Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation; Amendment to Regulation and Control of Liquor, 103866-103874 [2024-30255]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2024 / Notices
policies supporting Tribal economic
development and self-determination,
and also threaten substantial Tribal
interests in effective Tribal government,
economic self-sufficiency, and territorial
autonomy. See Michigan v. Bay Mills
Indian Community, 572 U.S. 782, 810
(2014) (Sotomayor, J., concurring)
(determining that ‘‘[a] key goal of the
Federal Government is to render Tribes
more self-sufficient, and better
positioned to fund their own sovereign
functions, rather than relying on Federal
funding’’). The additional costs of State
and local taxation have a chilling effect
on potential lessees, as well as on a
Tribe that, as a result, might refrain from
exercising its own sovereign right to
impose a Tribal tax to support its
infrastructure needs. See id. at 810–11
(finding that State and local taxes
greatly discourage Tribes from raising
tax revenue from the same sources
because the imposition of double
taxation would impede Tribal economic
Similar to BIA’s surface leasing
regulations, Tribal regulations under the
HEARTH Act pervasively cover all
aspects of leasing. See 25 U.S.C.
415(h)(3)(B)(i) (requiring Tribal
regulations be consistent with BIA
surface leasing regulations).
Furthermore, the Federal government
remains involved in the Tribal land
leasing process by approving the Tribal
leasing regulations in the first instance
and providing technical assistance,
upon request by a Tribe, for the
development of an environmental
review process. The Secretary also
retains authority to take any necessary
actions to remedy violations of a lease
or of the Tribal regulations, including
terminating the lease or rescinding
approval of the Tribal regulations and
reassuming lease approval
responsibilities. Moreover, the Secretary
continues to review, approve, and
monitor individual Indian land leases
and other types of leases not covered
under the Tribal regulations according
to 25 CFR part 162.
Accordingly, the Federal and Tribal
interests weigh heavily in favor of
preemption of State and local taxes on
lease-related activities and interests,
regardless of whether the lease is
governed by Tribal leasing regulations
or 25 CFR part 162. Improvements,
activities, and leasehold or possessory
interests may be subject to taxation by
the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma.
Bryan Newland,
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2024–30295 Filed 12–18–24; 8:45 am]
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Bureau of Indian Affairs
Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian
Reservation; Amendment to
Regulation and Control of Liquor
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice.
This notice publishes an
amendment to the Liquor Ordinance of
the Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet
Indian Reservation of Montana (Tribe).
DATES: This ordinance shall take effect
on January 21, 2025.
Jo-Ellen Cree, Tribal Operations Officer,
Rocky Mountain Regional Office,
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 2021 Fourth
Avenue North, Billings, Montana 59101,, Telephone: (406)
247–7964 or (406) 247–7988, Fax: (406)
to the Act of August 15, 1953, Public
Law 83–277, 67 Stat. 5886, 18 U.S.C.
1161, as interpreted by the Supreme
Court in Rice v. Rehner, 463 U.S. 713
(1983), the Secretary of the Interior shall
certify and publish in the Federal
Register notice of adopted liquor control
ordinances for the purpose of regulating
liquor transactions in Indian country.
This notice is published in
accordance with the delegated authority
by the Secretary of the Interior to the
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs. I
certify that the Blackfeet Tribal Business
Council duly adopted Ordinance No. 73
by Tribal Resolution No. 504–2024 on
July 8, 2024.
Bryan Newland,
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs.
Blackfeet Tribal Ordinance #73, as
Regulation and Control of Liquor
Part I. General Provisions
1.0 Declaration of Public PolicySubject Matters of Regulation
(A) It is hereby declared to be the
public policy of the Blackfeet Tribe to
effectuate and ensure the entire control
of the sale and distribution of all
alcoholic beverages within the Blackfeet
Indian Reservation, subject to the
inherent sovereign power of the
Blackfeet Nation and the power
delegated to the Tribe by the United
States Congress and concurrently with
the State of Montana.
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(B) This code is an exercise of the
police powers of the Blackfeet nation
and the power delegated pursuant to
Title 18, section 1161 of the United
States Code, in and for the protection of
the welfare, health, peace, morals and
safety of the people of the Blackfeet
Nation and residents of the Blackfeet
Indian Reservation.
(C) It is further the policy of the
Blackfeet nation to effectuate the
economic rights of members of the
Blackfeet Nation, as guaranteed by
Article VIII, Section 2 of the Blackfeet
Constitution. This policy is
implemented herein by limiting the
issuance of new licenses in some cases 1
to enrolled members of the Blackfeet
Nation or business entities which are at
least fifty-one percent (51%) owned by
enrolled members of the Blackfeet
2.0 Sale of Alcoholic Beverages
Privilege, Not Right
A license for the sale or distribution
of alcoholic beverages within the
Blackfeet Indian Reservation is a
privilege which the Blackfeet Nation
may grant or deny and is not a right to
which any person or entity is entitled.
Part 2. Retail Sales Restrictions
1.0 Unlawful Sales and Other
(A) It shall be unlawful for any
licensee, his/her employee or
employees, or any other person to sell,
deliver, or give away, or cause or permit
to be sold, delivered, or given away any
alcoholic beverage to any person:
1. Under twenty-one (21) years of
age 2; or
2. Who is obviously, actually, or
apparently intoxicated.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person
or entity to sell or distribute alcoholic
beverages within the exterior
boundaries of the Blackfeet Indian
Reservation without first obtaining a
license pursuant to this Ordinance.
(C) It shall be mandatory under this
law for all licensees to display in a
prominent place in their premises a
placard stating fully the consequences
for violations of this law by persons
under twenty-one (21) years of age.3
2.0 Sale and Distribution of Alcoholic
Beverages Unlawful
It shall be unlawful for a licensed
person or business entity to sell or
1 Resolution No. 325–87, ‘‘Approving Various
Amendments Change #1’’ June 17, 1987.
2 Resolution No. 214–2011, Amending Ordinance
73, Social Host Law and Penalty, May 5, 2011.
3 Resolution No. 214–2011, Amending Ordinance
73, Social Host Law and Penalty, May 5, 2011.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2024 / Notices
distribute alcoholic beverages within
the exterior boundaries of the Blackfeet
Indian Reservation, provided that the
licensee complies with the provisions of
this Ordinance, concurrently with the
laws of the State of Montana.
3.0 Closing Hours for Licensed Retail
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All licensed establishments wherein
alcoholic beverages are offered for sale,
or given away at retail shall be closed:
(A) Each day between 2:00 a.m. and
8 a.m.
(B) Easter Sunday between 8:00 a.m.
and 2:00 p.m. (all day)
(C) From 6:00 p.m. December 24
(Christmas Eve) to 6:00 p.m. December
25 (Christmas Day).
(D) There will be no sales of alcoholic
beverages, including sales at stores,
bars, restaurants, and taverns within the
Blackfeet Reservation during North
American Indian Days and Heart Butte
Society Celebration, beginning at 8:00
a.m. Thursday and ending at 8:00 a.m.
the following Monday.4
(E) Any Blackfeet Reservation High
School Graduation, 8:00 a.m. and 2:00
a.m. (all day).5
(F) Any Blackfeet Reservation High
School Prom, 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m.
(all day) 6
(G) Blackfeet Community College
Graduation, 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. (all
day); 7 and,
(H) During the K–12 Academic School
Year within the Blackfeet Reservation,
Monday through Friday each day, from
8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.8
The Blackfeet Tribal Business Council
retains discretionary authority to close
licensed retail establishments in
recognition of Indian religious
ceremonies, after giving due notice.
Provided, however, that when a
licensed retail establishment is operated
in conjunction with a restaurant, hotel,
or other lawful business other than the
sale of intoxicating alcoholic beverages,
then such other lawful business need
not be closed, but only the part where
of such alcoholic beverages are sold.
4 2008 Referendum Vote Language to close sales
during North American Indian Days and Heart
Butte Society Celebration; however, does not
reference amendment to Ordinance #73.
5 Resolution No. 504–2024 ‘‘Amending Ordinance
#73 Regulation and Control of Liquor, Regarding
Retail Hours During K–12 School Year, High School
Graduations, High School Proms and Blackfeet
Community College Graduation’’ July 8, 2024.
6 Resolution No. 504–2024.
7 Resolution No. 504–2024.
8 Resolution No. 504–2024, and Resolution No.
lll‘‘Amending Resolution No. 504–2024
Amending Ordinance #73 Clarifying Weekend Sales
During Academic School Year on the Blackfeet
Reservation’’ August 21, 2024.
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4.0 Sale of Alcoholic Beverages During
Closed Hours
It shall be unlawful for any licensed
Tribal establishments to sell, offer for
sale, or give away alcoholic beverages
during the hours when the licensed
retail establishments are required by
this Ordinance to be closed or otherwise
refrain from the sale of alcoholic
Lapse of License for Non-Use
(A) Any retail license issued pursuant
to this Ordinance (including any retail
license to sell alcoholic beverages for off
premises consumption) not actually
used in a going establishment for ninety
(90) days shall automatically lapse.
Upon determining the fact of nonuse,
the Tribal Council shall cancel such
license of record and no portion of the
fee paid therefore shall be refundable.
(B) The provisions of this section
shall not apply to the license of any
licensee whose premises are operated
on a seasonal basis in connection with
a bona fide resort, park hotel, tourist
facility from the Tribal Business Council
to close the business.
(C) The Tribal Council may, in its
discretion, waive the effects of this
section for a licensee who failed to use
his license in a going establishment for
ninety (90) days should the Council find
that said lapse was reasonably beyond
the control of the licensee.
6.0 Tribal License Automatically
Revoked With Loss of State License
Pursuant to federal law, the regulation
of transactions involving alcoholic
beverages within the Indian Reservation
is a matter of concurrent jurisdiction
between the various Indian tribes and
the States in which their reservations
are located. Thus, to validly engage in
the business of selling or distributing
alcoholic beverages on Indian
reservations a licensee must possess
both the Tribal and state license.
(A) Any Tribal license issued
pursuant to this Ordinance will be
automatically revoked ninety (90) days
after the Tribal Council receives
notification from proper State officials
that the licensee’s state license has been
revoked or has otherwise expired, and
that all state appeals processes have
been exhausted.
Part 3. License Administration
License Classification
(A) The issuance of licenses for the
retail sale of alcoholic beverages within
the Blackfeet Indian Reservation shall
be based upon the following
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CLASS 1. All Beverage License: This
license enables the licensee to sell
liquor, beer, wine, and other alcoholic
beverages within the boundaries of the
Blackfeet Reservation.
CLASS 2. On-Premise Retail Beer
License With Available Wine Sales
Amendment: This license enables the
licensee to sell beer for on-premises
consumption. For an additional fee, a
wine amendment is available. The
licensee must make an initial showing
that the sale of beer for on-premises
consumption is supplementary to a
restaurant or prepared food business.
Non-retention of the beer license, for
any reason, will mean automatic loss of
the wine license amendment.
CLASS 3. Off-Premises Retail Beer
License With Available Wine Sales
Amendment: This license enables the
licensee to sell beer and wine with an
amendment, in the original package for
off premises consumption only. The
licensee must make an initial showing
that the license will be used in
conjunction with the business operated
primarily as a bona fide grocery store or
(B) The issuance of new licenses in
class 1 and 2 9 shall be limited to
enrolled members of the Blackfeet
Indian Nation or business entities which
are at least fifty-one (51%) owned and
operated by an enrolled member of the
Blackfeet Indian Nation.
CLASS 4. Special Licenses: this
license consists of special permission
enabling the licensee to sell beer or
wine to the patrons of some preplanned
community event, to be consumed
within the enclosure where the event is
held. Allowable events include
company picnics, conventions, fairs,
civil entertainments, and sporting
2.0 Beer Retailer’s License—
Application and Issuance—Check of
Books of Account and Premises by Tribe
(A) Any person desiring to have and
possess beer and wine for sale under
this Ordinance for the purpose of selling
it at retail shall first apply to the Tribal
Council for a license to do so and tender
with said application the license fee
provided for.
(B) Upon being satisfied, from such
application or otherwise, that the
applicant is qualified as provided, the
Tribal Council shall issue a license to
such person or applicant, which license
shall at all times be prominently
displayed in the place of business of the
9 Resolution No. 325–87, ‘‘Approving Various
Amendments Change #2’’ June 17, 1987.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2024 / Notices
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(C) If the Tribal Council finds that the
applicant is not qualified, no license
shall be granted, and the license fee
tendered shall be promptly returned.
(D) The Tribal Council shall have the
right and is hereby given the authority
to make, at any time an examination of
the books of any such retailer and his
premises and otherwise check his
methods of conducting business in so
much as it regards his retail liquor
license, through independent licensed
3.0 Retailer Beer License for OnPremises Consumption—Wine License
Amendment—Limit on Number of
(A) Except as otherwise provided by
law, a license to sell beer at retail for onpremises consumption, or beer and
wine at retail for on-premises
consumption, in accordance with the
provisions of this Ordinance, may be
issued to any person, firm or
corporation who is approved by the
Tribal Council as a fit and proper
person, firm or corporation to sell beer,
except that:
1. in the town of Browning, and
within a distance of five (5) miles from
the city limits of Browning, not more
than one (1) license for every 1000
persons residing in the above-described
area shall be issued and said license
may not be used in conjunction with a
retail all-beverage license.
2. in the unincorporated town of East
Glacier Park and within a distance of
five (5) miles from the limits of East
Glacier Park not more than one (1)
license for every 1000 persons residing
in the described area, shall be issued
and said license may not be used in
conjunction with the retail all-beverage
3. the number of retail beer licenses
for on-premises consumption, which
may be issued by the Tribal Council,
excluding those provided for in
subsections (1) and (2) above, shall be
determined on the limitation of no more
than one (1) per 750 persons in that area
and provided further that, in the
exercise of its sound discretion, the
Tribal Council first determines that the
issuance of said license is a required is
required by public convenience and
(B) Retail beer licenses, or beer and
wine licenses, of issue on January 1,
1985, and which are in excess of the
foregoing limitations shall be renewable,
but no new licenses may be issued in
violation of such limitations.
(C) An applicant for a license to sell
beer, or beer and wine for on-premises
consumption, at retail, must make a
satisfactory showing that the sale of beer
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or beer and wine for consumption onpremises would be supplemental to the
applicant’s primary business activity of
operating a restaurant or other prepared
food business.
(D) Any licensee possessing an onpremises retail beer license may apply
for an on-premises retail wine license
amendment. An applicant to sell wine
for on-premises consumption at retail,
must first possess a valid retail onpremises beer license provided,
however, that this requirement shall not
prevent an applicant from applying for
an on-premises beer license and the
retail on-premises wine license
simultaneously. Non-retention of the
retail beer license, for whatever reason,
shall mean automatic loss of the
A person holding a retail on-premises
beer and wine license may sell beer and
wine for consumption on or off the
4.0 Retail Beer and Wine License for
Off-Premises Consumption Only
Discretionary Authority to Issue 10
(A) A retail license to sell beer or
wine, or both in the original package for
off-premises consumption only may be
issued to any person, firm, or
corporation to sell beer or wine, or both,
and whose premises proposed for
licensing are operated as bona fide
grocery store or drugstore.
(B) The number of such licenses
which the Tribal Council may issue is
not limited but shall be determined by
the Tribal Council in the exercise of its
sound discretion, grant or deny any
application for any such license or
suspend or revoke any such license for
(C) [deleted-as per instructions in
Resolution 328–87] 11
5.0 Beer License Transfers
(A) A transfer of any beer retailer’s
license, including transfer of a beer
license with the wine license
amendment, may be made upon
application to the Tribal Council with
the consent of the Council, provided
that the transferee qualifies under this
Ordinance, and subject to the following
1. Transfer of a license for onpremises consumption 12 which was
issued after January 1, 1985, as a new
license with Tribal member preference,
may be made only to another enrolled
member of the Blackfeet Nation or a
10 Resolution
No. 325–87, ‘‘Approving Various
Amendments Change #3’’ June 17, 1987.
11 Resolution No. 325–87, ‘‘Approving Various
Amendments Change #4’’ June 17, 1987.
12 Resolution No. 325–87, ‘‘Approving Various
Amendments Change #5 (A)(1)’’ June 17, 1987.
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business entity which is 51% owned by
an enrolled member of the Blackfeet
2. Transfer of any other beer retailers
license may be made to any qualified
applicant and will not be limited to
Tribal member preference.13
All-Beverage License-Quotas
(A) Except as otherwise provided by
law, a license to sell beer, wine and
liquor at retail (an all-beverage license)
in accordance with the provisions of
this Ordinance, may be issued to any
person approved by the Tribal Council
as a fit and proper person to sell such
beverages, except that the number of allbeverage licenses with the Tribal
Council may issue shall be limited as
1. There shall be no more than four
(4) Class 1 all-beverage licenses for the
Town of Browning and within a five (5)
mile radius of the town limits. An
additional license will be available with
each increase of 1,000 persons residing
in the above-described area.
2. There shall be no more than one (1)
Class 1 all-beverage license for the
unincorporated town of East Glacier
Park and within a five (5) mile distance
from its limits, for every 1,000 persons
residing in the said area.
3. The number of all-beverage licenses
which the Tribal Council may issue for
premises situated outside the area
identified in (1) and (2) above, may not
be more than one license for every 750
persons residing on the Blackfeet Indian
Reservation, excluding the population
of the area identified in (1) and (2)
(B) Retail all-beverage licenses of
issue on January 1, 1985, and which are
in excess of the foregoing limitations
shall be renewable, but no new licenses
may be issued in violation of such
(C) Any original license issued
pursuant to this section shall be issued
only upon the Tribal Council having
first determined, upon a hearing held
pursuant to this Ordinance, that the
issuance of said license is justified by
public convenience and necessity.
(D) Transfers of all beverage licenses
which were of issue prior to January 1,
1985, will not be limited to Tribal
member preference, and may otherwise
be made to any qualified applicant.
The most recent census of the
Blackfeet nation shall be the basis upon
which the limitations outlined in this
Ordinance shall be determined.
13 Resolution No. 325–87, ‘‘Approving Various
Amendments Change #5 (A)(2)’’ June 17, 1987.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2024 / Notices
8.0 Special License To Sell Beer and
Wine—Application and Issuance
(A) any association or corporation
conducting a picnic, convention, fair,
community entertainment, or sporting
event shall be in the sound discretion of
the Tribal Council be entitled to a
special permit to sell beer and wine to
the patrons of such event to be
consumed within the enclosure where
the infant is to be held.
(B) An application for a special
license shall be presented at least three
(3) days in advance of the start of the
proposed event and shall describe the
location of the enclosure where the
event is to be held.
(C) The application shall be
accompanied by the amount of the
license fee and a written statement of
approval of the premises where the
event is to be held issued by (sic) law
enforcement agency that has jurisdiction
over the premises and the patrons.
(D) The license issued as a special
license and authorizes the sale of beer
and wine only on the date and during
the period stated in the application and
Part 4. Licensing Criteria and
Application and Investigation
(A) A license under this Ordinance is
a privilege which the Blackfeet nation
may grant to, or deny, any applicant and
is not a right to which any applicant is
(B) Except as provided herein, in the
case of a license that permits on
premises consumption, the Tribal
Council must find in every case in
which it issues a new license, or in
which it approves the transfer of a
license that:
1. In the case of the issuance of a new
Class 1 or Class 2 14 license, that the
applicant is an enrolled member of the
Blackfeet Indian Nation, or if the
applicant is a firm or corporation, that
the applicant is at least 51% owned by
an enrolled member of the Blackfeet
Indian Nation.
2. The applicant is financially
3. The applicant will not have an
interest in more than one establishment
licensed for all-beverage sales.
4. The applicant’s past record and
present status as a seller of alcoholic
beverages and as a businessman and
citizen demonstrates that he is likely to
operate his establishment in compliance
with all applicable Tribal laws.
(A) Prior to the issuance of any
license under this ordinance, the
applicant shall file with the Tribal
Council, an application in writing,
signed by the applicant and containing
such statements relative to the applicant
and the premises where the alcoholic
beverage is to be sold, as may be
required by the Tribal Council,
including, but not limited to the
1. The name, age and place or
residence of the applicant.
2. The location of the premises where
the license will be issued.
3. In the case of a firm or corporation,
the names of all partners and
shareholders in the firm or corporation;
the percentage of ownership held by
each partner or shareholder; the
relationship, if any between the partners
or shareholders (husband, wife, son,
brother-in-law, etc.); and whether or not
each shareholder of partner is an
enrolled member of the Blackfeet Indian
4. In the case of an individual
applicant, whether the applicant is an
enrolled member of the Blackfeet Indian
5. Financial records and reports of the
applicant. The application shall be
verified by the affidavit of the person
making the same before a person
authorized to administer oaths.
(B) Upon receipt of a completed
application of a license under this
Ordinance, accompanied by the
necessary license fee, as further required
in this Ordinance, the Tribal Council
shall within thirty (30) days make a
14 Resolution No. 325–87, ‘‘Approving Various
Amendments Change #6 (B)(1)’’ June 17, 1987.
15 Resolution No. 325–87, ‘‘Approving Various
Amendments Change #6 (B)(8)’’ June 17, 1987.
1.0 License as Privilege—Criteria for
Decision on Application
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5. The applicant is not under the age
of twenty-one (21) years.
6. The applicant has obtained the
necessary Tribal business license.
7. The applicant has not been
convicted of a felony, or if the applicant
has been convicted of a felony, that his
rights have been restored.
8. In the case of the transfer of a
license originally issued as a new Class
1 or Class 2 15 license after January 1,
1985, that the applicant is an enrolled
member of the Blackfeet Indian Nation,
or if the applicant is a firm or
corporation, that at least 51% of the firm
or corporation is owned by enrolled
members of the Blackfeet Indian Nation.
(C) The requirements of this
subsection will apply to all new licenses
and transfers occurring after January 1,
1985, in Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3
licenses, except as otherwise provided
in specific subsections.
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complete and thorough investigation of
all matters pertaining to the application
and shall determine whether the
applicant is qualified to receive a
license and whether the applicant’s
premises are fit to carry on the business
and that Tribal law will be complied
(C) Upon proof that the applicant has
made any false statement on the
application, the application may be
denied or if issued, the license may be
3.0 Notice of Application—
(A) When an application has been
filed with the Tribal Council to sell
alcoholic beverages at retail or to
transfer such license, the Tribal Council
shall promptly publish in a newspaper
of general circulation within the
Blackfeet Indian Reservation, a notice
that such applicant has made
application for such license and that
protests against the issuance of a license
to the applicant may be mailed to a
named Tribal administrator within ten
(10) days after the final notice is
published. Notice of application for
either transfer or sale shall be published
once a week for 4 consecutive weeks’
notice may be substantially as follows:
Notice of Application for Trans of or for
Retail Sale of Alcoholic Beverages
Notice is hereby given that on the
ll day of lll, 198l, one (name of
applicant) filed an application for a
license to engage in the retail sale of
alcoholic beverages within the
boundaries of the Blackfeet Indian
The license is to be used at (describe
location of premises where alcoholic
beverages will be sold), and protests, if
there are any, against the issuance of
such license may be mailed to
lllll, Blackfeet Nation, Browning,
MT 59417 on or before the ll day of
lll, 198l.
Dated: lllllllll.
(B) Each applicant shall, at the time
of filing his application, pay to the
Blackfeet Nation an amount sufficient to
cover the costs of publication of the
(C) If the Tribal Council receives no
written protests, it may issue a license
without holding a public hearing if
written protests against the issuance of
the license or transfer of an existing
license are received, the Tribal Council
shall hold a public hearing in Browning
at the Blackfeet Tribal Offices.
Additional public hearings may be
held at the discretion of the Tribal
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2024 / Notices
4.0 Protests and Hearing—Posting and
Contents of License—Privilege—
(A) No license may be issued until
after the date set in the notice for
hearing protests.
(B) Every license issued under this
Ordinance shall contain:
1. The name of the person (sic) whom
it was issued.
2. The location of the premises, by
street number or other appropriate
description, where the license is to be
3. Other information such as the
Tribal Council shall deem necessary.
Each license must be posted in a
conspicuous place on the premises
wherein the business authorized under
the license is to be conducted. Such
license shall be exhibited upon request
to any authorized representative of the
Tribal Council or to any peace officer of
the Blackfeet Nation or Bureau of Indian
(C) Any license issued under this
Ordinance shall be considered a
personal privilege to the license named
in the license and shall be good until
the expiration of the license unless
sooner revoked or suspended.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
5.0 Transfer-By Sale—In Case of Death
of Licensee—From Premises to Premises
(A) Except as otherwise provided in
this Ordinance, no license for the retail
sale of alcoholic beverages shall be
transferred or sold. Nor shall said
license be issued for any place of
business not described in the license
without first making an application to
and receiving the approval of the Tribal
(B) A license for the retail sale of
alcoholic beverages may be transferred
to the executor or administrator of the
estate of any business of selling
alcoholic beverages under a license, and
in such event a license may descend or
be disposed of with the business to
which it is applicable under the
appropriate probate proceedings.
(C) A license to sell alcoholic
beverages at retail may be transferred to
a qualified purchaser upon a bona fide
sale of the business operated under that
license. No transfer of any license as to
person or location shall be effective
until approval by the Tribal Council,
and any licensee, transferee or proposed
transferee who operates or attempts to
operate under any supposedly
transferred license shall be considered
as operating without a license to operate
the business to be transferred, under the
license, pending final approval,
providing an application for transfer has
been filed with the Tribal Council.
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6.0 Denial of License—Public Safety
and Welfare
(A) The Tribal Council may deny the
issuance of any license for the retail sale
of alcoholic beverages if it determines
that the premises proposed for licensing
cannot be properly policed by local
(B) Normally a license under this
Ordinance be issued if the Tribal
Council finds upon the evidence
presented at the hearing, that the
welfare of the people residing in the
vicinity of the place which such license
is desired will be adversely and
seriously affected and the public
interest will not be served by issuance
of such license.
Expiration of License
(A) Each July 1st, the Tribal Council
shall issue licenses to holders of retail
licenses to sell alcoholic beverages
within the Blackfeet Reservation on an
annual basis and as such fees as are
prescribed by law, such licenses are
subject to revocation or suspension as
provided for in Part 4, Section 8 of this
Ordinance after midnight on June 30th
of the licensing year for which the
license fee has not been paid, if the
annual license fees are not paid. Initial
licenses issued under this Ordinance
shall be issued at the annual rate, for a
period ending June 30, 1986, regardless
of when issued.
8.0 Renewal—Revocation or
(A) The Tribal Council may upon its
own motion, and shall upon the written,
verified complaint of any person,
investigate the action and operation of
any retail seller of alcoholic beverages
licensed under this Ordinance.
(B) If the Tribal Council, after
investigation, shall have reasonable
cause to believe that any such licensee
has violated the provisions of this
Ordinance, it may, in its discretion, and
in addition to other penalties
1. Reprimand the licensee; or
2. Suspend a license for a period not
to exceed three (3) months; or
3. Revoke the license of any such
licensee; or
4. Refuse to grant a renewal of such
license upon the expiration thereof; or
5. Impose a civil penalty not to exceed
One Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars
($1,500), subject to the right to a hearing
in the Blackfeet Tribal Court. The
affected licensee may seek a stay of the
imposition of the fine provided the
licensee files a petition for hearing on
the fine with the Blackfeet Tribal Court
within ten (10) working days of the date
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of the licensee is notified of the fine.
Failure to file a petition within the
required time shall result in loss of the
Tribal Court’s jurisdiction to review the
fine pursuant to this Ordinance.
9.0 Judicial Review Concerning
Alcoholic Beverage Laws
(A) Any interested party shall have
the right to seek judicial review of any
decision of the Tribal Council
concerning the issuance, transfer,
suspension, or revocation of any license
to sell at retail alcoholic beverages
within the Blackfeet Reservation by the
Blackfeet Tribal Court.
(B) Judicial review under this
provision will be limited to a review of
the record of the prior proceedings on
the affected license. The Court will be
limited to determining:
1. Whether the Tribal Council abused
its discretion by acting arbitrarily or
capriciously; or
2. Whether the Tribal Council’s
decision is supported by the record of
the case and the facts contained therein;
3. Whether the Tribal Council’s
decision is consistent with the
applicable provisions of the law.
(C) The Tribal Council’s decision
shall be final unless modified or
reversed by the Tribal Court.
10. Training for Responsible Alcohol
Sales and Services (RASS) 16
All retail liquor establishments prior
to receiving a liquor license or a renewal
of such license on the Blackfeet
Reservation shall certify that all
employees of such establishment have
received Responsible Alcohol Sales and
Service training also referred to as
RASS, which training is given by the
Montana Department of Revenue. Any
new employee of such establishment
shall receive such training within thirty
(30) days of employment. The
establishment shall keep a roster of all
employees, including names and date of
training, which shall be open for
inspection by agents of the Blackfeet
Failure to obtain such training for
employees as set forth above, shall
subject the liquor establishment to a
civil penalty of $500.00 per employee
and/or the possible suspension of that
establishment’s liquor license until such
time as the establishment is in
compliance with this Ordinance.
The penalties collected as set out
above shall be used solely for the
purpose of funding the activities of the
Blackfeet DUI Task Force, with $100.00
16 Resolution No. 212–2011, Amending
Ordinance 73, Implementing RASS, May 5, 2011.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2024 / Notices
of such penalty going to the Blackfeet
Department of Commerce, for
administration and enforcement of this
Ordinance and that both the DUI Task
Force and the Department of Commerce
shall keep a strict accounting of the
receipt and disbursal of such funds.
Part 5. Licensing Fees
1.0 Retail Sales License and Special
License Fees
(A) Each retail beer, or retail beer and
wine license, under the provisions of
this Ordinance, shall pay an annual
license fee as follows:
2. Retail on-premises beer license,
Two Hundred Dollars ($200); with wine
license amendment, an additional Two
Hundred Dollars ($200).
3. For a license to sell beer at retail
for off-premises consumption only, Two
Hundred Dollars ($200); for a wine
license amendment to sell at retail for
off premises consumption only, and
additional Two Hundred Dollars ($200).
(B) The fee of special license to sell
beer and wine at certain gatherings shall
be computed at a rate of Thirty-Five
Dollars ($35.00) a day for 2 or more
days, but in no case less than SeventyFive Dollars ($75.00).
(C) The fee for licensees licensed as a
Class 1, all-beverage retail sellers of
alcoholic beverages shall be Five
Hundred Dollars ($500.00).
(D) The license fee provided for in
this Ordinance are exclusive of and in
addition to other license fees chargeable
by the Blackfeet Nation for the privilege
of carrying on business within the
Blackfeet Indian Reservation.
(E) In addition to other license fees,
the Tribal Council may require a
licensee to pay a late fee of thirty
percent (30%) of any license fee
delinquent on July 1st of the renewal
year, and sixty percent (60%) of any
license fee delinquent of August 1st of
the renewal year, and one hundred
percent (100%) of any license fee
delinquent on September 1st of the
renewal year.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Part 6. Violations and Enforcement
1.0 Investigations—Search Warrants—
Seizure and Forfeiture of Unlawful
Alcoholic Beverages and Conveyance
(A) The Tribal Council may employ or
appoint investigators or prosecuting
officers who, under the Council’s
discretion, will perform such duties as
it may require, and who shall be paid
such fees and expenses as the Council
may fix.
(B) Upon information or oath by any
investigator appointed under this
Ordinance or any Tribal or Bureau of
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Indian Affairs police officer showing
reasonable cause to believe that
alcoholic beverages are being illegally
sold or kept for sale or for any unlawful
purpose in any building or premises, it
shall be lawful for the Tribal Court by
warrant to authorize and empower the
police officer or investigator or any
other person named in the warrant to
enter and search the building or
premises and every part thereof and for
that purpose to break open any lock,
door, or fastening, to break open any
closet, cupboard, box or other receptacle
where alcoholic beverages may be
(C) The Tribal Council or any duly
authorized representative thereof or any
Tribal or Bureau of Indian Affairs police
officer shall have the right at any time
to make an examination of the premises
of any retail licensee as to whether the
laws of the Blackfeet nation are being
complied with.
(D) Any investigator, duly appointed
representative of the Blackfeet Tribal
Council or any Tribal or Bureau of
Indian Affairs police officer who finds
an alcoholic beverage which he has
reasonable cause to believe is had or
kept by any person in violation of the
provisions of this Ordinance may
forthwith seize and remove the same
and the packages in which the alcoholic
beverage is kept, and upon a finding
that the alcoholic beverages being kept
or sold in violation of this Ordinance,
the alcoholic beverage and all packages
containing the same shall, in addition to
other penalties prescribed by this
Ordinance, be forfeited as a matter of
law to the Blackfeet Nation.
Whenever a vehicle or other
conveyance device of any kind is used
to store or transport alcoholic beverages
for purposes contrary to the provisions
of this Ordinance, the vehicle or
conveyance device may be seized force
with. Upon a finding by the Tribal Court
that the person in possession of the
vehicle or conveyance device or person
in charge of said vehicle or conveyance
device was in violation of the provisions
of this Ordinance, the Court may, in
addition to any other possible penalties,
declare in and by a decree that the
vehicle or conveyance device, which
has been seized, to be forfeited to the
Blackfeet Nation.
2.0 When Force May Be Used in
Seizure—Hearing Required in Forfeiture
(A) Where alcoholic beverages are
found by an investigator or Tribal or
Bureau of Indian Affairs police officer
on any premises or in any place in such
quantities as to satisfy the investigator
or police officer that such alcoholic
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beverage is being had or kept contrary
to the provisions of this Ordinance, it
shall force if necessary and seize any
alcoholic beverage found, including the
packages in which it was had or kept,
and immediately turn such alcoholic
beverage over to the Tribal Council.
(B) In all cases where alcoholic
beverages, or alcoholic beverages and
vehicles and conveyance devices, are
seized, the Tribal Council or its
designated prosecuting officer shall
commence an action in the Tribal Court
against the seized alcoholic beverage,
vehicle, or conveyance device, and the
person or persons actually or apparently
in possession or control thereof if any
such person be presented at the time of
the seizure. The alcoholic beverage shall
be named as a defendant to the action.
(C) The complaint shall show the date
and place of seizure, the name of the
person or persons actually or apparently
in or [sic] control thereof if any such
person be present at the time of the
seizure, the reason the Tribal Council
claims the right to possess the alcoholic
beverage or conveyance device, or both,
and shall demand that all persons who
claim any right to the possession of the
alcoholic beverage or conveyance
device, or both, shall show the nature of
their claim or claims and that the Court
declare the same to be contraband and
that the Court order the contraband
forfeited to the Blackfeet Nation.
(D) A summons shall be issued,
served, or published as in all civil
actions pursuant to the Tribal Law and
Order Code, except that the Court
summons shall be published in the local
newspaper within the Blackfeet Indian
(E) In every case in which an
alcoholic or a conveyance device is
seized by an investigator or police
officer, it shall be his duty to forth with
make or cause to be paid to the Tribal
Council a report in writing of the
particulars of the seizure.
3.0 Inspection of Carrier’s Records—
Unlawful for Carrier To Refuse
(A) For the purpose of obtaining
information concerning any matter
relating to the administration or
enforcement of this Ordinance, the
Tribal Council or any person appointed
by it in writing for the purpose, may
inspect the freight and express books,
and any other documents in the
possession of any common carrier doing
business within the exterior boundaries
of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation,
containing any information of record
relating to any goods shipped, carried,
received for shipment, or cosigned for
shipment within the Reservation.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2024 / Notices
(B) Every common carrier and every
official employee of any such company
or common carrier who neglects or
refuses to produce and subject for
inspection any book, record, or
document requested by the Tribal
Council or its authorized representative,
where that document relates to
enforcement or administration under
this Ordinance, shall be deemed in
violation of this Ordinance and shall be
subject to a fine of One Hundred Dollars
($100.00) per day for each day during
which the violation continues, not to
exceed Five Thousand Dollars
4.0 Violation of Code Civil Action in
Tribal Court—Corrective Action Before
Judicial Proceedings
(A) Every action charging a violation
of the provisions of this Ordinance shall
be brought by the Tribal Council or its
prosecuting officer, in the name of the
Blackfeet Tribe, against the licensee or
other alleged violator in the Blackfeet
Tribal Court as a civil action.
(B) Provided, however, that the Tribal
Council may, in the exercise of its
sound discretion, resolve any alleged
violation only when alleged to have
been committed, by an authorized
licensee, at the administrative level
through the collection of an appropriate
fine amount, an undertaking of
corrective measures by the licensee, or
other allowed penalty. Should an
alleged violator agree to administrative
resolution of the complaint, he shall not
be allowed to seek judicial review of the
administrative resolution.
Part 7. Prohibitions and Penalties
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
1.0 Unlawful Transfer, Sale, and
Possession of Alcoholic Beverages
(A) Except when in possession of
fully issued Tribal license and as
otherwise provided by this Ordinance
no person shall, within the Blackfeet
Indian Reservation, by himself or
through others, keep for sale, or directly
or indirectly sell or offer to sell, or to
give any other person alcoholic
(B) This section shall not apply to the
county sheriff, Tribal police, Bureau of
Indian Affairs police, Blackfeet Tribal
Council, or its authorized representative
when in possession of alcoholic
beverages under judicial process or to
sale by said entities and persons when
under judicial process.
2.0 Penalty for Sale of Alcoholic
Beverages Without a License
Any person who has not been issued
a license for the retail sale of any
alcoholic beverages under this
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Ordinance who sells or keeps for sale
any alcoholic beverage has committed a
violation, and upon a finding thereof is
punishable by a civil penalty of not less
than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) nor
more than One Thousand Five Hundred
Dollars ($1,500.00).
3.0 Providing Alcoholic Beverages to
Intoxicated Persons Prohibited
(A) No retail seller of alcoholic
beverages licensed pursuant to this
Ordinance may, either through
themselves or an agent, sell any
alcoholic beverages or permit alcoholic
beverages to be sold to any person
apparently under the influence of
(B) Any retail seller of alcoholic
beverages who is licensed pursuant to
this Ordinance who sells or allows to be
sold alcoholic beverages to a person
obviously intoxicated, is deemed to
have violated this Ordinance and upon
a finding thereof is punishable of a civil
penalty of up to Five Hundred Dollars
($500.00) for each infraction.
(C) No person may give alcoholic
beverages to a person apparently under
the influence of alcohol.
4.0 Age Limit on Sale of Alcoholic
Beverages, Social Host Law—Penalty for
(A) No person shall sell, give,
purchase, or otherwise supply alcoholic
beverages to any person under the age
of twenty-one (21) years of age or permit
any person under that age to consume
an alcoholic beverage, including cases
of alcohol beverages given to a person
under twenty-one (21) years of age by
his/her parent or guardian, and not
adult shall knowingly provide a place
for underage drinkers to consume
alcohol, regardless of whether or not
that adult provides the alcohol.
(B) The penalty for violation of this
Section shall be the same as for the
offense of Contributing the Delinquency
of a Minor, in Chapter 7, Blackfeet Law
and Order Code of 1967, as amended.
Chapter 14. Section 5.17
(C) Any person who violates this
provision may, upon finding thereof, be
punished through a civil penalty or a
fine of not less than Two Hundred Fifty
Dollars ($250.00) for each violation.
(D) Provided, however, should the
drinking age for the State of Montana be
changed, the drinking age stated in this
Ordinance will automatically be
changed to reflect the new change.
17 Resolution No. 214–2011, Amending
Ordinance 73, Social Host Law and Penalty, May
5, 2011.
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5.0 Miscellaneous Prohibitions—
(A) All licenses to sell at retail
alcoholic beverages[sic] pursuant to this
Ordinance are hereby prohibited from
engaging in the following activities:
1. From engaging in pawnbroking or
taking goods or materials in hock; or
2. Lending money or engaging in
similar activity to indigent persons
solely for the purpose of enabling them
to purchase alcoholic beverages in his
establishment; or
3. From allowing the consumption of
alcoholic beverages on his premises
which were purchased for off-premises
consumption only; or
4. From allowing fighting or
threatening to fight on his premises or
from generally failing to keep order in
his premises.
(B) Any licensee found to be in
violation of any of the provisions of this
section shall be deemed to have violated
this Ordinance and is subject to a civil
penalty of not less than Three Hundred
Dollars ($300.00) for each separate
6.0 Firearms Not Allowed on Premises
(A) There shall be no firearms or other
dangerous weapons allowed at any time
on the premises where alcoholic
beverages are being sold at retail, with
the exception of licensed firearms for
the maintenance of order, firearms
possessed by duly authorized peace
officers, and firearms maintained by the
licensee for protection of himself, his
agents, and invitees.
(B) Any person found in possession of
other dangerous weapons on a premises
beverages are being sold at retail shall
thereof in court, be subject to a civil
than Two Hundred Fifty Dollars
7.0 Minors Not Allowed-Eating
Establishments Exception
(A) Minors shall not be allowed in
any establishment where alcoholic
beverages are sold for on-premises
consumption, except where a restaurant
or other prepared food business is
operated in conjunction therewith.
(B) Any licensee who is found to have
violated this provision shall be deemed
to have violated this Ordinance and be
subject to a civil fine of not less than
Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) for
each violation.
8.0 Sale of Alcoholic Beverages From
Drive-In Windows or Similar Devices
(A) It is the public policy of the
people of the Blackfeet Nation to stop
the carnage that is taking place on the
highways of the Blackfeet Reservation,
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2024 / Notices
and which is occurring as a result of the
high number of drinking drivers. It has
been statistically proven that drinking
drivers account for a significant
percentage of all highway deaths and
accidents. It is the public policy of the
people of the Blackfeet Nation to
prevent drinking and driving, not to
encourage or facilitate such action.
(B) It shall be unlawful and a
violation of this Ordinance to sell or
offer to sell alcoholic beverages through
drive-up windows or other similar
devices which would allow the retail
purchaser to purchase alcoholic
beverages while remaining in his
vehicle. Drive-up windows and other
similar devices are hereby declared to
be public nuisances and thus subject to
injunction to prevent uses in violation
of this Ordinance.
(C) A licensee found to have violated
this provision shall be subject to a civil
penalty of not less than One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00) and not more than
Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00).
9.0 Penalty for Violating OrdinanceRevocation of License
(A) If any retail licensee is convicted
of a violation under this Ordinance, his
license shall be immediately revoked or
in the discretion of the Tribal Council
such other sanction may be imposed as
is authorized by this Ordinance. Any
person violating the provisions of this
Ordinance shall, upon finding thereof,
be deemed guilty and be subject to such
fine or penalty as is provided in this
(B) A person under the age of twentyone (21) years 18 who is found to have
violated any provision of this Ordinance
shall be subject to a One Hundred Dollar
($100.00) civil penalty for each offense.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
10.0 Officer or Agent, of Firm or
Corporation, and Occupant of Premises
Deemed Party to Violation
(A) Where a violation of this
Ordinance is committed by a
corporation or firm, the officer or agent
in charge of the premises where the
violation was committed shall be
deemed to be a party to the violation
and shall be personally liable to [sic] the
penalties prescribed for the offense as
principal offender.
(B) Upon proof of the fact that a
violation of this Ordinance has been
committed by any person in the employ
of the occupant of any house or
premises, or by any guest of the
occupant of any premises where the
violation was committed, the occupant
18 Resolution No. 214–2011, Amending
Ordinance 73, Social Host Law and Penalty, May
5, 2011.
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of the premises shall be personally
liable for the penalties prescribed for the
violation as principal offender,
notwithstanding the fact that the
occupant did not commit the violation
or authorize its commission.
(C) Nothing in sections (A) and (B)
above will relieve the person actually
committing the offense for liability,
11.0 Injunction Actions
(A) Upon the determination of the
Tribal Council, in the exercise of its
sound discretion, an injunction and
immediate temporary restraining order
may be sought against any retail
licensee requesting that he be prohibited
from further sales of alcoholic beverages
and that his business as enacted
activities be immediately suspended.
(B) The action may be started by the
Tribal Council filing a petition in the
Tribal Court, verified by affidavit,
showing the need for immediate
measures and showing that the licensee
has been notified.
(C) If the Court finds that the
circumstances present a public nuisance
or that the public health and welfare has
been or in endangered it shall issue a
temporary restraining order and
schedule a show cause hearing no later
than five (5) working days from the date
the temporary order is issued.
(D) The temporary restraining order
will dissolve of its own force and effect
on the fifth day if the Tribe fails to go
forward on its petition on the day set for
the hearing.
12.0 Delegation of Authority
The Blackfeet Tribal Council hereby
reserves the right to delegate any of the
powers and duties stated in this
Ordinance to any agency of the
Blackfeet Tribe. In the event of such a
delegation, the Tribal Council shall
promptly notify all interested persons
by proper publication of which
activities or duties have been delegated
and to which agency the delegation was
13.0 Federal Laws Applicable
The Federal Indian Liquor Laws
remain applicable to any act or
transaction not authorized by this
Ordinance and not otherwise in
compliance with Federal law, violators
may be subject to federal prosecution.
Part 8. Regulation of Wholesalers,
Brewers, and State Liquor Stores
1.0 Brewers License To Sell Products—
License Fee
(A) It shall be unlawful for any brewer
of beer, wherever located, to sell his
product within the exterior boundaries
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of the Blackfeet Reservation without
first obtaining a license and paying the
appropriate fee as provided by this
(B) Every brewer who is licensed to
do business within the State of
Montana, may obtain a license to sell
his product within the Blackfeet Indian
Reservation by making application with
the Blackfeet Tribal Council and
submitting a fee of Five Hundred
Dollars ($500.00) therewith.
(C) Upon being satisfied that the
applicant is duly licensed by the State
of Montana, and otherwise of good
moral character, the Tribal Council shall
issue such a license to the applicant.
2.0 Wholesale Distribution of Beer and
Wine—License Required—Fee
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person
or firm to sell, offer to sell, or possess
for sale any beer, or wine, or both, for
wholesale distribution, within the
exterior boundaries of the Blackfeet
Reservation without first obtaining
license and paying the appropriate fee
as required by this Ordinance.
(B) Any person desiring to possess
and sell beer for wholesale or wine for
wholesale, or both, under the provisions
of this Ordinance shall apply to the
Tribal Council for a license to do so,
submitting with his application his
annual license fee of One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00).
(C) Upon being satisfied that the
applicant is a good moral character, has
sufficient capital and is otherwise a lawabiding citizen, the Tribal Council shall
issue the license to the applicant.
(D) If the Tribal Council shall
determine that the license should not be
granted, the applicant shall be promptly
notified, and his license fee returned.
(E) This provision does not apply to
stores owned or operated by the State of
Montana as State Liquor Stores.
State Liquor Store—Limit—Fee
(A) There shall be one (l) State Liquor
Store on the Blackfeet Indian
Reservation. Said store shall not sell
alcoholic beverages on the Blackfeet
Indian Reservation, whether at
wholesale or retail, without first
obtaining a license pursuant to this
Ordinance and paying the appropriate
(B) Upon application by the State of
Montana and the tendering of a One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) license
therewith, Tribal Council shall issue a
license to the State Liquor Store which
will enable said store to sell alcoholic
beverages at wholesale and at retail.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 244 / Thursday, December 19, 2024 / Notices
4.0 Renewal—Suspension—
Licenses issued to wholesale
distributors of alcoholic use, brewers,
and the State Liquor Store, pursuant to
this Part, shall be subject to expiration,
renewal, revocation, and suspension
pursuant to the provisions of Part 4,
Sections 7, 8 and 9.
5.0 Violators—Enforcement
The provisions of this Part may be
enforced pursuant to the provisions of
Part 6, Sections 1 through 6 of this
Ordinance, including those provisions
providing for the seizure and forfeiture
of contraband alcoholic beverages and
conveyance devices which are used in
violation of this Ordinance.
Part 9. Effective Date and Repeal
1.0 Effective Date
This Ordinance shall be effective
upon approval by the Bureau of Indian
Affairs and publication as required by
2.0 Repeal of Prior Ordinances and
This Ordinance No. 73 hereby repeals
all prior ordinances and resolutions
which regulate or purport to regulate the
sale and distribution of alcoholic
beverages within the Blackfeet Indian
Reservation including Ordinance No.
6A. This Ordinance as amended, is
[FR Doc. 2024–30255 Filed 12–18–24; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places;
Notification of Pending Nominations
and Related Actions
National Park Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice.
The National Park Service is
soliciting electronic comments on the
significance of properties nominated
before December 7, 2024, for listing or
related actions in the National Register
of Historic Places.
DATES: Comments should be submitted
electronically by January 3, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Comments are encouraged
to be submitted electronically to
National_Register_Submissions@ with the subject line ‘‘Public
Comment on .’’ If you
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:08 Dec 18, 2024
Jkt 265001
Sherry A. Frear, Chief, National Register
of Historic Places/National Historic
Landmarks Program, 1849 C Street NW,
MS 7228, Washington, DC 20240,, 202–913–3763.
properties listed in this notice are being
considered for listing or related actions
in the National Register of Historic
Places. Nominations for their
consideration were received by the
National Park Service before December
7, 2024. Pursuant to section 60.13 of 36
CFR part 60, comments are being
accepted concerning the significance of
the nominated properties under the
National Register criteria for evaluation.
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Nominations submitted by State or
Tribal Historic Preservation Officers
Key: State, County, Property Name,
Multiple Name (if applicable), Address/
Boundary, City, Vicinity, Reference
have no access to email, you may send
them via U.S. Postal Service and all
other carriers to the National Register of
Historic Places, National Park Service,
1849 C Street NW, MS 7228,
Washington, DC 20240.
Montgomery County
Peacock Tract Historic District, (The Civil
Rights Movement in Montgomery,
Alabama, 1850–1984 MPS), The district
includes all or part of the following blocks:
1000 block Aaron Street 800–1000 blocks
Adeline Street 2000 block Beach Street
800–1100 blocks Bragg Street 1100 block
Broughton Street 600–700 block Bullock
Street, Montgomery, MP100011302.
Maricopa County
Tal’-Wi-Wi Ranch, 9801 N Litchfield Rd. and
9816 N Litchfield Rd., El Mirage vicinity,
Baxter County
Domino Shed, 9736 Arkansas Highway 14,
Big Flat, SG100011298.
Uncle Willie Huffines Park, 11812 Arkansas
Highway 14, Big Flat vicinity,
PO 00000
Frm 00111
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Benton County
Bentonville Post Office, 201 NE 2nd Street,
Bentonville, SG100011312.
Clark County
John Duke Wells Health, Physical Education,
and Recreation Building, 1192 M.H.
Russell Drive, Arkadelphia, SG100011297.
Ross, Jane, House, 1049 Henderson Street,
Arkadelphia, SG100011313.
Hot Spring County
L’ Eau Frais Creek Bridge, L’Eau Fraiz Road
over L’ Eau Frais Creek, Malvern,
Polk County
Old U.S. 71 Ouachita River Bridges, Polk
County Road 109 over the Ouachita River,
Acorn, SG100011300.
Pulaski County
Steele-Dortch General Store, (Cotton and Rice
Farm History and Architecture in the
Arkansas Delta MPS), 4815 Arkansas
Highway 161 South, Scott, MP100011294.
West 12th Street Overpass, West 12th Street
over the Union Pacific Railroad Line, Little
Rock, SG100011295.
West 14th Street Overpass, West 14th Street
over the Union Pacific Railroad Line, Little
Rock, SG100011296.
Tanner, James W. and Billie, House,
(Arkansas Designs of E. Fay Jones MPS),
12821 Ridgehaven Road, Little Rock,
Searcy County
Brush Creek Bridge, Center Street over Brush
Creek, Marshall, SG100011301.
Alameda County
Southern Pacific 16th Street Station and 16th
Street Tower, (African Americans in
California, 1850–1974 MPS), 1798 16th
Street, 1601 Wood Street and 1709 Wood
Street (1405 Wood Street), Oakland,
Santa Barbara County
Saint Paul African Methodist Episcopal
Church, Santa Barbara, (African Americans
in California, 1850–1974 MPS), 502 Olive
Street, Santa Barbara, MP100011289.
Pitkin County
Berger Cabin, 835 West Main Street, Aspen,
Reno County
Bernard’s Restaurant and Catering, 2100
South Bonebrake Street, Hutchinson,
Shawnee County
Mount Auburn Cemetery, (African American
Resources in Topeka, Shawnee County,
Kansas MPS), 916 Southeast California
Avenue, Topeka, MP100011285.
Second Missionary Baptist Church, (African
American Resources in Topeka, Shawnee
County, Kansas MPS), 416 and 424 NW
Laurent Street, Shawnee, MP100011286.
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 244 (Thursday, December 19, 2024)]
[Pages 103866-103874]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-30255]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation; Amendment to
Regulation and Control of Liquor
AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice publishes an amendment to the Liquor Ordinance of
the Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana
DATES: This ordinance shall take effect on January 21, 2025.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Jo-Ellen Cree, Tribal Operations
Officer, Rocky Mountain Regional Office, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 2021
Fourth Avenue North, Billings, Montana 59101, [email protected],
Telephone: (406) 247-7964 or (406) 247-7988, Fax: (406) 247-7566.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to the Act of August 15, 1953,
Public Law 83-277, 67 Stat. 5886, 18 U.S.C. 1161, as interpreted by the
Supreme Court in Rice v. Rehner, 463 U.S. 713 (1983), the Secretary of
the Interior shall certify and publish in the Federal Register notice
of adopted liquor control ordinances for the purpose of regulating
liquor transactions in Indian country.
This notice is published in accordance with the delegated authority
by the Secretary of the Interior to the Assistant Secretary--Indian
Affairs. I certify that the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council duly
adopted Ordinance No. 73 by Tribal Resolution No. 504-2024 on July 8,
Bryan Newland,
Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs.
Blackfeet Tribal Ordinance #73, as Amended
Regulation and Control of Liquor
Part I. General Provisions
1.0 Declaration of Public Policy-Subject Matters of Regulation
(A) It is hereby declared to be the public policy of the Blackfeet
Tribe to effectuate and ensure the entire control of the sale and
distribution of all alcoholic beverages within the Blackfeet Indian
Reservation, subject to the inherent sovereign power of the Blackfeet
Nation and the power delegated to the Tribe by the United States
Congress and concurrently with the State of Montana.
(B) This code is an exercise of the police powers of the Blackfeet
nation and the power delegated pursuant to Title 18, section 1161 of
the United States Code, in and for the protection of the welfare,
health, peace, morals and safety of the people of the Blackfeet Nation
and residents of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation.
(C) It is further the policy of the Blackfeet nation to effectuate
the economic rights of members of the Blackfeet Nation, as guaranteed
by Article VIII, Section 2 of the Blackfeet Constitution. This policy
is implemented herein by limiting the issuance of new licenses in some
cases \1\ to enrolled members of the Blackfeet Nation or business
entities which are at least fifty-one percent (51%) owned by enrolled
members of the Blackfeet Nation.
\1\ Resolution No. 325-87, ``Approving Various Amendments Change
#1'' June 17, 1987.
2.0 Sale of Alcoholic Beverages Privilege, Not Right
A license for the sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages
within the Blackfeet Indian Reservation is a privilege which the
Blackfeet Nation may grant or deny and is not a right to which any
person or entity is entitled.
Part 2. Retail Sales Restrictions
1.0 Unlawful Sales and Other Transactions
(A) It shall be unlawful for any licensee, his/her employee or
employees, or any other person to sell, deliver, or give away, or cause
or permit to be sold, delivered, or given away any alcoholic beverage
to any person:
1. Under twenty-one (21) years of age \2\; or
\2\ Resolution No. 214-2011, Amending Ordinance 73, Social Host
Law and Penalty, May 5, 2011.
2. Who is obviously, actually, or apparently intoxicated.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to sell or
distribute alcoholic beverages within the exterior boundaries of the
Blackfeet Indian Reservation without first obtaining a license pursuant
to this Ordinance.
(C) It shall be mandatory under this law for all licensees to
display in a prominent place in their premises a placard stating fully
the consequences for violations of this law by persons under twenty-one
(21) years of age.\3\
\3\ Resolution No. 214-2011, Amending Ordinance 73, Social Host
Law and Penalty, May 5, 2011.
2.0 Sale and Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages Unlawful
It shall be unlawful for a licensed person or business entity to
sell or
[[Page 103867]]
distribute alcoholic beverages within the exterior boundaries of the
Blackfeet Indian Reservation, provided that the licensee complies with
the provisions of this Ordinance, concurrently with the laws of the
State of Montana.
3.0 Closing Hours for Licensed Retail Establishments
All licensed establishments wherein alcoholic beverages are offered
for sale, or given away at retail shall be closed:
(A) Each day between 2:00 a.m. and 8 a.m.
(B) Easter Sunday between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. (all day)
(C) From 6:00 p.m. December 24 (Christmas Eve) to 6:00 p.m.
December 25 (Christmas Day).
(D) There will be no sales of alcoholic beverages, including sales
at stores, bars, restaurants, and taverns within the Blackfeet
Reservation during North American Indian Days and Heart Butte Society
Celebration, beginning at 8:00 a.m. Thursday and ending at 8:00 a.m.
the following Monday.\4\
\4\ 2008 Referendum Vote Language to close sales during North
American Indian Days and Heart Butte Society Celebration; however,
does not reference amendment to Ordinance #73.
(E) Any Blackfeet Reservation High School Graduation, 8:00 a.m. and
2:00 a.m. (all day).\5\
\5\ Resolution No. 504-2024 ``Amending Ordinance #73 Regulation
and Control of Liquor, Regarding Retail Hours During K-12 School
Year, High School Graduations, High School Proms and Blackfeet
Community College Graduation'' July 8, 2024.
(F) Any Blackfeet Reservation High School Prom, 8:00 a.m. and 2:00
a.m. (all day) \6\
\6\ Resolution No. 504-2024.
(G) Blackfeet Community College Graduation, 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m.
(all day); \7\ and,
\7\ Resolution No. 504-2024.
(H) During the K-12 Academic School Year within the Blackfeet
Reservation, Monday through Friday each day, from 8:00 a.m. to 5
\8\ Resolution No. 504-2024, and Resolution No. ___``Amending
Resolution No. 504-2024 Amending Ordinance #73 Clarifying Weekend
Sales During Academic School Year on the Blackfeet Reservation''
August 21, 2024.
The Blackfeet Tribal Business Council retains discretionary
authority to close licensed retail establishments in recognition of
Indian religious ceremonies, after giving due notice. Provided,
however, that when a licensed retail establishment is operated in
conjunction with a restaurant, hotel, or other lawful business other
than the sale of intoxicating alcoholic beverages, then such other
lawful business need not be closed, but only the part where of such
alcoholic beverages are sold.
4.0 Sale of Alcoholic Beverages During Closed Hours
It shall be unlawful for any licensed Tribal establishments to
sell, offer for sale, or give away alcoholic beverages during the hours
when the licensed retail establishments are required by this Ordinance
to be closed or otherwise refrain from the sale of alcoholic beverages.
5.0 Lapse of License for Non-Use
(A) Any retail license issued pursuant to this Ordinance (including
any retail license to sell alcoholic beverages for off premises
consumption) not actually used in a going establishment for ninety (90)
days shall automatically lapse. Upon determining the fact of nonuse,
the Tribal Council shall cancel such license of record and no portion
of the fee paid therefore shall be refundable.
(B) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the license
of any licensee whose premises are operated on a seasonal basis in
connection with a bona fide resort, park hotel, tourist facility from
the Tribal Business Council to close the business.
(C) The Tribal Council may, in its discretion, waive the effects of
this section for a licensee who failed to use his license in a going
establishment for ninety (90) days should the Council find that said
lapse was reasonably beyond the control of the licensee.
6.0 Tribal License Automatically Revoked With Loss of State License
Pursuant to federal law, the regulation of transactions involving
alcoholic beverages within the Indian Reservation is a matter of
concurrent jurisdiction between the various Indian tribes and the
States in which their reservations are located. Thus, to validly engage
in the business of selling or distributing alcoholic beverages on
Indian reservations a licensee must possess both the Tribal and state
(A) Any Tribal license issued pursuant to this Ordinance will be
automatically revoked ninety (90) days after the Tribal Council
receives notification from proper State officials that the licensee's
state license has been revoked or has otherwise expired, and that all
state appeals processes have been exhausted.
Part 3. License Administration
1.0 License Classification
(A) The issuance of licenses for the retail sale of alcoholic
beverages within the Blackfeet Indian Reservation shall be based upon
the following classifications:
CLASS 1. All Beverage License: This license enables the licensee to
sell liquor, beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages within the
boundaries of the Blackfeet Reservation.
CLASS 2. On-Premise Retail Beer License With Available Wine Sales
Amendment: This license enables the licensee to sell beer for on-
premises consumption. For an additional fee, a wine amendment is
available. The licensee must make an initial showing that the sale of
beer for on-premises consumption is supplementary to a restaurant or
prepared food business. Non-retention of the beer license, for any
reason, will mean automatic loss of the wine license amendment.
CLASS 3. Off-Premises Retail Beer License With Available Wine Sales
Amendment: This license enables the licensee to sell beer and wine with
an amendment, in the original package for off premises consumption
only. The licensee must make an initial showing that the license will
be used in conjunction with the business operated primarily as a bona
fide grocery store or drugstore.
(B) The issuance of new licenses in class 1 and 2 \9\ shall be
limited to enrolled members of the Blackfeet Indian Nation or business
entities which are at least fifty-one (51%) owned and operated by an
enrolled member of the Blackfeet Indian Nation.
\9\ Resolution No. 325-87, ``Approving Various Amendments Change
#2'' June 17, 1987.
CLASS 4. Special Licenses: this license consists of special
permission enabling the licensee to sell beer or wine to the patrons of
some preplanned community event, to be consumed within the enclosure
where the event is held. Allowable events include company picnics,
conventions, fairs, civil entertainments, and sporting events.
2.0 Beer Retailer's License--Application and Issuance--Check of Books
of Account and Premises by Tribe
(A) Any person desiring to have and possess beer and wine for sale
under this Ordinance for the purpose of selling it at retail shall
first apply to the Tribal Council for a license to do so and tender
with said application the license fee provided for.
(B) Upon being satisfied, from such application or otherwise, that
the applicant is qualified as provided, the Tribal Council shall issue
a license to such person or applicant, which license shall at all times
be prominently displayed in the place of business of the applicant.
[[Page 103868]]
(C) If the Tribal Council finds that the applicant is not
qualified, no license shall be granted, and the license fee tendered
shall be promptly returned.
(D) The Tribal Council shall have the right and is hereby given the
authority to make, at any time an examination of the books of any such
retailer and his premises and otherwise check his methods of conducting
business in so much as it regards his retail liquor license, through
independent licensed auditors.
3.0 Retailer Beer License for On-Premises Consumption--Wine License
Amendment--Limit on Number of Licenses
(A) Except as otherwise provided by law, a license to sell beer at
retail for on-premises consumption, or beer and wine at retail for on-
premises consumption, in accordance with the provisions of this
Ordinance, may be issued to any person, firm or corporation who is
approved by the Tribal Council as a fit and proper person, firm or
corporation to sell beer, except that:
1. in the town of Browning, and within a distance of five (5) miles
from the city limits of Browning, not more than one (1) license for
every 1000 persons residing in the above-described area shall be issued
and said license may not be used in conjunction with a retail all-
beverage license.
2. in the unincorporated town of East Glacier Park and within a
distance of five (5) miles from the limits of East Glacier Park not
more than one (1) license for every 1000 persons residing in the
described area, shall be issued and said license may not be used in
conjunction with the retail all-beverage license.
3. the number of retail beer licenses for on-premises consumption,
which may be issued by the Tribal Council, excluding those provided for
in subsections (1) and (2) above, shall be determined on the limitation
of no more than one (1) per 750 persons in that area and provided
further that, in the exercise of its sound discretion, the Tribal
Council first determines that the issuance of said license is a
required is required by public convenience and necessity.
(B) Retail beer licenses, or beer and wine licenses, of issue on
January 1, 1985, and which are in excess of the foregoing limitations
shall be renewable, but no new licenses may be issued in violation of
such limitations.
(C) An applicant for a license to sell beer, or beer and wine for
on-premises consumption, at retail, must make a satisfactory showing
that the sale of beer or beer and wine for consumption on-premises
would be supplemental to the applicant's primary business activity of
operating a restaurant or other prepared food business.
(D) Any licensee possessing an on-premises retail beer license may
apply for an on-premises retail wine license amendment. An applicant to
sell wine for on-premises consumption at retail, must first possess a
valid retail on-premises beer license provided, however, that this
requirement shall not prevent an applicant from applying for an on-
premises beer license and the retail on-premises wine license
simultaneously. Non-retention of the retail beer license, for whatever
reason, shall mean automatic loss of the amendment.
A person holding a retail on-premises beer and wine license may
sell beer and wine for consumption on or off the premises.
4.0 Retail Beer and Wine License for Off-Premises Consumption Only
Discretionary Authority to Issue \10\
\10\ Resolution No. 325-87, ``Approving Various Amendments
Change #3'' June 17, 1987.
(A) A retail license to sell beer or wine, or both in the original
package for off-premises consumption only may be issued to any person,
firm, or corporation to sell beer or wine, or both, and whose premises
proposed for licensing are operated as bona fide grocery store or
(B) The number of such licenses which the Tribal Council may issue
is not limited but shall be determined by the Tribal Council in the
exercise of its sound discretion, grant or deny any application for any
such license or suspend or revoke any such license for cause.
(C) [deleted-as per instructions in Resolution 328-87] \11\
\11\ Resolution No. 325-87, ``Approving Various Amendments
Change #4'' June 17, 1987.
5.0 Beer License Transfers
(A) A transfer of any beer retailer's license, including transfer
of a beer license with the wine license amendment, may be made upon
application to the Tribal Council with the consent of the Council,
provided that the transferee qualifies under this Ordinance, and
subject to the following limitations:
1. Transfer of a license for on-premises consumption \12\ which was
issued after January 1, 1985, as a new license with Tribal member
preference, may be made only to another enrolled member of the
Blackfeet Nation or a business entity which is 51% owned by an enrolled
member of the Blackfeet Nation.
\12\ Resolution No. 325-87, ``Approving Various Amendments
Change #5 (A)(1)'' June 17, 1987.
2. Transfer of any other beer retailers license may be made to any
qualified applicant and will not be limited to Tribal member
\13\ Resolution No. 325-87, ``Approving Various Amendments
Change #5 (A)(2)'' June 17, 1987.
6.0 All-Beverage License-Quotas
(A) Except as otherwise provided by law, a license to sell beer,
wine and liquor at retail (an all-beverage license) in accordance with
the provisions of this Ordinance, may be issued to any person approved
by the Tribal Council as a fit and proper person to sell such
beverages, except that the number of all-beverage licenses with the
Tribal Council may issue shall be limited as follows:
1. There shall be no more than four (4) Class 1 all-beverage
licenses for the Town of Browning and within a five (5) mile radius of
the town limits. An additional license will be available with each
increase of 1,000 persons residing in the above-described area.
2. There shall be no more than one (1) Class 1 all-beverage license
for the unincorporated town of East Glacier Park and within a five (5)
mile distance from its limits, for every 1,000 persons residing in the
said area.
3. The number of all-beverage licenses which the Tribal Council may
issue for premises situated outside the area identified in (1) and (2)
above, may not be more than one license for every 750 persons residing
on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, excluding the population of the
area identified in (1) and (2) above.
(B) Retail all-beverage licenses of issue on January 1, 1985, and
which are in excess of the foregoing limitations shall be renewable,
but no new licenses may be issued in violation of such limitations.
(C) Any original license issued pursuant to this section shall be
issued only upon the Tribal Council having first determined, upon a
hearing held pursuant to this Ordinance, that the issuance of said
license is justified by public convenience and necessity.
(D) Transfers of all beverage licenses which were of issue prior to
January 1, 1985, will not be limited to Tribal member preference, and
may otherwise be made to any qualified applicant.
7.0 Census
The most recent census of the Blackfeet nation shall be the basis
upon which the limitations outlined in this Ordinance shall be
[[Page 103869]]
8.0 Special License To Sell Beer and Wine--Application and Issuance
(A) any association or corporation conducting a picnic, convention,
fair, community entertainment, or sporting event shall be in the sound
discretion of the Tribal Council be entitled to a special permit to
sell beer and wine to the patrons of such event to be consumed within
the enclosure where the infant is to be held.
(B) An application for a special license shall be presented at
least three (3) days in advance of the start of the proposed event and
shall describe the location of the enclosure where the event is to be
(C) The application shall be accompanied by the amount of the
license fee and a written statement of approval of the premises where
the event is to be held issued by (sic) law enforcement agency that has
jurisdiction over the premises and the patrons.
(D) The license issued as a special license and authorizes the sale
of beer and wine only on the date and during the period stated in the
application and approval.
Part 4. Licensing Criteria and Procedure
1.0 License as Privilege--Criteria for Decision on Application
(A) A license under this Ordinance is a privilege which the
Blackfeet nation may grant to, or deny, any applicant and is not a
right to which any applicant is entitled.
(B) Except as provided herein, in the case of a license that
permits on premises consumption, the Tribal Council must find in every
case in which it issues a new license, or in which it approves the
transfer of a license that:
1. In the case of the issuance of a new Class 1 or Class 2 \14\
license, that the applicant is an enrolled member of the Blackfeet
Indian Nation, or if the applicant is a firm or corporation, that the
applicant is at least 51% owned by an enrolled member of the Blackfeet
Indian Nation.
\14\ Resolution No. 325-87, ``Approving Various Amendments
Change #6 (B)(1)'' June 17, 1987.
2. The applicant is financially responsible.
3. The applicant will not have an interest in more than one
establishment licensed for all-beverage sales.
4. The applicant's past record and present status as a seller of
alcoholic beverages and as a businessman and citizen demonstrates that
he is likely to operate his establishment in compliance with all
applicable Tribal laws.
5. The applicant is not under the age of twenty-one (21) years.
6. The applicant has obtained the necessary Tribal business
7. The applicant has not been convicted of a felony, or if the
applicant has been convicted of a felony, that his rights have been
8. In the case of the transfer of a license originally issued as a
new Class 1 or Class 2 \15\ license after January 1, 1985, that the
applicant is an enrolled member of the Blackfeet Indian Nation, or if
the applicant is a firm or corporation, that at least 51% of the firm
or corporation is owned by enrolled members of the Blackfeet Indian
\15\ Resolution No. 325-87, ``Approving Various Amendments
Change #6 (B)(8)'' June 17, 1987.
(C) The requirements of this subsection will apply to all new
licenses and transfers occurring after January 1, 1985, in Class 1,
Class 2 and Class 3 licenses, except as otherwise provided in specific
2.0 Application and Investigation
(A) Prior to the issuance of any license under this ordinance, the
applicant shall file with the Tribal Council, an application in
writing, signed by the applicant and containing such statements
relative to the applicant and the premises where the alcoholic beverage
is to be sold, as may be required by the Tribal Council, including, but
not limited to the following:
1. The name, age and place or residence of the applicant.
2. The location of the premises where the license will be issued.
3. In the case of a firm or corporation, the names of all partners
and shareholders in the firm or corporation; the percentage of
ownership held by each partner or shareholder; the relationship, if any
between the partners or shareholders (husband, wife, son, brother-in-
law, etc.); and whether or not each shareholder of partner is an
enrolled member of the Blackfeet Indian Nation.
4. In the case of an individual applicant, whether the applicant is
an enrolled member of the Blackfeet Indian Nation.
5. Financial records and reports of the applicant. The application
shall be verified by the affidavit of the person making the same before
a person authorized to administer oaths.
(B) Upon receipt of a completed application of a license under this
Ordinance, accompanied by the necessary license fee, as further
required in this Ordinance, the Tribal Council shall within thirty (30)
days make a complete and thorough investigation of all matters
pertaining to the application and shall determine whether the applicant
is qualified to receive a license and whether the applicant's premises
are fit to carry on the business and that Tribal law will be complied
(C) Upon proof that the applicant has made any false statement on
the application, the application may be denied or if issued, the
license may be revoked.
3.0 Notice of Application--Publication-Protest
(A) When an application has been filed with the Tribal Council to
sell alcoholic beverages at retail or to transfer such license, the
Tribal Council shall promptly publish in a newspaper of general
circulation within the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, a notice that such
applicant has made application for such license and that protests
against the issuance of a license to the applicant may be mailed to a
named Tribal administrator within ten (10) days after the final notice
is published. Notice of application for either transfer or sale shall
be published once a week for 4 consecutive weeks' notice may be
substantially as follows:
Notice of Application for Trans of or for Retail Sale of Alcoholic
Notice is hereby given that on the __ day of ___, 198_, one (name
of applicant) filed an application for a license to engage in the
retail sale of alcoholic beverages within the boundaries of the
Blackfeet Indian Reservation.
The license is to be used at (describe location of premises where
alcoholic beverages will be sold), and protests, if there are any,
against the issuance of such license may be mailed to _____, Blackfeet
Nation, Browning, MT 59417 on or before the __ day of ___, 198_.
Dated: _________.
(B) Each applicant shall, at the time of filing his application,
pay to the Blackfeet Nation an amount sufficient to cover the costs of
publication of the notice.
(C) If the Tribal Council receives no written protests, it may
issue a license without holding a public hearing if written protests
against the issuance of the license or transfer of an existing license
are received, the Tribal Council shall hold a public hearing in
Browning at the Blackfeet Tribal Offices.
Additional public hearings may be held at the discretion of the
Tribal Council.
[[Page 103870]]
4.0 Protests and Hearing--Posting and Contents of License--Privilege--
(A) No license may be issued until after the date set in the notice
for hearing protests.
(B) Every license issued under this Ordinance shall contain:
1. The name of the person (sic) whom it was issued.
2. The location of the premises, by street number or other
appropriate description, where the license is to be used.
3. Other information such as the Tribal Council shall deem
necessary. Each license must be posted in a conspicuous place on the
premises wherein the business authorized under the license is to be
conducted. Such license shall be exhibited upon request to any
authorized representative of the Tribal Council or to any peace officer
of the Blackfeet Nation or Bureau of Indian Affairs.
(C) Any license issued under this Ordinance shall be considered a
personal privilege to the license named in the license and shall be
good until the expiration of the license unless sooner revoked or
5.0 Transfer-By Sale--In Case of Death of Licensee--From Premises to
(A) Except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, no license for
the retail sale of alcoholic beverages shall be transferred or sold.
Nor shall said license be issued for any place of business not
described in the license without first making an application to and
receiving the approval of the Tribal Council.
(B) A license for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages may be
transferred to the executor or administrator of the estate of any
business of selling alcoholic beverages under a license, and in such
event a license may descend or be disposed of with the business to
which it is applicable under the appropriate probate proceedings.
(C) A license to sell alcoholic beverages at retail may be
transferred to a qualified purchaser upon a bona fide sale of the
business operated under that license. No transfer of any license as to
person or location shall be effective until approval by the Tribal
Council, and any licensee, transferee or proposed transferee who
operates or attempts to operate under any supposedly transferred
license shall be considered as operating without a license to operate
the business to be transferred, under the license, pending final
approval, providing an application for transfer has been filed with the
Tribal Council.
6.0 Denial of License--Public Safety and Welfare
(A) The Tribal Council may deny the issuance of any license for the
retail sale of alcoholic beverages if it determines that the premises
proposed for licensing cannot be properly policed by local authorities.
(B) Normally a license under this Ordinance be issued if the Tribal
Council finds upon the evidence presented at the hearing, that the
welfare of the people residing in the vicinity of the place which such
license is desired will be adversely and seriously affected and the
public interest will not be served by issuance of such license.
7.0 Expiration of License
(A) Each July 1st, the Tribal Council shall issue licenses to
holders of retail licenses to sell alcoholic beverages within the
Blackfeet Reservation on an annual basis and as such fees as are
prescribed by law, such licenses are subject to revocation or
suspension as provided for in Part 4, Section 8 of this Ordinance after
midnight on June 30th of the licensing year for which the license fee
has not been paid, if the annual license fees are not paid. Initial
licenses issued under this Ordinance shall be issued at the annual
rate, for a period ending June 30, 1986, regardless of when issued.
8.0 Renewal--Revocation or Suspension--Penalty
(A) The Tribal Council may upon its own motion, and shall upon the
written, verified complaint of any person, investigate the action and
operation of any retail seller of alcoholic beverages licensed under
this Ordinance.
(B) If the Tribal Council, after investigation, shall have
reasonable cause to believe that any such licensee has violated the
provisions of this Ordinance, it may, in its discretion, and in
addition to other penalties prescribed:
1. Reprimand the licensee; or
2. Suspend a license for a period not to exceed three (3) months;
3. Revoke the license of any such licensee; or
4. Refuse to grant a renewal of such license upon the expiration
thereof; or
5. Impose a civil penalty not to exceed One Thousand, Five Hundred
Dollars ($1,500), subject to the right to a hearing in the Blackfeet
Tribal Court. The affected licensee may seek a stay of the imposition
of the fine provided the licensee files a petition for hearing on the
fine with the Blackfeet Tribal Court within ten (10) working days of
the date of the licensee is notified of the fine. Failure to file a
petition within the required time shall result in loss of the Tribal
Court's jurisdiction to review the fine pursuant to this Ordinance.
9.0 Judicial Review Concerning Alcoholic Beverage Laws
(A) Any interested party shall have the right to seek judicial
review of any decision of the Tribal Council concerning the issuance,
transfer, suspension, or revocation of any license to sell at retail
alcoholic beverages within the Blackfeet Reservation by the Blackfeet
Tribal Court.
(B) Judicial review under this provision will be limited to a
review of the record of the prior proceedings on the affected license.
The Court will be limited to determining:
1. Whether the Tribal Council abused its discretion by acting
arbitrarily or capriciously; or
2. Whether the Tribal Council's decision is supported by the record
of the case and the facts contained therein; or
3. Whether the Tribal Council's decision is consistent with the
applicable provisions of the law.
(C) The Tribal Council's decision shall be final unless modified or
reversed by the Tribal Court.
10. Training for Responsible Alcohol Sales and Services (RASS) \16\
\16\ Resolution No. 212-2011, Amending Ordinance 73,
Implementing RASS, May 5, 2011.
All retail liquor establishments prior to receiving a liquor
license or a renewal of such license on the Blackfeet Reservation shall
certify that all employees of such establishment have received
Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service training also referred to as
RASS, which training is given by the Montana Department of Revenue. Any
new employee of such establishment shall receive such training within
thirty (30) days of employment. The establishment shall keep a roster
of all employees, including names and date of training, which shall be
open for inspection by agents of the Blackfeet Tribe.
Failure to obtain such training for employees as set forth above,
shall subject the liquor establishment to a civil penalty of $500.00
per employee and/or the possible suspension of that establishment's
liquor license until such time as the establishment is in compliance
with this Ordinance.
The penalties collected as set out above shall be used solely for
the purpose of funding the activities of the Blackfeet DUI Task Force,
with $100.00
[[Page 103871]]
of such penalty going to the Blackfeet Department of Commerce, for
administration and enforcement of this Ordinance and that both the DUI
Task Force and the Department of Commerce shall keep a strict
accounting of the receipt and disbursal of such funds.
Part 5. Licensing Fees
1.0 Retail Sales License and Special License Fees
(A) Each retail beer, or retail beer and wine license, under the
provisions of this Ordinance, shall pay an annual license fee as
2. Retail on-premises beer license, Two Hundred Dollars ($200);
with wine license amendment, an additional Two Hundred Dollars ($200).
3. For a license to sell beer at retail for off-premises
consumption only, Two Hundred Dollars ($200); for a wine license
amendment to sell at retail for off premises consumption only, and
additional Two Hundred Dollars ($200).
(B) The fee of special license to sell beer and wine at certain
gatherings shall be computed at a rate of Thirty-Five Dollars ($35.00)
a day for 2 or more days, but in no case less than Seventy-Five Dollars
(C) The fee for licensees licensed as a Class 1, all-beverage
retail sellers of alcoholic beverages shall be Five Hundred Dollars
(D) The license fee provided for in this Ordinance are exclusive of
and in addition to other license fees chargeable by the Blackfeet
Nation for the privilege of carrying on business within the Blackfeet
Indian Reservation.
(E) In addition to other license fees, the Tribal Council may
require a licensee to pay a late fee of thirty percent (30%) of any
license fee delinquent on July 1st of the renewal year, and sixty
percent (60%) of any license fee delinquent of August 1st of the
renewal year, and one hundred percent (100%) of any license fee
delinquent on September 1st of the renewal year.
Part 6. Violations and Enforcement
1.0 Investigations--Search Warrants--Seizure and Forfeiture of Unlawful
Alcoholic Beverages and Conveyance Devices
(A) The Tribal Council may employ or appoint investigators or
prosecuting officers who, under the Council's discretion, will perform
such duties as it may require, and who shall be paid such fees and
expenses as the Council may fix.
(B) Upon information or oath by any investigator appointed under
this Ordinance or any Tribal or Bureau of Indian Affairs police officer
showing reasonable cause to believe that alcoholic beverages are being
illegally sold or kept for sale or for any unlawful purpose in any
building or premises, it shall be lawful for the Tribal Court by
warrant to authorize and empower the police officer or investigator or
any other person named in the warrant to enter and search the building
or premises and every part thereof and for that purpose to break open
any lock, door, or fastening, to break open any closet, cupboard, box
or other receptacle where alcoholic beverages may be concealed.
(C) The Tribal Council or any duly authorized representative
thereof or any Tribal or Bureau of Indian Affairs police officer shall
have the right at any time to make an examination of the premises of
any retail licensee as to whether the laws of the Blackfeet nation are
being complied with.
(D) Any investigator, duly appointed representative of the
Blackfeet Tribal Council or any Tribal or Bureau of Indian Affairs
police officer who finds an alcoholic beverage which he has reasonable
cause to believe is had or kept by any person in violation of the
provisions of this Ordinance may forthwith seize and remove the same
and the packages in which the alcoholic beverage is kept, and upon a
finding that the alcoholic beverages being kept or sold in violation of
this Ordinance, the alcoholic beverage and all packages containing the
same shall, in addition to other penalties prescribed by this
Ordinance, be forfeited as a matter of law to the Blackfeet Nation.
Whenever a vehicle or other conveyance device of any kind is used
to store or transport alcoholic beverages for purposes contrary to the
provisions of this Ordinance, the vehicle or conveyance device may be
seized force with. Upon a finding by the Tribal Court that the person
in possession of the vehicle or conveyance device or person in charge
of said vehicle or conveyance device was in violation of the provisions
of this Ordinance, the Court may, in addition to any other possible
penalties, declare in and by a decree that the vehicle or conveyance
device, which has been seized, to be forfeited to the Blackfeet Nation.
2.0 When Force May Be Used in Seizure--Hearing Required in Forfeiture
(A) Where alcoholic beverages are found by an investigator or
Tribal or Bureau of Indian Affairs police officer on any premises or in
any place in such quantities as to satisfy the investigator or police
officer that such alcoholic beverage is being had or kept contrary to
the provisions of this Ordinance, it shall force if necessary and seize
any alcoholic beverage found, including the packages in which it was
had or kept, and immediately turn such alcoholic beverage over to the
Tribal Council.
(B) In all cases where alcoholic beverages, or alcoholic beverages
and vehicles and conveyance devices, are seized, the Tribal Council or
its designated prosecuting officer shall commence an action in the
Tribal Court against the seized alcoholic beverage, vehicle, or
conveyance device, and the person or persons actually or apparently in
possession or control thereof if any such person be presented at the
time of the seizure. The alcoholic beverage shall be named as a
defendant to the action.
(C) The complaint shall show the date and place of seizure, the
name of the person or persons actually or apparently in or [sic]
control thereof if any such person be present at the time of the
seizure, the reason the Tribal Council claims the right to possess the
alcoholic beverage or conveyance device, or both, and shall demand that
all persons who claim any right to the possession of the alcoholic
beverage or conveyance device, or both, shall show the nature of their
claim or claims and that the Court declare the same to be contraband
and that the Court order the contraband forfeited to the Blackfeet
(D) A summons shall be issued, served, or published as in all civil
actions pursuant to the Tribal Law and Order Code, except that the
Court summons shall be published in the local newspaper within the
Blackfeet Indian Reservation.
(E) In every case in which an alcoholic or a conveyance device is
seized by an investigator or police officer, it shall be his duty to
forth with make or cause to be paid to the Tribal Council a report in
writing of the particulars of the seizure.
3.0 Inspection of Carrier's Records--Unlawful for Carrier To Refuse
(A) For the purpose of obtaining information concerning any matter
relating to the administration or enforcement of this Ordinance, the
Tribal Council or any person appointed by it in writing for the
purpose, may inspect the freight and express books, and any other
documents in the possession of any common carrier doing business within
the exterior boundaries of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, containing
any information of record relating to any goods shipped, carried,
received for shipment, or cosigned for shipment within the Reservation.
[[Page 103872]]
(B) Every common carrier and every official employee of any such
company or common carrier who neglects or refuses to produce and
subject for inspection any book, record, or document requested by the
Tribal Council or its authorized representative, where that document
relates to enforcement or administration under this Ordinance, shall be
deemed in violation of this Ordinance and shall be subject to a fine of
One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day for each day during which the
violation continues, not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00).
4.0 Violation of Code Civil Action in Tribal Court--Corrective Action
Before Judicial Proceedings
(A) Every action charging a violation of the provisions of this
Ordinance shall be brought by the Tribal Council or its prosecuting
officer, in the name of the Blackfeet Tribe, against the licensee or
other alleged violator in the Blackfeet Tribal Court as a civil action.
(B) Provided, however, that the Tribal Council may, in the exercise
of its sound discretion, resolve any alleged violation only when
alleged to have been committed, by an authorized licensee, at the
administrative level through the collection of an appropriate fine
amount, an undertaking of corrective measures by the licensee, or other
allowed penalty. Should an alleged violator agree to administrative
resolution of the complaint, he shall not be allowed to seek judicial
review of the administrative resolution.
Part 7. Prohibitions and Penalties
1.0 Unlawful Transfer, Sale, and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages
(A) Except when in possession of fully issued Tribal license and as
otherwise provided by this Ordinance no person shall, within the
Blackfeet Indian Reservation, by himself or through others, keep for
sale, or directly or indirectly sell or offer to sell, or to give any
other person alcoholic beverages.
(B) This section shall not apply to the county sheriff, Tribal
police, Bureau of Indian Affairs police, Blackfeet Tribal Council, or
its authorized representative when in possession of alcoholic beverages
under judicial process or to sale by said entities and persons when
under judicial process.
2.0 Penalty for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages Without a License
Any person who has not been issued a license for the retail sale of
any alcoholic beverages under this Ordinance who sells or keeps for
sale any alcoholic beverage has committed a violation, and upon a
finding thereof is punishable by a civil penalty of not less than Five
Hundred Dollars ($500.00) nor more than One Thousand Five Hundred
Dollars ($1,500.00).
3.0 Providing Alcoholic Beverages to Intoxicated Persons Prohibited
(A) No retail seller of alcoholic beverages licensed pursuant to
this Ordinance may, either through themselves or an agent, sell any
alcoholic beverages or permit alcoholic beverages to be sold to any
person apparently under the influence of alcohol.
(B) Any retail seller of alcoholic beverages who is licensed
pursuant to this Ordinance who sells or allows to be sold alcoholic
beverages to a person obviously intoxicated, is deemed to have violated
this Ordinance and upon a finding thereof is punishable of a civil
penalty of up to Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each infraction.
(C) No person may give alcoholic beverages to a person apparently
under the influence of alcohol.
4.0 Age Limit on Sale of Alcoholic Beverages, Social Host Law--Penalty
for Violation
(A) No person shall sell, give, purchase, or otherwise supply
alcoholic beverages to any person under the age of twenty-one (21)
years of age or permit any person under that age to consume an
alcoholic beverage, including cases of alcohol beverages given to a
person under twenty-one (21) years of age by his/her parent or
guardian, and not adult shall knowingly provide a place for underage
drinkers to consume alcohol, regardless of whether or not that adult
provides the alcohol.
(B) The penalty for violation of this Section shall be the same as
for the offense of Contributing the Delinquency of a Minor, in Chapter
7, Blackfeet Law and Order Code of 1967, as amended. Chapter 14.
Section 5.\17\
\17\ Resolution No. 214-2011, Amending Ordinance 73, Social Host
Law and Penalty, May 5, 2011.
(C) Any person who violates this provision may, upon finding
thereof, be punished through a civil penalty or a fine of not less than
Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) for each violation.
(D) Provided, however, should the drinking age for the State of
Montana be changed, the drinking age stated in this Ordinance will
automatically be changed to reflect the new change.
5.0 Miscellaneous Prohibitions--Penalty
(A) All licenses to sell at retail alcoholic beverages[sic]
pursuant to this Ordinance are hereby prohibited from engaging in the
following activities:
1. From engaging in pawnbroking or taking goods or materials in
hock; or
2. Lending money or engaging in similar activity to indigent
persons solely for the purpose of enabling them to purchase alcoholic
beverages in his establishment; or
3. From allowing the consumption of alcoholic beverages on his
premises which were purchased for off-premises consumption only; or
4. From allowing fighting or threatening to fight on his premises
or from generally failing to keep order in his premises.
(B) Any licensee found to be in violation of any of the provisions
of this section shall be deemed to have violated this Ordinance and is
subject to a civil penalty of not less than Three Hundred Dollars
($300.00) for each separate violation.
6.0 Firearms Not Allowed on Premises
(A) There shall be no firearms or other dangerous weapons allowed
at any time on the premises where alcoholic beverages are being sold at
retail, with the exception of licensed firearms for the maintenance of
order, firearms possessed by duly authorized peace officers, and
firearms maintained by the licensee for protection of himself, his
agents, and invitees.
(B) Any person found in possession of other dangerous weapons on a
premises beverages are being sold at retail shall thereof in court, be
subject to a civil than Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00).
7.0 Minors Not Allowed-Eating Establishments Exception
(A) Minors shall not be allowed in any establishment where
alcoholic beverages are sold for on-premises consumption, except where
a restaurant or other prepared food business is operated in conjunction
(B) Any licensee who is found to have violated this provision shall
be deemed to have violated this Ordinance and be subject to a civil
fine of not less than Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) for each
8.0 Sale of Alcoholic Beverages From Drive-In Windows or Similar
Devices Prohibited
(A) It is the public policy of the people of the Blackfeet Nation
to stop the carnage that is taking place on the highways of the
Blackfeet Reservation,
[[Page 103873]]
and which is occurring as a result of the high number of drinking
drivers. It has been statistically proven that drinking drivers account
for a significant percentage of all highway deaths and accidents. It is
the public policy of the people of the Blackfeet Nation to prevent
drinking and driving, not to encourage or facilitate such action.
(B) It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Ordinance to sell
or offer to sell alcoholic beverages through drive-up windows or other
similar devices which would allow the retail purchaser to purchase
alcoholic beverages while remaining in his vehicle. Drive-up windows
and other similar devices are hereby declared to be public nuisances
and thus subject to injunction to prevent uses in violation of this
(C) A licensee found to have violated this provision shall be
subject to a civil penalty of not less than One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) and not more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00).
9.0 Penalty for Violating Ordinance-Revocation of License
(A) If any retail licensee is convicted of a violation under this
Ordinance, his license shall be immediately revoked or in the
discretion of the Tribal Council such other sanction may be imposed as
is authorized by this Ordinance. Any person violating the provisions of
this Ordinance shall, upon finding thereof, be deemed guilty and be
subject to such fine or penalty as is provided in this Ordinance.
(B) A person under the age of twenty-one (21) years \18\ who is
found to have violated any provision of this Ordinance shall be subject
to a One Hundred Dollar ($100.00) civil penalty for each offense.
\18\ Resolution No. 214-2011, Amending Ordinance 73, Social Host
Law and Penalty, May 5, 2011.
10.0 Officer or Agent, of Firm or Corporation, and Occupant of Premises
Deemed Party to Violation
(A) Where a violation of this Ordinance is committed by a
corporation or firm, the officer or agent in charge of the premises
where the violation was committed shall be deemed to be a party to the
violation and shall be personally liable to [sic] the penalties
prescribed for the offense as principal offender.
(B) Upon proof of the fact that a violation of this Ordinance has
been committed by any person in the employ of the occupant of any house
or premises, or by any guest of the occupant of any premises where the
violation was committed, the occupant of the premises shall be
personally liable for the penalties prescribed for the violation as
principal offender, notwithstanding the fact that the occupant did not
commit the violation or authorize its commission.
(C) Nothing in sections (A) and (B) above will relieve the person
actually committing the offense for liability, therefore.
11.0 Injunction Actions
(A) Upon the determination of the Tribal Council, in the exercise
of its sound discretion, an injunction and immediate temporary
restraining order may be sought against any retail licensee requesting
that he be prohibited from further sales of alcoholic beverages and
that his business as enacted activities be immediately suspended.
(B) The action may be started by the Tribal Council filing a
petition in the Tribal Court, verified by affidavit, showing the need
for immediate measures and showing that the licensee has been notified.
(C) If the Court finds that the circumstances present a public
nuisance or that the public health and welfare has been or in
endangered it shall issue a temporary restraining order and schedule a
show cause hearing no later than five (5) working days from the date
the temporary order is issued.
(D) The temporary restraining order will dissolve of its own force
and effect on the fifth day if the Tribe fails to go forward on its
petition on the day set for the hearing.
12.0 Delegation of Authority
The Blackfeet Tribal Council hereby reserves the right to delegate
any of the powers and duties stated in this Ordinance to any agency of
the Blackfeet Tribe. In the event of such a delegation, the Tribal
Council shall promptly notify all interested persons by proper
publication of which activities or duties have been delegated and to
which agency the delegation was made.
13.0 Federal Laws Applicable
The Federal Indian Liquor Laws remain applicable to any act or
transaction not authorized by this Ordinance and not otherwise in
compliance with Federal law, violators may be subject to federal
Part 8. Regulation of Wholesalers, Brewers, and State Liquor Stores
1.0 Brewers License To Sell Products--License Fee
(A) It shall be unlawful for any brewer of beer, wherever located,
to sell his product within the exterior boundaries of the Blackfeet
Reservation without first obtaining a license and paying the
appropriate fee as provided by this Ordinance.
(B) Every brewer who is licensed to do business within the State of
Montana, may obtain a license to sell his product within the Blackfeet
Indian Reservation by making application with the Blackfeet Tribal
Council and submitting a fee of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)
(C) Upon being satisfied that the applicant is duly licensed by the
State of Montana, and otherwise of good moral character, the Tribal
Council shall issue such a license to the applicant.
2.0 Wholesale Distribution of Beer and Wine--License Required--Fee
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person or firm to sell, offer to
sell, or possess for sale any beer, or wine, or both, for wholesale
distribution, within the exterior boundaries of the Blackfeet
Reservation without first obtaining license and paying the appropriate
fee as required by this Ordinance.
(B) Any person desiring to possess and sell beer for wholesale or
wine for wholesale, or both, under the provisions of this Ordinance
shall apply to the Tribal Council for a license to do so, submitting
with his application his annual license fee of One Thousand Dollars
(C) Upon being satisfied that the applicant is a good moral
character, has sufficient capital and is otherwise a law-abiding
citizen, the Tribal Council shall issue the license to the applicant.
(D) If the Tribal Council shall determine that the license should
not be granted, the applicant shall be promptly notified, and his
license fee returned.
(E) This provision does not apply to stores owned or operated by
the State of Montana as State Liquor Stores.
3.0 State Liquor Store--Limit--Fee
(A) There shall be one (l) State Liquor Store on the Blackfeet
Indian Reservation. Said store shall not sell alcoholic beverages on
the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, whether at wholesale or retail,
without first obtaining a license pursuant to this Ordinance and paying
the appropriate fee.
(B) Upon application by the State of Montana and the tendering of a
One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) license therewith, Tribal Council
shall issue a license to the State Liquor Store which will enable said
store to sell alcoholic beverages at wholesale and at retail.
[[Page 103874]]
4.0 Renewal--Suspension--Revocation--Expiration
Licenses issued to wholesale distributors of alcoholic use,
brewers, and the State Liquor Store, pursuant to this Part, shall be
subject to expiration, renewal, revocation, and suspension pursuant to
the provisions of Part 4, Sections 7, 8 and 9.
5.0 Violators--Enforcement
The provisions of this Part may be enforced pursuant to the
provisions of Part 6, Sections 1 through 6 of this Ordinance, including
those provisions providing for the seizure and forfeiture of contraband
alcoholic beverages and conveyance devices which are used in violation
of this Ordinance.
Part 9. Effective Date and Repeal
1.0 Effective Date
This Ordinance shall be effective upon approval by the Bureau of
Indian Affairs and publication as required by law.
2.0 Repeal of Prior Ordinances and Resolutions
This Ordinance No. 73 hereby repeals all prior ordinances and
resolutions which regulate or purport to regulate the sale and
distribution of alcoholic beverages within the Blackfeet Indian
Reservation including Ordinance No. 6A. This Ordinance as amended, is
[FR Doc. 2024-30255 Filed 12-18-24; 8:45 am]