Gifts to Federal Employees From Foreign Government Sources Reported to Employing Agencies in Calendar Year 2023, 364-381 [2024-31509]

Download as PDF 364 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [Release No. 34–102045; File No. SR– CBOE–2024–056] Self-Regulatory Organizations; Cboe Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change To Adopt Cboe Timestamping Service Which is a Market Data Service Comprised of Two Distinct Market Data Reports December 27, 2024. Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2 notice is hereby given that on December 13, 2024, Cboe Exchange, Inc. (‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule change as described in Item I below, which Item has been substantially prepared by the Exchange. The Exchange has designated this proposal for immediate effectiveness pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Act 3 and Rule 19b–4(f) thereunder.4 The Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments on the proposed rule change from interested persons. I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s Statement of the Terms of Substance of the Proposed Rule Change The Exchange proposes to adopt the Cboe Timestamping Service, which is a market data service comprised of two distinct market data reports. The Cboe Timestamping Service will provide timestamp information for orders, 5 quotes and cancels for market participants. More specifically, the Cboe Timestamping Service reports will provide various timestamps relating to the message lifecycle throughout the exchange system. The first report—the Missed Liquidity Report—will cover order and quote messages and the second report—Cancels Report—will cover cancel messages. The proposed reports are optional products that will be available to all Members and 1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1). CFR 240.19b–4. 3 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A). 4 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f). At any time within 60 days of the filing of the proposed rule change, the Commission summarily may temporarily suspend such rule change if it appears to the Commission that such action is necessary or appropriate in the public interest, for the protection of investors, or otherwise in furtherance of the purposes of the Act. If the Commission takes such action, the Commission will institute proceedings to determine whether the proposed rule change should be approved or disapproved. 5 Orders shall include both complex and simple orders. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 2 17 VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Jkt 265001 Members may opt to choose both reports, one report, or neither report. Corresponding fees will be assessed based on the number of reports selected.6 The proposed rule change, including the Exchange’s statement of the purpose of, and statutory basis for, the proposed rule change, is available on the Exchange’s website at https:// RegulatoryHome.aspx, at the Exchange’s Office of the Secretary, and on the Commission’s website at https:// national-securities-exchanges?file_ number=SR-CBOE-2024-056. you should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. We may redact in part or withhold entirely from publication submitted material that is obscene or subject to copyright protection. All submissions should refer to file number SR–CBOE–2024–056 and should be submitted on or before January 24, 2025. II. Solicitation of Comments Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule change is consistent with the Act.7 Comments may be submitted electronically by using the Commission’s internet comment form ( self-regulatory-organizationrulemaking/national-securitiesexchanges?file_number=SR-CBOE-2024056) or by sending an email to Please include file number SR–CBOE–2024–056 on the subject line. Alternatively, paper comments may be sent to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549–1090. All submissions should refer to file SR–CBOE–2024–056. To help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on the Commission’s internet website ( self-regulatory-organizationrulemaking/national-securitiesexchanges?file_number=SR-CBOE-2024056). Do not include personal identifiable information in submissions; DEPARTMENT OF STATE 6 The Exchange plans to submit a separate filing with the Commission pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) to propose fees for the Missed Liquidity Report and Cancels Report. 7 Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in the Commission’s Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549, on official business days between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for inspection and copying at the principal office of SRO. PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated authority.8 Vanessa A. Countryman, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2024–31507 Filed 1–2–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 8011–01–P [Public Notice: 12626] Gifts to Federal Employees From Foreign Government Sources Reported to Employing Agencies in Calendar Year 2023 All information reported to the Office of the Chief of Protocol, including gift appraisal and donor information, is the responsibility of the employing agency, in accordance with applicable law and GSA regulations. The Office of the Chief of Protocol, Department of State, submits the following comprehensive listing of the statements which, as required by law, federal employees filed with their employing agencies during calendar year 2023 concerning gifts received from foreign government sources. The compilation includes reports of both tangible gifts and gifts of travel or travel expenses of more than minimal value, as defined in 5 U.S.C. 7432 and GSA regulations. For calendar year 2023 (January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023), minimal value is $480.00. Pursuant to Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 3.4, the report includes all gifts given on a single occasion when the aggregate value of those gifts exceeds minimal value. Also included are twenty-three gifts from 2022 and one gift from 2021. These latter gifts are being reported in this year’s report for calendar year 2023 because the Office of the Chief of Protocol, Department of State, did not receive the relevant information at the time of reporting to include them in earlier reports. Agencies not listed in this report either did not receive relevant gifts during the calendar year, did not transmit a listing to the Secretary of State of all statements filed during the preceding year by the 8 17 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM CFR 200.30–3(a)(12). 03JAN1 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices employees of that agency pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 7432(f)(1), or did not respond to the State Department’s Office of the Chief of Protocol’s request for data. The U.S. Senate maintains an internal minimal value of $100; therefore, all gifts over the $100 limit are furnished in the U.S. Senate report. Publication of this listing in the Federal Register is required by Section 7342(f) of Title 5, United States Code, as added by Section 515(a)(1) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, 365 Fiscal Year 1978 (Pub. L. 95–105, August 17, 1977, 91 Stat. 865). Alaina B. Teplitz, Assistant Secretary (M), Performing the Duties of Under Secretary for Management, Department of State. AGENCY: THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT [REPORT OF TANGIBLE GIFTS FURNISHED BY THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. Glass Footed Bowl, Book Titled ‘‘The Government of Tongue’’, Lapel Pin, Irish Hug Plaque. Rec’d—3/17/2022. Est. Value—$1,237.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Backpack, Playing Card Set, Montblanc Pen, Notebook, Various Food Items. Rec’d—6/26/2022. Est. Value— $975.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA (Backpack, Cards, Pen, Notebook). Perishable items disposed of pursuant to USSS policies (Food Items). Rug in Velvet Case. Rec’d—10/20/ 2022. Est. Value—$525.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Eye of Ugat Artwork. Rec’d—11/10/ 2022. Est. Value—$570.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Painting. Rec’d—11/15/2022. Est. Value—$1,000.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Beaded Necklace. Rec’d—12/12/2022. Est. Value—$440.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Bronze Statue of Horseman. Rec’d— 12/15/2022. Est. Value—$595.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Copper Artwork. Rec’d—12/15/2022. Est. Value—$620.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Cufflinks. Rec’d—12/15/2022. Est. Value—$2,000.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Book Titled ‘‘The Splendours of Tunisian Mosaics’’, Ship Model, Traditional Sweets & Olive Oil. Rec’d—12/ 15/2022. Est. Value—$2,375.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Perishable items retained for Official Use and/or disposed of pursuant to USSS policies (Sweets, Olive Oil). Framed Paintings (qty. 2). Rec’d—12/ 16/2022. Est. Value—$500.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. ‘‘Virgin of Quito’’ Wood Statue. Rec’d— 12/19/2022. Est. Value—$427.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. Tiled Painting. Rec’d—12/28/2022. Est. Value—$1,990.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. Vase Set, Socks, Scarf, Blanket, Book, Scent Oil Infuser, Succulent Kit, Candle, Candies. Rec’d—1/3/2023. Est. Value—$829.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. (Vase Set, Socks, Scarf, Blanket, Book). Perishable items disposed of pursuant to USSS policies (Scent Oil, Infuser, Succulent Kit, Candle, Candies). Mother of Pearl Cufflinks. Rec’d—2/2/ 2023. Est. Value—$780.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance His Excellency Micheál Martin, Taoiseach of Ireland. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. His Excellency Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt. His Excellency Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the Republic of India. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. The Honorable Jane Waetara, Ambassador of the Solomon Islands to the United States. His Excellency Paul Biya, President of the Republic of Cameroon. His Excellency Felix Tshisekedi, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo. His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana. His Excellency Kais Saied, President of the Republic of Tunisia. The Honorable Pravind Jugnauth, Prime Minister of the Republic of Mauritius. His Excellency Juan Carlos Holguin, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of the Republic of Ecuador. His Excellency Ayman Benabderrahmane, Prime Minister of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria. His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaula Ibni Al-Marhum, Sultan and Yang DiPertuan of Brunei Darussalem. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 03JAN1 366 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices AGENCY: THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT—Continued [REPORT OF TANGIBLE GIFTS FURNISHED BY THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. Wooden Bench. Rec’d—2/10/2023. Est. Value—$1,170.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Driza-Bone Coat. Rec’d—3/13/2023. Est. Value—$499.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Sterling Silver Poporo, Wool Ruana. Rec’d—4/20/2023. Est. Value— $867.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Commemorative Photo Album, Traditional Jarikki Set. Rec’d—4/26/2023. Est. Value—7,100.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Jewelry Box. Rec’d—5/1/2023. Est. Value—$480.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Vase ‘‘Den’’ Lacquerware, Furoshiki. Rec’d—5/19/2023. Est. Value— $1,153.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to NARA. Drinking Set. Rec’d—5/19/2023. Est. Value—$1,070.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Framed Poster, Aircraft Fragment, Bilum Bag, ‘‘Birds of Paradise’’ Artwork, Shirt, Gold Pin, Coffee. Rec’d—5/22/2023. Est. Value— $1,254.00. Disposition—Retained for Official Use (Poster & Aircraft), Transferred to NARA. (Bag, Artwork, Shirt, Pin). Perishable items disposed of pursuant to USSS policies (Coffee). ‘‘Iro-Miyabi’’ Fountain Pen, Maki-E Glasses, Furoshiki. Rec’d—5/23/ 2023. Est. Value—$2,414.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Carved Sandalwood Box, Book Titled ‘‘The Ten Principal Upanishads’’, Statue, Oil Lamp. Rec’d—6/22/2023. Est. Value—$6,232.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. ‘‘Sinews of Peace’’ Book, Jar of Honey. Rec’d—7/10/2023. Est. Value— $1,405.00. Disposition: Transferred NARA. (Book) Perishable items disposed of pursuant to USSS policies (Honey). Glass Thomas Lyte Bowl. Rec’d—7/10/ 2023. Est. Value—$900.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Book, Order of Vyautas the Great, and Photographs. Rec’d—7/12/2023. Est. Value—$1,275.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Whooper Swan Sculpture. Rec’d—7/ 13/2023. Est. Value—$520.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Sterling Silver Inscribed Tray by Hazorfim. Rec’d—7/18/2023. Est. Value—$3,160.00. Disposition— Pending Transfer to NARA. Lacquer Box by Yamada Heiando. Rec’d—8/17/2023. Est. Value— $770.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Statue of Mongolian Warriors. Rec’d— 8/2/2023. Est. Value—$3,495.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Wooden Box, Chocolates, Cufflinks. Rec’d—8/29/2023. Est. Value— $515.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA (Box, Cufflinks). Perishable items disposed of pursuant to USSS policies (Chocolates). Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance His Excellency Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The Honorable Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister Australia. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Gustavo Petro, President of the Republic of Colombia. His Excellency Suk Yeol Yoon, President of the Republic of Korea. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr., President of the Republic of Philippines. Hidehiko Yuzaki, Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Kazumi Matsui, Mayor of Hiroshima Prefecture. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency James Marape, MP, Non-acceptance would cause embarPrime Minister of Papua New Guinea. rassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Kishida Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the Republic of India. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Majesty King Charles III of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. The Right Honorable Rishi Sunak MP, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. His Excellency Gitanas Nauseda, President of the Republic of Lithuania. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Sauli Niinistö and Dr. Jenni Haukio, President and First Lady of the Republic of Finland. His Excellency Isaac Herzog, President of the State of Israel. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Kishida Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai, Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Mongolia. His Excellency Rodrigo Chaves Robles, President of the Republic of Costa Rica. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 03JAN1 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices 367 AGENCY: THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT—Continued [REPORT OF TANGIBLE GIFTS FURNISHED BY THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. Gemstones Portrait. Rec’d—9/10/2023. Est. Value—$2,100.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. Collage Titled ‘‘Qirim. Return’’. Rec’d— 9/20/2023. Est. Value—$2,400.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Mixed Media Artwork, Commemorative Tala, Siapo. Rec’d—9/24/2023. Est. Value—$570.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Silver Bowl. Rec’d—11/15/2023. Est. Value—3,300.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States and Dr. Jill Biden, First Lady of the United States. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States, Dr. Jill Biden, First Lady of the United States of America. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States, Dr. Jill Biden, First Lady of the United States of America. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States, Dr. Jill Biden, First Lady of the United States of America. Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Bone China Tea Set, Bronze Statue Titled ‘‘Fine Horse’’. Rec’d—11/15/ 2023. Est. Value—$1,080.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. ‘‘Earth Vessel’’ Vase, Ice Cream Scoop. Rec’d—11/17/2023. Est. Value—$600.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Oil Painting Titled ‘‘Suasana Desa’’. Rec’d—12/13/2023. Est. Value— $635.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Ceramic plate, Wine Bottles (Qty. 2), Fruit. Rec’d—1/8/2023. Est. Value— $550.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA (Plate). Perishable items disposed of pursuant to USSS policies (Wine, Fruit). Footed Bowl, Irish Flag, Jersey, Pin. Rec’d—3/17/2023. Est. Value— $1,302.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Moon Jar, Gujeolpan. Rec’d—4/26/ 2023. Est. Value—$1,760.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA (Jar). Perishable items disposed of pursuant to USSS policies (Gujeolpan). Wine, Handkerchiefs (Qty. 2). Rec’d— 8/25/2023. Est. Value—$686.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA (Jar and Handkerchiefs). Perishable items disposed of pursuant to USSS policies (Wine). Bronze Statue of Horseman. Rec’d— 12/15/2022. Est. Value—$595.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Pair of Bangles. Rec’d—12/16/2022. Est. Value—$3,400.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Scarf, Book Titled ‘‘Carthage—Fact and Myth’’, Sculpture, Traditional Sweets. Rec’d—12/16/2022. Est. Value—$3,015.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA (Scarf, Book, Sculpture). Perishable items disposed of pursuant to USSS policies (Traditional Sweets). Eye of Horus Necklace, Egyptian Wood Inlaid Shell Purse. Rec’d—1/22/2023. Est. Value—$2,000.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Wooden Bowl with Tiered Artwork. Rec’d—2/2/2023. Est. Value— $750.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Steel Fragment Forget-Me-Not Flower Brooch. Rec’d—2/7/2023. Est. Value—$14,063.00. Disposition—Retained for Official Use in the East Wing. Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance His Excellency Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. His Excellency Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Her Excellency Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, Prime Minister of the Independent State of Samoa. His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaula Ibni Al-Marhum, Sultan and Yang DiPertuan of Brunei Darussalem. His Excellency Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. The Right Honorable Justin Trudeau, Non-acceptance would cause embarP.C., M.P., Prime Minister of Canada. rassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of the United Mexican States. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Leo Varadkhar, Taoiseach of Ireland. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Suk Yeol Yoon, President of the Republic of Korea. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Miguel Filipe Machado De Albuquerque, President of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Mrs. Chantal Biya, First Lady of the Republic of Cameroon. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Mohamed Younis A. Menfi, Chairman of the Presidential Council of the State of Libya. Mrs. Ichraf Chebil Ep Saied, First Lady of the Republic of Tunisia. Mrs. Entissar El-Sisi, First Lady of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Her Excellency Oksana Markarova, Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM 03JAN1 368 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices AGENCY: THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT—Continued [REPORT OF TANGIBLE GIFTS FURNISHED BY THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Book Titled ‘‘Epic Land Namibia Exposed’’, Silver Earrings, Silver Bracelet. Rec’d—2/23/2023. Est. Value— $519.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Swarovski Necklace, Earrings, Ring. Rec’d—4/19/2023. Est. Value— $1,370.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Brown Lip Shell Jewelry Box. Rec’d— 5/1/2023. Est. Value—$480.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Binoculars, Bowl and Spoon Set, Champagne Flute. Rec’d—5/23/ 2023. Est. Value—$542.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Incense Burner, Candy Jar. Rec’d—5/ 30/2023. Est. Value—$1,160.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 Dr. Jill Biden ........................................... The Honorable Jacob Sullivan, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. The Honorable Jacob Sullivan, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. The Honorable Jacob Sullivan, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. The Honorable Jacob Sullivan, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Chairs, Brooch, Photograph Album, Bracelet. Rec’d—6/2/2023. Est. Value—$4,510.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA (Chairs, Photograph Album, Bracelet), Retained for Personal Use (Brooch). Calligraphy Titled ‘‘The Ship in the Sky’’, by Ms. Sugako Hamazaki. Rec’d—6/13/2023. Est. Value— $2,500.00. Disposition—Retained for Official Use in the East Wing. 7.5 Carat Lab Diamond. Rec’d—6/22/ 2023. Est. Value—$20,000.00. Disposition—Retained for Official Use in the East Wing. Canisters (Qty. 3). Rec’d—9/13/2023. Est. Value—$980.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Table Runner, Brooch. Rec’d—9/13/ 2023. Est. Value—$490.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to NARA. Delvaux Pouch. Rec’d—9/20/2023. Est. Value—$1,050.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Joanna Louca Scarf. Rec’d—9/20/ 2023. Est. Value—$750.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Zeus+Dione Blouse. Rec’d—9/20/2023. Est. Value—$570.00. Disposition— Transferred to NARA. Keyth Beauty Products, Blanket. Rec’d—11/17/2023. Est. Value— $554.00. Disposition—Perishable items disposed of pursuant to USSS policies (Beauty Products, Blanket). ‘‘Blooming Roses’’ Porcelain Plate. Rec’d—11/15/2023. Est. Value— $485.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Metal Statue of Wildebeest. Rec’d—12/ 12/2022. Est. Value—2,100.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. Silver Jaguar Statue. Rec’d—1/31/ 2023. Est. Value—$485.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. Wooden Elephant Sculpture. Rec’d—7/ 1/2023. Est. Value—$638.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. Grand Cross of Commander of the Order for Merits to Lithuania. Rec’d—7/12/2023. Est. Value— $975.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance Her Excellency Monica Geingos, First Lady of the Republic of Namibia. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Her Excellency Petra Schneebauer, Ambassador of Austria to the United States. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Mrs. Louise Araneta-Marcos, First Lady of the Republic of the Philippines. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Mrs. Kishida Yuko, Spouse of the Prime Minister of Japan. Their Royal Highnesses Prince Hussein bin Abdallah II & Princess Rajwa Al Hussein, Crown Prince of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. His Excellency Abdel Fattah and Mrs. Entissar El-Sisi, President and First Lady of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Mrs. Kishida Yuko, Spouse of the Prime Minister of Japan. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the Republic of India. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Their Majesties King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein and Queen Rania Al Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Mrs. Emine Erdoğan, First Lady of the Republic of Turkiye. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Mrs. Annik Penders, Spouse of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium. Mrs. Philippa Karsera Christodoulides, First Lady of the Republic of Cyprus. Mrs. Mareva Grabowski Mitsotakis, Spouse of the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic. Mrs. Kim Keon Hee, First Lady of the Republic of Korea. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. The Honorable Monica Juma, National Security Advisor for the Republic of Kenya. His Excellency Ajit Doval, National Security Advisor of the Republic of India. His Excellency Ajit Doval, National Security Advisor of the Republic of India. His Excellency Gitanas Nauseda, President of the Republic of Lithuania. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM 03JAN1 369 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices AGENCY: THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT—Continued [REPORT OF TANGIBLE GIFTS FURNISHED BY THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location The Honorable Jacob Sullivan, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. William & Son Clock. Rec’d—11/14/ 2023. Est. Value—$1,600.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. The Honorable Elizabeth SherwoodRandall, Assistant to the President and Homeland Security Advisor. Tea Set. Rec’d—3/22/2023. Est. Value—$900.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. The Honorable Elizabeth SherwoodRandall, Assistant to the President and Homeland Security Advisor. The Honorable Jonathan Finer, Assistant to the President and Principal Deputy National Security Advisor. The Honorable Kurt Campbell, Deputy Assistant to the President and Coordinator for Indo-Pacific Affairs. The Honorable Brett McGuirk, Deputy Assistant to the President and Coordinator for Middle East and North Africa. The Honorable Anne Neuberger, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber & Emerging Technology. The Honorable Eileen Laubacher, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for South Asia. The Honorable Nicholas Berliner, Special Assistant to the President and Director for Russia. Silver Elephant Sculpture. Rec’d—9/23/ 2022. Est. Value—$3,980.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. Framed Gold-Tone Disc. Rec’d—3/30/ 2023. Est. Value—$590.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. Wall Hanging. Rec’d—8/1/2023. Est. Value—$850.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. William & Son Clock. Rec’d—11/14/ 2023. Est. Value—$1,600.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. The Honorable Adam Farrar, Special Advisor for East Asia and Oceania. Ms. Naomi Biden ................................... Ms. Naomi Biden ................................... Ms. Ashley Biden ................................... Silver Candlestick, Silver Picture Frame. Rec’d—7/1/2022. Est. Value—$515.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. Traditional Rug. Rec’d—2/9/2023. Est. Value—$600.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. Uzbek Hat, Cookbook, 2 Silk Fabrics, Coin and Pin Set, Plate. Rec’d—4/5/ 2023. Est. Value—$837.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. Wristwatches (Qty. 2) by Kono Corporation. Rec’d—6/27/2022. Est. Value—$740.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. Embroidery Screen. Rec’d –11/14/ 2022. Est. Value—$510.00. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. Jewelry Holder, Napkin Rings, Magnet, Linen Napkins and Placemats, Wooden Utensils, Backpack, Book, Table Runner, Tote Bag. Rec’d—2/ 23/2023. Est. Value—$566.00. Disposition—Retained for Personal Use (Rings, Linens, Wooden Utensils, Book, Tote Bag), Transferred to NARA (Jewelry Holder, Magnet, Backpack, Book, Table Runner). Silver Necklace, Silver Bracelet. Rec’d—5/30/2023. Est. Value— $1,395.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance His Royal Highness Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain. His Excellency Javlon Vakhabov, Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United States and Canada. Mr. Rajinder Khanna, Deputy National Security Advisor & Secretary of the Republic of India. Mr. Kamchybek Tashiev, Chairman of the State Committee for National Security of the Kyrgyz Republic. His Excellency Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the Republic of India. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Royal Highness Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Mr. Rajinder Khanna, Deputy National Security Advisor & Secretary of the Republic of India. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Masood Khan, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the United States. His Excellency Javlon Vakhabov, Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United States and Canada. The Government of the Republic of Korea. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Her Excellency Monica Geingos, First Lady of the Republic of Namibia. His Excellency Abdel Fattah and Mrs. Entissar El-Sisi, President & First Lady of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. AGENCY: THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Executive Office of the Vice President] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice President of the United States. The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice President of the United States. The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice President of the United States. The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice President of the United States. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Kente Cloth, Necklace, Bracelet. Rec’d—3/28/2023. Est. Value— $600.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Dress from The Lotte. Rec’d—3/28/ 2023. Est. Value—$580.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Kente Dress, Jacket, Bracelet. Rec’d— 3/28/2023. Est. Value—$536.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Two Kente Cloth Shawls, Flip Flops, Necklace, Earrings. Rec’d—3/28/ 2023. Est. Value—$795.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance His Excellency Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Vice President of the Republic of Ghana. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Mrs. Rebecca Naa Okaikor AkufoAddo, First Lady of The Republic of Ghana. His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. The Chiefs and People of Cape Coast, Republic of Ghana. Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM 03JAN1 370 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices AGENCY: THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT—Continued [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Executive Office of the Vice President] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice President of the United States. The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice President of the United States. The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice President of the United States. The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice President of the United States. The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice President of the United States. Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Jewelry with Tanzanian Gemstones, Ujamaa Wood Carving. Rec’d—3/30/ 2023. Est. Value—$2,550.00. Disposition—(Jewelry)Transferred to NARA. (Ujamaa Wood Carving) Retain for Official Display. Photo Album of Vice President Kamala Harris’s Visit to Zambia, Gold Brooch in the Shape of Africa with Tanzanite and Zambian Emerald, Wooden Carved Sculpture of Person, Playing an Instrument, Two Cloths, Painting of an Elephant. Rec’d—3/31/2023. Est. Value—$4,025.00. Disposition— (Photo Album) Pending Transfer to NARA. (Gold Brooch, Wooden Carved Sculpture, and Painting) Transferred to NARA. Tiger Pen Shell with Caraboa Horn Handle. Rec’d—5/1/2023. Est. Value—$645.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. A Painting by Kartika Affandi ‘‘Flowers’’, A Stola Scarf, A Conference Kit. Rec’d—9/8/2023. Est. Value— $830.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Silver Metal Bowl with Lid in Presentation Case. Rec’d—11/16/2023. Est. Value—$780.00. Disposition—Transferred to NARA. Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of the United Republic of Tanzania. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Hakainde Hichilema, President of the Republic of Zambia. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr., President of the Republic of the Philippines. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, Secretary-General of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. The Government of Brunei Darussalam Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. AGENCY: DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Department of State] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location The Honorable Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State. Three Photographs from the Centropa Project & Book: Best of Austropop. Rec’d—2/7/2023. Est. Value— $600.00. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. Framed Acrylic Artwork in Wooden Case. Rec’d—2/14/2023. Est. Value—$1,000.00. Disposition—Retained for Official Use. Chess Set with Natural Marble Board and Silver-plated Chess Pieces. Rec’d—2/28/2023. Est. Value— $1,200.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to GSA. Acrylic Landscape Portrait on Canvas. Rec’d—7/20/2023. Est. Value— $4,000.00. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. Red Leather Suitcase, Official FIFA Handover Soccer Ball, Brass Stand, Commemorative FIFA Medal/Coins, 21k Cuff Bracelet, FIFA Stadiums Engraved Cubes, Kashmiri Embroidered Scarf, Silver Burqa Mask, Perfume, Midkhan Incense Burner, and Agarwood. Rec’d—5/25/2023. Est. Value—$1,070.00. Disposition— Pending Purchase through GSA. Painting. Rec’d—11/1/2023. Est. Value—$511.60. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. The Honorable Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State. The Honorable Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State. The Honorable Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 The Honorable Linda Thomas-Greenfield, United States Representative to the United Nations. The Honorable John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance His Excellency Alexander Schallenberg Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Shavkat Mirziyoyev President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Dr. Abdul Latif bin Rashid Al Zayani Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani Amir of the State of Qatar. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM 03JAN1 371 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices AGENCY: DEPARTMENT OF STATE—Continued [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Department of State] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government The Honorable Leslie M. Tsou, United States Ambassador to Oman. The Honorable Leslie M. Tsou, United States Ambassador to Oman. The Honorable Leslie M. Tsou, United States Ambassador to Oman. The Honorable Leslie M. Tsou, United States Ambassador to Oman. The Honorable Leslie M. Tsou, United States Ambassador to Oman. The Honorable Leslie M. Tsou, United States Ambassador to Oman. The Honorable Jonathan Henick, United States Ambassador to Uzbekistan. Mr. Junaid Munir, United States Deputy Chief of Mission to the Sultanate of Oman. Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location 1 Wooden Box of Amouage Fragrances, 1 Bottle of Amouage Perfume (women), 2 Bottles of Amouage Perfume (men), 1 Silver Jewelry Set, 1 Silver Letter Opener, Key Ring, and Cufflinks. Rec’d—2/26/2023. Est. Value—$2,748.22. Disposition— Transferred to GSA. 1 Kilo of Hojary Frankincense, 1 Silver Mabkhar, Engraved Box. Rec’d—2/ 27/2023. Est. Value—$676.00. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. Decorative Box with Frankincense and Khanjar. Rec’d—3/9/2023. Est. Value—$544.00. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. 2 Bottles of Amouage of Perfume. Rec’d—3/12/2023. Est. Value— $720.00. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. Silver and Gold Vase, Daggar Form Letter Opener. Rec’d—3/19/2023. Est. Value—$3,124.88. Disposition— Transferred to GSA. Silver Mabkhar and Silver Bangle. Rec’d—3/19/2023. Est. Value— $702.00. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan in the World Collection—50-Volume Set of Blue Leather Bound Books Oty: 3. Rec’d—5/19/2023. Est. Value— $3,750.00. Disposition—Retained for Official Use. Ebony Wood Box, Amouage Four Perfume Set, Amouage Enclave, Amouage Crimson Rocks, Amouage Ashore, and Amouage Meander. Rec’d—7/6/2023. Est. Value— $700.00. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance His Excellency MG Nassir Saleh AlNon-acceptance would cause embarMawali, Secretary General of Liaison rassment to donor and U.S. Governand Coordination, Sultanate of Oman. ment. General Sultan bin Mohammed AlNaamani, Minister of the Royal Office, Sultanate of Oman. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Mohamed Said Khalfan Al Mamari Minister of Endowment and Religious Affairs, Sultanate of Oman. His Excellency Mohammed Al Zaabi, Secretary General of Ministry of Defense, Sultanate of Oman. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Sayyid Badr bin Hamad bin Hamood Albusaidi, Foreign Minister of the Sultanate of Oman. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Sayyid Asaad Bin Tarik Bin Taimur Al-Said, Deputy Prime Minister and Personal Representative of the Sultan of the Sultanate of Oman. Mr. Dilshod Rasulov, Cultural Heritage Agency of Uzbekistan. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Major General Idris Al Kindi, National Security Council, Sultanate of Oman. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. AGENCY: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE [Report of Tangible Gifts and Gifts of Travel Furnished by the Department of Justice] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Ms. Julie Younts Assistant Chief Inspector, Asset Forfeiture Division for the Criminal Division. Hon. Bruce C. Swartz, Deputy Assistant Attorney General and DOJ Counselor for International Affairs. Hon. Bruce C. Swartz, Deputy Assistant Attorney General and DOJ Counselor for International Affairs. Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location GIFT OF TRAVEL: Travel to European Union through the Camden Asset Recovery Inter-agency Network (CARIN) in Brussels, Belgium. Est. $3,855.00. Rec’d—4/30/2023—5/5/ 2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Two Nights of Lodging. Est. $816.55. Rec’d—7/6/ 2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Two Nights of Lodging. Est. $521.64. Rec’d—12/8/ 2023. Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance European Union through the Camden Asset Recovery Inter-Agency Network (CARIN). Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. Government of Japan G7 Interior Ministerial. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. Government of Japan G7 Interior Ministerial. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 AGENCY: CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY [Report of Tangible Gifts and Gifts of Travel Furnished by the Central Intelligence Agency] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government The Honorable William Burns, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:09 Jan 02, 2025 Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Rug. Rec’d—1/26/2023. Est. Value— $500.00. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM 03JAN1 372 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices AGENCY: CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY—Continued [Report of Tangible Gifts and Gifts of Travel Furnished by the Central Intelligence Agency] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government The Honorable William Burns, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Honorable William Burns, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Honorable William Burns, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Honorable William Burns, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Honorable William Burns, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Omega Watch. Rec’d—2/2/2023. Est. Value—$11,000.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Ceremonial Sword, Bischt. Rec’d—2/2/ 2023. Est. Value—$550.00. Disposition—Mission Display. Alcohol, Watch. Rec’d—2/23/2023. Est. Value—$875.00. Disposition –Destroyed. Astrograph. Rec’d—4/4/2023. Est. Value—$18,600.00. Disposition— Pending transfer to GSA. Port, Cufflinks, and Plaque. Rec’d—11/ 2/2023. Est. Value—$875.00. Disposition—Port—Destroyed Cufflinks—Transferred to GSA (Pending) Plaque—Destroyed. Wood Carved Chess Set, Persian Rug, Shadow Box, Books. Rec’d—9/28/ 2023. Est. Value—$2,000.00. Disposition—Mission Display. Montblanc Explorer, Montblanc Meisterstuck Pocket, Montblanc Fine Stationary Notebook, Montblanc Blue Soft Grain Cosmetic Case, Montblanc Starwalker Precious Resin Ballpoint Pen. Rec’d—2/3/2023. Est. Value—$963.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Montblanc Explorer, Montblanc Meisterstuck Pocket, Montblanc Fine Stationary Notebook, Montblanc Blue Soft Grain Cosmetic Case, Montblanc Starwalker Precious Resin Ballpoint Pen. Rec’d—2/4/2023. Est. Value—$963.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Tsikolia Brand Georgian Defense Forces Watch. Rec’d—2/10/2023. Est. Value—$543.00. Disposition— Retaining for Personal Use (Pending Purchase with GSA). Challenge Coin, iPhone 14 Max Pro, Oud Fragrance. Rec’d—3/20/2023. Est. Value—$1,369.00. Disposition— Phone Destroyed, Oud on Mission Display. Box of Four Fragrances from Penhaligon’s ‘‘Portrait Series’’. Rec’d—3/22/2023. Est. Value— $1,240.00. Disposition—Destruction Pending. 6 Tickets to Meydan World Cup Horse Race and 3 Parking Passes. Rec’d— 3/24/2023. Est. Value—$1,536.00. Disposition—Official Use. Rolex Oyster DateJust, 41mm, Oystersteel, Green. Rec’d—4/15/ 2023. Est. Value—$8,100.00. Disposition—Official Use. A Rado Captain Cook Men’s Wristwatch. Rec’d—4/15/2023. Est. Value—$2,000.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Morsel Chocolates—Al Khubeirah. Rec’d—4/17/2023. Est. Value— $776.10. Disposition—Official Use. Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra Watch, Ladies Omega Constellation 31mm, Diamond Necklace, Earring Bracelet, and Ring. Rec’d—5/19/2023. Est. Value—$65,100.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Mont Blanc Meisterstuck Document Case. Rec’d—5/28/2023. Est. Value—$1,265.00. Disposition—Official Use. Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 03JAN1 373 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices AGENCY: CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY—Continued [Report of Tangible Gifts and Gifts of Travel Furnished by the Central Intelligence Agency] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location An Agency Employee ............................ Cohiba Maduro Secretos (Box of 25). Rec’d—5/30/2023. Est. Value— $5,000.00. Disposition—Mission Display. Amouage Perfume Chapter III Escape Collection. Rec’d—5/31/2023. Est. Value—$10,670.00. Disposition—Destruction Pending. Amouage Perfume/Cologne—Crimson Rocks, Opus XIV Royal, Frederique Constant Highlife Automatic Chronometer watch, Bag of Frankincense. Rec’d—6/8/2023. Est. Value— $2,940.00. Disposition—Destruction Pending. Taser H3 PP6 Sports Watch. Rec’d—6/ 11/2023. Est. Value—$499.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Mont Blanc Pen. Rec’d—6/13/2023. Est. Value—$600.00. Disposition— Official Use. Luminox Watch. Rec’d—6/14/2023. Est. Value—$555.00. Disposition— Destroyed. Mont Blanc Black Leather Document Case. Rec’d—6/15/2023. Est. Value—$1,652.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Rolex Air King Model 116900. Rec’d— 6/18/2023. Est. Value—$7,450.00. Disposition—Destruction Pending. Omega Watch. Rec’d—6/18/2023. Est. Value—$3,000.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Al Grew Woman’s Jewelry Set. Rec’d—6/18/2023. Est. Value— $2,000.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Rolex Model 126300 Oyster DateJust, 41mm, Oystersteel, Green. Rec’d— 6/18/2023. Est. Value—$8,050.00. Disposition—Purchase Pending with GSA. Al Grew Woman’s Jewelry Set (Necklace, Bracelet, Ring, Earrings). Rec’d—6/18/2023. Est. Value— $30,000.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Rado Captain Cook Watch. Rec’d—6/ 18/2023. Est. Value—$4,000.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Omega Watch. Rec’d—6/18/2023. Est. Value—$3,000.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Men’s Rolex Watch, Oyster Perpetual—Yacht Master II. Rec’d—6/ 20/2023. Est. Value—$18,700.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Van Cleef and Arpels Vintage Alhambra Necklace. Rec’d—6/20/2023. Est. Value—$8,400.00. Disposition— Pending Transfer to GSA. Rolex, Lady-Datejust, Oyster Oyster steel and Yellow Gold. Rec’d—6/20/ 2023. Est. Value—$12,500.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Two Large and Two Medium Size Chocolate Gifts. Rec’d—7/6/2023. Est. Value—$1,400.00. Disposition— Official Use. Beretta Hand Gun. Rec’d—7/6/2023. Est. Value—$650.00. Disposition— Destroyed. Louis Vuitton Purse (Speedy). Rec’d— 7/6/2023. Est. Value—$1,490.00. Disposition—Pending Purchase Through GSA. An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM 03JAN1 374 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices AGENCY: CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY—Continued [Report of Tangible Gifts and Gifts of Travel Furnished by the Central Intelligence Agency] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location An Agency Employee ............................ Wooden box with Frankincense, Gift Box with Four Amouage Cologne/ Perfumes. Rec’d—7/6/2023. Est. Value—$1,600.00. Disposition—Destruction Pending. Mont Blanc Pen, Dubai Skyline 3D Wall Art. Rec’d—7/25/2023. Est. Value—$673.56. Disposition—Destruction Pending. Persian Carpet. Rec’d—9/9/2023. Est. Value—$1,100.00. Disposition—Purchase Pending Through GSA. Movado Watch. Rec’d—9/26/2023. Est. Value—$1,500.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Women’s Movado Watch. Rec’d—9/26/ 2023. Est. Value—$1,700.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Cohiba Cigars Box (10 Cigars). Rec’d—9/29/2023. Est. Value— $950.00. Disposition—Official Use. Montblanc Writers Edition Homage to Brothers Grimm Limited Edition Rollerball Pen. Rec’d—11/18/2023. Est. Value—$1,000.00. Disposition— Official Use. Formula One Tickets. Rec’d—11/24/ 2023. Est. Value—$1,200.00. Disposition—Official Use. Mont Blanc Leather Belt and Cufflinks. Rec’d—12/3/2023. Est. Value— $490.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Creed Cologne Set. Rec’d—12/5/2023. Est. Value—$810.00. Disposition— Destroyed. Hermes Scarf. Rec’d—12/11/2023. Est. Value—$510.00. Disposition—Retained by Protocol. Hermes Scarf. Rec’d—12/11/2023. Est. Value—$510.00. Disposition—Mission Display. 30 Yr. Tomatin Scotch. Rec’d—12/14/ 2023. Est. Value—$500.00. Disposition—Destroyed. Turntable with Stereo System. Rec’d— 12/14/2023. Est. Value—$699.95. Disposition—Pending Purchase Through GSA. Gift Card. Rec’d—12/14/2023. Est. Value—$654.24. Disposition—Official Use. Gift Basket with Alcohol and Food. Rec’d—12/17/2023. Est. Value— $1,350.00. Disposition—Official Use. 12 Gift Baskets (Italian Dinner Gift Basket). Rec’d—12/26/2023. Est. Value—$1,980.00. Disposition—Official Use. An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ An Agency Employee ............................ Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 AGENCY: OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government. Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government., estimated value, and current disposition or location An Agency Employee ............................ Indian Cashmere Silk Rug. Rec’d—4/ 12/2023. Est. Value—$500.00. Disposition—Official Use. Ballantine’s Blended Scotch Whiskey in Case. Rec’d—12/19/2023. Est. Value—$500.00. Disposition—Official Use. An Agency Employee ............................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM 03JAN1 375 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices AGENCY: OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE—Continued [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government. Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government., estimated value, and current disposition or location An Agency Employee ............................ Ballantine’s Blended Scotch Whiskey in Case. Rec’d—12/29/2023. Est. Value—$500.00. Disposition—Official Use. Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4) ............................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. AGENCY: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Department of the Defense] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government. The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin, Secretary of Defense. The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin, Secretary of Defense. The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin, Secretary of Defense. The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin, Secretary of Defense. The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin, Secretary of Defense. The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin, Secretary of Defense. The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin, Secretary of Defense. General Mark A. Milley, Chairman ........ General Mark A. Milley, Chairman ........ General Mark A. Milley, Chairman ........ General Mark A. Milley, Chairman ........ lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 Mr. Daniel Erikson, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Western Hemisphere. Ms. Heidi Shyu, Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering. Mr. Tyler Nocita, Iraq Country Director for Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Middle East. Lieutenant General Scott Berrier, Director, Defense Intelligence Agency. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government., estimated value, and current disposition or location South Seal Pearl Brooch Pendant, Silvertone Nacre in Presentation box, Scarf by Raffaella, Photo Montage. Rec’d—2/2/2023. Est. Value— $1,390.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to GSA. Knife in Bespoke Elliptical Walnut Presentation Box. Rec’d—2/9/2023. Est. Value—$1,900.00. Disposition— Pending Transfer to GSA. Letter Box and Envelope Opener. Rec’d—3/5/2023. Est. Value— $1,700.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to GSA. ‘‘ROK–U.S.’’ Book, Framed Collage of Wine Photos. Rec’d—3/8/2023. Est. Value—$720.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to GSA. Plate in Presentation Box, Egyptian Statue. Rec’d—4/5/2023. Est. Value—$1,080.00. Disposition— Pending Transfer to GSA. Plate in Bespoke Presentation Box. Rec’d—9/14/2023. Est. Value— $1,700.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to GSA. Pistol in Bespoke Presentation Box. Rec’d—11/16/2023. Est. Value— $2,560.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to GSA. Silver Pitcher in Presentation Box, Plaque. Rec’d—2/28/2023. Est. Value—$610.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to GSA. Moroccan Rug, Twelve Glass Bottles of Assorted Oils in Presentation Box. Rec’d—3/4/2023. Est. Value— $910.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to GSA. 2 Plaques, Skincare Products in Presentation Box. Rec’d—3/14/2023. Est. Value—$1,560.00. Disposition— Plaques Retained for Official Display, Skincare Pending Transfer to GSA. Sandalwood Carving of Garuda Whisnu Kencana, 2 Silk Brocade Batik Textiles. Rec’d—6/21/2023. Est. Value— $675.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to GSA. Jade Face Sculpture in Presentation Box. Rec’d—4/4/2023. Est. Value— $970.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to GSA. Scarf, Writing Set. Rec’d—5/11/2023. Est. Value—$830.00. Disposition— Official Display. Harp Miniature Replica. Rec’d—7/6/ 2023. Est. Value—$690.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to GSA. Fighting Stick. Rec’d—7/12/2023. Est. Value—$675.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to GSA. Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance His Excellency Carlito Galvez Jr., Secretary of Defense of the Republic of the Philippines. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Juansher Burchuladze, Minister of Defense of Georgia. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Jong-Sup Lee, Minister of Defense of the Republic of South Korea. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency General Mohamed Zaki Mohamed, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Egypt. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain. His Excellency Prabowo Subianto, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Lt. General Osama Asker, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Morocco. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Belkhir El Farouk, Inspector General, Chief of Defense of Morocco. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Yudo Margono, Chief of Defense of the Republic Indonesia. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. The Government of Guatemala ............ Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Lt. General Luciano Portolano, Secretary General of Defense and National Armaments Director of the Italian Republic. His Excellency Nazar Al Khirullah, Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to the United States. Retired Air Commodore Tim Walshe, Chief of Defense Intelligence of New Zealand. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 03JAN1 376 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices AGENCY: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE—Continued [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Department of the Defense] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government. Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government., estimated value, and current disposition or location Mr. Ronald Moultrie, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security. Boot, Hat Rec’d—7/16/2023. Est. Value—$770.00. Disposition—Purchase Completed Through GSA. Painting. Rec’d—7/25/2023. Est. Value—$550.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to GSA. Gold Armenian Coin. Rec’d—9/8/2023. Est. Value—$870.00. Disposition— Pending Transfer to GSA. Leather Tote Bag, Aluminum Round Tray. Rec’d—11/4/2023 Est. Value— $630.00. Disposition—Pending Transfer to GSA. Ms. Celeste Wallander, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. Mr. Colin Khal, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. Ms. Melissa Dalton, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense & Hemisphere Affairs. Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance Lt. General Gavan Reynolds, Chief of Defense Intelligence of the Commonwealth of Australia. His Excellency Hanena Ould Sidi, Minister of Defense of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. His Excellency Suren Papikyan, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia. His Excellency Elias Antonio Melgar, Vice Minister of Defense of the Republic of Honduras. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. AGENCY: DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Department of Air Force] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Major General Wendul G. Hagler .......... Tissot Seastar Analog Men’s Watch. Rec’d—Unknown Est. Value— $1,025.00. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. Tissot Men’s Watch. Rec’d—Unknown Est. Value—$875.00. Disposition— Transferred to GSA. Tudor 79030B Men’s Watch. Rec’d— Unknown Est. Value—$2,545.00. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. Tudor 79580 Watch. Rec’d—Unknown Est. Value—$2,325.00. Disposition— Transferred to GSA. Tumi Harrison Sycamore Briefcase. Rec’d—Unknown Est. Value— $750.00. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. Movado 800 Series Watch. Rec’d—Unknown Est. Value—$1,195.00. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. Remarkable 2 Bundle (Tablet, Marker, Case). Rec’d—Unknown Est. Value—$557.00. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. Brigadier General Richard J. Quirk ....... Major General Wendul G. Hagler .......... Major General Wendul G. Hagler .......... Brigadier General Richard J. Quirk ....... General Michael E. Kurilla ..................... Brigadier General Richard J. Quirk ....... Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance Unknown ............................................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Unknown ............................................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Unknown ............................................... Unknown ............................................... Unknown ............................................... Unknown ............................................... Unknown ............................................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. AGENCY: DEPARTMENT OF NAVY [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Department of Navy] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Admiral James Caldwell, Director of Navy Nuclear Propulsion. Brass Cylinder, Former Artillery Shell with Wooden Cap. Rec’d—6/9/2023. Est. Value—$1,600.00. Disposition— Official Use (Display). Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Chief of Defense Staff to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 AGENCY: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Environmental Protection Agency] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Ms. Jane Bare, Chemical Engineer, Office of Research & Development, Environmental Solutions & Emergency Response, Land Remediation & Technology Division, Environmental Decision Analytics Branch. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Reimbursement for Travel Expenses to Copenhagen, Denmark. Est. Value—$1,277.00. Rec’d—5/28/2023–6/3/2023. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government United Nations Environment Programme. Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM Circumstances justifying acceptance Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 03JAN1 377 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices AGENCY: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY—Continued [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Environmental Protection Agency] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Ms. Jane Bare, Chemical Engineer, Office of Research & Development, Environmental Solutions & Emergency Response, Land Remediation & Technology Division, Environmental Decision Analytics Branch. Mr. Richard Wormell, Associate Director, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, Office of Program Support. Ms. Amy Porter, Senior International Advisor, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Reimbursement for Travel Expenses to Copenhagen, Denmark. Est. Value—$1,277.00. Rec’d—5/28/2023–6/3/2023. United Nations Environment Programme. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Reimbursement for Travel Expenses to Geneva, Switzerland. Est. Value—$1,220.00. Rec’d— 11/3/2023–11/11/2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Reimbursement for Travel Expenses to Santiago, Chile. Est. Value—$570.00. Rec’d—11/4/ 2023–11/11/2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Reimbursement for Travel Expenses to Nairobi, Kenya. Est. Value—$1,500.00. Rec’d—11/ 10/2023–11/15/2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Reimbursement for Travel Expenses to Mexico City. Est. Value—$552.00. Rec’d—11/27/ 2023–11/30/2023. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Chilean National Agency for Research and Development (ANID). Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. United Nations Environment Programme. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. InterAmerican Development Bank ........ Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Mr. Timothy Epp, Associate General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, National FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Office. Ms. Amy Porter, Senior International Advisor, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance AGENCY: U.S. GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the U.S. Government Accountability Office] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government The Honorable Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States. Mrs. Joan M. Dodaro, Spouse of the Comptroller General of the United States. Loro Piana Gloves, XL. Rec’d—1/5/ 2023. Est. Value—$675.00. Disposition—On Display for Official Use. Chloe Gloves, XL. Rec’d—1/5/2023. Est. Value—$580.00. Disposition— On Display for Official Use. Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance Dr. Al Anghari, Auditor General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dr. Al Anghari, Auditor General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. AGENCY: FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Federal Communications Commission] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Mr. Jared Carlson, Supervisory Attorney Advisor, Office of International Affairs. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Travel Expenses to Bogota, Colombia. Est. Value— $640.00. Rec’d—9/3/2023–9/9/2023. Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance Comision de Regulacion de Comunicaciones (Communications Regulatory Commission), Republic of Colombia. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 AGENCY: FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Federal Reserve System] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location The Honorable Philip N. Jefferson, Vice Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Sadeli Wooden Box, Filigree Wood Craft Art Replica of Sidi Saiyyed Mosque, Cotton Stole with Soof Embroidery, Ikat Print Briefcase with Notebook, Pencils, Ballpoint pen, and Magnet, USB Flash Drive, Embroidery Wallpiece, A Set of Four Agate Coasters, Semi-Ikat Stole, ‘‘Tree of Life’’ Rogan Art Textile in Wooden Frame. Rec’d—7/17/2023. Est. Value—$602.10. Disposition— Pending Completion of Purchase through GSA. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance Government of India, President of the G20. Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 03JAN1 378 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices AGENCY: DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Department of the Treasury] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location The Honorable Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. Framed Mixed Media Painting of Senegalese Woman. Rec’d—7/18/2023. Est. Value—$501.37. Disposition— Transferred to GSA. Framed Artwork. Rec’d—7/21/2023. Est. Value—$2,000.00. Disposition— Transferred to GSA. Set of Four Commemorative Coins. Rec’d—4/11/2023. Est. Value— $599.00. Disposition—Transferred to GSA. Bottle of Mont Blanc Cologne, Mont Blanc Starwalker Resin Pen, Mont Blanc Sketchbook, Monte Blanc Key Fob, Mont Blanc Leather Card Holder, and a Box of Figs. Rec’d—11/29/ 2023. Est. Value—$1,117.95. Disposition—Pending transfer to GSA. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Rec’d—9/5/2023. Travel and Accommodations for Cyber Conference in Poland. Est. Value—$1,095.00. Rec’d—9/5/2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Travel and Accommodation Rome, Italy for Training Event. Est. Value—$2,166.00. Rec’d—11/5/2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Travel and Accommodation Rome, Italy for Training Event. Est. Value—$2,707.00. Rec’d—11/5/2023. The Honorable Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. The Honorable Adewale Adeyemo, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. Mr. Erick Placencia, Intelligence Analyst, Department of the Treasury. Ms. Jaclyn Cahan, Senior Advisor, Under Secretary Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. Ms. Emily Williams, Enforcement Officer, Office of Foreign Assets Control. Ms. Magdalena Martinez, Investigative Specialist (Global) Global Investigations Division, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance His Excellency Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Vuong Dinh Hue, Chairman of National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. His Excellency Mher Grigoryan, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. The Government of United Arab Emirates. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Mr. Micha5 Pukaluk, Director for Digital Policy Department at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland. Brigadier General Salvatore Russo, Italian Guardia di Finanza of the Italian Republic. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Major General Francesco Mattana, Guardia di Finanza’s Economic and Financial Police of the Italian Republic. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. AGENCY: U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the U.S. Agency for International Development] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Ms. Nidia Melisa Portillo, Foreign Service National. Mr. James Kovar, Foreign Service Officer. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Registration Fee, Transportation, Lodging, and Meals. Est. Value—$3,510.00. Rec’d—2/2/ 2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Air Travel. Est. Value—$5,798.29. Rec’d—2/23–24/ 2023. Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance Agency for International Development Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. International Organization for Migration (IOM). Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. AGENCY: U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES [Report of Gifts of Travel Furnished by the U.S. House of Representatives] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government The Honorable Amata Radewagen, Member of Congress. The Honorable Rosa DeLauro, Member of Congress. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 Ms. Ola Foster, District Scheduler/Manager/Executive Assistant. Mr. David Winfrey, Legislative Director, United States House of Representatives. Mr. Daniel Chulak, Digital Manager/Legislative Aide, United States House of Representatives. Ms. Julia Cook, Assistant Parliamentarian, United States House of Representatives. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 GIFT OF TRAVEL: Transportation and Lodging. Rec’d—5/30/2023–6/1/ 2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Transportation in Spain. Rec’d—11/18/2023–11/22/ 2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Transportation and Lodging while in Samoa. Rec’d—5/ 30/2023–6/1/2. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging and Transportation in Berlin. Rec’d—6/30/ 2023–7/9/2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging and Transportation in Berlin. Rec’d—6/30/ 2023–7/9/2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging and Transportation in Berlin. Rec’d—6/30/ 2023–7/9/2023. Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance Her Excellency Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, Non-acceptance would cause embarPrime Minister of the Independent rassment to donor and U.S. GovernState of Samoa. ment. Mr. Ernesto Gasco, High CommisNon-acceptance would cause embarsioner Against Child Poverty in Spain. rassment. Government of the Independent State of Samoa. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM 03JAN1 379 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices AGENCY: U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Continued [Report of Gifts of Travel Furnished by the U.S. House of Representatives] Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Ms. Jasmine Kemp, Deputy Chief of Staff, United States House of Representatives. Mr. Nadav Konforty, Special Assistant, United States House of Representatives. Ms. Emily Silverberg, Legislative Director, United States House of Representatives. Mr. Christopher Bien, Director of Floor Operations, United States House of Representatives. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging and Transportation in Berlin. Rec’d—6/30/ 2023–7/9/2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging and Transportation in Berlin. Rec’d—6/30/ 2023–7/9/2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging and Transportation in Berlin. Rec’d—6/30/ 2023–7/9/2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging and Transportation in Berlin. Rec’d—7/1/2023– 7/9/2023. Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. AGENCY: U.S. SENATE [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the U.S. Senate] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government The Honorable Dan Sullivan, United States Senator. Two Titanium Tumblers. Rec’d—11/14/ 2022. Est. Value—$352.00. Disposition—Secretary of the Senate. The Honorable Chris Van Hollen, United States Senator. Leather Briefcase. Rec’d—12/12/2022. Est. Value—$102.00. Disposition— Secretary of the Senate. Moroccan Rug, Moroccan Oil Set, Silver Desktop Supply Set. Rec’d—1/ 30/2023. Est. Value—$1,150.00. Disposition—Secretary of the Senate. Moroccan Rug, Moroccan Perfume Set. Rec’d—1/30/2023. Est. Value— $550.00. Disposition—Secretary of the Senate. Moroccan Rug, Desk Supply Set, Moroccan Perfume Set. Rec’d—1/30/ 2023. Est. Value—$700.00. Disposition—Secretary of the Senate. Handcrafted Table. Rec’d—2/23/2023. Est. Value—$152.79. Disposition— Secretary of the Senate. Sillanwali Handcrafted Side Table. Rec’d—2/23/2023. Est. Value— $120.00. Disposition—Secretary of the Senate. Yellow Pattern Rug. Rec’d—2/27/2023. Est. Value—$150.00 Disposition— Secretary of the Senate. The Honorable Mark Kelly, United States Senator. The Honorable James Lankford, United States Senator. The Honorable Dan Sullivan, United States Senator. The Honorable Jack Reed, United States Senator. The Honorable Mark R. Warner, United States Senator. The Honorable Lindsey Graham, United States Senator. The Honorable Christopher A. Coons, United States Senator. Moroccan Rug. Rec’d—2/27/2023. Est. Value—$400.00. Disposition—Secretary of the Senate. The Honorable Martin Heinrich, United States Senator. Moroccan Rug. Rec’d—2/27/2023. Est. Value—$500.00. Disposition—Secretary of the Senate. The Honorable Mark Kelly, United States Senator. Moroccan Rug, Desk Supply Set. Rec’d—3/7/2023. Est. Value— $550.00. Disposition—Secretary of the Senate. Jali Work Box. Rec’d—6/23/2023. Est. Value—$125.00. Disposition—Secretary of the Senate. Camel Bone Box. Rec’d—6/29/2023. Est. Value—$125.00. Disposition— Secretary of the Senate. Tea Set. Rec’d—6/30/2023. Est. Value—$225.00. Disposition—Secretary of the Senate. Pottery Gift Set. Rec’d—7/20/2023. Est. Value—$399.00. Disposition— Secretary of the Senate. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 The Honorable Mitch McConnell, United States Senator. The Honorable Charles E. Schumer, United States Senator. The Honorable John Cornyn, United States Senator. The Honorable Robert Menendez, United States Senator. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance His Excellency Koji Tomita, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the United States. His Excellency Ntsokoane Samuel Matekane, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho. His Excellency Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco. His Excellency Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco. His Excellency Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco. Lt. General Nadeem Anjum, DirectorGeneral of Inter-Services Intelligence of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Lt. General Nadeem Anjum, DirectorGeneral of Inter-Services Intelligence of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco. His Excellency Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco. His Excellency Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco. His Excellency Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco. His Excellency Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the Republic of India. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the Republic of India. His Excellency Hakan Fidan, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Turkiye. Mr. Hans Chiao, Deputy Director, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States. Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. 03JAN1 380 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices AGENCY: U.S. SENATE—Continued [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the U.S. Senate] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government The Honorable Robert Menendez, United States Senator. The Honorable Robert Menendez, United States Senator. The Honorable Robert Menendez, United States Senator. The Honorable Robert Menendez, United States Senator. The Honorable Christopher A. Coons, United States Senator. The Honorable Marco Rubio, United States Senator. Hon. Samantha Roberts, Minority General Counsel, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Hon. Viviana Bovo, Senior Advisor for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Office of Senator Marco Rubio. Hon. Deanna Segall, Legislative Aide, Office of Senator Dianne Feinstein. Hon. Asna Ashfaq, Legislative Aide, Office of Senator Jon Ossoff. Tea Set. Rec’d—7/20/2023. Est. Value—$138.00. Disposition—Secretary of the Senate. Daily Routine Set. Rec’d—7/20/2023. Est. Value—$130.00. Disposition— Secretary of the Senate. Spoon and Chopsticks Set. Rec’d—7/ 20/2023. Est. Value—$110.00. Disposition—Secretary of the Senate. Pottery. Rec’d—7/27/2023. Est. Value—$158.00. Disposition—Secretary of the Senate. Wooden Box of Chocolates. Rec’d— 10/21/2023. Est. Value—$203.00. Disposition—Secretary of the Senate. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Transportation within Ecuador via Government Aircraft. Rec’d—2/23/2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Transportation within Ecuador via Government Aircraft. Rec’d—2/23/2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Transportation within Ecuador via Government Aircraft. Rec’d—2/23/2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Local Transportation within Germany, Lodging, and Meals. Rec’d—7/1/2023–7/9/2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Local Transportation within the Republic of Korea, Lodging, and Meals. Rec’d—6/23/ 2023–8/2/2023. Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance Mr. Sherzon Rikhsiboev, Attache from Non-acceptance would cause embarthe Embassy of the Republic of Uzrassment to donor and U.S. Governbekistan to the United States. ment. Rep. Kim Gi-Hyeon, Leader of the KoNon-acceptance would cause embarrean People Party, Republic of Korea. rassment to donor and U.S. Government. Rep. Kim Gi-Hyeon, Leader of the KoNon-acceptance would cause embarrean People Party, Republic of Korea. rassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Minister Toshimitsu Non-acceptance would cause embarMotegi, Secretary General of the Librassment to donor and U.S. Governeral Democratic Party of Japan. ment. His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed Non-acceptance would cause embarbin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, rassment to donor and U.S. GovernCrown Prince and Prime Minister of ment. the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His Excellency Guillermo Lasso, Presi- Non-acceptance would cause embardent of the Republic of Ecuador. rassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Guillermo Lasso, Presi- Non-acceptance would cause embardent of the Republic of Ecuador. rassment to donor and U.S. Government. His Excellency Guillermo Lasso, Presi- Non-acceptance would cause embardent of the Republic of Ecuador. rassment to donor and U.S. Government. Hon? Merve Dikme, International Rela- Non-acceptance would cause embartions Staff—International Exchange rassment to donor and U.S. GovernProgrammes, Federal Republic of ment. Germany. Committee on Foreign Affairs, Trade, Non-acceptance would cause embarand Unification, The Republic of rassment to donor and U.S. GovernKorea. ment. AGENCY: U.S. COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION (CFTC) [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government The Honorable Caroline D. Pham, Commissioner, Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Complimentary ‘‘Speaker’’ pass to Abu Dhabi Finance Week 2023. Rec’d— 11/29/2023–11/30/2023. Est. Value— $5,000.00. Complimentary ‘‘Delegate’’ pass to Abu Dhabi Finance Week 2023. Rec’d— 11/29/2023–11/30/2023. Est. Value— $500.00. The Honorable Caroline D. Pham, Commissioner, Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) ....... Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) ....... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment to donor and U.S. Government. AGENCY: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES COURTS [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by theAdministrative Office of the United States Courts] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Government, estimated value, and current disposition or location Name and title of person accepting the gift on behalf of the U.S. Government lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 The Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States. The Honorable Elena Kagan, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. The Honorable Stephen G. Breyer ........ (Retired), Associate Justice of the ......... Supreme Court of the United States ..... The Honorable Robert M. Dow, Jr., Counselor to the Chief Justice. VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:09 Jan 02, 2025 GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging (3 Nights). Est. $2,387.00. Rec’d—9/6/2023–9/9/ 2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging (3 Nights). Est. $1,207.00. Rec’d—9/6/2023–9/9/ 2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging (3 Nights). Est. $808.00. Rec’d—9/6/2023–9/9/ 2023. GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging (3 Nights). Est. $1,207.00. Rec’d—9/6/2023–9/9/ 2023. Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 4703 Identity of foreign donor and government Circumstances justifying acceptance Supreme Court of Canada .................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. Supreme Court of Canada .................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. Supreme Court of Canada .................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. Supreme Court of Canada .................... Non-acceptance would cause embarrassment. Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM 03JAN1 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Notices [FR Doc. 2024–31509 Filed 1–2–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4710–20–P SUSQUEHANNA RIVER BASIN COMMISSION Public Hearing Susquehanna River Basin Commission. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: The Susquehanna River Basin Commission will hold a public hearing on January 30, 2025. The Commission will hold this hearing in person and telephonically. At this public hearing, the Commission will hear testimony on the projects listed in the Supplementary Information section of this notice. The Commission will also hear testimony on a proposed general permit, GP–04 relating to Into Basin Diversions of Water and a proposed Dry Cooling Resolution to update the 2015 Dry Cooling Resolution previously adopted by the Commission. Such projects and actions are intended to be scheduled for Commission action at its next business meeting, tentatively scheduled for March 13, 2025, which will be noticed separately. The public should note that this public hearing will be the only opportunity to offer oral comments to the Commission for the listed projects and actions. The deadline for the submission of written comments is February 10, 2025. DATES: The public hearing will convene on January 30, 2025, at 6 p.m. The public hearing will end at 9 p.m. or at the conclusion of public testimony, whichever is earlier. The deadline for submitting written comments is Monday, February 10, 2025. ADDRESSES: This public hearing will be conducted in person and telephonically. You may attend in person at Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 4423 N Front St., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, or join by telephone at Toll-Free Number 1–877–304–9269 and then enter the guest passcode 2619070 followed by #. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jason Oyler, General Counsel and Secretary to the Commission, telephone: (717) 238–0423 or Information concerning the project applications is available at the Commission’s Water Application and Approval Viewer at https:// The Proposed General Permit and the Proposed Dry Cooling Resolution are available on the Commission’s website at https:// lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:01 Jan 02, 2025 Jkt 265001 participation/. Additional supporting documents are available to inspect and copy in accordance with the Commission’s Access to Records Policy at SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In addition to the Proposed General Permit, GP–04 relating to the Into Basin Diversion of Water and the Proposed Dry Cooling Resolution, the public hearing will cover the following projects: Projects Scheduled for Action 1. Project Sponsor and Facility: Beavertown Municipal Authority, Beaver Township, Snyder County, Pa. Applications for renewal of groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.199 mgd from Well 6 and 0.199 mgd from Well 7 (Docket No. 19930901). 2. Project Sponsor and Facility: Bedford Township Municipal Authority, Bedford County, Pa. Applications for renewal of groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.324 mgd from Bowman Well 1 and 0.100 mgd from Bowman Well 2 (Docket No. 19990502). Service area is located in an Environmental Justice area. 3. Project Sponsor: BlueTriton Brands, Inc. Project Facility: Pine Grove Spring, Pine Grove Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. Applications for renewal of groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.288 mgd (30-day average) from Borehole PB–1, consumptive use of up to 0.288 mgd (30-day average), and an out-ofbasin diversion of up to 0.288 mgd (30day average) (Docket No. 20000202). 4. Project Sponsor: Borough of Ephrata. Project Facility: Ephrata Area Joint Authority, Ephrata Borough, Lancaster County, Pa. Application for renewal of groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.260 mgd (30-day average) from Well 2 (Docket No. 19940706). Service area is located in an Environmental Justice area. 5. Project Sponsor and Facility: College Township Water Authority, College Township, Centre County, Pa. Application for groundwater withdrawal of up to 1.405 mgd (30-day average) from Well OH–20. 6. Project Sponsor and Facility: Diversified Production LLC (Wilson Creek), Duncan Township, Tioga County, Pa. Application for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 0.720 mgd (peak day) (Docket No. 20200302). 7. Project Sponsor and Facility: DS Services of America, Inc., West Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Application for renewal of consumptive PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 381 use of up to 0.242 mgd (30-day average) (Docket No. 20000203). Located adjacent to an Environmental Justice area. 8. Project Sponsor and Facility: EQT ARO LLC (Lycoming Creek), Lewis Township, Lycoming County, Pa. Application for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 1.340 mgd (peak day) (Docket No. 20200301). 9. Project Sponsor: First Investors General, Inc. Project Facility: Cool Creek Golf Club, Hellam Township, York County, Pa. Application for renewal with modification for consumptive use of up to 0.190 mgd (30-day average) (Docket No. 20000602). 10. Project Sponsor and Facility: Fredericksburg Sewer and Water Authority, Bethel Township, Lebanon County, Pa. Applications for groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 0.158 mgd from Well 7 and 0.144 mgd from Well 8. 11. Project Sponsor: H&K Group, Inc. Project Facility: Penn/MD Materials Quarry, Fulton Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Applications for consumptive use of up to 0.024 mgd (peak day) and groundwater withdrawals (30-day averages) of up to 1.980 mgd from the Pit Sump, 0.004 mgd from the Primary and Secondary Well, and 0.011 mgd from the Tertiary Well. 12. Project Sponsor: HP Hood LLC. Project Facility: Arkport NY Plant, Hornellsville Town, Steuben County, N.Y. Application for groundwater withdrawal of up to 0.600 mgd (30-day average) from Well 2. 13. Project Sponsor and Facility: Huntsinger Farms, Inc. (Deep Creek 3), Hegins Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 0.504 mgd (peak day). 14. Project Sponsor and Facility: JKLM Energy, LLC (Tioga River), Tioga Township, Tioga County, Pa. Application for surface water withdrawal of up to 3.000 mgd (peak day). 15. Project Sponsor: McStern, L.L.C. Project Facility: Deer Valley Golf Course, South Hanover Township, Dauphin County, Pa. Application for renewal with modification for consumptive use of up to 0.217 mgd (30-day average) (Docket No. 20020618). 16. Project Sponsor and Facility: Meadia Heights Golf Club LLC (Conestoga River), West Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Applications for renewal of surface water withdrawal of up to 0.249 mgd (peak day) and consumptive use of up to 0.249 mgd (30-day average) (Docket E:\FR\FM\03JAN1.SGM 03JAN1


[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 2 (Friday, January 3, 2025)]
[Pages 364-381]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-31509]



[Public Notice: 12626]

Gifts to Federal Employees From Foreign Government Sources 
Reported to Employing Agencies in Calendar Year 2023

    All information reported to the Office of the Chief of Protocol, 
including gift appraisal and donor information, is the responsibility 
of the employing agency, in accordance with applicable law and GSA 
    The Office of the Chief of Protocol, Department of State, submits 
the following comprehensive listing of the statements which, as 
required by law, federal employees filed with their employing agencies 
during calendar year 2023 concerning gifts received from foreign 
government sources. The compilation includes reports of both tangible 
gifts and gifts of travel or travel expenses of more than minimal 
value, as defined in 5 U.S.C. 7432 and GSA regulations. For calendar 
year 2023 (January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023), minimal value 
is $480.00.
    Pursuant to Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 
3.4, the report includes all gifts given on a single occasion when the 
aggregate value of those gifts exceeds minimal value. Also included are 
twenty-three gifts from 2022 and one gift from 2021. These latter gifts 
are being reported in this year's report for calendar year 2023 because 
the Office of the Chief of Protocol, Department of State, did not 
receive the relevant information at the time of reporting to include 
them in earlier reports. Agencies not listed in this report either did 
not receive relevant gifts during the calendar year, did not transmit a 
listing to the Secretary of State of all statements filed during the 
preceding year by the

[[Page 365]]

employees of that agency pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 7432(f)(1), or did not 
respond to the State Department's Office of the Chief of Protocol's 
request for data. The U.S. Senate maintains an internal minimal value 
of $100; therefore, all gifts over the $100 limit are furnished in the 
U.S. Senate report.
    Publication of this listing in the Federal Register is required by 
Section 7342(f) of Title 5, United States Code, as added by Section 
515(a)(1) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1978 
(Pub. L. 95-105, August 17, 1977, 91 Stat. 865).

Alaina B. Teplitz,
Assistant Secretary (M), Performing the Duties of Under Secretary for 
Management, Department of State.

                           Agency: The White House--Executive Office of the President
           [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the White House--Executive Office of the President]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current      donor and  government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Glass Footed Bowl, Book   His Excellency           Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Titled ``The Government   Miche[aacute]l Martin,   cause embarrassment to
                                       of Tongue'', Lapel Pin,   Taoiseach of Ireland.    donor and U.S.
                                       Irish Hug Plaque.                                  Government.
                                       Rec'd--3/17/2022. Est.
                                       d to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Backpack, Playing Card    His Excellency Olaf      Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Set, Montblanc Pen,       Scholz, Chancellor of    cause embarrassment to
                                       Notebook, Various Food    the Federal Republic     donor and U.S.
                                       Items. Rec'd--6/26/       of Germany.              Government.
                                       2022. Est. Value--
                                       $975.00. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to NARA
                                       (Backpack, Cards, Pen,
                                       Notebook). Perishable
                                       items disposed of
                                       pursuant to USSS
                                       policies (Food Items).
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Rug in Velvet Case.       His Excellency Shehbaz   Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Rec'd--10/20/2022. Est.   Sharif, Prime Minister   cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$525.00.           of the Islamic           donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   Republic of Pakistan.    Government.
                                       d to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Eye of Ugat Artwork.      His Excellency Abdel     Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Rec'd--11/10/2022. Est.   Fattah El-Sisi,          cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$570.00.           President of the Arab    donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   Republic of Egypt.       Government.
                                       d to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Painting. Rec'd--11/15/   His Excellency Narendra  Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       2022. Est. Value--        Modi, Prime Minister     cause embarrassment to
                                       $1,000.00. Disposition--  of the Republic of       donor and U.S.
                                       Transferred to NARA.      India.                   Government.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Beaded Necklace. Rec'd--  The Honorable Jane       Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       12/12/2022. Est. Value--  Waetara, Ambassador of   cause embarrassment to
                                       $440.00. Disposition--    the Solomon Islands to   donor and U.S.
                                       Transferred to NARA.      the United States.       Government.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Bronze Statue of          His Excellency Paul      Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Horseman. Rec'd--12/15/   Biya, President of the   cause embarrassment to
                                       2022. Est. Value--        Republic of Cameroon.    donor and U.S.
                                       $595.00. Disposition--                             Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Copper Artwork. Rec'd--   His Excellency Felix     Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       12/15/2022. Est. Value--  Tshisekedi, President    cause embarrassment to
                                       $620.00. Disposition--    of the Democratic        donor and U.S.
                                       Transferred to NARA.      Republic of Congo.       Government.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Cufflinks. Rec'd--12/15/  His Excellency Nana      Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       2022. Est. Value--        Akufo-Addo, President    cause embarrassment to
                                       $2,000.00. Disposition--  of the Republic of       donor and U.S.
                                       Transferred to NARA.      Ghana.                   Government.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Book Titled ``The         His Excellency Kais      Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Splendours of Tunisian    Saied, President of      cause embarrassment to
                                       Mosaics'', Ship Model,    the Republic of          donor and U.S.
                                       Traditional Sweets &      Tunisia.                 Government.
                                       Olive Oil. Rec'd--12/15/
                                       2022. Est. Value--
                                       $2,375.00. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to NARA.
                                       Perishable items
                                       retained for Official
                                       Use and/or disposed of
                                       pursuant to USSS
                                       policies (Sweets, Olive
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Framed Paintings (qty.    The Honorable Pravind    Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       2). Rec'd--12/16/2022.    Jugnauth, Prime          cause embarrassment to
                                       Est. Value--$500.00.      Minister of the          donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   Republic of Mauritius.   Government.
                                       d to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    ``Virgin of Quito'' Wood  His Excellency Juan      Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Statue. Rec'd--12/19/     Carlos Holguin,          cause embarrassment to
                                       2022. Est. Value--        Minister of Foreign      donor and U.S.
                                       $427.00. Disposition--    Affairs and Human        Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.      Mobility of the
                                                                 Republic of Ecuador.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Tiled Painting. Rec'd--   His Excellency Ayman     Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       12/28/2022. Est. Value--  Benabderrahmane, Prime   cause embarrassment to
                                       $1,990.00. Disposition--  Minister of the          donor and U.S.
                                       Transferred to NARA.      People's Democratic      Government.
                                                                 Republic of Algeria.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Vase Set, Socks, Scarf,   His Majesty Sultan Haji  Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Blanket, Book, Scent      Hassanal Bolkiah         cause embarrassment to
                                       Oil Infuser, Succulent    Mu'izzaddin Waddaula     donor and U.S.
                                       Kit, Candle, Candies.     Ibni Al-Marhum, Sultan   Government.
                                       Rec'd--1/3/2023. Est.     and Yang Di-Pertuan of
                                       Value--$829.00.           Brunei Darussalem.
                                       d to NARA. (Vase Set,
                                       Socks, Scarf, Blanket,
                                       Book). Perishable items
                                       disposed of pursuant to
                                       USSS policies (Scent
                                       Oil, Infuser, Succulent
                                       Kit, Candle, Candies).
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Mother of Pearl           His Majesty King         Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Cufflinks. Rec'd--2/2/    Abdullah II ibn Al       cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        Hussein, King of the     donor and U.S.
                                       $780.00. Disposition--    Hashemite Kingdom of     Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.      Jordan.

[[Page 366]]

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Wooden Bench. Rec'd--2/   His Excellency Luiz      Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       10/2023. Est. Value--     Inacio Lula da Silva,    cause embarrassment to
                                       $1,170.00. Disposition--  President of the         donor and U.S.
                                       Transferred to NARA.      Federative Republic of   Government.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Driza-Bone Coat. Rec'd--  The Honorable Anthony    Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       3/13/2023. Est. Value--   Albanese MP, Prime       cause embarrassment to
                                       $499.00. Disposition--    Minister Australia.      donor and U.S.
                                       Transferred to NARA.                               Government.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Sterling Silver Poporo,   His Excellency Gustavo   Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Wool Ruana. Rec'd--4/20/  Petro, President of      cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        the Republic of          donor and U.S.
                                       $867.00. Disposition--    Colombia.                Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Commemorative Photo       His Excellency Suk Yeol  Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Album, Traditional        Yoon, President of the   cause embarrassment to
                                       Jarikki Set. Rec'd--4/    Republic of Korea.       donor and U.S.
                                       26/2023. Est. Value--                              Government.
                                       7,100.00. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Jewelry Box. Rec'd--5/1/  His Excellency           Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       2023. Est. Value--        Ferdinand Romualdez      cause embarrassment to
                                       $480.00. Disposition--    Marcos, Jr., President   donor and U.S.
                                       Transferred to NARA.      of the Republic of       Government.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Vase ``Den''              Hidehiko Yuzaki,         Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Lacquerware, Furoshiki.   Governor of Hiroshima    cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--5/19/2023. Est.    Prefecture.              donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$1,153.00.                                  Government.
                                       Transfer to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Drinking Set. Rec'd--5/   Kazumi Matsui, Mayor of  Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       19/2023. Est. Value--     Hiroshima Prefecture.    cause embarrassment to
                                       $1,070.00. Disposition--                           donor and U.S.
                                       Transferred to NARA.                               Government.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Framed Poster, Aircraft   His Excellency James     Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Fragment, Bilum Bag,      Marape, MP, Prime        cause embarrassment to
                                       ``Birds of Paradise''     Minister of Papua New    donor and U.S.
                                       Artwork, Shirt, Gold      Guinea.                  Government.
                                       Pin, Coffee. Rec'd--5/
                                       22/2023. Est. Value--
                                       $1,254.00. Disposition--
                                       Retained for Official
                                       Use (Poster &
                                       Aircraft), Transferred
                                       to NARA. (Bag, Artwork,
                                       Shirt, Pin). Perishable
                                       items disposed of
                                       pursuant to USSS
                                       policies (Coffee).
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    ``Iro-Miyabi'' Fountain   His Excellency Kishida   Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Pen, Maki-E Glasses,      Fumio, Prime Minister    cause embarrassment to
                                       Furoshiki. Rec'd--5/23/   of Japan.                donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 Government.
                                       $2,414.00. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Carved Sandalwood Box,    His Excellency Narendra  Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Book Titled ``The Ten     Modi, Prime Minister     cause embarrassment to
                                       Principal Upanishads'',   of the Republic of       donor and U.S.
                                       Statue, Oil Lamp.         India.                   Government.
                                       Rec'd--6/22/2023. Est.
                                       d to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    ``Sinews of Peace''       His Majesty King         Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Book, Jar of Honey.       Charles III of the       cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--7/10/2023. Est.    United Kingdom of        donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$1,405.00.         Great Britain and        Government.
                                       Disposition:              Northern Ireland.
                                       Transferred NARA.
                                       (Book) Perishable items
                                       disposed of pursuant to
                                       USSS policies (Honey).
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Glass Thomas Lyte Bowl.   The Right Honorable      Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Rec'd--7/10/2023. Est.    Rishi Sunak MP, Prime    cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$900.00.           Minister of the United   donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   Kingdom of Great         Government.
                                       d to NARA.                Britain and Northern
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Book, Order of Vyautas    His Excellency Gitanas   Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       the Great, and            Nauseda, President of    cause embarrassment to
                                       Photographs. Rec'd--7/    the Republic of          donor and U.S.
                                       12/2023. Est. Value--     Lithuania.               Government.
                                       $1,275.00. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Whooper Swan Sculpture.   His Excellency Sauli     Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Rec'd--7/13/2023. Est.    Niinist[ouml] and Dr.    cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$520.00.           Jenni Haukio,            donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   President and First      Government.
                                       d to NARA.                Lady of the Republic
                                                                 of Finland.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Sterling Silver           His Excellency Isaac     Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Inscribed Tray by         Herzog, President of     cause embarrassment to
                                       Hazorfim. Rec'd--7/18/    the State of Israel.     donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 Government.
                                       $3,160.00. Disposition--
                                       Pending Transfer to
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Lacquer Box by Yamada     His Excellency Kishida   Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Heiando. Rec'd--8/17/     Fumio, Prime Minister    cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        of Japan.                donor and U.S.
                                       $770.00. Disposition--                             Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Statue of Mongolian       His Excellency Oyun-     Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Warriors. Rec'd--8/2/     Erdene Luvsannamsrai,    cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        Prime Minister of the    donor and U.S.
                                       $3,495.00. Disposition--  People's Republic of     Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.      Mongolia.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Wooden Box, Chocolates,   His Excellency Rodrigo   Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Cufflinks. Rec'd--8/29/   Chaves Robles,           cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        President of the         donor and U.S.
                                       $515.00. Disposition--    Republic of Costa Rica.  Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA
                                       (Box, Cufflinks).
                                       Perishable items
                                       disposed of pursuant to
                                       USSS policies

[[Page 367]]

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Gemstones Portrait.       His Excellency Nguyen    Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Rec'd--9/10/2023. Est.    Phu Trong, General       cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$2,100.00.         Secretary of the         donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   Communist Party of the   Government.
                                       d to NARA.                Socialist Republic of
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Collage Titled ``Qirim.   His Excellency           Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Return''. Rec'd--9/20/    Volodymyr Zelenskyy,     cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        President of Ukraine.    donor and U.S.
                                       $2,400.00. Disposition--                           Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Mixed Media Artwork,      Her Excellency Fiame     Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Commemorative Tala,       Naomi Mata'afa, Prime    cause embarrassment to
                                       Siapo. Rec'd--9/24/       Minister of the          donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--        Independent State of     Government.
                                       $570.00. Disposition--    Samoa.
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Silver Bowl. Rec'd--11/   His Majesty Sultan Haji  Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       15/2023. Est. Value--     Hassanal Bolkiah         cause embarrassment to
                                       3,300.00. Disposition--   Mu'izzaddin Waddaula     donor and U.S.
                                       Transferred to NARA.      Ibni Al-Marhum, Sultan   Government.
                                                                 and Yang Di-Pertuan of
                                                                 Brunei Darussalem.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Bone China Tea Set,       His Excellency Xi        Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Bronze Statue Titled      Jinping, President of    cause embarrassment to
                                       ``Fine Horse''. Rec'd--   the People's Republic    donor and U.S.
                                       11/15/2023. Est. Value--  of China.                Government.
                                       $1,080.00. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    ``Earth Vessel'' Vase,    The Right Honorable      Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Ice Cream Scoop. Rec'd--  Justin Trudeau, P.C.,    cause embarrassment to
                                       11/17/2023. Est. Value--  M.P., Prime Minister     donor and U.S.
                                       $600.00. Disposition--    of Canada.               Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Oil Painting Titled       His Excellency Joko      Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       ``Suasana Desa''.         Widodo, President of     cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--12/13/2023. Est.   the Republic of          donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$635.00.           Indonesia.               Government.
                                       d to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Ceramic plate, Wine       His Excellency           Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States and    Bottles (Qty. 2),         Andr[eacute]s Manuel     cause embarrassment to
 Dr. Jill Biden, First Lady of the     Fruit. Rec'd--1/8/2023.   L[oacute]pez Obrador,    donor and U.S.
 United States.                        Est. Value--$550.00.      President of the         Government.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   United Mexican States.
                                       d to NARA (Plate).
                                       Perishable items
                                       disposed of pursuant to
                                       USSS policies (Wine,
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Footed Bowl, Irish Flag,  His Excellency Leo       Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States, Dr.   Jersey, Pin. Rec'd--3/    Varadkhar, Taoiseach     cause embarrassment to
 Jill Biden, First Lady of the         17/2023. Est. Value--     of Ireland.              donor and U.S.
 United States of America.             $1,302.00. Disposition--                           Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Moon Jar, Gujeolpan.      His Excellency Suk Yeol  Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States, Dr.   Rec'd--4/26/2023. Est.    Yoon, President of the   cause embarrassment to
 Jill Biden, First Lady of the         Value--$1,760.00.         Republic of Korea.       donor and U.S.
 United States of America.             Disposition--Transferre                            Government.
                                       d to NARA (Jar).
                                       Perishable items
                                       disposed of pursuant to
                                       USSS policies
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.,    Wine, Handkerchiefs       His Excellency Miguel    Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States, Dr.   (Qty. 2). Rec'd--8/25/    Filipe Machado De        cause embarrassment to
 Jill Biden, First Lady of the         2023. Est. Value--        Albuquerque, President   donor and U.S.
 United States of America.             $686.00. Disposition--    of the Autonomous        Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA       Region of Madeira.
                                       (Jar and
                                       Perishable items
                                       disposed of pursuant to
                                       USSS policies (Wine).
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Bronze Statue of          Mrs. Chantal Biya,       Non-acceptance would
                                       Horseman. Rec'd--12/15/   First Lady of the        cause embarrassment to
                                       2022. Est. Value--        Republic of Cameroon.    donor and U.S.
                                       $595.00. Disposition--                             Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Pair of Bangles. Rec'd--  His Excellency Mohamed   Non-acceptance would
                                       12/16/2022. Est. Value--  Younis A. Menfi,         cause embarrassment to
                                       $3,400.00. Disposition--  Chairman of the          donor and U.S.
                                       Transferred to NARA.      Presidential Council     Government.
                                                                 of the State of Libya.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Scarf, Book Titled        Mrs. Ichraf Chebil Ep    Non-acceptance would
                                       ``Carthage--Fact and      Saied, First Lady of     cause embarrassment to
                                       Myth'', Sculpture,        the Republic of          donor and U.S.
                                       Traditional Sweets.       Tunisia.                 Government.
                                       Rec'd--12/16/2022. Est.
                                       d to NARA (Scarf, Book,
                                       Sculpture). Perishable
                                       items disposed of
                                       pursuant to USSS
                                       policies (Traditional
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Eye of Horus Necklace,    Mrs. Entissar El-Sisi,   Non-acceptance would
                                       Egyptian Wood Inlaid      First Lady of the Arab   cause embarrassment to
                                       Shell Purse. Rec'd--1/    Republic of Egypt.       donor and U.S.
                                       22/2023. Est. Value--                              Government.
                                       $2,000.00. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to NARA.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Wooden Bowl with Tiered   Her Majesty Queen Rania  Non-acceptance would
                                       Artwork. Rec'd--2/2/      Al Abdullah, Queen of    cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        the Hashemite Kingdom    donor and U.S.
                                       $750.00. Disposition--    of Jordan.               Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Steel Fragment Forget-Me- Her Excellency Oksana    Non-acceptance would
                                       Not Flower Brooch.        Markarova, Ambassador    cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--2/7/2023. Est.     of Ukraine to the        donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$14,063.00.        United States.           Government.
                                       for Official Use in the
                                       East Wing.

[[Page 368]]

Dr. Jill Biden......................  Book Titled ``Epic Land   Her Excellency Monica    Non-acceptance would
                                       Namibia Exposed'',        Geingos, First Lady of   cause embarrassment to
                                       Silver Earrings, Silver   the Republic of          donor and U.S.
                                       Bracelet. Rec'd--2/23/    Namibia.                 Government.
                                       2023. Est. Value--
                                       $519.00. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to NARA.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Swarovski Necklace,       Her Excellency Petra     Non-acceptance would
                                       Earrings, Ring. Rec'd--   Schneebauer,             cause embarrassment to
                                       4/19/2023. Est. Value--   Ambassador of Austria    donor and U.S.
                                       $1,370.00. Disposition--  to the United States.    Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Brown Lip Shell Jewelry   Mrs. Louise Araneta-     Non-acceptance would
                                       Box. Rec'd--5/1/2023.     Marcos, First Lady of    cause embarrassment to
                                       Est. Value--$480.00.      the Republic of the      donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   Philippines.             Government.
                                       d to NARA.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Binoculars, Bowl and      Mrs. Kishida Yuko,       Non-acceptance would
                                       Spoon Set, Champagne      Spouse of the Prime      cause embarrassment to
                                       Flute. Rec'd--5/23/       Minister of Japan.       donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 Government.
                                       $542.00. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to NARA.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Incense Burner, Candy     Their Royal Highnesses   Non-acceptance would
                                       Jar. Rec'd--5/30/2023.    Prince Hussein bin       cause embarrassment to
                                       Est. Value--$1,160.00.    Abdallah II & Princess   donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   Rajwa Al Hussein,        Government.
                                       d to NARA.                Crown Prince of the
                                                                 Hashemite Kingdom of
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Chairs, Brooch,           His Excellency Abdel     Non-acceptance would
                                       Photograph Album,         Fattah and Mrs.          cause embarrassment to
                                       Bracelet. Rec'd--6/2/     Entissar El-Sisi,        donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--        President and First      Government.
                                       $4,510.00. Disposition--  Lady of the Arab
                                       Transferred to NARA       Republic of Egypt.
                                       (Chairs, Photograph
                                       Album, Bracelet),
                                       Retained for Personal
                                       Use (Brooch).
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Calligraphy Titled ``The  Mrs. Kishida Yuko,       Non-acceptance would
                                       Ship in the Sky'', by     Spouse of the Prime      cause embarrassment to
                                       Ms. Sugako Hamazaki.      Minister of Japan.       donor and U.S.
                                       Rec'd--6/13/2023. Est.                             Government.
                                       for Official Use in the
                                       East Wing.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  7.5 Carat Lab Diamond.    His Excellency Narendra  Non-acceptance would
                                       Rec'd--6/22/2023. Est.    Modi, Prime Minister     cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$20,000.00.        of the Republic of       donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Retained     India.                   Government.
                                       for Official Use in the
                                       East Wing.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Canisters (Qty. 3).       Their Majesties King     Non-acceptance would
                                       Rec'd--9/13/2023. Est.    Abdullah II ibn Al       cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$980.00.           Hussein and Queen        donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   Rania Al Abdullah of     Government.
                                       d to NARA.                the Hashemite Kingdom
                                                                 of Jordan.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Table Runner, Brooch.     Mrs. Emine               Non-acceptance would
                                       Rec'd--9/13/2023. Est.    Erdo[gbreve]an, First    cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$490.00.           Lady of the Republic     donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Pending      of Turkiye.              Government.
                                       Transfer to NARA.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Delvaux Pouch. Rec'd--9/  Mrs. Annik Penders,      Non-acceptance would
                                       20/2023. Est. Value--     Spouse of the Prime      cause embarrassment to
                                       $1,050.00. Disposition--  Minister of the          donor and U.S.
                                       Transferred to NARA.      Kingdom of Belgium.      Government.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Joanna Louca Scarf.       Mrs. Philippa Karsera    Non-acceptance would
                                       Rec'd--9/20/2023. Est.    Christodoulides, First   cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$750.00.           Lady of the Republic     donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   of Cyprus.               Government.
                                       d to NARA.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Zeus+Dione Blouse.        Mrs. Mareva Grabowski    Non-acceptance would
                                       Rec'd--9/20/2023. Est.    Mitsotakis, Spouse of    cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$570.00.           the Prime Minister of    donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   the Hellenic Republic.   Government.
                                       d to NARA.
Dr. Jill Biden......................  Keyth Beauty Products,    Mrs. Kim Keon Hee,       Non-acceptance would
                                       Blanket. Rec'd--11/17/    First Lady of the        cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        Republic of Korea.       donor and U.S.
                                       $554.00. Disposition--                             Government.
                                       Perishable items
                                       disposed of pursuant to
                                       USSS policies (Beauty
                                       Products, Blanket).
Dr. Jill Biden......................  ``Blooming Roses''        His Excellency Xi        Non-acceptance would
                                       Porcelain Plate. Rec'd--  Jinping, President of    cause embarrassment to
                                       11/15/2023. Est. Value--  the People's Republic    donor and U.S.
                                       $485.00. Disposition--    of China.                Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Jacob Sullivan,         Metal Statue of           The Honorable Monica     Non-acceptance would
 Assistant to the President for        Wildebeest. Rec'd--12/    Juma, National           cause embarrassment to
 National Security Affairs.            12/2022. Est. Value--     Security Advisor for     donor and U.S.
                                       2,100.00. Disposition--   the Republic of Kenya.   Government.
                                       Pending transfer to
The Honorable Jacob Sullivan,         Silver Jaguar Statue.     His Excellency Ajit      Non-acceptance would
 Assistant to the President for        Rec'd--1/31/2023. Est.    Doval, National          cause embarrassment to
 National Security Affairs.            Value--$485.00.           Security Advisor of      donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Pending      the Republic of India.   Government.
                                       transfer to GSA.
The Honorable Jacob Sullivan,         Wooden Elephant           His Excellency Ajit      Non-acceptance would
 Assistant to the President for        Sculpture. Rec'd--7/1/    Doval, National          cause embarrassment to
 National Security Affairs.            2023. Est. Value--        Security Advisor of      donor and U.S.
                                       $638.00. Disposition--    the Republic of India.   Government.
                                       Pending transfer to
The Honorable Jacob Sullivan,         Grand Cross of Commander  His Excellency Gitanas   Non-acceptance would
 Assistant to the President for        of the Order for Merits   Nauseda, President of    cause embarrassment to
 National Security Affairs.            to Lithuania. Rec'd--7/   the Republic of          donor and U.S.
                                       12/2023. Est. Value--     Lithuania.               Government.
                                       $975.00. Disposition--
                                       Pending transfer to

[[Page 369]]

The Honorable Jacob Sullivan,         William & Son Clock.      His Royal Highness       Non-acceptance would
 Assistant to the President for        Rec'd--11/14/2023. Est.   Salman Bin Hamad Al      cause embarrassment to
 National Security Affairs.            Value--$1,600.00.         Khalifa, Crown Prince    donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Pending      and Prime Minister of    Government.
                                       transfer to GSA.          the Kingdom of Bahrain.
The Honorable Elizabeth Sherwood-     Tea Set. Rec'd--3/22/     His Excellency Javlon    Non-acceptance would
 Randall, Assistant to the President   2023. Est. Value--        Vakhabov, Ambassador     cause embarrassment to
 and Homeland Security Advisor.        $900.00. Disposition--    of the Republic of       donor and U.S.
                                       Pending transfer to       Uzbekistan to the        Government.
                                       GSA.                      United States and
The Honorable Elizabeth Sherwood-     Silver Elephant           Mr. Rajinder Khanna,     Non-acceptance would
 Randall, Assistant to the President   Sculpture. Rec'd--9/23/   Deputy National          cause embarrassment to
 and Homeland Security Advisor.        2022. Est. Value--        Security Advisor &       donor and U.S.
                                       $3,980.00. Disposition--  Secretary of the         Government.
                                       Pending transfer to       Republic of India.
The Honorable Jonathan Finer,         Framed Gold-Tone Disc.    Mr. Kamchybek Tashiev,   Non-acceptance would
 Assistant to the President and        Rec'd--3/30/2023. Est.    Chairman of the State    cause embarrassment to
 Principal Deputy National Security    Value--$590.00.           Committee for National   donor and U.S.
 Advisor.                              Disposition--Pending      Security of the Kyrgyz   Government.
                                       transfer to GSA.          Republic.
The Honorable Kurt Campbell, Deputy   Wall Hanging. Rec'd--8/1/ His Excellency Narendra  Non-acceptance would
 Assistant to the President and        2023. Est. Value--        Modi, Prime Minister     cause embarrassment to
 Coordinator for Indo-Pacific          $850.00. Disposition--    of the Republic of       donor and U.S.
 Affairs.                              Pending transfer to       India.                   Government.
The Honorable Brett McGuirk, Deputy   William & Son Clock.      His Royal Highness       Non-acceptance would
 Assistant to the President and        Rec'd--11/14/2023. Est.   Salman Bin Hamad Al      cause embarrassment to
 Coordinator for Middle East and       Value--$1,600.00.         Khalifa, Crown Prince    donor and U.S.
 North Africa.                         Disposition--Pending      and Prime Minister of    Government.
                                       transfer to GSA.          the Kingdom of Bahrain.
The Honorable Anne Neuberger, Deputy  Silver Candlestick,       Mr. Rajinder Khanna,     Non-acceptance would
 Assistant to the President and        Silver Picture Frame.     Deputy National          cause embarrassment to
 Deputy National Security Advisor      Rec'd--7/1/2022. Est.     Security Advisor &       donor and U.S.
 for Cyber & Emerging Technology.      Value--$515.00.           Secretary of the         Government.
                                       Disposition--Pending      Republic of India.
                                       transfer to GSA.
The Honorable Eileen Laubacher,       Traditional Rug. Rec'd--  His Excellency Masood    Non-acceptance would
 Special Assistant to the President    2/9/2023. Est. Value--    Khan, Ambassador of      cause embarrassment to
 and Senior Director for South Asia.   $600.00. Disposition--    the Islamic Republic     donor and U.S.
                                       Pending transfer to       of Pakistan to the       Government.
                                       GSA.                      United States.
The Honorable Nicholas Berliner,      Uzbek Hat, Cookbook, 2    His Excellency Javlon    Non-acceptance would
 Special Assistant to the President    Silk Fabrics, Coin and    Vakhabov, Ambassador     cause embarrassment to
 and Director for Russia.              Pin Set, Plate. Rec'd--   of the Republic of       donor and U.S.
                                       4/5/2023. Est. Value--    Uzbekistan to the        Government.
                                       $837.00. Disposition--    United States and
                                       Pending transfer to       Canada.
The Honorable Adam Farrar, Special    Wristwatches (Qty. 2) by  The Government of the    Non-acceptance would
 Advisor for East Asia and Oceania.    Kono Corporation.         Republic of Korea.       cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--6/27/2022. Est.                             donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$740.00.                                    Government.
                                       transfer to GSA.
Ms. Naomi Biden.....................  Embroidery Screen. Rec'd  His Excellency Xi        Non-acceptance would
                                       -11/14/2022. Est.         Jinping, President of    cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$510.00.           the People's Republic    donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Pending      of China.                Government.
                                       transfer to GSA.
Ms. Naomi Biden.....................  Jewelry Holder, Napkin    Her Excellency Monica    Non-acceptance would
                                       Rings, Magnet, Linen      Geingos, First Lady of   cause embarrassment to
                                       Napkins and Placemats,    the Republic of          donor and U.S.
                                       Wooden Utensils,          Namibia.                 Government.
                                       Backpack, Book, Table
                                       Runner, Tote Bag.
                                       Rec'd--2/23/2023. Est.
                                       for Personal Use
                                       (Rings, Linens, Wooden
                                       Utensils, Book, Tote
                                       Bag), Transferred to
                                       NARA (Jewelry Holder,
                                       Magnet, Backpack, Book,
                                       Table Runner).
Ms. Ashley Biden....................  Silver Necklace, Silver   His Excellency Abdel     Non-acceptance would
                                       Bracelet. Rec'd--5/30/    Fattah and Mrs.          cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        Entissar El-Sisi,        donor and U.S.
                                       $1,395.00. Disposition--  President & First Lady   Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.      of the Arab Republic
                                                                 of Egypt.

                               AGENCY: The Executive Office of the Vice President
               [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Executive Office of the Vice President]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice  Kente Cloth, Necklace,    His Excellency Dr.       Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Bracelet. Rec'd--3/28/    Mahamudu Bawumia, Vice   cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        President of the         donor and U.S.
                                       $600.00. Disposition--    Republic of Ghana.       Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice  Dress from The Lotte.     Mrs. Rebecca Naa         Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Rec'd--3/28/2023. Est.    Okaikor Akufo-Addo,      cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$580.00.           First Lady of The        donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   Republic of Ghana.       Government.
                                       d to NARA.
The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice  Kente Dress, Jacket,      His Excellency Nana      Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Bracelet. Rec'd--3/28/    Akufo-Addo, President    cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        of the Republic of       donor and U.S.
                                       $536.00. Disposition--    Ghana.                   Government.
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice  Two Kente Cloth Shawls,   The Chiefs and People    Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Flip Flops, Necklace,     of Cape Coast,           cause embarrassment to
                                       Earrings. Rec'd--3/28/    Republic of Ghana.       donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 Government.
                                       $795.00. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to NARA.

[[Page 370]]

The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice  Jewelry with Tanzanian    Her Excellency Samia     Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Gemstones, Ujamaa Wood    Suluhu Hassan,           cause embarrassment to
                                       Carving. Rec'd--3/30/     President of the         donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--        United Republic of       Government.
                                       $2,550.00. Disposition--  Tanzania.
                                       (Jewelry)Transferred to
                                       NARA. (Ujamaa Wood
                                       Carving) Retain for
                                       Official Display.
The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice  Photo Album of Vice       His Excellency Hakainde  Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       President Kamala          Hichilema, President     cause embarrassment to
                                       Harris's Visit to         of the Republic of       donor and U.S.
                                       Zambia, Gold Brooch in    Zambia.                  Government.
                                       the Shape of Africa
                                       with Tanzanite and
                                       Zambian Emerald, Wooden
                                       Carved Sculpture of
                                       Person, Playing an
                                       Instrument, Two Cloths,
                                       Painting of an
                                       Elephant. Rec'd--3/31/
                                       2023. Est. Value--
                                       $4,025.00. Disposition--
                                       (Photo Album) Pending
                                       Transfer to NARA. (Gold
                                       Brooch, Wooden Carved
                                       Sculpture, and
                                       Painting) Transferred
                                       to NARA.
The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice  Tiger Pen Shell with      His Excellency           Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Caraboa Horn Handle.      Ferdinand R. Marcos,     cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--5/1/2023. Est.     Jr., President of the    donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$645.00.           Republic of the          Government.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   Philippines.
                                       d to NARA.
The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice  A Painting by Kartika     Dr. Kao Kim Hourn,       Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Affandi ``Flowers'', A    Secretary-General of     cause embarrassment to
                                       Stola Scarf, A            Association of           donor and U.S.
                                       Conference Kit. Rec'd--   Southeast Asian          Government.
                                       9/8/2023. Est. Value--    Nations (ASEAN).
                                       $830.00. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to NARA.
The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice  Silver Metal Bowl with    The Government of        Non-acceptance would
 President of the United States.       Lid in Presentation       Brunei Darussalam.       cause embarrassment to
                                       Case. Rec'd--11/16/                                donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 Government.
                                       $780.00. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to NARA.

                                           AGENCY: Department of State
                         [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Department of State]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
The Honorable Antony J. Blinken,      Three Photographs from    His Excellency           Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of State.                   the Centropa Project &    Alexander Schallenberg   cause embarrassment to
                                       Book: Best of             Minister of Foreign      donor and U.S.
                                       Austropop. Rec'd--2/7/    Affairs of the           Government.
                                       2023. Est. Value--        Republic of Austria.
                                       $600.00. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to GSA.
The Honorable Antony J. Blinken,      Framed Acrylic Artwork    His Highness Sheikh      Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of State.                   in Wooden Case. Rec'd--   Abdullah bin Zayed Al    cause embarrassment to
                                       2/14/2023. Est. Value--   Nahyan Minister of       donor and U.S.
                                       $1,000.00. Disposition--  Foreign Affairs of the   Government.
                                       Retained for Official     United Arab Emirates.
The Honorable Antony J. Blinken,      Chess Set with Natural    His Excellency Shavkat   Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of State.                   Marble Board and Silver-  Mirziyoyev President     cause embarrassment to
                                       plated Chess Pieces.      of the Republic of       donor and U.S.
                                       Rec'd--2/28/2023. Est.    Uzbekistan.              Government.
                                       Transfer to GSA.
The Honorable Antony J. Blinken,      Acrylic Landscape         His Excellency Dr.       Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of State.                   Portrait on Canvas.       Abdul Latif bin Rashid   cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--7/20/2023. Est.    Al Zayani Minister of    donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$4,000.00.         Foreign Affairs of the   Government.
                                       Disposition--Transferre   Kingdom of Bahrain.
                                       d to GSA.
The Honorable Linda Thomas-           Red Leather Suitcase,     His Highness Sheikh      Non-acceptance would
 Greenfield, United States             Official FIFA Handover    Tamim bin Hamad Al       cause embarrassment to
 Representative to the United          Soccer Ball, Brass        Thani Amir of the        donor and U.S.
 Nations.                              Stand, Commemorative      State of Qatar.          Government.
                                       FIFA Medal/Coins, 21k
                                       Cuff Bracelet, FIFA
                                       Stadiums Engraved
                                       Cubes, Kashmiri
                                       Embroidered Scarf,
                                       Silver Burqa Mask,
                                       Perfume, Midkhan
                                       Incense Burner, and
                                       Agarwood. Rec'd--5/25/
                                       2023. Est. Value--
                                       $1,070.00. Disposition--
                                       Pending Purchase
                                       through GSA.
The Honorable John Kerry, Special     Painting. Rec'd--11/1/    His Excellency Joko      Non-acceptance would
 Presidential Envoy for Climate.       2023. Est. Value--        Widodo, President of     cause embarrassment to
                                       $511.60. Disposition--    the Republic of          donor and U.S.
                                       Transferred to GSA.       Indonesia.               Government.

[[Page 371]]

The Honorable Leslie M. Tsou, United  1 Wooden Box of Amouage   His Excellency MG        Non-acceptance would
 States Ambassador to Oman.            Fragrances, 1 Bottle of   Nassir Saleh Al-         cause embarrassment to
                                       Amouage Perfume           Mawali, Secretary        donor and U.S.
                                       (women), 2 Bottles of     General of Liaison and   Government.
                                       Amouage Perfume (men),    Coordination,
                                       1 Silver Jewelry Set, 1   Sultanate of Oman.
                                       Silver Letter Opener,
                                       Key Ring, and
                                       Cufflinks. Rec'd--2/26/
                                       2023. Est. Value--
                                       $2,748.22. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to GSA.
The Honorable Leslie M. Tsou, United  1 Kilo of Hojary          General Sultan bin       Non-acceptance would
 States Ambassador to Oman.            Frankincense, 1 Silver    Mohammed Al-Naamani,     cause embarrassment to
                                       Mabkhar, Engraved Box.    Minister of the Royal    donor and U.S.
                                       Rec'd--2/27/2023. Est.    Office, Sultanate of     Government.
                                       Value--$676.00.           Oman.
                                       d to GSA.
The Honorable Leslie M. Tsou, United  Decorative Box with       His Excellency Mohamed   Non-acceptance would
 States Ambassador to Oman.            Frankincense and          Said Khalfan Al Mamari   cause embarrassment to
                                       Khanjar. Rec'd--3/9/      Minister of Endowment    donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--        and Religious Affairs,   Government.
                                       $544.00. Disposition--    Sultanate of Oman.
                                       Transferred to GSA.
The Honorable Leslie M. Tsou, United  2 Bottles of Amouage of   His Excellency Mohammed  Non-acceptance would
 States Ambassador to Oman.            Perfume. Rec'd--3/12/     Al Zaabi, Secretary      cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        General of Ministry of   donor and U.S.
                                       $720.00. Disposition--    Defense, Sultanate of    Government.
                                       Transferred to GSA.       Oman.
The Honorable Leslie M. Tsou, United  Silver and Gold Vase,     His Excellency Sayyid    Non-acceptance would
 States Ambassador to Oman.            Daggar Form Letter        Badr bin Hamad bin       cause embarrassment to
                                       Opener. Rec'd--3/19/      Hamood Albusaidi,        donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--        Foreign Minister of      Government.
                                       $3,124.88. Disposition--  the Sultanate of Oman.
                                       Transferred to GSA.
The Honorable Leslie M. Tsou, United  Silver Mabkhar and        His Excellency Sayyid    Non-acceptance would
 States Ambassador to Oman.            Silver Bangle. Rec'd--3/  Asaad Bin Tarik Bin      cause embarrassment to
                                       19/2023. Est. Value--     Taimur Al-Said, Deputy   donor and U.S.
                                       $702.00. Disposition--    Prime Minister and       Government.
                                       Transferred to GSA.       Personal
                                                                 Representative of the
                                                                 Sultan of the
                                                                 Sultanate of Oman.
The Honorable Jonathan Henick,        Cultural Legacy of        Mr. Dilshod Rasulov,     Non-acceptance would
 United States Ambassador to           Uzbekistan in the World   Cultural Heritage        cause embarrassment to
 Uzbekistan.                           Collection--50-Volume     Agency of Uzbekistan.    donor and U.S.
                                       Set of Blue Leather                                Government.
                                       Bound Books Oty: 3.
                                       Rec'd--5/19/2023. Est.
                                       for Official Use.
Mr. Junaid Munir, United States       Ebony Wood Box, Amouage   Major General Idris Al   Non-acceptance would
 Deputy Chief of Mission to the        Four Perfume Set,         Kindi, National          cause embarrassment to
 Sultanate of Oman.                    Amouage Enclave,          Security Council,        donor and U.S.
                                       Amouage Crimson Rocks,    Sultanate of Oman.       Government.
                                       Amouage Ashore, and
                                       Amouage Meander. Rec'd--
                                       7/6/2023. Est. Value--
                                       $700.00. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to GSA.

                                          Agency: Department of Justice
              [Report of Tangible Gifts and Gifts of Travel Furnished by the Department of Justice]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
Ms. Julie Younts Assistant Chief      GIFT OF TRAVEL: Travel    European Union through   Non-acceptance would
 Inspector, Asset Forfeiture           to European Union         the Camden Asset         cause embarrassment.
 Division for the Criminal Division.   through the Camden        Recovery Inter-Agency
                                       Asset Recovery Inter-     Network (CARIN).
                                       agency Network (CARIN)
                                       in Brussels, Belgium.
                                       Est. $3,855.00. Rec'd--
Hon. Bruce C. Swartz, Deputy          GIFT OF TRAVEL: Two       Government of Japan G7   Non-acceptance would
 Assistant Attorney General and DOJ    Nights of Lodging. Est.   Interior Ministerial.    cause embarrassment.
 Counselor for International Affairs.  $816.55. Rec'd--7/6/
Hon. Bruce C. Swartz, Deputy          GIFT OF TRAVEL: Two       Government of Japan G7   Non-acceptance would
 Assistant Attorney General and DOJ    Nights of Lodging. Est.   Interior Ministerial.    cause embarrassment.
 Counselor for International Affairs.  $521.64. Rec'd--12/8/

                                       Agency: Central Intelligence Agency
           [Report of Tangible Gifts and Gifts of Travel Furnished by the Central Intelligence Agency]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
The Honorable William Burns,          Rug. Rec'd--1/26/2023.    5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
 Director of the Central               Est. Value--$500.00.                               cause embarrassment to
 Intelligence Agency.                  Disposition--Transferre                            donor and U.S.
                                       d to GSA.                                          Government.

[[Page 372]]

The Honorable William Burns,          Omega Watch. Rec'd--2/2/  5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
 Director of the Central               2023. Est. Value--                                 cause embarrassment to
 Intelligence Agency.                  $11,000.00.                                        donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Destroyed.                            Government.
The Honorable William Burns,          Ceremonial Sword,         5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
 Director of the Central               Bischt. Rec'd--2/2/                                cause embarrassment to
 Intelligence Agency.                  2023. Est. Value--                                 donor and U.S.
                                       $550.00. Disposition--                             Government.
                                       Mission Display.
The Honorable William Burns,          Alcohol, Watch. Rec'd--2/ 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
 Director of the Central               23/2023. Est. Value--                              cause embarrassment to
 Intelligence Agency.                  $875.00. Disposition -                             donor and U.S.
                                       Destroyed.                                         Government.
The Honorable William Burns,          Astrograph. Rec'd--4/4/   5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
 Director of the Central               2023. Est. Value--                                 cause embarrassment to
 Intelligence Agency.                  $18,600.00.                                        donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Pending                               Government.
                                       transfer to GSA.
The Honorable William Burns,          Port, Cufflinks, and      5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
 Director of the Central               Plaque. Rec'd--11/2/                               cause embarrassment to
 Intelligence Agency.                  2023. Est. Value--                                 donor and U.S.
                                       $875.00. Disposition--                             Government.
                                       to GSA (Pending)
An Agency Employee..................  Wood Carved Chess Set,    5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Persian Rug, Shadow                                cause embarrassment to
                                       Box, Books. Rec'd--9/28/                           donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 Government.
                                       $2,000.00. Disposition--
                                       Mission Display.
An Agency Employee..................  Montblanc Explorer,       5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Montblanc Meisterstuck                             cause embarrassment to
                                       Pocket, Montblanc Fine                             donor and U.S.
                                       Stationary Notebook,                               Government.
                                       Montblanc Blue Soft
                                       Grain Cosmetic Case,
                                       Montblanc Starwalker
                                       Precious Resin
                                       Ballpoint Pen. Rec'd--2/
                                       3/2023. Est. Value--
                                       $963.00. Disposition--
An Agency Employee..................  Montblanc Explorer,       5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Montblanc Meisterstuck                             cause embarrassment to
                                       Pocket, Montblanc Fine                             donor and U.S.
                                       Stationary Notebook,                               Government.
                                       Montblanc Blue Soft
                                       Grain Cosmetic Case,
                                       Montblanc Starwalker
                                       Precious Resin
                                       Ballpoint Pen. Rec'd--2/
                                       4/2023. Est. Value--
                                       $963.00. Disposition--
An Agency Employee..................  Tsikolia Brand Georgian   5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Defense Forces Watch.                              cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--2/10/2023. Est.                             donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$543.00.                                    Government.
                                       for Personal Use
                                       (Pending Purchase with
An Agency Employee..................  Challenge Coin, iPhone    5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       14 Max Pro, Oud                                    cause embarrassment to
                                       Fragrance. Rec'd--3/20/                            donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 Government.
                                       $1,369.00. Disposition--
                                       Phone Destroyed, Oud on
                                       Mission Display.
An Agency Employee..................  Box of Four Fragrances    5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       from Penhaligon's                                  cause embarrassment to
                                       ``Portrait Series''.                               donor and U.S.
                                       Rec'd--3/22/2023. Est.                             Government.
                                       n Pending.
An Agency Employee..................  6 Tickets to Meydan       5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       World Cup Horse Race                               cause embarrassment to
                                       and 3 Parking Passes.                              donor and U.S.
                                       Rec'd--3/24/2023. Est.                             Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Rolex Oyster DateJust,    5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       41mm, Oystersteel,                                 cause embarrassment to
                                       Green. Rec'd--4/15/                                donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 Government.
                                       $8,100.00. Disposition--
                                       Official Use.
An Agency Employee..................  A Rado Captain Cook       5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Men's Wristwatch.                                  cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--4/15/2023. Est.                             donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$2,000.00.                                  Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Morsel Chocolates--Al     5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Khubeirah. Rec'd--4/17/                            cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 donor and U.S.
                                       $776.10. Disposition--                             Government.
                                       Official Use.
An Agency Employee..................  Omega Seamaster Aqua      5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Terra Watch, Ladies                                cause embarrassment to
                                       Omega Constellation                                donor and U.S.
                                       31mm, Diamond Necklace,                            Government.
                                       Earring Bracelet, and
                                       Ring. Rec'd--5/19/2023.
                                       Est. Value--$65,100.00.
An Agency Employee..................  Mont Blanc Meisterstuck   5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Document Case. Rec'd--5/                           cause embarrassment to
                                       28/2023. Est. Value--                              donor and U.S.
                                       $1,265.00. Disposition--                           Government.
                                       Official Use.

[[Page 373]]

An Agency Employee..................  Cohiba Maduro Secretos    5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       (Box of 25). Rec'd--5/                             cause embarrassment to
                                       30/2023. Est. Value--                              donor and U.S.
                                       $5,000.00. Disposition--                           Government.
                                       Mission Display.
An Agency Employee..................  Amouage Perfume Chapter   5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       III Escape Collection.                             cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--5/31/2023. Est.                             donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$10,670.00.                                 Government.
                                       n Pending.
An Agency Employee..................  Amouage Perfume/Cologne-- 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Crimson Rocks, Opus XIV                            cause embarrassment to
                                       Royal, Frederique                                  donor and U.S.
                                       Constant Highlife                                  Government.
                                       Automatic Chronometer
                                       watch, Bag of
                                       Frankincense. Rec'd--6/
                                       8/2023. Est. Value--
                                       $2,940.00. Disposition--
                                       Destruction Pending.
An Agency Employee..................  Taser H3 PP6 Sports       5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Watch. Rec'd--6/11/                                cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 donor and U.S.
                                       $499.00. Disposition--                             Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Mont Blanc Pen. Rec'd--6/ 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       13/2023. Est. Value--                              cause embarrassment to
                                       $600.00. Disposition--                             donor and U.S.
                                       Official Use.                                      Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Luminox Watch. Rec'd--6/  5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       14/2023. Est. Value--                              cause embarrassment to
                                       $555.00. Disposition--                             donor and U.S.
                                       Destroyed.                                         Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Mont Blanc Black Leather  5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Document Case. Rec'd--6/                           cause embarrassment to
                                       15/2023. Est. Value--                              donor and U.S.
                                       $1,652.00. Disposition--                           Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Rolex Air King Model      5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       116900. Rec'd--6/18/                               cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 donor and U.S.
                                       $7,450.00. Disposition--                           Government.
                                       Destruction Pending.
An Agency Employee..................  Omega Watch. Rec'd--6/18/ 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 cause embarrassment to
                                       $3,000.00. Disposition--                           donor and U.S.
                                       Destroyed.                                         Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Al Grew Woman's Jewelry   5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Set. Rec'd--6/18/2023.                             cause embarrassment to
                                       Est. Value--$2,000.00.                             donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Destroyed.                            Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Rolex Model 126300        5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Oyster DateJust, 41mm,                             cause embarrassment to
                                       Oystersteel, Green.                                donor and U.S.
                                       Rec'd--6/18/2023. Est.                             Government.
                                       Pending with GSA.
An Agency Employee..................  Al Grew Woman's Jewelry   5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Set (Necklace,                                     cause embarrassment to
                                       Bracelet, Ring,                                    donor and U.S.
                                       Earrings). Rec'd--6/18/                            Government.
                                       2023. Est. Value--
An Agency Employee..................  Rado Captain Cook Watch.  5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Rec'd--6/18/2023. Est.                             cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$4,000.00.                                  donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Destroyed.                            Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Omega Watch. Rec'd--6/18/ 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 cause embarrassment to
                                       $3,000.00. Disposition--                           donor and U.S.
                                       Destroyed.                                         Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Men's Rolex Watch,        5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Oyster Perpetual--Yacht                            cause embarrassment to
                                       Master II. Rec'd--6/20/                            donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Van Cleef and Arpels      5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Vintage Alhambra                                   cause embarrassment to
                                       Necklace. Rec'd--6/20/                             donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 Government.
                                       $8,400.00. Disposition--
                                       Pending Transfer to
An Agency Employee..................  Rolex, Lady-Datejust,     5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Oyster Oyster steel and                            cause embarrassment to
                                       Yellow Gold. Rec'd--6/                             donor and U.S.
                                       20/2023. Est. Value--                              Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Two Large and Two Medium  5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Size Chocolate Gifts.                              cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--7/6/2023. Est.                              donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$1,400.00.                                  Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Beretta Hand Gun. Rec'd-- 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       7/6/2023. Est. Value--                             cause embarrassment to
                                       $650.00. Disposition--                             donor and U.S.
                                       Destroyed.                                         Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Louis Vuitton Purse       5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       (Speedy). Rec'd--7/6/                              cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 donor and U.S.
                                       $1,490.00. Disposition--                           Government.
                                       Pending Purchase
                                       Through GSA.

[[Page 374]]

An Agency Employee..................  Wooden box with           5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Frankincense, Gift Box                             cause embarrassment to
                                       with Four Amouage                                  donor and U.S.
                                       Cologne/Perfumes.                                  Government.
                                       Rec'd--7/6/2023. Est.
                                       n Pending.
An Agency Employee..................  Mont Blanc Pen, Dubai     5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Skyline 3D Wall Art.                               cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--7/25/2023. Est.                             donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$673.56.                                    Government.
                                       n Pending.
An Agency Employee..................  Persian Carpet. Rec'd--9/ 5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       9/2023. Est. Value--                               cause embarrassment to
                                       $1,100.00. Disposition--                           donor and U.S.
                                       Purchase Pending                                   Government.
                                       Through GSA.
An Agency Employee..................  Movado Watch. Rec'd--9/   5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       26/2023. Est. Value--                              cause embarrassment to
                                       $1,500.00. Disposition--                           donor and U.S.
                                       Destroyed.                                         Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Women's Movado Watch.     5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Rec'd--9/26/2023. Est.                             cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$1,700.00.                                  donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Destroyed.                            Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Cohiba Cigars Box (10     5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Cigars). Rec'd--9/29/                              cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 donor and U.S.
                                       $950.00. Disposition--                             Government.
                                       Official Use.
An Agency Employee..................  Montblanc Writers         5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Edition Homage to                                  cause embarrassment to
                                       Brothers Grimm Limited                             donor and U.S.
                                       Edition Rollerball Pen.                            Government.
                                       Rec'd--11/18/2023. Est.
An Agency Employee..................  Formula One Tickets.      5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Rec'd--11/24/2023. Est.                            cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$1,200.00.                                  donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Official                              Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Mont Blanc Leather Belt   5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       and Cufflinks. Rec'd--                             cause embarrassment to
                                       12/3/2023. Est. Value--                            donor and U.S.
                                       $490.00. Disposition--                             Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Creed Cologne Set.        5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Rec'd--12/5/2023. Est.                             cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$810.00.                                    donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Destroyed.                            Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Hermes Scarf. Rec'd--12/  5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       11/2023. Est. Value--                              cause embarrassment to
                                       $510.00. Disposition--                             donor and U.S.
                                       Retained by Protocol.                              Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Hermes Scarf. Rec'd--12/  5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       11/2023. Est. Value--                              cause embarrassment to
                                       $510.00. Disposition--                             donor and U.S.
                                       Mission Display.                                   Government.
An Agency Employee..................  30 Yr. Tomatin Scotch.    5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Rec'd--12/14/2023. Est.                            cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$500.00.                                    donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Destroyed.                            Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Turntable with Stereo     5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       System. Rec'd--12/14/                              cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 donor and U.S.
                                       $699.95. Disposition--                             Government.
                                       Pending Purchase
                                       Through GSA.
An Agency Employee..................  Gift Card. Rec'd--12/14/  5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 cause embarrassment to
                                       $654.24. Disposition--                             donor and U.S.
                                       Official Use.                                      Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Gift Basket with Alcohol  5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       and Food. Rec'd--12/17/                            cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 donor and U.S.
                                       $1,350.00. Disposition--                           Government.
                                       Official Use.
An Agency Employee..................  12 Gift Baskets (Italian  5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Dinner Gift Basket).                               cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--12/26/2023. Est.                            donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$1,980.00.                                  Government.

                             Agency: Office of the Director of National Intelligence
           [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.      Government., estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government.                 value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
An Agency Employee..................  Indian Cashmere Silk      5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Rug. Rec'd--4/12/2023.                             cause embarrassment to
                                       Est. Value--$500.00.                               donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Official                              Government.
An Agency Employee..................  Ballantine's Blended      5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Scotch Whiskey in Case.                            cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--12/19/2023. Est.                            donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$500.00.                                    Government.

[[Page 375]]

An Agency Employee..................  Ballantine's Blended      5 U.S.C. 7342(f)(4)....  Non-acceptance would
                                       Scotch Whiskey in Case.                            cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--12/29/2023. Est.                            donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$500.00.                                    Government.

                                          Agency: Department of Defense
                      [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Department of the Defense]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.      Government., estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government.                 value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin,        South Seal Pearl Brooch   His Excellency Carlito   Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of Defense.                 Pendant, Silvertone       Galvez Jr., Secretary    cause embarrassment to
                                       Nacre in Presentation     of Defense of the        donor and U.S.
                                       box, Scarf by             Republic of the          Government.
                                       Raffaella, Photo          Philippines.
                                       Montage. Rec'd--2/2/
                                       2023. Est. Value--
                                       $1,390.00. Disposition--
                                       Pending Transfer to
The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin,        Knife in Bespoke          His Excellency Juansher  Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of Defense.                 Elliptical Walnut         Burchuladze, Minister    cause embarrassment to
                                       Presentation Box.         of Defense of Georgia.   donor and U.S.
                                       Rec'd--2/9/2023. Est.                              Government.
                                       Transfer to GSA.
The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin,        Letter Box and Envelope   His Majesty King         Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of Defense.                 Opener. Rec'd--3/5/       Abdullah II ibn Al       cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        Hussein, King of the     donor and U.S.
                                       $1,700.00. Disposition--  Hashemite Kingdom of     Government.
                                       Pending Transfer to       Jordan.
The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin,        ``ROK-U.S.'' Book,        His Excellency Jong-Sup  Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of Defense.                 Framed Collage of Wine    Lee, Minister of         cause embarrassment to
                                       Photos. Rec'd--3/8/       Defense of the           donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--        Republic of South        Government.
                                       $720.00. Disposition--    Korea.
                                       Pending Transfer to
The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin,        Plate in Presentation     His Excellency General   Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of Defense.                 Box, Egyptian Statue.     Mohamed Zaki Mohamed,    cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--4/5/2023. Est.     Minister of Defense of   donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$1,080.00.         the Republic of Egypt.   Government.
                                       Transfer to GSA.
The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin,        Plate in Bespoke          His Royal Highness       Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of Defense.                 Presentation Box.         Prince Salman bin        cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--9/14/2023. Est.    Hamad Al Khalifa,        donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$1,700.00.         Crown Prince and Prime   Government.
                                       Disposition--Pending      Minister of the
                                       Transfer to GSA.          Kingdom of Bahrain.
The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin,        Pistol in Bespoke         His Excellency Prabowo   Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of Defense.                 Presentation Box.         Subianto, Minister of    cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--11/16/2023. Est.   Defense of the           donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$2,560.00.         Republic of Indonesia.   Government.
                                       Transfer to GSA.
General Mark A. Milley, Chairman....  Silver Pitcher in         Lt. General Osama        Non-acceptance would
                                       Presentation Box,         Asker, Chief of Staff    cause embarrassment to
                                       Plaque. Rec'd--2/28/      of the Armed Forces of   donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--        the Arab Republic of     Government.
                                       $610.00. Disposition--    Egypt.
                                       Pending Transfer to
General Mark A. Milley, Chairman....  Moroccan Rug, Twelve      His Excellency Nasser    Non-acceptance would
                                       Glass Bottles of          Bourita, Minister of     cause embarrassment to
                                       Assorted Oils in          Foreign Affairs of       donor and U.S.
                                       Presentation Box.         Morocco.                 Government.
                                       Rec'd--3/4/2023. Est.
                                       Transfer to GSA.
General Mark A. Milley, Chairman....  2 Plaques, Skincare       Belkhir El Farouk,       Non-acceptance would
                                       Products in               Inspector General,       cause embarrassment to
                                       Presentation Box.         Chief of Defense of      donor and U.S.
                                       Rec'd--3/14/2023. Est.    Morocco.                 Government.
                                       Retained for Official
                                       Display, Skincare
                                       Pending Transfer to
General Mark A. Milley, Chairman....  Sandalwood Carving of     Yudo Margono, Chief of   Non-acceptance would
                                       Garuda Whisnu Kencana,    Defense of the           cause embarrassment to
                                       2 Silk Brocade Batik      Republic Indonesia.      donor and U.S.
                                       Textiles. Rec'd--6/21/                             Government.
                                       2023. Est. Value--
                                       $675.00. Disposition--
                                       Pending Transfer to
Mr. Daniel Erikson, Deputy Assistant  Jade Face Sculpture in    The Government of        Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of Defense for the          Presentation Box.         Guatemala.               cause embarrassment to
 Western Hemisphere.                   Rec'd--4/4/2023. Est.                              donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$970.00.                                    Government.
                                       Transfer to GSA.
Ms. Heidi Shyu, Under Secretary of    Scarf, Writing Set.       Lt. General Luciano      Non-acceptance would
 Defense for Research & Engineering.   Rec'd--5/11/2023. Est.    Portolano, Secretary     cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$830.00.           General of Defense and   donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Official     National Armaments       Government.
                                       Display.                  Director of the
                                                                 Italian Republic.
Mr. Tyler Nocita, Iraq Country        Harp Miniature Replica.   His Excellency Nazar Al  Non-acceptance would
 Director for Deputy Assistant         Rec'd--7/6/2023. Est.     Khirullah, Ambassador    cause embarrassment to
 Secretary of Defense Middle East.     Value--$690.00.           of the Republic of       donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Pending      Iraq to the United       Government.
                                       Transfer to GSA.          States.
Lieutenant General Scott Berrier,     Fighting Stick. Rec'd--7/ Retired Air Commodore    Non-acceptance would
 Director, Defense Intelligence        12/2023. Est. Value--     Tim Walshe, Chief of     cause embarrassment to
 Agency.                               $675.00. Disposition--    Defense Intelligence     donor and U.S.
                                       Pending Transfer to       of New Zealand.          Government.

[[Page 376]]

Mr. Ronald Moultrie, Under Secretary  Boot, Hat Rec'd--7/16/    Lt. General Gavan        Non-acceptance would
 of Defense for Intelligence and       2023. Est. Value--        Reynolds, Chief of       cause embarrassment to
 Security.                             $770.00. Disposition--    Defense Intelligence     donor and U.S.
                                       Purchase Completed        of the Commonwealth of   Government.
                                       Through GSA.              Australia.
Ms. Celeste Wallander, Assistant      Painting. Rec'd--7/25/    His Excellency Hanena    Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of Defense for              2023. Est. Value--        Ould Sidi, Minister of   cause embarrassment to
 International Security Affairs.       $550.00. Disposition--    Defense of the Islamic   donor and U.S.
                                       Pending Transfer to       Republic of Mauritania.  Government.
Mr. Colin Khal, Under Secretary of    Gold Armenian Coin.       His Excellency Suren     Non-acceptance would
 Defense for Policy.                   Rec'd--9/8/2023. Est.     Papikyan, Minister of    cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$870.00.           Defense of the           donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Pending      Republic of Armenia.     Government.
                                       Transfer to GSA.
Ms. Melissa Dalton, Assistant         Leather Tote Bag,         His Excellency Elias     Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of Defense for Homeland     Aluminum Round Tray.      Antonio Melgar, Vice     cause embarrassment to
 Defense & Hemisphere Affairs.         Rec'd--11/4/2023 Est.     Minister of Defense of   donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$630.00.           the Republic of          Government.
                                       Disposition--Pending      Honduras.
                                       Transfer to GSA.

                                       Agency: Department of the Air Force
                       [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Department of Air Force]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
Major General Wendul G. Hagler......  Tissot Seastar Analog     Unknown................  Non-acceptance would
                                       Men's Watch. Rec'd--                               cause embarrassment to
                                       Unknown Est. Value--                               donor and U.S.
                                       $1,025.00. Disposition--                           Government.
                                       Transferred to GSA.
Brigadier General Richard J. Quirk..  Tissot Men's Watch.       Unknown................  Non-acceptance would
                                       Rec'd--Unknown Est.                                cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$875.00.                                    donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre                            Government.
                                       d to GSA.
Major General Wendul G. Hagler......  Tudor 79030B Men's        Unknown................  Non-acceptance would
                                       Watch. Rec'd--Unknown                              cause embarrassment to
                                       Est. Value--$2,545.00.                             donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre                            Government.
                                       d to GSA.
Major General Wendul G. Hagler......  Tudor 79580 Watch.        Unknown................  Non-acceptance would
                                       Rec'd--Unknown Est.                                cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$2,325.00.                                  donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre                            Government.
                                       d to GSA.
Brigadier General Richard J. Quirk..  Tumi Harrison Sycamore    Unknown................  Non-acceptance would
                                       Briefcase. Rec'd--                                 cause embarrassment to
                                       Unknown Est. Value--                               donor and U.S.
                                       $750.00. Disposition--                             Government.
                                       Transferred to GSA.
General Michael E. Kurilla..........  Movado 800 Series Watch.  Unknown................  Non-acceptance would
                                       Rec'd--Unknown Est.                                cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$1,195.00.                                  donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Transferre                            Government.
                                       d to GSA.
Brigadier General Richard J. Quirk..  Remarkable 2 Bundle       Unknown................  Non-acceptance would
                                       (Tablet, Marker, Case).                            cause embarrassment to
                                       Rec'd--Unknown Est.                                donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$557.00.                                    Government.
                                       d to GSA.

                                           Agency: Department of Navy
                         [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Department of Navy]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
Admiral James Caldwell, Director of   Brass Cylinder, Former    Admiral Sir Tony         Non-acceptance would
 Navy Nuclear Propulsion.              Artillery Shell with      Radakin, Chief of        cause embarrassment to
                                       Wooden Cap. Rec'd--6/9/   Defense Staff to the     donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--        United Kingdom of        Government.
                                       $1,600.00. Disposition--  Great Britain and
                                       Official Use (Display).   Northern Ireland?

                                     Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
                   [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Environmental Protection Agency]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
Ms. Jane Bare, Chemical Engineer,     GIFT OF TRAVEL:           United Nations           Non-acceptance would
 Office of Research & Development,     Reimbursement for         Environment Programme.   cause embarrassment to
 Environmental Solutions & Emergency   Travel Expenses to                                 donor and U.S.
 Response, Land Remediation &          Copenhagen, Denmark.                               Government.
 Technology Division, Environmental    Est. Value--$1,277.00.
 Decision Analytics Branch.            Rec'd--5/28/2023-6/3/

[[Page 377]]

Ms. Jane Bare, Chemical Engineer,     GIFT OF TRAVEL:           United Nations           Non-acceptance would
 Office of Research & Development,     Reimbursement for         Environment Programme.   cause embarrassment to
 Environmental Solutions & Emergency   Travel Expenses to                                 donor and U.S.
 Response, Land Remediation &          Copenhagen, Denmark.                               Government.
 Technology Division, Environmental    Est. Value--$1,277.00.
 Decision Analytics Branch.            Rec'd--5/28/2023-6/3/
Mr. Richard Wormell, Associate        GIFT OF TRAVEL:           United Nations Food and  Non-acceptance would
 Director, Office of Chemical Safety   Reimbursement for         Agriculture              cause embarrassment to
 and Pollution Prevention, Office of   Travel Expenses to        Organization.            donor and U.S.
 Program Support.                      Geneva, Switzerland.                               Government.
                                       Est. Value--$1,220.00.
Ms. Amy Porter, Senior International  GIFT OF TRAVEL:           Chilean National Agency  Non-acceptance would
 Advisor, Office of Enforcement and    Reimbursement for         for Research and         cause embarrassment to
 Compliance Assurance.                 Travel Expenses to        Development (ANID).      donor and U.S.
                                       Santiago, Chile. Est.                              Government.
                                       Value--$570.00. Rec'd--
Mr. Timothy Epp, Associate General    GIFT OF TRAVEL:           United Nations           Non-acceptance would
 Counsel, Office of General Counsel,   Reimbursement for         Environment Programme.   cause embarrassment to
 National FOIA (Freedom of             Travel Expenses to                                 donor and U.S.
 Information Act) Office.              Nairobi, Kenya. Est.                               Government.
Ms. Amy Porter, Senior International  GIFT OF TRAVEL:           InterAmerican            Non-acceptance would
 Advisor, Office of Enforcement and    Reimbursement for         Development Bank.        cause embarrassment to
 Compliance Assurance.                 Travel Expenses to                                 donor and U.S.
                                       Mexico City. Est.                                  Government.
                                       Value--$552.00. Rec'd--

                                  Agency: U.S. Government Accountability Office
                [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the U.S. Government Accountability Office]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
The Honorable Gene Dodaro,            Loro Piana Gloves, XL.    Dr. Al Anghari, Auditor  Non-acceptance would
 Comptroller General of the United     Rec'd--1/5/2023. Est.     General of the Kingdom   cause embarrassment to
 States.                               Value--$675.00.           of Saudi Arabia.         donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--On Display                            Government.
                                       for Official Use.
Mrs. Joan M. Dodaro, Spouse of the    Chloe Gloves, XL. Rec'd-- Dr. Al Anghari, Auditor  Non-acceptance would
 Comptroller General of the United     1/5/2023. Est. Value--    General of the Kingdom   cause embarrassment to
 States.                               $580.00. Disposition--    of Saudi Arabia.         donor and U.S.
                                       On Display for Official                            Government.

                                    Agency: Federal Communications Commission
                  [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Federal Communications Commission]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
Mr. Jared Carlson, Supervisory        GIFT OF TRAVEL: Travel    Comision de Regulacion   Non-acceptance would
 Attorney Advisor, Office of           Expenses to Bogota,       de Comunicaciones        cause embarrassment to
 International Affairs.                Colombia. Est. Value--    (Communications          donor and U.S.
                                       $640.00. Rec'd--9/3/      Regulatory               Government.
                                       2023-9/9/2023.            Commission), Republic
                                                                 of Colombia.

                                         Agency: Federal Reserve System
                       [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Federal Reserve System]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
The Honorable Philip N. Jefferson,    Sadeli Wooden Box,        Government of India,     Non-acceptance would
 Vice Chair of the Board of            Filigree Wood Craft Art   President of the G20.    cause embarrassment to
 Governors of the Federal Reserve      Replica of Sidi Saiyyed                            donor and U.S.
 System.                               Mosque, Cotton Stole                               Government.
                                       with Soof Embroidery,
                                       Ikat Print Briefcase
                                       with Notebook, Pencils,
                                       Ballpoint pen, and
                                       Magnet, USB Flash
                                       Drive, Embroidery
                                       Wallpiece, A Set of
                                       Four Agate Coasters,
                                       Semi-Ikat Stole, ``Tree
                                       of Life'' Rogan Art
                                       Textile in Wooden
                                       Frame. Rec'd--7/17/
                                       2023. Est. Value--
                                       $602.10. Disposition--
                                       Pending Completion of
                                       Purchase through GSA.

[[Page 378]]

                                       Agency: Department of the Treasury
                     [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the Department of the Treasury]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
The Honorable Janet Yellen,           Framed Mixed Media        His Excellency Macky     Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of the Treasury of the      Painting of Senegalese    Sall, President of the   cause embarrassment to
 United States.                        Woman. Rec'd--7/18/       Republic of Senegal.     donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--                                 Government.
                                       $501.37. Disposition--
                                       Transferred to GSA.
The Honorable Janet Yellen,           Framed Artwork. Rec'd--7/ His Excellency Vuong     Non-acceptance would
 Secretary of the Treasury of the      21/2023. Est. Value--     Dinh Hue, Chairman of    cause embarrassment to
 United States.                        $2,000.00. Disposition--  National Assembly of     donor and U.S.
                                       Transferred to GSA.       the Socialist Republic   Government.
                                                                 of Vietnam.
The Honorable Adewale Adeyemo,        Set of Four               His Excellency Mher      Non-acceptance would
 Deputy Secretary of the Treasury of   Commemorative Coins.      Grigoryan, Deputy        cause embarrassment to
 the United States.                    Rec'd--4/11/2023. Est.    Prime Minister of the    donor and U.S.
                                       Value--$599.00.           Republic of Armenia.     Government.
                                       d to GSA.
Mr. Erick Placencia, Intelligence     Bottle of Mont Blanc      The Government of        Non-acceptance would
 Analyst, Department of the Treasury.  Cologne, Mont Blanc       United Arab Emirates.    cause embarrassment to
                                       Starwalker Resin Pen,                              donor and U.S.
                                       Mont Blanc Sketchbook,                             Government.
                                       Monte Blanc Key Fob,
                                       Mont Blanc Leather Card
                                       Holder, and a Box of
                                       Figs. Rec'd--11/29/
                                       2023. Est. Value--
                                       $1,117.95. Disposition--
                                       Pending transfer to
Ms. Jaclyn Cahan, Senior Advisor,     GIFT OF TRAVEL: Rec'd--9/ Mr. Micha[lstrok]        Non-acceptance would
 Under Secretary Terrorism and         5/2023. Travel and        Pukaluk, Director for    cause embarrassment to
 Financial Intelligence.               Accommodations for        Digital Policy           donor and U.S.
                                       Cyber Conference in       Department at the        Government.
                                       Poland. Est. Value--      Chancellery of the
                                       $1,095.00. Rec'd--9/5/    Prime Minister of the
                                       2023.                     Republic of Poland.
Ms. Emily Williams, Enforcement       GIFT OF TRAVEL: Travel    Brigadier General        Non-acceptance would
 Officer, Office of Foreign Assets     and Accommodation Rome,   Salvatore Russo,         cause embarrassment.
 Control.                              Italy for Training        Italian Guardia di
                                       Event. Est. Value--       Finanza of the Italian
                                       $2,166.00. Rec'd--11/5/   Republic.
Ms. Magdalena Martinez,               GIFT OF TRAVEL: Travel    Major General Francesco  Non-acceptance would
 Investigative Specialist (Global)     and Accommodation Rome,   Mattana, Guardia di      cause embarrassment.
 Global Investigations Division,       Italy for Training        Finanza's Economic and
 Financial Crimes Enforcement          Event. Est. Value--       Financial Police of
 Network.                              $2,707.00. Rec'd--11/5/   the Italian Republic.

                                Agency: U.S. Agency for International Development
              [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the U.S. Agency for International Development]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
Ms. Nidia Melisa Portillo, Foreign    GIFT OF TRAVEL:           Agency for               Non-acceptance would
 Service National.                     Registration Fee,         International            cause embarrassment to
                                       Transportation,           Development              donor and U.S.
                                       Lodging, and Meals.       Cooperation in the       Government.
                                       Est. Value--$3,510.00.    Ministry of Foreign
                                       Rec'd--2/2/2023.          Affairs of the State
                                                                 of Israel.
Mr. James Kovar, Foreign Service      GIFT OF TRAVEL: Air       International            Non-acceptance would
 Officer.                              Travel. Est. Value--      Organization for         cause embarrassment to
                                       $5,798.29. Rec'd--2/23-   Migration (IOM).         donor and U.S.
                                       24/2023.                                           Government.

                                      Agency: U.S. House of Representatives
                   [Report of Gifts of Travel Furnished by the U.S. House of Representatives]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
The Honorable Amata Radewagen,        GIFT OF TRAVEL:           Her Excellency Fiame     Non-acceptance would
 Member of Congress.                   Transportation and        Naomi Mata'afa, Prime    cause embarrassment to
                                       Lodging. Rec'd--5/30/     Minister of the          donor and U.S.
                                       2023-6/1/2023.            Independent State of     Government.
The Honorable Rosa DeLauro, Member    GIFT OF TRAVEL:           Mr. Ernesto Gasco, High  Non-acceptance would
 of Congress.                          Transportation in         Commissioner Against     cause embarrassment.
                                       Spain. Rec'd--11/18/      Child Poverty in Spain.
Ms. Ola Foster, District Scheduler/   GIFT OF TRAVEL:           Government of the        Non-acceptance would
 Manager/Executive Assistant.          Transportation and        Independent State of     cause embarrassment.
                                       Lodging while in Samoa.   Samoa.
Mr. David Winfrey, Legislative        GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging   The Parliament of the    Non-acceptance would
 Director, United States House of      and Transportation in     Federal Republic of      cause embarrassment.
 Representatives.                      Berlin. Rec'd--6/30/      Germany.
Mr. Daniel Chulak, Digital Manager/   GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging   The Parliament of the    Non-acceptance would
 Legislative Aide, United States       and Transportation in     Federal Republic of      cause embarrassment.
 House of Representatives.             Berlin. Rec'd--6/30/      Germany.
Ms. Julia Cook, Assistant             GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging   The Parliament of the    Non-acceptance would
 Parliamentarian, United States        and Transportation in     Federal Republic of      cause embarrassment.
 House of Representatives.             Berlin. Rec'd--6/30/      Germany.

[[Page 379]]

Ms. Jasmine Kemp, Deputy Chief of     GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging   The Parliament of the    Non-acceptance would
 Staff, United States House of         and Transportation in     Federal Republic of      cause embarrassment.
 Representatives.                      Berlin. Rec'd--6/30/      Germany.
Mr. Nadav Konforty, Special           GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging   The Parliament of the    Non-acceptance would
 Assistant, United States House of     and Transportation in     Federal Republic of      cause embarrassment.
 Representatives.                      Berlin. Rec'd--6/30/      Germany.
Ms. Emily Silverberg, Legislative     GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging   The Parliament of the    Non-acceptance would
 Director, United States House of      and Transportation in     Federal Republic of      cause embarrassment.
 Representatives.                      Berlin. Rec'd--6/30/      Germany.
Mr. Christopher Bien, Director of     GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging   The Parliament of the    Non-acceptance would
 Floor Operations, United States       and Transportation in     Federal Republic of      cause embarrassment.
 House of Representatives.             Berlin. Rec'd--7/1/2023-  Germany.

                                               Agency: U.S. Senate
                             [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the U.S. Senate]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
The Honorable Dan Sullivan, United    Two Titanium Tumblers.    His Excellency Koji      Non-acceptance would
 States Senator.                       Rec'd--11/14/2022. Est.   Tomita, Ambassador       cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$352.00.           Extraordinary and        donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Secretary    Plenipotentiary of       Government.
                                       of the Senate.            Japan to the United
The Honorable Chris Van Hollen,       Leather Briefcase.        His Excellency           Non-acceptance would
 United States Senator.                Rec'd--12/12/2022. Est.   Ntsokoane Samuel         cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$102.00.           Matekane, Prime          donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Secretary    Minister of the          Government.
                                       of the Senate.            Kingdom of Lesotho.
The Honorable Mark Kelly, United      Moroccan Rug, Moroccan    His Excellency Nasser    Non-acceptance would
 States Senator.                       Oil Set, Silver Desktop   Bourita, Minister of     cause embarrassment to
                                       Supply Set. Rec'd--1/30/  Foreign Affairs and      donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Est. Value--        International            Government.
                                       $1,150.00. Disposition--  Cooperation of the
                                       Secretary of the          Kingdom of Morocco.
The Honorable James Lankford, United  Moroccan Rug, Moroccan    His Excellency Nasser    Non-acceptance would
 States Senator.                       Perfume Set. Rec'd--1/    Bourita, Minister of     cause embarrassment to
                                       30/2023. Est. Value--     Foreign Affairs and      donor and U.S.
                                       $550.00. Disposition--    International            Government.
                                       Secretary of the          Cooperation of the
                                       Senate.                   Kingdom of Morocco.
The Honorable Dan Sullivan, United    Moroccan Rug, Desk        His Excellency Nasser    Non-acceptance would
 States Senator.                       Supply Set, Moroccan      Bourita, Minister of     cause embarrassment to
                                       Perfume Set. Rec'd--1/    Foreign Affairs and      donor and U.S.
                                       30/2023. Est. Value--     International            Government.
                                       $700.00. Disposition--    Cooperation of the
                                       Secretary of the          Kingdom of Morocco.
The Honorable Jack Reed, United       Handcrafted Table.        Lt. General Nadeem       Non-acceptance would
 States Senator.                       Rec'd--2/23/2023. Est.    Anjum, Director-         cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$152.79.           General of Inter-        donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Secretary    Services Intelligence    Government.
                                       of the Senate.            of Islamic Republic of
The Honorable Mark R. Warner, United  Sillanwali Handcrafted    Lt. General Nadeem       Non-acceptance would
 States Senator.                       Side Table. Rec'd--2/23/  Anjum, Director-         cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        General of Inter-        donor and U.S.
                                       $120.00. Disposition--    Services Intelligence    Government.
                                       Secretary of the          of Islamic Republic of
                                       Senate.                   Pakistan.
The Honorable Lindsey Graham, United  Yellow Pattern Rug.       His Excellency Nasser    Non-acceptance would
 States Senator.                       Rec'd--2/27/2023. Est.    Bourita, Minister of     cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$150.00            Foreign Affairs and      donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Secretary    International            Government.
                                       of the Senate.            Cooperation of the
                                                                 Kingdom of Morocco.
The Honorable Christopher A. Coons,   Moroccan Rug. Rec'd--2/   His Excellency Nasser    Non-acceptance would
 United States Senator.                27/2023. Est. Value--     Bourita, Minister of     cause embarrassment to
                                       $400.00. Disposition--    Foreign Affairs and      donor and U.S.
                                       Secretary of the          International            Government.
                                       Senate.                   Cooperation of the
                                                                 Kingdom of Morocco.
The Honorable Martin Heinrich,        Moroccan Rug. Rec'd--2/   His Excellency Nasser    Non-acceptance would
 United States Senator.                27/2023. Est. Value--     Bourita, Minister of     cause embarrassment to
                                       $500.00. Disposition--    Foreign Affairs and      donor and U.S.
                                       Secretary of the          International            Government.
                                       Senate.                   Cooperation of the
                                                                 Kingdom of Morocco.
The Honorable Mark Kelly, United      Moroccan Rug, Desk        His Excellency Nasser    Non-acceptance would
 States Senator.                       Supply Set. Rec'd--3/7/   Bourita, Minister of     cause embarrassment to
                                       2023. Est. Value--        Foreign Affairs and      donor and U.S.
                                       $550.00. Disposition--    International            Government.
                                       Secretary of the          Cooperation of the
                                       Senate.                   Kingdom of Morocco.
The Honorable Mitch McConnell,        Jali Work Box. Rec'd--6/  His Excellency Narendra  Non-acceptance would
 United States Senator.                23/2023. Est. Value--     Modi, Prime Minister     cause embarrassment to
                                       $125.00. Disposition--    of the Republic of       donor and U.S.
                                       Secretary of the          India.                   Government.
The Honorable Charles E. Schumer,     Camel Bone Box. Rec'd--6/ His Excellency Narendra  Non-acceptance would
 United States Senator.                29/2023. Est. Value--     Modi, Prime Minister     cause embarrassment to
                                       $125.00. Disposition--    of the Republic of       donor and U.S.
                                       Secretary of the          India.                   Government.
The Honorable John Cornyn, United     Tea Set. Rec'd--6/30/     His Excellency Hakan     Non-acceptance would
 States Senator.                       2023. Est. Value--        Fidan, Minister of       cause embarrassment to
                                       $225.00. Disposition--    Foreign Affairs for      donor and U.S.
                                       Secretary of the          the Republic of          Government.
                                       Senate.                   Turkiye.
The Honorable Robert Menendez,        Pottery Gift Set. Rec'd-- Mr. Hans Chiao, Deputy   Non-acceptance would
 United States Senator.                7/20/2023. Est. Value--   Director, Taipei         cause embarrassment to
                                       $399.00. Disposition--    Economic and Cultural    donor and U.S.
                                       Secretary of the          Representative Office    Government.
                                       Senate.                   in the United States.

[[Page 380]]

The Honorable Robert Menendez,        Tea Set. Rec'd--7/20/     Mr. Sherzon Rikhsiboev,  Non-acceptance would
 United States Senator.                2023. Est. Value--        Attache from the         cause embarrassment to
                                       $138.00. Disposition--    Embassy of the           donor and U.S.
                                       Secretary of the          Republic of Uzbekistan   Government.
                                       Senate.                   to the United States.
The Honorable Robert Menendez,        Daily Routine Set.        Rep. Kim Gi-Hyeon,       Non-acceptance would
 United States Senator.                Rec'd--7/20/2023. Est.    Leader of the Korean     cause embarrassment to
                                       Value--$130.00.           People Party, Republic   donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Secretary    of Korea.                Government.
                                       of the Senate.
The Honorable Robert Menendez,        Spoon and Chopsticks      Rep. Kim Gi-Hyeon,       Non-acceptance would
 United States Senator.                Set. Rec'd--7/20/2023.    Leader of the Korean     cause embarrassment to
                                       Est. Value--$110.00.      People Party, Republic   donor and U.S.
                                       Disposition--Secretary    of Korea.                Government.
                                       of the Senate.
The Honorable Robert Menendez,        Pottery. Rec'd--7/27/     His Excellency Minister  Non-acceptance would
 United States Senator.                2023. Est. Value--        Toshimitsu Motegi,       cause embarrassment to
                                       $158.00. Disposition--    Secretary General of     donor and U.S.
                                       Secretary of the          the Liberal Democratic   Government.
                                       Senate.                   Party of Japan.
The Honorable Christopher A. Coons,   Wooden Box of             His Royal Highness       Non-acceptance would
 United States Senator.                Chocolates. Rec'd--10/    Prince Mohammed bin      cause embarrassment to
                                       21/2023. Est. Value--     Salman bin Abdulaziz     donor and U.S.
                                       $203.00. Disposition--    Al Saud, Crown Prince    Government.
                                       Secretary of the          and Prime Minister of
                                       Senate.                   the Kingdom of Saudi
The Honorable Marco Rubio, United     GIFT OF TRAVEL:           His Excellency           Non-acceptance would
 States Senator.                       Transportation within     Guillermo Lasso,         cause embarrassment to
                                       Ecuador via Government    President of the         donor and U.S.
                                       Aircraft. Rec'd--2/23/    Republic of Ecuador.     Government.
Hon. Samantha Roberts, Minority       GIFT OF TRAVEL:           His Excellency           Non-acceptance would
 General Counsel, Senate Select        Transportation within     Guillermo Lasso,         cause embarrassment to
 Committee on Intelligence.            Ecuador via Government    President of the         donor and U.S.
                                       Aircraft. Rec'd--2/23/    Republic of Ecuador.     Government.
Hon. Viviana Bovo, Senior Advisor     GIFT OF TRAVEL:           His Excellency           Non-acceptance would
 for Western Hemisphere Affairs,       Transportation within     Guillermo Lasso,         cause embarrassment to
 Office of Senator Marco Rubio.        Ecuador via Government    President of the         donor and U.S.
                                       Aircraft. Rec'd--2/23/    Republic of Ecuador.     Government.
Hon. Deanna Segall, Legislative       GIFT OF TRAVEL: Local     Hon? Merve Dikme,        Non-acceptance would
 Aide, Office of Senator Dianne        Transportation within     International            cause embarrassment to
 Feinstein.                            Germany, Lodging, and     Relations Staff--        donor and U.S.
                                       Meals. Rec'd--7/1/2023-   International Exchange   Government.
                                       7/9/2023.                 Programmes, Federal
                                                                 Republic of Germany.
Hon. Asna Ashfaq, Legislative Aide,   GIFT OF TRAVEL: Local     Committee on Foreign     Non-acceptance would
 Office of Senator Jon Ossoff.         Transportation within     Affairs, Trade, and      cause embarrassment to
                                       the Republic of Korea,    Unification, The         donor and U.S.
                                       Lodging, and Meals.       Republic of Korea.       Government.

                            Agency: U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
              [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
The Honorable Caroline D. Pham,       Complimentary             Abu Dhabi Global Market  Non-acceptance would
 Commissioner, Commodity Futures       ``Speaker'' pass to Abu   (ADGM).                  cause embarrassment
 Trading Commission.                   Dhabi Finance Week                                to donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Rec'd--11/29/2023-                          Government.
                                       11/30/2023. Est. Value--
The Honorable Caroline D. Pham,       Complimentary             Abu Dhabi Global Market  Non-acceptance would
 Commissioner, Commodity Futures       ``Delegate'' pass to      (ADGM).                  cause embarrassment
 Trading Commission.                   Abu Dhabi Finance Week                            to donor and U.S.
                                       2023. Rec'd--11/29/2023-                          Government.
                                       11/30/2023. Est. Value--

                            Agency: Administrative Office of the United States Courts
          [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by theAdministrative Office of the United States Courts]
                                      Gift, date of acceptance
 Name and title of person accepting     on behalf of the U.S.
   the gift on behalf of the U.S.       Government, estimated     Identity of foreign         Circumstances
             Government                  value, and current       donor and government    justifying acceptance
                                       disposition or location
The Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr.,   GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging   Supreme Court of Canada  Non-acceptance would
 Chief Justice of the United States.   (3 Nights). Est.                                   cause embarrassment.
                                       $2,387.00. Rec'd--9/6/
The Honorable Elena Kagan, Associate  GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging   Supreme Court of Canada  Non-acceptance would
 Justice of the Supreme Court of the   (3 Nights). Est.                                   cause embarrassment.
 United States.                        $1,207.00. Rec'd--9/6/
The Honorable Stephen G. Breyer.....  GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging   Supreme Court of Canada  Non-acceptance would
(Retired), Associate Justice of the.   (3 Nights). Est.                                   cause embarrassment.
Supreme Court of the United States..   $808.00. Rec'd--9/6/
The Honorable Robert M. Dow, Jr.,     GIFT OF TRAVEL: Lodging   Supreme Court of Canada  Non-acceptance would
 Counselor to the Chief Justice.       (3 Nights). Est.                                   cause embarrassment.
                                       $1,207.00. Rec'd--9/6/

[[Page 381]]

[FR Doc. 2024-31509 Filed 1-2-25; 8:45 am]
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