Security Zone; Potomac River and Anacostia River, and Adjacent Waters; Washington, DC, 1039-1040 [2025-00013]
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 4 / Tuesday, January 7, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
Guard in complying with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42
U.S.C. 4321–4370f), and have
determined that this action is one of a
category of actions that do not
individually or cumulatively have a
significant effect on the human
environment. This rule involves a safety
zone lasting only 12 hours that will
prohibit entry within a 500-yard radius
of the demolition site of overhead
electrical powerlines that will cross the
navigational water’s surface. It is
categorically excluded from further
review under paragraph L60(a) of
Appendix A, Table 1 of DHS Instruction
Manual 023–01–001–01, Rev. 1. A
Record of Environmental Consideration
supporting this determination is
available in the docket. For instructions
on locating the docket, see the
ADDRESSES section of this preamble.
G. Protest Activities
The Coast Guard respects the First
Amendment rights of protesters.
Protesters are asked to call or email the
person listed in the FOR FURTHER
coordinate protest activities so that your
message can be received without
jeopardizing the safety or security of
people, places, or vessels.
List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 165
Harbors, Marine safety, Navigation
(water), Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Security measures,
Accordingly, the Coast Guard amends
33 CFR part 165 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 165
continues to read as follows:
means a Coast Guard Patrol
Commander, including a Coast Guard
coxswain, petty officer, or other officer
operating a Coast Guard vessel and a
Federal, State, and local officer
designated by or assisting the Captain of
the Port Marine Safety Unit Houma
(COTP) in the enforcement of the safety
(c) Regulations. (1) Under the general
safety zone regulations in subpart C of
this part, you may not enter the safety
zone described in paragraph (a) of this
section unless authorized by the COTP
or the COTP’s designated representative.
(2) To seek permission to enter,
contact the COTP or the COTP’s
representative by hailing on VHF radio
channels 13 or 16. Those in the safety
zone must comply with all lawful orders
or directions given to them by the COTP
or the COTP’s designated representative.
(d) Enforcement period. This section
will be enforced from 8 a.m. CST on
Thursday January 9, 2025, through 8
p.m. CST on Thursday January 9, 2025.
Dated: December 31, 2024.
Jason S. Franz,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the
Port Marine Safety Unit Houma.
[FR Doc. 2024–31671 Filed 1–6–25; 8:45 am]
Coast Guard
33 CFR Part 165
[Docket No. USCG–2024–1094]
RIN 1625–AA87
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 70034, 70051, 70124;
33 CFR 1.05–1, 6.04–1, 6.04–6, and 160.5;
Department of Homeland Security Delegation
No. 00170.1, Revision No. 01.3.
2. Add § 165.T08–1095 to read as
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
(a) Location. The following area is a
safety zone: All waters of the
Atchafalaya River, locally known as
Cypress Passage, from surface to bottom,
within a 500-yard radius of 29°47′38.18″
N, 91°21′50.52″ W, approximately MM
105.5, during an overhead electrical
powerline structure demolition
operation from 8 a.m. CST on Thursday
January 9, 2025 through 8 p.m. CST on
Thursday January 9, 2025.
(b) Definitions. As used in this
section, designated representative
16:00 Jan 06, 2025
Jkt 265001
Coast Guard, DHS.
Notification of enforcement of
The Coast Guard will enforce
a security zone along the Potomac and
Anacostia Rivers and adjacent waters at
Washington, DC to protect government
officials, mitigate potential terrorist acts,
and enhance public and maritime safety
and security in the days leading up to
and after the 60th Presidential
Inauguration. During the enforcement
period, entry into or remaining within
the security zone is prohibited unless
authorized by the Captain of the Port or
his designated representative.
DATES: The regulations in 33 CFR
165.508 will be enforced from 8 a.m. on
January 18, 2025, through 11:59 p.m. on
§ 165.T08–1095 Safety Zone; Cypress
Passage overhead powerline demolition
and removal, Atchafalaya River, LA.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Security Zone; Potomac River and
Anacostia River, and Adjacent Waters;
Washington, DC
PO 00000
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January 21, 2025, for the security zone
identified in 33 CFR 165.508(a)(6).
you have questions about this rule, call
or email LCDR Kate Newkirk, Sector
Maryland-NCR, Waterways Management
Division, U.S. Coast Guard; 410–365–
October 2, 2024, the Coast Guard was
notified by the event organizer that the
anticipated dates for the activities
associated with the 60th Presidential
Inauguration are scheduled from
January 18, 2025, to January 21, 2025.
The Coast Guard will enforce
regulations in 33 CFR 165.508 for the
zone identified in paragraph (a)(6). This
action is being taken to protect
government officials, mitigate potential
terrorist acts and incidents, and enhance
public and maritime safety and security
immediately before, during, and after
this event. Thirty-three CFR
165.508(d)(4) provides that the security
zone will be enforced from 8 a.m. on
January 18, 2025, until 11:59 p.m. on
January 21, 2025. Subsection (d)(1) of
§ 165.508 also provides that the security
zone will be enforced, in addition to the
specified times in paragraphs (d)(4) of
that section, upon issuance of a notice
of enforcement by the Captain of the
Port Maryland-National Capital Region.
Our regulation entitled ‘‘Security
Zone; Potomac River and Anacostia
River, and adjacent waters; Washington,
DC,’’ § 165.508, specifies the location for
this security zone as an area that
includes all navigable waters described
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3). This
security zone includes: (1) the area
comprising Zone 1, all navigable waters
of the Potomac River, from shoreline to
shoreline, bounded to the north by the
Francis Scott Key (US–29) Bridge, at
mile 113, and bounded to the south by
a line drawn from the Virginia shoreline
at Ronald Reagan Washington National
Airport, at 38°51′21.3″ N, 077°02′00.0″
W, eastward across the Potomac River to
the District of Columbia shoreline at
Hains Point at position 38°51′24.3″ N,
077°01′19.8″ W, including the waters of
the Boundary Channel, Pentagon
Lagoon, Georgetown Channel Tidal
Basin, and Roaches Run; (2) the area
comprising Zone 2, all navigable waters
of the Anacostia River, from shoreline to
shoreline, bounded to the north by the
John Philip Sousa (Pennsylvania
Avenue) Bridge, at mile 2.9, and
bounded to the south by a line drawn
from the District of Columbia shoreline
at Hains Point at position 38°51′24.3″ N,
077°01′19.8″ W, southward across the
Anacostia River to the District of
Columbia shoreline at Giesboro Point at
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 4 / Tuesday, January 7, 2025 / Rules and Regulations
position 38°50′52.4″ N, 077°01′10.9″ W,
including the waters of the Washington
Channel; (3) the area comprising Zone 3,
all navigable waters of the Potomac
River, from shoreline to shoreline,
bounded to the north by a line drawn
from the Virginia shoreline at Ronald
Reagan Washington National Airport, at
38°51′21.3″ N, 077°02′00.0″ W, eastward
across the Potomac River to the District
of Columbia shoreline at Hains Point at
position 38°51′24.3″ N, 077°01′19.8″ W,
thence southward across the Anacostia
River to the District of Columbia
shoreline at Giesboro Point at position
38°50′52.4″ N, 077°01′10.9″ W, and
bounded to the south by the Woodrow
Wilson Memorial (I–95/I–495) Bridge, at
mile 103.8.
As specified in § 165.508 (b), during
the enforcement period, entry into or
remaining in the zone is prohibited
unless authorized by the Coast Guard
Captain of the Port Maryland-National
Capital Region. Public vessels and
vessels already at berth at the time the
security zone is implemented do not
have to depart the security zone. All
vessels underway within the security
zone at the time it is implemented are
to depart the zone at the time the
security zone is implemented. To seek
permission to transit the zone, the
Captain of the Port Maryland-National
Capital Region can be contacted at
telephone number (410) 576–2693 or on
Marine Band Radio, VHF–FM channel
16 (156.8 MHz). Coast Guard vessels
enforcing this zone can be contacted on
Marine Band Radio, VHF–FM channel
16 (156.8 MHz). The Coast Guard may
be assisted by other Federal, state or
local law enforcement agencies in
enforcing this regulation. If the Captain
of the Port or his designated on-scene
patrol personnel determines the security
zone need not be enforced for the full
duration stated in this notice, a
Broadcast Notice to Mariners may be
used to suspend enforcement and grant
general permission to enter the security
This notification of enforcement is
issued under authority of 33 CFR
165.508 and 5 U.S.C. 552(a). In addition
to this notification of enforcement in the
Federal Register, the Coast Guard will
provide notification of this enforcement
period via the Local Notice to Mariners
and marine information broadcasts.
Dated: January 2, 2025.
Patrick C. Burkett,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the
Port, Sector Maryland-National Capital
[FR Doc. 2025–00013 Filed 1–6–25; 8:45 am]
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:00 Jan 06, 2025
Jkt 265001
40 CFR Part 63
[EPA–HQ–OAR–2023–0330; FRL–4908.3–
Review of Final Rule Reclassification
of Major Sources as Area Sources
Under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act;
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule; correction.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is making corrections to
the Review of Final Rule
Reclassification of Major Sources as
Area Sources Under Section 112 of the
Clean Air Act (CAA) final rule that
appeared in the Federal Register on
September 10, 2024. Following
publication of this final rule, the EPA
discovered an inadvertent typographical
error in the regulatory text and is
correcting the error in this action.
DATES: The final rule is effective on
January 7, 2025.
ADDRESSES: The EPA has established a
docket for this rulemaking under Docket
ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2023–0330. All
documents in the docket are listed on
website. Although listed, some
information is not publicly available,
e.g., Confidential Business Information
(CBI) or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, is not placed on
the internet and will be publicly
available only in hard copy form.
Publicly available docket materials are
available electronically through https://
John Kennedy, Mail Drop: D243–02, 109
T.W. Alexander Drive, P.O. Box 12055,
RTP, North Carolina 27711; telephone
number: (919) 541–1548; and email
I. Summary of Final Action
The EPA is making a correction to the
Review of Final Rule Reclassification of
Major Sources as Area Sources Under
Section 112 of the Clean Air Act (CAA)
final rule that appeared in the Federal
Register on September 10, 2024 (89 FR
73293). In the September 10, 2024, final
rule, the EPA amended 40 CFR
63.1(c)(6) to include a requirement that
sources subject to certain major source
NESHAP used to meet the Agency’s
obligations under the CAA for seven
specific persistent and bioaccumulative
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pollutants must remain subject to those
NESHAP even if the sources reclassify
to area source status.
Following publication of this final
rule, the EPA discovered an inadvertent
typographical error in the regulatory
text in 40 CFR 63.1(c)(6) and is
correcting the error in this action.
Specifically, as finalized on September
10, 2024, the regulatory text in 40 CFR
63.1(c)(6)(iii) included a reference to 40
CFR part 63 subpart HHH (National
Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants from Natural Gas
Transmission and Storage Facilities)
instead of the correct reference, 40 CFR
part 63 subpart MMM (National
Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants for Pesticide Active
Ingredient Production). This error was
included in the table of CAA 112(c)(6)
categories placed in the docket for the
Review of Final Rule Reclassification of
Major Sources as Area Sources Under
Section 112 of the Clean Air Act (docket
ID: EPA–HQ–OAR–2023–0330–0033).
The table included the correct source
category rule name, National Emission
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
for Pesticide Active Ingredient
Production, but instead of referencing
the correct regulation reference to 40
CFR part 63 subpart MMM, it referenced
40 CFR part 63 subpart HHH. This error
found in the table included in the
docket was cross referenced in the
regulatory text of the final rulemaking.
This action corrects this inadvertent
typographical error by removing the
reference to 40 CFR part 63 subpart
HHH from 40 CFR 63.1(c)(6)(iii) and
adding the correct reference to 40 CFR
part 63 subpart MMM.
II. Rulemaking Procedures
The EPA’s authority for the
rulemaking procedures followed in this
action is provided by the Administrative
Procedure Act (APA), 5 U.S.C. 553. In
general, an agency issuing a rule must
provide prior notice and an opportunity
for public comment, but APA section
553(b)(B) includes an exemption from
notice-and-comment requirements
‘‘when the agency for good cause finds
(and incorporates the finding and a brief
statement of reasons therefor in the rule
issued) that notice and public procedure
thereon are impracticable, unnecessary,
or contrary to the public interest.’’ This
action is being issued without prior
notice or opportunity for public
comment because the EPA finds that the
APA ‘‘good cause’’ exemption from
notice-and-comment requirements
applies here.
Following notice-and-comment
procedures is unnecessary for this
action. This action corrects a
[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 4 (Tuesday, January 7, 2025)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 1039-1040]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-00013]
Coast Guard
33 CFR Part 165
[Docket No. USCG-2024-1094]
RIN 1625-AA87
Security Zone; Potomac River and Anacostia River, and Adjacent
Waters; Washington, DC
AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.
ACTION: Notification of enforcement of regulation.
SUMMARY: The Coast Guard will enforce a security zone along the Potomac
and Anacostia Rivers and adjacent waters at Washington, DC to protect
government officials, mitigate potential terrorist acts, and enhance
public and maritime safety and security in the days leading up to and
after the 60th Presidential Inauguration. During the enforcement
period, entry into or remaining within the security zone is prohibited
unless authorized by the Captain of the Port or his designated
DATES: The regulations in 33 CFR 165.508 will be enforced from 8 a.m.
on January 18, 2025, through 11:59 p.m. on January 21, 2025, for the
security zone identified in 33 CFR 165.508(a)(6).
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions about this rule,
call or email LCDR Kate Newkirk, Sector Maryland-NCR, Waterways
Management Division, U.S. Coast Guard; 410-365-8141,
[email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On October 2, 2024, the Coast Guard was
notified by the event organizer that the anticipated dates for the
activities associated with the 60th Presidential Inauguration are
scheduled from January 18, 2025, to January 21, 2025. The Coast Guard
will enforce regulations in 33 CFR 165.508 for the zone identified in
paragraph (a)(6). This action is being taken to protect government
officials, mitigate potential terrorist acts and incidents, and enhance
public and maritime safety and security immediately before, during, and
after this event. Thirty-three CFR 165.508(d)(4) provides that the
security zone will be enforced from 8 a.m. on January 18, 2025, until
11:59 p.m. on January 21, 2025. Subsection (d)(1) of Sec. 165.508 also
provides that the security zone will be enforced, in addition to the
specified times in paragraphs (d)(4) of that section, upon issuance of
a notice of enforcement by the Captain of the Port Maryland-National
Capital Region.
Our regulation entitled ``Security Zone; Potomac River and
Anacostia River, and adjacent waters; Washington, DC,'' Sec. 165.508,
specifies the location for this security zone as an area that includes
all navigable waters described in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3).
This security zone includes: (1) the area comprising Zone 1, all
navigable waters of the Potomac River, from shoreline to shoreline,
bounded to the north by the Francis Scott Key (US-29) Bridge, at mile
113, and bounded to the south by a line drawn from the Virginia
shoreline at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, at
38[deg]51'21.3'' N, 077[deg]02'00.0'' W, eastward across the Potomac
River to the District of Columbia shoreline at Hains Point at position
38[deg]51'24.3'' N, 077[deg]01'19.8'' W, including the waters of the
Boundary Channel, Pentagon Lagoon, Georgetown Channel Tidal Basin, and
Roaches Run; (2) the area comprising Zone 2, all navigable waters of
the Anacostia River, from shoreline to shoreline, bounded to the north
by the John Philip Sousa (Pennsylvania Avenue) Bridge, at mile 2.9, and
bounded to the south by a line drawn from the District of Columbia
shoreline at Hains Point at position 38[deg]51'24.3'' N,
077[deg]01'19.8'' W, southward across the Anacostia River to the
District of Columbia shoreline at Giesboro Point at
[[Page 1040]]
position 38[deg]50'52.4'' N, 077[deg]01'10.9'' W, including the waters
of the Washington Channel; (3) the area comprising Zone 3, all
navigable waters of the Potomac River, from shoreline to shoreline,
bounded to the north by a line drawn from the Virginia shoreline at
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, at 38[deg]51'21.3'' N,
077[deg]02'00.0'' W, eastward across the Potomac River to the District
of Columbia shoreline at Hains Point at position 38[deg]51'24.3'' N,
077[deg]01'19.8'' W, thence southward across the Anacostia River to the
District of Columbia shoreline at Giesboro Point at position
38[deg]50'52.4'' N, 077[deg]01'10.9'' W, and bounded to the south by
the Woodrow Wilson Memorial (I-95/I-495) Bridge, at mile 103.8.
As specified in Sec. 165.508 (b), during the enforcement period,
entry into or remaining in the zone is prohibited unless authorized by
the Coast Guard Captain of the Port Maryland-National Capital Region.
Public vessels and vessels already at berth at the time the security
zone is implemented do not have to depart the security zone. All
vessels underway within the security zone at the time it is implemented
are to depart the zone at the time the security zone is implemented. To
seek permission to transit the zone, the Captain of the Port Maryland-
National Capital Region can be contacted at telephone number (410) 576-
2693 or on Marine Band Radio, VHF-FM channel 16 (156.8 MHz). Coast
Guard vessels enforcing this zone can be contacted on Marine Band
Radio, VHF-FM channel 16 (156.8 MHz). The Coast Guard may be assisted
by other Federal, state or local law enforcement agencies in enforcing
this regulation. If the Captain of the Port or his designated on-scene
patrol personnel determines the security zone need not be enforced for
the full duration stated in this notice, a Broadcast Notice to Mariners
may be used to suspend enforcement and grant general permission to
enter the security zone.
This notification of enforcement is issued under authority of 33
CFR 165.508 and 5 U.S.C. 552(a). In addition to this notification of
enforcement in the Federal Register, the Coast Guard will provide
notification of this enforcement period via the Local Notice to
Mariners and marine information broadcasts.
Dated: January 2, 2025.
Patrick C. Burkett,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the Port, Sector Maryland-
National Capital Region.
[FR Doc. 2025-00013 Filed 1-6-25; 8:45 am]