 5, 2024, final rule
revising those regulations (89 FR 23919 at 23922-23923), we found that
applying those regulations as a whole satisfies the requirement in
section 4(d) of the Act to issue regulations deemed necessary and
advisable to provide for the conservation of the threatened species. We
have not identified any ways in which a protective regulation for this
threatened subspecies would need to differ from the regulations at 50
CFR 17.31(a) in order to contain the protections that are necessary and
advisable to provide for the conservation of the Florida manatee.
Therefore, if we finalize this rule as proposed, the regulations at 50
CFR 17.31(a) apply. This means that, except as provided in 50 CFR 17.4
through 17.8, or in a permit issued pursuant to 50 CFR 17.32, all of
the provisions of 50 CFR 17.21 for endangered wildlife, except Sec.
17.21(c)(3) and (5), would apply to the Florida manatee, and the
provisions of 50 CFR 17.32(b) concerning exceptions for certain
entities would also apply to the subspecies.
Accordingly, protections in Florida's coastal and inland waters
will not change with the designation of the Florida manatee subspecies
as a threatened species. Manatee protection areas (MPAs) have played a
substantial role in manatee conservation and will be needed into the
foreseeable future, and the designation of these areas will not be
affected by the Florida manatee's listing. In addition, the MMPA
prohibits the ``take'' (i.e., to harass, hunt, capture, kill, or
attempt to harass, hunt, capture, or kill; 16 U.S.C. 1362(13)) of
marine mammals. MPAs also play an important role in avoiding take under
the MMPA.
Required Determinations
Clarity of the Rule
We are required by Executive Order (E.O.) 12866 and E.O. 12988 and
by the Presidential memorandum of June 1, 1998, to write all rules in
plain language. This means that each rule we publish must:
(1) Be logically organized;
(2) Use the active voice to address readers directly;
(3) Use clear language rather than jargon;
(4) Be divided into short sections and sentences; and
(5) Use lists and tables wherever possible.
If you feel that we have not met these requirements, send us
comments by one of the methods listed in ADDRESSES. To better help us
revise the rule, your comments should be as specific as possible. For
example, you should tell us the numbers of the sections or paragraphs
that are unclearly written, which sections or sentences are too long,
the sections where you feel lists or tables would be useful, etc.
National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)
Regulations adopted pursuant to section 4(a) of the Act are exempt
from the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et
seq.) and do not require an environmental analysis under NEPA. We
published a notice outlining our reasons for this determination in the
Federal Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244). This includes
listing, delisting, and reclassification rules, as well as critical
habitat designations and species-specific protective regulations
promulgated concurrently with a decision to list or reclassify a
species as threatened. The courts have upheld this position (e.g.,
Douglas County v. Babbitt, 48 F.3d 1495 (9th Cir. 1995) (critical
habitat); Center for Biological Diversity v. U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, 2005 WL 2000928 (N.D. Cal. Aug. 19, 2005) (concurrent 4(d)
Government-to-Government Relationship With Tribes
In accordance with the President's memorandum of April 29, 1994
[[Page 3160]]
(Government-to-Government Relations With Native American Tribal
Governments; 59 FR 22951, May 4, 1994), E.O. 13175 (Consultation and
Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments), the President's
memorandum of November 30, 2022 (Uniform Standards for Tribal
Consultation; 87 FR 74479, December 5, 2022), and the Department of the
Interior's manual at 512 DM 2, we readily acknowledge our
responsibility to communicate meaningfully with federally recognized
Tribes and Alaska Native Corporations (ANCs) on a government-to-
government basis. In accordance with Secretary's Order 3206 of June 5,
1997 (American Indian Tribal Rights, Federal-Tribal Trust
Responsibilities, and the Endangered Species Act), we readily
acknowledge our responsibilities to work directly with Tribes in
developing programs for healthy ecosystems, to acknowledge that Tribal
lands are not subject to the same controls as Federal public lands, to
remain sensitive to Indian culture, and to make information available
to Tribes. We have communicated with the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians
and the Seminole Tribe of Florida for the Florida manatee. There are no
federally recognized Tribes within the range of the Antillean manatee.
We will continue to work with Tribal entities during the development of
a final listing rule for the Florida manatee.
References Cited
A complete list of references cited in this proposed rule is
available on the internet at https://www.regulations.gov and upon
request from the Florida Ecological Services Field Office (Florida
manatee) and Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (Antillean
The primary authors of this proposed rule are the staff members of
the Fish and Wildlife Service's Species Assessment Team and the Florida
and Caribbean Ecological Services Field Offices.
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Plants,
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Transportation, Wildlife.
Proposed Regulation Promulgation
Accordingly, we propose to amend part 17, subchapter B of chapter
I, title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 1531-1544; and 4201-4245, unless
otherwise noted.
2. In Sec. 17.11, in paragraph (h), amend the List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife under MAMMALS by adding, in alphabetical order,
entries for ``Manatee, Antillean'' and ``Manatee, Florida'', and
removing the entry for ``Manatee, West Indian'', to read as follows:
Sec. 17.11 Endangered and threatened wildlife.
* * * * *
(h) * * *
Listing citations
Common name Scientific name Where listed Status and applicable
* * * * * * *
Manatee, Antillean............... Trichechus manatus Wherever found...... E [Federal Register
manatus. citation when
published as a
final rule].
Manatee, Florida................. Trichechus manatus Wherever found...... T [Federal Register
latirostris. citation when
published as a
final rule].
* * * * * * *
Martha Williams,
Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2025-00467 Filed 1-13-25; 8:45 am]