National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program; List of Petitions Received, 104191-104193 [2024-30457]
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ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 245 / Friday, December 20, 2024 / Notices
The reporting of manufacturing
amount information under section
510(j)(3) of the FD&C Act is a new
element to the information collection.
We assume it takes 1 hour to prepare
and submit the necessary reporting
information and estimate an average of
22.5 reports will be submitted annually
from 8,700 registrants. We exclude
1,780 respondents from the 10,480
registrants, (accounting for both
biological product and drug product
registrants) to reflect the reporting
exemptions implemented under section
510(j)(3)(B). Also, based on informal
communications, we have increased the
estimate of burden we attribute to
preparing and submitting the requisite
information from 15 minutes to 1 hour.
Similarly, intending to ensure the
availability of medically necessary drug
products during emergencies that might
result in high absenteeism at production
facilities, we account for burden
associated with the development of a
manufacturing contingency plan as
recommended in Agency guidance
‘‘Planning for the Effects of High
Absenteeism to Ensure Availability of
Medically Necessary Drug Products,’’
(March 2011), referenced above. We
assume that most respondents have
already developed a Plan as
recommended by the guidance
document as a usual and customary
business practice, and limit therefore,
our current burden estimate to updates,
maintenance, and the reporting to FDA
of the activation and deactivation of the
Plan. We assume two notifications (for
purposes of this analysis, we consider
an activation and a deactivation
notification to equal one notification)
will be submitted to CDER annually,
and estimate each notification requires
an average of 16 hours to prepare and
Finally, animal drug shortage
information is also a new element to the
information collection. Although not
statutorily required, we estimate that 30
respondents will provide 2 notifications
annually and that it will take 1 hour to
prepare and submit each notification as
recommended in the guidance
document entitled ‘‘Reporting and
Mitigating Animal Drug Shortages,’’
referenced above.
Cumulatively, these adjustments and
modifications result in a decrease of
67,004 responses and an increase of
87,413 burden hours, annually. We have
removed burden we attributed to
developing and implementing electronic
data systems as we now regard this
activity as usual and customary,
however we have increased our estimate
of the time needed for some of the
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activities to account for corresponding
record maintenance.
Dated: December 16, 2024.
P. Ritu Nalubola,
Associate Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2024–30355 Filed 12–19–24; 8:45 am]
Health Resources and Services
National Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program; List of Petitions Received
Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA), Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
HRSA is publishing this
notice of petitions received under the
National Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program (the Program), as required by
the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, as
amended. While the Secretary of HHS is
named as the respondent in all
proceedings brought by the filing of
petitions for compensation under the
Program, the United States Court of
Federal Claims is charged by statute
with responsibility for considering and
acting upon the petitions.
information about requirements for
filing petitions, and the Program in
general, contact Lisa L. Reyes, Clerk of
Court, United States Court of Federal
Claims, 717 Madison Place NW,
Washington, DC 20005, (202) 357–6400.
For information on HRSA’s role in the
Program, contact the Director, National
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program,
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 8W–25A,
Rockville, Maryland 20857; (301) 443–
6593, or visit our website at: https://
Program provides a system of no-fault
compensation for certain individuals
who have been injured by specified
childhood vaccines. Subtitle 2 of title
XXI of the PHS Act, 42 U.S.C. 300aa–
10 et seq., provides that those seeking
compensation are to file a petition with
the United States Court of Federal
Claims and to serve a copy of the
petition to the Secretary of HHS, who is
named as the respondent in each
proceeding. The Secretary has delegated
this responsibility under the Program to
HRSA. The Court is directed by statute
to appoint special masters who take
evidence, conduct hearings as
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appropriate, and make initial decisions
as to eligibility for, and amount of,
A petition may be filed with respect
to injuries, disabilities, illnesses,
conditions, and deaths resulting from
vaccines described in the Vaccine Injury
Table (the Table) set forth at 42 CFR
100.3. This Table lists for each covered
childhood vaccine the conditions that
may lead to compensation and, for each
condition, the time period for
occurrence of the first symptom or
manifestation of onset or of significant
aggravation after vaccine
administration. Compensation may also
be awarded for conditions not listed in
the Table and for conditions that are
manifested outside the time periods
specified in the Table, but only if the
petitioner shows that the condition was
caused by one of the listed vaccines.
Section 2112(b)(2) of the PHS Act, 42
U.S.C. 300aa–12(b)(2), requires that
‘‘[w]ithin 30 days after the Secretary
receives service of any petition filed
under section 2111 the Secretary shall
publish notice of such petition in the
Federal Register.’’ Set forth below is a
list of petitions received by HRSA on
October 1, 2024, through October 31,
2024. This list provides the name of the
petitioner, city, and State of vaccination
(if unknown then the city and State of
the person or attorney filing the claim),
and case number. In cases where the
Court has redacted the name of a
petitioner and/or the case number, the
list reflects such redaction.
Section 2112(b)(2) also provides that
the special master ‘‘shall afford all
interested persons an opportunity to
submit relevant, written information’’
relating to the following:
1. The existence of evidence ‘‘that
there is not a preponderance of the
evidence that the illness, disability,
injury, condition, or death described in
the petition is due to factors unrelated
to the administration of the vaccine
described in the petition,’’ and
2. Any allegation in a petition that the
petitioner either:
a. ‘‘[S]ustained, or had significantly
aggravated, any illness, disability,
injury, or condition not set forth in the
Vaccine Injury Table but which was
caused by’’ one of the vaccines referred
to in the Table, or
b. ‘‘[S]ustained, or had significantly
aggravated, any illness, disability,
injury, or condition set forth in the
Vaccine Injury Table the first symptom
or manifestation of the onset or
significant aggravation of which did not
occur within the time period set forth in
the Table but which was caused by a
vaccine’’ referred to in the Table.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 245 / Friday, December 20, 2024 / Notices
In accordance with section 2112(b)(2),
all interested persons may submit
written information relevant to the
issues described above in the case of the
petitions listed below. Any person
choosing to do so should file an original
and three (3) copies of the information
with the Clerk of the United States
Court of Federal Claims at the address
listed above (under the heading ‘‘For
Further Information Contact’’), with a
copy to HRSA addressed to Director,
Division of Injury Compensation
Programs, Health Systems Bureau, 5600
Fishers Lane, 8W–25A, Rockville,
Maryland 20857. The Court’s caption
(Petitioner’s Name v. Secretary of HHS)
and the docket number assigned to the
petition should be used as the caption
for the written submission. Chapter 35
of title 44, United States Code, related
to paperwork reduction, does not apply
to information required for purposes of
carrying out the Program.
Diana Espinosa,
Principal Deputy Administrator.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
List of Petitions Filed
1. Lynne Krispin, Deerwood, Minnesota,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1546V
2. Julia Carabajal, Las Vegas, Nevada, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1548V
3. Don Andrew Hampton, Sycamore, Illinois,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1549V
4. Katelyn Crowley-Lum, Andover,
Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24–1551V
5. Althea Stevens, Morehead, Kentucky,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1553V
6. Jose A. Inoa, Stormville, New York, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1554V
7. Rachel Muzik, Avon, Ohio, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1555V
8. Terry Ash, Price, Utah, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24–1556V
9. Scott Pollina, Wheaton, Illinois, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1557V
10. Carol Karmonick, Boston, Massachusetts,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1559V
11. Carroll Williams, Dresher, Pennsylvania,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1560V
12. Nicole Nickell on behalf of L.C., New
Orleans, Louisiana, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24–1562V
13. Valinda Torres, Boise, Idaho, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1564V
14. Stephan P. Densby, Herald, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1565V
15. Jesus Alvarado, Torrance, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1566V
16. Nicole Primeau, Mukilteo, Washington,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1568V
17. Julie Mertz, Algona, Iowa, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1569V
18. Natasha Dorsey, Gaithersburg, Maryland,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1570V
19. Taira Carrasquillo on behalf of L.M.,
Lisle, Illinois, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24–1571V
20. Janet Murray on behalf of K.M., Los
Angeles, California, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24–1572V
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21. Robert Berg, Lake Havasu City, Arizona,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1573V
22. Steven J. Agnello, Kalamazoo, Michigan,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1574V
23. Melissa Lagdameo, Dresher,
Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24–1576V
24. Loretta Bates, Phoenix, Arizona, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1578V
25. Brenda Lee Albers, Coldwater, Ohio,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1579V
26. Shannon Vetere, Owings Mills, Maryland,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1580V
27. Sarah Black, Grove City, Pennsylvania,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1581V
28. Rachel Files Goulding, New York, New
York, Court of Federal Claims No: 24–
29. Keevia Porter, Horn Lake, Mississippi,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1583V
30. Elizabeth Andrews-Pannone, Dresher,
Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24–1584V
31. John Giammona, Encinitas, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1586V
32. Susan Aguirre, Lakewood, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1590V
33. Jamie Wong, New York, New York, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1591V
34. Patty Pugh, Buckhannon, West Virginia,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1592V
35. Sara Primus, Denver, Colorado, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1593V
36. Marcel Walter Hingle, Newport,
Arkansas, Court of Federal Claims No:
37. Rosa Byer, Camp Springs, Maryland,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1595V
38. Nehemiah N. Nabors, Plymouth,
Wisconsin, Court of Federal Claims No:
39. Alaeddine El Alayli, Boston,
Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24–1600V
40. Tamie Mancuso, DuBois, Pennsylvania,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1601V
41. Cynthia Price, St. Louis, Missouri, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1603V
42. Iretha Ross, Earle, Arkansas, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1604V
43. Stuart Palmer, Joshua, Texas, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1605V
44. Margarita Zamora Lujano on behalf of E.
M., Deceased, Coalinga, California, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1606V
45. Bettie Blackman, Boston, Massachusetts,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1607V
46. Kelly Hawkins Skinner, Boston,
Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24–1609V
47. Miranda Starratt-Chobert, Milton, Florida,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1610V
48. Daniel Thompson, Washington, District
of Columbia, Court of Federal Claims No:
49. Raphael Golb, New York, New York,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1616V
50. Stanley Bozaich, Atlanta, Georgia, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1617V
51. Jerene Wickett, Omaha, Nebraska, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1618V
52. Sarah Reynolds, Lexington, Kentucky,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1619V
53. Steven Fink, Tampa, Florida, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1620V
54. Robert Wright, Black River Falls,
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Wisconsin, Court of Federal Claims No:
55. Stefanie Topp, Charlotte, North Carolina,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1623V
56. Holly Stair-Goshu, Houston, Texas, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1625V
57. Cara Hayes, Boston, Massachusetts, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1626V
58. Rebecca Androli, Buffalo, New York,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1627V
59. Marisol Rivera, Belvidere, Illinois, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1628V
60. Carol Wood, Matthews, North Carolina,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1629V
61. Lisa Skirpan, Enola, Pennsylvania, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1630V
62. Marta Pike, Wolcott, New York, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1636V
63. Theresa Akers, Livingston, Texas, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1637V
64. Lucia Lopez Guzman, Boston,
Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24–1638V
65. Kaitlyn Wawak on behalf of J.C., Bastrop,
Texas, Court of Federal Claims No: 24–
66. Nina Jarrad, Cary, North Carolina, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1640V
67. Sandra L. Crowley, Cumberland, Rhode
Island, Court of Federal Claims No: 24–
68. Cheryl Campos, Littleton, Colorado, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1643V
69. Jonathan Day, New York, New York,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1644V
70. Cierra Shaver, Battle Ground,
Washington, Court of Federal Claims No:
71. Charles L. Porter, Fox Lake, Wisconsin,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1649V
72. Shivonne Anfield, Camden, New Jersey,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1650V
73. Erika Verleye, Seattle, Washington, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1651V
74. Douglas Bates, Richmond, Virginia, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1652V
75. Sinisa Kolaric, Marietta, Georgia, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1654V
76. Shemeka Turner, Dresher, Pennsylvania,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1656V
77. Kendall Patterson, Tucson, Arizona,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1657V
78. Kelly Zrimsek, Fitchburg, Massachusetts,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1659V
79. Grace Reino, Boston, Massachusetts,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1663V
80. Alexis Lyndon Early, Marysville, Ohio,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1664V
81. June Augustine, Sykesville, Maryland,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1667V
82. Jennifer Kazdan, Wallingford,
Connecticut, Court of Federal Claims No:
83. Joanne Duitsman, Champaign, Illinois,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1669V
84. Deborah Fish, Bridgewater Corners,
Vermont, Court of Federal Claims No:
85. Linda Talbourdet, Boston, Massachusetts,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1671V
86. Pa K. Lor, Johnston, Iowa, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1672V
87. Sandra Bloomenthal, Boston,
Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24–1673V
88. Sandra Johnson, Dresher, Pennsylvania,
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 245 / Friday, December 20, 2024 / Notices
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1674V
89. Joseph Dusrajh, New York, New York,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1680V
90. Tiffany Blohm, De Pere, Wisconsin, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1681V
91. Michael T. Wagner, Boscobel, Wisconsin,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1682V
92. Eric Sedwick, Nashville, Tennessee,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1684V
93. Rachel Aviles, Boston, Massachusetts,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1685V
94. Lindsay Maldonado, Toppenish,
Washington, Court of Federal Claims No:
95. Timothy Nowling, Garden City Beach,
South Carolina, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24–1689V
96. Katherine Patterson, Raleigh, North
Carolina, Court of Federal Claims No:
97. Ianthie Jayakody, Federal Way,
Washington, Court of Federal Claims No:
98. Cathrine Mistele on behalf of J. M., Los
Angeles, California, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24–1692V
99. Alicia Ann Knight, Colorado Springs,
Colorado, Court of Federal Claims No:
100. Charles Jones, La Grande, Oregon, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1697V
101. Ashley Loncarich-Boeckman, Tulsa,
Oklahoma, Court of Federal Claims No:
102. Aida Acosta, Howell, Michigan, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1699V
103. Valerie Hoff, Atlanta, Georgia, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1700V
104. Sofia Gunawan, Phoenix, Arizona, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1701V
105. Felicia Markham, Redlands, Texas,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1702V
106. Makayla Wagner, St. Ansgar, Iowa,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1703V
107. Kimberly Rice, Chicago, Illinois, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1704V
108. Jennifer Camacho, Rock Hill, South
Carolina, Court of Federal Claims No:
109. Christopher Budge, White Bear Lake,
Minnesota, Court of Federal Claims No:
110. George Ward, Florence, Kentucky, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1711V
111. Heather J. Gardner, Port Huron,
Michigan, Court of Federal Claims No:
112. Maxfel Goodson, Ketchikan, Alaska,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1713V
113. Christine Leo, Goshen, New York, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1716V
114. Amie Marcott on behalf of A. M.,
Brownstown Township, Michigan, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1717V
115. Karen Kun, Chicago, Illinois, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1718V
116. Jennifer Plumley, Bozeman, Montana,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1721V
117. Leandra Logston and Cody Logston on
behalf of A. G. L., Boston, Massachusetts,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1724V
118. Kimberly Pino, Dresher, Pennsylvania,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1728V
119. Gregory Fridell, San Diego, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1730V
120. Virginia Fisher, Hornell, New York,
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Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1732V
121. Michael Seck, Boston, Massachusetts,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1733V
122. Kaley Stockton, Los Angeles, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1736V
123. Robyn Boyd, Los Angeles, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1737V
124. Verdie Atienza, Chesapeake, Virginia,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1738V
125. Sabaha Sabi Zagwolsky, Orange,
California, Court of Federal Claims No:
126. Edward Cummings, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24–1742V
127. Daniel Diehl, Fort Knox, Kentucky,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1743V
128. Jennifer Credeur, Frisco, Texas, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1746V
129. Michael Dugas, Ventura, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1747V
130. Anife Tashi, Boston, Massachusetts,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1748V
131. John Morris, Los Angeles, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1751V
132. Adrianna Mckeage, Los Angeles,
California, Court of Federal Claims No:
133. Melissa Weber, New York, New York,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1753V
134. Kari Morey, Los Angeles, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1754V
135. Gary L. Tranmer, South Sioux City,
Nebraska, Court of Federal Claims No:
136. Tracey Kubis, Dresher, Pennsylvania,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1756V
137. Sonia Bittar, Quincy, Massachusetts,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1757V
138. Manuela Sympson, Ames, Iowa, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1758V
139. Bryan Payne, New Orleans, Louisiana,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1759V
140. Sara A. Morse, Hyde Park, New York,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1765V
141. Patricia Pervenanze, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, Court of Federal Claims No:
142. Elizabeth Christensen, Burlington,
Washington, Court of Federal Claims No:
143. Cathy A. Smeal, Ellsworth, Maine, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1772V
144. Ryan Stroup, Phoenix, Arizona, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1775V
145. Carol Bielski on behalf of Wayne Bielski,
Washington, District of Columbia, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1777V
146. Kimberly Cross, Richmond, Virginia,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1778V
147. Lily McNulty and Conor McNulty on
behalf of J.M., Phoenix, Arizona, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24–1779V
148. Mackenzie Larsen, Columbus, Ohio,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1782V
149. Clara Trigueros, Woodridge, Illinois,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1783V
150. John Lewis Walston, Austin, Texas,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1785V
151. Estella Fluaitt, Rockford, Illinois, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24–1786V
152. Gail L. Smith, Englewood, New Jersey,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1788V
153. Ryleigh Francis, Phoenix, Arizona,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1789V
154. Tyronda Roberson, Woodridge, Illinois,
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Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1790V
155. Thomas Judge, New York, New York,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24–1793
[FR Doc. 2024–30457 Filed 12–19–24; 8:45 am]
National Institutes of Health
National Center for Advancing
Translational Sciences; Notice of
Pursuant to section 1009 of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended, notice is hereby given of a
meeting of the National Center for
Advancing Translational Sciences
Advisory Council.
The meeting will be open to the
public as indicated below, with
attendance limited to space available.
Individuals who plan to attend and
need special assistance, such as sign
language interpretation or other
reasonable accommodations, should
notify the Contact Person listed below
in advance of the meeting. The Open
Session may be accessed by the public
from the NIH Videocast at the following
The meeting will be closed to the
public in accordance with the
provisions set forth in sections
552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C.,
as amended. The grant applications and
the discussions could disclose
confidential trade secrets or commercial
property such as patentable material,
and personal information concerning
individuals associated with the grant
applications, the disclosure of which
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy.
Name of Committee: National Center for
Advancing Translational Sciences Advisory
Date: January 30–31, 2025.
Closed: January 30, 2025, 11:00 a.m. to
12:30 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Address: National Center for Advancing
Translational Sciences, National Institutes of
Health, NCI Shady Grove 1E32/1E34, 9609
Medical Center Drive, Rockville, MD 20850,
Virtual Meeting.
Open: January 30, 2025, 1:15 p.m. to 4:30
Agenda: Report from the Center Director,
Clearance of Concept(s), Special Topic
Address: National Center for Advancing
Translational Sciences, National Institutes of
Health, NCI Shady Grove 1E32/1E34, 9609
Medical Center Drive, Rockville, MD 20850,
Virtual Meeting.
Open: January 31, 2025, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 245 (Friday, December 20, 2024)]
[Pages 104191-104193]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-30457]
Health Resources and Services Administration
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program; List of Petitions
AGENCY: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: HRSA is publishing this notice of petitions received under the
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (the Program), as required
by the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, as amended. While the Secretary
of HHS is named as the respondent in all proceedings brought by the
filing of petitions for compensation under the Program, the United
States Court of Federal Claims is charged by statute with
responsibility for considering and acting upon the petitions.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information about requirements for
filing petitions, and the Program in general, contact Lisa L. Reyes,
Clerk of Court, United States Court of Federal Claims, 717 Madison
Place NW, Washington, DC 20005, (202) 357-6400. For information on
HRSA's role in the Program, contact the Director, National Vaccine
Injury Compensation Program, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 8W-25A, Rockville,
Maryland 20857; (301) 443-6593, or visit our website at:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Program provides a system of no-fault
compensation for certain individuals who have been injured by specified
childhood vaccines. Subtitle 2 of title XXI of the PHS Act, 42 U.S.C.
300aa-10 et seq., provides that those seeking compensation are to file
a petition with the United States Court of Federal Claims and to serve
a copy of the petition to the Secretary of HHS, who is named as the
respondent in each proceeding. The Secretary has delegated this
responsibility under the Program to HRSA. The Court is directed by
statute to appoint special masters who take evidence, conduct hearings
as appropriate, and make initial decisions as to eligibility for, and
amount of, compensation.
A petition may be filed with respect to injuries, disabilities,
illnesses, conditions, and deaths resulting from vaccines described in
the Vaccine Injury Table (the Table) set forth at 42 CFR 100.3. This
Table lists for each covered childhood vaccine the conditions that may
lead to compensation and, for each condition, the time period for
occurrence of the first symptom or manifestation of onset or of
significant aggravation after vaccine administration. Compensation may
also be awarded for conditions not listed in the Table and for
conditions that are manifested outside the time periods specified in
the Table, but only if the petitioner shows that the condition was
caused by one of the listed vaccines.
Section 2112(b)(2) of the PHS Act, 42 U.S.C. 300aa-12(b)(2),
requires that ``[w]ithin 30 days after the Secretary receives service
of any petition filed under section 2111 the Secretary shall publish
notice of such petition in the Federal Register.'' Set forth below is a
list of petitions received by HRSA on October 1, 2024, through October
31, 2024. This list provides the name of the petitioner, city, and
State of vaccination (if unknown then the city and State of the person
or attorney filing the claim), and case number. In cases where the
Court has redacted the name of a petitioner and/or the case number, the
list reflects such redaction.
Section 2112(b)(2) also provides that the special master ``shall
afford all interested persons an opportunity to submit relevant,
written information'' relating to the following:
1. The existence of evidence ``that there is not a preponderance of
the evidence that the illness, disability, injury, condition, or death
described in the petition is due to factors unrelated to the
administration of the vaccine described in the petition,'' and
2. Any allegation in a petition that the petitioner either:
a. ``[S]ustained, or had significantly aggravated, any illness,
disability, injury, or condition not set forth in the Vaccine Injury
Table but which was caused by'' one of the vaccines referred to in the
Table, or
b. ``[S]ustained, or had significantly aggravated, any illness,
disability, injury, or condition set forth in the Vaccine Injury Table
the first symptom or manifestation of the onset or significant
aggravation of which did not occur within the time period set forth in
the Table but which was caused by a vaccine'' referred to in the Table.
[[Page 104192]]
In accordance with section 2112(b)(2), all interested persons may
submit written information relevant to the issues described above in
the case of the petitions listed below. Any person choosing to do so
should file an original and three (3) copies of the information with
the Clerk of the United States Court of Federal Claims at the address
listed above (under the heading ``For Further Information Contact''),
with a copy to HRSA addressed to Director, Division of Injury
Compensation Programs, Health Systems Bureau, 5600 Fishers Lane, 8W-
25A, Rockville, Maryland 20857. The Court's caption (Petitioner's Name
v. Secretary of HHS) and the docket number assigned to the petition
should be used as the caption for the written submission. Chapter 35 of
title 44, United States Code, related to paperwork reduction, does not
apply to information required for purposes of carrying out the Program.
Diana Espinosa,
Principal Deputy Administrator.
List of Petitions Filed
1. Lynne Krispin, Deerwood, Minnesota, Court of Federal Claims No:
2. Julia Carabajal, Las Vegas, Nevada, Court of Federal Claims No:
3. Don Andrew Hampton, Sycamore, Illinois, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1549V
4. Katelyn Crowley-Lum, Andover, Massachusetts, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1551V
5. Althea Stevens, Morehead, Kentucky, Court of Federal Claims No:
6. Jose A. Inoa, Stormville, New York, Court of Federal Claims No:
7. Rachel Muzik, Avon, Ohio, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-1555V
8. Terry Ash, Price, Utah, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-1556V
9. Scott Pollina, Wheaton, Illinois, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
10. Carol Karmonick, Boston, Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1559V
11. Carroll Williams, Dresher, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1560V
12. Nicole Nickell on behalf of L.C., New Orleans, Louisiana, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24-1562V
13. Valinda Torres, Boise, Idaho, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
14. Stephan P. Densby, Herald, California, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1565V
15. Jesus Alvarado, Torrance, California, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1566V
16. Nicole Primeau, Mukilteo, Washington, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1568V
17. Julie Mertz, Algona, Iowa, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-1569V
18. Natasha Dorsey, Gaithersburg, Maryland, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1570V
19. Taira Carrasquillo on behalf of L.M., Lisle, Illinois, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24-1571V
20. Janet Murray on behalf of K.M., Los Angeles, California, Court
of Federal Claims No: 24-1572V
21. Robert Berg, Lake Havasu City, Arizona, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1573V
22. Steven J. Agnello, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1574V
23. Melissa Lagdameo, Dresher, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1576V
24. Loretta Bates, Phoenix, Arizona, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
25. Brenda Lee Albers, Coldwater, Ohio, Court of Federal Claims No:
26. Shannon Vetere, Owings Mills, Maryland, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1580V
27. Sarah Black, Grove City, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1581V
28. Rachel Files Goulding, New York, New York, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1582V
29. Keevia Porter, Horn Lake, Mississippi, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1583V
30. Elizabeth Andrews-Pannone, Dresher, Pennsylvania, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24-1584V
31. John Giammona, Encinitas, California, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1586V
32. Susan Aguirre, Lakewood, California, Court of Federal Claims No:
33. Jamie Wong, New York, New York, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
34. Patty Pugh, Buckhannon, West Virginia, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1592V
35. Sara Primus, Denver, Colorado, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
36. Marcel Walter Hingle, Newport, Arkansas, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1594V
37. Rosa Byer, Camp Springs, Maryland, Court of Federal Claims No:
38. Nehemiah N. Nabors, Plymouth, Wisconsin, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1598V
39. Alaeddine El Alayli, Boston, Massachusetts, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1600V
40. Tamie Mancuso, DuBois, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims No:
41. Cynthia Price, St. Louis, Missouri, Court of Federal Claims No:
42. Iretha Ross, Earle, Arkansas, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
43. Stuart Palmer, Joshua, Texas, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
44. Margarita Zamora Lujano on behalf of E. M., Deceased, Coalinga,
California, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-1606V
45. Bettie Blackman, Boston, Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1607V
46. Kelly Hawkins Skinner, Boston, Massachusetts, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1609V
47. Miranda Starratt-Chobert, Milton, Florida, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1610V
48. Daniel Thompson, Washington, District of Columbia, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24-1615V
49. Raphael Golb, New York, New York, Court of Federal Claims No:
50. Stanley Bozaich, Atlanta, Georgia, Court of Federal Claims No:
51. Jerene Wickett, Omaha, Nebraska, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
52. Sarah Reynolds, Lexington, Kentucky, Court of Federal Claims No:
53. Steven Fink, Tampa, Florida, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
54. Robert Wright, Black River Falls, Wisconsin, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1622V
55. Stefanie Topp, Charlotte, North Carolina, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1623V
56. Holly Stair-Goshu, Houston, Texas, Court of Federal Claims No:
57. Cara Hayes, Boston, Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims No:
58. Rebecca Androli, Buffalo, New York, Court of Federal Claims No:
59. Marisol Rivera, Belvidere, Illinois, Court of Federal Claims No:
60. Carol Wood, Matthews, North Carolina, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1629V
61. Lisa Skirpan, Enola, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims No:
62. Marta Pike, Wolcott, New York, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
63. Theresa Akers, Livingston, Texas, Court of Federal Claims No:
64. Lucia Lopez Guzman, Boston, Massachusetts, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1638V
65. Kaitlyn Wawak on behalf of J.C., Bastrop, Texas, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24-1639V
66. Nina Jarrad, Cary, North Carolina, Court of Federal Claims No:
67. Sandra L. Crowley, Cumberland, Rhode Island, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1642V
68. Cheryl Campos, Littleton, Colorado, Court of Federal Claims No:
69. Jonathan Day, New York, New York, Court of Federal Claims No:
70. Cierra Shaver, Battle Ground, Washington, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1647V
71. Charles L. Porter, Fox Lake, Wisconsin, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1649V
72. Shivonne Anfield, Camden, New Jersey, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1650V
73. Erika Verleye, Seattle, Washington, Court of Federal Claims No:
74. Douglas Bates, Richmond, Virginia, Court of Federal Claims No:
75. Sinisa Kolaric, Marietta, Georgia, Court of Federal Claims No:
76. Shemeka Turner, Dresher, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1656V
77. Kendall Patterson, Tucson, Arizona, Court of Federal Claims No:
78. Kelly Zrimsek, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1659V
79. Grace Reino, Boston, Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims No:
80. Alexis Lyndon Early, Marysville, Ohio, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1664V
81. June Augustine, Sykesville, Maryland, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1667V
82. Jennifer Kazdan, Wallingford, Connecticut, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1668V
83. Joanne Duitsman, Champaign, Illinois, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1669V
84. Deborah Fish, Bridgewater Corners, Vermont, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1670V
85. Linda Talbourdet, Boston, Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1671V
86. Pa K. Lor, Johnston, Iowa, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-1672V
87. Sandra Bloomenthal, Boston, Massachusetts, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1673V
88. Sandra Johnson, Dresher, Pennsylvania,
[[Page 104193]]
Court of Federal Claims No: 24-1674V
89. Joseph Dusrajh, New York, New York, Court of Federal Claims No:
90. Tiffany Blohm, De Pere, Wisconsin, Court of Federal Claims No:
91. Michael T. Wagner, Boscobel, Wisconsin, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1682V
92. Eric Sedwick, Nashville, Tennessee, Court of Federal Claims No:
93. Rachel Aviles, Boston, Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1685V
94. Lindsay Maldonado, Toppenish, Washington, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1686V
95. Timothy Nowling, Garden City Beach, South Carolina, Court of
Federal Claims No: 24-1689V
96. Katherine Patterson, Raleigh, North Carolina, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1690V
97. Ianthie Jayakody, Federal Way, Washington, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1691V
98. Cathrine Mistele on behalf of J. M., Los Angeles, California,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24-1692V
99. Alicia Ann Knight, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1694V
100. Charles Jones, La Grande, Oregon, Court of Federal Claims No:
101. Ashley Loncarich-Boeckman, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1698V
102. Aida Acosta, Howell, Michigan, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
103. Valerie Hoff, Atlanta, Georgia, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
104. Sofia Gunawan, Phoenix, Arizona, Court of Federal Claims No:
105. Felicia Markham, Redlands, Texas, Court of Federal Claims No:
106. Makayla Wagner, St. Ansgar, Iowa, Court of Federal Claims No:
107. Kimberly Rice, Chicago, Illinois, Court of Federal Claims No:
108. Jennifer Camacho, Rock Hill, South Carolina, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1708V
109. Christopher Budge, White Bear Lake, Minnesota, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1709V
110. George Ward, Florence, Kentucky, Court of Federal Claims No:
111. Heather J. Gardner, Port Huron, Michigan, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1712V
112. Maxfel Goodson, Ketchikan, Alaska, Court of Federal Claims No:
113. Christine Leo, Goshen, New York, Court of Federal Claims No:
114. Amie Marcott on behalf of A. M., Brownstown Township, Michigan,
Court of Federal Claims No: 24-1717V
115. Karen Kun, Chicago, Illinois, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
116. Jennifer Plumley, Bozeman, Montana, Court of Federal Claims No:
117. Leandra Logston and Cody Logston on behalf of A. G. L., Boston,
Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-1724V
118. Kimberly Pino, Dresher, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1728V
119. Gregory Fridell, San Diego, California, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1730V
120. Virginia Fisher, Hornell, New York, Court of Federal Claims No:
121. Michael Seck, Boston, Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1733V
122. Kaley Stockton, Los Angeles, California, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1736V
123. Robyn Boyd, Los Angeles, California, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1737V
124. Verdie Atienza, Chesapeake, Virginia, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1738V
125. Sabaha Sabi Zagwolsky, Orange, California, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1739V
126. Edward Cummings, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1742V
127. Daniel Diehl, Fort Knox, Kentucky, Court of Federal Claims No:
128. Jennifer Credeur, Frisco, Texas, Court of Federal Claims No:
129. Michael Dugas, Ventura, California, Court of Federal Claims No:
130. Anife Tashi, Boston, Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims No:
131. John Morris, Los Angeles, California, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1751V
132. Adrianna Mckeage, Los Angeles, California, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1752V
133. Melissa Weber, New York, New York, Court of Federal Claims No:
134. Kari Morey, Los Angeles, California, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1754V
135. Gary L. Tranmer, South Sioux City, Nebraska, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1755V
136. Tracey Kubis, Dresher, Pennsylvania, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1756V
137. Sonia Bittar, Quincy, Massachusetts, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1757V
138. Manuela Sympson, Ames, Iowa, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
139. Bryan Payne, New Orleans, Louisiana, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1759V
140. Sara A. Morse, Hyde Park, New York, Court of Federal Claims No:
141. Patricia Pervenanze, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1768V
142. Elizabeth Christensen, Burlington, Washington, Court of Federal
Claims No: 24-1769V
143. Cathy A. Smeal, Ellsworth, Maine, Court of Federal Claims No:
144. Ryan Stroup, Phoenix, Arizona, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-
145. Carol Bielski on behalf of Wayne Bielski, Washington, District
of Columbia, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-1777V
146. Kimberly Cross, Richmond, Virginia, Court of Federal Claims No:
147. Lily McNulty and Conor McNulty on behalf of J.M., Phoenix,
Arizona, Court of Federal Claims No: 24-1779V
148. Mackenzie Larsen, Columbus, Ohio, Court of Federal Claims No:
149. Clara Trigueros, Woodridge, Illinois, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1783V
150. John Lewis Walston, Austin, Texas, Court of Federal Claims No:
151. Estella Fluaitt, Rockford, Illinois, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1786V
152. Gail L. Smith, Englewood, New Jersey, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1788V
153. Ryleigh Francis, Phoenix, Arizona, Court of Federal Claims No:
154. Tyronda Roberson, Woodridge, Illinois, Court of Federal Claims
No: 24-1790V
155. Thomas Judge, New York, New York, Court of Federal Claims No:
[FR Doc. 2024-30457 Filed 12-19-24; 8:45 am]