Certain New Chemicals; Receipt and Status Information for November 2024, 102895-102900 [2024-29934]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 18, 2024 / Notices 102895 khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES TABLE 2—REGISTRANTS REQUESTING VOLUNTARY CANCELLATION EPA company No. Company name and address 10163 ................ 69117 ................ Gowan Company, LLC, 370 S Main St., Yuma, AZ 85366. ArborSystems, Inc. D/B/A ArborSystems, Agent Name: RegWest Company, LLC, 9017 18th Street, Greeley, CO 80634–4756. III. What is the Agency’s authority for taking this action? Section 6(f)(1) of FIFRA (7 U.S.C. 136d(f)(1)) provides that a registrant of a pesticide product may at any time request that any of its pesticide registrations be canceled. FIFRA further provides that, before acting on the request, EPA must publish a notice of receipt of any such request in the Federal Register. Section 6(f)(1)(B) of FIFRA (7 U.S.C. 136d(f)(1)(B)) requires that before acting on a request for voluntary cancellation, EPA must provide a 30-day public comment period on the request for voluntary cancellation or use termination. In addition, FIFRA section 6(f)(1)(C) (7 U.S.C. 136d(f)(1)(C)) requires that EPA provide a 180-day comment period on a request for voluntary cancellation or termination of any minor agricultural use before granting the request, unless: 1. The registrants request a waiver of the comment period, or 2. The EPA Administrator determines that continued use of the pesticide would pose an unreasonable adverse effect on the environment. The registrants in Table 2 of Unit II have not requested that EPA waive the 180-day comment period. Accordingly, EPA will provide a 180-day comment period on the proposed requests. identified in Table 1 of Unit II, EPA anticipates allowing the registrant to sell and distribute existing stocks of this product for 1 year after publication of the Cancellation Order in the Federal Register. Thereafter, the registrant will be prohibited from selling or distributing the pesticide 69117–2, identified in Table 1 of Unit II, except for export consistent with FIFRA section 17 (7 U.S.C. 136o) or for proper disposal. Persons other than the registrant will generally be allowed to sell, distribute, or use existing stocks until such stocks are exhausted, provided that such sale, distribution, or use is consistent with the terms of the previously approved labeling on, or that accompanied, the canceled product. IV. Procedures for Withdrawal of Request Registrants who choose to withdraw a request for cancellation should submit such withdrawal in writing to the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. If the product has been subject to a previous cancellation action, the effective date of cancellation and all other provisions of any earlier cancellation action are controlling. Dated: December 11, 2024. Daniel Rosenblatt, Acting Director, Registration Division, Office of Pesticide Programs. V. Provisions for Disposition of Existing Stocks Existing stocks are those stocks of registered pesticide products that are currently in the United States and that were packaged, labeled, and released for shipment prior to the effective date of the cancellation action. Because the Agency has identified no significant potential risk concerns associated with the pesticide product 69117–2, upon cancellation of the product 69117–2 VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:09 Dec 17, 2024 Jkt 265001 For 10163–195 The registrant of 10163–195, has requested to sell and distribute existing stocks for 18-months after publication of the Cancellation Order in the Federal Register. Persons other than the registrant will generally be allowed to sell, distribute, or use existing stocks until such stocks are exhausted, provided that such sale, distribution, or use is consistent with the terms of the previously approved labeling on, or that accompanied, the canceled product. Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 et seq. [FR Doc. 2024–29828 Filed 12–17–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6560–50–P available and to publish information in the Federal Register pertaining to submissions under TSCA Section 5, including notice of receipt of a Premanufacture notice (PMN), Significant New Use Notice (SNUN) or Microbial Commercial Activity Notice (MCAN), including an amended notice or test information; an exemption application (Biotech exemption); an application for a test marketing exemption (TME), both pending and/or concluded; a notice of commencement (NOC) of manufacture (including import) for new chemical substances; and a periodic status report on new chemical substances that are currently under EPA review or have recently concluded review. This document covers the period from 11/01/2024 to 11/30/2024. Comments identified by the specific case number provided in this document must be received on or before January 17, 2025. DATES: Submit your comments, identified by docket identification (ID) number EPA–HQ–OPPT–2024–0057, through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online instructions for submitting comments. Do not submit electronically any information you consider to be Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Additional instructions on commenting and visiting the docket, along with more information about dockets generally, is available at https://www.epa.gov/dockets. ADDRESSES: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [EPA–HQ–OPPT–2024–0057; FRL–11683– 11–OCSPP] Certain New Chemicals; Receipt and Status Information for November 2024 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: EPA is required under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), as amended by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, to make information publicly SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 For technical information contact: Jim Rahai, Project Management and Operations Division (MC 7407M), Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001; telephone number: (202) 564–8593; email address: rahai.jim@ epa.gov. For general information contact: The TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 422 South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14620; telephone number: (202) 554– 1404; email address: TSCA-Hotline@ epa.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: E:\FR\FM\18DEN1.SGM 18DEN1 102896 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 18, 2024 / Notices I. Executive Summary khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES A. What action is the Agency taking? This document provides the receipt and status reports for the period from 11/01/2024 to 11/30/2024. The Agency is providing notice of receipt of PMNs, SNUNs, and MCANs (including amended notices and test information); an exemption application under 40 CFR part 725 (Biotech exemption); TMEs, both pending and/or concluded; NOCs to manufacture a new chemical substance; and a periodic status report on new chemical substances that are currently under EPA review or have recently concluded review. EPA is also providing information on its website about cases reviewed under the amended TSCA, including the section 5 PMN/SNUN/MCAN and exemption notices received, the date of receipt, the final EPA determination on the notice, and the effective date of EPA’s determination for PMN/SNUN/ MCAN notices on its website at: https:// www.epa.gov/reviewing-new-chemicalsunder-toxic-substances-control-act-tsca/ status-pre-manufacture-notices. This information is updated on a weekly basis. B. What is the Agency’s authority for taking this action? Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq., a chemical substance may be either an ‘‘existing’’ chemical substance or a ‘‘new’’ chemical substance. Any chemical substance that is not on EPA’s TSCA Inventory of Chemical Substances (TSCA Inventory) is classified as a ‘‘new chemical substance,’’ while a chemical substance that is listed on the TSCA Inventory is classified as an ‘‘existing chemical substance.’’ (See TSCA section 3(11).) For more information about the TSCA Inventory please go to: https:// www.epa.gov/tsca-inventory. Any person who intends to manufacture (including import) a new chemical substance for a non-exempt commercial purpose, or to manufacture or process a chemical substance in a non-exempt manner for a use that EPA has determined is a significant new use, is required by TSCA section 5 to provide EPA with a PMN, MCAN, or SNUN, as appropriate, before initiating the activity. EPA will review the notice, make a risk determination on the chemical substance or significant new use, and take appropriate action as described in TSCA section 5(a)(3). TSCA section 5(h)(1) authorizes EPA to allow persons, upon application and under appropriate restrictions, to manufacture or process a new chemical substance, or a chemical substance VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:09 Dec 17, 2024 Jkt 265001 subject to a significant new use rule (SNUR) issued under TSCA section 5(a)(2), for ‘‘test marketing’’ purposes, upon a showing that the manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, use, and disposal of the chemical will not present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment. This is referred to as a test marketing exemption, or TME. For more information about the requirements applicable to a new chemical go to: https://www.epa.gov/chemicals-undertsca. Under TSCA sections 5 and 8 and EPA regulations, EPA is required to publish in the Federal Register certain information, including notice of receipt of a PMN/SNUN/MCAN (including amended notices and test information); an exemption application under 40 CFR part 725 (biotech exemption); an application for a TME, both pending and concluded; NOCs to manufacture a new chemical substance; and a periodic status report on the new chemical substances that are currently under EPA review or have recently concluded review. C. Does this action apply to me? This action provides information that is directed to the public in general. D. Does this action have any incremental economic impacts or paperwork burdens? No. E. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for EPA? 1. Submitting confidential business information (CBI). Do not submit this information to EPA through regulations.gov or email. Clearly mark the part or all of the information that you claim to be CBI. For CBI information in a disk or CD–ROM that you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then identify electronically within the disk or CD–ROM the specific information that is claimed as CBI. In addition to one complete version of the comment that includes information claimed as CBI, a copy of the comment that does not contain the information claimed as CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public docket. Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. 2. Tips for preparing your comments. When preparing and submitting your comments, see the commenting tips at https://www.epa.gov/dockets/ commenting-epa-dockets. PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 II. Status Reports In the past, EPA has published individual notices reflecting the status of TSCA section 5 filings received, pending or concluded. In 1995, the Agency modified its approach and streamlined the information published in the Federal Register after providing notice of such changes to the public and an opportunity to comment (see the Federal Register of May 12, 1995 (60 FR 25798) (FRL–4942–7)). Since the passage of the Lautenberg amendments to TSCA in 2016, public interest in information on the status of section 5 cases under EPA review, and particularly the final determination of such cases, has increased. In an effort to be responsive to the regulated community, the users of this information, and the general public, to comply with the requirements of TSCA, to conserve EPA resources and to streamline the process and make it more timely, EPA is providing information on its website about cases reviewed under the amended TSCA, including the section 5 PMN/SNUN/MCAN and exemption notices received, the date of receipt, the final EPA determination on the notice, and the effective date of EPA’s determination for PMN/SNUN/ MCAN notices on its website at: https:// www.epa.gov/reviewing-new-chemicalsunder-toxic-substances-control-act-tsca/ status-pre-manufacture-notices. This information is updated on a weekly basis. III. Receipt Reports For the PMN/SNUN/MCANs that have passed an initial screening by EPA during this period, Table I provides the following information (to the extent that such information is not subject to a CBI claim) on the notices screened by EPA during this period: The EPA case number assigned to the notice that indicates whether the submission is an initial submission, or an amendment, a notation of which version was received, the date the notice was received by EPA, the submitting manufacturer (i.e., domestic producer or importer), the potential uses identified by the manufacturer in the notice, and the chemical substance identity. As used in each of the tables in this unit, (S) indicates that the information in the table is the specific information provided by the submitter, and (G) indicates that this information in the table is generic information because the specific information provided by the submitter was claimed as CBI. Submissions which are initial submissions will not have a letter following the case number. Submissions E:\FR\FM\18DEN1.SGM 18DEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 18, 2024 / Notices which are amendments to previous submissions will have a case number followed by the letter ‘‘A’’ (e.g. P–18– 1234A). The version column designates submissions in sequence as ‘‘1’’, ‘‘2’’, ‘‘3’’, etc. Note that in some cases, an initial submission is not numbered as version 1; this is because earlier version(s) were rejected as incomplete or invalid submissions. Note also that 102897 future versions of the following tables may adjust slightly as the Agency works to automate population of the data in the tables. TABLE I—PMN/SNUN/MCANS APPROVED* FROM 11/01/2024 TO 11/30/2024 khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES Case No. Received date Version Manufacturer Use Chemical substance (G) Biofuel producing Saccharomyces cerevisiae modified, genetically stable. (G) Reaction products of Aluminoxanes, Me, Me group-terminated and (alkylcycloalkylene) dialkylzirconium. (G) Reaction products of Aluminoxanes, Me, Me group-terminated and cycloalkylene dialkyl tetrahydro indenyl zirconium. (S) 1H,4H,14H,17H–2,16:3,15-Dimethano5H,6H,7H,8H,9H,10H,11H,12H, 13H,18H,19H,20H,21H,22H,23H,24H,25H,26H– 2,3,4a,5a,6a,7a,8a,9a,10a, 11a,12a,13a,15,16,17a,18a,19a,20a, 21a,22a,23a,24a,25a,26atetracosaazabispentaleno[1″′,6″′:5″,6″,7″ ]cycloocta[1″,2″,3″:3′,4′]pentaleno[1′, 6′:5,6,7]cycloocta[1, 2,3-gh:1′,2′,3′-g′h′]cycloocta[1,2,3-cd:5,6,7c′d′]dipentalene-1,4,6,8,10,12, 14,17,19,21,23,25-dodecone, dodecahydro-, stereoisomer;2,18:3,17-Dimethano2,3,4a,5a,6a,7a,8a,9a,10a,11a,12a,13a, 14a,15a,17,18,19a,20a,21a,22a,23a, 24a,25a,26a,27a,28a,29a,30aoctacosaaza bispentaleno[1″″′, 6″″′:5″″,6″″,7″″] cycloocta[1″″,2″″,3″″:3″′ ,4″′]pentaleno[1″′,6″′:5″,6″,7″] cycloocta[1″,2″,3″:3′, 4′]pentaleno[1′,6′:5,6,7]cycloocta [1,2,3-cd:1′,2′,3′-gh]pentalene1,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,19,21,23,25,27,29tetradecone, tetradecahydro-, stereoisomer; 2,20:3,19-Dimethano-2,3,4a,5a, 6a,7a,8a,9a,10a,11a,12a,13a, 14a,15a,16a,17a,19,20,21a,22a,23a,24a,25a,26a, 27a,28a,29a,30a,31a,32a,33a,34 adotriacontaazabispentaleno[1″″′, 6″″′:5″″,6″″,7″″]cycloocta [1″″,2″″,3″″:3″′,4″′]pentaleno [1″′,6″′:5″,6″,7″]cycloocta[1″,2″, 3″:3′,4′]pentaleno[1′,6′:5,6,7]cycloocta[1,2,3-gh:1′, 2′,3′-g′h′] cycloocta[1,2,3-cd:5,6,7-c′d′]dipentalene1,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,21,23,25 ,27,29,31,33-hexadecone, hexadecahydro-, stereoisomer. (S) 2-Butenedioic acid (2Z)-, potassium salt (1:?). J–25–0001 ........................ 1 11/13/2024 CBI ................................... (G) Ethanol production ..... P–21–0007A ..................... 3 11/06/2024 CBI ................................... (G) Catalyst ...................... P–21–0008A ..................... 3 11/06/2024 CBI ................................... (G) Catalyst ...................... P–22–0158A ..................... 5 11/19/2024 Aqdot ................................ (G) Additive used in consumer, commercial, and industrial applications. P–23–0141A ..................... 2 11/21/2024 Hach Company ................ P–24–0046A ..................... 2 11/20/2024 P–24–0047A ..................... 2 11/20/2024 P–24–0116A ..................... 4 11/20/2024 The Euclid Chemical Company. The Euclid Chemical Company. CBI ................................... (G) Buffer solution for free chlorine determination. (S) Grinding aid used in cement manufacture. (S) Grinding aid used in cement manufacture. (G) For use in coatings for metal parts. P–24–0117A ..................... 4 11/20/2024 CBI ................................... (G) For use in coatings for metal parts. P–24–0118A ..................... 4 11/20/2024 CBI ................................... (G) For use in coatings for metal parts. P–24–0119A ..................... 4 11/20/2024 CBI ................................... (G) For use in coatings for metal parts. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:09 Dec 17, 2024 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 (G) Alkanol, alkoxyalkyl imino, salt. (G) Alkanol, nitrilo, salt. (G) Phenol, 4,4-(1-alkylidene) bis-, polymer with 2(chloromethyl) oxirane, 4-alkylphenyl ether, reaction products with alkylpolyamine and 2(alkylamino)alkanol, hydrolyzed, alkanesulfonates (salts). (G) Alkanoic acid, compds. with hydrolyzed bisphenol-epichlorohydrin polymer 4-alkylphenyl ether- alkylpolyamine and 2-(alkylamino)alkanol reaction products. (G) Alkanoic acid, compds. with [(aminoalkyl)imino] bis[alkanol]-bisphenol-epichlorohydrin polymer 4alkylphenyl ether—2-(alkylamino)alkanol reaction products. (G) Amidosulfonic acid, compds. With [(aminoalkyl)imino] bis[alkanol]-bisphenolepichlorohydrin polymer 4-alkylphenyl ether—2(alkylamino)alkanol reaction products. E:\FR\FM\18DEN1.SGM 18DEN1 102898 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 18, 2024 / Notices TABLE I—PMN/SNUN/MCANS APPROVED* FROM 11/01/2024 TO 11/30/2024—Continued khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES Case No. Received date Version Manufacturer Use Chemical substance (G) Alkanoic acid, compds. with hydrolyzed bisphenol-monoalkylamine-epichlorohydrin polymer 4-alkylphenyl ether- alkylpolyamine and 2(alkylamino)alkanol reaction products. (G) Phenol, 4,4-(1-alkylidene) bis-, polymer with 2(chloromethyl) oxirane and monoalkanamine, 4alkylphenyl ether, reaction products with alkylpolyamine and 2-(alkylamino)alkanol, hydrolyzed, alkanesulfonates (salts). (G) Cashew, nutshell liq., polymer with [(aminoalkyl)imino] bis[alkanol], bisphenol and epichlorohydrin, reaction products with dialkanolamine, alkyl carboxylates (salts) alkanesulfonates (salts). (G) Phenol, 4,4-(1-alkylidene) bis-, polymer with [(aminoalkyl)imino] bis[alkanol] and 2(chloromethyl) oxirane, 3-alkyloxy-2-hydroxypropyl ethers, reaction products with dialkanolamine, alkyl carboxylates (salts) alkanesulfonates (salts). (G) Phenol, 4,4-(1-alkylidene) bis-, polymer with [(aminoalkyl)imino] bis[alkanol] and 2(chloromethyl) oxirane, 4-alkylphenyl ethers, reaction products with dialkanolamine, alkyl carboxylates (salts) alkanesulfonates (salts). (G) Benzenediol, polymer with [(aminoalkyl)imino] bis[alkanol], 2- (chloromethyl)oxirane and 4,4-(1alkylidene) bis[phenol], 4-alkylphenyl ethers, reaction products with dialkanolamine, alkyl carboxylates (salts) alkanesulfonates (salts). (G) Cashew, nutshell liq., polymer with [(aminoalkyl)imino] bis[alkanol], bisphenol, epichlorohydrin and benzenediol, reaction products with dialkanolamine, alkyl carboxylates (salts) alkanesulfonates (salts). (G) Benzenediol, polymer with [(aminoalkyl)imino] bis[alkanol], 2- (chloromethyl)oxirane and 4,4-(1alkylidene) bis[phenol], 3-alkyloxy-2-hydroxypropyl ethers, reaction products with dialkanolamine, alkyl carboxylates (salts) alkanesulfonates (salts). (G) Phosphonic acid, P- [polyfluoro- oxygen-substituted-poly(trifluoromethyl)-heteroatom-substituted-alkan-1-yl]-. (G) Phosphonic acid, P- [polyfluoro- oxygen-substituted-poly(trifluoromethyl)-heteroatom-substituted-alkan-1-yl]-. (G) Modified tall oil fatty acid polyamine condensate. P–24–0120A ..................... 4 11/20/2024 CBI ................................... (G) For use in coatings for metal parts. P–24–0121A ..................... 4 11/20/2024 CBI ................................... (G) For use in coatings for metal parts. P–25–0005A ..................... 2 11/20/2024 CBI ................................... (G) For use in coatings for metal parts. P–25–0006A ..................... 2 11/20/2024 CBI ................................... (G) For use in coatings for metal parts. P–25–0007A ..................... 2 11/20/2024 CBI ................................... (G) For use in coatings for metal parts. P–25–0008A ..................... 2 11/20/2024 CBI ................................... (G) For use in coatings for metal parts. P–25–0009A ..................... 2 11/20/2024 CBI ................................... (G) For use in coatings for metal parts. P–25–0010A ..................... 2 11/20/2024 CBI ................................... (G) For use in coatings for metal parts. P–25–0011A ..................... 3 11/01/2024 CBI ................................... G (Surface Modifier) ........ P–25–0011A ..................... 4 11/20/2024 CBI ................................... (G) Surface Modifier ........ P–25–0015 ....................... 1 11/12/2024 CBI ................................... P–25–0016 ....................... 1 11/15/2024 CBI ................................... P–25–0017 ....................... 2 11/26/2024 US Polymers Accurez, LLC. P–25–0020 ....................... 1 11/21/2024 CBI ................................... P–25–0021 ....................... 1 11/22/2024 CBI ................................... SN–23–0024A .................. 2 11/21/2024 CBI ................................... SN–25–0002 ..................... 1 11/20/2024 CBI ................................... SN–25–0003 ..................... 1 11/25/2024 CBI ................................... (G) Additive in paving applications. (G) Photoacid generator use at customer sites. (S) Binder for Thermoplastic Coatings; Binder for Ink/Adhesive. (G) Contained use for microlithography for electronic device manufacturing. (G) Contained use for microlithography for electronic device manufacturing. (G) Component in batteries. (G) Additive used in plastic panels. (S) Cathode Active Material in Batteries. In Table II. of this unit, EPA provides the following information (to the extent that such information is not subject to a CBI claim) on the TMEs and/or Biotech Exemptions received by EPA during this period: The EPA case VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:09 Dec 17, 2024 Jkt 265001 number assigned to the TME and/or Biotech Exemption, the submission document type (initial or amended), the version number, the date the TME and/ or Biotech Exemption was received by EPA, the submitting manufacturer (i.e., PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 (G) Tri haloaromatic iodonium dicyclo salt with polyhaloalkyl carbomonocycle hetero acid. (G) Reaction product of aromatic acid with trifunctional polyol and pelargonic acid. (G) Sulfonium, triphenyl-, salt with heterosubstituteddifluorosubstitutedalkyl substitutedalkyl trihalosubstitutedcarbomonocycle carboxylate (1:1). (G) Sulfonium, tri (halosubstituted henyl)-, salt with heterosubstituteddifluorosubstitutedalkyl substitutedalkyl trihalosubstitutedcarbomonocycle carboxylate (1:1). (S) Phosphoric acid, iron (2+) lithium salt (1:1:1). (S) Cesium tungsten oxide. (S) Phosphoric acid, iron (2+) lithium salt (1:1:1). domestic producer or importer), the potential uses identified by the manufacturer in the TME and/or Biotech Exemption, and the chemical substance identity. E:\FR\FM\18DEN1.SGM 18DEN1 102899 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 18, 2024 / Notices TABLE II—TMES AND BIOTECH EXEMPTIONS RECEIVED FROM 11/01/2024 TO 11/30/2024 Case No. T–24–0001A Submission type Version Received date Test Marketing Exemption Application (TMEA)Test Marketing Exemption Application (TMEA). 4 In Table III of this unit, EPA provides the following information (to the extent that such information is not claimed as CBI) on the NOCs that have passed an initial screening by EPA during this period: The EPA case number assigned 11/18/2024 Manufacturer Zschimmer & Schwarz ..... to the NOC including whether the submission was an initial or amended submission, the date the NOC was received by EPA, the date of commencement provided by the submitter in the NOC, a notation of the Use Chemical substance (S) Raw material in ester manufacturing, to be fully consumed. (G) Isomerized alkane derivs. type of amendment (e.g., amendment to generic name, specific name, technical contact information, etc.) and chemical substance identity. TABLE III—NOCS APPROVED* FROM 11/01/2024 TO 11/30/2024 Received date Commencement date If amendment, type of amendment Chemical substance J–20–0013 ......... 11/08/2024 12/21/2023 N ..................................................... J–20–0014 ......... 11/13/2024 12/21/2023 N ..................................................... J–20–0015 ......... 11/13/2024 12/21/2023 N ..................................................... J–20–0016 ......... 11/13/2024 12/21/2023 N ..................................................... J–20–0017 ......... 11/13/2024 12/21/2023 N ..................................................... J–20–0018 ......... 11/13/2024 12/21/2023 N ..................................................... J–21–0019 ......... 11/13/2024 12/21/2023 N ..................................................... P–13–0143 ......... P–15–0680A ...... 11/15/2024 11/19/2024 03/10/2013 05/14/2018 N ..................................................... N ..................................................... P–18–0226A ...... P–20–0156 ......... P–21–0055A ...... 11/01/2024 11/11/2024 11/25/2024 03/04/2024 10/16/2024 07/07/2022 N ..................................................... N ..................................................... Amended generic chemical name .. P–21–0066 ......... P–22–0154 ......... P–22–0175A ...... 11/12/2024 11/19/2024 11/26/2024 10/23/2024 11/15/2024 05/22/2024 P–23–0069 ......... 11/01/2024 10/21/2024 N ..................................................... N ..................................................... Relinquished chemical identity confidentiality claim. N ..................................................... P–23–0101 ......... 11/19/2024 10/31/2024 N ..................................................... P–23–0103 ......... 11/19/2024 10/31/2024 N ..................................................... P–23–0152 ......... 11/11/2024 10/17/2024 N ..................................................... P–23–0174 ......... P–23–0188 ......... P–24–0088 ......... 11/15/2024 11/25/2024 11/04/2024 11/07/2024 11/15/2024 10/07/2024 N ..................................................... N ..................................................... N ..................................................... (G) Strain of Escherichia coli modified with genetically stable, plasmidborne DNA to produce enzymes. (G) Strains of Escherichia coli modified with genetically stable, plasmid-borne DNA to produce enzymes. (G) Strain of Escherichia coli modified with genetically stable, plasmidborne DNA to produce enzymes. (G) Strain of Escherichia coli modified with genetically stable, plasmidborne DNA to produce enzymes. (G) Strain of Escherichia coli modified with genetically stable, plasmidborne DNA to produce enzymes. (G) Strain of Escherichia coli modified with genetically stable, plasmidborne DNA to produce enzymes. (G) Strain of Escherichia coli modified with genetically stable, plasmidborne DNA to produce plasmid-borne DNA. (G) Polyalkylene acid, alkanol amine derivative. (S) 2-propenoic acid, butylester, polymer with 1,3-cyclohexan edimethanamine, reaction products with Bu glycidyl ether. (G) Trialkylammonioethyl fatty-alkylate, alkyl sulfate. (G) Substituted, triaryl-, Tri cycloalkane alkyl disubstituted. (G) Fatty acids, reaction products with dialkenyltriamine-aromatic dicarboxylic acid polymer and polycyclic acids. (G) 1,2-Alkanediol, 3-aryloxy, mono phosphate ester. (S) 2-tridecenoic acid, 2-acetyl-4-methyl-, ethyl ester. (S) Silsesquioxanes, Me vinyl, hydroxy and methoxy and [(trimethylsilyl)oxy]- terminated. (S) Oils, Pisum sativum, polymers with 1, 6-diisocyanatohexane, 1,5 diisocyanato pentane, glycerol, and maltodextrin. (G) Glycerides from fermentation of genetically modified microorganism, epoxidized. (G) Glycerides from fermentation of genetically modified microorganism, epoxidized, reaction products with ethanol. (G) 1-Alkanethiol, 3-(trialkoxysilyl)- hydrolysis products with silica, oxidized. (G) Mixed metal oxide. (G) Alkenoic acid, 3-methyl-, 1,1-dimethyl-2-propen-1-yl ester. (G) Mixed metal oxide. Case No. In Table IV of this unit, EPA provides the following information (to the extent such information is not subject to a CBI claim) on the test information that has been received during this time period: The EPA case number assigned to the test information; the date the test information was received by EPA, the type of test information submitted, and chemical substance identity. TABLE IV—TEST INFORMATION RECEIVED FROM 11/01/2024 TO 11/30/2024 khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES Case No. Received date Type of test information Chemical substance P–16–0543 ......... 11/19/2024 Exposure Monitoring Report ................................................................... P–22–0056 ......... 11/09/2024 In Vitro Percutaneous Absorption of Tin in a Sealant Formulation Through Human Skin; In Vitro Percutaneous Absorption of Radiolabeled TIB KAT 223 in Sealant Formulation Through Human Split-Thickness Skin; Supplementary risk assessment for industrial handling of TIB KAT 223 and consumer use of sealants formulated with TIB KAT 223; initial review engineering report; CEM Inhalation and Dermal Exposure Estimates. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:09 Dec 17, 2024 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\18DEN1.SGM (G) Halogenophosphoric acid metal salt. (S) Tin, dioctylbis (2,4pentanedionato-. kappa. O2,. kappa. O4)-. 18DEN1 102900 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 243 / Wednesday, December 18, 2024 / Notices If you are interested in information that is not included in these tables, you may contact EPA’s technical information contact or general information contact as described under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT to access additional non-CBI information that may be available. Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq. Dated: December 12, 2024. Pamela Myrick, Director, Project Management and Operations Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics. [FR Doc. 2024–29934 Filed 12–17–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6560–50–P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [EPA–HQ–OPPT–2023–0601; FRL–11581– 07–OCSPP] High-Priority Substance Designations Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and Initiation of Risk Evaluation on High-Priority Substances; Notice of Availability Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and related implementing regulations, EPA is designating five chemicals as HighPriority Substances for risk evaluation. This document provides the identity of five chemical substances for final designation as High-Priority Substances for risk evaluation, EPA’s rationale for final designation as High-Priority Substances, and instructions on how to access the chemical-specific information, analysis, and basis EPA used to support final designations for the chemical substances. A designation of a substance as a High-Priority Substance is not a finding of unreasonable risk. Rather, the designation of these chemical substances as high priority constitutes the initiation of evaluation of associated risk. DATES: The designations of High-Priority Substances for risk evaluation in this notice are effective December 18, 2024. ADDRESSES: The docket for this action, identified by docket identification (ID) number EPA–HQ–OPPT–2023–0601, is available online at https:// www.regulations.gov. In addition, the docket ID numbers for the individual chemical substances designated in Unit IV. are as follows: Acetaldehyde (EPA– HQ–OPPT–2018–0497); Acrylonitrile (EPA–HQ–OPPT–2018–0449); khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:09 Dec 17, 2024 Jkt 265001 Benzenamine (EPA–HQ–OPPT–2018– 0474); Vinyl Chloride (EPA–HQ–OPPT– 2018–0448); and 4,4′-Methylene bis (2chloroaniline) (MBOCA) (EPA–HQ– OPPT–2018–0464). Additional information about dockets generally, along with instructions for visiting the docket in-person, is available at https:// www.epa.gov/dockets. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical information: Sarah Au, Data Gathering, Management and Policy Division (7406M), Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001; telephone number: (202) 564–0398; email address: au.sarah@epa.gov. For general information: The TSCAHotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 422 South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14620; telephone number: (202) 554–1404; email address: TSCA-Hotline@epa.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Executive Summary A. Does this action apply to me? This action is directed to the public in general and may be of interest to entities that currently or may manufacture (including import) a chemical substance regulated under TSCA (e.g., entities identified under North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes 325 and 324110). The action may also be of interest to chemical processors, distributors in commerce, and users, non-governmental organizations in the environmental and public health sectors, state and local government agencies, Tribes, and members of the public. Since other entities may also be interested, EPA has not attempted to describe all the specific entities and corresponding NAICS codes for entities that may be interested in or affected by this action. B. What action is the Agency taking? EPA is finalizing the designation of five chemical substances as HighPriority Substances for risk evaluation pursuant to section 6(b) of TSCA, 15 U.S.C. 2605(b). This document includes a high-level summary of comments received during the two 90-day comment periods during which the public submitted comments on EPA’s initiation of prioritization (Ref. 1) and the proposed designations of those five chemicals as High-Priority Substances for risk evaluation (Ref. 2), as well as a high-level summary of Agency responses to those comments received during both 90-day public comment periods. The comments and EPA’s responses are discussed in more depth PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 in the response to comments document (Ref. 3). EPA also considered comments received during and following the prioritization public webinar that occurred in February 2024, during which EPA explained the prioritization process and provided an overview of information that may be used to inform the considerations that ultimately support a High- or Low-Priority Substance designation, such as information on conditions of use and health effects resulting from exposure to the chemicals of interest. C. Why is the Agency taking this action? TSCA section 6(b) and implementing regulations at 40 CFR part 702, subpart A require EPA to carry out a prioritization process for chemical substances that may be designated as high priority for risk evaluation. EPA generally expects to complete five risk evaluations per year over the next several years, and TSCA section 6(b)(3)(C) requires EPA to designate at least one High-Priority Substance upon completion of each risk evaluation for a High-Priority Substance. Pursuant to TSCA section 6(b)(2)(B), EPA is finalizing the designation of the five chemical substances as High-Priority Substances for risk evaluation identified as candidates for High-Priority Substance designation when EPA initiated the prioritization process on December 18, 2023 (Ref. 1). As required under TSCA section 6(b)(3)(C), EPA is specifying the designation of: MBOCA to replace the final risk evaluation for 1,1-dichloroethane; acetaldehyde to replace the final risk evaluation for 1,3butadiene; acrylonitrile to replace the final risk evaluation for dicyclohexyl phthalate; benzenamine to replace the final risk evaluation for formaldehyde; and vinyl chloride to replace the final risk evaluation for tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate. D. What is the Agency’s authority for taking this action? This document is issued pursuant to TSCA section 6(b)(1) and 6(b)(3)(C). E. What are the estimated incremental impacts of this action? This document identifies the five chemical substances for which EPA is initiating the risk evaluation process and the five chemical substances that have already or will have risk evaluations completed which they will replace. This document does not establish any requirements on persons or entities outside of the Agency. No incremental impacts are therefore anticipated, and consequently EPA did E:\FR\FM\18DEN1.SGM 18DEN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 243 (Wednesday, December 18, 2024)]
[Pages 102895-102900]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-29934]



[EPA-HQ-OPPT-2024-0057; FRL-11683-11-OCSPP]

Certain New Chemicals; Receipt and Status Information for 
November 2024

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: EPA is required under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 
as amended by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st 
Century Act, to make information publicly available and to publish 
information in the Federal Register pertaining to submissions under 
TSCA Section 5, including notice of receipt of a Premanufacture notice 
(PMN), Significant New Use Notice (SNUN) or Microbial Commercial 
Activity Notice (MCAN), including an amended notice or test 
information; an exemption application (Biotech exemption); an 
application for a test marketing exemption (TME), both pending and/or 
concluded; a notice of commencement (NOC) of manufacture (including 
import) for new chemical substances; and a periodic status report on 
new chemical substances that are currently under EPA review or have 
recently concluded review. This document covers the period from 11/01/
2024 to 11/30/2024.

DATES: Comments identified by the specific case number provided in this 
document must be received on or before January 17, 2025.

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by docket identification 
(ID) number EPA-HQ-OPPT-2024-0057, through the Federal eRulemaking 
Portal at https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online instructions 
for submitting comments. Do not submit electronically any information 
you consider to be Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other 
information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Additional 
instructions on commenting and visiting the docket, along with more 
information about dockets generally, is available at https://www.epa.gov/dockets.

    For technical information contact: Jim Rahai, Project Management 
and Operations Division (MC 7407M), Office of Pollution Prevention and 
Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, 
Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number: (202) 564-8593; email 
address: [email protected].
    For general information contact: The TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 
422 South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14620; telephone number: (202) 
554-1404; email address: [email protected].


[[Page 102896]]

I. Executive Summary

A. What action is the Agency taking?

    This document provides the receipt and status reports for the 
period from 11/01/2024 to 11/30/2024. The Agency is providing notice of 
receipt of PMNs, SNUNs, and MCANs (including amended notices and test 
information); an exemption application under 40 CFR part 725 (Biotech 
exemption); TMEs, both pending and/or concluded; NOCs to manufacture a 
new chemical substance; and a periodic status report on new chemical 
substances that are currently under EPA review or have recently 
concluded review.
    EPA is also providing information on its website about cases 
reviewed under the amended TSCA, including the section 5 PMN/SNUN/MCAN 
and exemption notices received, the date of receipt, the final EPA 
determination on the notice, and the effective date of EPA's 
determination for PMN/SNUN/MCAN notices on its website at: https://www.epa.gov/reviewing-new-chemicals-under-toxic-substances-control-act-tsca/status-pre-manufacture-notices. This information is updated on a 
weekly basis.

B. What is the Agency's authority for taking this action?

    Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 15 U.S.C. 2601 et 
seq., a chemical substance may be either an ``existing'' chemical 
substance or a ``new'' chemical substance. Any chemical substance that 
is not on EPA's TSCA Inventory of Chemical Substances (TSCA Inventory) 
is classified as a ``new chemical substance,'' while a chemical 
substance that is listed on the TSCA Inventory is classified as an 
``existing chemical substance.'' (See TSCA section 3(11).) For more 
information about the TSCA Inventory please go to: https://www.epa.gov/tsca-inventory.
    Any person who intends to manufacture (including import) a new 
chemical substance for a non-exempt commercial purpose, or to 
manufacture or process a chemical substance in a non-exempt manner for 
a use that EPA has determined is a significant new use, is required by 
TSCA section 5 to provide EPA with a PMN, MCAN, or SNUN, as 
appropriate, before initiating the activity. EPA will review the 
notice, make a risk determination on the chemical substance or 
significant new use, and take appropriate action as described in TSCA 
section 5(a)(3).
    TSCA section 5(h)(1) authorizes EPA to allow persons, upon 
application and under appropriate restrictions, to manufacture or 
process a new chemical substance, or a chemical substance subject to a 
significant new use rule (SNUR) issued under TSCA section 5(a)(2), for 
``test marketing'' purposes, upon a showing that the manufacture, 
processing, distribution in commerce, use, and disposal of the chemical 
will not present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the 
environment. This is referred to as a test marketing exemption, or TME. 
For more information about the requirements applicable to a new 
chemical go to: https://www.epa.gov/chemicals-under-tsca.
    Under TSCA sections 5 and 8 and EPA regulations, EPA is required to 
publish in the Federal Register certain information, including notice 
of receipt of a PMN/SNUN/MCAN (including amended notices and test 
information); an exemption application under 40 CFR part 725 (biotech 
exemption); an application for a TME, both pending and concluded; NOCs 
to manufacture a new chemical substance; and a periodic status report 
on the new chemical substances that are currently under EPA review or 
have recently concluded review.

C. Does this action apply to me?

    This action provides information that is directed to the public in 

D. Does this action have any incremental economic impacts or paperwork 


E. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for EPA?

    1. Submitting confidential business information (CBI). Do not 
submit this information to EPA through regulations.gov or email. 
Clearly mark the part or all of the information that you claim to be 
CBI. For CBI information in a disk or CD-ROM that you mail to EPA, mark 
the outside of the disk or CD-ROM as CBI and then identify 
electronically within the disk or CD-ROM the specific information that 
is claimed as CBI. In addition to one complete version of the comment 
that includes information claimed as CBI, a copy of the comment that 
does not contain the information claimed as CBI must be submitted for 
inclusion in the public docket. Information so marked will not be 
disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 
    2. Tips for preparing your comments. When preparing and submitting 
your comments, see the commenting tips at https://www.epa.gov/dockets/commenting-epa-dockets.

II. Status Reports

    In the past, EPA has published individual notices reflecting the 
status of TSCA section 5 filings received, pending or concluded. In 
1995, the Agency modified its approach and streamlined the information 
published in the Federal Register after providing notice of such 
changes to the public and an opportunity to comment (see the Federal 
Register of May 12, 1995 (60 FR 25798) (FRL-4942-7)). Since the passage 
of the Lautenberg amendments to TSCA in 2016, public interest in 
information on the status of section 5 cases under EPA review, and 
particularly the final determination of such cases, has increased. In 
an effort to be responsive to the regulated community, the users of 
this information, and the general public, to comply with the 
requirements of TSCA, to conserve EPA resources and to streamline the 
process and make it more timely, EPA is providing information on its 
website about cases reviewed under the amended TSCA, including the 
section 5 PMN/SNUN/MCAN and exemption notices received, the date of 
receipt, the final EPA determination on the notice, and the effective 
date of EPA's determination for PMN/SNUN/MCAN notices on its website 
at: https://www.epa.gov/reviewing-new-chemicals-under-toxic-substances-control-act-tsca/status-pre-manufacture-notices. This information is 
updated on a weekly basis.

III. Receipt Reports

    For the PMN/SNUN/MCANs that have passed an initial screening by EPA 
during this period, Table I provides the following information (to the 
extent that such information is not subject to a CBI claim) on the 
notices screened by EPA during this period: The EPA case number 
assigned to the notice that indicates whether the submission is an 
initial submission, or an amendment, a notation of which version was 
received, the date the notice was received by EPA, the submitting 
manufacturer (i.e., domestic producer or importer), the potential uses 
identified by the manufacturer in the notice, and the chemical 
substance identity.
    As used in each of the tables in this unit, (S) indicates that the 
information in the table is the specific information provided by the 
submitter, and (G) indicates that this information in the table is 
generic information because the specific information provided by the 
submitter was claimed as CBI. Submissions which are initial submissions 
will not have a letter following the case number. Submissions

[[Page 102897]]

which are amendments to previous submissions will have a case number 
followed by the letter ``A'' (e.g. P-18-1234A). The version column 
designates submissions in sequence as ``1'', ``2'', ``3'', etc. Note 
that in some cases, an initial submission is not numbered as version 1; 
this is because earlier version(s) were rejected as incomplete or 
invalid submissions. Note also that future versions of the following 
tables may adjust slightly as the Agency works to automate population 
of the data in the tables.

                         Table I--PMN/SNUN/MCANs Approved* From 11/01/2024 to 11/30/2024
           Case No.              Version      date       Manufacturer           Use          Chemical substance
J-25-0001.....................         1   11/13/2024  CBI.............  (G) Ethanol       (G) Biofuel producing
                                                                          production.       Saccharomyces
                                                                                            cerevisiae modified,
                                                                                            genetically stable.
P-21-0007A....................         3   11/06/2024  CBI.............  (G) Catalyst....  (G) Reaction products
                                                                                            of Aluminoxanes, Me,
                                                                                            Me group-terminated
P-21-0008A....................         3   11/06/2024  CBI.............  (G) Catalyst....  (G) Reaction products
                                                                                            of Aluminoxanes, Me,
                                                                                            Me group-terminated
                                                                                            and cycloalkylene
                                                                                            dialkyl tetrahydro
                                                                                            indenyl zirconium.
P-22-0158A....................         5   11/19/2024  Aqdot...........  (G) Additive      (S) 1H,4H,14H,17H-
                                                                          used in           2,16:3,15-Dimethano-
                                                                          consumer,         5H,6H,7H,8H,9H,10H,1
                                                                          commercial, and   1H,12H,
                                                                          industrial       13H,18H,19H,20H,21H,2
                                                                          applications.     2H,23H,24H,25H,26H-2
P-23-0141A....................         2   11/21/2024  Hach Company....  (G) Buffer        (S) 2-Butenedioic
                                                                          solution for      acid (2Z)-,
                                                                          free chlorine     potassium salt
                                                                          determination.    (1:?).
P-24-0046A....................         2   11/20/2024  The Euclid        (S) Grinding aid  (G) Alkanol,
                                                        Chemical          used in cement    alkoxyalkyl imino,
                                                        Company.          manufacture.      salt.
P-24-0047A....................         2   11/20/2024  The Euclid        (S) Grinding aid  (G) Alkanol, nitrilo,
                                                        Chemical          used in cement    salt.
                                                        Company.          manufacture.
P-24-0116A....................         4   11/20/2024  CBI.............  (G) For use in    (G) Phenol, 4,4-(1-
                                                                          coatings for      alkylidene) bis-,
                                                                          metal parts.      polymer with 2-
                                                                                            oxirane, 4-
                                                                                            alkylphenyl ether,
                                                                                            reaction products
                                                                                            with alkylpolyamine
                                                                                            and 2-
P-24-0117A....................         4   11/20/2024  CBI.............  (G) For use in    (G) Alkanoic acid,
                                                                          coatings for      compds. with
                                                                          metal parts.      hydrolyzed bisphenol-
                                                                                            polymer 4-
                                                                                            alkylphenyl ether-
                                                                                            alkylpolyamine and 2-
                                                                                            reaction products.
P-24-0118A....................         4   11/20/2024  CBI.............  (G) For use in    (G) Alkanoic acid,
                                                                          coatings for      compds. with
                                                                          metal parts.      [(aminoalkyl)imino]
                                                                                            polymer 4-
                                                                                            alkylphenyl ether--2-
                                                                                            reaction products.
P-24-0119A....................         4   11/20/2024  CBI.............  (G) For use in    (G) Amidosulfonic
                                                                          coatings for      acid, compds. With
                                                                          metal parts.      [(aminoalkyl)imino]
                                                                                            polymer 4-
                                                                                            alkylphenyl ether--2-
                                                                                            reaction products.

[[Page 102898]]

P-24-0120A....................         4   11/20/2024  CBI.............  (G) For use in    (G) Alkanoic acid,
                                                                          coatings for      compds. with
                                                                          metal parts.      hydrolyzed bisphenol-
                                                                                            polymer 4-
                                                                                            alkylphenyl ether-
                                                                                            alkylpolyamine and 2-
                                                                                            reaction products.
P-24-0121A....................         4   11/20/2024  CBI.............  (G) For use in    (G) Phenol, 4,4-(1-
                                                                          coatings for      alkylidene) bis-,
                                                                          metal parts.      polymer with 2-
                                                                                            oxirane and
                                                                                            monoalkanamine, 4-
                                                                                            alkylphenyl ether,
                                                                                            reaction products
                                                                                            with alkylpolyamine
                                                                                            and 2-
P-25-0005A....................         2   11/20/2024  CBI.............  (G) For use in    (G) Cashew, nutshell
                                                                          coatings for      liq., polymer with
                                                                          metal parts.      [(aminoalkyl)imino]
                                                                                            bisphenol and
                                                                                            reaction products
                                                                                            with dialkanolamine,
                                                                                            alkyl carboxylates
P-25-0006A....................         2   11/20/2024  CBI.............  (G) For use in    (G) Phenol, 4,4-(1-
                                                                          coatings for      alkylidene) bis-,
                                                                          metal parts.      polymer with
                                                                                            bis[alkanol] and 2-
                                                                                            oxirane, 3-alkyloxy-
                                                                                            ethers, reaction
                                                                                            products with
                                                                                            alkyl carboxylates
P-25-0007A....................         2   11/20/2024  CBI.............  (G) For use in    (G) Phenol, 4,4-(1-
                                                                          coatings for      alkylidene) bis-,
                                                                          metal parts.      polymer with
                                                                                            bis[alkanol] and 2-
                                                                                            oxirane, 4-
                                                                                            alkylphenyl ethers,
                                                                                            reaction products
                                                                                            with dialkanolamine,
                                                                                            alkyl carboxylates
P-25-0008A....................         2   11/20/2024  CBI.............  (G) For use in    (G) Benzenediol,
                                                                          coatings for      polymer with
                                                                          metal parts.      [(aminoalkyl)imino]
                                                                                            bis[alkanol], 2-
                                                                                            e and 4,4-(1-
                                                                                            bis[phenol], 4-
                                                                                            alkylphenyl ethers,
                                                                                            reaction products
                                                                                            with dialkanolamine,
                                                                                            alkyl carboxylates
P-25-0009A....................         2   11/20/2024  CBI.............  (G) For use in    (G) Cashew, nutshell
                                                                          coatings for      liq., polymer with
                                                                          metal parts.      [(aminoalkyl)imino]
                                                                                            epichlorohydrin and
                                                                                            reaction products
                                                                                            with dialkanolamine,
                                                                                            alkyl carboxylates
P-25-0010A....................         2   11/20/2024  CBI.............  (G) For use in    (G) Benzenediol,
                                                                          coatings for      polymer with
                                                                          metal parts.      [(aminoalkyl)imino]
                                                                                            bis[alkanol], 2-
                                                                                            e and 4,4-(1-
                                                                                            bis[phenol], 3-
                                                                                            ethers, reaction
                                                                                            products with
                                                                                            alkyl carboxylates
P-25-0011A....................         3   11/01/2024  CBI.............  G (Surface        (G) Phosphonic acid,
                                                                          Modifier).        P- [polyfluoro-
P-25-0011A....................         4   11/20/2024  CBI.............  (G) Surface       (G) Phosphonic acid,
                                                                          Modifier.         P- [polyfluoro-
P-25-0015.....................         1   11/12/2024  CBI.............  (G) Additive in   (G) Modified tall oil
                                                                          paving            fatty acid polyamine
                                                                          applications.     condensate.
P-25-0016.....................         1   11/15/2024  CBI.............  (G) Photoacid     (G) Tri haloaromatic
                                                                          generator use     iodonium dicyclo
                                                                          at customer       salt with
                                                                          sites.            polyhaloalkyl
                                                                                            hetero acid.
P-25-0017.....................         2   11/26/2024  US Polymers       (S) Binder for    (G) Reaction product
                                                        Accurez, LLC.     Thermoplastic     of aromatic acid
                                                                          Coatings;         with trifunctional
                                                                          Binder for Ink/   polyol and
                                                                          Adhesive.         pelargonic acid.
P-25-0020.....................         1   11/21/2024  CBI.............  (G) Contained     (G) Sulfonium,
                                                                          use for           triphenyl-, salt
                                                                          microlithograph   with
                                                                          y for             heterosubstituteddif
                                                                          electronic        luorosubstitutedalky
                                                                          device            l substitutedalkyl
                                                                          manufacturing.    trihalosubstitutedca
                                                                                            carboxylate (1:1).
P-25-0021.....................         1   11/22/2024  CBI.............  (G) Contained     (G) Sulfonium, tri
                                                                          use for           (halosubstituted
                                                                          microlithograph   henyl)-, salt with
                                                                          y for             heterosubstituteddif
                                                                          electronic        luorosubstitutedalky
                                                                          device            l substitutedalkyl
                                                                          manufacturing.    trihalosubstitutedca
                                                                                            carboxylate (1:1).
SN-23-0024A...................         2   11/21/2024  CBI.............  (G) Component in  (S) Phosphoric acid,
                                                                          batteries.        iron (2+) lithium
                                                                                            salt (1:1:1).
SN-25-0002....................         1   11/20/2024  CBI.............  (G) Additive      (S) Cesium tungsten
                                                                          used in plastic   oxide.
SN-25-0003....................         1   11/25/2024  CBI.............  (S) Cathode       (S) Phosphoric acid,
                                                                          Active Material   iron (2+) lithium
                                                                          in Batteries.     salt (1:1:1).

    In Table II. of this unit, EPA provides the following information 
(to the extent that such information is not subject to a CBI claim) on 
the TMEs and/or Biotech Exemptions received by EPA during this period: 
The EPA case number assigned to the TME and/or Biotech Exemption, the 
submission document type (initial or amended), the version number, the 
date the TME and/or Biotech Exemption was received by EPA, the 
submitting manufacturer (i.e., domestic producer or importer), the 
potential uses identified by the manufacturer in the TME and/or Biotech 
Exemption, and the chemical substance identity.

[[Page 102899]]

                                      Table II--TMEs and Biotech Exemptions Received From 11/01/2024 to 11/30/2024
             Case No.                 Submission type        Version      Received date      Manufacturer               Use           Chemical substance
T-24-0001A.......................  Test Marketing                     4      11/18/2024  Zschimmer & Schwarz.  (S) Raw material in   (G) Isomerized
                                    Exemption                                                                   ester                 alkane derivs.
                                    Application                                                                 manufacturing, to
                                    (TMEA)Test                                                                  be fully consumed.
                                    Marketing Exemption
                                    Application (TMEA).

    In Table III of this unit, EPA provides the following information 
(to the extent that such information is not claimed as CBI) on the NOCs 
that have passed an initial screening by EPA during this period: The 
EPA case number assigned to the NOC including whether the submission 
was an initial or amended submission, the date the NOC was received by 
EPA, the date of commencement provided by the submitter in the NOC, a 
notation of the type of amendment (e.g., amendment to generic name, 
specific name, technical contact information, etc.) and chemical 
substance identity.

                             Table III--NOCs Approved* From 11/01/2024 to 11/30/2024
                                                    Commencement     If amendment, type
            Case No.               Received date        date            of amendment        Chemical substance
J-20-0013.......................      11/08/2024        12/21/2023  N..................  (G) Strain of
                                                                                          Escherichia coli
                                                                                          modified with
                                                                                          genetically stable,
                                                                                          plasmid-borne DNA to
                                                                                          produce enzymes.
J-20-0014.......................      11/13/2024        12/21/2023  N..................  (G) Strains of
                                                                                          Escherichia coli
                                                                                          modified with
                                                                                          genetically stable,
                                                                                          plasmid-borne DNA to
                                                                                          produce enzymes.
J-20-0015.......................      11/13/2024        12/21/2023  N..................  (G) Strain of
                                                                                          Escherichia coli
                                                                                          modified with
                                                                                          genetically stable,
                                                                                          plasmid-borne DNA to
                                                                                          produce enzymes.
J-20-0016.......................      11/13/2024        12/21/2023  N..................  (G) Strain of
                                                                                          Escherichia coli
                                                                                          modified with
                                                                                          genetically stable,
                                                                                          plasmid-borne DNA to
                                                                                          produce enzymes.
J-20-0017.......................      11/13/2024        12/21/2023  N..................  (G) Strain of
                                                                                          Escherichia coli
                                                                                          modified with
                                                                                          genetically stable,
                                                                                          plasmid-borne DNA to
                                                                                          produce enzymes.
J-20-0018.......................      11/13/2024        12/21/2023  N..................  (G) Strain of
                                                                                          Escherichia coli
                                                                                          modified with
                                                                                          genetically stable,
                                                                                          plasmid-borne DNA to
                                                                                          produce enzymes.
J-21-0019.......................      11/13/2024        12/21/2023  N..................  (G) Strain of
                                                                                          Escherichia coli
                                                                                          modified with
                                                                                          genetically stable,
                                                                                          plasmid-borne DNA to
                                                                                          produce plasmid-borne
P-13-0143.......................      11/15/2024        03/10/2013  N..................  (G) Polyalkylene acid,
                                                                                          alkanol amine
P-15-0680A......................      11/19/2024        05/14/2018  N..................  (S) 2-propenoic acid,
                                                                                          butylester, polymer
                                                                                          with 1,3-
                                                                                          ne, reaction products
                                                                                          with Bu glycidyl
P-18-0226A......................      11/01/2024        03/04/2024  N..................  (G)
                                                                                          fatty-alkylate, alkyl
P-20-0156.......................      11/11/2024        10/16/2024  N..................  (G) Substituted,
                                                                                          triaryl-, Tri
                                                                                          cycloalkane alkyl
P-21-0055A......................      11/25/2024        07/07/2022  Amended generic      (G) Fatty acids,
                                                                     chemical name.       reaction products with
                                                                                          aromatic dicarboxylic
                                                                                          acid polymer and
                                                                                          polycyclic acids.
P-21-0066.......................      11/12/2024        10/23/2024  N..................  (G) 1,2-Alkanediol, 3-
                                                                                          aryloxy, mono
                                                                                          phosphate ester.
P-22-0154.......................      11/19/2024        11/15/2024  N..................  (S) 2-tridecenoic acid,
                                                                                          ethyl ester.
P-22-0175A......................      11/26/2024        05/22/2024  Relinquished         (S) Silsesquioxanes, Me
                                                                     chemical identity    vinyl, hydroxy and
                                                                     confidentiality      methoxy and
                                                                     claim.               [(trimethylsilyl)oxy]-
P-23-0069.......................      11/01/2024        10/21/2024  N..................  (S) Oils, Pisum
                                                                                          sativum, polymers with
                                                                                          1, 6-
                                                                                          1,5 diisocyanato
                                                                                          pentane, glycerol, and
P-23-0101.......................      11/19/2024        10/31/2024  N..................  (G) Glycerides from
                                                                                          fermentation of
                                                                                          genetically modified
P-23-0103.......................      11/19/2024        10/31/2024  N..................  (G) Glycerides from
                                                                                          fermentation of
                                                                                          genetically modified
                                                                                          epoxidized, reaction
                                                                                          products with ethanol.
P-23-0152.......................      11/11/2024        10/17/2024  N..................  (G) 1-Alkanethiol, 3-
                                                                                          hydrolysis products
                                                                                          with silica, oxidized.
P-23-0174.......................      11/15/2024        11/07/2024  N..................  (G) Mixed metal oxide.
P-23-0188.......................      11/25/2024        11/15/2024  N..................  (G) Alkenoic acid, 3-
                                                                                          methyl-, 1,1-dimethyl-
                                                                                          2-propen-1-yl ester.
P-24-0088.......................      11/04/2024        10/07/2024  N..................  (G) Mixed metal oxide.

    In Table IV of this unit, EPA provides the following information 
(to the extent such information is not subject to a CBI claim) on the 
test information that has been received during this time period: The 
EPA case number assigned to the test information; the date the test 
information was received by EPA, the type of test information 
submitted, and chemical substance identity.

                        Table IV--Test Information Received From 11/01/2024 to 11/30/2024
               Case No.                  Received date     Type of test information        Chemical substance
P-16-0543.............................      11/19/2024  Exposure Monitoring Report....  (G) Halogenophosphoric
                                                                                         acid metal salt.
P-22-0056.............................      11/09/2024  In Vitro Percutaneous           (S) Tin, dioctylbis (2,4-
                                                         Absorption of Tin in a          pentanedionato-. kappa.
                                                         Sealant Formulation Through     O2,. kappa. O4)-.
                                                         Human Skin; In Vitro
                                                         Percutaneous Absorption of
                                                         Radiolabeled TIB KAT 223 in
                                                         Sealant Formulation Through
                                                         Human Split-Thickness Skin;
                                                         Supplementary risk assessment
                                                         for industrial handling of
                                                         TIB KAT 223 and consumer use
                                                         of sealants formulated with
                                                         TIB KAT 223; initial review
                                                         engineering report; CEM
                                                         Inhalation and Dermal
                                                         Exposure Estimates.

[[Page 102900]]

    If you are interested in information that is not included in these 
tables, you may contact EPA's technical information contact or general 
information contact as described under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT 
to access additional non-CBI information that may be available.
    Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.

    Dated: December 12, 2024.
Pamela Myrick,
Director, Project Management and Operations Division, Office of 
Pollution Prevention and Toxics.
[FR Doc. 2024-29934 Filed 12-17-24; 8:45 am]

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