December 2024 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 351 - 400 of 3,075
Notice of Intended Repatriation: San Francisco State University NAGPRA Program, San Francisco, CA
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the San Francisco State University (SF State) NAGPRA Program intends to repatriate certain cultural items that meet the definition of sacred objects and objects of cultural patrimony and that have a cultural affiliation with the Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations in this notice.
Notice of Inventory Completion: California State University, Sacramento, Sacramento, CA
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the California State University, Sacramento has completed an inventory of associated funerary objects and has determined that there is a cultural affiliation between the associated funerary objects and Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations in this notice.
Notice of Inventory Completion: Milwaukee Public Museum, Milwaukee, WI
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the Milwaukee Public Museum has completed an inventory of human remains and associated funerary objects and has determined that there is a cultural affiliation between the human remains and associated funerary objects and Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations in this notice.
Sentencing Guidelines for United States Courts
The United States Sentencing Commission intends to examine the criteria it considers in selecting guideline amendments that may be applied retroactively under the Guidelines Manual. As part of its statutory authority and responsibility to analyze sentencing issues, including operation of the federal sentencing guidelines, the Commission is publishing these issues for comment to inform the Commission's consideration of the issues related to this topic. The issues for comment are set forth in the Supplementary Information portion of this notice.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Request for Comments for a New Information Collection
The FHWA has forwarded the information collection request described in this notice to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to approve a new information collection. We are required to publish this notice in the Federal Register by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Determination of Regulatory Review Period for Purposes of Patent Extension; ROCTAVIAN
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or the Agency) has determined the regulatory review period for ROCTAVIAN and is publishing this notice of that determination as required by law. FDA has made the determination because of the submission of applications to the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Department of Commerce, for the extension of a patent which claims that human biological product.
E6(R3) Good Clinical Practice: Annex 2; International Council for Harmonisation; Draft Guidance for Industry; Availability
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is announcing the availability of a draft guidance for industry entitled "E6(R3) Good Clinical Practice: Annex 2." The draft guidance was prepared under the auspices of the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH). The draft guidance is the second annex to "E6(R3) Good Clinical Practice" published June of 2023. This annex provides additional considerations for the application of good clinical practices to a variety of trial designs and data sources. Specifically, this draft guidance discusses trials with decentralized and pragmatic elements and real-world data sources. This draft guidance highlights the importance of quality by design and focusing efforts and resources on critical aspects of the trials that might impact the safety of participants and the reliability of results. The draft guidance is intended to encourage innovation in trial design and provides flexible, modern, and clear good clinical practices for conducting trials, while avoiding unnecessary complexities.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Request for Comments for a New Information Collection
The FHWA has forwarded the information collection request described in this notice to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to approve a new information collection. We are required to publish this notice in the Federal Register by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Advisory Committee on Evidence Rules; Hearing of the Judicial Conference
The following public hearing on proposed amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence has been canceled: Evidence Rules Hearing on January 22, 2025.
Revision of Agency Information Collection of a Previously Approved Collection; Request for Comments
As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is submitting the following revision of currently approved collection to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for renewal. The revisions are proposed to take effect with the March 31, 2025, report date.
Notice of Scope Ruling Applications Filed in Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Proceedings
The U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) received scope ruling applications, requesting that scope inquiries be conducted to determine whether identified products are covered by the scope of antidumping duty (AD) and/or countervailing duty (CVD) orders and that Commerce issue scope rulings pursuant to those inquiries. In accordance with Commerce's regulations, we are notifying the public of the filing of the scope ruling applications listed below in the month of November 2024.
QPS Evaluation Services, Inc.: Grant of Expansion of Recognition
In this notice, OSHA announces the final decision to expand the scope of recognition for QPS Evaluation Services, Inc. as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL).
Procurement List; Proposed Additions and Deletions
The Committee is proposing to add service(s) to the Procurement List that will be furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities and deletes product(s) previously furnished by such agencies.
Procurement List; Additions and Deletions
This action deletes product(s) from the Procurement List that were furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities.
Notice of Intended Repatriation: Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Norman, OK
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History (SNOMNH) intends to repatriate certain cultural items that meet the definition of unassociated funerary objects and that have a cultural affiliation with the Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations in this notice.
Notice of Intended Repatriation: Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) intends to repatriate a certain cultural item that meets the definition of an object of cultural patrimony and that has a cultural affiliation with the Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations in this notice.
Notice of Intended Disposition: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Mendocino National Forest, Willows, CA
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Mendocino National Forest intends to carry out the disposition of human remains or objects of cultural patrimony removed from Federal or Tribal lands to the lineal descendants, Indian Tribe, or Native Hawaiian organization with priority for disposition in this notice.
Privacy Act of 1974; Matching Program
In accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act, as amended, this notice announces a new matching program with the United States Department of Health and Human Service, the Office of Child Support Services (OCSS). Under this matching program, OCSS will provide SSA with online query access to the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH) for administration of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Disability Insurance (DI), and Ticket-to-Work and Self-Sufficiency (Ticket) programs, and will provide SSA with quarterly wage and unemployment insurance data from NDNH through a batch match for administration of the SSI program.
Bulk Manufacturer of Controlled Substances Application: Irvine Labs Inc.
Irvine Labs Inc. has applied to be registered as a bulk manufacturer of basic class(es) of controlled substance(s). Refer to Supplementary Information listed below for further drug information.
Importer of Controlled Substances Application: Curia New York, Inc.
Curia New York, Inc. has applied to be registered as an importer of basic class(es) of controlled substance(s). Refer to Supplementary Information listed below for further drug information.
Notice of Intended Disposition: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Santa Fe National Forest, Santa Fe, NM
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Santa Fe National Forest (Forest Service), intends to carry out the disposition of human remains removed from Federal or Tribal lands to the lineal descendants, Indian Tribe, or Native Hawaiian organization with priority for disposition in this notice.
Notice of Intended Disposition: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Santa Fe National Forest, Santa Fe, NM
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Santa Fe National Forest (Forest Service), intends to carry out the disposition of human remains and associated funerary objects removed from Federal or Tribal lands to the lineal descendants, Indian Tribe, or Native Hawaiian organization with priority for disposition in this notice.
Notice of Intended Disposition: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Santa Fe National Forest, Santa Fe, NM
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Santa Fe National Forest (Forest Service), intends to carry out the disposition of human remains and removed from Federal or Tribal lands to the lineal descendants, Indian Tribe, or Native Hawaiian organization with priority for disposition in this notice.
Notice of Intended Disposition: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Carson National Forest, Taos, NM
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Carson National Forest (CAF), intends to carry out the disposition of human remains removed from Federal or Tribal lands to the lineal descendants, Indian Tribe, or Native Hawaiian organization with priority for disposition in this notice.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Comment Request; Annual and Final Report Template
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is announcing plans to establish this collection. In accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we are providing an opportunity for public comment on this action. After obtaining and considering public comment, NSF will prepare the submission requesting Office of Management and Budget (OMB) clearance of this collection for no longer than 3 years.
Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program: Updated Methodology To Determine Full-Time Equivalent Resident Count
This notice seeks public comment on updating the Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education (CHGME) Payment Program's method of determining an eligible children's hospital (as defined within the Public Health Service Act) weighted allopathic and osteopathic full- time equivalent (FTE) resident count when a children's hospital's weighted allopathic and osteopathic FTE resident count exceeds its direct graduate medical education (GME) FTE resident cap in order to be consistent with the methodology used by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) beginning in the fiscal year (FY) 2026 application cycle.
Coverage of Certain Preventive Services Under the Affordable Care Act
This document withdraws a notice of proposed rulemaking that appeared in the Federal Register on February 2, 2023, regarding coverage of certain preventive services under the Affordable Care Act.
Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System; Correction
ACF is correcting a final rule (FR) that was published in the Federal Register on December 5, 2024, with an effective date of February 3, 2025. This rule finalizes revisions to the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) regulations proposed on February 23, 2024. This final rule requires state title IV-E agencies to collect and report to ACF additional data related to the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA) for children in the AFCARS Out- of-Home Care Reporting Population. This correction provides that this final rule will be effective 30 days after its publication in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act.
Accepted Means of Compliance for Small Unmanned Aircraft Category 3 Operations Over Human Beings; Wingtra AG
This document announces the acceptance of a means of compliance with FAA regulations for small unmanned aircraft (sUA) Category 3 operations over human beings. The Administrator finds that Wingtra AG's "Proposed Means of Compliance for Operations Over People (OOP)," dated April 30, 2024, provides an acceptable means, but not the only means, of showing compliance with FAA regulations.
Innovation Fund Advisory Committee
On November 15, 2024, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) published a notice seeking applications from persons interested in serving on the Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund Advisory Committee (hereinafter "the IFAC" or "the Committee") for a two-year term. The notice established a deadline of December 16, 2024, for the transmittal of applications. This notice reopens the application window until January 15, 2025.
New England Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting
The New England Fishery Management Council (Council) is scheduling a public meeting via webinar of its Habitat Joint Committee and Advisory Panel to consider actions affecting New England fisheries in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). This meeting will be held in- person with a webinar option. Recommendations from this group will be brought to the full Council for formal consideration and action, if appropriate.
Accepted Means of Compliance for Small Unmanned Aircraft Category 2 and Category 3 Operations Over Human Beings; Virginia Tech Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership (VT MAAP)
This document announces the acceptance of a means of compliance with FAA regulations for small unmanned aircraft (sUA) Category 2 and Category 3 operations over human beings. The Administrator finds that VT MAAP's "Operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Over People," version 2.1, dated August 9, 2024, provides an acceptable means, but not the only means, of showing compliance with FAA regulations.
North Pacific Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) Crab Plan Team will meet January 14, 2025 to January 15, 2025.
Open Call for Credit Card Price and Availability Data From Credit Card Issuers
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is publishing this notice to advise credit card issuers that they may voluntarily submit credit card price and availability data through the CFPB's Terms of Credit Card Plans (TCCP) Survey.
Determination of Regulatory Review Period for Purposes of Patent Extension; OMISIRGE
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or the Agency) has determined the regulatory review period for OMISIRGE and is publishing this notice of that determination as required by law. FDA has made the determination because of the submission of an application to the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Department of Commerce, for the extension of a patent which claims that human biological product.
Protocol Deviations for Clinical Investigations of Drugs, Biological Products, and Devices; Draft Guidance for Industry; Availability
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is announcing the availability of a draft guidance for industry entitled "Protocol Deviations for Clinical Investigations of Drugs, Biological Products, and Devices." This draft guidance provides recommendations to assist sponsors, clinical investigators, and institutional review boards (IRBs) in defining, identifying, and reporting protocol deviations. The guidance provides definitions for protocol deviations and important protocol deviations. In addition, the guidance provides a recommended classification system for sponsors to report protocol deviations to FDA in clinical study reports for drugs, biological products, and devices; for investigators to report protocol deviations to sponsors and to IRBs; and for IRBs to evaluate protocol deviations.
General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee; Notice of Meeting; Establishment of Public Docket; Request for Comments-Dermal Fillers
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) announces a forthcoming public advisory committee meeting of the General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee (the Committee). The general function of the Committee is to provide advice and recommendations to FDA on regulatory issues. The meeting will be open to the public. FDA is establishing a docket for public comment on this document.
Proposal To Extend the Cultural Property Agreement Between the United States and Morocco
Proposal to extend the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco Concerning the Imposition of Import Restrictions on Categories of Archaeological and Ethnological Material of Morocco ("the Morocco Agreement").
Proposal To Extend the Cultural Property Agreement Between the United States and Italy
Proposal to extend the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Italian Republic Concerning the Imposition of Import Restrictions on Categories of Archaeological Material of Italy ("the Italy Agreement").
Proposal To Extend the Cultural Property Agreement Between the United States and Chile
Proposal to extend the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Chile Concerning the Imposition of Import Restrictions on Categories of Archaeological Material of Chile ("the Chile Agreement").
Cultural Property Advisory Committee Meeting
The Department of State announces the location, dates, times, and agenda for the next meeting of the Cultural Property Advisory Committee ("the Committee").
Notice of Receipt of Request From the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Notice of receipt of request from Vietnam for cultural property protection.
Notice of Appointment of Board Member to the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
Notice is hereby given that David Vaudt has been appointed to the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB or "the Board"). Mr. Vaudt's five-year term will begin on January 27, 2025.
Air Plan Approval; Ohio; Title V Operating Permit Rules Revisions
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is approving revisions to Ohio EPA's title V rules. These revisions include revisions to the definition of hazardous air pollutants and requirements for a permit statement of basis that are consistent with recent Federal rulemaking actions. Other changes are insignificant and part of the state's five-year review of adopted regulations.
Air Plan Approval; Ohio; Nitrogen Oxide Standards Rules
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve revisions to the Ohio State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) on November 4, 2024. Ohio EPA requested that EPA approve the revised rules for nitrogen oxide standards in the Ohio Administrative Code into Ohio's SIP. The revised rules include non- substantive updates to rule language and updates to referenced material. The revisions will assist with Ohio's efforts to attain and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for nitrogen dioxide.
Air Plan Approval; Ohio; Nitrogen Oxide Standards Rules
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is approving revisions to the Ohio State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) on November 4, 2024. Ohio EPA requested that EPA approve the revised rules for nitrogen oxide standards in the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) into Ohio's SIP. The revised rules include non-substantive updates to rule language and updates to referenced material. The revisions will assist with Ohio's efforts to attain and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
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