Health Information Technology Advisory Committee Schedule of Meetings, 106536-106537 [2024-31076]

Download as PDF 106536 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 249 / Monday, December 30, 2024 / Notices Endnotes appropriate peer review, poor methodology, or flawed analyses) to inform decision making and policy formulation; or (7) misrepresenting the underlying assumptions, uncertainties, or probabilities of scientific products. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list. 9 Differences of scientific opinion are not necessarily inappropriate influence. 10 See Federal Research Misconduct Policy, 65 FR 76260, 76262 (Dec. 6, 2000); see also 11 Public Law 112–199 § 110. 12 5 U.S.C. 2302(b)(8). 13 See Health Extenders, Improving Access to Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP, and Strengthening Public Health Act of 2022, Public Law 117–328, Division FF, Title II, Section 2321 (Jan 3, 2023) and Chips and Science Act, Public Law 117–167, Title VI, Subtitle D, Section 10631 (Aug 9, 2022). OSTP guidance and relevant HHS policies to implement this legislation are forthcoming at the time of publication of this policy. 14 HHS Grants Policy Statement, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Resources and Technology, Office of Grants. January 1, 2007. Available at: https:// grants/policies-regulations/hhsgps107.pdf. 15 HHS Grants Policy Administration Manual Version 1.02. November 13, 2023. 16 45 CFR 75.372. 17 Presidential Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research. Available at: default/files/microsites/ostp/ostp_public_ access_memo_2013.pdf. 18 Presidential Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research. Available at: wp-content/uploads/2022/08/08-2022-OSTPPublic-Access-Memo.pdf. 19 This provision is further outlined in the United States Office of Government Ethics Standards of Conduct and 18 U.S.C. 208 as Applied to Official Social Media Use. Available at: News Releases/EAE37A7DA3C38 BF38525894700775339/$FILE/LA-23-03 %20The%20Standards%20 of%20Conduct%20and%2018%20U.S.C. %20%C2%A7%20208%20as%20Applied %20to%20Official%20Social %20Media%20Use.pdf. 20 Memorandum to Designated Agency Ethics Officials on The Standards of Conduct as Applied to Personal Social Media Use. Available at: oge.nsf/0/195DAE83D38EF6A9852585B A005BEC69/$FILE/LA-15-03-2.pdf. 21 Office of Management and Budget. ‘‘Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review.’’ Federal Register. Doc. 05–769. Available at: documents/2005/01/14/05-769/finalinformation-quality-bulletin-for-peer-review. 22 5 U.S.C. 7513, 4303. 23 Commissioned Corps Directive 111.02. 24 Subject to the limitations and requirements as to participation in foreign ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 1 Guidance by the Scientific Integrity Framework Interagency Working Group of the National Science and Technology Council ‘‘A Framework for Federal Scientific Integrity Policy and Practice.’’ January 12, 2023. Available at: https:// 2023/01/01-2023-Framework-for-FederalScientific-Integrity-Policy-and-Practice.pdf. 2 Some HHS Operating and Staff Divisions have or may designate their own Scientific Integrity Officials. This document uses ‘‘HHS SIO’’ to refer to the official designated by HHS to coordinate department-wide implementation of this Policy and ‘‘SIO’’ to refer to all Scientific Integrity Officials, including those at Operating and Staff Divisions. 3 Presidential Memorandum on Restoring Trust in Government Through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policy Making, January 27, 2021. Available at: https:// presidential-actions/2021/01/27/ memorandum-on-restoring-trust-ingovernment-through-scientific-integrity-andevidence-based-policymaking/. 4 Presidential Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Scientific Integrity. March 9, 2009. The White House. Available at: https:// 5 Presidential Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Scientific Integrity. December 17, 2010. Office of Science and Technology Policy. Available at: https://obamawhitehouse. ostp/scientific-integrity-memo-12172010.pdf. 6 A report by the Scientific Integrity FastTrack Action Committee of the National Science and Technology Council. ‘‘Protecting the Integrity of Government Science.’’ January 11, 2022. Available at: https:// 2022/01/01-22-Protecting_the_Integrity_of_ Government_Science.pdf. 7 Guidance by the Scientific Integrity Framework Interagency Working Group of the National Science and Technology Council ‘‘A Framework for Federal Scientific Integrity Policy and Practice.’’ January 12, 2023. Available at: https:// 2023/01/01-2023-Framework-for-FederalScientific-Integrity-Policy-and-Practice.pdf. 8 Examples may include (1) suppressing a decisionmaker’s ability to offer the best judgment based on scientific information; (2) preventing the use of best available science; (3) insisting on preclearance of a scientific product for purposes other than providing advance notification or opportunity to review for technical merit; (4) suppressing, altering or delaying the release of a scientific product for any reason other than technical merit or providing advance notification; (5) removing or reassigning scientific personnel for any reason other than performance, conduct or budgetary constraints; (6) using scientific products that are not representative of the current state of scientific knowledge and research (for example because of a lack of VerDate Sep<11>2014 23:58 Dec 27, 2024 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00131 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 talent programs outlined in I.12–13 of this policy. 25 2010 Memorandum from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy on Scientific Integrity. Available at: default/files/microsites/ostp/scientificintegrity-memo-12172010.pdf. 26 See whistleblower/. Employees can also contact their OpDiv/StaffDiv’s office of Equal Employment Opportunity (‘‘EEO’’) for information regarding retaliation based on protected EEO activity or discrimination, or the Office of Special Counsel for information regarding retaliation based on whistleblowing. Additionally, although encouraged to use the process detailed herein, employees may also disclose wrongdoing to their supervisor or another individual higher up in management, the HHS OIG, the Office of Special Counsel, or to Congress. PHSCC officers should also refer to CCD 121.06, ‘‘Protected Communications,’’ CCD 111.01, ‘‘Equal Opportunity,’’ and CCI 211.03, ‘‘Equal Opportunity.’’ 27 before-you-submit/. Dated: December 16, 2024. Katherine N. Bent, Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Science and Data Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Department of Health and Human Services. [FR Doc. 2024–30934 Filed 12–27–24; 8:45 a.m.] BILLING CODE 4150–05–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Health Information Technology Advisory Committee Schedule of Meetings Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy (ASTP), HHS. ACTION: Notice of meetings. AGENCY: The Health Information Technology Advisory Committee (HITAC) was established in accordance with the 21st Century Cures Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The HITAC, among other things, identifies priorities for standards adoption and makes recommendations to the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. The HITAC will hold public meetings throughout 2025. See list of public meetings below. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Seth Pazinski, Designated Federal Officer, at, (202) 384–2246. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 4003(e) of the 21st Century Cures Act (Pub. L. 114–255) establishes the Health Information Technology Advisory SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\30DEN1.SGM 30DEN1 ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 249 / Monday, December 30, 2024 / Notices Committee (referred to as the ‘‘HITAC’’). The HITAC will be governed by the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) (Pub. L. 92– 463), as amended, (5 U.S.C. app.), which sets forth standards for the formation and use of federal advisory committees. Composition: The HITAC is comprised of at least 25 members, of which: • No fewer than 2 members are advocates for patients or consumers of health information technology; • 3 members are appointed by the HHS Secretary Æ 1 of whom shall be appointed to represent the Department of Health and Human Services; and Æ 1 of whom shall be a public health official; • 2 members are appointed by the majority leader of the Senate; • 2 members are appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; • 2 members are appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; • 2 members are appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives; • Other members are appointed by the Comptroller General of the United States. Members serve for one-, two-, or three-year terms. All members may be reappointed for a subsequent three-year term. Each member is limited to two three-year terms, not to exceed six years of service. Members serve without pay but will be provided per-diem and travel costs for committee services, if warranted. Recommendations: The HITAC recommendations to the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/ National Coordinator for Health Information Technology are publicly available at topic/federal-advisory-committees/ recommendations-national-coordinatorhealth-it. Public Meetings: All HITAC meetings will be virtual. Please note that some HITAC meetings may also have an inperson meeting option. For web conference instructions and the most up-to-date information, including inperson meeting location (if applicable), please visit the HITAC calendar on the ONC website, federal-advisory-committees/hitaccalendar. The schedule of meetings to be held in 2025 is as follows: • February 13, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m./ Eastern Time • March 20, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m./ Eastern Time VerDate Sep<11>2014 23:58 Dec 27, 2024 Jkt 265001 • April 10, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m./Eastern Time • May 8, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m./Eastern Time • June 12, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m./Eastern Time • July 17, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m./Eastern Time • August 14, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m./ Eastern Time • September 18, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m./ Eastern Time • October 16, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m./ Eastern Time • November 13, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m./ Eastern Time All meetings are open to the public. Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed. Contact Person for Meetings: Seth Pazinski, A notice in the Federal Register about last minute modifications that impact a previously announced advisory committee meeting cannot always be published quickly enough to provide timely notice. Please email Seth Pazinski for the most current information about meetings. Agenda: As outlined in the 21st Century Cures Act, the HITAC will develop and submit recommendations to the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/National Coordinator on Health Information Technology on the topics of interoperability, privacy and security, patient access to information, use of technologies that support public health, design and use of technologies that advance health equity, and use of artificial intelligence that improves health and health care. In addition, the committee will also address any administrative matters and hear periodic reports from ASTP. ASTP intends to make background material available to the public no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting start time. If ASTP is unable to post the background material on its website prior to the meeting, the material will be made publicly available on ASTP’s website after the meeting, at hitac. Procedure: Interested persons may present data, information, or views, orally or in writing, on issues pending before the committee. Written submissions may be made to the contact person prior to the meeting date. An oral public comment period will be scheduled at each meeting. Time allotted for each commenter will be limited to three minutes. If the number of speakers requesting to comment is PO 00000 Frm 00132 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 106537 greater than can be reasonably accommodated during the scheduled public comment period, ASTP will take written comments after the meeting. ASTP welcomes the attendance of the public at its HITAC meetings. If you require special accommodations due to a disability, please contact Seth Pazinski at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting. Notice of these meetings are given under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. No. 92–463, 5 U.S.C., App. 2). Dated: November 22, 2024. Stanley S. Pazinski, Designated Federal Officer, Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. [FR Doc. 2024–31076 Filed 12–27–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4150–45–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Indian Health Service Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority; Part G; Indian Health Service; Headquarters, Office of the Director, Office of Quality Indian Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services. ACTION: Final notice. AGENCY: Part G of the Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is hereby amended to reflect a reorganization of the Indian Health Service (IHS). The purpose of this reorganization proposal is to update the current approved IHS, Office of the Director (GA), Congressional and Legislative Affairs Staff (GA1) and the Office of Quality (GAP) in their entirety and replace with the following: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The IHS is an Operating Division within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and is under the leadership and direction of a Director who is directly responsible to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The IHS Headquarters is proposing to reorganize the following major component: Office the Office of Quality (OQ). Part G of the Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority was most recently amended at 89 FR 61126, July 30, 2024. SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\30DEN1.SGM 30DEN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 249 (Monday, December 30, 2024)]
[Pages 106536-106537]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-31076]



Health Information Technology Advisory Committee Schedule of 

AGENCY: Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy (ASTP), HHS.

ACTION: Notice of meetings.


SUMMARY: The Health Information Technology Advisory Committee (HITAC) 
was established in accordance with the 21st Century Cures Act and the 
Federal Advisory Committee Act. The HITAC, among other things, 
identifies priorities for standards adoption and makes recommendations 
to the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/National Coordinator 
for Health Information Technology. The HITAC will hold public meetings 
throughout 2025. See list of public meetings below.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Seth Pazinski, Designated Federal 
Officer, at [email protected], (202) 384-2246.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 4003(e) of the 21st Century Cures 
Act (Pub. L. 114-255) establishes the Health Information Technology 

[[Page 106537]]

Committee (referred to as the ``HITAC''). The HITAC will be governed by 
the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) (Pub. L. 
92-463), as amended, (5 U.S.C. app.), which sets forth standards for 
the formation and use of federal advisory committees.
    Composition: The HITAC is comprised of at least 25 members, of 
     No fewer than 2 members are advocates for patients or 
consumers of health information technology;
     3 members are appointed by the HHS Secretary
    [cir] 1 of whom shall be appointed to represent the Department of 
Health and Human Services; and
    [cir] 1 of whom shall be a public health official;
     2 members are appointed by the majority leader of the 
     2 members are appointed by the minority leader of the 
     2 members are appointed by the Speaker of the House of 
     2 members are appointed by the minority leader of the 
House of Representatives;
     Other members are appointed by the Comptroller General of 
the United States.
    Members serve for one-, two-, or three-year terms. All members may 
be reappointed for a subsequent three-year term. Each member is limited 
to two three-year terms, not to exceed six years of service. Members 
serve without pay but will be provided per-diem and travel costs for 
committee services, if warranted.
    Recommendations: The HITAC recommendations to the Assistant 
Secretary for Technology Policy/National Coordinator for Health 
Information Technology are publicly available at
    Public Meetings: All HITAC meetings will be virtual. Please note 
that some HITAC meetings may also have an in-person meeting option. For 
web conference instructions and the most up-to-date information, 
including in-person meeting location (if applicable), please visit the 
HITAC calendar on the ONC website,
    The schedule of meetings to be held in 2025 is as follows:
     February 13, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 
p.m./Eastern Time
     March 20, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 
p.m./Eastern Time
     April 10, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 
p.m./Eastern Time
     May 8, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m./
Eastern Time
     June 12, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m./
Eastern Time
     July 17, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m./
Eastern Time
     August 14, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 
p.m./Eastern Time
     September 18, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 
p.m./Eastern Time
     October 16, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 
p.m./Eastern Time
     November 13, 2025, from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 
p.m./Eastern Time
    All meetings are open to the public. Additional meetings may be 
scheduled as needed.
    Contact Person for Meetings: Seth Pazinski, [email protected]. 
A notice in the Federal Register about last minute modifications that 
impact a previously announced advisory committee meeting cannot always 
be published quickly enough to provide timely notice. Please email Seth 
Pazinski for the most current information about meetings.
    Agenda: As outlined in the 21st Century Cures Act, the HITAC will 
develop and submit recommendations to the Assistant Secretary for 
Technology Policy/National Coordinator on Health Information Technology 
on the topics of interoperability, privacy and security, patient access 
to information, use of technologies that support public health, design 
and use of technologies that advance health equity, and use of 
artificial intelligence that improves health and health care. In 
addition, the committee will also address any administrative matters 
and hear periodic reports from ASTP. ASTP intends to make background 
material available to the public no later than 24 hours prior to the 
meeting start time. If ASTP is unable to post the background material 
on its website prior to the meeting, the material will be made publicly 
available on ASTP's website after the meeting, at
    Procedure: Interested persons may present data, information, or 
views, orally or in writing, on issues pending before the committee. 
Written submissions may be made to the contact person prior to the 
meeting date. An oral public comment period will be scheduled at each 
meeting. Time allotted for each commenter will be limited to three 
minutes. If the number of speakers requesting to comment is greater 
than can be reasonably accommodated during the scheduled public comment 
period, ASTP will take written comments after the meeting.
    ASTP welcomes the attendance of the public at its HITAC meetings. 
If you require special accommodations due to a disability, please 
contact Seth Pazinski at least seven (7) days in advance of the 
    Notice of these meetings are given under the Federal Advisory 
Committee Act (Pub. L. No. 92-463, 5 U.S.C., App. 2).

    Dated: November 22, 2024.
Stanley S. Pazinski,
Designated Federal Officer, Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology.
[FR Doc. 2024-31076 Filed 12-27-24; 8:45 am]

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