Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain: Unmanned Aircraft Systems, 271-279 [2024-30209]
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Proposed Rules
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Proposed Certificate of Compliance No. 1031, Amendment No. 10, Revision 1, Appendix A: Technical Specifications and
Design Features .........................................................................................................................................................................
Proposed Certificate of Compliance No. 1031, Amendment No. 10, Revision 1, Appendix B: Approved Contents ...................
Proposed Certificate of Compliance No. 1031, Amendment No. 11, Revision 1 .........................................................................
Proposed Certificate of Compliance No. 1031, Amendment No. 11, Revision 1, Appendix A: Technical Specifications and
Design Features .........................................................................................................................................................................
Proposed Certificate of Compliance No. 1031, Amendment No. 11, Revision 1, Appendix B: Approved Contents ...................
Proposed Certificate of Compliance No. 1031, Amendment No. 12, Revision 1 .........................................................................
Proposed Certificate of Compliance No. 1031, Amendment No. 12, Revision 1, Appendix A: Technical Specifications and
Design Features .........................................................................................................................................................................
Proposed Certificate of Compliance No. 1031, Amendment No. 12, Revision 1, Appendix B: Approved Contents ...................
Proposed Certificate of Compliance No. 1031, Amendment No. 13, Revision 1 .........................................................................
Proposed Certificate of Compliance No. 1031, Amendment No. 13, Revision 1, Appendix A: Technical Specifications and
Design Features .........................................................................................................................................................................
Proposed Certificate of Compliance No. 1031, Amendment No. 13, Revision 1, Appendix B: Approved Contents ...................
Preliminary Safety Evaluation Report, Certificate of Compliance No. 1031, Amendment No. 14 and Revision to Amendment
Nos. 0 through 13 ......................................................................................................................................................................
NAC International, Inc. MAGNASTOR® Storage System Amendment No. 14 and Revisions to Amendment Nos. 0 through 13 Request
NAC International, Inc., Submission of an Amendment Request for the MAGNASTOR® Cask System, Amendment No. 14,
dated July 24, 2023 ...................................................................................................................................................................
NAC International, Inc., Submission of Data Files to Support the NRC Review of MAGNASTOR® Amendment No. 14, dated
July 24, 2023 ..............................................................................................................................................................................
NAC International, Inc., Submission of Responses to the NRC Request for Additional Information for MAGNASTOR® Cask
System, Amendment No. 14, dated June 26, 2024 ..................................................................................................................
NAC International, Inc., Supplement to the Amendment Request No. 14 for the MAGNASTOR® Cask System, dated October 18, 2023 ...............................................................................................................................................................................
NAC International, Inc., Supplement to the Amendment Request No. 14 for the MAGNASTOR® Cask System, dated August
6, 2024 .......................................................................................................................................................................................
NAC International, Inc., MAGNASTOR® Cask System Users Certificate of Compliance No. 1031 Amendment Nos. 0
through 9 Intent to Adopt Letters, dated August 4, 2022 ..........................................................................................................
Other Documents
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Rulemaking Memorandum for Amendment No. 14 and Revision to Amendment Nos. 0 through 13 for the MAGNASTOR®
Storage System, dated September 20, 2024 ............................................................................................................................
Final Rule, ‘‘Storage of Spent Fuel in NRC-Approved Storage Casks at Power Reactor Sites,’’ published July 18, 1990 ........
Final Rule, ‘‘List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks: MAGNASTOR Addition,’’ published November 21, 2008 .................
Revision to Policy Statement, ‘‘Agreement State Program Policy Statement; Correction,’’ published October 18, 2017 ...........
Presidential Memorandum, ‘‘Plain Language in Government Writing,’’ published June 10, 1998 ...............................................
Regulatory Issue Summary 2017–05, ‘‘Administration of 10 CFR Part 72 Certificate of Compliance Corrections and Revisions’’ .........................................................................................................................................................................................
The NRC may post materials related
to this document, including public
comments, on the Federal rulemaking
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under Docket ID NRC–2024–0180. In
addition, the Federal rulemaking
website allows members of the public to
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occur in a docket folder. To subscribe:
(1) navigate to the docket folder (NRC–
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Dated: December 20, 2024.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Mirela Gavrilas,
Executive Director for Operations.
[FR Doc. 2024–31096 Filed 1–2–25; 8:45 am]
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Bureau of Industry and Security
15 CFR Part 791
[Docket No. 241213–0327]
RIN 0694–AJ72
Securing the Information and
Communications Technology and
Services Supply Chain: Unmanned
Aircraft Systems
Bureau of Industry and
Security, U.S. Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Advance notice of proposed
In this advance notice of
proposed rulemaking (ANPRM), the
Department of Commerce’s Bureau of
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55 FR 29181
73 FR 70587
82 FR 48535
63 FR 31885
Industry and Security (BIS) seeks public
comment on issues related to
transactions involving information and
communications technology and
services (ICTS) that are designed,
developed, manufactured, or supplied
by persons owned by, controlled by, or
subject to the jurisdiction or direction of
foreign adversaries, pursuant to
Executive Order (E.O.) 13873, ‘‘Securing
the Information and Communications
Technology and Services Supply
Chain,’’ and that are integral to
unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). This
ANPRM will assist BIS in determining
the technologies and market
participants that may be appropriate for
regulation in order to address undue or
unacceptable risks to U.S. national
security, including U.S. ICTS supply
chains and critical infrastructure, or/and
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Proposed Rules
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to the security and safety of U.S.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before March 4, 2025.
ADDRESSES: All comments must be
submitted by one of the following
• The Federal eRulemaking Portal: at docket
number BIS–2024–0058.
• Email directly to:
Include ‘‘RIN 0694–AJ72’’ in the subject
• Instructions: Comments sent by any
other method, to any other address or
individual, or received after the end of
the comment period, may not be
considered. For those seeking to submit
business confidential information (BCI),
please clearly mark such submissions as
BCI and submit by email, as instructed
above. Each BCI submission must also
contain a summary of the BCI, clearly
marked as public, in sufficient detail to
permit a reasonable understanding of
the substance of the information for
public consumption. Such summary
information will be posted on Comments that contain
profanity, vulgarity, threats, or other
inappropriate language or content will
not be considered.
Marc Coldiron, U.S. Department of
Commerce, telephone: 202–482–3678.
For media inquiries: Katherine
Schneider, Office of Congressional and
Public Affairs, Bureau of Industry and
Security, U.S. Department of Commerce:
I. Background
In E.O. 13873, ‘‘Securing the
Information and Communications
Technology and Services Supply
Chain,’’ (84 FR 22689 (May 17, 2019))
the President delegated to the Secretary
of Commerce (Secretary) the authority
granted under the International
Emergency Economic Powers Act
(IEEPA) (50 U.S.C. 1701, et seq.), to the
extent necessary, ‘‘to deal with any
unusual and extraordinary’’ foreign
threat to the national security, foreign
policy, or economy of the United States
in connection with the national
emergency declared by the President
with respect to such threat (50 U.S.C.
1701(a)). In E.O. 13873, the President
declared a national emergency with
respect to the ‘‘unusual and
extraordinary’’ foreign threat posed to
the ICTS supply chain and has, in
accordance with the National
Emergencies Act (NEA), extended the
declaration of this national emergency
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each year since E.O. 13873’s publication
(see 85 FR 29321 (May 14, 2020); 86 FR
26339 (May 13, 2021); 87 FR 29645
(May 13, 2022); 88 FR 30635 (May 11,
2023); and 89 FR 40353 (May 9, 2024)).
Specifically, the President identified
the ‘‘unrestricted acquisition or use in
the United States of [ICTS] designed,
developed, manufactured, or supplied
by persons owned by, controlled by, or
subject to the jurisdiction or direction of
foreign adversaries’’ as ‘‘an unusual and
extraordinary’’ threat to the national
security, foreign policy, and economy of
the United States that ‘‘exists both in the
case of individual acquisitions or uses
of such technology or services, and
when acquisitions or uses of such
technologies are considered as a class’’
(E.O. 13873; see also 50 U.S.C. 1701(a)–
Once the President declares a national
emergency, IEEPA empowers the
President to, among other acts,
investigate, regulate, prevent, or
prohibit any ‘‘acquisition, holding,
withholding, use, transfer, withdrawal,
transportation, importation or
exportation of, or dealing in, or
exercising any right, power, or privilege
with respect to, or transactions
involving, any property in which any
foreign country or a national thereof has
any interest by any person, or with
respect to any property, subject to the
jurisdiction of the United States’’ (50
U.S.C. 1702(a)(1)(B)).
To address identified risks to U.S.
national security from ICTS
transactions, the President in E.O. 13873
imposed a prohibition on transactions
determined by the Secretary, in
consultation with relevant agency
heads, to involve foreign adversary ICTS
and to pose certain risks to U.S. national
security, including U.S. ICTS supply
chains and critical infrastructure, and to
the security and safety of U.S. persons.
Specifically, to fall within the scope of
the prohibition, the Secretary must
determine that the ICTS transaction: (1)
involves ICTS designed, developed,
manufactured, or supplied by persons
owned by, controlled by, or subject to
the jurisdiction or direction of a foreign
adversary, defined in E.O. 13873 section
3(b) as ‘‘any foreign government or
foreign non-government person engaged
in a long-term pattern or serious
instances of conduct significantly
adverse to the national security of the
United States or security and safety of
United States persons’’; and (2):
A. ‘‘poses an undue risk of sabotage
to or subversion of the design, integrity,
manufacturing, production, distribution,
installation, operation, or maintenance
of information and communications
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technology or services in the United
B. ‘‘poses an undue risk of
catastrophic effects on the security or
resiliency of United States critical
infrastructure or the digital economy of
the United States;’’ or
C. ‘‘otherwise poses an unacceptable
risk to the national security of the
United States or the security and safety
of United States persons’’ (E.O. 13873
These factors are collectively referred
to as ‘‘undue or unacceptable risks.’’
Further, E.O. 13873 grants the Secretary
the authority to design or negotiate
mitigation measures that would allow
an otherwise prohibited transaction to
proceed (E.O. 13873 1(b)). The President
also delegated to the Secretary the
ability to promulgate regulations that,
among other things, establish when
transactions involving particular
technologies may be categorically
prohibited (E.O. 13873 2(a)–(b); see also
3 U.S.C. 301–302). Specifically, the
Secretary may issue rules establishing
criteria, consistent with section 1 of E.O.
13873, by which particular technologies
or market participants may be
categorically included in or
categorically excluded from
prohibitions established pursuant to
E.O. 13873 (see E.O. 13873 2(b)). Any
regulated transactions under E.O. 13873
must have a sufficient nexus to a foreign
adversary, which, according to E.O.
13873’s implementing regulations at 15
CFR 791.4, currently includes, China,
People’s Republic of (China), including
the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region; Republic of Cuba (Cuba);
Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran);
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
(North Korea); Russian Federation
(Russia); and Venezuelan politician
Nicolás Maduro (Maduro Regime).
II. Introduction
Pursuant to the authority delegated to
the Secretary under E.O. 13873, BIS is
considering proposing a rule to address
the undue or unacceptable risks posed
by certain transactions involving ICTS
integral to unmanned aircraft system
(UAS) when the ICTS are designed,
developed, manufactured, or supplied
by persons owned by, controlled by, or
subject to the jurisdiction or direction of
foreign adversaries (foreign adversary
ICTS). BIS is also considering whether
there are mitigation measures that, if
adopted, would allow UAS market
participants to engage in transactions
that would otherwise pose undue or
unacceptable risks. The purpose of this
ANPRM is to gather information to
support BIS’s potential development of
a rule regarding foreign adversary ICTS
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Proposed Rules
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integral to UAS. For the purposes of this
rulemaking, unless terms are otherwise
defined herein, this ANPRM will apply
the definitions listed in 15 CFR 791.2.
III. Request for Comments
BIS is concerned that the involvement
of foreign adversaries, notably China
and Russia, in the design, development,
manufacture, or supply of ICTS integral
to UAS poses undue or unacceptable
risk to U.S. national security, including
U.S. ICTS supply chains and critical
infrastructure, and to the security and
safety of U.S. persons. As described in
more detail below, these countries can
leverage their political and legal
frameworks to co-opt private entities for
national interests, and those private
entities maintain dominant market
positions in the global commercial UAS
sector. This dominance, particularly by
China, provides ample exploitation
opportunities. Further, both countries
have shown a willingness to
compromise U.S. infrastructure and
security through cyber espionage. The
potential for these countries to direct
the actions of private entities for the
purpose of exploiting ICTS supply
chains heightens concerns about their
participation in the U.S. UAS supply
BIS seeks public input on several
topics, including, but not limited to,
certain definitions and BIS’s assessment
of how a class of transactions involving
foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS
could present undue or unacceptable
risks to U.S. national security and to the
security and safety of U.S. persons.
These risks relate to threats from foreign
adversary-linked entities, the
capabilities of UAS that may increase
the likelihood of vulnerabilities, and the
consequences to U.S. national security,
including U.S. ICTS supply chains and
critical infrastructure, and to the
security and safety of U.S. persons if
these vulnerabilities are exploited or
intentionally inserted by foreign
adversary linked entities. BIS recognizes
the benefits of UAS technologies and
does not imply through this ANPRM
that any particular UAS components,
such as data transmission or
connectivity devices, should not be
used. These technologies benefit the
United States by increasing efficiency in
various critical infrastructure sectors
such as agriculture, construction,
transportation, and energy, leading to
economic growth and improved public
safety. However, in E.O. 13873, the
President focused on addressing risks
that ICTS transactions involving foreign
adversaries might present to U.S.
national security and to the security and
safety of U.S. persons. Therefore, this
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ANPRM, which is being issued pursuant
to the authorities granted to the
Secretary under E.O. 13873, seeks
public comment on potential ways to
address undue or unacceptable risks to
U.S. national security, including U.S.
ICTS supply chains and critical
infrastructure, -and to the security and
safety of U.S. persons that may arise
from foreign adversary ICTS integral to
UAS. As part of BIS’s efforts to
understand UAS and their critical ICTS
components, BIS solicits comments on
the -ICTS most integral to UAS’s data
collection and connectivity capabilities
and that are most vulnerable to
compromise by an adversarial actor.
Such ICTS might be included in any
mitigation measures or prohibitions
imposed in a potential rule, and could
include, but is not limited to: (1)
onboard computers responsible for
processing data and controlling UAV
flight; (2) communications systems
including, but not limited to, flight
controllers, transceiver/receiver
equipment, proximity links such as
Global Navigation Satellite Systems
(GNSS) sensors, and flight termination
equipment; (3) flight control systems
responsible for takeoff, landing, and
navigation, including, but not limited
to, exteroceptive and proprioceptive
sensors; (4) ground control stations
(GCS) or systems including, but not
limited to, handheld flight controllers;
(5) operating software including, but not
limited to, network management
software; (6) mission planning software;
(7) intelligent battery power systems; (8)
local and external data storage devices
and services; and (9) artificial
intelligence (AI) software or
applications. BIS also solicits input on
mechanisms to mitigate the risks posed
by foreign adversary ICTS integral to
UAS, such as potential design
requirements, machine learning
controls, implementation standards and
protocols, cybersecurity firmware and/
or software inputs, manufacturing
integrity (i.e., the security of the
manufacturing process to ensure no
foreign adversary manipulation)
protection systems and procedures, or
Additionally, BIS seeks comment on
whether it would be beneficial to create
a process for the public to request
specific authorization to engage in
certain transactions involving foreign
adversary ICTS integral to UAS by
demonstrating that the parties to a
particular transaction have
implemented measures to adequately
mitigate the risk to U.S. national
security or to the security and safety of
U.S. persons. BIS encourages public
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feedback to help inform the rulemaking
process, particularly regarding the
impact on U.S. ICTS supply chains and
critical infrastructure of any prohibition
or mitigation measures applicable to
foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS.
BIS additionally encourages the
submission of any public comments
germane to the issues as described in
this ANPRM.
a. Definitions
BIS requests comments on a
definition of ‘‘unmanned aircraft
systems’’ or UAS to use in a potential
rule. BIS could define UAS as the
International Trade Administration
(ITA) does to mean ‘‘air vehicles and
associated equipment that do not carry
a human operator, but instead are
remotely piloted or fly autonomously’’
(International Trade Administration,
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Overview
(accessed October 15, 2024), https:// UAS, more colloquially
known as ‘‘drones,’’ is a generic term
that can include, but is not exclusive to,
remotely piloted aircraft systems or
unmanned aerial vehicles. ITA’s
definition also states ‘‘[a] UAS generally
consists of (1) an aircraft with no pilot
on board, (2) a remote pilot station, (3)
a [command-and-control] link, and (4) a
payload specific to the intended
application [or] operation, which often
includes specialized cameras or other
sensors that collect data for near term
analysis’’ (International Trade
Administration, Unmanned Aircraft
Systems Overview (accessed October 15,
BIS is also contemplating the use of
other definitions of UAS from the U.S.
government, including the definition
used by the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), which defines
UAS as ‘‘an unmanned aircraft and
associated elements (including
communication links and the
components that control the unmanned
aircraft) that are required for the
operator to operate safely and efficiently
in the national airspace system’’ (49
U.S.C. 44801(12)). The FAA defines an
‘‘unmanned aircraft’’ to mean ‘‘an
aircraft that is operated without the
possibility of direct human intervention
from within or on the aircraft’’ (49
U.S.C. 44801(11)).
BIS also considered the definition of
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) as used
within BIS’s Export Administration
Regulations (EAR), which defines UAV
as ‘‘[a]ny ‘aircraft’ capable of initiating
flight and sustaining controlled flight
and navigation without any human
presence on board’’ (15 CFR 772.1). The
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Proposed Rules
EAR defines ‘‘aircraft’’ as ‘‘[a] fixed
wing, swivel wing, rotary wing
(helicopter), tilt rotor or tilt-wing
airborne vehicle’’ (15 CFR 772.1). BIS
considered the use of UAV versus UAS
and believes UAV is too narrowly
focused for future rulemaking purposes,
as it only refers to the air vehicle itself
and excludes other system elements,
such as the ground control stations,
communication links, and other
associated components necessary for
BIS is inclined to determine that
ITA’s definition may be more
appropriate for purposes of potential
regulation because, unlike the FAA and
EAR definitions, it identifies specific
components and systems that are
integral to UAS. Such a definition may
include UAS and UAS subsystems, such
as control stations; data
communications and navigation links
or, more precisely, command and
control and Non-Payload
Communications (CNPC) links;
payloads; flight termination systems;
electronic launch and recovery
equipment; recording capabilities for
receiving live imagery; software or AI
software and applications necessary for
the operation of airborne systems; and
the capability of remote software or
firmware updates. Additionally, ITA’s
definition would incorporate some UAS
known as actively tethered UAS, which
use a load-rated tether that is physically
attached to a ground station to provide
continuous power and which may
transmit data to and from the UAS,
which allows the UAS to remain in the
air for an extended period of time.
Please note that any definition
determined by BIS to be appropriate for
BIS rulemaking regarding UAS would
not supersede any other legal definition
of UAS used in other contexts.
Given the various definitions that
could be utilized, this ANPRM seeks
comment on the definitions to use in a
potential rule regarding transactions
involving ICTS integral to UAS, and
specifically, but not limited to:
1. In what ways, if any, should BIS
elaborate on or amend the potential
definition(s) of UAS as stated above? If
amended, how will the revised
definition enable BIS to better address
national security risks arising from
classes of transactions involving ICTS
integral to UAS?
2. Is the term UAS broad enough to
include the aircraft systems that may
combine flight controllers, global
navigation satellite systems (GNSS)
modules, cameras, communication
devices, surveillance modules,
navigation devices, sensors with control
systems, and/or software with onboard
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and offboard data storage capabilities?
Does a better term exist to include such
aircraft systems within the definition’s
3. Are there other commonly used
definitions for UAS that BIS should
consider when defining a class of
transactions involving ICTS integral to
UAS, including definitions from
industry, civil society, or international
standards organizations? If so, why
might those definitions be more
appropriate for the purposes of a rule?
4. What is the appropriate focus of
any BIS regulations in this sector,
including, but not limited to, UAS
platforms and subcomponent
technology, UAS capabilities, or UAS
end-user sectors, including entities
providing services performed by UAS?
5. Are there commonly used
definitions and standard capabilities for
each of the following ICTS components,
which BIS has preliminarily identified
as integral to the UAS platform: (1)
onboard computers responsible for
processing data and controlling UAV
flight; (2) communications systems
including, but not limited to, flight
controllers, transceiver/receiver
equipment, proximity links such as
GNSS sensors, and flight termination
equipment; (3) flight control systems
responsible for takeoff, landing, and
navigation, including, but not limited
to, exteroceptive and proprioceptive
sensors; (4) GCS or systems including,
but not limited to, handheld flight
controllers; (5) operating software
including, but not limited to, network
management software; (6) mission
planning software; (7) intelligent battery
power systems; (8) local and external
data storage devices and services; (9) AI
software or applications? Are there
additional components that BIS should
identify as integral to the UAS platform
and, if so, are there commonly used
definitions and standard capabilities for
each component, such as the American
Security Drones Act?
b. Risks Associated With UAS
BIS is soliciting comment on the risks
associated with foreign adversary ICTS
integral to UAS, the rapidly advancing
technological functionalities of UAS,
and the increasing integration of UAS
with U.S. critical infrastructure.
Exponential advancements in UAS
functionality have allowed for the rapid
expansion of the UAS industry in recent
years. Remote and autonomous control
systems have been developed to support
operational, safety, and environmental
applications, minimizing physical strain
and risks to operators in various fields.
Advancements in this sector have
reduced production and end user costs
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and increased the accessibility of UAS
technology. In addition, UAS have
become integral to various sectors of the
economy, including: (1) agriculture,
where they are used for crop monitoring
and precision spraying; (2) the chemical
industry, where they assist in pipeline
inspections and hazardous material
handling; (3) physical infrastructure and
transportation, where they are employed
for surveying, bridge inspections, and
construction site management; (4)
emergency response; (5) health care
administration; (6) energy; and (7)
media and entertainment.
Over the last decade, UAS have
evolved to more sophisticated models
with improved functionalities,
including enhanced connected
technologies such as advanced flight
controllers, multi-GNSS and GNSS
modules, cameras, receivers, and AI
software and applications, which have
enabled greater autonomy, precision in
navigation, enhanced surveillance
capabilities, and seamless integration
with various applications across
industry. These new technologies
require signal and communication
software to collect vast amounts of data,
and in turn may increase attack vectors
for malicious actors to exploit.
Commercial UAS have been
increasingly adopted in critical
infrastructure sectors, as defined in
National Security Memorandum-22 of
April 2024 (see Grand View Research,
Drone Market Size, Share & Trends
Analysis Report by Component
(Hardware, Software, Services), By
Product, By Technology, By Payload
Capacity, By Power Source, By End-use,
By Region, and Segment Forecasts,
2024–2030 (accessed October 15, 2024),
see also The White House, National
Security Memorandum on Critical
Infrastructure Security and Resilience
(April 30, 2024), https://
national-security-memorandum-oncritical-infrastructure-security-andresilience/). UAS used in these sectors
often rely on the same aircraft used by
recreational drone enthusiasts, but in
many cases the UAS used to support
critical infrastructure have longer flight
times, can lift heavier and more
complex payloads, can fly beyond
visual line of sight, and have the
durability to fly through rough weather
conditions. UAS capable of lifting and
carrying payloads for extended periods
of time pose a specific and aggravated
risk of both data collection and
manipulation, as well as remote access
that could be misused for destructive
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Proposed Rules
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purposes. As critical infrastructure
becomes more reliant on commercial
UAS, their remote incapacitation by a
foreign adversary creates increased risk
to U.S. national security and to the
security and safety of U.S. persons.
Malign remote access to UAS could be
used to harm or damage physical
infrastructure via intentional collisions,
the delivery of kinetic payload, or could
result in altered sensitive readings on
critical infrastructure data. These risks
can be exacerbated if the ICTS integral
to UAS is designed, developed,
manufactured, or supplied, by persons
owned by, controlled by, or subject to
the jurisdiction or direction of a foreign
adversary. Accordingly, BIS requests
public comment on the undue or
unacceptable risks posed by
transactions involving foreign adversary
ICTS integral to UAS technology. BIS
seeks comments on the following topics
but encourages the submission of any
comments germane to the issues
discussed in this ANPRM:
6. BIS identified data exfiltration and
remote access control as the two
primary areas of risk associated with
transactions involving foreign adversary
ICTS integral to UAS technology. Are
there other risks or factors contributing
to the risk that BIS has not considered
in the above analysis?
7. Which specific sectors or elements
of critical infrastructure operated by
private organizations, specifically
within the commercial market, are most
at risk if UAS technology is
c. Threat Posed by Foreign Adversaries
Foreign adversaries like China and
Russia have established certain legal
and regulatory frameworks through
which they could compel entities under
their jurisdiction to comply with
requests for information regarding U.S.
persons or access to systems in the U.S.
ICTS supply chain. China has
implemented a series of laws (e.g., the
National Intelligence Law of 2017, the
Cybersecurity Law of 2017, the Personal
Information Protection Law (PIPL) of
2021, the National Security Law of
2015) that mandate cooperation with
China’s cybersecurity efforts,
intelligence operations, and the
protection of national security interests
by individuals and entities subject to
the jurisdiction of China. These laws
require network operators and
technology companies to assist public
security agencies in safeguarding
cybersecurity and providing access to
data stored within China’s borders (see
Department of Homeland Security, Data
Security Business Advisory (July 11,
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Specifically, the National Security Law
of 2015 imposes obligations that require
organizations and individuals to
cooperate with Chinese authorities on
undefined ‘matters of national security,’
potentially requiring technology
companies to expose the personal
information of U.S. citizens or
companies (see CNA, China’s National
Security Laws: Implications Beyond
Borders (December 2023), https://
Similarly, Russian legislation (e.g.,
Federal Law No. 40–FZ, ‘‘On the
Federal Security Service’’; Federal Law
No. 144–FZ, ‘‘Open-Investigative
Activity’’; Federal Law No. 97–FZ, ‘‘On
Amendments to the Law’’) grants the
Russian government direct access to
Russian corporations’ activities and
facilities. Using this authority, the
Russian government could access
companies’ data and consumer
information and mandate that
companies cooperate with the Federal
Security Services (FSB) to assist with
counterintelligence actions, which can
include installing government
equipment on companies’ infrastructure
for data collection. These laws compel
Russia-based telecommunications
providers, internet service companies,
and other entities to assist Russian
security agencies in investigations and
surveillance, ensuring compliance with
national security imperatives (see
Federal Law No. 374–FZ, ‘‘On
Amending Federal Law ‘On Combating
Terrorism’ And Certain Legislative Acts
of the Russian Federation Regarding the
Establishment of Additional CounterTerrorism Measures and Public
Within the United States, products
developed by China-based entities make
up at least 75 percent of the UAS
consumer market (see Lukas Schroth,
Drone Market Shares in the USA After
China-US Disputes, Drone Industry
Insights (March 2, 2021), https://; see also David
Kitron, Game of Drones: Chinese Giant
DJI Hit by U.S. Tensions, Staff
Defections, Reuters (March 8, 2021),
The large market share of China-based
entities allows China to exercise control
over the supply chain and deny access
to UAS technology. With the added
element of China’s ability to exercise
jurisdiction over the primary producers
PO 00000
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of UAS products and components
globally, China is unmatched in its
control over crucial UAS elements used
for commercial needs. The preeminence
of China-based entities in the U.S.
market provides China, through its
established legal framework and control
over persons subject to its jurisdiction,
a significant opportunity to collect U.S.
persons’ data and potentially deny
services to the United States and its
allies in response to unfavorable
policies or conflicts.
Russia, in comparison to China,
comprises a relatively small portion of
the global UAS market share, but has
announced its intention to heavily
invest in developing Russia’s UAS
domestic market over the next few years
to be less reliant on external
manufacturers (see, e.g., Russia plans to
produce 18,000 drones annually by late
2026—first deputy premier, TASS (April
27, 2023),
1610899). As of 2023, Russia reportedly
produced only 6,000 UAS and aims to
boost domestic drone production for
various industry sectors (see Martin
Forusek, Russian official: Russia aims to
produce over 32,000 civilian drones
annually by 2030, Kyiv Independent
(January 6, 2024), https:// While the nascent
state of Russia’s UAS market may not
currently pose risks to U.S. national
security, including U.S. ICTS supply
chains and critical infrastructure, and to
the security and safety of U.S. persons
in the commercial space, the projected
growth of Russia’s domestic market
suggests national security risks will
emerge if left unchecked. The strategic
investments being made in Russia
mirror the same efforts made by China
in its own markets and may position
Russia as a high-volume supplier in the
UAS space in the near future.
Despite their different current UAS
market shares, China and Russia have
demonstrated that they are capable of
engaging in cyber activities that seek to
harm U.S. critical infrastructure and
national security for strategic advantage.
According to the Office of the Director
of National Intelligence, China’s cyber
espionage pursuits and the export of
surveillance, information, and
communications technologies by Chinabased industries increase the threats of
aggressive cyber operations against the
United States and the suppression of the
free flow of information in cyberspace
(see Office of the Director of National
Intelligence, Annual Threat Assessment
documents/assessments/ATA-2024Unclassified-Report.pdf). Additionally,
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Proposed Rules
Russia has long exploited vulnerabilities
targeting critical infrastructure in the
United States as well as in allied and
partner countries (see Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency, Hunting
Russian Intelligence ‘‘Snake’’ Malware
(May 9, 2023),
aa23-129a). Whether through prepositioning attacks or exploiting
software vulnerabilities, China and
Russia have exhibited their intent and
capability to compromise U.S. national
security, including U.S. ICTS supply
chains and critical infrastructure, and
the security and safety of U.S. persons.
Further, foreign adversaries, such as
China or Russia, could direct UAS
companies subject to their jurisdiction
to engineer vulnerabilities into their
products, exploit existing
vulnerabilities, or push malicious
updates, compromising these products
without the UAS owner’s knowledge. In
the past, for example, China-based UAS
companies have pushed firmware
updates to implement no-fly restrictions
that would disable their UAS in conflict
zones defined by the company (see, e.g.,
Haye Kesteloo, Autel Robotics
Implements No-Fly Zones in Conflict
Areas to Prevent Drone Misuse,
DroneXL (December 24, 2023), https://; Gareth
Corfield, Drone maker DJI quietly made
large chunks of Iraq, Syria no-fly zones,
The Register (April 26, 2017), https://
drone_geofencing_iraq_syria/). These
UAS no-fly zones can also be altered
through non-commercial methods by
disabling UAS safety features (see, e.g.,
Support, No-Fly Zones (NFZ) Explained,
Drone-Hacks Wiki (last edited June 18,
nfz-explained). As of 2024, these
alterations can be implemented across
several China-based UAS models (see,
e.g., Drone-Hacks, Available Hacks
(accessed October 15, 2024), https://
illustrative example of a website that
allows users to download software to
modify a drone’s operating system to
operate outside of specified no fly
zones)). Pushing forced updates that
disable UAS in predefined zones and
circumventing safety features
demonstrate two vectors through which
a foreign adversary could abuse its
access and influence over a company
intentionally to target UAS products
owned by U.S. persons or operated in
the United States, disrupt their
operation, and in turn severely impact
U.S. national security, including the
U.S. ICTS supply chain and critical
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infrastructure, and the security and
safety of U.S. persons.
This ANPRM seeks comments on the
role of persons owned by, controlled by,
or subject to the jurisdiction or direction
of a foreign adversary in the U.S. supply
chain for ICTS components integral to
UAS. For clarity, this ANPRM uses the
term ‘‘UAS companies’’ to refer to the
manufacturers or distributors of a
finished UAS product, like a drone,
while the term ‘‘UAS Original
Equipment Manufacturers’’ (OEMs)
refers to the producers of the UAS
components, including the tier 1, tier 2,
and tier 3 suppliers. The term ‘‘UAS
service providers’’ refers to entities
responsible for desktop and mobile
applications supporting UAS. A single
company, depending on its products,
could be a UAS company, OEM, and
service provider all at once. BIS seeks
comments on the below topics but
encourages the submission of any
comments germane to the issues
discussed in this ANPRM:
8. In this section, BIS identified
threats posed by transactions involving
ICTS integral to UAS with a nexus to
China or Russia. Has BIS fully captured
and articulated the threat posed by
transactions involving such ICTS? If not,
what additional threats should BIS
9. Do other foreign adversaries
identified in 15 CFR 791.4, such as Iran,
North Korea, Cuba, and the Maduro
Regime of Venezuela, pose similar risks
to the UAS ICTS supply chain that BIS
should consider? Are there specific
persons or entities with a nexus to these
foreign adversaries that BIS should
10. Which ICTS components integral
to UAS are designed, developed,
manufactured, or supplied
predominantly or exclusively by
persons owned by, controlled by, or
subject to the jurisdiction or direction of
a foreign adversary?
a. Are UAS companies capable of
tracking and reporting the sources of
these ICTS components?
b. Are there specific ICTS components
that UAS companies focus on when
evaluating their supply chains for
involvement with foreign adversary
linked entities?
11. What are the potential tradeoffs of
a rule prohibiting the resale or rental in
the United States of UAS or UAS
components that are designed,
developed, manufactured, or supplied
by persons owned by, controlled by, or
subject to the jurisdiction or direction of
a foreign adversary?
12. What are the software
applications, whether freeware or
requiring an account or purchase, that
PO 00000
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companies within the UAS supply
chain generally develop or distribute in
support of UAS, and/or sell or resell
within the United States or to U.S.
a. What is the provenance of all
source code for such software
applications? What do the distribution
channels for such software applications
look like (e.g., direct, follow
components, aftermarket)?
b. Please identify any significant third
parties that develop source code for
UAS OEM’s software product lines.
13. Please describe the ICTS supply
chain for UAS that are used or sold in
the United States. Particularly useful
responses may include information
a. Market leaders for each distinct
phase of the supply chain for ICTS
integral to UAS (e.g., design,
development, manufacturing, or supply)
including, but not limited to: (1) UAS
companies; (2) OEMs, including tier
one, tier two, and tier three suppliers;
and (3) service providers.
b. Geographic locations where
software (e.g., product operating
systems or waypoint software),
hardware (e.g., light detection and
ranging (LiDAR) sensors), or other ICTS
integral to UAS in use in the United
States, are designed, developed,
manufactured, or supplied.
c. The length of time it typically takes
to conduct due diligence on UAS
vendors, how long the design phase is
for UAS, and how quickly UAS
companies can make changes to the
supply chain.
14. Which ICTS components integral
to UAS, including but not limited to
those identified in this ANPRM, pose
the greatest risk to U.S. national
security, including U.S. ICTS supply
chains and critical infrastructure, or to
the security and safety of U.S. persons
if they are foreign adversary ICTS?
d. Capabilities of UAS That May
Increase the Likelihood of
Vulnerabilities That Foreign Adversary
Linked Entities Could Exploit
Data Collection
UAS incorporate numerous ICTS
components including sensors to gather
environmental information, actuators to
enable remote or autonomous
movements, telecommunications
equipment to receive signals necessary
for flight, and software with intelligent
algorithms to execute actions based on
the gathered data. UAS for commercial
or military purposes may incorporate
additional equipment to collect more
complex data, including multispectral
sensors, thermal cameras, infrared
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Proposed Rules
sensors, and radar. These sensors may
collect and transmit a wide variety of
sensitive data (e.g., critical
infrastructure facility layouts which
could be used to plot potential avenues
for sabotage of such facilities). In
general, data collected by UAS can be
stored in multiple locations depending
on the specifications of the UAS and
user decisions, including on an internetconnected device such as a mobile
phone or a computer, on a radio control
device, on a hard drive or personal
server, or on a cloud platform provided
by UAS companies. In some instances,
UAS companies state in their privacy
policies that data may be stored in data
centers located outside of the user’s
home country, to include where the
UAS company is headquartered.
BIS seeks to better understand the
data collection capabilities including
intelligent machine learning algorithms
of UAS and the ICTS components
therein. In particular, BIS seeks further
comment on the following topics but
encourages the submission of any
comments germane to the issues
discussed in this ANPRM:
15. What are the general data
collection capabilities of UAS? What is
the level of aggregation and scale of data
that UAS can collect on U.S persons,
entities, geography, and infrastructure?
a. Who besides the operator of the
UAS generally has authorized access to,
or control of, data collected by UAS?
b. How is the data collected by UAS
sold or integrated into data markets?
16. What are the UAS industry
standard policies or procedures, if any,
governing how data generated by,
owned by, or otherwise associated with
U.S. persons is stored, managed,
processed, gathered, or protected in or
on data-related services equipment
located outside of the United States? BIS
defines ‘‘data-related services
equipment’’ as hardware used to
receive, store, process or transmit data
in support of data-related services,
including routers, firewalls, gateways,
switches, servers, load-balancers,
intrusion detection systems, domain
name systems, and storage area
17. Are there standards or best
practices for data retention and/or data
disposition policies or procedures,
involving data-related services
equipment located outside the United
States following the termination of any
UAS account services by U.S. persons?
18. What are the standard policies or
procedures related to UAS companies’
and UAS OEMs’ review of or access to
data generated by, owned by, or
otherwise associated with U.S. persons?
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19. Are there industry standard
policies or procedures establishing how
UAS companies must or should protect
the privacy of data generated by, owned
by, or otherwise associated with U.S.
20. What cybersecurity measures,
authentication, or controls do UAS
service providers and other companies
supporting the UAS supply chain use to
mitigate risks surrounding data
collection, access, storage, processing,
and exfiltration?
21. Is it standard for UAS companies
to have data-related services equipment
located outside of the United States that,
at any time, UAS companies use to
store, collect, process, analyze, share,
distribute, or manage data generated by,
owned by, or otherwise associated with
U.S. persons?
22. How are UAS integrated in critical
infrastructure sectors? Which of these
integrated UAS services, if any, are
particularly unique or of a sensitive
nature such that a disruption to the UAS
supply chain would create a gap for the
23. Which sensors in or on UAS that
are typically used in critical industries
(e.g., agricultural, chemical,
construction, energy,
telecommunication) are able to collect
or transmit data or have connection
a. Are there official aftermarket
modification or customization options
available for these types of sensors?
b. Are there any standard
requirements for these sensors?
24. What is the standard practice for
data sharing relationships between UAS
companies and individuals or entities
within the United States?
a. Are there agreements between UAS
companies and cloud computing service
providers that require the exclusive or
prioritized use of that cloud service’s
network infrastructure? If so, please
provide examples of how those
agreements operate.
b. In industries in the United States
where UAS are used to collect data, do
companies share the data they collect
with other companies? For what
purpose (if not for the primary purpose
of data collection)?
25. Are there any standard
assessments, audits, or evaluations,
internal or by an external party, of UAS
companies’ data privacy policies related
to any data generated by, owned by, or
otherwise associated with U.S. persons?
26. What role do specific remote
sensing ICTS components serve for data
collection by UAS? Particularly useful
responses will describe the data
collection role of the following
PO 00000
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a. Imagery (RGB and Multi-spectral),
3-Dimensional, or Acoustic Sensors;
b. Particle Sensors (regardless of
c. Radio Frequency Sensors;
d. Proximity and Navigation Sensors;
e. Electro-Magnetic Sensors; and/or
f. Other Sensors (including inertial).
27. How often are software
applications related to the operation of
UAS installed on a UAS user’s phone?
What policies govern the application’s
access to other information on the user’s
28. What systems, sensors, or
equipment do UAS and their affiliated
UAS operators use when not navigating
or storing data over mobile networks?
29. How do UAS operators secure
data that is transmitted, received, or
stored during the normal operation of a
UAS without connecting to the internet?
Remote Access and Control
Connectivity features in UAS have
raised significant concerns regarding
illicit remote access and security
vulnerabilities (see, e.g., Department of
the Army, Discontinue Use of Da Jiang
Innovation (DJI) Corporation Unmanned
Aircraft Systems (August 2017), https:// As UAS become
increasingly sophisticated and equipped
with advanced communication
technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,
cellular connections, or other cellular
communications technologies, the risk
of unauthorized access to and control
over UAS by malicious actors may grow.
The integration of advanced
communication technologies may allow
malicious actors to intercept or hijack
communication signals between a UAS
and its controller, potentially leading to
unauthorized access to sensitive data or
control over the UAS itself.
Malicious actors could gain illicit
access to cloud platforms used by UAS
to store data or authorize remote control
access and use that access to determine
the location of a UAS and pilot (see
Andy Greenberg, This Hacker Tool Can
Pinpoint a DJI Drone Operator’s Exact
Location, Wired (March 2, 2023),
Once malicious actors gain such access,
they can obfuscate their identities to
obtain U.S. persons’ sensitive
information and data related to critical
infrastructure. For example, researchers
studying this issue have been successful
in reverse engineering the radio
frequency that controls a UAS and have
been able to pinpoint the position of the
UAS, the UAS home point, and the
remote pilot’s location (see Nico
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Proposed Rules
Schiller, et al., Drone Security and the
Mystery Case of DJI’s DroneID (March
Further, unauthorized UAS access may
provide avenues for malicious actors to
infiltrate drone operations within
critical infrastructure companies,
compromising their functionality and
security. The potential consequences of
compromised UAS systems are
significant. Malicious actors’ access to
UAS could lead to the exfiltration of
sensitive data, including real-time video
feeds and geolocation information,
which can be used to gather intelligence
and conduct surveillance to threaten
U.S. national security, including U.S.
ICTS supply chains and critical
infrastructure, or the security and safety
of U.S. persons.
To understand the vulnerabilities
inherent in UAS, BIS requests
comments regarding specific ICTS
components that enable UAS
connectivity, such as network
connectivity chips, operating software,
AI software and machine learning
applications, and data transmission
devices. These components, which
facilitate UAS communication with
external networks, are susceptible to
various forms of potential UAS cyber
vulnerabilities if not properly secured.
Supply chain security for these
components may be essential.
Compromised network connectivity
chips, for example, may introduce
backdoors or other malicious
functionalities during the
manufacturing process, which may be
triggered when the UAS is activated.
UAS could also be compromised
through the corruption and injection of
artificial intelligent code during the
supply chain process in order to
introduce vulnerabilities or
functionalities affecting data access and
UAS control, for example. The supply
chain may be manipulated by foreign
adversaries who seek to exploit
vulnerabilities at various stages of
production and distribution.
Understanding and mitigating these
risks by implementing comprehensive
security assessments and standards may
be vital for ensuring the integrity and
security of UAS communication
capabilities. Enhanced scrutiny of the
UAS supply chain, especially regarding
foreign adversary ICTS components,
may be necessary to safeguard against
potential threats from foreign
adversaries. As such, BIS seeks to
understand the following topics in
greater detail but welcomes any other
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comments germane to the issues
discussed in this ANPRM:
30. What is the physical range of
connectivity for UAS systems for
commercial use?
31. Where is data stored on the
physical UAS if any? Where is data that
a UAS captures during routine
operations stored off the physical UAS?
a. How long is data stored on and off
the UAS platform?
32. What, if any, industry standard
policies or procedures govern how UAS
communicate, what kinds of
information UAS can communicate,
with what they can communicate, and
which components enable, store, or
analyze these communications?
33. What controls or procedures
govern or should govern the use of AI
in UAS?
34. What types of remote access or
control do OEMs have over their UAS?
Please also describe under what
circumstances an OEM would require
remote access or control.
35. To what extent can individual
sensors and components communicate
independently from the UAS Operating
System (OS)?
36. What cybersecurity standards and
best practices exist for the UAS supply
chain? How do UAS OEMs supplement
existing cybersecurity standards and
best practices at each step of the UAS
supply chain, including design,
manufacturing, and maintenance?
37. How do UAS OEMs or UAS
operators integrate payloads and related
components from third parties into their
software, OS, and AI software and
38. Who are the third parties that
commonly provide payloads and
component parts (e.g., sensors,
payloads, cameras) for integration into
UAS production?
a. Which, if any, of these third parties
are owned by, controlled by, or subject
to the jurisdiction or direction of a
foreign adversary? Which, if any, of
these third parties are owned by entities
that operate under the laws of a foreign
adversary? Where are these third parties
incorporated and physically located?
Please provide factual support where
39. What ICTS components, other
than payloads and related components,
are made by non-U.S. third parties (i.e.,
not the U.S. UAS OEM) for
incorporation into UAS? Where are
these component parts made? Where are
the UAS assembled, and what entity
(e.g., OEM, third party servicer, or user/
operator) would typically incorporate or
integrate these additional components
into a UAS?
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40. Who provides and is responsible
for cybersecurity updates to software,
firmware, and AI software and
applications for component parts
integrated into UAS (e.g., sensors,
camera, payload)?
e. Consequences of Foreign Adversary
Involvement in ICTS Integral to UAS
The ability of a foreign adversary to
direct or control private companies
through applicable legal frameworks,
combined with the possible exploitation
of vulnerabilities in the increasingly
capable ICTS components integral to
UAS, poses a significant threat of data
exfiltration and malicious remote
access. This could lead to severe, and in
some instances catastrophic,
consequences for U.S. national security,
including U.S. ICTS supply chains and
critical infrastructure, and for the
security and safety of U.S. persons.
Through foreign adversary ICTS
integral to UAS, the intelligence
agencies of foreign adversaries could
exfiltrate, collect, and aggregate a wide
range of sensitive data on U.S. persons
and critical infrastructure held by
companies in the UAS ICTS supply
chain. The data collected by UAS or by
a connected device could include
locations, for example, of military
installations or critical infrastructure
including water infrastructure or energy
generation or storage facilities, flight
paths, audio and video recordings, as
well as information about operators’
identities, finances, contacts, operator
base locations, and operating sector,
including critical infrastructure, which
can be collected by UAS or by a
connected device.
In addition, denial of service through
backdoors embedded in a UAS’s
software could enable a foreign
adversary linked entity under certain
conditions to obtain control over
various UAS functions, including the
ability to disable the UAS completely.
To illustrate using an example noted
generally above, in December 2023, a
China-based UAS manufacturer rolled
out a firmware update to their UAS that
disabled any UAS located in ‘‘conflict
zones’’ defined by the company to
include Gaza, West Bank, Israel, Russia,
Ukraine, and Taiwan, among others.
Once the UAS entered one of the
conflict zones with the downloaded
update, it would cease functionality.
Users would only be able to continue
operation by refusing to download the
update to the detriment of the long-term
functionality of the UAS, as it would
effectively bar the users from receiving
future updates (see Haye Kesteloo, Autel
Robotics Implements No-Fly Zones in
Conflict Areas to Prevent Drone Misuse,
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 2 / Friday, January 3, 2025 / Proposed Rules
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
DroneXL (December 24, 2023), https:// If abused
by a malicious actor, pushed updates
like this could open users up to the risk
of newly defined and restricted ‘‘zones’’
that could affect the use and control of
their UAS. A foreign adversary could
exploit firmware updates of this type by
exercising influence or control over a
UAS service provider and instructing
them to push a certain update.
BIS seeks to better understand how
UAS OEMs may impact UAS
functionality through their incorporated
ICTS components. In particular, the
ANPRM seeks further comment on the
following topics but encourages the
submission of any comments that are
germane to the issues discussed in this
41. In what instances, and how,
would OEMs be able to terminate
functionality of a UAS (i.e., denial of
a. What are the standards and best
practices governing the ability of OEMs
to terminate functionality of a UAS?
b. Are there instances in which a third
party or a subcomponent maker (e.g., a
maker of sensors) could remotely deny
service to and fully or partially
terminate functionality of a UAS or its
respective sensor or component
independently of the OEM?
c. Once service is denied or
functionality is terminated, what are the
standards and best practices for
reinstating full operability?
d. Are there instances in which a UAS
and its subcomponents can use any
inherent connectivity they possess to
connect to other devices, the cloud, or
connected software applications online
but be insulated against denial-ofservice updates or patches by the OEM?
f. Mitigations and Authorizations
In addition to the topics discussed
above, this ANPRM seeks comment on
processes and mechanisms that BIS
could implement in a potential rule to
authorize otherwise prohibited ICTS
transactions if the parties to such
transactions adopt certain mitigation
measures or otherwise mitigate the
undue and unacceptable risks to U.S.
national security, including U.S. ICTS
supply chains and critical
infrastructure, or to the safety and
security of U.S. persons. In particular,
the ANPRM seeks further comment on
the following topics but encourages the
submission of any comments that are
germane to the issues discussed in this
42. Are there instances in which
granting a temporary authorization to
engage in otherwise prohibited UAS
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ICTS transactions would be necessary to
avoid supply chain disruptions or other
unintended consequences and in the
interest of the United States?
43. Which, if any, categories or
classifications of end users should BIS
consider excluding from any
prohibitions on transactions involving
foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS
because transactions involving such end
users would not pose an undue or
unacceptable risk?
44. For what categories of ICTS
transactions relating to UAS should BIS
require a specific authorization before
the transaction is permitted in the
United States?
45. Please comment on potential
requirements for authorizations and
certifications for industry participants
(e.g., assemblers, manufacturers,
dealers, sellers) filed electronically with
46. What certification or validation
process should be implemented in order
to validate mitigation actions taken?
Should third-party testing and
evaluation occur, and at what stage in
the process should this testing and
evaluation occur in order to validate
mitigation actions?
g. Economic Impact
BIS is mindful that any regulation of
transactions involving foreign adversary
ICTS integral to UAS could have
significant economic impacts on sectors
that have incorporated this technology
into their processes and may rely on
UAS. For example, BIS recognizes
regulations on these transactions could
pose supply chain obstacles that could
affect UAS and UAS component prices.
BIS is concerned, however, about the
short-term and long-term consequences
of UAS and UAS supply chain abuse by
foreign adversaries. Accordingly, this
ANPRM seeks further comment on the
following topics but encourages the
submission of any comments that are
germane to the issues discussed in this
47. What, if any, anticompetitive
effects may result from regulation of
transactions involving foreign adversary
ICTS integral to UAS as contemplated
by this ANPRM? And what, if anything,
can be done to mitigate the
anticompetitive effects?
48. What data privacy and protection
impacts to U.S. businesses or the public,
if any, might be associated with the
regulation of transactions involving
foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS
contemplated in this ANPRM? What are
the benefits and costs, if any, of these
49. What additional economic
impacts to U.S. businesses or the public,
PO 00000
Frm 00014
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
if any, might be associated with the
regulation of transactions involving
foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS
contemplated by this ANPRM?
a. If responding from outside the
United States, what economic impacts
to local businesses and the public, if
any, might be associated with
regulations of transactions involving
foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS
in the United States?
50. What actions can BIS take, or
provisions could it add to any proposed
regulations, to minimize potential costs
borne by U.S. businesses or the public?
a. If responding from outside the
United States, what actions can BIS
take, or what provisions could it add to
any proposed regulations, to minimize
potential costs borne by local businesses
or the public?
Elizabeth L.D. Cannon,
Executive Director, Office of Information and
Communications Technology and Services.
[FR Doc. 2024–30209 Filed 1–2–25; 8:45 am]
38 CFR Part 17
RIN 2900–AS23
Exempting Whole Health Well-Being
Services From Copayment
Department of Veterans Affairs
Proposed rule
The Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA) proposes to revise its
medical regulations to exempt Whole
Health well-being services from the
copayment requirements for inpatient
hospital care and outpatient medical
care. These Whole Health well-being
services, which consist of Whole Health
education and skill-building programs
and complementary and integrative
health well-being services, are provided
to Veterans within the VA Whole Health
System of Care to improve Veterans’
overall health and well-being.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before March 4, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted through
Except as provided herein, comments
received before the close of the
comment period will be available at for public viewing,
inspection, or copying, including any
personally identifiable or confidential
business information that is included in
a comment. We post the comments
received before the close of the
comment period on
[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 2 (Friday, January 3, 2025)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 271-279]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-30209]
Bureau of Industry and Security
15 CFR Part 791
[Docket No. 241213-0327]
RIN 0694-AJ72
Securing the Information and Communications Technology and
Services Supply Chain: Unmanned Aircraft Systems
AGENCY: Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Advance notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: In this advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM), the
Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) seeks
public comment on issues related to transactions involving information
and communications technology and services (ICTS) that are designed,
developed, manufactured, or supplied by persons owned by, controlled
by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of foreign adversaries,
pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13873, ``Securing the Information
and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain,'' and that are
integral to unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). This ANPRM will assist BIS
in determining the technologies and market participants that may be
appropriate for regulation in order to address undue or unacceptable
risks to U.S. national security, including U.S. ICTS supply chains and
critical infrastructure, or/and
[[Page 272]]
to the security and safety of U.S. persons.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before March 4, 2025.
ADDRESSES: All comments must be submitted by one of the following
The Federal eRulemaking Portal: at docket number BIS-2024-0058.
Email directly to: [email protected].
Include ``RIN 0694-AJ72'' in the subject line.
Instructions: Comments sent by any other method, to any
other address or individual, or received after the end of the comment
period, may not be considered. For those seeking to submit business
confidential information (BCI), please clearly mark such submissions as
BCI and submit by email, as instructed above. Each BCI submission must
also contain a summary of the BCI, clearly marked as public, in
sufficient detail to permit a reasonable understanding of the substance
of the information for public consumption. Such summary information
will be posted on Comments that contain profanity,
vulgarity, threats, or other inappropriate language or content will not
be considered.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marc Coldiron, U.S. Department of
Commerce, telephone: 202-482-3678. For media inquiries: Katherine
Schneider, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, Bureau of
Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce: [email protected].
I. Background
In E.O. 13873, ``Securing the Information and Communications
Technology and Services Supply Chain,'' (84 FR 22689 (May 17, 2019))
the President delegated to the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) the
authority granted under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act
(IEEPA) (50 U.S.C. 1701, et seq.), to the extent necessary, ``to deal
with any unusual and extraordinary'' foreign threat to the national
security, foreign policy, or economy of the United States in connection
with the national emergency declared by the President with respect to
such threat (50 U.S.C. 1701(a)). In E.O. 13873, the President declared
a national emergency with respect to the ``unusual and extraordinary''
foreign threat posed to the ICTS supply chain and has, in accordance
with the National Emergencies Act (NEA), extended the declaration of
this national emergency each year since E.O. 13873's publication (see
85 FR 29321 (May 14, 2020); 86 FR 26339 (May 13, 2021); 87 FR 29645
(May 13, 2022); 88 FR 30635 (May 11, 2023); and 89 FR 40353 (May 9,
Specifically, the President identified the ``unrestricted
acquisition or use in the United States of [ICTS] designed, developed,
manufactured, or supplied by persons owned by, controlled by, or
subject to the jurisdiction or direction of foreign adversaries'' as
``an unusual and extraordinary'' threat to the national security,
foreign policy, and economy of the United States that ``exists both in
the case of individual acquisitions or uses of such technology or
services, and when acquisitions or uses of such technologies are
considered as a class'' (E.O. 13873; see also 50 U.S.C. 1701(a)-(b)).
Once the President declares a national emergency, IEEPA empowers
the President to, among other acts, investigate, regulate, prevent, or
prohibit any ``acquisition, holding, withholding, use, transfer,
withdrawal, transportation, importation or exportation of, or dealing
in, or exercising any right, power, or privilege with respect to, or
transactions involving, any property in which any foreign country or a
national thereof has any interest by any person, or with respect to any
property, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States'' (50 U.S.C.
To address identified risks to U.S. national security from ICTS
transactions, the President in E.O. 13873 imposed a prohibition on
transactions determined by the Secretary, in consultation with relevant
agency heads, to involve foreign adversary ICTS and to pose certain
risks to U.S. national security, including U.S. ICTS supply chains and
critical infrastructure, and to the security and safety of U.S.
persons. Specifically, to fall within the scope of the prohibition, the
Secretary must determine that the ICTS transaction: (1) involves ICTS
designed, developed, manufactured, or supplied by persons owned by,
controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a foreign
adversary, defined in E.O. 13873 section 3(b) as ``any foreign
government or foreign non-government person engaged in a long-term
pattern or serious instances of conduct significantly adverse to the
national security of the United States or security and safety of United
States persons''; and (2):
A. ``poses an undue risk of sabotage to or subversion of the
design, integrity, manufacturing, production, distribution,
installation, operation, or maintenance of information and
communications technology or services in the United States;''
B. ``poses an undue risk of catastrophic effects on the security or
resiliency of United States critical infrastructure or the digital
economy of the United States;'' or
C. ``otherwise poses an unacceptable risk to the national security
of the United States or the security and safety of United States
persons'' (E.O. 13873 1(a)).
These factors are collectively referred to as ``undue or
unacceptable risks.'' Further, E.O. 13873 grants the Secretary the
authority to design or negotiate mitigation measures that would allow
an otherwise prohibited transaction to proceed (E.O. 13873 1(b)). The
President also delegated to the Secretary the ability to promulgate
regulations that, among other things, establish when transactions
involving particular technologies may be categorically prohibited (E.O.
13873 2(a)-(b); see also 3 U.S.C. 301-302). Specifically, the Secretary
may issue rules establishing criteria, consistent with section 1 of
E.O. 13873, by which particular technologies or market participants may
be categorically included in or categorically excluded from
prohibitions established pursuant to E.O. 13873 (see E.O. 13873 2(b)).
Any regulated transactions under E.O. 13873 must have a sufficient
nexus to a foreign adversary, which, according to E.O. 13873's
implementing regulations at 15 CFR 791.4, currently includes, China,
People's Republic of (China), including the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region; Republic of Cuba (Cuba); Islamic Republic of
Iran (Iran); Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea);
Russian Federation (Russia); and Venezuelan politician Nicol[aacute]s
Maduro (Maduro Regime).
II. Introduction
Pursuant to the authority delegated to the Secretary under E.O.
13873, BIS is considering proposing a rule to address the undue or
unacceptable risks posed by certain transactions involving ICTS
integral to unmanned aircraft system (UAS) when the ICTS are designed,
developed, manufactured, or supplied by persons owned by, controlled
by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of foreign adversaries
(foreign adversary ICTS). BIS is also considering whether there are
mitigation measures that, if adopted, would allow UAS market
participants to engage in transactions that would otherwise pose undue
or unacceptable risks. The purpose of this ANPRM is to gather
information to support BIS's potential development of a rule regarding
foreign adversary ICTS
[[Page 273]]
integral to UAS. For the purposes of this rulemaking, unless terms are
otherwise defined herein, this ANPRM will apply the definitions listed
in 15 CFR 791.2.
III. Request for Comments
BIS is concerned that the involvement of foreign adversaries,
notably China and Russia, in the design, development, manufacture, or
supply of ICTS integral to UAS poses undue or unacceptable risk to U.S.
national security, including U.S. ICTS supply chains and critical
infrastructure, and to the security and safety of U.S. persons. As
described in more detail below, these countries can leverage their
political and legal frameworks to co-opt private entities for national
interests, and those private entities maintain dominant market
positions in the global commercial UAS sector. This dominance,
particularly by China, provides ample exploitation opportunities.
Further, both countries have shown a willingness to compromise U.S.
infrastructure and security through cyber espionage. The potential for
these countries to direct the actions of private entities for the
purpose of exploiting ICTS supply chains heightens concerns about their
participation in the U.S. UAS supply chain.
BIS seeks public input on several topics, including, but not
limited to, certain definitions and BIS's assessment of how a class of
transactions involving foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS could
present undue or unacceptable risks to U.S. national security and to
the security and safety of U.S. persons. These risks relate to threats
from foreign adversary-linked entities, the capabilities of UAS that
may increase the likelihood of vulnerabilities, and the consequences to
U.S. national security, including U.S. ICTS supply chains and critical
infrastructure, and to the security and safety of U.S. persons if these
vulnerabilities are exploited or intentionally inserted by foreign
adversary linked entities. BIS recognizes the benefits of UAS
technologies and does not imply through this ANPRM that any particular
UAS components, such as data transmission or connectivity devices,
should not be used. These technologies benefit the United States by
increasing efficiency in various critical infrastructure sectors such
as agriculture, construction, transportation, and energy, leading to
economic growth and improved public safety. However, in E.O. 13873, the
President focused on addressing risks that ICTS transactions involving
foreign adversaries might present to U.S. national security and to the
security and safety of U.S. persons. Therefore, this ANPRM, which is
being issued pursuant to the authorities granted to the Secretary under
E.O. 13873, seeks public comment on potential ways to address undue or
unacceptable risks to U.S. national security, including U.S. ICTS
supply chains and critical infrastructure, -and to the security and
safety of U.S. persons that may arise from foreign adversary ICTS
integral to UAS. As part of BIS's efforts to understand UAS and their
critical ICTS components, BIS solicits comments on the -ICTS most
integral to UAS's data collection and connectivity capabilities and
that are most vulnerable to compromise by an adversarial actor. Such
ICTS might be included in any mitigation measures or prohibitions
imposed in a potential rule, and could include, but is not limited to:
(1) onboard computers responsible for processing data and controlling
UAV flight; (2) communications systems including, but not limited to,
flight controllers, transceiver/receiver equipment, proximity links
such as Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) sensors, and flight
termination equipment; (3) flight control systems responsible for
takeoff, landing, and navigation, including, but not limited to,
exteroceptive and proprioceptive sensors; (4) ground control stations
(GCS) or systems including, but not limited to, handheld flight
controllers; (5) operating software including, but not limited to,
network management software; (6) mission planning software; (7)
intelligent battery power systems; (8) local and external data storage
devices and services; and (9) artificial intelligence (AI) software or
applications. BIS also solicits input on mechanisms to mitigate the
risks posed by foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS, such as
potential design requirements, machine learning controls,
implementation standards and protocols, cybersecurity firmware and/or
software inputs, manufacturing integrity (i.e., the security of the
manufacturing process to ensure no foreign adversary manipulation)
protection systems and procedures, or prohibitions.
Additionally, BIS seeks comment on whether it would be beneficial
to create a process for the public to request specific authorization to
engage in certain transactions involving foreign adversary ICTS
integral to UAS by demonstrating that the parties to a particular
transaction have implemented measures to adequately mitigate the risk
to U.S. national security or to the security and safety of U.S.
persons. BIS encourages public feedback to help inform the rulemaking
process, particularly regarding the impact on U.S. ICTS supply chains
and critical infrastructure of any prohibition or mitigation measures
applicable to foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS. BIS additionally
encourages the submission of any public comments germane to the issues
as described in this ANPRM.
a. Definitions
BIS requests comments on a definition of ``unmanned aircraft
systems'' or UAS to use in a potential rule. BIS could define UAS as
the International Trade Administration (ITA) does to mean ``air
vehicles and associated equipment that do not carry a human operator,
but instead are remotely piloted or fly autonomously'' (International
Trade Administration, Unmanned Aircraft Systems Overview (accessed
October 15, 2024),
UAS, more colloquially known as ``drones,'' is a generic term that can
include, but is not exclusive to, remotely piloted aircraft systems or
unmanned aerial vehicles. ITA's definition also states ``[a] UAS
generally consists of (1) an aircraft with no pilot on board, (2) a
remote pilot station, (3) a [command-and-control] link, and (4) a
payload specific to the intended application [or] operation, which
often includes specialized cameras or other sensors that collect data
for near term analysis'' (International Trade Administration, Unmanned
Aircraft Systems Overview (accessed October 15, 2024),
BIS is also contemplating the use of other definitions of UAS from
the U.S. government, including the definition used by the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA), which defines UAS as ``an unmanned
aircraft and associated elements (including communication links and the
components that control the unmanned aircraft) that are required for
the operator to operate safely and efficiently in the national airspace
system'' (49 U.S.C. 44801(12)). The FAA defines an ``unmanned
aircraft'' to mean ``an aircraft that is operated without the
possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the
aircraft'' (49 U.S.C. 44801(11)).
BIS also considered the definition of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
as used within BIS's Export Administration Regulations (EAR), which
defines UAV as ``[a]ny `aircraft' capable of initiating flight and
sustaining controlled flight and navigation without any human presence
on board'' (15 CFR 772.1). The
[[Page 274]]
EAR defines ``aircraft'' as ``[a] fixed wing, swivel wing, rotary wing
(helicopter), tilt rotor or tilt-wing airborne vehicle'' (15 CFR
772.1). BIS considered the use of UAV versus UAS and believes UAV is
too narrowly focused for future rulemaking purposes, as it only refers
to the air vehicle itself and excludes other system elements, such as
the ground control stations, communication links, and other associated
components necessary for operation.
BIS is inclined to determine that ITA's definition may be more
appropriate for purposes of potential regulation because, unlike the
FAA and EAR definitions, it identifies specific components and systems
that are integral to UAS. Such a definition may include UAS and UAS
subsystems, such as control stations; data communications and
navigation links or, more precisely, command and control and Non-
Payload Communications (CNPC) links; payloads; flight termination
systems; electronic launch and recovery equipment; recording
capabilities for receiving live imagery; software or AI software and
applications necessary for the operation of airborne systems; and the
capability of remote software or firmware updates. Additionally, ITA's
definition would incorporate some UAS known as actively tethered UAS,
which use a load-rated tether that is physically attached to a ground
station to provide continuous power and which may transmit data to and
from the UAS, which allows the UAS to remain in the air for an extended
period of time. Please note that any definition determined by BIS to be
appropriate for BIS rulemaking regarding UAS would not supersede any
other legal definition of UAS used in other contexts.
Given the various definitions that could be utilized, this ANPRM
seeks comment on the definitions to use in a potential rule regarding
transactions involving ICTS integral to UAS, and specifically, but not
limited to:
1. In what ways, if any, should BIS elaborate on or amend the
potential definition(s) of UAS as stated above? If amended, how will
the revised definition enable BIS to better address national security
risks arising from classes of transactions involving ICTS integral to
2. Is the term UAS broad enough to include the aircraft systems
that may combine flight controllers, global navigation satellite
systems (GNSS) modules, cameras, communication devices, surveillance
modules, navigation devices, sensors with control systems, and/or
software with onboard and offboard data storage capabilities? Does a
better term exist to include such aircraft systems within the
definition's scope?
3. Are there other commonly used definitions for UAS that BIS
should consider when defining a class of transactions involving ICTS
integral to UAS, including definitions from industry, civil society, or
international standards organizations? If so, why might those
definitions be more appropriate for the purposes of a rule?
4. What is the appropriate focus of any BIS regulations in this
sector, including, but not limited to, UAS platforms and subcomponent
technology, UAS capabilities, or UAS end-user sectors, including
entities providing services performed by UAS?
5. Are there commonly used definitions and standard capabilities
for each of the following ICTS components, which BIS has preliminarily
identified as integral to the UAS platform: (1) onboard computers
responsible for processing data and controlling UAV flight; (2)
communications systems including, but not limited to, flight
controllers, transceiver/receiver equipment, proximity links such as
GNSS sensors, and flight termination equipment; (3) flight control
systems responsible for takeoff, landing, and navigation, including,
but not limited to, exteroceptive and proprioceptive sensors; (4) GCS
or systems including, but not limited to, handheld flight controllers;
(5) operating software including, but not limited to, network
management software; (6) mission planning software; (7) intelligent
battery power systems; (8) local and external data storage devices and
services; (9) AI software or applications? Are there additional
components that BIS should identify as integral to the UAS platform
and, if so, are there commonly used definitions and standard
capabilities for each component, such as the American Security Drones
b. Risks Associated With UAS
BIS is soliciting comment on the risks associated with foreign
adversary ICTS integral to UAS, the rapidly advancing technological
functionalities of UAS, and the increasing integration of UAS with U.S.
critical infrastructure. Exponential advancements in UAS functionality
have allowed for the rapid expansion of the UAS industry in recent
years. Remote and autonomous control systems have been developed to
support operational, safety, and environmental applications, minimizing
physical strain and risks to operators in various fields. Advancements
in this sector have reduced production and end user costs and increased
the accessibility of UAS technology. In addition, UAS have become
integral to various sectors of the economy, including: (1) agriculture,
where they are used for crop monitoring and precision spraying; (2) the
chemical industry, where they assist in pipeline inspections and
hazardous material handling; (3) physical infrastructure and
transportation, where they are employed for surveying, bridge
inspections, and construction site management; (4) emergency response;
(5) health care administration; (6) energy; and (7) media and
Over the last decade, UAS have evolved to more sophisticated models
with improved functionalities, including enhanced connected
technologies such as advanced flight controllers, multi-GNSS and GNSS
modules, cameras, receivers, and AI software and applications, which
have enabled greater autonomy, precision in navigation, enhanced
surveillance capabilities, and seamless integration with various
applications across industry. These new technologies require signal and
communication software to collect vast amounts of data, and in turn may
increase attack vectors for malicious actors to exploit.
Commercial UAS have been increasingly adopted in critical
infrastructure sectors, as defined in National Security Memorandum-22
of April 2024 (see Grand View Research, Drone Market Size, Share &
Trends Analysis Report by Component (Hardware, Software, Services), By
Product, By Technology, By Payload Capacity, By Power Source, By End-
use, By Region, and Segment Forecasts, 2024-2030 (accessed October 15,
2024),; see also The White House, National Security Memorandum
on Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience (April 30, 2024), UAS used in these sectors often rely on the same
aircraft used by recreational drone enthusiasts, but in many cases the
UAS used to support critical infrastructure have longer flight times,
can lift heavier and more complex payloads, can fly beyond visual line
of sight, and have the durability to fly through rough weather
conditions. UAS capable of lifting and carrying payloads for extended
periods of time pose a specific and aggravated risk of both data
collection and manipulation, as well as remote access that could be
misused for destructive
[[Page 275]]
purposes. As critical infrastructure becomes more reliant on commercial
UAS, their remote incapacitation by a foreign adversary creates
increased risk to U.S. national security and to the security and safety
of U.S. persons.
Malign remote access to UAS could be used to harm or damage
physical infrastructure via intentional collisions, the delivery of
kinetic payload, or could result in altered sensitive readings on
critical infrastructure data. These risks can be exacerbated if the
ICTS integral to UAS is designed, developed, manufactured, or supplied,
by persons owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or
direction of a foreign adversary. Accordingly, BIS requests public
comment on the undue or unacceptable risks posed by transactions
involving foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS technology. BIS seeks
comments on the following topics but encourages the submission of any
comments germane to the issues discussed in this ANPRM:
6. BIS identified data exfiltration and remote access control as
the two primary areas of risk associated with transactions involving
foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS technology. Are there other
risks or factors contributing to the risk that BIS has not considered
in the above analysis?
7. Which specific sectors or elements of critical infrastructure
operated by private organizations, specifically within the commercial
market, are most at risk if UAS technology is compromised?
c. Threat Posed by Foreign Adversaries
Foreign adversaries like China and Russia have established certain
legal and regulatory frameworks through which they could compel
entities under their jurisdiction to comply with requests for
information regarding U.S. persons or access to systems in the U.S.
ICTS supply chain. China has implemented a series of laws (e.g., the
National Intelligence Law of 2017, the Cybersecurity Law of 2017, the
Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) of 2021, the National
Security Law of 2015) that mandate cooperation with China's
cybersecurity efforts, intelligence operations, and the protection of
national security interests by individuals and entities subject to the
jurisdiction of China. These laws require network operators and
technology companies to assist public security agencies in safeguarding
cybersecurity and providing access to data stored within China's
borders (see Department of Homeland Security, Data Security Business
Advisory (July 11, 2022),
Specifically, the National Security Law of 2015 imposes obligations
that require organizations and individuals to cooperate with Chinese
authorities on undefined `matters of national security,' potentially
requiring technology companies to expose the personal information of
U.S. citizens or companies (see CNA, China's National Security Laws:
Implications Beyond Borders (December 2023),
Similarly, Russian legislation (e.g., Federal Law No. 40-FZ, ``On
the Federal Security Service''; Federal Law No. 144-FZ, ``Open-
Investigative Activity''; Federal Law No. 97-FZ, ``On Amendments to the
Law'') grants the Russian government direct access to Russian
corporations' activities and facilities. Using this authority, the
Russian government could access companies' data and consumer
information and mandate that companies cooperate with the Federal
Security Services (FSB) to assist with counterintelligence actions,
which can include installing government equipment on companies'
infrastructure for data collection. These laws compel Russia-based
telecommunications providers, internet service companies, and other
entities to assist Russian security agencies in investigations and
surveillance, ensuring compliance with national security imperatives
(see Federal Law No. 374-FZ, ``On Amending Federal Law `On Combating
Terrorism' And Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation
Regarding the Establishment of Additional Counter-Terrorism Measures
and Public Security'').
Within the United States, products developed by China-based
entities make up at least 75 percent of the UAS consumer market (see
Lukas Schroth, Drone Market Shares in the USA After China-US Disputes,
Drone Industry Insights (March 2, 2021),; see also David Kitron, Game
of Drones: Chinese Giant DJI Hit by U.S. Tensions, Staff Defections,
Reuters (March 8, 2021), The large market share of China-based
entities allows China to exercise control over the supply chain and
deny access to UAS technology. With the added element of China's
ability to exercise jurisdiction over the primary producers of UAS
products and components globally, China is unmatched in its control
over crucial UAS elements used for commercial needs. The preeminence of
China-based entities in the U.S. market provides China, through its
established legal framework and control over persons subject to its
jurisdiction, a significant opportunity to collect U.S. persons' data
and potentially deny services to the United States and its allies in
response to unfavorable policies or conflicts.
Russia, in comparison to China, comprises a relatively small
portion of the global UAS market share, but has announced its intention
to heavily invest in developing Russia's UAS domestic market over the
next few years to be less reliant on external manufacturers (see, e.g.,
Russia plans to produce 18,000 drones annually by late 2026--first
deputy premier, TASS (April 27, 2023), As of 2023, Russia reportedly produced only 6,000 UAS and
aims to boost domestic drone production for various industry sectors
(see Martin Forusek, Russian official: Russia aims to produce over
32,000 civilian drones annually by 2030, Kyiv Independent (January 6,
2024), While the nascent state of
Russia's UAS market may not currently pose risks to U.S. national
security, including U.S. ICTS supply chains and critical
infrastructure, and to the security and safety of U.S. persons in the
commercial space, the projected growth of Russia's domestic market
suggests national security risks will emerge if left unchecked. The
strategic investments being made in Russia mirror the same efforts made
by China in its own markets and may position Russia as a high-volume
supplier in the UAS space in the near future.
Despite their different current UAS market shares, China and Russia
have demonstrated that they are capable of engaging in cyber activities
that seek to harm U.S. critical infrastructure and national security
for strategic advantage. According to the Office of the Director of
National Intelligence, China's cyber espionage pursuits and the export
of surveillance, information, and communications technologies by China-
based industries increase the threats of aggressive cyber operations
against the United States and the suppression of the free flow of
information in cyberspace (see Office of the Director of National
Intelligence, Annual Threat Assessment (2024),
[[Page 276]]
Russia has long exploited vulnerabilities targeting critical
infrastructure in the United States as well as in allied and partner
countries (see Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency,
Hunting Russian Intelligence ``Snake'' Malware (May 9, 2023), Whether
through pre-positioning attacks or exploiting software vulnerabilities,
China and Russia have exhibited their intent and capability to
compromise U.S. national security, including U.S. ICTS supply chains
and critical infrastructure, and the security and safety of U.S.
Further, foreign adversaries, such as China or Russia, could direct
UAS companies subject to their jurisdiction to engineer vulnerabilities
into their products, exploit existing vulnerabilities, or push
malicious updates, compromising these products without the UAS owner's
knowledge. In the past, for example, China-based UAS companies have
pushed firmware updates to implement no-fly restrictions that would
disable their UAS in conflict zones defined by the company (see, e.g.,
Haye Kesteloo, Autel Robotics Implements No-Fly Zones in Conflict Areas
to Prevent Drone Misuse, DroneXL (December 24, 2023),;
Gareth Corfield, Drone maker DJI quietly made large chunks of Iraq,
Syria no-fly zones, The Register (April 26, 2017), These
UAS no-fly zones can also be altered through non-commercial methods by
disabling UAS safety features (see, e.g., Support, No-Fly Zones (NFZ)
Explained, Drone-Hacks Wiki (last edited June 18, 2024), As of 2024, these alterations
can be implemented across several China-based UAS models (see, e.g.,
Drone-Hacks, Available Hacks (accessed October 15, 2024), illustrative example of a website
that allows users to download software to modify a drone's operating
system to operate outside of specified no fly zones)). Pushing forced
updates that disable UAS in predefined zones and circumventing safety
features demonstrate two vectors through which a foreign adversary
could abuse its access and influence over a company intentionally to
target UAS products owned by U.S. persons or operated in the United
States, disrupt their operation, and in turn severely impact U.S.
national security, including the U.S. ICTS supply chain and critical
infrastructure, and the security and safety of U.S. persons.
This ANPRM seeks comments on the role of persons owned by,
controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a foreign
adversary in the U.S. supply chain for ICTS components integral to UAS.
For clarity, this ANPRM uses the term ``UAS companies'' to refer to the
manufacturers or distributors of a finished UAS product, like a drone,
while the term ``UAS Original Equipment Manufacturers'' (OEMs) refers
to the producers of the UAS components, including the tier 1, tier 2,
and tier 3 suppliers. The term ``UAS service providers'' refers to
entities responsible for desktop and mobile applications supporting
UAS. A single company, depending on its products, could be a UAS
company, OEM, and service provider all at once. BIS seeks comments on
the below topics but encourages the submission of any comments germane
to the issues discussed in this ANPRM:
8. In this section, BIS identified threats posed by transactions
involving ICTS integral to UAS with a nexus to China or Russia. Has BIS
fully captured and articulated the threat posed by transactions
involving such ICTS? If not, what additional threats should BIS
9. Do other foreign adversaries identified in 15 CFR 791.4, such as
Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and the Maduro Regime of Venezuela, pose
similar risks to the UAS ICTS supply chain that BIS should consider?
Are there specific persons or entities with a nexus to these foreign
adversaries that BIS should consider?
10. Which ICTS components integral to UAS are designed, developed,
manufactured, or supplied predominantly or exclusively by persons owned
by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a
foreign adversary?
a. Are UAS companies capable of tracking and reporting the sources
of these ICTS components?
b. Are there specific ICTS components that UAS companies focus on
when evaluating their supply chains for involvement with foreign
adversary linked entities?
11. What are the potential tradeoffs of a rule prohibiting the
resale or rental in the United States of UAS or UAS components that are
designed, developed, manufactured, or supplied by persons owned by,
controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a foreign
12. What are the software applications, whether freeware or
requiring an account or purchase, that companies within the UAS supply
chain generally develop or distribute in support of UAS, and/or sell or
resell within the United States or to U.S. persons?
a. What is the provenance of all source code for such software
applications? What do the distribution channels for such software
applications look like (e.g., direct, follow components, aftermarket)?
b. Please identify any significant third parties that develop
source code for UAS OEM's software product lines.
13. Please describe the ICTS supply chain for UAS that are used or
sold in the United States. Particularly useful responses may include
information regarding:
a. Market leaders for each distinct phase of the supply chain for
ICTS integral to UAS (e.g., design, development, manufacturing, or
supply) including, but not limited to: (1) UAS companies; (2) OEMs,
including tier one, tier two, and tier three suppliers; and (3) service
b. Geographic locations where software (e.g., product operating
systems or waypoint software), hardware (e.g., light detection and
ranging (LiDAR) sensors), or other ICTS integral to UAS in use in the
United States, are designed, developed, manufactured, or supplied.
c. The length of time it typically takes to conduct due diligence
on UAS vendors, how long the design phase is for UAS, and how quickly
UAS companies can make changes to the supply chain.
14. Which ICTS components integral to UAS, including but not
limited to those identified in this ANPRM, pose the greatest risk to
U.S. national security, including U.S. ICTS supply chains and critical
infrastructure, or to the security and safety of U.S. persons if they
are foreign adversary ICTS?
d. Capabilities of UAS That May Increase the Likelihood of
Vulnerabilities That Foreign Adversary Linked Entities Could Exploit
Data Collection
UAS incorporate numerous ICTS components including sensors to
gather environmental information, actuators to enable remote or
autonomous movements, telecommunications equipment to receive signals
necessary for flight, and software with intelligent algorithms to
execute actions based on the gathered data. UAS for commercial or
military purposes may incorporate additional equipment to collect more
complex data, including multispectral sensors, thermal cameras,
[[Page 277]]
sensors, and radar. These sensors may collect and transmit a wide
variety of sensitive data (e.g., critical infrastructure facility
layouts which could be used to plot potential avenues for sabotage of
such facilities). In general, data collected by UAS can be stored in
multiple locations depending on the specifications of the UAS and user
decisions, including on an internet-connected device such as a mobile
phone or a computer, on a radio control device, on a hard drive or
personal server, or on a cloud platform provided by UAS companies. In
some instances, UAS companies state in their privacy policies that data
may be stored in data centers located outside of the user's home
country, to include where the UAS company is headquartered.
BIS seeks to better understand the data collection capabilities
including intelligent machine learning algorithms of UAS and the ICTS
components therein. In particular, BIS seeks further comment on the
following topics but encourages the submission of any comments germane
to the issues discussed in this ANPRM:
15. What are the general data collection capabilities of UAS? What
is the level of aggregation and scale of data that UAS can collect on
U.S persons, entities, geography, and infrastructure?
a. Who besides the operator of the UAS generally has authorized
access to, or control of, data collected by UAS?
b. How is the data collected by UAS sold or integrated into data
16. What are the UAS industry standard policies or procedures, if
any, governing how data generated by, owned by, or otherwise associated
with U.S. persons is stored, managed, processed, gathered, or protected
in or on data-related services equipment located outside of the United
States? BIS defines ``data-related services equipment'' as hardware
used to receive, store, process or transmit data in support of data-
related services, including routers, firewalls, gateways, switches,
servers, load-balancers, intrusion detection systems, domain name
systems, and storage area networks.
17. Are there standards or best practices for data retention and/or
data disposition policies or procedures, involving data-related
services equipment located outside the United States following the
termination of any UAS account services by U.S. persons?
18. What are the standard policies or procedures related to UAS
companies' and UAS OEMs' review of or access to data generated by,
owned by, or otherwise associated with U.S. persons?
19. Are there industry standard policies or procedures establishing
how UAS companies must or should protect the privacy of data generated
by, owned by, or otherwise associated with U.S. persons?
20. What cybersecurity measures, authentication, or controls do UAS
service providers and other companies supporting the UAS supply chain
use to mitigate risks surrounding data collection, access, storage,
processing, and exfiltration?
21. Is it standard for UAS companies to have data-related services
equipment located outside of the United States that, at any time, UAS
companies use to store, collect, process, analyze, share, distribute,
or manage data generated by, owned by, or otherwise associated with
U.S. persons?
22. How are UAS integrated in critical infrastructure sectors?
Which of these integrated UAS services, if any, are particularly unique
or of a sensitive nature such that a disruption to the UAS supply chain
would create a gap for the sector?
23. Which sensors in or on UAS that are typically used in critical
industries (e.g., agricultural, chemical, construction, energy,
telecommunication) are able to collect or transmit data or have
connection capabilities?
a. Are there official aftermarket modification or customization
options available for these types of sensors?
b. Are there any standard requirements for these sensors?
24. What is the standard practice for data sharing relationships
between UAS companies and individuals or entities within the United
a. Are there agreements between UAS companies and cloud computing
service providers that require the exclusive or prioritized use of that
cloud service's network infrastructure? If so, please provide examples
of how those agreements operate.
b. In industries in the United States where UAS are used to collect
data, do companies share the data they collect with other companies?
For what purpose (if not for the primary purpose of data collection)?
25. Are there any standard assessments, audits, or evaluations,
internal or by an external party, of UAS companies' data privacy
policies related to any data generated by, owned by, or otherwise
associated with U.S. persons?
26. What role do specific remote sensing ICTS components serve for
data collection by UAS? Particularly useful responses will describe the
data collection role of the following components:
a. Imagery (RGB and Multi-spectral), 3-Dimensional, or Acoustic
b. Particle Sensors (regardless of wavelength);
c. Radio Frequency Sensors;
d. Proximity and Navigation Sensors;
e. Electro-Magnetic Sensors; and/or
f. Other Sensors (including inertial).
27. How often are software applications related to the operation of
UAS installed on a UAS user's phone? What policies govern the
application's access to other information on the user's phone?
28. What systems, sensors, or equipment do UAS and their affiliated
UAS operators use when not navigating or storing data over mobile
29. How do UAS operators secure data that is transmitted, received,
or stored during the normal operation of a UAS without connecting to
the internet?
Remote Access and Control
Connectivity features in UAS have raised significant concerns
regarding illicit remote access and security vulnerabilities (see,
e.g., Department of the Army, Discontinue Use of Da Jiang Innovation
(DJI) Corporation Unmanned Aircraft Systems (August 2017), As UAS become increasingly sophisticated and equipped with
advanced communication technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular
connections, or other cellular communications technologies, the risk of
unauthorized access to and control over UAS by malicious actors may
grow. The integration of advanced communication technologies may allow
malicious actors to intercept or hijack communication signals between a
UAS and its controller, potentially leading to unauthorized access to
sensitive data or control over the UAS itself.
Malicious actors could gain illicit access to cloud platforms used
by UAS to store data or authorize remote control access and use that
access to determine the location of a UAS and pilot (see Andy
Greenberg, This Hacker Tool Can Pinpoint a DJI Drone Operator's Exact
Location, Wired (March 2, 2023), Once malicious actors gain
such access, they can obfuscate their identities to obtain U.S.
persons' sensitive information and data related to critical
infrastructure. For example, researchers studying this issue have been
successful in reverse engineering the radio frequency that controls a
UAS and have been able to pinpoint the position of the UAS, the UAS
home point, and the remote pilot's location (see Nico
[[Page 278]]
Schiller, et al., Drone Security and the Mystery Case of DJI's DroneID
(March 2023), Further, unauthorized UAS access may
provide avenues for malicious actors to infiltrate drone operations
within critical infrastructure companies, compromising their
functionality and security. The potential consequences of compromised
UAS systems are significant. Malicious actors' access to UAS could lead
to the exfiltration of sensitive data, including real-time video feeds
and geolocation information, which can be used to gather intelligence
and conduct surveillance to threaten U.S. national security, including
U.S. ICTS supply chains and critical infrastructure, or the security
and safety of U.S. persons.
To understand the vulnerabilities inherent in UAS, BIS requests
comments regarding specific ICTS components that enable UAS
connectivity, such as network connectivity chips, operating software,
AI software and machine learning applications, and data transmission
devices. These components, which facilitate UAS communication with
external networks, are susceptible to various forms of potential UAS
cyber vulnerabilities if not properly secured. Supply chain security
for these components may be essential. Compromised network connectivity
chips, for example, may introduce backdoors or other malicious
functionalities during the manufacturing process, which may be
triggered when the UAS is activated. UAS could also be compromised
through the corruption and injection of artificial intelligent code
during the supply chain process in order to introduce vulnerabilities
or functionalities affecting data access and UAS control, for example.
The supply chain may be manipulated by foreign adversaries who seek to
exploit vulnerabilities at various stages of production and
distribution. Understanding and mitigating these risks by implementing
comprehensive security assessments and standards may be vital for
ensuring the integrity and security of UAS communication capabilities.
Enhanced scrutiny of the UAS supply chain, especially regarding foreign
adversary ICTS components, may be necessary to safeguard against
potential threats from foreign adversaries. As such, BIS seeks to
understand the following topics in greater detail but welcomes any
other comments germane to the issues discussed in this ANPRM:
30. What is the physical range of connectivity for UAS systems for
commercial use?
31. Where is data stored on the physical UAS if any? Where is data
that a UAS captures during routine operations stored off the physical
a. How long is data stored on and off the UAS platform?
32. What, if any, industry standard policies or procedures govern
how UAS communicate, what kinds of information UAS can communicate,
with what they can communicate, and which components enable, store, or
analyze these communications?
33. What controls or procedures govern or should govern the use of
AI in UAS?
34. What types of remote access or control do OEMs have over their
UAS? Please also describe under what circumstances an OEM would require
remote access or control.
35. To what extent can individual sensors and components
communicate independently from the UAS Operating System (OS)?
36. What cybersecurity standards and best practices exist for the
UAS supply chain? How do UAS OEMs supplement existing cybersecurity
standards and best practices at each step of the UAS supply chain,
including design, manufacturing, and maintenance?
37. How do UAS OEMs or UAS operators integrate payloads and related
components from third parties into their software, OS, and AI software
and applications?
38. Who are the third parties that commonly provide payloads and
component parts (e.g., sensors, payloads, cameras) for integration into
UAS production?
a. Which, if any, of these third parties are owned by, controlled
by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a foreign adversary?
Which, if any, of these third parties are owned by entities that
operate under the laws of a foreign adversary? Where are these third
parties incorporated and physically located? Please provide factual
support where possible.
39. What ICTS components, other than payloads and related
components, are made by non-U.S. third parties (i.e., not the U.S. UAS
OEM) for incorporation into UAS? Where are these component parts made?
Where are the UAS assembled, and what entity (e.g., OEM, third party
servicer, or user/operator) would typically incorporate or integrate
these additional components into a UAS?
40. Who provides and is responsible for cybersecurity updates to
software, firmware, and AI software and applications for component
parts integrated into UAS (e.g., sensors, camera, payload)?
e. Consequences of Foreign Adversary Involvement in ICTS Integral to
The ability of a foreign adversary to direct or control private
companies through applicable legal frameworks, combined with the
possible exploitation of vulnerabilities in the increasingly capable
ICTS components integral to UAS, poses a significant threat of data
exfiltration and malicious remote access. This could lead to severe,
and in some instances catastrophic, consequences for U.S. national
security, including U.S. ICTS supply chains and critical
infrastructure, and for the security and safety of U.S. persons.
Through foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS, the intelligence
agencies of foreign adversaries could exfiltrate, collect, and
aggregate a wide range of sensitive data on U.S. persons and critical
infrastructure held by companies in the UAS ICTS supply chain. The data
collected by UAS or by a connected device could include locations, for
example, of military installations or critical infrastructure including
water infrastructure or energy generation or storage facilities, flight
paths, audio and video recordings, as well as information about
operators' identities, finances, contacts, operator base locations, and
operating sector, including critical infrastructure, which can be
collected by UAS or by a connected device.
In addition, denial of service through backdoors embedded in a
UAS's software could enable a foreign adversary linked entity under
certain conditions to obtain control over various UAS functions,
including the ability to disable the UAS completely. To illustrate
using an example noted generally above, in December 2023, a China-based
UAS manufacturer rolled out a firmware update to their UAS that
disabled any UAS located in ``conflict zones'' defined by the company
to include Gaza, West Bank, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, and Taiwan, among
others. Once the UAS entered one of the conflict zones with the
downloaded update, it would cease functionality. Users would only be
able to continue operation by refusing to download the update to the
detriment of the long-term functionality of the UAS, as it would
effectively bar the users from receiving future updates (see Haye
Kesteloo, Autel Robotics Implements No-Fly Zones in Conflict Areas to
Prevent Drone Misuse,
[[Page 279]]
DroneXL (December 24, 2023), If abused by a malicious actor,
pushed updates like this could open users up to the risk of newly
defined and restricted ``zones'' that could affect the use and control
of their UAS. A foreign adversary could exploit firmware updates of
this type by exercising influence or control over a UAS service
provider and instructing them to push a certain update.
BIS seeks to better understand how UAS OEMs may impact UAS
functionality through their incorporated ICTS components. In
particular, the ANPRM seeks further comment on the following topics but
encourages the submission of any comments that are germane to the
issues discussed in this ANPRM:
41. In what instances, and how, would OEMs be able to terminate
functionality of a UAS (i.e., denial of service)?
a. What are the standards and best practices governing the ability
of OEMs to terminate functionality of a UAS?
b. Are there instances in which a third party or a subcomponent
maker (e.g., a maker of sensors) could remotely deny service to and
fully or partially terminate functionality of a UAS or its respective
sensor or component independently of the OEM?
c. Once service is denied or functionality is terminated, what are
the standards and best practices for reinstating full operability?
d. Are there instances in which a UAS and its subcomponents can use
any inherent connectivity they possess to connect to other devices, the
cloud, or connected software applications online but be insulated
against denial-of-service updates or patches by the OEM?
f. Mitigations and Authorizations
In addition to the topics discussed above, this ANPRM seeks comment
on processes and mechanisms that BIS could implement in a potential
rule to authorize otherwise prohibited ICTS transactions if the parties
to such transactions adopt certain mitigation measures or otherwise
mitigate the undue and unacceptable risks to U.S. national security,
including U.S. ICTS supply chains and critical infrastructure, or to
the safety and security of U.S. persons. In particular, the ANPRM seeks
further comment on the following topics but encourages the submission
of any comments that are germane to the issues discussed in this ANPRM:
42. Are there instances in which granting a temporary authorization
to engage in otherwise prohibited UAS ICTS transactions would be
necessary to avoid supply chain disruptions or other unintended
consequences and in the interest of the United States?
43. Which, if any, categories or classifications of end users
should BIS consider excluding from any prohibitions on transactions
involving foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS because transactions
involving such end users would not pose an undue or unacceptable risk?
44. For what categories of ICTS transactions relating to UAS should
BIS require a specific authorization before the transaction is
permitted in the United States?
45. Please comment on potential requirements for authorizations and
certifications for industry participants (e.g., assemblers,
manufacturers, dealers, sellers) filed electronically with BIS.
46. What certification or validation process should be implemented
in order to validate mitigation actions taken? Should third-party
testing and evaluation occur, and at what stage in the process should
this testing and evaluation occur in order to validate mitigation
g. Economic Impact
BIS is mindful that any regulation of transactions involving
foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS could have significant economic
impacts on sectors that have incorporated this technology into their
processes and may rely on UAS. For example, BIS recognizes regulations
on these transactions could pose supply chain obstacles that could
affect UAS and UAS component prices. BIS is concerned, however, about
the short-term and long-term consequences of UAS and UAS supply chain
abuse by foreign adversaries. Accordingly, this ANPRM seeks further
comment on the following topics but encourages the submission of any
comments that are germane to the issues discussed in this ANPRM:
47. What, if any, anticompetitive effects may result from
regulation of transactions involving foreign adversary ICTS integral to
UAS as contemplated by this ANPRM? And what, if anything, can be done
to mitigate the anticompetitive effects?
48. What data privacy and protection impacts to U.S. businesses or
the public, if any, might be associated with the regulation of
transactions involving foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS
contemplated in this ANPRM? What are the benefits and costs, if any, of
these impacts?
49. What additional economic impacts to U.S. businesses or the
public, if any, might be associated with the regulation of transactions
involving foreign adversary ICTS integral to UAS contemplated by this
a. If responding from outside the United States, what economic
impacts to local businesses and the public, if any, might be associated
with regulations of transactions involving foreign adversary ICTS
integral to UAS in the United States?
50. What actions can BIS take, or provisions could it add to any
proposed regulations, to minimize potential costs borne by U.S.
businesses or the public?
a. If responding from outside the United States, what actions can
BIS take, or what provisions could it add to any proposed regulations,
to minimize potential costs borne by local businesses or the public?
Elizabeth L.D. Cannon,
Executive Director, Office of Information and Communications Technology
and Services.
[FR Doc. 2024-30209 Filed 1-2-25; 8:45 am]