Federal Secure Cloud Advisory Committee Request for Applications, 651-653 [2024-31554]
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 3 / Monday, January 6, 2025 / Notices
and take appropriate action or make the
proposed Order final.
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES
II. The Respondents
Respondents, Planned Building
Services, Inc. (‘‘PBS’’), Planned Lifestyle
Services Inc. (‘‘PLS’’), Planned Security
Services, Inc. (‘‘PSS’’), and Planned
Technologies Services, Inc. (‘‘PTS’’), are
divisions of Planned Companies
Holdings, Inc. Planned Companies
Holdings, Inc., is a non-wholly owned,
loosely controlled subsidiary of
FirstService Corporation, a publicly
traded Canadian company and one of
the largest property management
companies in North America. PBS
provides cleaning and maintenance
services at residential and commercial
buildings; PLS provides doorperson and
concierge services at residential
buildings; PSS provides security guard
services at residential and commercial
buildings; and PTS provides technology
related services. Respondents are
headquartered in New Jersey and
employ more than 3,000 building
services workers, primarily in the
Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, but also in
the metro regions of Boston, the District
of Columbia, Atlanta, San Francisco,
and Florida. The complaint focuses on
Respondents’ conduct in New York and
New Jersey.
III. The Complaint
The complaint alleges that
Respondents sell building services to
building owners and property
management companies, primarily
consisting of the labor of janitors,
security guards, maintenance workers,
and concierge desk workers who are
directly employed by Respondents.
These employees perform their work at
residential and commercial buildings in
various States, but predominantly in
New York City and Northern New
The complaint also alleges that
Respondents and their building owner
and property manager customers are
direct competitors in labor markets for
building services workers. These
include the markets for workers to
perform concierge, security, janitorial,
maintenance, and related services.
As alleged in the complaint,
Respondents use standard-form
agreements with their customers that
include No-Hire Agreements. The NoHire Agreements restrict the ability of
Respondents’ customers to (1) directly
hire workers employed by Respondents,
and (2) indirectly hire workers
employed by Respondents through a
competing building services contractor
after the competitor wins the customers’
business away from Respondents. These
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restrictions apply during the term of
Respondents’ contracts and for six
months thereafter. Earlier versions of
the No-Hire Agreements applied not just
to Respondents’ employees staffed to
provide services for a particular
customer, but to all of Respondents’
building services employees.
The complaint alleges that
Respondents’ No-Hire Agreements are
facially anticompetitive because they
are horizontal agreements among
competitors not to compete.
Respondents and their customer
building owners and property managers
are competitors for the labor of building
services workers like Respondents’
employees. The No-Hire Agreements are
horizontal agreements that prohibit
buildings and property management
companies from hiring building services
workers, thereby undermining
competition for labor, reducing worker
bargaining power, and suppressing
wages. For these reasons, the complaint
alleges that the No-Hire Agreements
constitute unreasonable restraints of
trade that are unlawful under section 1
of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. 1, and are
thus unfair methods of competition in
violation of section 5 of the FTC Act, as
amended, 15 U.S.C. 45.
Independent of the Sherman Act, the
complaint alleges that Respondents’
conduct constitutes an unfair method of
competition with a tendency or
likelihood to harm competition,
consumers, and employees in the
building services industry, in violation
of section 5 of the FTC Act. According
to the complaint, the No-Hire
Agreements limit the ability of building
owners and managers to hire
Respondents’ employees. This harms
Respondents’ employees because it
limits their ability to negotiate for
higher wages, better benefits, and
improved working conditions.
Employees may suffer further hardship
if the building they work at brings
services in-house because the No-Hire
Agreements force them to leave their
jobs in some circumstances. The
complaint further alleges that the NoHire Agreements harm building owners
and managers because they may be
foreclosed from bringing services inhouse due to the prospect of losing longserving workers with extensive,
building-specific experience.
IV. Proposed Order
The proposed Order seeks to remedy
Respondents’ unfair methods of
competition. Section II of the proposed
Order prohibits Respondents from
entering into, maintaining, or enforcing
a No-Hire Agreement, or communicating
to a customer or any other person that
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any Planned employee is subject to a
No-Hire Agreement.
Paragraph III.A of the proposed Order
requires Respondents to provide written
notice to customers that are subject to
No-Hire Agreements that (i) the
restriction is null and void, and (ii) any
customer or a subsequent building
services contractor for a customer is no
longer subject to the restrictions or
penalties related to the No-Hire
Agreements in Respondents’ contracts.
Paragraph III.B of the proposed Order
requires Respondents to provide written
notice to employees who are subject to
a No-Hire Agreement. Paragraph III.C
requires that Respondents post clear and
conspicuous notice that employees are
not subject to No-Hire Agreements and
may seek or accept a job with the
building directly, or any company that
wins the building’s business.
Paragraphs IV.A and IV.B of the
proposed Order provide a timeline
according to which the obligations
enumerated in Section III must be met.
Paragraphs IV.C–E set forth
Respondents’ ongoing compliance
Other paragraphs contain standard
provisions regarding compliance
reports, requirements for Respondents
to provide notice to the FTC of material
changes to their business, and access for
the FTC to documents and personnel.
The term of the proposed Order is ten
The purpose of this analysis is to
facilitate public comment on the
Consent Agreement and proposed Order
to aid the Commission in determining
whether it should make the proposed
Order final. This analysis is not an
official interpretation of the proposed
Order and does not modify its terms in
any way.
By direction of the Commission.
April J. Tabor,
[FR Doc. 2024–31763 Filed 1–3–25; 8:45 am]
[Notice–Q–2024–07; Docket No. 2024–0002;
Sequence No. 58]
Federal Secure Cloud Advisory
Committee Request for Applications
Federal Acquisition Service
(Q), General Services Administration
ACTION: Notice.
GSA is seeking applications
to fill three (3) membership seats on the
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 3 / Monday, January 6, 2025 / Notices
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES
Federal Secure Cloud Advisory
Committee (hereinafter ‘‘the
Committee’’ or ‘‘the FSCAC’’), a Federal
advisory committee required by statute.
DATES: GSA will consider complete
applications that are received no later
than 5 p.m. eastern standard time on
Monday, January 20, 2025. Applications
will be accepted via the application
form online at https://forms.gle/
Aezt29xYzqy7Q4gv5, which can also be
found on FSCAC’s website, https://
ADDRESSES: Applications will be
accepted electronically. Please submit
applications via https://forms.gle/
Aezt29xYzqy7Q4gv5, and email
accompanying documents to fscac@
gsa.gov with the subject line: FSCAC
APPLICATION—[Applicant Name]. The
form and associated instructions will be
available online at https://gsa.gov/fscac.
Michelle White, Designated Federal
Officer (DFO), FSCAC, GSA, 703–489–
4160, fscac@gsa.gov. Additional
information about the Committee is
available online at https://gsa.gov/fscac.
GSA, in compliance with the
FedRAMP Authorization Act of 2022,
established the FSCAC, an advisory
committee in accordance with the
provisions of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C.
ch. 10). The Federal Risk and
Authorization Management Program
(FedRAMP) within GSA is responsible
for providing a standardized, reusable
approach to security assessment and
authorization for cloud computing
products and services that process
unclassified information used by
The FSCAC will provide advice and
recommendations to the Administrator
of GSA, the FedRAMP Board, and
agencies on technical, financial,
programmatic, and operational matters
regarding the secure adoption of cloud
computing products and services. The
FSCAC will ensure effective and
ongoing coordination of agency
adoption, use, authorization,
monitoring, acquisition, and security of
cloud computing products and services
to enable agency mission and
administrative priorities. The purposes
of the Committee are:
• To examine the operations of
FedRAMP and determine ways that
authorization processes can
continuously be improved, including
the following:
Æ Measures to increase agency reuse
of FedRAMP authorizations.
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Æ Proposed actions that can be
adopted to reduce the burden,
confusion, and cost associated with
FedRAMP authorizations for cloud
service providers.
Æ Measures to increase the number of
FedRAMP authorizations for cloud
computing products and services
offered by small businesses concerns (as
defined by section 3(a) of the Small
Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632(a)).
Æ Proposed actions that can be
adopted to reduce the burden and cost
of FedRAMP authorizations for
• Collect information and feedback
on agency compliance with, and
implementation of, FedRAMP
• Serve as a forum that facilitates
communication and collaboration
among the FedRAMP stakeholder
The FSCAC will meet no fewer than
three (3) times a calendar year. Meetings
shall occur as frequently as needed,
called, and approved by the DFO.
Meetings may be held virtually or in
person. Members will serve without
compensation and may be allowed
travel expenses, including per diem, in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 5703.
The Committee shall be comprised of
not more than 15 members who are
qualified representatives from the
public and private sectors, appointed by
the Administrator, in consultation with
the Director of OMB, as follows:
i. The GSA Administrator or the GSA
Administrator’s designee, who shall be
the Chair of the Committee.
ii. At least one representative each
from the Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency and the
National Institute of Standards and
iii. At least two officials who serve as
the Chief Information Security Officer
within an agency, who shall be required
to maintain such a position throughout
the duration of their service on the
iv. At least one official serving as
Chief Procurement Officer (or
equivalent) in an agency, who shall be
required to maintain such a position
throughout the duration of their service
on the Committee.
v. At least one individual representing
an independent assessment
vi. At least five representatives from
unique businesses that primarily
provide cloud computing services or
products, including at least two
representatives from a small business
(as defined by section 3(a) of the Small
Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632(a))).
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vii. At least two other representatives
from the Federal Government as the
Administrator determines to be
necessary to provide sufficient balance,
insights, or expertise to the Committee.
Each member shall be appointed for a
term of three (3) years, except the initial
terms, which were staggered into one
(1), two (2) or three (3) year terms to
establish a rotation in which one third
of the members are selected. No member
shall be appointed for more than two (2)
consecutive terms nor shall any member
serve for more than six (6) consecutive
years. GSA values opportunities to
increase diversity, equity, inclusion and
accessibility on its federal advisory
Members will be designated as
Regular Government Employees (RGEs)
or Representative members as
appropriate and consistent with Section
3616(d) of the FedRAMP Authorization
Act of 2022. GSA’s Office of General
Counsel will assist the Designated
Federal Officer (DFO) to determine the
advisory committee member
designations. Representatives are
members selected to represent a specific
point of view held by a particular group,
organization, or association. Members
who are full time or permanent parttime Federal civilian officers or
employees shall be appointed to serve
as Regular Government Employee (RGE)
members. In accordance with OMB
Final Guidance published in the
Federal Register on October 5, 2011 and
revised on August 13, 2014, federally
registered lobbyists may not serve on
the Committee in an individual capacity
to provide their own individual best
judgment and expertise, such as RGEs
members. This ban does not apply to
lobbyists appointed to provide the
Committee with the views of a
particular group, organization, or
association, such as Representative
Applications are being accepted to fill
the remaining term of one (1) vacant
seat as an RGE member and to fill two
(2) seats with upcoming expiring terms
as Representative members.
One (1) seat for an official who serves
as the Chief Information Security Officer
within an agency, who shall be required
to maintain such a position throughout
the duration of their service on the
Committee, will be appointed to serve
for the remainder of the vacant term,
scheduled to end on May 14, 2026.
One (1) seat for a representative of a
unique business that primarily provides
cloud computing products or services
will be appointed for a three year term.
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 3 / Monday, January 6, 2025 / Notices
One (1) seat for a representative of an
independent assessment service will be
appointed for a three year term.
Applications for membership on the
Committee will be accepted until 5 p.m.
eastern standard time on Monday,
January 20, 2025.
There are two parts to submitting an
application. First, complete the
information requested via this electronic
form https://forms.gle/
Aezt29xYzqy7Q4gv5. Next, email your
CV or resume and a letter of
endorsement from your organization or
organization’s leadership, endorsing you
to represent your company, in .PDF
format to fscac@gsa.gov with the subject
[Applicant Name]. The letter of
endorsement must come from your
organization or organization’s
leadership. If you are the CEO, then it
must come from another member of the
executive team of your organization, as
you cannot endorse yourself. The letter
must be signed and specifically state
that you are authorized to apply to
FSCAC as a representative of your
Applications that do not include the
completion of the above instructions
will not be considered.
Letters of Recommendation may also
be submitted if desired by the applicant;
however, please note they may or may
not have an impact on final
appointments and are not required for
an application to be considered.
Margaret Dugan,
Service-Level Liaison, Federal Acquisition
Service, General Services Administration.
[FR Doc. 2024–31554 Filed 1–3–25; 8:45 am]
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. FDA–2021–N–0403]
Food Contact Notifications That Are
No Longer Effective
Food and Drug Administration,
The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA or we) is
announcing its determination that the
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES
Food Contact Notifications (FCNs) listed
in this notice are no longer effective.
Several manufacturers notified FDA in
writing that they ceased producing,
supplying, or using the listed food
contact substances (FCSs) for their
intended use in the United States. We
are taking this action in accordance with
the process set out in our regulations, by
which FDA may determine that an FCN
is no longer effective.
DATES: Applicable date: This
determination for the FCNs listed in
table 1 and table 2 is effective January
6, 2025.
Compliance date: June 30, 2025, is the
compliance date for the FCSs listed in
table 2 that were produced, supplied, or
used by the manufacturer or supplier
prior to the effective date of this
ADDRESSES: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received go to https://
www.regulations.gov and insert the
docket number found in brackets in the
heading of this document into the
‘‘Search’’ box and follow the prompts,
and/or go to the Dockets Management
Staff, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061,
Rockville, MD 20852.
Lillian Mawby, Office of Food Chemical
Safety, Dietary Supplements, and
Innovation, Human Foods Program,
Food and Drug Administration, 5001
Campus Dr., College Park, MD 20740,
301–796–4041 or Carrol Bascus, Office
of Policy, Regulations and Information,
Human Foods Program, Food and Drug
Administration, 5001 Campus Dr.,
College Park, MD 20740, 240–402–2378.
I. Background
In the Federal Register of March 22,
2024 (89 FR 20306), FDA issued a final
rule to amend its regulations at
§ 170.105 (21 CFR 170.105) to provide
additional reasons, other than safety,
that may form the basis to determine
that an FCN is no longer effective. One
reason we may determine that an FCN
is no longer effective is when the
manufacturer or supplier has ceased or
will cease the production, supply, or
use of the food contact substance for its
intended use authorized by the FCN
(referred to as ‘‘abandonment’’).
Several manufacturers or suppliers
notified FDA, through voluntary
commitment letters (Ref. 1), that they
have ceased producing, supplying, or
using authorized FCSs for their
intended food contact use in the United
States. FDA received this information
before issuing the final rule. After the
final rule’s effective date of May 21,
2024, consistent with
§ 170.105(a)(2)(ii)(A), we contacted the
manufacturers or suppliers to inform
them that their voluntary commitment
letters demonstrate that they had
ceased, and did not intend to resume in
the future, producing, supplying, or
using the subject FCSs for their
intended food contact use. We provided
the manufacturers or suppliers an
opportunity to respond and did not
receive any responses that disagreed
with our findings. Therefore, in
accordance with § 170.105(a)(2)(ii)(B),
we determined that the FCNs are no
longer effective based on abandonment.
This notice constitutes the detailed
summary of the basis for FDA’s
determination that these specific FCNs
are no longer effective in accordance
with § 170.105(b).
Tables 1 and 2 identify FCNs that are
no longer effective, as well as the FCSs
no longer authorized by these FCNs, as
of the publication date of this notice.
Based on the end of sales dates provided
by the manufacturers for the FCSs listed
in FCNs in table 1, we expect any
existing stocks of these FCSs to have
already been exhausted from the U.S.
market. For the FCSs listed in the FCNs
in table 2, we are providing a
compliance date for existing stocks of
products that were produced, supplied,
or used by the manufacturer or supplier
before January 6, 2025. Based on the
information provided in the voluntary
commitment letter from that
manufacturer, we expect any existing
stocks of these products to be exhausted
by June 30, 2025. We have determined
that providing a compliance date of June
30, 2025, to exhaust these existing
stocks would be protective of public
health. For this reason, in accordance
with § 170.105(b) we are establishing a
compliance date of June 30, 2025, for
the use of FCSs listed in table 2 in food
contact articles if the FCSs were
produced, supplied, or used by the
manufacturer or supplier before January
6, 2025.
59 ................
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Glycine, N,N-bis[2-hydroxy-3-(2-propenyloxy)propyl]-, monosodium salt, reaction products with ammonium hydroxide and pentafluoroiodoethane-tetrafluoroethylene telomer (CAS Reg. No. 220459–70–1).
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BASF Corporation.
[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 3 (Monday, January 6, 2025)]
[Pages 651-653]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-31554]
[Notice-Q-2024-07; Docket No. 2024-0002; Sequence No. 58]
Federal Secure Cloud Advisory Committee Request for Applications
AGENCY: Federal Acquisition Service (Q), General Services
Administration (GSA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: GSA is seeking applications to fill three (3) membership seats
on the
[[Page 652]]
Federal Secure Cloud Advisory Committee (hereinafter ``the Committee''
or ``the FSCAC''), a Federal advisory committee required by statute.
DATES: GSA will consider complete applications that are received no
later than 5 p.m. eastern standard time on Monday, January 20, 2025.
Applications will be accepted via the application form online at
https://forms.gle/Aezt29xYzqy7Q4gv5, which can also be found on FSCAC's
website, https://gsa.gov/fscac.
ADDRESSES: Applications will be accepted electronically. Please submit
applications via https://forms.gle/Aezt29xYzqy7Q4gv5, and email
accompanying documents to [email protected] with the subject line: FSCAC
APPLICATION--[Applicant Name]. The form and associated instructions
will be available online at https://gsa.gov/fscac.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michelle White, Designated Federal
Officer (DFO), FSCAC, GSA, 703-489-4160, [email protected]. Additional
information about the Committee is available online at https://gsa.gov/fscac.
GSA, in compliance with the FedRAMP Authorization Act of 2022,
established the FSCAC, an advisory committee in accordance with the
provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C.
ch. 10). The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program
(FedRAMP) within GSA is responsible for providing a standardized,
reusable approach to security assessment and authorization for cloud
computing products and services that process unclassified information
used by agencies.
The FSCAC will provide advice and recommendations to the
Administrator of GSA, the FedRAMP Board, and agencies on technical,
financial, programmatic, and operational matters regarding the secure
adoption of cloud computing products and services. The FSCAC will
ensure effective and ongoing coordination of agency adoption, use,
authorization, monitoring, acquisition, and security of cloud computing
products and services to enable agency mission and administrative
priorities. The purposes of the Committee are:
To examine the operations of FedRAMP and determine ways
that authorization processes can continuously be improved, including
the following:
[cir] Measures to increase agency reuse of FedRAMP authorizations.
[cir] Proposed actions that can be adopted to reduce the burden,
confusion, and cost associated with FedRAMP authorizations for cloud
service providers.
[cir] Measures to increase the number of FedRAMP authorizations for
cloud computing products and services offered by small businesses
concerns (as defined by section 3(a) of the Small Business Act (15
U.S.C. 632(a)).
[cir] Proposed actions that can be adopted to reduce the burden and
cost of FedRAMP authorizations for agencies.
Collect information and feedback on agency compliance
with, and implementation of, FedRAMP requirements.
Serve as a forum that facilitates communication and
collaboration among the FedRAMP stakeholder community.
The FSCAC will meet no fewer than three (3) times a calendar year.
Meetings shall occur as frequently as needed, called, and approved by
the DFO. Meetings may be held virtually or in person. Members will
serve without compensation and may be allowed travel expenses,
including per diem, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 5703.
The Committee shall be comprised of not more than 15 members who
are qualified representatives from the public and private sectors,
appointed by the Administrator, in consultation with the Director of
OMB, as follows:
i. The GSA Administrator or the GSA Administrator's designee, who
shall be the Chair of the Committee.
ii. At least one representative each from the Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency and the National Institute of Standards
and Technology.
iii. At least two officials who serve as the Chief Information
Security Officer within an agency, who shall be required to maintain
such a position throughout the duration of their service on the
iv. At least one official serving as Chief Procurement Officer (or
equivalent) in an agency, who shall be required to maintain such a
position throughout the duration of their service on the Committee.
v. At least one individual representing an independent assessment
vi. At least five representatives from unique businesses that
primarily provide cloud computing services or products, including at
least two representatives from a small business (as defined by section
3(a) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632(a))).
vii. At least two other representatives from the Federal Government
as the Administrator determines to be necessary to provide sufficient
balance, insights, or expertise to the Committee.
Each member shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years,
except the initial terms, which were staggered into one (1), two (2) or
three (3) year terms to establish a rotation in which one third of the
members are selected. No member shall be appointed for more than two
(2) consecutive terms nor shall any member serve for more than six (6)
consecutive years. GSA values opportunities to increase diversity,
equity, inclusion and accessibility on its federal advisory committees.
Members will be designated as Regular Government Employees (RGEs)
or Representative members as appropriate and consistent with Section
3616(d) of the FedRAMP Authorization Act of 2022. GSA's Office of
General Counsel will assist the Designated Federal Officer (DFO) to
determine the advisory committee member designations. Representatives
are members selected to represent a specific point of view held by a
particular group, organization, or association. Members who are full
time or permanent part-time Federal civilian officers or employees
shall be appointed to serve as Regular Government Employee (RGE)
members. In accordance with OMB Final Guidance published in the Federal
Register on October 5, 2011 and revised on August 13, 2014, federally
registered lobbyists may not serve on the Committee in an individual
capacity to provide their own individual best judgment and expertise,
such as RGEs members. This ban does not apply to lobbyists appointed to
provide the Committee with the views of a particular group,
organization, or association, such as Representative members.
Applications are being accepted to fill the remaining term of one
(1) vacant seat as an RGE member and to fill two (2) seats with
upcoming expiring terms as Representative members.
One (1) seat for an official who serves as the Chief Information
Security Officer within an agency, who shall be required to maintain
such a position throughout the duration of their service on the
Committee, will be appointed to serve for the remainder of the vacant
term, scheduled to end on May 14, 2026.
One (1) seat for a representative of a unique business that
primarily provides cloud computing products or services will be
appointed for a three year term.
[[Page 653]]
One (1) seat for a representative of an independent assessment
service will be appointed for a three year term.
Applications for membership on the Committee will be accepted until
5 p.m. eastern standard time on Monday, January 20, 2025.
There are two parts to submitting an application. First, complete
the information requested via this electronic form https://forms.gle/Aezt29xYzqy7Q4gv5. Next, email your CV or resume and a letter of
endorsement from your organization or organization's leadership,
endorsing you to represent your company, in .PDF format to
[email protected] with the subject line: FSCAC APPLICATION--[Applicant
Name]. The letter of endorsement must come from your organization or
organization's leadership. If you are the CEO, then it must come from
another member of the executive team of your organization, as you
cannot endorse yourself. The letter must be signed and specifically
state that you are authorized to apply to FSCAC as a representative of
your organization.
Applications that do not include the completion of the above
instructions will not be considered.
Letters of Recommendation may also be submitted if desired by the
applicant; however, please note they may or may not have an impact on
final appointments and are not required for an application to be
Margaret Dugan,
Service-Level Liaison, Federal Acquisition Service, General Services
[FR Doc. 2024-31554 Filed 1-3-25; 8:45 am]