Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-Rapid Response Partnership Vehicle, 104208-104209 [2024-30403]

Download as PDF ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 104208 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 245 / Friday, December 20, 2024 / Notices positive COVID–19 test result may be submitted by 3pm the business day prior to the hearing. Further information about participation in the hearing will be posted on the Commission’s website at calendar.html. A nonparty who has testimony that may aid the Commission’s deliberations may request permission to present a short statement at the hearing. All parties and nonparties desiring to appear at the hearing and make oral presentations should attend a prehearing conference, if deemed necessary, to be held at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 15, 2025. Parties shall file and serve written testimony and presentation slides in connection with their presentation at the hearing by no later than noon on April 14, 2025. Oral testimony and written materials to be submitted at the public hearing are governed by sections 201.6(b)(2), 201.13(f), and 207.24 of the Commission’s rules. Parties must submit any request to present a portion of their hearing testimony in camera no later than 7 business days prior to the date of the hearing. Written submissions—Each party who is an interested party shall submit a prehearing brief to the Commission. Prehearing briefs must conform with the provisions of § 207.23 of the Commission’s rules; the deadline for filing is April 10, 2025. Parties shall also file written testimony in connection with their presentation at the hearing, and posthearing briefs, which must conform with the provisions of § 207.25 of the Commission’s rules. The deadline for filing posthearing briefs is April 24, 2025. In addition, any person who has not entered an appearance as a party to the investigations may submit a written statement of information pertinent to the subject of the investigations, including statements of support or opposition to the petition, on or before April 24, 2025. On May 12, 2025, the Commission will make available to parties all information on which they have not had an opportunity to comment. Parties may submit final comments on this information on or before May 14, 2025, but such final comments must not contain new factual information and must otherwise comply with § 207.30 of the Commission’s rules. All written submissions must conform with the provisions of § 201.8 of the Commission’s rules; any submissions that contain BPI must also conform with the requirements of §§ 201.6, 207.3, and 207.7 of the Commission’s rules. The Commission’s Handbook on Filing Procedures, available on the Commission’s website at https:// VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:12 Dec 19, 2024 Jkt 265001 on_filing_procedures.pdf, elaborates upon the Commission’s procedures with respect to filings. Additional written submissions to the Commission, including requests pursuant to § 201.12 of the Commission’s rules, shall not be accepted unless good cause is shown for accepting such submissions, or unless the submission is pursuant to a specific request by a Commissioner or Commission staff. In accordance with §§ 201.16(c) and 207.3 of the Commission’s rules, each document filed by a party to the investigations must be served on all other parties to the investigations (as identified by either the public or BPI service list), and a certificate of service must be timely filed. The Secretary will not accept a document for filing without a certificate of service. Authority: These investigations are being conducted under authority of title VII of the Tariff Act of 1930; this notice is published pursuant to § 207.21 of the Commission’s rules. By order of the Commission. Issued: December 16, 2024. Lisa Barton, Secretary to the Commission. [FR Doc. 2024–30379 Filed 12–19–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7020–02–P Suzanne Morris, Deputy Director Civil Enforcement Operations, Antitrust Division. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Antitrust Division [FR Doc. 2024–30406 Filed 12–19–24; 8:45 am] Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993—1EdTech Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on July 16, 2024, pursuant to section 6(a) of the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993, 15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’), 1EdTech Consortium, Inc. (‘‘1EdTech Consortium’’) has filed written notifications simultaneously with the Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission disclosing changes in its membership. The notifications were filed for the purpose of extending the Act’s provisions limiting the recovery of antitrust plaintiffs to actual damages under specified circumstances. Specifically, Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind, East Talladega, AL; Education Assessment System, Arlington, VA; University of Georgia, Athens, GA; School Harbor, Phoenix, AZ; Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis, IN; MyEducator LLC, Orem, UT; Mountain Brook Schools, Mountain Brook, AL; Uinta County PO 00000 Frm 00137 Fmt 4703 School District #1, Evanston, WY; St. Charles CUSD 303, St. Charles, IL; Swedish National Agency for Education (Statens skolverk), Stockholm, SWEDEN; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA; and Vestavia Hills City Schools, Vestavia Hills, AL, have been added as parties to this venture. Also, Washington State Community and Technical Colleges System, Olympia, WA; Pearl, Richmond, VA; New Hanover County Schools, Wilmington, NC; and Edge Factor Inc., Ontario, CANADA, have withdrawn as parties to this venture. No other changes have been made in either the membership or planned activity of the group research project. Membership in this group research project remains open, and 1EdTech Consortium intends to file additional written notifications disclosing all changes in membership. On April 7, 2000, 1EdTech Consortium filed its original notification pursuant to section 6(a) of the Act. The Department of Justice published a notice in the Federal Register pursuant to section 6(b) of the Act on September 13, 2000 (65 FR 55283). The last notification was filed with the Department on April 29, 2024. A notice was published in the Federal Register pursuant to section 6(b) of the Act on June 21, 2024 (89 FR 52089). Sfmt 4703 BILLING CODE P DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Antitrust Division Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993—Rapid Response Partnership Vehicle Notice is hereby given that, on October 3, 2024, pursuant to section 6(a) of the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993, 15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’), Rapid Response Partnership Vehicle (‘‘RRPV’’) has filed written notifications simultaneously with the Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission disclosing changes in its membership. The notifications were filed for the purpose of extending the Act’s provisions limiting the recovery of antitrust plaintiffs to actual damages under specified circumstances. Specifically, Biointelect Pty, Ltd., Sydney, AUSTRALIA; SPI Pharma, Inc., E:\FR\FM\20DEN1.SGM 20DEN1 ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 245 / Friday, December 20, 2024 / Notices Wilmington, DE; Serimmune, Goleta, CA; UNITED KINGDOM HEALTH SECURITY AGENCY (UKHSA), Salisbury, UNITED KINGDOM; University of Connecticut, Farmington, CT; VGXI, Inc., Conroe, TX; ABSS Solutions, Inc., Upper Marlboro, MD; BiosYnth SRL, Milan, ITALY; Idevax, Wijnegem, BELGIUM; IntegerBio, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD; Phoreus Biotechnology, Inc., Olathe, KS; PrecNA, LLC, North Potomac, MD; Sepragen Corp., Union City, CA; Trellis Bioscience, Inc., Redwood City, CA; AB Validation, Inc., Quebec, CANADA; AuraVax Therapeutics, Inc., Houston, TX; CuriRx, Inc., Wilmington, MA; IMA Evaluations, LLC, dba IMA Clinical Research, Tarrytown, NY; MustardSeed PMO, West Chester, PA;, LLC, Smyrna, GA; Tornado Therapeutics, Boston, MA; Amneal Pharmaceuticals of New York, LLC, Brookhaven, NY; Blue Spark Technologies, Inc., Westlake, OH; Inhalon Biopharma, Inc., Morrisville, NC; Intelligene, Inc., Taipei, TAIWAN; Rocket Science Health US Corp., Seattle, WA; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ; The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund, New Orleans, LA; Verisim Life, Inc., San Francisco, CA; Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings, Inc., San Diego, CA; Blu Zone Bioscience & Supply Chain Solutions, LLC, Frederick, MD; Elligo Health Research, Inc., Austin, TX; Guide Biomedical Solutions, LLC, Media, PA; Integral Molecular, Philadelphia, PA; Komo Biosciences, Inc., Newton, MA; P95, BV, Leuven, BELGIUM; Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX; Statistics & Data Corp., Tempe, AZ; Stoic Bio, Inc., San Diego, CA; Valaria Technical Consultants, LLC, Westminster, MD; Vaxine Pty, Ltd., Marion, AUSTRALIA; Zeteo Biomedical, LLC, Austin, TX; Concept to Market, LLC, Monrovia, MD; DSBio Consulting, LLC, Annapolis, MD; Deimos Biosciences, San Francisco, CA; GMED North America, Inc., Rockville, MD; InvisiShield Technologies, Ltd., Emeryville, CA; MigVax, Ltd., Kiryat Shmona, ISRAEL; Polaris Alpha Advanced Systems, Inc., Fredericksburg, VA; Pop Test Oncology, LLC, Cliffside Park, NJ; Sapphiros, Boston, MA; Articulate Labs, Inc., Dallas, TX; Empatica, Inc., Cambridge, MA; LifeMine Therapeutics, Inc., Cambridge, MA; Luminous Therapeutics Corp., Columbia, MD; Nabla Bio, Inc., Cambridge, MA; Qoolabs, Inc., Carlsbad, CA; Rapid Novor, Inc., Kitchener, CANADA; Scorpius BioManufacturing, San Antonio, TX; Sunflower Therapeutics VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:12 Dec 19, 2024 Jkt 265001 PBC, Medford, MA; GreenRoads Diagnostics, Inc., San Diego, CA; Logical Images, dba ‘‘VisualDx’’, Rochester, NY; Mirai Biosciences, Cambridge, MA; The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA; AmplifyBio, LLC, West Jefferson, OH; Andelyn Biosciences, Inc., Columbus, OH; Binary Pharmaceuticals, LLC, Hot Springs, AR; BioCina PTY, Ltd., West Torrens, AUSTRALIA; Cypress Biologics, LLC, Portland, OR; Fermeate, Inc., San Francisco, CA; HMH Hospitals Corp, dba CDI, Nutley, NJ; Meso Scale Diagnostics, LLC, Rockville, MD; Systems & Technology Research, LLC, Woburn, MA; Telesis Bio, San Diego, CA; Thermo Fisher, South San Francisco, CA; University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA; ViQi, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA; DemeTech Corp., Miami, FL; INFEX Therapeutics, Alderley Edge, UNITED KINGDOM; Mercury Bio, Inc., Santa Fe, NM; Phageolytix, Inc., Jacksonville, FL; Phenom Pharmaceuticals, LLC, Miami Beach, FL; RIBOPRO BV, Oss, NETHERLANDS; RNhale GmbH, Munich, GERMANY; The University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL; Bioblue CMC/Manufacturing Consulting, LLC, San Diego, CA; Oligo Foundry, Inc., San Diego, CA; PNUVAX, Inc., Wilmington, DE; Prosoft Software, Inc., dba Prosoft Clinical, Chesterbrook, PA; Simon Williams Pharma Consulting (SWPC), LLC, Gibbsboro, NJ; Dillico, Meylan, FRANCE; INFINIFLUIDICS, Philadelphia, PA; Primrose Bio, Inc., San Diego, CA; SIMETRI, Inc., Winter Park, FL; The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; and WCG, Princeton, NJ, have been added as parties to this venture. No other changes have been made in either the membership or planned activity of the group research project. Membership in this group research project remains open, and RRPV intends to file additional written notifications disclosing all changes in membership. On January 5, 2024, RRPV filed its original notification pursuant to section 6(a) of the Act. The Department of Justice published a notice in the Federal Register pursuant to section 6(b) of the Act on April 16, 2024 (89 FR 26928). The last notification was filed with the Department on July 11, 2024. The Department of Justice published a notice in the Federal Register pursuant to section 6(b) of the Act on October 11, 2024 (89 FR 82631). Suzanne Morris, Deputy Director Civil Enforcement Operations, Antitrust Division. [FR Doc. 2024–30403 Filed 12–19–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE P PO 00000 Frm 00138 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 104209 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Antitrust Division Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993—UHD Alliance Notice is hereby given that, on October 8, 2024, pursuant to section 6(a) of the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993, 15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’), UHD Alliance, Inc. (‘‘UHD Alliance’’) filed written notifications simultaneously with the Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission disclosing changes in its membership. The notifications were filed for the purpose of extending the Act’s provisions limiting the recovery of antitrust plaintiffs to actual damages under specified circumstances. Specifically, TTE Corporation, Shenzhen, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA has been added as a party to this venture. No other changes have been made in either the membership or planned activity of the group research project. Membership in this group research project remains open, and UHD Alliance intends to file additional written notifications disclosing all changes in membership. On June 17, 2015, UHD Alliance filed its original notification pursuant to section 6(a) of the Act. The Department of Justice published a notice in the Federal Register pursuant to section 6(b) of the Act on July 17, 2015 (80 FR 42537). The last notification was filed with the Department on July 8, 2024. A notice was published in the Federal Register pursuant to section 6(b) of the Act on September 26, 2024 (89 FR 78904). Suzanne Morris, Deputy Director Civil Enforcement Operations, Antitrust Division. [FR Doc. 2024–30412 Filed 12–19–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE P DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Antitrust Division Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993—Subcutaneous Drug Development & Delivery Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on October 4, 2024, pursuant to section 6(a) of the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993, 15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’), Subcutaneous Drug Development & Delivery E:\FR\FM\20DEN1.SGM 20DEN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 245 (Friday, December 20, 2024)]
[Pages 104208-104209]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-30403]



Antitrust Division

Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and 
Production Act of 1993--Rapid Response Partnership Vehicle

    Notice is hereby given that, on October 3, 2024, pursuant to 
section 6(a) of the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 
1993, 15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (``the Act''), Rapid Response Partnership 
Vehicle (``RRPV'') has filed written notifications simultaneously with 
the Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission disclosing 
changes in its membership. The notifications were filed for the purpose 
of extending the Act's provisions limiting the recovery of antitrust 
plaintiffs to actual damages under specified circumstances.
    Specifically, Biointelect Pty, Ltd., Sydney, AUSTRALIA; SPI Pharma, 

[[Page 104209]]

Wilmington, DE; Serimmune, Goleta, CA; UNITED KINGDOM HEALTH SECURITY 
AGENCY (UKHSA), Salisbury, UNITED KINGDOM; University of Connecticut, 
Farmington, CT; VGXI, Inc., Conroe, TX; ABSS Solutions, Inc., Upper 
Marlboro, MD; BiosYnth SRL, Milan, ITALY; Idevax, Wijnegem, BELGIUM; 
IntegerBio, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD; Phoreus Biotechnology, Inc., 
Olathe, KS; PrecNA, LLC, North Potomac, MD; Sepragen Corp., Union City, 
CA; Trellis Bioscience, Inc., Redwood City, CA; AB Validation, Inc., 
Quebec, CANADA; AuraVax Therapeutics, Inc., Houston, TX; CuriRx, Inc., 
Wilmington, MA; IMA Evaluations, LLC, dba IMA Clinical Research, 
Tarrytown, NY; MustardSeed PMO, West Chester, PA;, LLC, 
Smyrna, GA; Tornado Therapeutics, Boston, MA; Amneal Pharmaceuticals of 
New York, LLC, Brookhaven, NY; Blue Spark Technologies, Inc., Westlake, 
OH; Inhalon Biopharma, Inc., Morrisville, NC; Intelligene, Inc., 
Taipei, TAIWAN; Rocket Science Health US Corp., Seattle, WA; Rutgers, 
The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ; The Administrators 
of the Tulane Educational Fund, New Orleans, LA; Verisim Life, Inc., 
San Francisco, CA; Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings, Inc., San Diego, CA; 
Blu Zone Bioscience & Supply Chain Solutions, LLC, Frederick, MD; 
Elligo Health Research, Inc., Austin, TX; Guide Biomedical Solutions, 
LLC, Media, PA; Integral Molecular, Philadelphia, PA; Komo Biosciences, 
Inc., Newton, MA; P95, BV, Leuven, BELGIUM; Southwest Research 
Institute, San Antonio, TX; Statistics & Data Corp., Tempe, AZ; Stoic 
Bio, Inc., San Diego, CA; Valaria Technical Consultants, LLC, 
Westminster, MD; Vaxine Pty, Ltd., Marion, AUSTRALIA; Zeteo Biomedical, 
LLC, Austin, TX; Concept to Market, LLC, Monrovia, MD; DSBio 
Consulting, LLC, Annapolis, MD; Deimos Biosciences, San Francisco, CA; 
GMED North America, Inc., Rockville, MD; InvisiShield Technologies, 
Ltd., Emeryville, CA; MigVax, Ltd., Kiryat Shmona, ISRAEL; Polaris 
Alpha Advanced Systems, Inc., Fredericksburg, VA; Pop Test Oncology, 
LLC, Cliffside Park, NJ; Sapphiros, Boston, MA; Articulate Labs, Inc., 
Dallas, TX; Empatica, Inc., Cambridge, MA; LifeMine Therapeutics, Inc., 
Cambridge, MA; Luminous Therapeutics Corp., Columbia, MD; Nabla Bio, 
Inc., Cambridge, MA; Qoolabs, Inc., Carlsbad, CA; Rapid Novor, Inc., 
Kitchener, CANADA; Scorpius BioManufacturing, San Antonio, TX; 
Sunflower Therapeutics PBC, Medford, MA; GreenRoads Diagnostics, Inc., 
San Diego, CA; Logical Images, dba ``VisualDx'', Rochester, NY; Mirai 
Biosciences, Cambridge, MA; The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, 
CA; AmplifyBio, LLC, West Jefferson, OH; Andelyn Biosciences, Inc., 
Columbus, OH; Binary Pharmaceuticals, LLC, Hot Springs, AR; BioCina 
PTY, Ltd., West Torrens, AUSTRALIA; Cypress Biologics, LLC, Portland, 
OR; Fermeate, Inc., San Francisco, CA; HMH Hospitals Corp, dba CDI, 
Nutley, NJ; Meso Scale Diagnostics, LLC, Rockville, MD; Systems & 
Technology Research, LLC, Woburn, MA; Telesis Bio, San Diego, CA; 
Thermo Fisher, South San Francisco, CA; University of Massachusetts 
Lowell, Lowell, MA; ViQi, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA; DemeTech Corp., 
Miami, FL; INFEX Therapeutics, Alderley Edge, UNITED KINGDOM; Mercury 
Bio, Inc., Santa Fe, NM; Phageolytix, Inc., Jacksonville, FL; Phenom 
Pharmaceuticals, LLC, Miami Beach, FL; RIBOPRO BV, Oss, NETHERLANDS; 
RNhale GmbH, Munich, GERMANY; The University of Chicago Medicine, 
Chicago, IL; Bioblue CMC/Manufacturing Consulting, LLC, San Diego, CA; 
Oligo Foundry, Inc., San Diego, CA; PNUVAX, Inc., Wilmington, DE; 
Prosoft Software, Inc., dba Prosoft Clinical, Chesterbrook, PA; Simon 
Williams Pharma Consulting (SWPC), LLC, Gibbsboro, NJ; Dillico, Meylan, 
FRANCE; INFINIFLUIDICS, Philadelphia, PA; Primrose Bio, Inc., San 
Diego, CA; SIMETRI, Inc., Winter Park, FL; The Trustees of the 
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; and WCG, Princeton, NJ, 
have been added as parties to this venture.
    No other changes have been made in either the membership or planned 
activity of the group research project. Membership in this group 
research project remains open, and RRPV intends to file additional 
written notifications disclosing all changes in membership.
    On January 5, 2024, RRPV filed its original notification pursuant 
to section 6(a) of the Act. The Department of Justice published a 
notice in the Federal Register pursuant to section 6(b) of the Act on 
April 16, 2024 (89 FR 26928).
    The last notification was filed with the Department on July 11, 
2024. The Department of Justice published a notice in the Federal 
Register pursuant to section 6(b) of the Act on October 11, 2024 (89 FR 

Suzanne Morris,
Deputy Director Civil Enforcement Operations, Antitrust Division.
[FR Doc. 2024-30403 Filed 12-19-24; 8:45 am]
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