Department of Defense Progress Payment Incentive Pilot, 106450-106451 [2024-30947]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 249 / Monday, December 30, 2024 / Notices
and the facts found indicate no significant
impact (for example, refueling sites are not
on top of aquifers, nesting areas, graves,
sacred sites, etc.). These are examples to
show the utility of and need to identify
actual place-based environmental issues
rather than compiling lists of environmental
resources not at issue].’’
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Proposed Action and Alternatives
The agency should list and briefly describe
its proposed action and reasonable
alternatives that meet the purpose and need.
The agency must use its discretion to ensure
the number and reasonable range of
alternatives is reasoned and not arbitrary or
capricious. The purpose and need for the
proposed action and its environmental effects
should focus the alternatives. For example,
the need to use existing infrastructure
necessary to support the facility is a reasoned
basis for focusing on a discrete number of
When there is no unresolved conflict
concerning alternative uses of available
resources with respect to the proposed action
based on input from interested parties, the
agency can consider the proposed action and
proceed without consideration of additional
alternatives. Otherwise, the agency must
identify reasonable alternatives that meet the
action’s purpose and need, consistent with
section 102(2)(H) of NEPA.
Environmental Effects of the Proposed Action
and Alternatives
The agency must describe the
environmental effects of its proposed action
and each alternative. 40 CFR 1501.5(c)(2)(iii).
The description should provide enough
information to support a determination to
either prepare an EIS or a finding of no
significant impact.
The agency should focus on whether the
action would significantly affect the quality
of the human environment. The agency
should follow the CEQ NEPA regulations in
considering whether the effects of a proposed
action are significant. See 40 CFR 1501.3(d).
Agency NEPA contacts and contacts at
resource agencies can assist in this effort.
Tailor the length of the discussion to the
complexity of each issue. Focus on those
human and natural environment issues
where effects are a concern. Telephone or
email discussions with State, Tribal, and
local governments and agencies and other
Federal agencies that operate in the area will
help focus those issues.
The agency must discuss the effects of each
alternative and may discuss those effects
together in a comparative description or
discuss each alternative separately. The
agency should use the approach that will be
most effective in the time available. The
agency may contrast the effects of the
proposed action and alternatives with the
current condition and expected future
condition in the absence of the action. This
constitutes consideration of a no action
alternative as well as demonstrating the need
for the action.
The agency should incorporate by
reference data, inventories, other
information, and analyses relied on in the
EA. See 40 CFR 1501.12. CEQ encourages the
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use of digital references, such as hyperlinks.
This information must be reasonably
available for review by potentially interested
persons. For example, include relevant
existing programmatic agreements and
generally accepted best management
The agency should be clear and concise
about its conclusions and their bases.
List of Agencies and Persons Consulted
The agency must involve the public, State,
Tribal, and local governments, relevant
agencies, and any applicants, to the extent
practicable in preparing EAs, and list the
agencies and persons consulted. 40 CFR
1501.5(c)(3) and 1501.5(f). For example,
include the people, offices, and agencies that
the agency coordinated with to ensure that
the location of the action did not cause
unintentionally an adverse effect. Also
include information about individuals
consulted to comply with substantive
environmental requirements and regulations,
for example: the Clean Water Act, the
National Historic Preservation Act, and the
Endangered Species Act (ESA). Note that the
ESA emergency provisions at 50 CFR 402.05
may be applicable to the proposed action.
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4321–4347; 42
U.S.C. 4371–4375.
Brenda Mallory,
[FR Doc. 2024–30675 Filed 12–27–24; 8:45 am]
Defense Acquisition Regulations
[Docket Number DARS–2024–0038]
Department of Defense Progress
Payment Incentive Pilot
Defense Acquisition
Regulations System, Department of
Defense (DoD).
ACTION: Request for information.
DoD is seeking public input to
inform the implementation of a section
of the National Defense Authorization
Act for Fiscal Year 2024 that authorizes
DoD to establish a pilot program to
incentivize performance for specific,
measurable criteria under approved
contracts by increasing the customary
progress payment rate.
DATES: DoD will consider all comments
received by January 29, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments to the
questions provided below, using either
of the following methods:
Æ Federal eRulemaking Portal: Search for
‘‘Docket Number DARS–2024–0038.’’
Select ‘‘Comment’’ and follow the
instructions to submit a comment.
PO 00000
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Please include your name, company
name (if any), and ‘‘Docket Number
DARS–2024–0038’’ on any attached
Æ Email: Include ‘‘DoD
Progress Payment Incentive Pilot’’ in the
subject line of the message.
Comments received generally will be
posted without change to https://, including any
personal information provided. To
confirm receipt of your comment(s),
please check https://, approximately
two to three days after submission to
verify posting.
Sara Higgins, telephone 937–200–4020.
A. Background
Section 874 of the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024
authorizes the Under Secretary of
Defense for Acquisition and
Sustainment to establish and implement
a progress payment pilot program to
incentivize contractor performance on a
contract-by-contract basis. By statute,
the incentive criteria must be clear and
measurable, and contractor participation
must be voluntary.
This notice requests comments and
information from the public on DoD’s
possible implementation of the pilot
program, in accordance with section
874. DoD is particularly interested in
comments and information from
companies currently in the Defense
Industrial Base.
B. Possible Implementation
DoD is planning to focus the Progress
Payment Incentive Pilot (PPIP) on
payment time to subcontractors in order
to improve cash flow throughout the
supply base. This is a key interest area
highlighted in the 2023 Defense
Contract Finance Study, available at
DoD is particularly interested in
comments and information from all
business sizes with regard to DoD’s
notional eligibility and incentive
criteria, and supporting documentation
concept, especially the following:
1. Eligibility Criteria
Section 874 authorizes an increase of
up to 10 percentage points higher than
the current customary progress payment
rate (80 percent for large businesses) for
contractor performance against clear,
measurable criteria on a contract-bycontract basis. To be eligible for the
PPIP, a participant must be eligible for
customary progress payments, and their
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 249 / Monday, December 30, 2024 / Notices
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
participation must be voluntary.
Notionally, the participant must be
performing under a new sole-source,
noncommercial, definitized contract or
order. The progress payment rate for
small entities has been temporarily
increased to 95 percent, which is 5
percentage points higher than the
maximimum incentive rate eligible to be
earned under the authority of section
874. Therefore, the pilot program will be
open only to other than small entities.
For inclusion in the pilot program,
DoD is planning to require contract
actions to be nominated by the
cognizant contracting officer and
approved by the Director, Price, Cost
and Finance, Defense Pricing,
Contracting, and Acquisition Policy
during the preaward phase of the
acquisition, since the extent of contract
financing provided by the Government
is required to be a consideration in price
negotiations after contract award. It is
also anticipated that the nominated
contract or order must have a
performance period of no more than
three years to ensure that all
performance, including options and
potential new work, will be completed
before the pilot program’s sunset date.
DoD anticipates requiring that the bill
of material, excluding material from
affiliated concerns and indirect costs,
will constitute at least 25 percent of the
nominated contract or order’s estimated
value to ensure the incentive benefits
the supply chain and to assess the
efficacy of using an increased progress
payment rate as an incentive.
To optimize pilot program
participation and to collect insights
from multiple sources, DoD plans to
approve only one contract per parent
entity (including all divisions, business
segments, subsidiaries, etc.).
2. Incentive Criteria
DoD anticipates structuring the
progress payment incentive as follows,
with a focus on incentivizing payment
time to the supply base:
a. The maximum incentive (a progress
payment rate of 90 percent in lieu of the
customary 80 percent rate for large
businesses) may be earned if more than
95 percent of the cumulative invoice
dollars have been or will be paid within
20 calendar days of receipt of
subcontract invoices.
b. A progress payment rate of 85
percent may be earned if more than 85
percent but less than or equal to 95
percent of the cumulative invoice
dollars have been or will be paid within
20 calendar days of receipt of
subcontract invoices.
c. If 85 percent or less of the
cumulative invoice dollars have been or
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will be paid within 20 calendar days of
receipt of subcontract invoices, no
incentive is earned, and the customary
large business progress payment rate of
80 percent will be used.
d. DoD plans to reassess the progress
payment rate with each contractor
request for progress payment, based on
the reported payment time for
cumulative subcontract invoice dollars.
If the contractor’s performance against
the incentive criterion merits an
increase or decrease to the progress
payment rate currently on contract, it is
anticipated that the rate will be changed
by a unilateral contract modification.
e. If the progress payment rate on the
contract is decreased based on the
contractor’s cumulative performance
against the incentive criterion, this may
result in an overpayment status. For
purposes of overpayments arising in this
manner, the expectation is not to issue
a demand for repayment, but to
withhold additional progress payments
until either—
(1) The progress payment rate is
increased as a result of the contractor’s
performance against the incentive
criterion; or
(2) The incurred cost increases to the
point that the total incurred cost
multiplied by the current progress
payment rate is greater than the amount
of progress payments already paid to the
3. Supporting Documentation Concept
DoD plans to measure contractor
performance against incentive criteria
through the use of a Governmentprovided spreadsheet, which the PPIP
participant will submit as an attachment
to each SF 1443, Contractor’s Request
for Progress Payment. It is envisioned
that the completed spreadsheet will list
each subcontract delivery invoice
reflected in the incurred cost claimed in
the progress payment request and
include the following information at a
Æ Subcontractor, supplier, or vendor
Æ Subcontract or purchase order
number; part number; description of
part or service;
Æ Subcontract invoice number and
any tracking number affixed by the
Æ Subcontract invoice date;
Æ Subcontract invoice amount;
Æ Actual or anticipated date of
invoice payment;
Æ Amount of payment;
Æ Calculated payment time (date of
payment minus date of invoice) for the
invoice; and
Æ Any unpaid amount on the invoice.
The spreadsheet will calculate the
percentage of cumulative subcontract
PO 00000
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invoice dollars paid within the
established payment time criterion. It is
planned that the PPIP participant will
update and mark new and actual
payment data with each progress
payment request.
It is anticipated that the PPIP
participant will be required to provide
any additional documentation required
by the contracting officer to support its
claimed progress against incentive
criteria. DoD plans for the Defense
Contract Audit Agency to audit PPIP
participants’ claimed subcontract
payment timing semi-annually.
Authority: DoD Instruction 5000.35,
Defense Acquisition Regulations (DAR)
Jennifer D. Johnson,
Editor/Publisher, Defense Acquisition
Regulations System.
[FR Doc. 2024–30947 Filed 12–27–24; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket ID: DoD–2024–OS–0023]
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
The Under Secretary of Defense
for Personnel and Readiness
(OUSD(P&R)), Department of Defense
ACTION: 30-Day information collection
The DoD has submitted to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for clearance the following
proposal for collection of information
under the provisions of the Paperwork
Reduction Act.
DATES: Consideration will be given to all
comments received by January 29, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.
Reginald Lucas, (571) 372–7574 or
Title; Associated Form; and OMB
Number: User Testing of the Financial
Readiness Website; OMB Control
Number 0704–0657.
Type of Request: Revision.
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 249 (Monday, December 30, 2024)]
[Pages 106450-106451]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-30947]
Defense Acquisition Regulations System
[Docket Number DARS-2024-0038]
Department of Defense Progress Payment Incentive Pilot
AGENCY: Defense Acquisition Regulations System, Department of Defense
ACTION: Request for information.
SUMMARY: DoD is seeking public input to inform the implementation of a
section of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024
that authorizes DoD to establish a pilot program to incentivize
performance for specific, measurable criteria under approved contracts
by increasing the customary progress payment rate.
DATES: DoD will consider all comments received by January 29, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments to the questions provided below, using
either of the following methods:
[cir] Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Search for ``Docket Number DARS-2024-0038.'' Select ``Comment'' and
follow the instructions to submit a comment. Please include your name,
company name (if any), and ``Docket Number DARS-2024-0038'' on any
attached document(s).
[cir] Email: [email protected]. Include
``DoD Progress Payment Incentive Pilot'' in the subject line of the
Comments received generally will be posted without change to, including any personal information
provided. To confirm receipt of your comment(s), please check, approximately two to three days after submission
to verify posting.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Sara Higgins, telephone 937-200-
A. Background
Section 874 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2024 authorizes the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and
Sustainment to establish and implement a progress payment pilot program
to incentivize contractor performance on a contract-by-contract basis.
By statute, the incentive criteria must be clear and measurable, and
contractor participation must be voluntary.
This notice requests comments and information from the public on
DoD's possible implementation of the pilot program, in accordance with
section 874. DoD is particularly interested in comments and information
from companies currently in the Defense Industrial Base.
B. Possible Implementation
DoD is planning to focus the Progress Payment Incentive Pilot
(PPIP) on payment time to subcontractors in order to improve cash flow
throughout the supply base. This is a key interest area highlighted in
the 2023 Defense Contract Finance Study, available at
DoD is particularly interested in comments and information from all
business sizes with regard to DoD's notional eligibility and incentive
criteria, and supporting documentation concept, especially the
1. Eligibility Criteria
Section 874 authorizes an increase of up to 10 percentage points
higher than the current customary progress payment rate (80 percent for
large businesses) for contractor performance against clear, measurable
criteria on a contract-by-contract basis. To be eligible for the PPIP,
a participant must be eligible for customary progress payments, and
[[Page 106451]]
participation must be voluntary. Notionally, the participant must be
performing under a new sole-source, noncommercial, definitized contract
or order. The progress payment rate for small entities has been
temporarily increased to 95 percent, which is 5 percentage points
higher than the maximimum incentive rate eligible to be earned under
the authority of section 874. Therefore, the pilot program will be open
only to other than small entities.
For inclusion in the pilot program, DoD is planning to require
contract actions to be nominated by the cognizant contracting officer
and approved by the Director, Price, Cost and Finance, Defense Pricing,
Contracting, and Acquisition Policy during the preaward phase of the
acquisition, since the extent of contract financing provided by the
Government is required to be a consideration in price negotiations
after contract award. It is also anticipated that the nominated
contract or order must have a performance period of no more than three
years to ensure that all performance, including options and potential
new work, will be completed before the pilot program's sunset date.
DoD anticipates requiring that the bill of material, excluding
material from affiliated concerns and indirect costs, will constitute
at least 25 percent of the nominated contract or order's estimated
value to ensure the incentive benefits the supply chain and to assess
the efficacy of using an increased progress payment rate as an
To optimize pilot program participation and to collect insights
from multiple sources, DoD plans to approve only one contract per
parent entity (including all divisions, business segments,
subsidiaries, etc.).
2. Incentive Criteria
DoD anticipates structuring the progress payment incentive as
follows, with a focus on incentivizing payment time to the supply base:
a. The maximum incentive (a progress payment rate of 90 percent in
lieu of the customary 80 percent rate for large businesses) may be
earned if more than 95 percent of the cumulative invoice dollars have
been or will be paid within 20 calendar days of receipt of subcontract
b. A progress payment rate of 85 percent may be earned if more than
85 percent but less than or equal to 95 percent of the cumulative
invoice dollars have been or will be paid within 20 calendar days of
receipt of subcontract invoices.
c. If 85 percent or less of the cumulative invoice dollars have
been or will be paid within 20 calendar days of receipt of subcontract
invoices, no incentive is earned, and the customary large business
progress payment rate of 80 percent will be used.
d. DoD plans to reassess the progress payment rate with each
contractor request for progress payment, based on the reported payment
time for cumulative subcontract invoice dollars. If the contractor's
performance against the incentive criterion merits an increase or
decrease to the progress payment rate currently on contract, it is
anticipated that the rate will be changed by a unilateral contract
e. If the progress payment rate on the contract is decreased based
on the contractor's cumulative performance against the incentive
criterion, this may result in an overpayment status. For purposes of
overpayments arising in this manner, the expectation is not to issue a
demand for repayment, but to withhold additional progress payments
until either--
(1) The progress payment rate is increased as a result of the
contractor's performance against the incentive criterion; or
(2) The incurred cost increases to the point that the total
incurred cost multiplied by the current progress payment rate is
greater than the amount of progress payments already paid to the
3. Supporting Documentation Concept
DoD plans to measure contractor performance against incentive
criteria through the use of a Government-provided spreadsheet, which
the PPIP participant will submit as an attachment to each SF 1443,
Contractor's Request for Progress Payment. It is envisioned that the
completed spreadsheet will list each subcontract delivery invoice
reflected in the incurred cost claimed in the progress payment request
and include the following information at a minimum:
[cir] Subcontractor, supplier, or vendor name;
[cir] Subcontract or purchase order number; part number;
description of part or service;
[cir] Subcontract invoice number and any tracking number affixed by
the prime;
[cir] Subcontract invoice date;
[cir] Subcontract invoice amount;
[cir] Actual or anticipated date of invoice payment;
[cir] Amount of payment;
[cir] Calculated payment time (date of payment minus date of
invoice) for the invoice; and
[cir] Any unpaid amount on the invoice.
The spreadsheet will calculate the percentage of cumulative
subcontract invoice dollars paid within the established payment time
criterion. It is planned that the PPIP participant will update and mark
new and actual payment data with each progress payment request.
It is anticipated that the PPIP participant will be required to
provide any additional documentation required by the contracting
officer to support its claimed progress against incentive criteria. DoD
plans for the Defense Contract Audit Agency to audit PPIP participants'
claimed subcontract payment timing semi-annually.
Authority: DoD Instruction 5000.35, Defense Acquisition Regulations
(DAR) System.
Jennifer D. Johnson,
Editor/Publisher, Defense Acquisition Regulations System.
[FR Doc. 2024-30947 Filed 12-27-24; 8:45 am]