Fisheries Off West Coast States; Modification of the West Coast Salmon Fisheries; Inseason Actions #4-16, 104895-104899 [2024-30580]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 247 / Thursday, December 26, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
exports must also meet applicable
wildlife import/export requirements
established under section 9, paragraphs
(d), (e), and (f), of the Act (16 U.S.C.
1538(d), (e), and (f)); the Lacey Act
Amendments of 1981 (16 U.S.C. 3371 et
seq.); and 50 CFR part 14. Questions
regarding whether specific activities
with blue tree monitor would constitute
a violation of section 9 of the Act should
be directed to the Service’s Division of
Management Authority
(; 703–
Required Determinations
National Environmental Policy Act (42
U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)
We have determined that
environmental assessments and
environmental impact statements, as
defined under the authority of the
National Environmental Policy Act (42
U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), need not be
prepared in connection with listing a
species as an endangered or threatened
species under the Endangered Species
Act. We published a notice outlining
our reasons for this determination in the
Common name
Federal Register on October 25, 1983
(48 FR 49244).
References Cited
A complete list of references cited in
this rulemaking is available on the
internet at
and upon request from the Branch of
Delisting and Foreign Species (see FOR
Signing Authority
Martha Williams, Director of the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, approved this
action on December 3, 2024. Acting
Director Steve Guertin approved these
packages December 15, 2024. On
December 16, 2024, the acting Director
Accordingly, we amend part 17,
subchapter B of chapter I, title 50 of the
Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth
1. The authority citation for part 17
continues to read as follows:
Endangered and threatened species,
Exports, Imports, Plants, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements,
Transportation, Wildlife.
Regulation Promulgation
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
Where listed
authorized the undersigned to sign the
document electronically and submit it
to the Office of the Federal Register for
publication as an official document of
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The primary authors of this rule are
the staff members of the Fish and
Wildlife Service’s Species Assessment
Team and the Branch of Delisting and
Foreign Species.
Scientific name
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361–1407; 1531–
1544; and 4201–4245, unless otherwise
2. In § 17.11, in paragraph (h), amend
the List of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife by adding an entry for
‘‘Monitor, blue tree’’ in alphabetical
order under REPTILES to read as
§ 17.11 Endangered and threatened
(h) * * *
Listing citations and applicable rules
Monitor, blue tree ........................
Varanus macraei .......................
Wherever found .........................
Madonna Baucum,
Regulations and Policy Chief, Division of
Policy, Economics, Risk Management, and
Analytics of the Joint Administrative
Operations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2024–30375 Filed 12–23–24; 8:45 am]
50 CFR Part 660
[Docket No. 240514–0137; RTID 0648–
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Fisheries Off West Coast States;
Modification of the West Coast Salmon
Fisheries; Inseason Actions #4–16
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Inseason modification of 2024
management measures.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
NMFS announces 13 inseason
actions for the 2024–2025 ocean salmon
fishing season. These inseason actions
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modify the recreational and commercial
salmon troll fisheries in the area from
the U.S./Canada border to Humbug
Mountain, OR.
DATES: The effective dates for these
inseason actions are set out in this
document under the heading ‘‘Inseason
Actions’’ and the actions remain in
effect until superseded or modified.
Anna Heeter, (971) 361–8895,
The annual management measures for
the 2024 and early 2025 ocean salmon
fisheries (89 FR 44553, May 21, 2024)
govern the commercial and recreational
fisheries in the area from the U.S./
Canada border to the U.S./Mexico
border, effective from 0001 hours Pacific
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 247 / Thursday, December 26, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
Daylight Time (PDT), May 16, 2024,
until the effective date of the 2025
management measures, as published in
the Federal Register. NMFS is
authorized to implement inseason
management actions to modify fishing
seasons and quotas as necessary to
provide fishing opportunity while
meeting management objectives for the
affected species (50 CFR 660.409).
Inseason actions in the salmon fishery
may be taken directly by NMFS (50 CFR
660.409(a)—Fixed inseason
management provisions) or upon
consultation with the Chairman of the
Pacific Fishery Management Council
(Council), and the appropriate State
Directors (50 CFR 660.409(b)—Flexible
inseason management provisions).
Management of the salmon fisheries is
divided into two geographic areas: north
of Cape Falcon (NOF) (U.S./Canada
border to Cape Falcon, OR), and south
of Cape Falcon (SOF) (Cape Falcon, OR,
to the U.S./Mexico border). The actions
described in this document affect the
NOF commercial salmon troll fisheries,
NOF recreational fisheries, and SOF
recreational fisheries, as set out under
the heading ‘‘Inseason Actions’’ below.
Consultation with the Council
Chairperson on these inseason actions
occurred on June 27, 2024, July 10,
2024, July 31, 2024, August 8, 2024,
August 15, 2024, August 19, 2024,
August 21, 2024, August 28, 2024,
August 29, 2024, and September 11,
2024. These consultations included
representatives from NMFS, Washington
Department of Fish and Wildlife,
Oregon Department of Fish and
Wildlife, and California Department of
Fish and Wildlife. Representatives from
the Salmon Advisory Subpanel and
Salmon Technical Team were also
present. A Council representative was
present on June 27, 2024, July 10, 2024,
July 31, 2024, August 8, 2024, August
15, 2024, August 19, 2024, August 21,
2024, August 28, 2024, August 29, 2024,
and September 11, 2024.
These inseason actions were
announced on NMFS’ telephone hotline
and U.S. Coast Guard radio broadcast on
the date of the consultations (50 CFR
Inseason Actions
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
Inseason Action #4
Description of the action: Inseason
action #4 modifies the NOF ocean
salmon troll commercial fishery from
the U.S./Canada border to Cape Falcon,
Effective dates: Inseason action #4
takes effect for the following areas and
dates, and remains in effect until
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• Effective 12:01 a.m., Monday, July
1, 2024, for the commercial salmon troll
fishery, the landing and possession limit
for the entire area between the U.S./
Canada border and Cape Falcon, OR
will be modified from 70 Chinook
salmon and 100 coho salmon per vessel
to 40 Chinook salmon and 100 coho
salmon per vessel for the open period
July 1–10.
• Effective 12:01 a.m., Thursday, July
11, 2024, for the commercial salmon
troll fishery, the landing and possession
limit for the entire area between the
U.S./Canada border and Cape Falcon,
OR will be modified from 120 Chinook
salmon and 100 coho salmon per vessel
per landing week to 40 Chinook salmon
and 100 coho salmon per vessel per
landing week.
Reason and authorization for the
action: Inseason action #4 is necessary
to preserve the season length and allow
access to the Chinook salmon and coho
salmon quota. The reductions in
Chinook landing limits are intended to
slow catch to maximize season length
and ensure that the conservation
objectives outlined in the Fishery
Management Plan (FMP) and
Endangered Species Act (ESA) are met.
After reviewing current and historical
catch and effort data as well as weather
forecasts, it was determined that
reducing the landing and possession
limit for the allocated period of time
will allow for greater fishing
opportunity throughout the month of
July while remaining within the quota.
The NMFS West Coast Regional
Administrator (RA) considered the 2024
abundance forecasts for Chinook salmon
stocks, the timing of the actions relative
to the length of the season and the
remaining Chinook commercial troll
quota, and determined that this
inseason action is necessary to meet
management and conservations goals for
the 2024–2025 management measures.
This inseason action modified quotas
and/or fishing seasons as authorized
under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #5
Description of the action: Inseason
action #5 modifies the Chinook salmon
quota for the July-September NOF
commercial salmon troll fishery to
13,800 Chinook salmon from 16,400
Chinook salmon.
Effective dates: Inseason action #5
takes effect on July 11, 2024, at 12:01
a.m. and remains in effect until
Reason and authorization for the
action: Inseason action #5 is necessary
to offset the overage from the May-June
Chinook salmon quota and ensure
conservation objectives would not be
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exceeded. The July–September quota
was reduced from 16,400 to 13,800. This
change kept the fishery as a whole
impact-neutral to the Oregon Coast
Coho stock which was the most
constraining stock for the fishery and
was within the overall quota set
The RA considered the landings of
Chinook salmon in the NOF commercial
salmon fishery, fishery effort occurring
to date, quotas set preseason, and the
Salmon Technical Team’s (STT’s)
calculations for the impact-neutral
quota adjustment. The RA determined
that this inseason action is necessary to
meet management and conservations
goals for the 2024–2025 management
measures. This inseason action
modified quotas and/or fishing seasons
as authorized under 50 CFR
Inseason Action #6
Description of the action: Inseason
action #6 modifies the recreational
fishery in the area between the U.S./
Canada border and the Queets River
(Neah Bay and La Push subareas). The
daily bag limit in both subareas is
modified from two salmon per day of
which only one may be a Chinook to
two salmon per day for all salmon,
except no chum salmon beginning
August 1. All coho salmon must be
marked with a healed adipose fin clip.
Chinook salmon minimum size is 24
inches (61 centimeters (cm)), and coho
salmon minimum size is 16 inches (40.7
Effective dates: Inseason action #6
takes effect on July 13, 2024, at 12:01
a.m. and remains in effect until
September 15, 2024.
Reason and authorization for the
action: Inseason action #6 is necessary
to provide greater fishing opportunity
for the public to access the available
Chinook salmon quota. Catch rates and
effort declined since July 4, 2024, which
allowed for an increase in the Chinook
landing limit. Based on catch and effort
data from previous weeks and historical
catch, effort, and weather reports to
refine projected effort, increasing the
bag limit in the Neah Bay and La Push
subareas would allow for greater access
to the Chinook salmon quota while also
ensuring the quota is not exceeded.
The RA considered the 2024
abundance forecasts for Chinook salmon
stocks, the remaining quota, the timing
of the action relative to the length of the
season, the catch and effort to date, and
determined that this inseason action is
necessary to meet management and
conservations goals for the 2024–2025
management measures including season
length. This inseason action modifies
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 247 / Thursday, December 26, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
bag limits as authorized under 50 CFR
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
Inseason Action #7
Description of the action: Inseason
action #7 modifies the commercial
salmon fishery in the area between the
U.S./Canada border and Cape Falcon.
The landing and possession limit is
modified from 25 Chinook salmon and
100 marked coho salmon per vessel per
landing week to 20 Chinook salmon and
100 marked coho salmon per vessel per
landing week (Thursday–Wednesday).
Effective dates: Inseason action #7
takes effect on August 1, 2024, at 12:01
a.m. and remains in effect until
Reason and authorization for the
action: Inseason action #7 is necessary
because higher catches and higher effort
than anticipated at this point in the
season have been reported. This
modification will slow the catch to
preserve season length, thereby ensuring
the fishery retains as much economic
activity possible while also meeting
conservation objectives.
The RA considered the 2024
abundance forecasts for Chinook salmon
stocks, the timing of the actions relative
to the length of the season, the
remaining quota, as well as catch and
effort to date, and determined that this
inseason action is necessary to meet
management and conservations goals for
the 2024–2025 management measures.
This inseason action modifies quotas
and/or fishing seasons as authorized
under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #8
Description of the action: Inseason
action #8 modifies the NOF recreational
salmon fishery. The area between Cape
Falcon and Leadbetter Point (Columbia
River subarea) is closed. Possession of
coho salmon is illegal when retention is
prohibited in the area.
Effective dates: Inseason action #8
takes effect on August 12, 2024, at 12:01
a.m. and remains in effect until
Reason and authorization for the
action: Inseason action #8 was
necessary to avoid exceeding the NOF
recreational quota for coho salmon.
Extensive analysis indicated that it was
not possible to reallocate excess salmon
quota from other recreational or
commercial fisheries while also
ensuring the fishery remains impactneutral. The fishery was closed in order
to the ensure the quota was not
exceeded and conservation objectives
were met.
The RA considered the 2024
abundance forecasts for Chinook salmon
stocks, the remaining quota, and the
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timing of the actions relative to the
length of the season, and determined
that this inseason action is necessary to
meet management and conservations
goals for the 2024–2025 management
measures. This inseason action modifies
quotas and/or fishing seasons as
authorized under 50 CFR
Inseason Action #9
Description of the action: Inseason
action #9 modifies the commercial
fishery in the area between the U.S./
Canada border and Cape Falcon.
Effective dates: Inseason action #9
takes effect for the following areas and
dates, and remains in effect until
• Effective Thursday, August 15,
2024, at 6 p.m., the landing and
possession limit for the North of Falcon
commercial ocean salmon troll fishery is
modified to 25 Chinook salmon and 100
marked coho salmon per vessel per
landing week from 20 Chinook salmon
and 100 marked coho salmon per vessel
per landing week (Thursday–
• Effective Monday, August 19, 2024,
at 12:01 a.m., the recreational salmon
fishery in the area between Cape Falcon
and Leadbetter Point (Columbia River
subarea) is open to fishing for salmon.
The daily limit will be two salmon, no
more than one of which may be a
Chinook salmon with a minimum size
limit of 22 inches (55.8 cm). All coho
must be marked with a healed adipose
fin clip. The Columbia River Control
Zone will remain closed.
Reason and authorization for the
action: Inseason action #9 is necessary
to sustain the length of the season and
maximize access to the NOF commercial
and recreational quota. In response to
overall diminished effort and a larger
portion of the quota remaining than
anticipated in the NOF commercial troll
fishery, the Chinook salmon landing
and possession limit will be raised from
20 to 25 Chinook salmon per vessel per
landing week. This will allow for greater
access to the Chinook salmon quota.
Also, there have been less coho salmon
caught than projected in the recreational
fishery in the Columbia River subarea,
so opening the fishery allows access to
the remaining recreational coho salmon
The RA considered the 2024
abundance forecasts for Chinook salmon
stocks, the timing of the actions relative
to the length of the season, as well as
catch and effort to date, and determined
that this inseason action is necessary to
meet management and conservations
goals for the 2024–2025 management
measures. This inseason action modifies
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quotas and/or fishing seasons as
authorized under 50 CFR
Inseason Action #10
Description of the action: Inseason
action #10 modifies the recreational
fishery in the area North of Cape Falcon.
The area between Cape Falcon and
Leadbetter Point (Columbia River
subarea) is closed. Possession of salmon
on board a vessel will be prohibited in
the Columbia River subarea.
Effective dates: Inseason action #10
takes effect on August 23, 2024, at 12:01
a.m. and remains in effect until
Reason and authorization for the
action: Inseason action #10 is necessary
in order to ensure that the NOF
recreational coho salmon quota for the
Columbia River subarea will not be
exceeded. Using data from previous
weeks as well as historic data on catch
and effort rates in the Columbia River
subarea, it was projected that fishing
beyond August 23, 2024, would exceed
the available coho salmon quota for this
The RA considered landings of
Chinook and coho salmon stocks to date
and projected catches in the recreational
salmon fishery, fishery effort occurring
to date and projected effort, quotas and
guidelines set preseason, and the
recreational coho salmon quota
remaining. The RA determined that this
inseason action is necessary to meet
management and conservations goals for
the 2024–2025 management measures.
This inseason action modifies quotas
and/or fishing seasons as authorized
under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #11
Description of the action: Inseason
action #11 modifies the NOF
recreational salmon fishery. The area
between Cape Alava and the Queets
River (La Push subarea) is closed.
Possession of salmon on board a vessel
will be prohibited in the La Push
Effective dates: Inseason action #11
takes effect on August 21, 2024, at 12:01
a.m. and remains in effect until
Reason and authorization for the
action: Inseason action #11 is necessary
to avoid exceeding the La Push subarea
recreational quota for coho salmon. By
reviewing catch and effort level data,
and predicted weather conditions to
assess anticipated effort, keeping the
fishery open would result in an
exceedance of the La Push subarea coho
salmon quota.
The RA considered landings of
Chinook and coho salmon stocks to date
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 247 / Thursday, December 26, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
and projected catches in the recreational
salmon fishery, fishery effort occurring
to date and projected effort, quotas and
guidelines set preseason, and the
recreational coho salmon quota
remaining. The RA determined that this
inseason action is necessary to meet
management and conservations goals for
the 2024–2025 management measures.
This inseason action modifies quotas
and/or fishing seasons as authorized
under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
Inseason Action #12
Description of the action: Inseason
action #12 modifies the NOF
recreational salmon fishery. The area
between the Queets River and
Leadbetter Point (Westport subarea) is
closed. Possession of salmon on board a
vessel will be prohibited in the
Westport subarea.
Effective dates: Inseason action #12
takes effect on August 25, 2024, at 12:01
a.m. and remains in effect until
Reason and authorization for the
action: Inseason action #12 is necessary
to avoid exceeding the area of NOF
quota for coho salmon. By reviewing
catch and effort level data, and
predicted weather conditions to assess
anticipated effort, it is projected that
keeping the fishery open would result in
an exceedance of the Westport subarea
The RA considered landings of
Chinook and coho salmon stocks to date
and projected catches in the recreational
salmon fishery, fishery effort occurring
to date and projected effort quotas and
guidelines set preseason, and the
recreational coho salmon quota
remaining. The RA determined that this
inseason action is necessary to meet
management and conservations goals for
the 2024–2025 management measures.
This inseason action modifies quotas
and/or fishing seasons as authorized
under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #13
Description of the action: Inseason
action #13 modifies the SOF
recreational fishery from Cape Falcon to
Humbug Mountain. This action
increases the non-mark selective coho
quota in the recreational fishery from
Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain from
25,000 to 30,700 through an impactneutral rollover of 5,700 unused coho
salmon from the Cape Falcon to the OR/
CA border.
Effective dates: Inseason action #13
takes effect on September 1, 2024, at
12:01 a.m. and remains in effect until
Reason and authorization for the
action: Authority for this impact-neutral
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rollover of unutilized quota is specified
in the 2024 ocean salmon regulations
(89 FR 44553, May 21, 2024).
The STT calculated that an impactneutral rollover of the unutilized coho
salmon quota would add 5,700 coho
salmon from the June-August markselective period to the September nonselective coho salmon fishery quota of
25,000 to an adjusted quota of 30,700
coho salmon.
The RA determined that this inseason
action is necessary to meet management
and conservation goals for the 2024early 2025 management measures after
considering the best available
information on the 2024 abundance
forecasts for coho salmon stocks,
remaining quota, effects on coho
conservation objectives and the other
factors and considerations set forth in
50 CFR 660.409. This inseason action
modified quotas and/or fishing seasons
as authorized under 50 CFR
Inseason Action #14
Description of the action: Inseason
action #14 modifies the NOF
recreational fishery from the U.S./
Canada Border and Cape Alava (Neah
Bay subarea). The area between the
U.S./Canada Border and Cape Alava
(Neah Bay subarea) is closed to fishing
for salmon.
Effective dates: Inseason action #14
takes effect on September 3, 2024, at
12:01 a.m. and remains in effect until
Reason and authorization for the
action: Inseason action #14 is necessary
to avoid exceeding the Neah Bay
subarea recreational quota for coho
salmon. According to catch data, 96
percent of the coho quota had been used
as of August 29, 2024. It is necessary to
close the fishery in order to prevent an
exceedance of the Neah Bay subarea
The RA considered catch of Chinook
and coho salmon stocks to date and
projected catches in the recreational
salmon fishery, fishery effort occurring
to date and projected effort, quotas and
guidelines set preseason, and the
recreational coho salmon quota
remaining. The RA determined that this
inseason action is necessary to meet
management and conservations goals for
the 2024–2025 management measures.
This inseason action modifies quotas
and/or fishing seasons as authorized
under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #15
Description of the action: Inseason
action #15 modifies the NOF
recreational fishery between Queets
River and Cape Falcon (Westport and
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Columbia River subareas). The Westport
and Columbia River subareas are open
to fishing for salmon. The daily limit is
two salmon, no more than one of which
may be a Chinook. All coho must be
marked with a healed adipose fin clip.
Effective dates: Inseason action #15
takes effect on September 4, 2024, at
12:01 a.m. and remains in effect until
September 4, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.
Reason and authorization for the
action: Inseason action #15 is necessary
to allow for access to the remaining
Chinook and coho salmon quota, which
has not been fully used, while not
exceeding the designated quota for the
Westport and Columbia River subareas.
The RA considered catch of Chinook
and coho salmon stocks to date and
projected catches in the recreational
salmon fishery, fishery effort occurring
to date and projected effort, quotas and
guidelines set preseason, and the
recreational coho salmon quota
remaining. The RA determined that this
inseason action is necessary to meet
management and conservations goals for
the 2024–2025 management measures.
This inseason action modifies quotas
and/or fishing seasons as authorized
under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #16
Description of the action: Inseason
action #16 modifies the SOF
recreational salmon fishery. The area
between Cape Falcon and Humbug
Mountain is closed to retention of coho
salmon. This area remains open for
Chinook salmon retention with a daily
bag limit of two salmon (24 inches
(60.96 cm) minimum length).
Effective dates: Inseason action #16
takes effect on September 15, 2024, at
11:59 p.m. and remains in effect until
Reason and authorization for the
action: Inseason action #16 is necessary
to avoid exceeding the area of SOF
quota for coho salmon. As of September
8, 2024, the estimated coho salmon
catch was 17,789 fish out of an adjusted
non-mark-selective coho salmon quota
of 30,700 fish, or 58 percent of the
quota. By reviewing catch and effort
level data, and predicted weather
conditions to assess anticipated effort, it
is projected that keeping the fishery
open would result in an exceedance of
the SOF recreational quota.
The RA considered the catch of
Chinook and coho salmon stocks to date
and projected catches in the recreational
salmon fishery, fishery effort occurring
to date and projected effort, quotas and
guidelines set preseason, and the
recreational coho salmon quota
remaining and determined that this
inseason action was necessary to meet
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 247 / Thursday, December 26, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
management and conservations goals for
the 2024–2025 management measures.
This inseason action modifies
recreational bag limits as authorized
under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(iii).
All other restrictions and regulations
remain in effect as announced for the
2024 ocean salmon fisheries (89 FR
44553, May 21, 2024; 89 FR 61355, July
31, 2024).
The States and Tribes manage the
fisheries in State waters adjacent to the
areas of the U.S. exclusive economic
zone (3–200 nautical miles; 5.6–370.4
kilometers) off the coasts of the States of
Washington, Oregon, and California
consistent with these Federal actions.
As provided by the inseason notice
procedures at 50 CFR 660.411, actual
notice of the described regulatory
actions was given, prior to the time the
actions became effective, by telephone
hotline numbers 206–526–6667 and
800–662–9825, and by U.S. Coast Guard
Notice to Mariners broadcasts on
Channel 16 VHF–FM and 2182 kHz.
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NMFS issues these actions pursuant
to section 305(d) of the MagnusonStevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act (MSA). These actions
are authorized by 50 CFR 660.409,
which was issued pursuant to section
304(b) of the MSA, and is exempt from
review under Executive Order 12866.
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B),
there is good cause to waive prior notice
and an opportunity for public comment
on this action, as notice and comment
would be impracticable and contrary to
the public interest. Prior notice and
opportunity for public comment on this
action was impracticable because NMFS
had insufficient time to provide for
prior notice and the opportunity for
public comment between the time
Chinook salmon and coho salmon
abundance, catch, and effort
information were developed and
fisheries impacts were calculated, and
the time the fishery modifications had
to be implemented in order to ensure
that fisheries are managed based on the
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best scientific information available and
consistent with the conservation
objectives. As previously noted, actual
notice of the regulatory action was
provided to fishers through telephone
hotlines and radio notifications. These
actions comply with the requirements of
the annual management measures for
ocean salmon fisheries (88 FR 30235,
May 11, 2023), the Pacific Salmon FMP,
and regulations implementing the FMP
under 50 CFR 660.409 and 660.411.
There is good cause under 5 U.S.C.
553(d)(3) to waive the 30-day delay in
effective date, as a delay in effectiveness
of this action would allow fishing at
levels inconsistent with the goals of the
FMP and the current management
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: December 18, 2024.
Kelly Denit,
Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2024–30580 Filed 12–23–24; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 247 (Thursday, December 26, 2024)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 104895-104899]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-30580]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 660
[Docket No. 240514-0137; RTID 0648-XE258]
Fisheries Off West Coast States; Modification of the West Coast
Salmon Fisheries; Inseason Actions #4-16
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Inseason modification of 2024 management measures.
SUMMARY: NMFS announces 13 inseason actions for the 2024-2025 ocean
salmon fishing season. These inseason actions modify the recreational
and commercial salmon troll fisheries in the area from the U.S./Canada
border to Humbug Mountain, OR.
DATES: The effective dates for these inseason actions are set out in
this document under the heading ``Inseason Actions'' and the actions
remain in effect until superseded or modified.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anna Heeter, (971) 361-8895,
[email protected].
The annual management measures for the 2024 and early 2025 ocean
salmon fisheries (89 FR 44553, May 21, 2024) govern the commercial and
recreational fisheries in the area from the U.S./Canada border to the
U.S./Mexico border, effective from 0001 hours Pacific
[[Page 104896]]
Daylight Time (PDT), May 16, 2024, until the effective date of the 2025
management measures, as published in the Federal Register. NMFS is
authorized to implement inseason management actions to modify fishing
seasons and quotas as necessary to provide fishing opportunity while
meeting management objectives for the affected species (50 CFR
660.409). Inseason actions in the salmon fishery may be taken directly
by NMFS (50 CFR 660.409(a)--Fixed inseason management provisions) or
upon consultation with the Chairman of the Pacific Fishery Management
Council (Council), and the appropriate State Directors (50 CFR
660.409(b)--Flexible inseason management provisions).
Management of the salmon fisheries is divided into two geographic
areas: north of Cape Falcon (NOF) (U.S./Canada border to Cape Falcon,
OR), and south of Cape Falcon (SOF) (Cape Falcon, OR, to the U.S./
Mexico border). The actions described in this document affect the NOF
commercial salmon troll fisheries, NOF recreational fisheries, and SOF
recreational fisheries, as set out under the heading ``Inseason
Actions'' below.
Consultation with the Council Chairperson on these inseason actions
occurred on June 27, 2024, July 10, 2024, July 31, 2024, August 8,
2024, August 15, 2024, August 19, 2024, August 21, 2024, August 28,
2024, August 29, 2024, and September 11, 2024. These consultations
included representatives from NMFS, Washington Department of Fish and
Wildlife, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and California
Department of Fish and Wildlife. Representatives from the Salmon
Advisory Subpanel and Salmon Technical Team were also present. A
Council representative was present on June 27, 2024, July 10, 2024,
July 31, 2024, August 8, 2024, August 15, 2024, August 19, 2024, August
21, 2024, August 28, 2024, August 29, 2024, and September 11, 2024.
These inseason actions were announced on NMFS' telephone hotline
and U.S. Coast Guard radio broadcast on the date of the consultations
(50 CFR 660.411(a)(2)).
Inseason Actions
Inseason Action #4
Description of the action: Inseason action #4 modifies the NOF
ocean salmon troll commercial fishery from the U.S./Canada border to
Cape Falcon, OR.
Effective dates: Inseason action #4 takes effect for the following
areas and dates, and remains in effect until superseded.
Effective 12:01 a.m., Monday, July 1, 2024, for the
commercial salmon troll fishery, the landing and possession limit for
the entire area between the U.S./Canada border and Cape Falcon, OR will
be modified from 70 Chinook salmon and 100 coho salmon per vessel to 40
Chinook salmon and 100 coho salmon per vessel for the open period July
Effective 12:01 a.m., Thursday, July 11, 2024, for the
commercial salmon troll fishery, the landing and possession limit for
the entire area between the U.S./Canada border and Cape Falcon, OR will
be modified from 120 Chinook salmon and 100 coho salmon per vessel per
landing week to 40 Chinook salmon and 100 coho salmon per vessel per
landing week.
Reason and authorization for the action: Inseason action #4 is
necessary to preserve the season length and allow access to the Chinook
salmon and coho salmon quota. The reductions in Chinook landing limits
are intended to slow catch to maximize season length and ensure that
the conservation objectives outlined in the Fishery Management Plan
(FMP) and Endangered Species Act (ESA) are met. After reviewing current
and historical catch and effort data as well as weather forecasts, it
was determined that reducing the landing and possession limit for the
allocated period of time will allow for greater fishing opportunity
throughout the month of July while remaining within the quota.
The NMFS West Coast Regional Administrator (RA) considered the 2024
abundance forecasts for Chinook salmon stocks, the timing of the
actions relative to the length of the season and the remaining Chinook
commercial troll quota, and determined that this inseason action is
necessary to meet management and conservations goals for the 2024-2025
management measures. This inseason action modified quotas and/or
fishing seasons as authorized under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #5
Description of the action: Inseason action #5 modifies the Chinook
salmon quota for the July-September NOF commercial salmon troll fishery
to 13,800 Chinook salmon from 16,400 Chinook salmon.
Effective dates: Inseason action #5 takes effect on July 11, 2024,
at 12:01 a.m. and remains in effect until superseded.
Reason and authorization for the action: Inseason action #5 is
necessary to offset the overage from the May-June Chinook salmon quota
and ensure conservation objectives would not be exceeded. The July-
September quota was reduced from 16,400 to 13,800. This change kept the
fishery as a whole impact-neutral to the Oregon Coast Coho stock which
was the most constraining stock for the fishery and was within the
overall quota set preseason.
The RA considered the landings of Chinook salmon in the NOF
commercial salmon fishery, fishery effort occurring to date, quotas set
preseason, and the Salmon Technical Team's (STT's) calculations for the
impact-neutral quota adjustment. The RA determined that this inseason
action is necessary to meet management and conservations goals for the
2024-2025 management measures. This inseason action modified quotas
and/or fishing seasons as authorized under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #6
Description of the action: Inseason action #6 modifies the
recreational fishery in the area between the U.S./Canada border and the
Queets River (Neah Bay and La Push subareas). The daily bag limit in
both subareas is modified from two salmon per day of which only one may
be a Chinook to two salmon per day for all salmon, except no chum
salmon beginning August 1. All coho salmon must be marked with a healed
adipose fin clip. Chinook salmon minimum size is 24 inches (61
centimeters (cm)), and coho salmon minimum size is 16 inches (40.7 cm).
Effective dates: Inseason action #6 takes effect on July 13, 2024,
at 12:01 a.m. and remains in effect until September 15, 2024.
Reason and authorization for the action: Inseason action #6 is
necessary to provide greater fishing opportunity for the public to
access the available Chinook salmon quota. Catch rates and effort
declined since July 4, 2024, which allowed for an increase in the
Chinook landing limit. Based on catch and effort data from previous
weeks and historical catch, effort, and weather reports to refine
projected effort, increasing the bag limit in the Neah Bay and La Push
subareas would allow for greater access to the Chinook salmon quota
while also ensuring the quota is not exceeded.
The RA considered the 2024 abundance forecasts for Chinook salmon
stocks, the remaining quota, the timing of the action relative to the
length of the season, the catch and effort to date, and determined that
this inseason action is necessary to meet management and conservations
goals for the 2024-2025 management measures including season length.
This inseason action modifies
[[Page 104897]]
bag limits as authorized under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(iii).
Inseason Action #7
Description of the action: Inseason action #7 modifies the
commercial salmon fishery in the area between the U.S./Canada border
and Cape Falcon. The landing and possession limit is modified from 25
Chinook salmon and 100 marked coho salmon per vessel per landing week
to 20 Chinook salmon and 100 marked coho salmon per vessel per landing
week (Thursday-Wednesday).
Effective dates: Inseason action #7 takes effect on August 1, 2024,
at 12:01 a.m. and remains in effect until superseded.
Reason and authorization for the action: Inseason action #7 is
necessary because higher catches and higher effort than anticipated at
this point in the season have been reported. This modification will
slow the catch to preserve season length, thereby ensuring the fishery
retains as much economic activity possible while also meeting
conservation objectives.
The RA considered the 2024 abundance forecasts for Chinook salmon
stocks, the timing of the actions relative to the length of the season,
the remaining quota, as well as catch and effort to date, and
determined that this inseason action is necessary to meet management
and conservations goals for the 2024-2025 management measures. This
inseason action modifies quotas and/or fishing seasons as authorized
under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #8
Description of the action: Inseason action #8 modifies the NOF
recreational salmon fishery. The area between Cape Falcon and
Leadbetter Point (Columbia River subarea) is closed. Possession of coho
salmon is illegal when retention is prohibited in the area.
Effective dates: Inseason action #8 takes effect on August 12,
2024, at 12:01 a.m. and remains in effect until superseded.
Reason and authorization for the action: Inseason action #8 was
necessary to avoid exceeding the NOF recreational quota for coho
salmon. Extensive analysis indicated that it was not possible to
reallocate excess salmon quota from other recreational or commercial
fisheries while also ensuring the fishery remains impact-neutral. The
fishery was closed in order to the ensure the quota was not exceeded
and conservation objectives were met.
The RA considered the 2024 abundance forecasts for Chinook salmon
stocks, the remaining quota, and the timing of the actions relative to
the length of the season, and determined that this inseason action is
necessary to meet management and conservations goals for the 2024-2025
management measures. This inseason action modifies quotas and/or
fishing seasons as authorized under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #9
Description of the action: Inseason action #9 modifies the
commercial fishery in the area between the U.S./Canada border and Cape
Effective dates: Inseason action #9 takes effect for the following
areas and dates, and remains in effect until superseded.
Effective Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 6 p.m., the
landing and possession limit for the North of Falcon commercial ocean
salmon troll fishery is modified to 25 Chinook salmon and 100 marked
coho salmon per vessel per landing week from 20 Chinook salmon and 100
marked coho salmon per vessel per landing week (Thursday-Wednesday).
Effective Monday, August 19, 2024, at 12:01 a.m., the
recreational salmon fishery in the area between Cape Falcon and
Leadbetter Point (Columbia River subarea) is open to fishing for
salmon. The daily limit will be two salmon, no more than one of which
may be a Chinook salmon with a minimum size limit of 22 inches (55.8
cm). All coho must be marked with a healed adipose fin clip. The
Columbia River Control Zone will remain closed.
Reason and authorization for the action: Inseason action #9 is
necessary to sustain the length of the season and maximize access to
the NOF commercial and recreational quota. In response to overall
diminished effort and a larger portion of the quota remaining than
anticipated in the NOF commercial troll fishery, the Chinook salmon
landing and possession limit will be raised from 20 to 25 Chinook
salmon per vessel per landing week. This will allow for greater access
to the Chinook salmon quota. Also, there have been less coho salmon
caught than projected in the recreational fishery in the Columbia River
subarea, so opening the fishery allows access to the remaining
recreational coho salmon quota.
The RA considered the 2024 abundance forecasts for Chinook salmon
stocks, the timing of the actions relative to the length of the season,
as well as catch and effort to date, and determined that this inseason
action is necessary to meet management and conservations goals for the
2024-2025 management measures. This inseason action modifies quotas
and/or fishing seasons as authorized under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #10
Description of the action: Inseason action #10 modifies the
recreational fishery in the area North of Cape Falcon. The area between
Cape Falcon and Leadbetter Point (Columbia River subarea) is closed.
Possession of salmon on board a vessel will be prohibited in the
Columbia River subarea.
Effective dates: Inseason action #10 takes effect on August 23,
2024, at 12:01 a.m. and remains in effect until superseded.
Reason and authorization for the action: Inseason action #10 is
necessary in order to ensure that the NOF recreational coho salmon
quota for the Columbia River subarea will not be exceeded. Using data
from previous weeks as well as historic data on catch and effort rates
in the Columbia River subarea, it was projected that fishing beyond
August 23, 2024, would exceed the available coho salmon quota for this
The RA considered landings of Chinook and coho salmon stocks to
date and projected catches in the recreational salmon fishery, fishery
effort occurring to date and projected effort, quotas and guidelines
set preseason, and the recreational coho salmon quota remaining. The RA
determined that this inseason action is necessary to meet management
and conservations goals for the 2024-2025 management measures. This
inseason action modifies quotas and/or fishing seasons as authorized
under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #11
Description of the action: Inseason action #11 modifies the NOF
recreational salmon fishery. The area between Cape Alava and the Queets
River (La Push subarea) is closed. Possession of salmon on board a
vessel will be prohibited in the La Push subarea.
Effective dates: Inseason action #11 takes effect on August 21,
2024, at 12:01 a.m. and remains in effect until superseded.
Reason and authorization for the action: Inseason action #11 is
necessary to avoid exceeding the La Push subarea recreational quota for
coho salmon. By reviewing catch and effort level data, and predicted
weather conditions to assess anticipated effort, keeping the fishery
open would result in an exceedance of the La Push subarea coho salmon
The RA considered landings of Chinook and coho salmon stocks to
[[Page 104898]]
and projected catches in the recreational salmon fishery, fishery
effort occurring to date and projected effort, quotas and guidelines
set preseason, and the recreational coho salmon quota remaining. The RA
determined that this inseason action is necessary to meet management
and conservations goals for the 2024-2025 management measures. This
inseason action modifies quotas and/or fishing seasons as authorized
under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #12
Description of the action: Inseason action #12 modifies the NOF
recreational salmon fishery. The area between the Queets River and
Leadbetter Point (Westport subarea) is closed. Possession of salmon on
board a vessel will be prohibited in the Westport subarea.
Effective dates: Inseason action #12 takes effect on August 25,
2024, at 12:01 a.m. and remains in effect until superseded.
Reason and authorization for the action: Inseason action #12 is
necessary to avoid exceeding the area of NOF quota for coho salmon. By
reviewing catch and effort level data, and predicted weather conditions
to assess anticipated effort, it is projected that keeping the fishery
open would result in an exceedance of the Westport subarea quota.
The RA considered landings of Chinook and coho salmon stocks to
date and projected catches in the recreational salmon fishery, fishery
effort occurring to date and projected effort quotas and guidelines set
preseason, and the recreational coho salmon quota remaining. The RA
determined that this inseason action is necessary to meet management
and conservations goals for the 2024-2025 management measures. This
inseason action modifies quotas and/or fishing seasons as authorized
under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #13
Description of the action: Inseason action #13 modifies the SOF
recreational fishery from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain. This action
increases the non-mark selective coho quota in the recreational fishery
from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain from 25,000 to 30,700 through an
impact-neutral rollover of 5,700 unused coho salmon from the Cape
Falcon to the OR/CA border.
Effective dates: Inseason action #13 takes effect on September 1,
2024, at 12:01 a.m. and remains in effect until superseded.
Reason and authorization for the action: Authority for this impact-
neutral rollover of unutilized quota is specified in the 2024 ocean
salmon regulations (89 FR 44553, May 21, 2024).
The STT calculated that an impact-neutral rollover of the
unutilized coho salmon quota would add 5,700 coho salmon from the June-
August mark-selective period to the September non-selective coho salmon
fishery quota of 25,000 to an adjusted quota of 30,700 coho salmon.
The RA determined that this inseason action is necessary to meet
management and conservation goals for the 2024-early 2025 management
measures after considering the best available information on the 2024
abundance forecasts for coho salmon stocks, remaining quota, effects on
coho conservation objectives and the other factors and considerations
set forth in 50 CFR 660.409. This inseason action modified quotas and/
or fishing seasons as authorized under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #14
Description of the action: Inseason action #14 modifies the NOF
recreational fishery from the U.S./Canada Border and Cape Alava (Neah
Bay subarea). The area between the U.S./Canada Border and Cape Alava
(Neah Bay subarea) is closed to fishing for salmon.
Effective dates: Inseason action #14 takes effect on September 3,
2024, at 12:01 a.m. and remains in effect until superseded.
Reason and authorization for the action: Inseason action #14 is
necessary to avoid exceeding the Neah Bay subarea recreational quota
for coho salmon. According to catch data, 96 percent of the coho quota
had been used as of August 29, 2024. It is necessary to close the
fishery in order to prevent an exceedance of the Neah Bay subarea
The RA considered catch of Chinook and coho salmon stocks to date
and projected catches in the recreational salmon fishery, fishery
effort occurring to date and projected effort, quotas and guidelines
set preseason, and the recreational coho salmon quota remaining. The RA
determined that this inseason action is necessary to meet management
and conservations goals for the 2024-2025 management measures. This
inseason action modifies quotas and/or fishing seasons as authorized
under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #15
Description of the action: Inseason action #15 modifies the NOF
recreational fishery between Queets River and Cape Falcon (Westport and
Columbia River subareas). The Westport and Columbia River subareas are
open to fishing for salmon. The daily limit is two salmon, no more than
one of which may be a Chinook. All coho must be marked with a healed
adipose fin clip.
Effective dates: Inseason action #15 takes effect on September 4,
2024, at 12:01 a.m. and remains in effect until September 4, 2024, at
11:59 p.m.
Reason and authorization for the action: Inseason action #15 is
necessary to allow for access to the remaining Chinook and coho salmon
quota, which has not been fully used, while not exceeding the
designated quota for the Westport and Columbia River subareas.
The RA considered catch of Chinook and coho salmon stocks to date
and projected catches in the recreational salmon fishery, fishery
effort occurring to date and projected effort, quotas and guidelines
set preseason, and the recreational coho salmon quota remaining. The RA
determined that this inseason action is necessary to meet management
and conservations goals for the 2024-2025 management measures. This
inseason action modifies quotas and/or fishing seasons as authorized
under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(i).
Inseason Action #16
Description of the action: Inseason action #16 modifies the SOF
recreational salmon fishery. The area between Cape Falcon and Humbug
Mountain is closed to retention of coho salmon. This area remains open
for Chinook salmon retention with a daily bag limit of two salmon (24
inches (60.96 cm) minimum length).
Effective dates: Inseason action #16 takes effect on September 15,
2024, at 11:59 p.m. and remains in effect until superseded.
Reason and authorization for the action: Inseason action #16 is
necessary to avoid exceeding the area of SOF quota for coho salmon. As
of September 8, 2024, the estimated coho salmon catch was 17,789 fish
out of an adjusted non-mark-selective coho salmon quota of 30,700 fish,
or 58 percent of the quota. By reviewing catch and effort level data,
and predicted weather conditions to assess anticipated effort, it is
projected that keeping the fishery open would result in an exceedance
of the SOF recreational quota.
The RA considered the catch of Chinook and coho salmon stocks to
date and projected catches in the recreational salmon fishery, fishery
effort occurring to date and projected effort, quotas and guidelines
set preseason, and the recreational coho salmon quota remaining and
determined that this inseason action was necessary to meet
[[Page 104899]]
management and conservations goals for the 2024-2025 management
measures. This inseason action modifies recreational bag limits as
authorized under 50 CFR 660.409(b)(1)(iii).
All other restrictions and regulations remain in effect as
announced for the 2024 ocean salmon fisheries (89 FR 44553, May 21,
2024; 89 FR 61355, July 31, 2024).
The States and Tribes manage the fisheries in State waters adjacent
to the areas of the U.S. exclusive economic zone (3-200 nautical miles;
5.6-370.4 kilometers) off the coasts of the States of Washington,
Oregon, and California consistent with these Federal actions. As
provided by the inseason notice procedures at 50 CFR 660.411, actual
notice of the described regulatory actions was given, prior to the time
the actions became effective, by telephone hotline numbers 206-526-6667
and 800-662-9825, and by U.S. Coast Guard Notice to Mariners broadcasts
on Channel 16 VHF-FM and 2182 kHz.
NMFS issues these actions pursuant to section 305(d) of the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA). These
actions are authorized by 50 CFR 660.409, which was issued pursuant to
section 304(b) of the MSA, and is exempt from review under Executive
Order 12866.
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B), there is good cause to waive
prior notice and an opportunity for public comment on this action, as
notice and comment would be impracticable and contrary to the public
interest. Prior notice and opportunity for public comment on this
action was impracticable because NMFS had insufficient time to provide
for prior notice and the opportunity for public comment between the
time Chinook salmon and coho salmon abundance, catch, and effort
information were developed and fisheries impacts were calculated, and
the time the fishery modifications had to be implemented in order to
ensure that fisheries are managed based on the best scientific
information available and consistent with the conservation objectives.
As previously noted, actual notice of the regulatory action was
provided to fishers through telephone hotlines and radio notifications.
These actions comply with the requirements of the annual management
measures for ocean salmon fisheries (88 FR 30235, May 11, 2023), the
Pacific Salmon FMP, and regulations implementing the FMP under 50 CFR
660.409 and 660.411.
There is good cause under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3) to waive the 30-day
delay in effective date, as a delay in effectiveness of this action
would allow fishing at levels inconsistent with the goals of the FMP
and the current management measures.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: December 18, 2024.
Kelly Denit,
Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries
[FR Doc. 2024-30580 Filed 12-23-24; 8:45 am]