Amendment of the Statement of Organizations, Functions and Delegation of Authority, 2006 [2025-00262]

Download as PDF 2006 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 6 / Friday, January 10, 2025 / Notices A panel of evaluators will be assembled and utilize a standardized rubric to score the submitted proposals and identify hospitals with the highest scores. Results will be used to guide the future of the Medicare and Medicaid programs and to inform reform initiatives. Form Number: CMS–10069 (OMB control number: 0938–0880); Frequency: Once; Affected Public: Business or other for-profits and Notfor-profit institutions; Number of Respondents: 30; Total Annual Responses: 30; Total Annual Hours: 2,400. (For policy questions regarding this collection contact Alexis Lilly at 410–786–3501). William N. Parham, III, Director, Division of Information Collections and Regulatory Impacts, Office of Strategic Operations and Regulatory Affairs. [FR Doc. 2025–00399 Filed 1–8–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4120–01–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Administration for Children and Families Amendment of the Statement of Organizations, Functions and Delegation of Authority Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services. ACTION: Notice of amendment. AGENCY: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is amending the Statement of Organization, Functions and Delegation of Authority (‘‘Statement’’) issued in the Federal Register on April 28, 2009. The Statement delegated specific provisions of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, Public Law 110–457, section 235 from the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families to the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. This amendment modifies the Statement to authorize the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement to redelegate the listed authorities contained within the Statement. DATES: This amendment of the April 28, 2009, Statement of Organization, Functions and Delegation of Authority is effective on date of signature. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Toby Biswas, Director of Policy, Division of Unaccompanied Children Policy, Unaccompanied Children Bureau, Office of Refugee Resettlement, khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:28 Jan 08, 2025 Jkt 265001 Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC, (202) 205–4440 or SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The first paragraph of the Statement of Organization, Functions and Delegation of Authority issued in the Federal Register on April 28, 2009 (74 FR 19232) currently reads as follows: ‘‘Notice is hereby given that I delegate to the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement the following authority delegated to the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, Public Law 110–457, section 235.’’ This paragraph is amended to read as follows: ‘‘Notice is hereby given that I have delegated to the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, with authority to re-delegate, the following authority delegated to the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, Public Law 110–457, section 235.’’ The intention of this amendment is to provide notice to the public of the Assistant Secretary’s delegation of authority provided in subsequent portions of the notice, as well as the authority to redelegate the listed authorities. All other provisions of the Statement of Organization, Functions and Delegation of Authority issued in the Federal Register on April 28, 2009 (74 FR 19232) will remain unchanged. Meg Sullivan, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Administration for Children and Families, performing the delegable duties of the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families. [FR Doc. 2025–00262 Filed 1–8–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4184–45–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration [Docket No. FDA–2018–N–1262] Notice of Approval of Product Under Voucher: Rare Pediatric Disease Priority Review Voucher; ALYFTREK (vanzacaftor, tezacaftor, and deutivacaftor) AGENCY: ACTION: Notice. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the issuance of approval of a product redeeming a priority review voucher. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) authorizes FDA to award priority review vouchers to sponsors of approved rare pediatric disease product applications that meet certain criteria. FDA is required to publish notice of the issuance of priority review vouchers as well as the approval of products redeeming a priority review voucher. FDA has determined that the application for ALYFTREK (vanzacaftor, tezacaftor, and deutivacaftor), approved December 20, 2024, meets the criteria for redeeming a priority review voucher. SUMMARY: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cathryn Lee, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002, 301–796–1394. FDA is announcing the approval of a product redeeming a rare pediatric disease priority review voucher. Under section 529 of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 360ff), FDA will report the issuance of rare pediatric disease priority review vouchers and the approval of products for which a voucher was redeemed. FDA has determined that the application for ALYFTREK (vanzacaftor, tezacaftor, and deutivacaftor) tablets meets the redemption criteria. For further information about the Rare Pediatric Disease Priority Review Voucher Program and for a link to the full text of section 529 of the FD&C Act, go to DevelopingProductsforRareDiseases Conditions/RarePediatricDiseasePriority VoucherProgram/default.htm. For further information about ALYFTREK (vanzacaftor, tezacaftor, and deutivacaftor), go to the ‘‘Drugs@FDA’’ website at https:// daf/. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Dated: January 3, 2025. P. Ritu Nalubola, Associate Commissioner for Policy. [FR Doc. 2025–00341 Filed 1–8–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4164–01–P Food and Drug Administration, HHS. 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[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 6 (Friday, January 10, 2025)]
[Page 2006]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-00262]



Administration for Children and Families

Amendment of the Statement of Organizations, Functions and 
Delegation of Authority

AGENCY: Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and 
Families, Department of Health and Human Services.

ACTION: Notice of amendment.


SUMMARY: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is amending 
the Statement of Organization, Functions and Delegation of Authority 
(``Statement'') issued in the Federal Register on April 28, 2009. The 
Statement delegated specific provisions of the William Wilberforce 
Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, Public Law 
110-457, section 235 from the Assistant Secretary for Children and 
Families to the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. This 
amendment modifies the Statement to authorize the Director of the 
Office of Refugee Resettlement to redelegate the listed authorities 
contained within the Statement.

DATES: This amendment of the April 28, 2009, Statement of Organization, 
Functions and Delegation of Authority is effective on date of 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Toby Biswas, Director of Policy, 
Division of Unaccompanied Children Policy, Unaccompanied Children 
Bureau, Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and 
Families, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC, 
(202) 205-4440 or [email protected].

    The first paragraph of the Statement of Organization, Functions and 
Delegation of Authority issued in the Federal Register on April 28, 
2009 (74 FR 19232) currently reads as follows:
    ``Notice is hereby given that I delegate to the Director of the 
Office of Refugee Resettlement the following authority delegated to the 
Assistant Secretary for Children and Families by the Secretary of the 
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the William 
Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, 
Public Law 110-457, section 235.''
    This paragraph is amended to read as follows:
    ``Notice is hereby given that I have delegated to the Director of 
the Office of Refugee Resettlement, with authority to re-delegate, the 
following authority delegated to the Assistant Secretary for Children 
and Families by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human 
Services (HHS) under the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims 
Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, Public Law 110-457, section 
    The intention of this amendment is to provide notice to the public 
of the Assistant Secretary's delegation of authority provided in 
subsequent portions of the notice, as well as the authority to 
redelegate the listed authorities.
    All other provisions of the Statement of Organization, Functions 
and Delegation of Authority issued in the Federal Register on April 28, 
2009 (74 FR 19232) will remain unchanged.

Meg Sullivan,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Administration for 
Children and Families, performing the delegable duties of the Assistant 
Secretary for Children and Families.
[FR Doc. 2025-00262 Filed 1-8-25; 8:45 am]

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