Notice of Availability of the Draft Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Operation of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1991-1993 [2025-00265]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 6 / Friday, January 10, 2025 / Notices Title; Associated Form; and OMB Number: Upstream risk factors for behavioral health and suicide in military personnel: An examination of social determinants of health; OMB Control Number 0703–SDOH. Type of Request: New collection. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Baseline Survey AGENCY: Number of Respondents: 1,088. Responses per Respondent: 1. Annual Responses: 1,088. Average Burden per Response: 15 minutes. Annual Burden Hours: 272. SUMMARY: khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES Number of Respondents: 1,088. Annual Responses: 1,687. Annual Burden Hours: 422. Needs and Uses: Many service members face adverse social determinants of health (SDOH), such as financial, housing, and food insecurity, isolation or distance from others, and social stressors such as racism and discrimination. Exposure to adverse SDOH may place service members at higher risk for behavioral health symptoms and/or suicidality. This study will develop and administer a crosscutting, comprehensive assessment of upstream risk factors (i.e., SDOH) for behavioral health issues and suicide among Sailors and Marines to determine the relationship between social risk factors and future behavioral health issues in this population. We will also develop procedures for linking Sailors and Marines to appropriate services and programs based on their reported social and behavioral health needs. Affected Public: Individuals or households. Frequency: Twice (Baseline and 6month follow-up). Respondent’s Obligation: Voluntary. DOD Clearance Officer: Mr. Reginald Lucas. BILLING CODE 6001–FR–P VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:28 Jan 08, 2025 Jkt 265001 Dated: January 3, 2025. Aaron T. Siegel, Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense. [Docket ID: USN–2024–HQ–0013] Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request Written comments and recommendations for the proposed information collection should be sent within 30 days of publication of this notice to PRAMain. Find this particular information collection by selecting ‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open for Public Comments’’ or by using the search function. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Reginald Lucas, (571) 372–7574, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title; Associated Form; and OMB Number: Department of the Navy Reasonable Accommodations Tracker; SECNAV Form 12306/1; OMB Control Number 0703–0063. Type of Request: Extension. Number of Respondents: 2,000. Responses per Respondent: 1. Annual Responses: 2,000. Average Burden per Response: 20 minutes. Annual Burden Hours: 667. Needs and Uses: The information collection requirement is necessary to track, monitor, review, and process requests for reasonable accommodations applicants for employment. This information is collected by the Department of the Navy Equal Employment Opportunity personnel involved in the Reasonable Accommodation process and data input into the Reasonable Accommodation Tracker (electronic information system) pursuant to Executive Order 13163. Official Reasonable Accommodation case files are secured with access granted on a strictly limited basis. Affected Public: Individuals or households. Frequency: On occasion. ADDRESSES: Total [FR Doc. 2025–00283 Filed 1–8–25; 8:45 am] Department of the Navy The DoD has submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for clearance the following proposal for collection of information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act. DATES: Consideration will be given to all comments received by February 10, 2025. Number of Respondents: 599. Responses per Respondent: 1. Annual Responses: 599. Average Burden per Response: 15 minutes. Annual Burden Hours: 150. Dated: January 3, 2025. Aaron T. Siegel, Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense. Respondent’s Obligation: Voluntary. DOD Clearance Officer: Mr. Reginald Lucas. Department of the Navy, Department of Defense (DoD). ACTION: 30-Day information collection notice. Follow-up Survey PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 1991 [FR Doc. 2025–00282 Filed 1–8–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6001–FR–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY National Nuclear Security Administration Notice of Availability of the Draft SiteWide Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Operation of the Los Alamos National Laboratory National Nuclear Security Administration, Department of Energy. ACTION: Notice of availability and public hearings. AGENCY: The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), a semi-autonomous agency within the Department of Energy (DOE), announces the availability of the Draft Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Operation of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (Draft LANL SWEIS) (DOE/EIS–0552) in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). NNSA also is announcing a 60-day public comment period and four public hearings to receive comments on the Draft LANL SWEIS. NNSA prepared the Draft LANL SWEIS to analyze the potential environmental impacts associated with continuing LANL operations and foreseeable new and/or modified operations and facilities for approximately the next 15 years. DATES: NNSA invites other Federal agencies, Native American Tribes, state and local governments, industry, other organizations, and members of the public to review and submit comments on the Draft LANL SWEIS through March 11, 2025. NNSA will hold four public hearings (two of which will include a virtual component) to receive comments on the Draft LANL SWEIS. Times, dates, and locations for the public hearings are listed in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this Notice of Availability. Any changes or updates to the public hearings will be published in local newspapers, posted on DOE and NNSA websites, and distributed through notices to the GovDelivery mailing list at least 15 days before the hearings. ADDRESSES: Written and verbal comments will be given equal weight. SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\10JAN1.SGM 10JAN1 1992 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 6 / Friday, January 10, 2025 / Notices NNSA will consider all comments received or postmarked by the end of the comment period in preparing the Final LANL SWEIS. Comments received or postmarked after the comment period will be considered to the extent practicable. Written comments on the Draft LANL SWEIS or requests for information related to the Draft LANL SWEIS should emailed to LANLSWEIS@ or mailed to Mr. Stephen Hoffman, LANL SWEIS Document Manager, DOE/NNSA, 3747 W. Jemez Road, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544. Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personally identifiable information in your comment, please be advised that your entire comment—including your personally identifiable information— may be made publicly available. If you wish for NNSA to withhold your name and/or other personally identifiable information, please state this prominently at the beginning of your comment. You may submit comments anonymously. The Draft LANL SWEIS is available online at: https:// and https:// Copies of the Draft LANL SWEIS are also available for review at the LANL Public Reading Room at 94 Cities of Gold Road, Pojoaque, New Mexico. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information about this notice, please contact Mr. Stephen Hoffman, LANL SWEIS Document Manager, DOE/ NNSA, 3747 W. Jemez Road, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544; call 505– 665–8980 to leave a message or via email at: Note that comments on the Draft SWEIS will not be accepted via the voicemail system; only written comments or those provided at a public hearing will be accepted. This notice and related NEPA documents are available at: https:// khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES Public hearing dates and times Location Address Tuesday, February 11, 2025; 1:00–4:00 p.m. MT; * Virtual Meeting: 1:30–4:00 p.m. MT. Tuesday, February 11, 2025; 5:00–8:00 p.m. MT; * Virtual Meeting: 5:30–8:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 12, 2025; 5:00–8:00 p.m. MT. Thursday, February 13, 2025; 5:00–8:00 p.m. MT. Santa Fe Community Convention Center, Sweeney Ballroom. Santa Fe Community Convention Center, Sweeney Ballroom. Mision y Convento ........................................... For the in-person hearings, NNSA will hold an Open House for the first 30 minutes to provide the public with an opportunity to engage with DOE/NNSA personnel and ask questions about the Draft SWEIS and DOE/NNSA activities at LANL. Following the Open House, NNSA will make a presentation on the Draft SWEIS lasting approximately 30 minutes, then answer any clarifying questions related to the comment process. Following this presentation, NNSA will receive formal public comments with transcription by a court stenographer. NNSA will not answer questions during the formal public comment period. The two public hearings on February 11 will also offer a virtual option for remote participation in the presentation and public comment portions of the hearings. Virtual hearing access instructions (e.g., website link or phone number) will be announced at least 15 days before the hearing and will be published in local newspapers, noticed to the GovDelivery mailing list, and available on the following websites: and https:// The Draft LANL SWEIS analyzes three alternatives: (1) the No-Action Alternative, (2) the Modernized Operations Alternative, and (3) the Expanded Operations Alternative. Under the No-Action Alternative, NNSA would continue current facility operations throughout LANL in support of assigned missions. The No-Action Alternative activities have previously completed NEPA reviews and include construction of new facilities; modernization, upgrade, and utility projects; and decontamination, decommissioning, and demolition (DD&D) of excess and aging facilities. The No-Action Alternative also includes the continued legacy cleanup and environmental remediation in accordance with the Consent Order and the recently signed Settlement Agreement. The No-Action Alternative includes 87 new projects, totaling almost 1.5 million square feet, that would be implemented between 2024 and 2038. Also, under No-Action, NNSA would implement 11 projects involving facility upgrades, utilities, VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:28 Jan 08, 2025 Jkt 265001 Los Alamos National Laboratory (Laboratory or LANL) supports several NNSA missions, including enhancing U.S. national security through the military application of nuclear energy; maintaining and enhancing the safety, reliability, and effectiveness of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, including the ability to design, produce, and test, in order to meet national security requirements; promoting international nuclear safety and nonproliferation; reducing global danger from weapons of mass destruction; and supporting U.S. leadership in science and technology. The continued operation of the Laboratory includes the DOE Office of Environmental Management legacy cleanup efforts at the LANL Site, in accordance with the Compliance Order on Consent between the State of New Mexico Environment Department and the DOE (Consent Order). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Fuller Lodge, Pajarito Room ............................ PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 201 W. Marcy St., Santa Fe, NM 87501. 201 W. Marcy St., Santa Fe, NM 87501. 405 N. Paseo de Onate, Española, NM 87532. 2312 Central Ave., Los Alamos, NM 87544. and infrastructure affecting about 216 acres of the LANL site. About 1.6 million square feet of excess or aging facilities would undergo DD&D under the No-Action Alternative. The NoAction Alternative also includes changes in operations, examples of which include increased plutonium pit production and the remediation of a chromium plume in Mortandad Canyon (which was the subject of a recent environmental assessment). The Modernized Operations Alternative includes the scope of the No-Action Alternative plus additional modernization activities, including (1) construction of replacement facilities; (2) upgrades to existing facilities, utilities, and infrastructure; and (3) DD&D projects. Under the Modernized Operations Alternative, NNSA would replace facilities that are approaching their end of life, upgrade facilities to extend their lifetimes, and improve work environments to enable NNSA to meet operational requirements. The Modernized Operations Alternative also includes proposed projects to reduce greenhouse gases and other emissions. The Modernized Operations Alternative E:\FR\FM\10JAN1.SGM 10JAN1 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 6 / Friday, January 10, 2025 / Notices khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES includes 139 new projects, totaling over 3.4 million square feet, that would be implemented between 2025 and 2038. Under Modernized Operations, NNSA would implement 27 projects involving facility upgrades, utilities, and infrastructure affecting about 925 acres of the LANL site. Of these 925 acres, up to 795 acres are proposed for installation of up to 159 megawatts of solar photovoltaic arrays across the site. An additional 1.2 million square feet of excess or aging facilities would undergo DD&D under the Modernized Operations Alternative. The Expanded Operations Alternative includes the actions proposed under the Modernized Operations Alternative, plus actions that would expand operations and missions to respond to future national security challenges and meet increasing requirements. This alternative includes construction and operation of new facilities that would expand capabilities at LANL beyond those that currently exist. The Expanded Operations Alternative includes 18 additional new projects, totaling about 947,000 square feet, that would be implemented between 2025 and 2038. Under Expanded Operations, NNSA would implement 4 additional projects involving utilities and infrastructure affecting about 46 acres of the LANL site. Most of the utilities and infrastructure projects would be directly related to proposed projects under the Expanded Operations Alternative. The Expanded Operations Alternative also includes changes in operations, examples of which include revised wildland fire risk reduction treatments and management of feral cattle. Following the public comment period, and after consideration of comments received, NNSA will prepare the Final LANL SWEIS. Decisions about future operations at the Laboratory will be provided in an NNSA Record of Decision published in the Federal Register, which would be issued no sooner than 30 days after publication by the Environmental Protection Agency of the notice of availability of the Final LANL SWEIS. Signing Authority This document of the Department of Energy was signed on this 6 December 2024, by Jill Hruby, Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and NNSA Administrator, pursuant to delegated authority from the Secretary of Energy. That document with the original signature and date is maintained by DOE. For administrative purposes only, and in compliance with requirements of the Office of the Federal Register, the undersigned DOE Federal Register VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:28 Jan 08, 2025 Jkt 265001 Liaison Officer has been authorized to sign and submit the document in electronic format for publication, as an official document of the Department of Energy. This administrative process in no way alters the legal effect of this document upon publication in the Federal Register. Signed in Washington, DC, on January 3, 2025. Treena V. Garrett, Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S. Department of Energy. [FR Doc. 2025–00265 Filed 1–8–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6450–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 1403–068] Yuba County Water Agency; Notice of Reasonable Period of Time for Water Quality Certification Application On December 30, 2024, Yuba County Water Agency submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) a copy of its application for Clean Water Act section 401(a)(1) water quality certification filed with the California State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board), in conjunction with the above captioned project. The submittal also included a response from the Water Board stating that it received the application on the same day. Pursuant to section 4.34(b)(5) of the Commission’s regulations,1 we hereby notify the Water Board of the following: Date of Receipt of the Certification Request: December 30, 2024 Reasonable Period of Time to Act on the Certification Request: December 30, 2025 If the Water Board fails or refuses to act on the water quality certification request on or before the above date, then the certifying authority is deemed waived pursuant to section 401(a)(1) of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1341(a)(1). Dated: January 3, 2025. Debbie-Anne Reese, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2025–00353 Filed 1–8–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P 1 18 PO 00000 CFR 4.34(b)(5). Frm 00057 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 1993 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. CP25–39–000] Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC; Notice of Request Under Blanket Authorization and Establishing Intervention and Protest Deadline Take notice that on December 26, 2024, Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC (FGT), 1300 Main St., Houston, Texas 77002, filed in the above referenced docket, a prior notice request pursuant to sections 157.205, 157.208, and 157.211 of the Commission’s regulations under the Natural Gas Act (NGA), and FGT’s blanket certificate issued in Docket No. CP82–553–000, for authorization to construct approximately 0.92 miles of 8inch-diameter lateral loop pipeline and appurtenant facilities on FGT’s existing Tampa West Lateral located in Hillsborough County, Florida (Hillsborough County Project). The project will allow FGT to reallocate delivery capacity from the existing Peoples Gas System, Inc.’s St. Petersburg Division delivery point (PGS) and Tampa Electric Company’s Bayside delivery point to the existing PGS Tampa West delivery point. No change in FGT’s mainline capacity is proposed. The estimated cost for the project is $10.9 million, all as more fully set forth in the request which is on file with the Commission and open to public inspection. In addition to publishing the full text of this document in the Federal Register, the Commission provides all interested persons an opportunity to view and/or print the contents of this document via the internet through the Commission’s Home Page (https:// From the Commission’s Home Page on the internet, this information is available on eLibrary. The full text of this document is available on eLibrary in PDF and Microsoft Word format for viewing, printing, and/or downloading. To access this document in eLibrary, type the docket number excluding the last three digits of this document in the docket number field. User assistance is available for eLibrary and the Commission’s website during normal business hours from FERC Online Support at (202) 502–6652 (toll free at 1–866–208–3676) or email at, or the Public Reference Room at (202) 502– 8371, TTY (202) 502–8659. Email the Public Reference Room at E:\FR\FM\10JAN1.SGM 10JAN1


[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 6 (Friday, January 10, 2025)]
[Pages 1991-1993]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-00265]



National Nuclear Security Administration

Notice of Availability of the Draft Site-Wide Environmental 
Impact Statement for Continued Operation of the Los Alamos National 

AGENCY: National Nuclear Security Administration, Department of Energy.

ACTION: Notice of availability and public hearings.


SUMMARY: The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), a semi-
autonomous agency within the Department of Energy (DOE), announces the 
availability of the Draft Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for 
Continued Operation of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (Draft LANL 
SWEIS) (DOE/EIS-0552) in compliance with the National Environmental 
Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). NNSA also is announcing a 60-day public 
comment period and four public hearings to receive comments on the 
Draft LANL SWEIS. NNSA prepared the Draft LANL SWEIS to analyze the 
potential environmental impacts associated with continuing LANL 
operations and foreseeable new and/or modified operations and 
facilities for approximately the next 15 years.

DATES: NNSA invites other Federal agencies, Native American Tribes, 
state and local governments, industry, other organizations, and members 
of the public to review and submit comments on the Draft LANL SWEIS 
through March 11, 2025. NNSA will hold four public hearings (two of 
which will include a virtual component) to receive comments on the 
Draft LANL SWEIS. Times, dates, and locations for the public hearings 
are listed in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this Notice of 
Availability. Any changes or updates to the public hearings will be 
published in local newspapers, posted on DOE and NNSA websites, and 
distributed through notices to the GovDelivery mailing list at least 15 
days before the hearings.

ADDRESSES: Written and verbal comments will be given equal weight.

[[Page 1992]]

NNSA will consider all comments received or postmarked by the end of 
the comment period in preparing the Final LANL SWEIS. Comments received 
or postmarked after the comment period will be considered to the extent 
practicable. Written comments on the Draft LANL SWEIS or requests for 
information related to the Draft LANL SWEIS should emailed to 
[email protected] or mailed to Mr. Stephen Hoffman, LANL SWEIS 
Document Manager, DOE/NNSA, 3747 W. Jemez Road, Los Alamos, New Mexico 
87544. Before including your address, phone number, email address, or 
other personally identifiable information in your comment, please be 
advised that your entire comment--including your personally 
identifiable information--may be made publicly available. If you wish 
for NNSA to withhold your name and/or other personally identifiable 
information, please state this prominently at the beginning of your 
comment. You may submit comments anonymously. The Draft LANL SWEIS is 
available online at: 
Copies of the Draft LANL SWEIS are also available for review at the 
LANL Public Reading Room at 94 Cities of Gold Road, Pojoaque, New 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information about this 
notice, please contact Mr. Stephen Hoffman, LANL SWEIS Document 
Manager, DOE/NNSA, 3747 W. Jemez Road, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544; 
call 505-665-8980 to leave a message or via email at: 
[email protected]. Note that comments on the Draft SWEIS will not 
be accepted via the voicemail system; only written comments or those 
provided at a public hearing will be accepted. This notice and related 
NEPA documents are available at:

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Los Alamos National Laboratory (Laboratory 
or LANL) supports several NNSA missions, including enhancing U.S. 
national security through the military application of nuclear energy; 
maintaining and enhancing the safety, reliability, and effectiveness of 
the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, including the ability to design, 
produce, and test, in order to meet national security requirements; 
promoting international nuclear safety and nonproliferation; reducing 
global danger from weapons of mass destruction; and supporting U.S. 
leadership in science and technology. The continued operation of the 
Laboratory includes the DOE Office of Environmental Management legacy 
cleanup efforts at the LANL Site, in accordance with the Compliance 
Order on Consent between the State of New Mexico Environment Department 
and the DOE (Consent Order).

 Public hearing dates and times        Location             Address
Tuesday, February 11, 2025; 1:00- Santa Fe Community  201 W. Marcy St.,
 4:00 p.m. MT; * Virtual           Convention          Santa Fe, NM
 Meeting: 1:30-4:00 p.m. MT.       Center, Sweeney     87501.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025; 5:00- Santa Fe Community  201 W. Marcy St.,
 8:00 p.m. MT; * Virtual           Convention          Santa Fe, NM
 Meeting: 5:30-8:00 p.m.           Center, Sweeney     87501.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025;     Mision y Convento.  405 N. Paseo de
 5:00-8:00 p.m. MT.                                    Onate,
                                                       NM 87532.
Thursday, February 13, 2025;      Fuller Lodge,       2312 Central Ave.,
 5:00-8:00 p.m. MT.                Pajarito Room.      Los Alamos, NM

    For the in-person hearings, NNSA will hold an Open House for the 
first 30 minutes to provide the public with an opportunity to engage 
with DOE/NNSA personnel and ask questions about the Draft SWEIS and 
DOE/NNSA activities at LANL. Following the Open House, NNSA will make a 
presentation on the Draft SWEIS lasting approximately 30 minutes, then 
answer any clarifying questions related to the comment process. 
Following this presentation, NNSA will receive formal public comments 
with transcription by a court stenographer. NNSA will not answer 
questions during the formal public comment period. The two public 
hearings on February 11 will also offer a virtual option for remote 
participation in the presentation and public comment portions of the 
hearings. Virtual hearing access instructions (e.g., website link or 
phone number) will be announced at least 15 days before the hearing and 
will be published in local newspapers, noticed to the GovDelivery 
mailing list, and available on the following websites: and
    The Draft LANL SWEIS analyzes three alternatives: (1) the No-Action 
Alternative, (2) the Modernized Operations Alternative, and (3) the 
Expanded Operations Alternative. Under the No-Action Alternative, NNSA 
would continue current facility operations throughout LANL in support 
of assigned missions. The No-Action Alternative activities have 
previously completed NEPA reviews and include construction of new 
facilities; modernization, upgrade, and utility projects; and 
decontamination, decommissioning, and demolition (DD&D) of excess and 
aging facilities. The No-Action Alternative also includes the continued 
legacy cleanup and environmental remediation in accordance with the 
Consent Order and the recently signed Settlement Agreement. The No-
Action Alternative includes 87 new projects, totaling almost 1.5 
million square feet, that would be implemented between 2024 and 2038. 
Also, under No-Action, NNSA would implement 11 projects involving 
facility upgrades, utilities, and infrastructure affecting about 216 
acres of the LANL site. About 1.6 million square feet of excess or 
aging facilities would undergo DD&D under the No-Action Alternative. 
The No-Action Alternative also includes changes in operations, examples 
of which include increased plutonium pit production and the remediation 
of a chromium plume in Mortandad Canyon (which was the subject of a 
recent environmental assessment).
    The Modernized Operations Alternative includes the scope of the No-
Action Alternative plus additional modernization activities, including 
(1) construction of replacement facilities; (2) upgrades to existing 
facilities, utilities, and infrastructure; and (3) DD&D projects. Under 
the Modernized Operations Alternative, NNSA would replace facilities 
that are approaching their end of life, upgrade facilities to extend 
their lifetimes, and improve work environments to enable NNSA to meet 
operational requirements. The Modernized Operations Alternative also 
includes proposed projects to reduce greenhouse gases and other 
emissions. The Modernized Operations Alternative

[[Page 1993]]

includes 139 new projects, totaling over 3.4 million square feet, that 
would be implemented between 2025 and 2038. Under Modernized 
Operations, NNSA would implement 27 projects involving facility 
upgrades, utilities, and infrastructure affecting about 925 acres of 
the LANL site. Of these 925 acres, up to 795 acres are proposed for 
installation of up to 159 megawatts of solar photovoltaic arrays across 
the site. An additional 1.2 million square feet of excess or aging 
facilities would undergo DD&D under the Modernized Operations 
    The Expanded Operations Alternative includes the actions proposed 
under the Modernized Operations Alternative, plus actions that would 
expand operations and missions to respond to future national security 
challenges and meet increasing requirements. This alternative includes 
construction and operation of new facilities that would expand 
capabilities at LANL beyond those that currently exist. The Expanded 
Operations Alternative includes 18 additional new projects, totaling 
about 947,000 square feet, that would be implemented between 2025 and 
2038. Under Expanded Operations, NNSA would implement 4 additional 
projects involving utilities and infrastructure affecting about 46 
acres of the LANL site. Most of the utilities and infrastructure 
projects would be directly related to proposed projects under the 
Expanded Operations Alternative. The Expanded Operations Alternative 
also includes changes in operations, examples of which include revised 
wildland fire risk reduction treatments and management of feral cattle.
    Following the public comment period, and after consideration of 
comments received, NNSA will prepare the Final LANL SWEIS. Decisions 
about future operations at the Laboratory will be provided in an NNSA 
Record of Decision published in the Federal Register, which would be 
issued no sooner than 30 days after publication by the Environmental 
Protection Agency of the notice of availability of the Final LANL 

Signing Authority

    This document of the Department of Energy was signed on this 6 
December 2024, by Jill Hruby, Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and 
NNSA Administrator, pursuant to delegated authority from the Secretary 
of Energy. That document with the original signature and date is 
maintained by DOE. For administrative purposes only, and in compliance 
with requirements of the Office of the Federal Register, the 
undersigned DOE Federal Register Liaison Officer has been authorized to 
sign and submit the document in electronic format for publication, as 
an official document of the Department of Energy. This administrative 
process in no way alters the legal effect of this document upon 
publication in the Federal Register.

    Signed in Washington, DC, on January 3, 2025.
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S. Department of Energy.
[FR Doc. 2025-00265 Filed 1-8-25; 8:45 am]

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