Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Alaska Pollock Workshop, 104986-104988 [2024-30733]

Download as PDF 104986 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 247 / Thursday, December 26, 2024 / Notices during the year. Public feedback will help MBDA identify user interests and priorities related to data, information, and system usability. II. Information Clearinghouse The purpose of this request for comment is to inform MBDA on user preferences related to the content type, maintenance, collection and dissemination to relevant parties (including business owners and researchers). III. Requests for Public Comment Members of the general public are invited to submit responses to the following: (1) The types of data and information MBDA should have available in the Information Clearinghouse ( (2) Provide examples of how the data and information could be used. (3) Provide preferences for how data and information is made available, including but not limited to preferences on file formats, 3rd party access & software integration, visualization of data sets, and language. (4) Provide best practices and/or recommendations, which may include examples, of evidentiary-based studies, analysis and data related to Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) for publication through the Information Clearinghouse. (5) Provide feedback on overall use of the system including challenges in finding specific data and/or information. All comments must be submitted in written form at To access the docket where comments may be submitted, please enter ‘‘MBDA– 2024–0004’’ in the search bar. Comments must be received no later than 11:59 p.m., EST, Friday, February 28, 2025. Dated: December 19, 2024. Eric Morrisette, Deputy Under Secretary for Minority Business Development, U.S. Department of Commerce. [FR Doc. 2024–30765 Filed 12–23–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–21–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [RTID 0648–XE537] Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Alaska Pollock Workshop National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce. ACTION: Notice of public meeting. AGENCY: NMFS will convene a workshop on walleye pollock in Alaska for the purposes of synthesizing ongoing research, building and strengthening collaborations, and highlighting topics which need more attention. The focus SUMMARY: will be on biological and ecological scientific research. The workshop is open to the public from January 14, 2025–Jan 16, 2025 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific standard time. Please see SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for the daily meeting agenda. DATES: The meeting will be a hybrid format with the in-person component in Room 2076, Building 4, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Western Regional Center, Seattle, WA. The virtual component will be held on Google Meet at: https:// Or dial: (US) +1 636–649–4229 PIN: 118 376 198; FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cole Monnahan, 206–526– 4224; ADDRESSES: For further information, please visit https:// 1wm5by946rWdgrcdz5JgywTvC_ KueUQVFCxU9AGUdDqE. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Daily Meeting Agenda The agenda is subject to change; all times are in Pacific Standard Time (PST), and are approximate and may be changed at the discretion of the coordinators. Presentations are grouped by themes, and can focus on different large marine ecosystems (LME) in Alaska, including the Gulf of Alaska (GOA), Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI), the Northern Bering Sea (NBS), and the Eastern Bering Sea (EBS). DAY 1—TUESDAY JANUARY 14TH ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 Start PST Length (mins) Theme Presenter Topic Introductions. Work shop goals and products: conceptual models of key processes. Changes in the timing of spawning and early life stage development. Fall Condition of Young-Of-The-Year Walleye Pollock in the Southeastern and Northern Bering Sea. EcoFOCI ........................................................... Population-specific and temperature effects on hatch timing and success. Break. A history of Gulf of Alaska age-0 pollock in the nearshore. GOA-wide juvenile gadid survey ...................... DSEM models to explain variation in recruitment in the GOA. General Discussion ........................................... Breakout discussion: building conceptual models of recruitment. Lunch break. Age, growth, life history, FT–NIRS for age, condition, and reproduction. Results of multi-year juvenile pollock diet study (WGOA). 9 a.m .......... 9:15 a.m ..... 15 15 ..................................... ..................................... Monnahan ................... Monnahan ................... 9:30 a.m ..... 15 Early life history ........... L Rogers ..................... 9:45 a.m ..... 15 Early life history ........... Page ............................ 10 a.m ........ 10:15 a.m ... 15 15 Early life history ........... Early life history ........... Stabeno ....................... Slesinger ..................... 10:30 a.m ... 10:45 a.m ... 15 15 ..................................... Early life history ........... ..................................... Laurel .......................... 11 a.m ........ 11:15 a.m ... 15 15 Early life history ........... Early life history ........... Miller ............................ Champagnat ................ 11:30 a.m ... 12 p.m ........ 30 60 Early life history ........... Early life history ........... ..................................... ..................................... 1 p.m .......... 2 p.m .......... 60 15 ..................................... Goldstein ..................... 2:15 p.m ..... 15 ..................................... Biology & feeding ecology. Biology & feeding ecology. VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:37 Dec 23, 2024 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Lamb ........................... Frm 00022 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\26DEN1.SGM 26DEN1 LME BSAI/GOA. EBS/NBS. GOA. GOA. GOA. GOA. GOA. All. Split GOA/ BSAI. BSAI/GOA. GOA. Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 247 / Thursday, December 26, 2024 / Notices 104987 DAY 1—TUESDAY JANUARY 14TH—Continued Start PST Length (mins) Theme Presenter Topic LME Biology & feeding ecology. Biology & feeding ecology. Reum ........................... Decadal patterns in walleye pollock diets in Alaskan marine ecosystems. Spatio-temporal model of weight-at-age; forecasting distribution shifts with climate change and spatial overlap with choke species. Patterns in movement and trophic behavior of adult walleye pollock in the Bering Sea—results from stable isotope analysis of eye lenses. Effects of ocean warming on weight at age, recruitment, and age structure diversity for GOA walleye pollock. Changes in size-at-age of pollock with temperature and oxygen. Break. General Discussion ........................................... BSAI/GOA. Breakout discussion: building conceptual models of growth. Conclude for day. Split GOA/ BSAI. 2:30 p.m ..... 15 2:45 p.m ..... 15 3 p.m .......... 15 Biology & feeding ecology. Miller ............................ 3:15 p.m ..... 15 Biology & feeding ecology. Abookire ...................... 3:30 p.m ..... 15 Bigman ........................ 3:45 p.m ..... 4 p.m .......... 15 30 4:30 p.m ..... 60 5:30 p.m ..... 30 Biology & feeding ecology. ..................................... Biology & feeding ecology. Biology & feeding ecology. ..................................... Indivero ....................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... EBS. EBS. GOA. EBS. All. DAY 2—WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15TH ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 Start time PST Length (mins) Theme Presenter Topic Recap and updates on conceptual models. Past, current, and potential future data collections from the commercial pollock fishery. Fishery-dependent data collection .................... Genomic analysis of GOA and Bering Sea Pollock. Pollock population monitoring issues ............... Maturity, hisology, fecundity data used to assess spawning stratagy and changes in spawning patterns. Break. Acoustic-trawl surveys of pollock in Alaska— what they provide, outstanding questions. Use of moored echosounders to better understand pollock behavior. General Discussion ........................................... Lunch break. GOA–CLIM ....................................................... Climate integrated stock assessment advice ... Predators as samplers: using food habits data to inform climate- and community-driven shifts in habitat quality for EFH species. Using predators as samplers to quantify foraging landscapes throughout the Gulf of Alaska. Implications of arrowtooth flounder predation on pollock for GOA Optimum Yield. Break. Marine mammal consumption of pollock .......... General Discussion ........................................... Breakout discussions for conceptual models. Conclude for day. 9 a.m .......... 9:15 a.m ..... 15 15 ..................................... Population monitoring McGowan .................... Vechter ........................ 9:30 a.m ..... 9:45 a.m ..... 15 15 Population monitoring Population monitoring Yochum ....................... Schaal ......................... 10 a.m ........ 10:15 a.m ... 15 15 Population monitoring Population monitoring Wassermann ............... Neidecher .................... 10:30 a.m ... 10:45 a.m ... 15 15 ..................................... Population monitoring ..................................... Ressler ........................ 11 a.m ........ 15 Population monitoring Levine .......................... 11:15 a.m ... 12:15 p.m ... 1:15 p.m ..... 1:30 p.m ..... 1:45 p.m ..... 60 60 15 15 15 Population monitoring ..................................... Predation/food webs ... Predation/food webs ... Predation/food webs ... ..................................... ..................................... Dorn ............................ Holsman ...................... Barnes ......................... 2 p.m .......... 15 Predation/food webs ... Gerson ........................ 2:15 p.m ..... 15 Predation/food webs ... Rovellini ....................... 2:30 p.m ..... 2:45 p.m ..... 3 p.m .......... 4 p.m .......... 4:45 p.m ..... 15 15 60 45 ........................ ..................................... Predation/food webs ... Predation/food webs ... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... McHuron ...................... ..................................... ..................................... ..................................... LME BSAI/GOA. BSAI/GOA. BSAI/GOA. BSAI/GOA. BSAI/GOA. BSAI/GOA. BSAI/GOA. All. GOA. BSAI/GOA. GOA. GOA. GOA. BSAI/GOA. All. DAY 3—THURSDAY JANUARY 16TH Start time PST 9 a.m .......... VerDate Sep<11>2014 Length (mins) 15 19:37 Dec 23, 2024 Theme Presenter Topic ..................................... Ferriss ......................... Recap from day 2 ............................................. Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\26DEN1.SGM 26DEN1 LME GOA. 104988 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 247 / Thursday, December 26, 2024 / Notices DAY 3—THURSDAY JANUARY 16TH—Continued Start time PST Length (mins) Theme Presenter Topic Establishing new trophic indices of age-0 pollock for the Bering Sea: a stable isotopic retrospective analysis of trophic response to changing ocean conditions. EBS pollock model-based indices .................... EBS ESR and EBS Pollock risk table .............. GOA Risk table ecosystem information: data included and gaps. GOA pollock ESP indicators and applications to ABC and TAC decisions. Can ecosystem and or socio-economic functions play a role in specifying management objectives?. Break. NBS Regional Work Plan—Pollock isoscapes in warm and cold conditions. State-space models to integrate climate and forage drivers into research and operations. Single and multi-species management strategies under climate change. General Discussion ........................................... Lunch break. Present hypothesized set of conceptual models for recruitment. Present hypothesized set of conceptual models for growth. Break. Present hypothesized set of conceptual models for recruitment. Present hypothesized set of conceptual models for growth. 9:15 a.m ..... 15 Climate/ecosystem ...... Miller ............................ 9:30 a.m ..... 9:45 a.m ..... 10 a.m ........ 15 15 15 Climate/ecosystem ...... Climate/ecosystem ...... Climate/ecosystem ...... Wassermann ............... Siddon ......................... Ferriss ......................... 10:15 a.m ... 15 Climate/ecosystem ...... Shotwell ....................... 10:30 a.m ... 15 Climate/ecosystem ...... Whitney ....................... 10:45 a.m ... 11 a.m ........ 15 15 ..................................... Climate/ecosystem ...... ..................................... M. Rogers .................... 11:15 a.m ... 15 Climate/ecosystem ...... Thorson ....................... 11:30 a.m ... 15 Climate/ecosystem ...... Adams ......................... 11:45 a.m ... 12:45 p.m ... 1:45 p.m ..... 60 60 30 Climate/ecosystem ...... ..................................... Recruitment model ...... ..................................... ..................................... TBD ............................. 2:15 p.m ..... 30 Growth model .............. TBD ............................. 2:45 p.m ..... 3 p.m .......... 15 30 ..................................... Recruitment model ...... ..................................... TBD ............................. 3:30 p.m ..... 30 Growth model .............. TBD ............................. 4 p.m .......... 5 p.m .......... 60 ........................ Report writing. ..................................... ..................................... The meeting is open to the public; however, during the ‘Report Writing’ session on Thursday, January 16th, the public should not engage in discussion. Special Accommodations This meeting is physically accessible to people with disabilities. Special requests should be directed to Cole Monnahan, via email (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT). Dated: December 19, 2024. Kelly Denit, Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service. [FR Doc. 2024–30733 Filed 12–23–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–22–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [RTID 0648–XE547] Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce. AGENCY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:37 Dec 23, 2024 Jkt 265001 ACTION: The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council will hold a halfday virtual meeting of its Law Enforcement Technical Committee (LETC). SUMMARY: The meeting will convene on Thursday, January 16, 2025, beginning at 9 a.m. and ending at 1 p.m., EST. ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held virtually, via webinar only. Please visit the Gulf Council website ( for agenda and meeting materials information. Council address: Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, 4107 W Spruce Street, Suite 200, Tampa, FL 33607; telephone: (813) 348–1630. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Max Birdsong, Social Scientist, Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council;, telephone: (813) 348–1630. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following items of discussion are on the agenda, though agenda items may be addressed out of order and any changes will be noted on the Council’s website when possible. PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 EBS. EBS. EBS. GOA. GOA. BSAI. NBS. EBS. GOA. All. GOA. GOA. BSAI. BSAI. Conclude for day. Notice of a public meeting. DATES: LME Thursday, January 16, 2025; 9 a.m.–1 p.m., EST The LETC will begin with introductions and adoption of agenda, approval of minutes from the October 2023 LETC meeting from and election of Committee Chair and Vice Chair. The Gulf Council LETC will hold a review and discuss the Federal Charter Vessel ID Marking Requirements and 20-Fathom Recreational Seasonal Closure for Shallow-water Grouper. The Committee will also discuss the Nomination for Officer/Team of the Year, along with any Other Business items. —Meeting Adjourns The Agenda is subject to change, and the latest version along with other meeting materials will be posted on The Law Enforcement Technical Committee consists of principal law enforcement officers in each of the Gulf States, as well as the NOAA Office of Law Enforcement, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the NOAA Office of General Counsel for Law Enforcement. E:\FR\FM\26DEN1.SGM 26DEN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 247 (Thursday, December 26, 2024)]
[Pages 104986-104988]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-30733]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

[RTID 0648-XE537]

Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Alaska 
Pollock Workshop

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice of public meeting.


SUMMARY: NMFS will convene a workshop on walleye pollock in Alaska for 
the purposes of synthesizing ongoing research, building and 
strengthening collaborations, and highlighting topics which need more 
attention. The focus will be on biological and ecological scientific 

DATES: The workshop is open to the public from January 14, 2025-Jan 16, 
2025 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific standard time. Please see 
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for the daily meeting agenda.

ADDRESSES: The meeting will be a hybrid format with the in-person 
component in Room 2076, Building 4, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 
Western Regional Center, Seattle, WA. The virtual component will be 
held on Google Meet at:
    Or dial: (US) +1 636-649-4229 PIN: 118 376 198; FOR FURTHER 
INFORMATION CONTACT: Cole Monnahan, 206-526-4224; 
[email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: For further information, please visit

Daily Meeting Agenda

    The agenda is subject to change; all times are in Pacific Standard 
Time (PST), and are approximate and may be changed at the discretion of 
the coordinators. Presentations are grouped by themes, and can focus on 
different large marine ecosystems (LME) in Alaska, including the Gulf 
of Alaska (GOA), Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI), the Northern 
Bering Sea (NBS), and the Eastern Bering Sea (EBS).

                                                               Day 1--Tuesday January 14th
             Start PST                Length (mins)           Theme                 Presenter                   Topic                       LME
9 a.m..............................              15  ......................  Monnahan..............  Introductions..............
9:15 a.m...........................              15  ......................  Monnahan..............  Work shop goals and
                                                                                                      products: conceptual
                                                                                                      models of key processes.
9:30 a.m...........................              15  Early life history....  L Rogers..............  Changes in the timing of     BSAI/GOA.
                                                                                                      spawning and early life
                                                                                                      stage development.
9:45 a.m...........................              15  Early life history....  Page..................  Fall Condition of Young-Of-  EBS/NBS.
                                                                                                      The-Year Walleye Pollock
                                                                                                      in the Southeastern and
                                                                                                      Northern Bering Sea.
10 a.m.............................              15  Early life history....  Stabeno...............  EcoFOCI....................  GOA.
10:15 a.m..........................              15  Early life history....  Slesinger.............  Population-specific and      GOA.
                                                                                                      temperature effects on
                                                                                                      hatch timing and success.
10:30 a.m..........................              15  ......................  ......................  Break......................
10:45 a.m..........................              15  Early life history....  Laurel................  A history of Gulf of Alaska  GOA.
                                                                                                      age-0 pollock in the
11 a.m.............................              15  Early life history....  Miller................  GOA-wide juvenile gadid      GOA.
11:15 a.m..........................              15  Early life history....  Champagnat............  DSEM models to explain       GOA.
                                                                                                      variation in recruitment
                                                                                                      in the GOA.
11:30 a.m..........................              30  Early life history....  ......................  General Discussion.........  All.
12 p.m.............................              60  Early life history....  ......................  Breakout discussion:         Split GOA/BSAI.
                                                                                                      building conceptual models
                                                                                                      of recruitment.
1 p.m..............................              60  ......................  ......................  Lunch break................
2 p.m..............................              15  Biology & feeding       Goldstein.............  Age, growth, life history,   BSAI/GOA.
                                                      ecology.                                        FT-NIRS for age,
                                                                                                      condition, and
2:15 p.m...........................              15  Biology & feeding       Lamb..................  Results of multi-year        GOA.
                                                      ecology.                                        juvenile pollock diet
                                                                                                      study (WGOA).

[[Page 104987]]

2:30 p.m...........................              15  Biology & feeding       Reum..................  Decadal patterns in walleye  BSAI/GOA.
                                                      ecology.                                        pollock diets in Alaskan
                                                                                                      marine ecosystems.
2:45 p.m...........................              15  Biology & feeding       Indivero..............  Spatio-temporal model of     EBS.
                                                      ecology.                                        weight-at-age; forecasting
                                                                                                      distribution shifts with
                                                                                                      climate change and spatial
                                                                                                      overlap with choke species.
3 p.m..............................              15  Biology & feeding       Miller................  Patterns in movement and     EBS.
                                                      ecology.                                        trophic behavior of adult
                                                                                                      walleye pollock in the
                                                                                                      Bering Sea--results from
                                                                                                      stable isotope analysis of
                                                                                                      eye lenses.
3:15 p.m...........................              15  Biology & feeding       Abookire..............  Effects of ocean warming on  GOA.
                                                      ecology.                                        weight at age,
                                                                                                      recruitment, and age
                                                                                                      structure diversity for
                                                                                                      GOA walleye pollock.
3:30 p.m...........................              15  Biology & feeding       Bigman................  Changes in size-at-age of    EBS.
                                                      ecology.                                        pollock with temperature
                                                                                                      and oxygen.
3:45 p.m...........................              15  ......................  ......................  Break......................
4 p.m..............................              30  Biology & feeding       ......................  General Discussion.........  All.
4:30 p.m...........................              60  Biology & feeding       ......................  Breakout discussion:         Split GOA/BSAI.
                                                      ecology.                                        building conceptual models
                                                                                                      of growth.
5:30 p.m...........................              30  ......................  ......................  Conclude for day...........

                                                             Day 2--Wednesday, January 15th
           Start time PST             Length (mins)           Theme                 Presenter                   Topic                       LME
9 a.m..............................              15  ......................  McGowan...............  Recap and updates on
                                                                                                      conceptual models.
9:15 a.m...........................              15  Population monitoring.  Vechter...............  Past, current, and           BSAI/GOA.
                                                                                                      potential future data
                                                                                                      collections from the
                                                                                                      commercial pollock fishery.
9:30 a.m...........................              15  Population monitoring.  Yochum................  Fishery-dependent data       BSAI/GOA.
9:45 a.m...........................              15  Population monitoring.  Schaal................  Genomic analysis of GOA and  BSAI/GOA.
                                                                                                      Bering Sea Pollock.
10 a.m.............................              15  Population monitoring.  Wassermann............  Pollock population           BSAI/GOA.
                                                                                                      monitoring issues.
10:15 a.m..........................              15  Population monitoring.  Neidecher.............  Maturity, hisology,          BSAI/GOA.
                                                                                                      fecundity data used to
                                                                                                      assess spawning stratagy
                                                                                                      and changes in spawning
10:30 a.m..........................              15  ......................  ......................  Break......................
10:45 a.m..........................              15  Population monitoring.  Ressler...............  Acoustic-trawl surveys of    BSAI/GOA.
                                                                                                      pollock in Alaska--what
                                                                                                      they provide, outstanding
11 a.m.............................              15  Population monitoring.  Levine................  Use of moored echosounders   BSAI/GOA.
                                                                                                      to better understand
                                                                                                      pollock behavior.
11:15 a.m..........................              60  Population monitoring.  ......................  General Discussion.........  All.
12:15 p.m..........................              60  ......................  ......................  Lunch break................
1:15 p.m...........................              15  Predation/food webs...  Dorn..................  GOA-CLIM...................  GOA.
1:30 p.m...........................              15  Predation/food webs...  Holsman...............  Climate integrated stock     BSAI/GOA.
                                                                                                      assessment advice.
1:45 p.m...........................              15  Predation/food webs...  Barnes................  Predators as samplers:       GOA.
                                                                                                      using food habits data to
                                                                                                      inform climate- and
                                                                                                      community-driven shifts in
                                                                                                      habitat quality for EFH
2 p.m..............................              15  Predation/food webs...  Gerson................  Using predators as samplers  GOA.
                                                                                                      to quantify foraging
                                                                                                      landscapes throughout the
                                                                                                      Gulf of Alaska.
2:15 p.m...........................              15  Predation/food webs...  Rovellini.............  Implications of arrowtooth   GOA.
                                                                                                      flounder predation on
                                                                                                      pollock for GOA Optimum
2:30 p.m...........................              15  ......................  ......................  Break......................
2:45 p.m...........................              15  Predation/food webs...  McHuron...............  Marine mammal consumption    BSAI/GOA.
                                                                                                      of pollock.
3 p.m..............................              60  Predation/food webs...  ......................  General Discussion.........  All.
4 p.m..............................              45  ......................  ......................  Breakout discussions for
                                                                                                      conceptual models.
4:45 p.m...........................  ..............  ......................  ......................  Conclude for day...........

                                                              Day 3--Thursday January 16th
           Start time PST             Length (mins)           Theme                 Presenter                   Topic                       LME
9 a.m..............................              15  ......................  Ferriss...............  Recap from day 2...........  GOA.

[[Page 104988]]

9:15 a.m...........................              15  Climate/ecosystem.....  Miller................  Establishing new trophic     EBS.
                                                                                                      indices of age-0 pollock
                                                                                                      for the Bering Sea: a
                                                                                                      stable isotopic
                                                                                                      retrospective analysis of
                                                                                                      trophic response to
                                                                                                      changing ocean conditions.
9:30 a.m...........................              15  Climate/ecosystem.....  Wassermann............  EBS pollock model-based      EBS.
9:45 a.m...........................              15  Climate/ecosystem.....  Siddon................  EBS ESR and EBS Pollock      EBS.
                                                                                                      risk table.
10 a.m.............................              15  Climate/ecosystem.....  Ferriss...............  GOA Risk table ecosystem     GOA.
                                                                                                      information: data included
                                                                                                      and gaps.
10:15 a.m..........................              15  Climate/ecosystem.....  Shotwell..............  GOA pollock ESP indicators   GOA.
                                                                                                      and applications to ABC
                                                                                                      and TAC decisions.
10:30 a.m..........................              15  Climate/ecosystem.....  Whitney...............  Can ecosystem and or socio-  BSAI.
                                                                                                      economic functions play a
                                                                                                      role in specifying
                                                                                                      management objectives?.
10:45 a.m..........................              15  ......................  ......................  Break......................
11 a.m.............................              15  Climate/ecosystem.....  M. Rogers.............  NBS Regional Work Plan--     NBS.
                                                                                                      Pollock isoscapes in warm
                                                                                                      and cold conditions.
11:15 a.m..........................              15  Climate/ecosystem.....  Thorson...............  State-space models to        EBS.
                                                                                                      integrate climate and
                                                                                                      forage drivers into
                                                                                                      research and operations.
11:30 a.m..........................              15  Climate/ecosystem.....  Adams.................  Single and multi-species     GOA.
                                                                                                      management strategies
                                                                                                      under climate change.
11:45 a.m..........................              60  Climate/ecosystem.....  ......................  General Discussion.........  All.
12:45 p.m..........................              60  ......................  ......................  Lunch break................
1:45 p.m...........................              30  Recruitment model.....  TBD...................  Present hypothesized set of  GOA.
                                                                                                      conceptual models for
2:15 p.m...........................              30  Growth model..........  TBD...................  Present hypothesized set of  GOA.
                                                                                                      conceptual models for
2:45 p.m...........................              15  ......................  ......................  Break......................
3 p.m..............................              30  Recruitment model.....  TBD...................  Present hypothesized set of  BSAI.
                                                                                                      conceptual models for
3:30 p.m...........................              30  Growth model..........  TBD...................  Present hypothesized set of  BSAI.
                                                                                                      conceptual models for
4 p.m..............................              60  Report writing........
5 p.m..............................  ..............  ......................  ......................  Conclude for day...........

    The meeting is open to the public; however, during the `Report 
Writing' session on Thursday, January 16th, the public should not 
engage in discussion.

Special Accommodations

    This meeting is physically accessible to people with disabilities. 
Special requests should be directed to Cole Monnahan, via email (see 

    Dated: December 19, 2024.
Kelly Denit,
Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
[FR Doc. 2024-30733 Filed 12-23-24; 8:45 am]

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