Establishment of the Methane Plume Remote Sensing Measurements Consortium, 106436-106437 [2024-30952]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 249 / Monday, December 30, 2024 / Notices
of its preliminary determination of sales
at LTFV. If the final determination is
affirmative, the ITC will determine
before the later of 120 days after the date
of this preliminary determination or 45
days after the final determination
whether imports of subject merchandise
are materially injuring, or threaten
material injury to, the U.S. industry.
Notification to Interested Parties
This preliminary determination is
issued and published in accordance
with sections 733(f) and 777(i)(1) of the
Act, and 19 CFR 351.205(c).
Dated: December 19, 2024.
Abdelali Elouaradia,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement
and Compliance.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Appendix I
Scope of the Investigation
The merchandise covered by this
investigation is disposable aluminum
containers, pans, trays, and lids produced
primarily from flat-rolled aluminum. The
subject merchandise includes disposable
aluminum containers, pans, trays, and lids
regardless of shape or size and whether or
not wrinkled or smooth.
The term ‘‘disposable’’ is used to identify
an aluminum article that is designed to be
used once, or for a limited number of times,
and then recycled or otherwise disposed.
‘‘Containers, pans, and trays’’ are
receptacles for holding goods.
The subject disposable aluminum lids are
intended to be used in combination with
disposable containers produced from
aluminum or other materials (e.g., paper or
plastic). Where a disposable aluminum lid is
imported with a non-aluminum container,
only the disposable aluminum lid is included
in the scope.
Disposable aluminum containers, pans,
trays, and lids are also included within the
scope regardless of whether the surface has
been embossed, printed, coated (including
with a non-stick substance), or decorated,
and regardless of the style of the edges. The
inclusion of a non-aluminum lid or dome
sold or packaged with an otherwise in-scope
article does not remove the article from the
scope, however, only the disposable
aluminum container, pan, tray, and lid is
covered by the scope definition.
Disposable aluminum containers, pans,
trays, and lids are typically used in foodrelated applications, including but not
limited to food preparation, packaging,
baking, barbequing, reheating, takeout, or
storage, but also have other uses. Regardless
of end use, disposable aluminum containers,
pans, trays, and lids that meet the scope
definition and are not otherwise excluded are
subject merchandise.
Excluded from the scope are disposable
aluminum casks, drums, cans, boxes and
similar containers (including disposable
aluminum cups and bottles) properly
classified under Harmonized Tariff Schedule
of the United States (HTSUS) subheading
7612.90. However, aluminum containers,
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pans, trays, and lids that would otherwise be
covered by the scope are not excluded based
solely on the fact that they are being
classified under HTSUS subheading
7612.90.5000 due to the thickness of
aluminum being less than 0.04 mm or greater
than 0.22 mm.
The flat-rolled aluminum used to produce
the subject articles may be made to ASTM
specifications ASTM B479 or ASTM B209–
14, but can also be made to other
specifications. Regardless of the
specification, however, all disposable
aluminum containers, pans, trays, and lids
meeting the scope description are included
in the scope.
Disposable aluminum containers, pans,
trays, and lids are currently classifiable
under HTSUS subheading 7615.10.7125.
Further, merchandise that falls within the
scope of this proceeding may also be entered
into the United States under HTSUS
subheadings 7612.90.1090, 7615.10.3015,
7615.10.3025, 7615.10.7130, 7615.10.7155,
7615.10.7180, 7615.10.9100, and
8309.90.0000. Although the HTSUS
subheadings are provided for convenience
and customs purposes, the written
description of the scope of this proceeding is
Appendix II
List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary
Decision Memorandum
I. Summary
II. Background
III. Period of Investigation
IV. Single Entity Analysis
V. Discussion of the Methodology
VI. Critical Circumstances
VII. Adjustment Under Section 777(A)(f) of
the Act
VIII. Adjustment to Cash Deposit Rates for
Export Subsidies
IX. Recommendation
[FR Doc. 2024–31082 Filed 12–27–24; 8:45 am]
Establishment of the Methane Plume
Remote Sensing Measurements
National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST).
ACTION: Notice of Research Consortium.
NIST is establishing the
Methane Plume Remote Sensing
Measurements Consortium
(‘‘Consortium’’) to support the rapidly
growing field of remote sensing for the
detection and quantification of methane
emissions, primarily from point sources.
This Consortium aims to unite Federal
and State agencies, academia, business,
and industry to enhance robust
transparency, accuracy, reliability, and
interoperability of methane plume
detection and quantification data
products. In this evolving field of
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measurement and analysis, consistency
across products and results, an
understanding of the drivers of error,
and a well-constructed validation
strategy, are important to increase trust
in the data products. To achieve this,
the Consortium is focused on
identifying the strengths and limitations
of current methodologies and analysis
approaches. The Consortium seeks to
foster transparency through improved
documentation, consensus building
around best practices and the
development of documentary consensus
standards. In addition, the Consortium
seeks to support the coordination and
standardization of validation
approaches for these measurements and
the utilization of controlled releases. By
fostering collaboration among business,
Federal agencies, local governmental
stakeholders, and researchers, the
Consortium aims to drive advancements
in methane plume detection and
quantification and the analysis
supported by them.
Participants will be required to sign a
Cooperative Research and Development
Agreement (CRADA).
DATES: The Consortium’s activities will
commence on January 15, 2024
(‘‘Commencement Date’’). NIST will
accept letters of interest to participate in
this Consortium on an ongoing basis.
ADDRESSES: Completed letters of interest
or requests for additional information
about the Consortium can be directed
via mail to the Consortium Manager, Dr.
Annmarie Eldering, Greenhouse Gas
Measurements Program of NIST’s
Special Programs Office, 100 Bureau
Drive, Mail Stop 2100, Gaithersburg,
Maryland 20899, or via electronic mail, or by
telephone at (301) 975–5558.
Saikat Ghosh, Partnership Officer,
National Institute of Standards and
Technology’s Technology Partnerships
Office, by mail to 100 Bureau Drive,
Mail Stop 2200, Gaithersburg, Maryland
20899, by electronic mail to or by
telephone at (301) 975–3084.
establishing the Methane Plume Remote
Sensing Measurements Consortium
(‘‘Consortium’’) to support the rapidly
growing field of remote sensing for the
detection and quantification of methane
emissions, primarily from point sources.
This Consortium aims to unite Federal
and State agencies, academia, business,
and industry to enhance robust
transparency, accuracy, reliability, and
interoperability of methane plume
detection and quantification data
products. In this rapidly growing and
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 249 / Monday, December 30, 2024 / Notices
evolving field of measurement and
analysis, consistency across products
and results, an understanding of the
drivers of error, and a well-constructed
validation strategy are important to
increase trust in the data products. To
achieve this, the Consortium is focused
on identifying strengths and limitations
current methodologies and analysis
approaches. The Consortium seeks to
foster transparency through improved
documentation, consensus building
around best practices and the
development of documentary consensus
standards. In addition, the Consortium
seeks to support the coordination and
standardization of validation
approaches for these measurements and
the utilization of controlled releases. By
fostering collaboration among business,
Federal agencies, local governmental
stakeholders, and researchers, the
Consortium aims to drive advancements
in methane plume detection and
quantification and the analysis
supported by them.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Consortium Goals
The Consortium brings together NIST,
state and local governments, academia,
businesses, and other stakeholders to
collaborate on analysis, documentation,
and consensus building that will
improve transparency, trust, and
usability of remote sensing methane
plume detections and quantification.
The Consortium will also develop a
tiered validation framework and assist
in efficient deployment of controlled
release experiments. Collaborative work
across the wide range of measurement
and analysis teams will be the most
efficient approach to achieve our goals.
This initiative aims to achieve the
following goals, with work in two task
Task Group 1
• Develop consensus terminology and
a taxonomy of terminology. Publish a
NIST report or other document with
these definitions.
• Develop a set of written consensus
standards that capture the best
practices, recommendations for data
product formats, and methodology
documentation. This will be achieved
through collaborative evaluation of
intercomparison exercises and common
datasets analyzed by multiple teams.
• Implement and analyze alternative
validation strategies, incorporating
information from simulations, crossteam analysis, controlled releases, and
well characterized industrial emission
• All of these activities will support
the goals of developing standards for
detection and quantification of methane
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plumes with remote sensing data to
ensure consistency, reliability, and trust
in the data used by all stakeholders.
Task Group 2
• Develop definitions for a tiered
validation framework, allowing for
approaches such as algorithm validation
(with data from other measurement
systems), algorithm assessment with
simulated data, performance assessment
with well-characterized industrial
emissions, and controlled release
• Consensus validation strategies will
be developed and documented,
incorporating information from
simulations, cross-team analysis,
controlled releases, and well
characterized industrial emission
• Document consensus standards for
analysis and reporting of results of
controlled release experiments
• Develop platforms for improved
communication and utilization of
controlled release experiments,
maximizing participation by
measurement teams and opportunities
for cross comparison of results
• Create a repository of controlled
release measurement datasets for easy
access by new participants and for
community analysis.
Sharing of proprietary information
developed by the Consortium will be
subject to that detailed in the CRADA.
Participants will not be required to
contribute any funds or pay any fee.
Contributions of data and/or
methodologies is highly encouraged.
Participation Process
Eligibility will be determined by NIST
based on information provided by
prospective participants in response to
this notice. Submitted responses from
prospective participants will be
evaluated by NIST to determine
eligibility to participate in this
Consortium. Prospective participants
should provide a letter of interest with
the following information to NIST’s
Consortium Manager:
(1) A description of their interest and
experience in methane plume detection
and quantification from remote sensing
measurements and/or experience
conducting and analyzing data from
controlled release experiment for
methane plume validation and/or
related expertise necessary to contribute
to Consortium activities.
(2) List of interested party’s
anticipated participants.
Letters of interest must not include
business proprietary information. NIST
will not treat any information provided
in response to this notice as proprietary
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information. Following review, each
organization will be notified of its
eligibility. In order to participate in this
Consortium, each eligible organization
must sign a CRADA for this Consortium.
All participants in this Consortium will
be bound by the same terms and
conditions. NIST does not guarantee
participation in the Consortium to any
organization submitting a letter of
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 3710a.
Alicia Chambers,
NIST Executive Secretariat.
[FR Doc. 2024–30952 Filed 12–27–24; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XE574]
Western Pacific Fishery Management
Council; Public Meetings
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of public meetings.
The Western Pacific Fishery
Management Council (Council) will
hold a joint meeting of its Archipelagic
Plan Team (APT) and Pelagic Plan Team
(PPT) to discuss fishery management
issues and develop recommendations
for future management of fisheries in
the Western Pacific Region.
DATES: The APT and PPT will meet
jointly from Tuesday to Thursday,
January 21–23, 2025, between 12 p.m.
and 5 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time
(HST). For specific times and agendas,
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held
virtually with remote participation
(Webex) options available for the
members, and public attendance limited
to web conference via Webex. Specific
information on joining the meeting,
connecting to the web conference and
making oral public comments will be
posted on the Council website at For assistance with
the web conference connection, contact
the Council office at (808) 522–8220.
Kitty M. Simonds, Executive Director,
Western Pacific Fishery Management
Council, (808) 522–8220 (voice) or (808)
522–8226 (fax).
and PPT meeting will be held Tuesday
to Thursday, January 21–23, 2025,
between 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. Hawaii
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 249 (Monday, December 30, 2024)]
[Pages 106436-106437]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-30952]
Establishment of the Methane Plume Remote Sensing Measurements
AGENCY: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
ACTION: Notice of Research Consortium.
SUMMARY: NIST is establishing the Methane Plume Remote Sensing
Measurements Consortium (``Consortium'') to support the rapidly growing
field of remote sensing for the detection and quantification of methane
emissions, primarily from point sources. This Consortium aims to unite
Federal and State agencies, academia, business, and industry to enhance
robust transparency, accuracy, reliability, and interoperability of
methane plume detection and quantification data products. In this
evolving field of measurement and analysis, consistency across products
and results, an understanding of the drivers of error, and a well-
constructed validation strategy, are important to increase trust in the
data products. To achieve this, the Consortium is focused on
identifying the strengths and limitations of current methodologies and
analysis approaches. The Consortium seeks to foster transparency
through improved documentation, consensus building around best
practices and the development of documentary consensus standards. In
addition, the Consortium seeks to support the coordination and
standardization of validation approaches for these measurements and the
utilization of controlled releases. By fostering collaboration among
business, Federal agencies, local governmental stakeholders, and
researchers, the Consortium aims to drive advancements in methane plume
detection and quantification and the analysis supported by them.
Participants will be required to sign a Cooperative Research and
Development Agreement (CRADA).
DATES: The Consortium's activities will commence on January 15, 2024
(``Commencement Date''). NIST will accept letters of interest to
participate in this Consortium on an ongoing basis.
ADDRESSES: Completed letters of interest or requests for additional
information about the Consortium can be directed via mail to the
Consortium Manager, Dr. Annmarie Eldering, Greenhouse Gas Measurements
Program of NIST's Special Programs Office, 100 Bureau Drive, Mail Stop
2100, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, or via electronic mail
[email protected], or by telephone at (301) 975-5558.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Saikat Ghosh, Partnership Officer,
National Institute of Standards and Technology's Technology
Partnerships Office, by mail to 100 Bureau Drive, Mail Stop 2200,
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, by electronic mail to
[email protected] or by telephone at (301) 975-3084.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NIST is establishing the Methane Plume
Remote Sensing Measurements Consortium (``Consortium'') to support the
rapidly growing field of remote sensing for the detection and
quantification of methane emissions, primarily from point sources. This
Consortium aims to unite Federal and State agencies, academia,
business, and industry to enhance robust transparency, accuracy,
reliability, and interoperability of methane plume detection and
quantification data products. In this rapidly growing and
[[Page 106437]]
evolving field of measurement and analysis, consistency across products
and results, an understanding of the drivers of error, and a well-
constructed validation strategy are important to increase trust in the
data products. To achieve this, the Consortium is focused on
identifying strengths and limitations current methodologies and
analysis approaches. The Consortium seeks to foster transparency
through improved documentation, consensus building around best
practices and the development of documentary consensus standards. In
addition, the Consortium seeks to support the coordination and
standardization of validation approaches for these measurements and the
utilization of controlled releases. By fostering collaboration among
business, Federal agencies, local governmental stakeholders, and
researchers, the Consortium aims to drive advancements in methane plume
detection and quantification and the analysis supported by them.
Consortium Goals
The Consortium brings together NIST, state and local governments,
academia, businesses, and other stakeholders to collaborate on
analysis, documentation, and consensus building that will improve
transparency, trust, and usability of remote sensing methane plume
detections and quantification. The Consortium will also develop a
tiered validation framework and assist in efficient deployment of
controlled release experiments. Collaborative work across the wide
range of measurement and analysis teams will be the most efficient
approach to achieve our goals.
This initiative aims to achieve the following goals, with work in
two task groups:
Task Group 1
Develop consensus terminology and a taxonomy of
terminology. Publish a NIST report or other document with these
Develop a set of written consensus standards that capture
the best practices, recommendations for data product formats, and
methodology documentation. This will be achieved through collaborative
evaluation of intercomparison exercises and common datasets analyzed by
multiple teams.
Implement and analyze alternative validation strategies,
incorporating information from simulations, cross-team analysis,
controlled releases, and well characterized industrial emission
All of these activities will support the goals of
developing standards for detection and quantification of methane plumes
with remote sensing data to ensure consistency, reliability, and trust
in the data used by all stakeholders.
Task Group 2
Develop definitions for a tiered validation framework,
allowing for approaches such as algorithm validation (with data from
other measurement systems), algorithm assessment with simulated data,
performance assessment with well-characterized industrial emissions,
and controlled release experiments
Consensus validation strategies will be developed and
documented, incorporating information from simulations, cross-team
analysis, controlled releases, and well characterized industrial
emission sources.
Document consensus standards for analysis and reporting of
results of controlled release experiments
Develop platforms for improved communication and
utilization of controlled release experiments, maximizing participation
by measurement teams and opportunities for cross comparison of results
Create a repository of controlled release measurement
datasets for easy access by new participants and for community
Sharing of proprietary information developed by the Consortium will
be subject to that detailed in the CRADA. Participants will not be
required to contribute any funds or pay any fee. Contributions of data
and/or methodologies is highly encouraged.
Participation Process
Eligibility will be determined by NIST based on information
provided by prospective participants in response to this notice.
Submitted responses from prospective participants will be evaluated by
NIST to determine eligibility to participate in this Consortium.
Prospective participants should provide a letter of interest with the
following information to NIST's Consortium Manager:
(1) A description of their interest and experience in methane plume
detection and quantification from remote sensing measurements and/or
experience conducting and analyzing data from controlled release
experiment for methane plume validation and/or related expertise
necessary to contribute to Consortium activities.
(2) List of interested party's anticipated participants.
Letters of interest must not include business proprietary
information. NIST will not treat any information provided in response
to this notice as proprietary information. Following review, each
organization will be notified of its eligibility. In order to
participate in this Consortium, each eligible organization must sign a
CRADA for this Consortium. All participants in this Consortium will be
bound by the same terms and conditions. NIST does not guarantee
participation in the Consortium to any organization submitting a letter
of interest.
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 3710a.
Alicia Chambers,
NIST Executive Secretariat.
[FR Doc. 2024-30952 Filed 12-27-24; 8:45 am]